NYPL RESEARCH LIBRARIES 3 3433 081 92041 9 u, eNA' 1'"^ j ■•► .^^Ls- -^»r-e- 3-t -ocgn-t-. A^^ •^^»- {•©r 1 iWJli: P^ ^-■n' iTl'JVl'iVl'i'(t*rtM'L ri I'lrfvtVii'i I'l m'i itvii 1 1 1 1 r.'iri i . ni'l'i'tfivi'l'ini'i't'i"i J 1 1 •^■x^ OF Henry County, Iowa, CONTAINING Full Page Portraits and Biographical Sketches of Prominent and Representative Citizens of the County, TOGETHER WITH ^- PORTRAITS AND BIOGRAPHIES OF/AlL THE' GOVERNORS OF IOWA, AND OF THE PRESIDENTS .OF THE UNITED STATES. » li^^ CHICAGO: ACME PUBLISHING COMPANY, 1888. THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY 63417? A9T0R. LENOX AND TILD-N FOUNDATIONS. R 19'3 L ••► TzTT^^^S^ M- 4 ; pREp/1<5E. ■^j»t^- ->^5*^-.- ( r(?-w^"^^^ greatest of English historians, Macauley, and one of the most brilliant writers I, y7 ^j ^^^ 1^^^^ century, has said : "The history of a country is best told in a record of the lives of its people." In conformity with this idea the Poutrait and Bio(;uai'hical Alisu.m of this county has been prepared. Instead of going to mustj' records, and taking therefrom dry statistical matter that can be appreciated by but few, our corps of writers have gone to the people, the men and women who have, by their enterju-ise and industry, brought the county to a rank second to none among those comprising this great and noble State, and from their lips have the story of their life struggles. No more interesting or instructive matter could be presented to an intelli- gent public. In this volume will be found a record of many whose lives are worthy the imitation of coming generations. It tells how some, commencing life in povertj% by industry and economy have accumulated wealth. It tells how others, with limited advantages for securing an education, have become learned men and women, with an influence extending throughout the length and breadth of the land. It tells of men who have risen from the lower wall• • "•'C ■ '-?'/i' - ,vCm- •^ ■- ^^'; K- '.•■jTv. •-«:*- ny. .;-'•«• • • •'?••/. ■ .'. . -v ■ •MM... .:.^i:^- ,;5.- ■» - • -•¥.^ '. :r>t- - ' ■..■^•' • -•►: *■ • .r.ii-' '.'.'■*■ - ••<" S',* . ^Vt- " *.*.■ *.'.•) ':'■! » ■•i*.:;^. ?i)^ ^# COP^RintHTED ^= 1 V 1]'' li> ' '■Ik' Ah\/ 1S85 4^-i*^-c!>s>.:-j«3s.4;^ -X ^ ^Vil-jliV ;. .:^--^:3J>l^> ./'•!^ viii.^<1S^^i^^ r7T.-.f'jja>., .,. HE Father of our Country was fe) born in Westmorland Co., Va., rife _ ' ' Feb. 2 2, 1732. His parents were Augustine and Mary (Ball) Washington. The family to which he belonged has not been satisfactorily traced in England. His great-grand- father, John Washington, em- igrated to Virginia about 1657, and became a prosperous planter. He had two sons, Lawrence and John. The former married Mildred Warner and had three children, John, Augustine and Mildred. Augus- tine, the father of George, first married Jane Butler, who bore him four children, two of whom, Lawrence and Augustine, reached maturity. Of si.x children by his second marriage, George was the eldest, the others being Betty, Samuel, John Augustine, Charles and Mildred. Augustine Washington, the father of George, died in 1743, leaving a large landed property. To his eldest son, Lawrence, he bequeathed an estate on the Patomac, afterwards known as Mount Vernon, and to George he left the parental residence. George received only such education as the neighborhood schools afforded, save for a short time after he left school, when he received private instruction in mathematics. His spellina was rather defective. Remarkable stories are told of his great physical strength and development at an early age. He was an acknowledged leader among his companions, and was early noted for that nobleness of character, fair- ness and veracity which characterized his whole life. When George was 14 years old he had a desire to go to sea, and a midshipman's warrant was secured for him, but through the opposition of his mother the idea was abandoned. Two years later he was appointed surveyor to the immense estate of Lord Fairfax. In this business he spent three years in a rough frontier life, gaining experience which afterwards proved very essential to him. In 175 i, though only 19 years of age, he was appointed adjutant with the rank of major in the Virginia militia, then being trained for active service against the French and Indians. Soon after this he sailed to the West Indies with his brother Lawrence, who went there to restore his health. They soon returned, and in the summer of 1752 Lawrence died, leaving a large fortune to an infant daughter who did not long survive him. On her demise the estate of Mount Vernon was given to George. Upon the arrival of Robert Dinwiddle, as Lieuten- ant-Governor of Virginia, in 1752, the militia was reorganized, and the province divided into four mili- tary districts, of which the northern was assigned to Washington as adjutant general. Shortly after this a very perilous mission was assigned him and ac- ce[)ted, which others had refused. This was to pro- ceed to the French post near Lake Erie in North- western Pennsylvania. The distance to be traversed was between 500 and 600 miles. Winter was at hand, and the journey was to be made without military escort, through a territory occupied by Indians. The •► t ■^*- 20 GEORGE WASHINGTON. trip was a perilous one, and several times he came near losing his life, yet he returned in safety and furnished a full and useful rei)ort of his expedition. A regiment of 300 men was raised in Virginia and put in com- mand of Col. Joshua Fry, and Major Washington was commissioned lieutenant-colonel. Active war was then begun against the French and Indians, in which Washington took a most important part. In the memorable event of July 9, 1755, known as Brad- dock's defeat, Washington was almost the only officer of distinction who escaped from the calamities of the day with life and honor. The other aids of Braddock \vere disabled early in the action, and Wasliington alone was left in that capacity on the field. In a letter to his brother he says : " I had four bullets through my coat, and two horses shot under me, yet I escaped unhurt, though death was levelin'; my companions on every side." An Indian sharpshooter said he was not born to be killed by a bullet, for he had taken direct aim at him seventeen times, and failed to hit him. After having been five years in the military service, and vainly sought promotion in the royal army, lie look advantage of the fall of Fort Duquesne and tlie expulsion of the French from the valley of tlie Ohio, CO resign his commission. Soon after he entered the Legislature, where, although not a leader, he look an active and imiKirtant part. January 17, 1759, he married Mrs. Martha (L)andridge) Custis, the wealthy widow of John Parke Custis. When the British Parliament had closed the port if Boston, the cry went up througliout the provinces that "The cause of Boston is the cause of us all." It was then, at the suggestion of Virginia, that a Con- gress of all the colonies was called to meet at Pliila- del[)hia,Sept. 5, 1774, to secure tjieir common liberties, peacealily if possilile. To this Congress Col. Wash- ington was sent as a delegate. On May 10, 1775, the Congress re-assembled, when the hostile intentions of England were plainly apparent. The battles of Con- <:ord and Lexington had been fought. Among the first acts of this Congress was the election of a coin- mander-in-chief of tlie colonial forces. Tliis high and res]xinsible office was conferred upon Washington, who was still a member of the Congress. He accepted it on June 19, but upon the express condition that he receive no salary. He would keep an exact account of exjienses and expect Congress to pay them and notliing more. It is not the object of this sketch to trace the military acts of Washington, to whom the fortunes and liberties of the people of tiiis country were so long confided. The war was conducted by him under every possible disadvantage, and wliilehis forces often met with reverses, yet he overcame ever)- obstacle, and after seven years of heroic devotion and matchless skill he gained liberty for the greatest nation of earth. On Dec. 23, 17S3, Washington, in a parting address of surpassing beauty, resigned his •A* commission as commander-in-chief of the army to to the Continental Congress sitting at Annapolis. He retired iniiiiedialely to Mount Vernon and resumed his occupation as a farmer and planter, shunning all connection with public lite. In February, 1 7 89, Washington was unanimously elected President. In his presidential career he was subject to the peculiar trials incidental to a new government ; trials from lack of confidence on the pan of other governments; trials from want of harmony between the different sections of our own country ; trials from the impoverislied condition of the country, owing to the war and want of credit; trials from tlie beginnings of party strife. He was no partisan. His clear judgment could discern the golden mean; and while perhaps this alone kept our government from sinking at the veiy outset, it left him ex| osed to attacks from bot-h sides, which were often bitter and very annoying. At the expiration of his first term he was unani- mously re-elected. At the end of this term many were anxious that he be re-elected, but he absolutely refused a third nomination. On the fourth of Marih, 1797, at the ex|)iiaton of his second term as Presi- dent, he returned to his home, hoping to pass there his few remaining yeais free from the annoyances of public life. Later in the year, however, his reixDse seemed likely to be interrupted by war with France. .\t the prospect of such a war he was again urged to take command of the armies. He chose his sub- ordinate officers and left to them the charge of mat- ters in the field, which he superinter.ded from his home. In accepting the command he made the reservation that he was not to be in the field until it was necessary. In the midst of these preparations his life was suddenly cut off. December 12, he took a sevce cold from a ride in the rain, which, settling in li s throat, i)roduced inflammation, and terminaied fatally on the night of the fourteenth. On the eigh- teenth his body was liorne wih military honors to its final resting place, and interred in the family vault at Mount Vernon. Of the character of Washington it is impossible to speak but in terms of the highest respect and ad- miration. The more we see of the operations of our government, and the more deeply we feel the difficulty of uniting all opinions in a common interest, the more highly we must estimate the force cf his tal- ent and character, which have been able to < hallenge the reverence of all parties, and principles, and na- tions, and to win a fame as extended as the limits of the globe, and which we cannot but believe will be as lasting as the existence of man. The person of Washington was unusally tan, erect and well jiroixirtioned. His muscular strength was great. His features were of a beautiful symmetn,'. He commanded respect without any appearance of haughtiness, and ever serious without being dull. 1 10 i<^ SECOND PRESIDENT. ►►HI- e^aAS^tSg- -4--p-V-'^'- J©IIK ADAMS, '^Kw-pfo^ w OHM ADAMS, the second s President and the first Vice- @ President of the United States, was born in Braintree ( now '-h^ Quincy),Mass., and about ten ^*^ miles from Boston, Oct. ig, 1735. His great-grandfather, Henry Adams, emigrated from England about 1 640, with a family of eight sons, and settled at Braintree. The parents of John were John and Susannah (Boylston) Adams. His father was a farmer of limited means, to which he added the bus- iness of shoemaking. He gave his eldest son, John, a classical educa- tion at Harvard College. John graduated in 1755, and at once took charge of the school in Worcester, Mass. This he found but a "school of affliction," from which he endeavored to gain relief by devoting himself, in addition, to the study of law. For this purpose he placed himself under the tuition of the only lawyer in the town. He had thought seriously of the clerical profession but seems to have been turned from this by what he termed " the frightful engines of ecclesiastical coun- cils, of diabolical malice, and Calvanistic good nature,'' of the operations of which he had been a witness in his native town. He was well fitted for the legal profession, possessing a clear, sonorous voice, being ready and fluent of speech, and having quick percep- tive jx)wers. He gradually gained practice, and in 1764 married .Abigail Smith, a daughter of a minister, and a lady of superior intelligence. Shortly after his marriage, (1765), the attempt of Parliamentary taxa- tion turned him from law to politics. He took initial steps toward holding a town meeting, and the resolu- tions he offered on the subject became very jxipulai throughout tlie Province, and were adopted word for word by over forty different towns. He moved to Bos- ton in 1768, and became one of the most courageous and prominent advocatesof the jxjpular cause, and was chosen a member of the General Court (the Leg- lislature) in 1770. Mr. Adams was chosen one of the first delegates from Massachusetts to the first Continental Congress, which met in 1774. Here he distinguished himself by his capacity for business and for debate, and ad- vocated the movement for independence against the majority of the members. In May, 1776, he moved and carried a resolution in Congress tliat the Colonies should assume the duties of self-government. He was a prominent member of the committee of five appointed June 11, to prepare a declaration of inde- pendence. This article was drawn by Jefferson, but on Adams devolved the task of battling it through Congress in a three days debate. On the day after the Declaration of Independence was passed, while his soul was yet warm with the glow of excited feeling, he wrote a letter to his wife, which, as we read it now, seems to have been dictated by the spirit of projihecy. "Yesterday," he says, "the greatest question was decided tliat ever was debated in .America; and greater, perhaps, never was or will be decided among men. A resolution was passed without one dissenting colony, ' that these United States are, and of right ought to be, free and inde- pendent states.' The day is passed. The fourth of July, 1776, will be a memorable eiioch in the history of America. I am apt to believe it will be celebrated by succeeding generations, as the great anniversary festival. It ought to be commemorated as the day of deliverance by solemn acts of devotion to Almighty God. It ought to be solemnized with pomp, shows. A a 21 JOHN ADAMS. games, sports, guns, bells, bonfires, and illuminations from one end of the continent to the other, from this time forward for ever. You will think me transjxjrted with enthusiasm, but I am not. I am well aware of the toil, and blood and treasure, that it will cost to maintain this declaration, and su[)port and defend these States; yet, tluough all the gloom, I can see the rays of light and glory. I can see that the end is worth more than all the means; and that posterity will triumph, although you and I may rue, which I hope we shall not." In Noveml)er, 1777, Mr. Adams was appointed a delegate to France and lo co-oi)erate with Benijamin Franklin and Arthur Lee, who were then in Paris, in the endeavor to obtain assistance in arms and money from tlie French Government. This was a severe trial to his patriotism, as it separated him from his home, compelled him to cross the ocean in winter, and ex- posed him to great peril of capture by the British cruis- ers, who were seeking him. He left France June 17, 1779. In Septeml)er of the same year he was again cliosen to go to Paris, and there hold himself in readi- ness to negotiate a treaty of peace and of commerce with Great Britian, as soon as the British Cabinet might be found willing to listen to such proposels. He sailed for France in November, from there he went to Holland, where he negotiated important loans and formed important commercial treaties Finally a treaty of i>eace with England was signed Jan. 21, 1783. The re-action from the excitement, toil and anxiety througii which Mr. Adams iiad passed threw liim into a fevei. After suffering from a con- tinued fever and becoming feeble and emaciated he was advised to goto England to drink the waters of IJath. While in England, still droo|)inganddes|)ond- ing, he received dispatches from his own government urging the necessity of his going to .\msterdam to negotiate another loan. It was vifinter, his health was delicate, yet he innnediately set out, and through storm, on sea, on horseback and foot,he made the trip. Feliruary 24, 1785. Congress appointed Mr. Adams envoy lo the ("ourt of St. James. Here he met face to face the King of England, who had so long re- garded him as a traitor. .'\s England did not condescend to appoint a minister to the United States, and .ts Mr. .\ilams felt that he was acconi- |)lishing but little, he sought ]>ermission to return to his own country, where he arrived in June, 1788. When Washington was first chosen President, John A^ \ i -«••■ FIFTH PRESIDENT. 35 i AMES MONROE, the fifth 'rcsidtntof The United States, was l)oru in Westmoreland Co., Va., April 28, 1758. His early life was passed at the place of nativity. His ancestors had for many years resided in the prov- ince in which he was born. When, at 17 years of age, in the process of completing his education at William and Mary College, the Co- lonial Congress assembled at Phila- delphia to deliberate upon the un- just and manifold oppressions of Great Britian, declared the separa- tion of the Colonies, and promul- gated the Declaration of Indepen- dence. Had he been born ten years before it is highly probable that he would have been one of the signers of that celebrated instrument. At this time he left school and enlisted among tlie patriots. He joined the army when everything looked hope- less and gloomy. The number of deserters increased from day to day. Tlie invading armies came [wuring in ; and the tories not only favored the cause of the mother country, but disheartened the new recruits, who were sufficiently terrified at the prospect of con- tending witli an enemy whom they had been tauglit to deem invincible. To such brave spirits as James Monroe, who went right onward, undismayed through difficulty and danger, the United States owe their political emancipation. The young cadet joined the ranks, and espoused the cause of his injured country, with a firm determination to live or die with her strife .^It for liberty. Firmly yet sadly he shared in the mel- ancholy retreat from Harleam Heights and White Plains, and accompanied the dispirited army as it fled before its foes through New Jersey. In four muntlis after the Declaration of Independence, tlie patriots had been beaten in seven battles. At the battle of Trenton he led the vanguard, and, in the act of charg- ing upon the enemy he received a wound in the left shoulder. As a reward for his bravery, Mr. Monroe was pro- moted a captain of infantry ; and, having recovered from his wound, he rejoined the army. He, however, receded from the line of promotion, by becoming an officer in the staff of Lord Sterling. During the cam- paigns of 1777 and 1778, in the actions of Brandy wine, Germantown and Monmouth, he continued aid-de-camp; but becoming desirous to regain his position in the army, he exerted himself to collect a regiment for the Virginia line. This scheme failed owing to the exhausted condition of the State. Upon this failure he entered the office of Mr. Jefferson, at that period Governor, and pursued, with considerable ardor, the study of common law. He did not, however, entirely lay aside the knapsack for the green bag; but on the invasions of the enemy, served as a volun- teer, during the two years of his legal pursuits. In 17S2, he was elected from King George county, a member of the Leglislature of Virginia, and by that body he was elevated to a seat in the Executive Council. He was thus honored with the confidence of his fellow citizens at 23 years of age ; and having at this early period displayed some of that ability and aptitude for legislation, which were afterwards employed with unremittirgenergy for the public good, •>- i 36 JAMES MONROE. A- he was in the succeeding year chosen a member of ihe Congress of the United States. Deeply as Mr. Monroe felt the imperfections of the old Confederacy, he was opposed to the new Constitution, ihinkiiig, with many others of the Republican party, that it gave too much power to the Central Government, and not enough to the individual States. Still he re- tained the esteem of his friends who were its warm supporters, and who, notwithstanding his opposition secured its adoption. In 17S9, he became a member of the United States Senate; which office he held for four years. Every month the line of distinction be- tween the two great parties which divided the nation, the P'ederal and the Re|)ablican, was growing more distinct. The two prominent ideas which now sep- arated them were, that the Republican party was in sympathy with France, and also in favor of such a stiict construction of tiie Constitution as to give the Central Government as little ix)wer, and the State (rovernments as much 1 lower, as the Constitution would warrant. The Federalists sym|)athized with England, and were in favor of a liberal construction of the Con- stitution, which would give as much ]X)wer to the Central Government as that document could possibly authorize. The leading Federalists and Republicans were alike noble men, consecrating all their energies to the good of the nation. Two more honest men or more ]Hire patriots than John Adams the Federalist, and James Monroe the Republican, never breathed. In building up this majestic nation, which is destined to ecli|>se all Grecian and Assyrian greatness, the com- iiination of their antagonism was needed to create the light ei)uilil)rium. And yet each in his day was de- nounced as almost a demon. Washington was then President. England had es- poused the cause of the Bourbons against the princi- ples (if the French Revolution. All Europe was drawn into the conflict. We were feeble and far away. Washington issued a proclamation of neutrality be- tween these contending powers. France had helped us in the struggle for our liberties. All the despotisms of Europe were now comliined to prevent the Frencii from escaping from a tyranny a thousand-fold worse than that which we had endured Col. Monroe, more magnanimous than prudent, was anxious that, at whatever hazard, we should help our old allies in their extremity. It was the impulse of a generous and noble nature. He violently opposed the Pres- ident's proclamation as ungrateful and wanting in magnanimity. Washington, who could apnrcciate such a character, developed his calm, serene, almost divine greatness, by appointing that very James Monroe, who was de- nouncing the policy of the Government, as the minister of that Government to the Republic of France. Mr. Monroe was welcomed by the National Convention in France witn the most entiuisiastic demonstrations. Shortly after his return to this country, Mr. Mon- roe was elected Governor of Virginia, and held the office for three yeais. He was again sent to France to co-operate with Chancellor Livingston in obtaining the vast territory then known as the Province of Louisiana, which France had but shortly before ob- tained from Spain. Their united efforts were suc- cessful. For the comparatively small sum of fifteen millions of dollars, the entire territory of Orleans and district of Louisiana were added to the United States. Tins was probably the largest transfer of real estate whicii was ever made in all the historj- of the world. From France Mr. Monroe went to England to ob- tain from that country some recognition of our rights as neutrals, and to remonstrate against those odious impressments of our seamen. but Eng- land was unrelenting. He again returned to Eng- land on the same mission, but could receive no redress. He returned to his home and was again chosen Governor of Virginia. This he soon resigned to accept the position of Secretary of State under Madison. Wiiile in this office war with England was declared, the Secretary of War resigned, and during these trj'ing times, the duties of the \\'ar i)e[)artment were also put upon liim. He was truly the armor- bearer of President Madison, and the most efficient business man in his cabinet. Ujxjn the return of peace he resigned the Department of War, but con- tinued in the office of Secretary of Stale until the ex- piration of Mr. Madison's adminstration. At the elec- tion held the previous autumn Mr. Monroe himself had been chosen President with but little opposition, and upon March 4, 1817, was inaugurated. Four years later he was elected for a second term. Among the important measures of his Presidency were the cession of Florida to the United Stales; the Missouri Compromise, and the " Monroe doctrine.'' This famous doctrine, since known as the "Monroe doctrine," was enunciated by him in 1823. .\\. that time the United States had recognized the independ- ence of the South American states, and did not wish to have European [Xjwers longer attempting to sub- due portions of the American Continent. The doctrine is as follows: "That we should consider any attempt on the part of European powers to extend their sys- tem to any portion of this hemisphere as dangerous to our peace and safety," and "that we could not view any interposition Un the pur|)Ose of o|)|)ressing or controlling American governments or provinces in any other light than as a manifestation by European liowers of an unfriendly disposition toward the United States." This doctrine immediately affected the course of foreign governments, and has become the apjirovcd sentiment of the United States. At the end of his fecond term Mr Monroe retired to his honie in Virginia, where he lived imtil 1830, when he went to New Vork to live with his son-in- law. In that city he died, on the 4th of July, 1831. -•¥^m^4* k 0 , ^ , ijrsl UAv^ SIXTH PRESIDENT. ■•► 51 ^'7Mr:/^>^ rM^ I 30I}1] QUI1]6Y ^D^IIQS. I"' OHN QUINCY ADAMS, the sixth President of the United 'States, was born in the rural home of his honored fatiier, John Adams, in Quincy, Mass., on the I ith cf July, 1767. His mother, a woman of exalted vorth, watched over his childhood iuring the almost constant ab- sence of his father. When but eight years of age, he stood with ' his mother on an eminence, listen- ing to the booming of the great bat- tle on Banker's Hill, and gazing on upon the smoke and flames billow- ing up from the conflagration of Charlestown. When but eleven years old he took a tearful adieu of his mother, to sail with his fattier for Europe, through a fleet of hostile British cruisers. The bright, animated boy spent a year and a half in Paris, where his father was associated with Franklin and Lee as minister plenipotentiary. His intelligence attracted the notice of these distinguished men, and he received from them flattering marks of attention. Mr. John Adams had scarcely returned to this country, iu 1779, ere he was again sent abroad. Again John Quincy accompanied his father. At Paris he applied himself with great diligence, for six months, to study; then actompained his father to Holland, where he entered, first a school in .Amsterdam, then the ITniversity at Leyden. About a year from this time, in 1781, when the manly boy was but fourteen years of age, he was selected by Mr. Dana, our min- ister to the Russian court, as his private secretary. Tn this school of incessant labor and of enobling culture he spent fourteen months, and then returned to Holland through Sweden, Denmark, Hamburg and Bremen. This long journey he took alone, in the winter, when in his sixteenth year. Again he resumed his studies, under a private tutor, at Hague. Thence, in the spring of 1782, he accompanied his father to Paris, traveling leisurely, and forming acquaintance with the most distinguished men on the Continent; examining architectural remains, galleries of paintings, and all renowned works of art. At Paris he again became associated with the most illustrious men of all lands in the contemplations of the loftiest temporal themes which can engross the human mind. After a short visit to England he returned to Paris, and consecrated all his energies to study until May, 1785, when he returned lo America. To a brilliant young man of eighteen, who had seen much of the world, and who was familiar with the etiipiette of courts, a residence with his father in London, under such cir- cumstances, must have been extremely attractive; but with judgment very rare in one of his age, he pre- ferred to return to America to complete his education in an American college. He wished then to study law, that with an honorable profession, he might be able to obtain an independent support. Upon leaving Harvard College, at the age of twenty, he studied law for three years. In June, 1794, be- ing then but twenty-seven years of age, he was ap- pointed by Washington, resident minister at the Netherlands. Sailing from Boston in July, he reached London in October, where he was immediately admit- ted to the deliberations of Messrs. Jay and Pinckney, assisting them in negotiating a commercial treaty with Great Brilian. After thus spending a fortnight in London, he proceeded to the Hague. In July, 1797, he left the Hague to go to Portugal as minister plenipotentiary. On his way to Portugal, upon arriving in London, he met with despatches directing him to the court of Beilin, but requesting him to remain in London until he should receive his instructions. \\hile waiting he was mairied to an American lady to whom he had been previously en- gaged,— Miss Louisa Catherine Johnson, daughter of Mr. Joshua Johnson, American consul in London ; a lady endownd with that beauty and those accom- plishment which eniinenlly fitted her to move in the elevated sphere for which she was destined. k ■^4^ -•► +o JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. He reached Berlin with his wife in November, 1797 ; where he remained until July, 1799, when, having ful- filled all the purposes of his mission, lie solicited his recall. Soon after his return, in 1802, he was chosen to the Senate of iV[assat;husetts, from Boston, and then was elected Senator of the United States for six years, from the 4th of March, 1804. His reputation, his ability and his ex|jerience, placed him immediately among the most prominent and influential members of that body. Especially did he sustain the Govern- ment in its measures of resistarice to the encroach- ments of England, destroying our commerce and in- sulting our flag. There was no man in America more familiar with the arrogance of the British court upon these jxjints, and no one more resolved to present a firm resistance. In 1839, Madison succeeded Jefferson in the Pres- idential chair, and he immediately nominated John Quincy Adams minister to St. Petersburg. Resign- ing his professorship in Harvard College, he embarked at Boston, in August, 1809. While in Russia, Mr. Adams was an intense stu- dent. He devoted his attention to the language and history of Russia; to the Chinese trade; to the European system of weights, measures, and coins ; to the climate and astronomical observations.; while he Kept up a familiar acquaintance with the Greek and Latin classics. In all the universities of Europe, a more accomplished scholar could scarcely be found. All through life the Bible constituted an important part of his studies. It was his rule to read five cha[Hers every day. On the 4th of March, 1817, Mr. Monroe took the Presidential chair, and immediately appointed Mr. Adams Secretary of State. Taking leave of his num- erous friends in public and private life in Europe, he sailed in Jane, rSig, for the United States. On the 1 8th of August, he again crossed the threshold of his home in Quincy. During the eight years of Mr. Mon- roe's administration, Mr, Adams continued Secretary of State. Some time before the close of Mr. Monroe's second term of office, new candidates began to be presented for the Presidency. The friends of Mr. .\dams brought forward his name. It was an exciting campaign. Party spirit was never more bitter. Two hundred and sixty electoral votes were cast. Andrew Jackson re- ceived ninety nine; John Quincy Adams, eighty-four; \Villiain H. Crawford, forty-one; Henry Clay, thirty- seven. As there was no choice by the people, the <|uestion went to the House of Representatives. Mr. Clay gave the vote of Kentucky to Mr. Adams, and he was elected. The friends of all the disappointed candidates now combined in a venomous and persistent assault upon Mr. Adams, '{'here is nothing more disgraceful in the past history of our country than the abuse which was poured in one uninterrupted stream, upon this high-minded, upright, patriotic man. There never was an administration more pure in principles, more con- scientiously devoted to the best interests of the coun- try, than that of John Quincy Adams; and never, per- haps, was there an administration more unscrupu- lously and outrageously assailed. Mr. Adams was, to a very remarkable degree, ab- stemious and tem[)erate in his habils; alwa\'S rising early, and taking much exercise. \\ hen at his homein Quincy, he has been known to walk, before breakfast, seven miles to Boston. In Washington, it was said that he was the first man up in the city, lighting his own fire and applying himself to work in his library often long before dawn. On the 4th of March, 1829, Mr. Adams retired from the Presidency, and was succeeded by Andrew Jackson. John C. Calhoun was elected Vice Presi- dent. The slavery question now began to assume jxDrtentous magnitude. Mr. Adams returned to Quincy and to his studies, which he pursued with un- abated zeal. But he was not long permitted to re- main in retirement. In November, 1830, he was elected representative to Congress. For seventeen years, until his death, he occupied the post as repi'e- sentative, towering above all his peers, ever ready to do brave battle' for freedom, and winning the title of "the old man eloquent." Upon taking his seat in the House, he announced that he should hold him- self bound to no party. Probably there never was a member more devoted to his duties. He was usually the first in his place in the morning, and the last to leave his seat in the evening. Not a measure could be brought forward and escape his scrutiny. The battle which Mr. Adams fought, almost singly, against the proslavery party in the Government, was sublime in Its moral daring and heroism. For persisting in presenting petitiotis for the aliolition of slavery, he was threatened with indictment by the grand jury, with expulsion from the House, with assassination; but no threats could intimidate him, and his final triumph was complete. It has been said of President Adams, that when his body was bent and his hair silvered by the lapse of fourscore yeais, yielding to the simple f.iith of a little child, he was accustomed to repeat every night, before he slept, the pra)er whicli his mother taught him in his infant vears. On the 2 1 st of February, 1S48, he rose on the floor of Congress, with a paper in his hand, to address the speaker. Suddenly he fell, again stricken by jiarnly- sis, and was caught in the arms of those around him. For a time he was senseless, as he was conveyed to the sofa in the rotunda. With reviving conscious- ness, he opened liis eyes, looked calmly around and said " This is llir endof cartli .-"then after a moment's pause he added, " I am ron/i-nt." These were the last words of the grand "Old Man Eloquent." -^t»- -•► k SEVENTH PRESIDENT. 43 NDREW JACKSON, the seventh President of the ;]■* United States, was born in Waxhaw settlement, N. C, March 15, 1767, a few days after his father's death. His parents were poor emigrants from Ireland, and took up their abode in Waxhaw set- tlement, where they lived in deepest poverty. Andrew, or Andy, as he was universally called, grew up a very rough, rude, turbulent boy. His features were coarse, his form un- gainly; and there was but very little in his character, made visible, which was at- tractive. When only thirteen years old he joined the volun- teers of Carolina against the British invasion. In 1781, he and his brother Robert were captured and imprisoned for a time at Camden. A British officer ordered him to brush his mud-spattered boots. " I am a prisoner of war, not your servant," was the reply of the dauntless boy. Tlic brute drew his sword, and aimed a desperate blow at the head of the helpless young prisoner. Andrew raised his hand, and thus received two fear- ful gashes, — one on the hand and the other upon the head. The officer then turned to his brother Robert with the same demand. He also refused, and re- ceived a blow from the keen-edged sabre, which ipiite disabled him, and which probably soon after caused his death. They suffered much other ill-treatment, and were finally stricken with the small-jxjx. Their mother was successful in obtaining their exchange. and took her sick boys home. After a long illness Andrew recovered, and the death of his mother soon left him entirely friendless. Andrew supported himself in various ways, such as working at the saddler's trade, ' teaching school and clerking in a general store, until 1784, when he entered a law office at Salisbury, N. C. He, however, gave more attention to the wild amusements of the times than to his studies. In 1788, he was appointed solicitor for the western district of North Carolina, of which Tennessee was then a part. This involved many long and tedious journeys amid dangers of every kind, but Andrew Jackson never knew fear, and the Indians had no desire to repeat a skirmish with the Sharp Knife. In 1791, Mr. Jackson was married to a woman who supposed herself divorced from her former husband. Great was the surprise of both parties, two years later, to find that the conditions of the divorce had just been definitely settled by the first husband. The marriage ceremony was performed a second time, but the occur- rence was often used by his enemies to bring Mr. Jackson into disfavor. During these years he worked hard at his profes- sion, and frequently had one or more duels on hand, one of which, when he killed Dickenson, was espec- ially disgraceful. In January, 1796, tlie Territory of Tennessee then containing nearly eighty thousand inhabitants, the people met in convention at Kno.\vil1e to frame a con- stitution. Five were sent from each of the eleven counties. Andrew Jackson was one of the delegates. The new State was entitled to but one member in the National House of Representatives. Andrew Jack- son was chosen that member. Mounting his horse he rode to Philedelphia, where Congress then held its f 44 Andre w ja ckson. 4- r sessions, — a distance of about eight hundred miles. Jackson was an earnest advocate of the Demo- cratic party. Jefferson was his idol. He admired Bonaparte, loved France and hated England. As Mr. Jackson took his seat, Gon. Washington, whose second term of office was then e.vpi:ing, delivered his last si)cech to Congress. A committee drew up a complimentary address in reply. Andrew Jackson did not a[)prove of tlie address, and was one of the twelve who voted against it. He was not willing to say that Gen. Washington's adminstration had been '" wise, firm and patriotic." Mr. Jackson was elected to the United States Senate in 1797, but soon resigned and returned home. Soon after he was chosen Judge of the Supreme Court of his State, which position he held f-,r six years. When the war of 18 12 witii (ireat Britian com- menced, Madison occupied the Presidential chair. Aaron B irr sent word to the President that there was an unknown man in the West, Andrew Jackson, who would do credit to a commission if one were con- ferred u[X3n him. Just at that time Gen. Jackson offered his services and those of twenty-five hundred volunteers. His offer was accepted, and the troo[)s were assembled at Nashville. As the Britisli were hourly expected to make an at- tack upon New Orleans, where Gen Wilkinson was in command, he was ordered to descend the river with fifteen hundred troops to aid Wilkinson,,. The expedition reached Natchez; and after adrfsiy oTseV; eral weeks there, without acconiplisliing,,tvny,thirtgi- the men were ordered back to their hohies. Bift.-the, energy Gen. Jackson had dis|)layed, and his entire- devotion to the comrfort of his soldiers,'Won him golden oi)inions; and he became the most p.opular man in the State. It was in this expedition that his, toughness gave him the nickname of " ( )ld Hickory."- SoDn after this, while attempting to horsewhip Col. Thomas H. Benton, for a remark that gentleman made about his taking a part as second in a duel, in which a younger brother of Benton's was engaged, he received two severe pistol wounds. While he was lingering >iiK)n a bed of suffering news came that the Indians, who had combined under Tecumseh from Florida to the Lnkes, to e.xterminate the white set- tlers, were commilting the most awful ravages. De- cisive action became necessary. Gen. Jackson, with his fractured bone just beginning to heal, his arm in a sling, and unable to mount his horse without assis- tance, gave his amazing energies to the raising of an army to rendezvous at Fayettesville, Alabama. The Creek Indians had established a strong fort on one of the bendsof the Tallauoosa River, near the cen- ter of Alabama, about fifty miles below Fort Strother. With an army of two thousand men, (ien. Jackson traversed the pathless wilderness in a march of eleven days. He reached their fort, called Tohopeka or Horse-shoe, on tlie 27th of March. 1814. The bend A* of the river enclosed nearly one hundred acres of tangled forest and wild ravine. Across the narrow neck the Indians had constructed a formidable brea:,t- work of logs and brush. Here nine hundred warriors, with an ample suplyof arms were assembled. The fort was stormed. The fight was utterly des- perate. Not an Indian would accept of quarter. When bleeding and dying, they would fight those who en- deavored to spare their lives. From ten in the morn- ing until dark, the battle raged. The carnage was awful and revolting. .Some threw themselves into the river; but the unerring bullet struck their heads as they swam. Nearly everj'one of the nine hundred war- rios were killed A few probably, in tlie night, swam the river and escaped. This ended the war. The ix)wer of the Creeks was broken forever. This bold plunge into the wilderness, with its terriffic slaughter, so appalled the savages, that the haggard remnants of the bands came to the camp, begging for peace. This closing of the Creek war enabled us to con- centrate all our militia upon the British, who were the allies of the Indians No man of less resolute will than Gen. Jackson could have conducted this Indian campaign to so successful an issue Immediatelv he was ap[)ointed major-general. Late in August, with an army of two thousand men, on a rushing march. Gen. Jackson came to Mobile. A British fleet came from Pensacola, landed a force upon the beach, anchored near the little fort, and from both ship and shore commenced a furious assault The battle was long and doubtful. At length one of the ships was blown up and the rest retired. ,. (Garrisoning Mobile, where he had taken his little army, he moved his troops to New Orleans, And the battle of New Orleans which soon ensued, was in reality a verj' arduous campaign. This won for Gen. Jackson an imperishable name. Here his troops, which numbered about four thousand men, won a signal victory over the British army of about nine thousand. His loss was but thirteen, while the loss of the British was two thousand six hundred. The name of Gen. Jackson soon began to be men- tioned in connection with the Presidency, but, in 1824, he was defeated by Mr. Adams. He was, however, successful in the election of 1828, and was re-elected for a second term in 1832. In 1829, just before he assumed the reins of the government, he met with the most terrible amiclion of his life in the death of his wife, whom he had loved with a devotion which has perhaps never been surpassed. From the shock of her death he never recovered. His administration was one of the most memorable in the annals of our country; applauded by one i)arty, condemned by the other. No man had more bitter enemies or warmer friends. At the exi)iration of his two terms of office he retired to the Hermitage, where he died June 8, r845. The last years of \Ir. Jack- son's life were that of a devoted Christian man ;UL ^v vw i^^^^ / "7 ? ^'^ot M-^^ ^^.^^^-^^-^ ■^•■ EIGHTH PRESIDENT. 47 4 r ARTIN VAN BUREN, the eighth President of the United States, was born at Kinderhook, N. Y., Dec. 5, 1782. He died at the same [ilace, July 24, 1862. His l)ody rests in the cemetery at Kinderhook. Above it is a plain granite shaft fifteen feet high, bearing a simple inscription- about hall way up on one face. The lot is unfenced, unbordered or unbounded by shrub or flower. There is but little in the life of Martin Van Buren of romantic interest. He fought no battles, engaged in no wild adventures. Though his life was stormy in lX)litical and intellectual conflicts, and he gained many signal victories, his days passed uneventful in those incidents which give zest to biography. His an- cestors, as his name indicates, were of Dutch origin, and were among the earliest emigrants from Holland to the banks of the Hudson. His father was a farmer, residing in the old town of Kinderhook. His mother, also of Dutch lineage, was a woman of superior intel- ligence and exemplary i)iety. He was decidedly a [irecocious boy, developing un- usual activity, vigor and strength of mind. At the age of fourteen, he had finished his academic studies in his native village, and commenced the study of law. As he had not a collegiate education, seven years of study in a law-office were reiiuired of him before he could be admitted to the bar. Inspired with a lofty ambition, and conscious of his powers, he pur- sued his studies with indefatigable industry. After spending si.K years in an office in his native village, he went to the city of Mew York, and prosecuted his studies for the seventh year. In 1803, Mr. Van Buren, then twenty-one years of age, commenced the practice of law in his native vil- lage. The great conflict between the Federal and Republican party was then at its height. Mr. Van Buren was from the beginning a politician. He had, perhaps, imbibed that spirit while listening to the many discussions which had been carried on in his father's hotel. He was in cordial sympathy with Jefferson, and earnestly and eloquently espoused the cause of State Rights ; though at that time the Fed- eral party iield the supremacy both in his town and State. His success and increasing ruputation led him after six years of practice, to remove to Hudson, th<: county seat of his county. Here he spent seven years constantly gaining strength by contending in tht- courts with some of the ablest men who have adorned the bar of liis State. Just before leaving Kinderhook for Hudson, Mi. Van Buren married a lady alike distinguished for beauty and accomplishments. After twelve short years she sank into the grave, the victim of consump- tion, leaving her husband and four sons to weep over her loss. For twenty-five years, Mr. Van Buren was an earnest, successful, assiduous lawyer. The record of those years is barren in items of public interest. In t8i 2, when thirty years of age, he was chosen to the State Senate, and gave his strenuous support to Mr. Madison's adniinstration. In 1815, he was ap- pointed Attorney-General, and the next year moved to Albany, the capital of the State. While he was acknowledged as one of the most prominent leaders of the Democratic party, he had t- u 48 MARTIN VAN Bt/RBN: A^ the moral courage to avow tliat true democracy did not require that " universal suffrage" which admits the vile, the degraded, the ignorant, to the right of governing the State. In true consistency with his democratic principles, he contended that, while the path leading to the privilege of voting should be o|jen to every man without distinction, no one should be invested with that sacred prerogative, unless he were in some degree qualified for it by intelligence, virtue and some property interests in the welfare of tlie State. In 182 I he was elected a member of the United States Senate; and in the same year, he took a seat in the convention to revise the constitution of his native State. His course in this convention secured the approval of men of all parties. No one could doubt the singleness of his endeavors to promote the interests of all classes in the community. In tiie Senate of tlie United States, he rose at once to a conspicuous position as an active and useful legislator. In 1827, John Quincy Adams being then in the Presidential chair, Mr. Van Buren was re-elected to the Senate. He had been from the beginning a de- termined o[)poser of the Administration, adojsting the "State Rights" view in opposition \o what was deemed the Federal proclivities of Mr. Adams. Soon after this, in 1828, he was chosen Governorof the State of New York, and accordingly resigned his seat in the Senate. Probably no one in the United States contributed so much towards ejecting John Q. Adams from the Presidential cliair, and placing in it Andrew Jackson, as did Martin Van Uuren. Whetlier entitled to the reputation or not, he certainly was re- garded throughout the United States as one of the most skillful, sagacious and cunning of politicians It was supiwsed that no one knew so well as he how to touch the secret spiings of action; how to pull all the wires to put his machinery in motion; and how to organize a political army which would, secretly and stealthily accomplish the most gigantic results. By these ixjwers it is said that he outv/itted Mr. Adams, Mr. Clay, Mr. Webster, and secured results which few thought then could be accomplished. When Andrew Jackson was elected President he apixyinted Mr. Van Huren Secretary of Stale. This position he resigned in i83r, and was immediately apiwinted Minister to England, where he went the same autumn. The Senate, however, when it met, refused to ratify the nomination, and he retiirned ^-^ * home, apparently untroubled ; was nominated Vice President in the place of Callioun, at the re-election of President Jackson ; and with smiles for all and fiowns for none, he took his place at the head of that Senate which had refused to confirm his nomination as ambassador. His rejection by the Senate roused all the zeal of President Jackson in behalf of his repudiated favor- ite ; and this, probably more than any other cause, secured his elevation to the chair of the Chief Execu- tive. On the 20th of May, 1836, Mr. Van Buren re- ceived the Democratic nomination to succeed Gen. Jackson as President of the United States He was elected by a handsome majority, to the delight of the retiring President. " Leaving New York out of the canvass," says Mr. Parton, "the election of Mr. Van Buren to the Presidency was as much the act of Gen. Jackson as though the Constitution had 'jonferred upon him the jiower lo a|)point a successor." His administration was filled with exciting events. The insurrection in Canada, which threatened to in- volve this country in war with England, the agitation of the slavery question, and finally the great commer- cial panic which spread over the country, all were trials to his wisdom. The financial distress was at- tributed to the management of the Democratic party, and brought the President into such disfavor that he failed of re-election. With the exception of being nominated for the Presidency by the " Free Soil " Democrats, in 1848, Mr. Van Buren lived quietly uiwn his estate until his death. He had ever been a prudent man, of frugal habits, and living within his income, had now fortunately a competence for his declining years. His unblemished character, his commanding abilities, his uncpiestioned jiatriotism, and the distinguished |)ositions which he had occupied in the government of our country, se- cured to him not only the hjmage of his jiarty, but the respect ot the whole community. It was on the 4th of March, 1841, that Mr. Van Buren retired from the presidency. From his fine estate at Lindenwald, he still exerted a jjowerful influence upon theiwlitics of the country. From this time until his death, on the 24th of July, 1862, at the age of eighty -ears, he resided at Lindenwald, a gentleman of leisure, of culture and of wealth; enjoyir.g in a healthy old age, probably far more happiness than he had before experienced amid the stormy scenes of his active life. a^ ^'0^, V ^ //://o^yi^^^ •<•• NINTH PRESIDENT. f 5' 1 navi ILLIAM HENRY HARRI- SON, the ninth President of the United States, was born at Berkeley, Va., Feb. 9, 1773. His father, Benjamin llarri- son,was in comparatively op- ulent circumstances, and was one of the most distinguished men of his day. He was an intimate friend of George Washington, was early elected a member of the Continental Congress, and was conspicuous among the patriots of Virginia in resisting the encroachments of the British crown. In the celebrated Congress of 1775, Benjamin Har- rison and John Hancock were both candidates for the office of speaker. Mr Harrison was subsequently chosen Governor of Virginia, and was twice re-elected. His son, William Henry, of course enjoyed in childhood all the advantages which wealth and intellectual and cultivated society could give. Hav- ing received a thorough common-school education, he entered Hampden Sidney College, where he graduated with honor soon after the death of his father. He then repaired to Philadelphia tustudy medicine under the instructions of Dr. Rush and the guardianship of Robert Morris, both of whom were, with his father, signers of the Declaration of Independeni c. Upon the outbreak of the Indian troubles, and not- withstanding the remonstrances of his friends, he abandoned his medical studies and entered the army, having obtained a commission of Ensign from Presi- dent Washington. He was then but 19 years old. From that time he passed gradually upward in rank until he became aid to General Wayne, after whose death he resigned his commission. He was then ap- pointed Secretary of the North-western Territory. This Territory was then entitled to but one member in Congress and Capt. Harrison was chosen to fill that [Xisiticn. In the spring of 1800 the North-western Territory was divided by Congress into two portions. The eastern portion, comprising the region now embraced in the State of Ohio, was called '" The Territory north-west of the Ohio." The western portion, which included what is now called Indiana, Illinois and Wisconsin, was called the "Indiana Territory." Wil- liam Henry Harrison, then 27 years of age, was aj)- [Xjinted by John Adams, Governor of the Indiana Territory, and immediately after, also Governor of Upper Louisiana. He was thus ruler over ahnost as extensive a realm as any sovereign upon the globe. He was Superintendent of Indian Affairs, and was in- vested with powers nearly dictatorial over the now rapidly increasing white population. The ability and fidelity with which he discharged these responsible duties may be inferred from the fact that he was four times appointed to this office — first by John Adams, twice by Thomas Jefferson and afterwards by Presi- dent Madison. When he began his adminstration there were but three white settlementsin that almost boundless region, now crowded with cities and resounding with all the tumult of wealth and traffic. One of these settlements was on the Ohio, nearly opposite Louisville; one at Vincennes, on the Waliash, and the thiid a French settlement. The vast wilderness over which Gov. Harrison reigned was filled with many tribes of Indians. About 1 ■l- t -^^ WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON. the year 1806, two extraordinary men, twin brothers, of the Shawnese tribe, rose among them. One of these was called Tecumseh, or " The Crouching Panther;" tiie other, OUiwaclieca, or "The Prophet." TecLunseh was not only an Indian warrior, but a man of great sagacity, far-reaching foresight and indomit- able perseverance in any enterprise m which he might engage. He was inspired with the highest enthusiasm, and had long regarded with dread and with hatred the encroacliment of the whites upon the hunting- grounds of his fathers. His brother, the Prophet, was anorator, wiio could sway tiie feelings of the untutored Indian as the gale tossed the tree -tops beneath which they dwelt. But the Prophet was not merely anorator: he was, in the superstitious minds of tlie Indians, invested with the su|)erhunian dignity of a medicine-man or a magician. With an enthusiasm unsurpassed by Peter the Hermit rousing Europe to the crusades, he went from tribe to tribe, assuming tiiat he was si)ecially sent by the tlreat Spirit. Gov. Harrison made many attempts to conciliate the Indians, but at last the war came, and at Tippe- canoe the Indians were routed with great slaughter. October 28, 18 12, his army began its march. When near the Prophet's town three Indians of rank made their appearance and inquired why (lov. Harri=on was approaching tliem in so hostile an attitude. After a short conference, arrangements were made for a mat- ing the next day, to agree upon terms of peace. But Oov. Harrison was too well acquainted witli the Indian character to be deceived by such protes- tations Selecting a favorable spot for his night's en- campment, he took every precaution against surprise His troops were jxDsted in a hollow square, and slept upon their arms. The troops threw themselves upon the ground for rest; but every man had his accourtrements on, his loaded musket liy his side, and his bayonet fixed. The wakeful (lovernor, between three anil four o'clock in the morning, had risen, and was sitting in conversa- tion with his aids by the embers of a waning fire. It was a chill, cloudy morning with a drizzling rain. In the darkness, the Indians had crept as near as possi- ble, and just then, with a savage yell, rushed, with all the desperation which superstition and passion most highly inflamed could give, upon the left flank of the little army. The savages had been amply provided with guns and ammunition l)y the English. Their war-whoop was accompained liy a shower of bullets. The cani|)-fires were instantly extinguished, as the light aided the Indians in their aim. With hide- ous yells, the Indian bantls rusheti on, not doubting a speedy and an entire victory. l?ut Gen. Harrison's troops stood as immovable as the rocks around them until day dawned : they then made a simultaneous charge with the bayonet, and swept every thing be- fore them, and completely routing the foe. (iov. Harrison now had all his energies tasked to the utmost. The British descending from the Can - adas, were of themselves a very formidable force ; but with their savage allies, rushing like wolves I'roni the forest, searching out every remote farm-house, burn- ing, plundering, scalijing, torturing, the wide frontier was plunged into a state of consternation which even the most vivid imagination can but faintly conceive. The war-whoop was resounding everywhere in the forest. The horizon was illuminated with the conflagra- tion of the cabins of the settlers. Gen Hull had made the ignominious surrender of his forces at Detroit. Under these despairing circumstances, Gov. Harrison was api)ointed by President Madison commander-in- chief of the North-westetn army, with orders to retake Detroit, and to protect the frontiers. It would be difficult to place a man in a situation demanding more energy, sagacity and courage; but General Harrison was found equal to the position, and nobly and triuuqihantly did he meet all the re- sponsibilities. He won the love of his soldiers by always sharing with them their fatigue. His whole baggage, while Itursuing the foe up the Thames, was carried in a valise; and his bedding consisted of a single blanket lashed over his saddle. Thirty-five British officers, his prisoners of war, supped with him after the battle. The only fare he could give them was beef roasted before the fire, without bread or salt. In i8i6. Gen. Harrison was chosen a member of the National House of Representatives, to rejiresent the District of Ohio. In Congress he proved an active member; and whenever he sjxjke, it was with force of reason and power of eloquence, which arrested the attention of all the members. In 18 19, Harrison was elected to tlie Senate of Ohio; and in 1824, as oneof the presidential electors of that State, he gave his vote Uix Henry Clay. The same year he was chosen to the United States Senate. In 1836, the friends of Gen. Harrison brought him forward as a candidate for the Presidency against Van Buren, but he was defeated. At the close of Mr. Van Buren's term, he was re-nominated by his party, and Mr. Harrison was unanimously nominated by the Whigs, with John Tyler lorthe ^'ice Presidency. The contest was very animated. Gen Jackson gave all his infiiience to [)revent Harrison's election; but his triumph was signal. The cabinet wliich he formed, with Daniel Webster at its head as Secretary of State, was one of the most brilliant with which anv President had ever been surrounded. Never were the jjrospects of an admin- istration more flattering, or the ho|)es of the country more sanguine. In the midst of these bright and joyous prospects, Gen. Harrison was seized by a pleurisv-fever and after a few days of violent sick- ness, died on the 4th of April ; just one month after his inauguration as President of the United States, i f TENTH PRESIDENT. 55 4: OHN TYLER, the tenth ria, Presidentof tlie United States. He was born in Charles-city Co., Va., March 29, 1790. He was the favored child of af- fluence and high social po- sition. At the early age of twelve, John entered William and Mary College and grad- uated with much honor when but seventeen years old. After graduating, he devoted him- self with great assiduity to the study of law, partly with his father and partly with Edmund Randolph, one of the most distin- guished lawyers of Virginia. At nineteen years of age, lie commenced the practice of law. His success was rapid and aston- ishing. It is said that three months had not elapsed ere there was scarcely a case on the dock- et of the court in which he was not retained. When but twenty-one years of age, he was almost unanimously elected to a seat in the State Legislature. He connected himself with the Demo- cratic party, and warmly advocated the measures of Jefferson and Madison. For five successive years he was elected to the Legislature, receiving nearly the unanimous vote or his county. When but twenty-si.K years of age, he was elected a member of Congress. Here he acted earnestly and ably with the Democratic party, opposing a national bank, internal improvements by the General Govern- ment, a protective tariff, and advocating a strict con- struction of the Constitution, and the most careful vigilance over State rights. His labors in Congress were so arduous that before the close of his second term he found it necessary to resign and retire to his estate, in Charles-city Co., to recruit liis health. He, however, soon after consented to take his seat in the State Legislature, where his influence was powerful in promoting public works of great utility. With a reputation thus canstantly increasing, he was chosen by a very large majority of votes. Governor of his native State. His administration was signally a suc- cessful one. His popularity secured his re-election. John Randolph, a brilliant, erratic, half-crazed man, then represented Virginia in the Senate of the United States. A portion of the Democratic party was displeased with Mr. Randolph's wayward course, and brought forward John Tyler as his opponent, considering him the only man in Virginia of sufficient popularity to succeed against the renowned orator of Roanoke. Mr. Tyler was the victor. \\\ accordance with his professions, upon taking his seat in the Senate, he joined the ranks of the opposi- tion. He opposed the tariff; he simke against and voted against the bank as unconstitutional ; he stren- uously opposed all restrictions upon slavery, resist- ing all projects of internal improvements by the Gen- eral Government, and avowed his sympathy with Mr. Calhoun's view of nullification ; he declared that Gen. Jackson, by his opposition to the nullifiers, had abandoned the piinciples of the Democratic party. Such was Mr. Tyler's record in Congress, — a record in perfect accordance with the principles which he had always avowed. Returning to Virginia, he resumed the practice of liis profession. There was a rplit in the Democratic ■ ^» JOHN TYLER. party. His friends still regarded him as a true Jef- fersonian, gave him a dinner, and showered compli- ments upon him. He had now attained the age of forty-six. His career had been very brilliant. In con- sequence of his devotion to public business, his pri- vate affairs had fallen into some disorder; and it was not without satisfaction that he resumed the practice of law, and devoted himself to the culture of his plan- tation. Soon after this he removed to Williamsburg, for the better education of his children ; and he again took his seat in the Legislature of Virginia. By the Southern Whigs, he was sent to the national convention at Harrisburg to nominate a President in 1839. The majority of votes were given to Gen. Har- rison, a genuine Whig, much to the disappointment of the South, who wished for Henry Clay. To concili- ate the Southern Whigs and to secure their vote, the convention then nominated John Tyler for Vice Pres- ident. It was well known that he was not in sympa- thy with the Whig party in theNo:th: but the Vice President has but very little [X)wer in the Govern- ment, his main and almost only duty being to pre- side over the meetings of the Senate. Thus it hap- pened that a Whig President, and, in reality, a Democratic Vice President were chosen. In 1841, Mr. Tyler was inaugurated Vice Presi- dent of the United States. In one short month from that time. President Harrison died, and Mr. Tyler thus found himself, to his own surprise and that of the whole Nation, an occu|)ant of the Presidential chair. This was a new test of the stability of our institutions, as it was the first time in the history of our country that such an event had occured. Mr. Fyler was at home in Williamsburg when he received the unexpected tidings of the death of President Harri- son. He hastened to Washington, and on the 6th of April was inaugurated to the high and resix>nsible office. He was placed in a position of exceeding delicacy and diffit:ulty. All his long life he had been opposed tc th.e main principles of the party which had brought him into power. He had ever been a con-" sistent, honest man, with an unblemished record. Gen. Harrison had selected a Whig caliinet. Should he retain them, and thus surround himself with coun- sellors whose views were antagonistic to his own.? or, on the other hand, should he turn against the party which had elected him and select a cabinet in har- mony with himself, and which would oppose all those views which the Whigs deemed essential to the pub- lic welfare? This was his fearful dilemma. He in- vited the cabinet which President Harrison had selected to retain their seats. He reccommended a day of fasting and prayer, that God would guide and bless lis. The Whigs carried through Congress a bill for the incor|)oration of a fiscal bank of the United States. The President, after ten clays' delay, returned it wiili his veto. Hv siiugested, however, that he >vould approve of a bid drawn up upon such a plan as he proposed. Such a bill was "accordingly prepared, and privately tmbmitted to him. He gave it his approval. It was passed without alteration, and he sent it back with his veto. Here commenced the open rupture. It is said that Mr. Tyler was provoked to this meas- ure by a published letter from the Hon. John M. Botts, a distinguished Virginia Whig, who severely touched the pride of the President. The ojjposition now exuliingly received the Presi- dent into their arms. The parly which elect(Jd him denounced him bitterly. All the members of his cabinet, excelling Mr. Webster, resigned. 'I'he Whi^s of Congress, both the Senate and the House, held a meeting and issued an address to the people of the United States, proclaiming that all [Malitical alliance between the Whigs and President Tyler were at an end. Still the President attempted to conciliate. He appointed a new cabmet of distinguished Whigs and Conservatives, carefully leaving out all strong party men. Mr. Wel)ster soon found it necessary to resign, forced out by the pressure of his U'hig friends. Tims the four years of Mr. Tyler's unfortunate administra- tion ]iassed sadly away. Ko one was satisfied. The land was filled with murmurs and vituperation. Whigs and Democrats alike assailed him. More and more, however, he brought himself into sympathy with his oM friends, the Democrats, until at the close of his term, he gave his whole influence to the support of Mr. Polk, the Democratie candidate for his successor. On the 4th of March, 1845, he retired from the harassments of office, to the regret of neither party, and probably to his own unsjieakalile lelief. His first wife, Miss Letitia Christian, died in Washington, in 1842; and in June, 1844, I'resident Tyler was again married, at New York, to Miss Julia Gardiner, a young lady of many personal and intellectual accomplishments. The remainder of his days Mr. Tyler passed mainly in retirement at his beautiful home, — Sherwood For- est, Charles city Co., Va. A polished gentleman in his manners, richly furnished with information from books and experience in the world, and ])ossessing brilliant jiowers of conversation, his family circle was the scene of unusual attractions. ^\'ith sufficient means for tlie exercise of a generous hospitality, he might have enjoyed a serene old age with the few friends who g.ithered around him, were it not for the storms of civil war which his own principles and policy had helped to introduce. When the great Rebellion rose, which the State- rights and nullifying do( trines of Mr. John C. Cal- houn had inaugurated, President Tyler renounced his allegiance to the United States, and joined the Confed- erates. He was chosen a member of their Congress; and while engaged in active measures to destroy, by force of arms, the Government over which he had once presided, he was taken sick and soon died. T ^ i ■4*- ELEVENTH PRESIDENT. ""■»"■- 59 ^^^S&-#I^^^SA^X6 -^i§9^^ JAMES *< '^ ■■^. 9 I AMES K.POLK, the eleventh i-.;j> President of the United States, was horn in Mecklenburg Co., N. C, Nov. 2, 1795. His par- ,,. ,., ents were Samuel and Tane (Knox) Polk, the former a son of Col. Thomas Polk, who located at the above place, as one of the first [)ioneers, in 1735. In tlie year 1S06, with his wife and children, and soon after fol- lowed by most of the members of the Polk famly, Samuel Polk emi- grated some two or three hundred miles farther west, to the rich valley of the Duck River. Here in the midst of the wilderness, in a region which was subsequently called Mau- ry Co., they reared their log huls, and established their homes. In the hard toil of a new farm in the wil- derness, James K. Polk spent the early years of his childhood and youth. His father, adding the pur- suit of a surveyor to Ihatof a farmer, gradually increased in wealth until he became one of the leading men of the region. His mother was a superior woman, of strong common sense and earnest piety. Very early in life, James developed a taste for reading and expressed the strongest desire to obtain a liberal education. His mother's training had made him methodical in his habits, had taught him punct- uality and industry, and had inspired him with lofty principles of morality. His health was frail ; and his father, fearing that he might not be able to endure a sedentary life, got a situation for him behind the counter, hoping to fit him for commercial pursuits. This was to James a bitter disa])i)ointment. He had no taste for these duties, and his daily tasks were irksome in the extreme. He remained in this uncongenial occupation but a few weeks, when at his earnest solicitation his father removed him, and made arrangements for him to prosecute his studies. Soon after he sent him to Murfreesboro Academy. With ardor which could scarcely be surpassed, he pressed forward in his studies, and in less than two and a half years, in the autumn of 1815, entered the sophomore class in the University of North Carolina, at Chapel Hill. Here he was one of the most exemplary of scholars, punctual in every exercise, never allowing himself to be absent from a recitation or a religious service. He graduated in 18 18, with the highest honors, be- ing deemed the best scholar of his class, lioth in mathematics and the classics. He was then twenty- three years of age. Mr. Polk's health was at this time much impaired by the assiduity with which he had }irosecuted his studies. After a short season of relaxation he went to Nashville, and entered the office of Felix Grundy, to study law. Here Mr. Polk renewed his acquaintance with Andrew Jackson, who resided on his plantation, the Hermitage, but a few miles from Nashville. They had probably been slightly acquainted before. Mr. Polk's father was a Jeffersonian Republican, and James K. Polk ever adhered to the same politi- cal faith. He was a popular public speaker, and was constantly called upon to address the meetings of his party friends. His skill as a speaker was such that he was popularly called the Napoleon of the stump. He was a man of unblemished morals, genial and f So JAMES K. POLK. :ourteous in his bearing, and with that sympathetic nature in the jo) s and griefs of others which ever gave him troops of friends. In 1823, Mr. Poll: was elected to the Legislature of Tennessee. Here he gave his strong influence towards the election of his friend, Mr. Jackson, to the Presidency of the United States. In January, 1824, Mr. Polk married Miss Sarah Childress, of Rutherford Co., Tenn. His bride was altogether worthy of liim, — a lady of beauty and cul- ture. In the fall of 1825, Mr. Polk was chosen a member of Congress. The satisfaction which he gave to his constituents may be inferred from the fact, that for fourteen successive years, until 1839, he was con- tinued iu that office. He then voluntarily withdrew, only that he might accept the Gubernatorial chair of Tennessee. In Congress he was a laborious member, a frequent and a popular speaker. He was always iu his seat, always courteous; and whenever he spoke it was always to the point, and without any ambitious rhetorical display. During five sessions of Congress, Mr. Polk was Speaker of the House Strong passions were roused, and stormy scenes were witnessed ; but Mr Polk per- formed his arduous duties to a very general satisfac- tion, and a unanimous vote of thanks to him was passed by the House as he withdrew on the 4th of March, 1839. In accordance with Southern usage, Mr. Polk, as a candidate for Governor, canvassed the State. He was elected by a large majority, and on the 14th of Octo- ber, 1839,100k tlie oatli of office at Nashville. In 1841, his term of office expired, and he was again the can- didate of the Democratic party, but was defeated. On the 4tli of March, 1845, Mr. Polk was inaugur- ated President of the United States. The verdict of the country in favor of the annex;Uion of Texas, exerted its influence upon Congress ; and the last act of tlie administration of President Tyler was to affix his sig- nature to a joint resolution of Congress, passed on the 3d of March, approving of the annexation of Texas to the American Union. As Mexico still claimed Texas as one of her provinces, the Mexican minister, Almonte, immediately demanded liis passports and left the country, declaring the act of the annexation to be an act hostile to Mexico. In his first message. President Polk urged that Texas should immediately, by act of Congress, be re- ceived into tlie Union on the same footing with tlie Other States. In the meantime, Gen. Tiiylor was sent with an army into Texas to hold the country. He was sent first to Nueces, which the Mexicans said was the western boundary of Texas. Then he was sent nearly two hundred miles further west, to the Rio Grande, where lie erected batteries which commanded the Mexican city of Matamoras, which was situated on the western banks. The anticipated collision soon took place, and war was declared against Mexico by President Polk. The war was pushed forward by Mr. Polk's administration with great vigor. Gen. Taylor, whose army was first called one of "observation," then of "occupation," then of " invasion, "was sent forward to Monterey. The feeble Mexicans, in every encounter, were hopelessly and awfully slaughtered. The day of judgement alone can reveal the misery which this war caused. It v/as by the ingenuity of Mr. Polk's administration that the war was brought on. 'To the victors belong the spoils." Mexico was prostrate before us. Her capital was in our hands. We now consented to peace upon the condition that Mexico should surrender to us, in addition to Texas, all of New Mexico, and all of Upper and Lower Cal- ifornia. This new demand embraced, exclusive of Texas, eight hundred thousand square miles. Tiiis was an extent of territory equal to nine States of the size of New York. Thus slavery was securing eighteen majestic States to be added to the Union. There were some Americans who thought it all right : there were others who thought it all wrong. In the prosecution of this war, we expended twenty thousand lives and more than a hundred million of dollars. Of this money fifteen millions were paid to Mexico. On the 3d of M irch, 1S49, Mr. Polk retired from office, having served one term. The next day was Sunday. On the 5th, Gen. Taylor was inaugurated as his successor. Mr Polk rode to the Capitol in the same carriage with Gen. Taylor; and the same even- ing, with Mrs. I'olk, lie commenced his return to Tennessee. He was then but fifty-four years of age. He had ever been strictly temperate in all his habits, and his health was good ^^'itll an ample fortune, a choice library, a cultivated mind, and domestic ties of the dearest nature, it seemed as though long years of trantpiility and happiness were before him. But the cholera — that fearful scourge — was then sweeping up the Valley of the Mississippi. This he contracted, and died on the 15th of June, 1849, in the fifly-fourtii year of his age, greatly mourned by his countrymen. i Mi i M ^W At f ';^<::^t-<:vi<^^^''V/0^:^>V-' -^^ t TWELFTH PRESIDENT. 63 ac^vaga.g:iv.V«^M'SJV^Jvi\pr^^^v^^v^v^^-Pv^A\\\AV. ;^4f!|t.4.t¥ ¥4.¥*f «■ ACHARY TAYLOR, iwelfth President of the United States, "was born on the 24th of Nov., 1784, in Orange Co., Va. His father. Colonel Taylor, was a Virginian of note, and a dis- tinguished patriot and soldier of the Revolution. When Zachary was an infant, his father with his wife and two children, emigrated to Kentucky, where he settled in the pathless wilderness, a few miles from Louisville. In this front- ier home, away from civilization and all its refinements, young Zachary could enjoy but few social and educational advan- tages. When six years of age he attended a common school, and was tlien regarded as a bright, active boy, rather remarkable for bluntness and decision of char- acter He was strong, feailess and self-reliant, and manifested a strong desire to enter the army to fight the Lidians who were ravaging the frontiers. There is little to be recorded of the uneventful years of his childhood on his father's large but lonely plantation. In 1808, his father succeeded in obtaining for him the commission of lieutenant in the United States army ; and he joined the troops which were stationed at New Odeans under Gen. Wilkinson. Soon after this he married Miss Margaret Smith, a young lady from one of the first families of Maryland. Immediately after the declaration of war with Eng- land, in 18 1 2, Capt. Taylor (for he had then been promoted to that rank) was put in command of Fort Harrison, on the Wabash, about fifty miles above Vincennes. This fort had been built in the wilder- ness by Gen. Harrison,on his march to Tippecanoe. It was one of the first points of attack by the Indians, Jed by Tecunjseh. Its garrison consisted of a broken company of infantry numbering fifty men, many of whom were sick. Early in the autumn of 1812, the Indians, stealthily, and in large numbers, moved ui»n the fort. Their approach was first indicated by the murder of two soldiers just outside of the stockade. Capt. Taylor made every possible preparation to meet the antici- pated assault. On the 4th of September, a band of forty painted and plumed savages came to the fort, waving a white flag, and informed Capt. Taylor that in the morning their chief would come to have a talk with him. It was evident that their object was merely to ascertain the state of things at the fort, and Capt. Taylor, well versed in the wiles of the savages, kept them at a distance. The sun went down; the savages disappeared, the garrison slept upon their arms. One hour before midnight the war whoop burst from a thousand lips in the forest around, followed by the discharge of musketry, and the rush of the foe. Every man, sick and well, sprang to his post. Every man knew that defeat was not merely death, but in the case of cap- ture, death by the most agonizing and prolonged tor- ture. No pen can describe, no immagination can conceive the scenes which ensued. The savages suc- ceeded in setting fire to one of the block-houses- Until six o'clock in the morning, this awful conflict continued. The savages then, baffled at every point, and gnashing their teeth with rage, retired. Capt. Taylor, for this gallant defence, was promoted to the rank of major by brevet. Until the close of the war, MajorTaylor was placed in such situations that he saw but little more of active service. He was sent far away into the depths of the wilderness, to Fort Crawford, on Fo.\ River, whicli empties into Green Bay. Here there was but little to be done but to wear away the tedious hours as one best could. There were no books, no society, no in- f 64 .aLHhRV TAYLOR. tellectual stimulus. Thus with him the uneveuitul years rolled oa Gradually lie rose to the rank ot colonel. In the Black Hawk war, which resulted in tlie capture of that renowned chieftain, Col Taylor took a subordinate but a brave and efficient part. For twenty-four years Col. Taylor was engaged in the defence of the frontiers, in scenes so remote, and in emi)loyments so obscure, that his name was unknown beyond the limits of his own immediate acquaintance. In the year 1836, he was sent to Florida to com]jel the Seminole Indians to vacate that region and re- tire beyond the Mississippi, as their chiefs by treaty, had promised they should do. The services rendered here secured for Col. Taylor the high appreciation of the Government ; and as a reward, he was elevated to the rank of brigadier-general by brevet ; and soon after, in May, 1838, was appointed to the chief com- mand of the United States troops in Florida. After two years of such wearisome employment amidst the everglades of the peninsula. Gen. Taylor obtained, at his own request, a change of command, and was stationed over the Department of the South- west. This field embraced Louisiana, Mississijipi, Alabama and Cieorgia. Establishing his headquarters at Fort Jessup, in Louisiana, he removed his family to a plantation which he purchased, near Baton Rogue. Here he remained for five years, buried, as it were, from the world, but faithfully discharging every duty imposed upon him. In 1846, (ien. Taylor was sent to guard tlie land between the Nueces and Rio Grande, the latter river being the boundary of Texas, which was then claimed by the United States. Soon the war witli Mexico was brought on, and at Palo Alto and Resaca de la Palma, Gen. Taylor won brilliant victories over the Me.xicans. The rank of major-general by brevet was then conferred upon Gen. Taylor, and his name was received with enthusiasm almost everywhere in the Nation. Then came tiie battles of Monterey and Buena Vista in which he won signal victories over forces much larger than he commanded. His careless habits of dress and his unaffected simplicity, secured for Gen. Taylor among his troops, \\\Q sobriquet of "Old Rough and Ready.' The tidings of the brilliant victory of Buena Vista spread the wildest enthusiasm over the country, '{'he name of Gen. Taylor was on every one's lips. The Whig party decided to take advantage of this wonder- ful iiopularity in bringing forward the un|)olished, un- lettered, honest soldier as their candidate for the Presidency. Gen. Taylor was astonished at the an- nouncement, and for a time would not listen to it; de- claring that he was not at all (pialified for such an office. So little interest had he taken in politics that, for forty years, he had not cast a vote. It was not without chagrin that several distinguished statesmen who had been long vears in the public service found their claims set aside in behalf of one wliose name had never been heard of, save in connection with Palo Alio, Resaca de la Palma, Monterey and Buena Vista. It is said that Daniel Webster, in iiis haste re- marked, ■' It is a nomination not fit to be made." Ge[i. Taylor was not an eloquent speaker nor a fine writer His friends took possession of him, and pre- pared such few communications as it was needful should be presented to the public. The popularity of the successful warrior swept the land. He was tri- umphantly elected over two opposing candidates, — Gen. Cass and E.K-President Martin Van Buren. Though he selected an excellent cabinet, the good old man found himself in a very uncongenial [wsition, and was, at times, sorely per[ilexed and harassed. His mental sufferings were very severe, and probably tended to hasten his death. The pro-slavery party was pushing its claims with tireless energy, expedi- tions were fitting out to capture Cuba ; California was pleading for admission to the Union, while slavery stood at the door to bar her out. Gen. Taylor found the political conflicts in Washington to be far more trying to the nerves than battles with Mexicans or Indians In the midst of all these troubles, Gen. Taylor, after he had occupied the Presidential chair but little over a year, took cold, and after a brief sickness of but little over five days, died on the Qlh of July, 1850. His last woids were, " I am not afraid to die. I am ready. I have endeavored to do my duty." He died universally respected and beloved. An honest, un- pretending man, he had been steadily growing in the affections of the people ; and the Nation bitterly la- mented his deatli. Gen. Scott, who was thoroughly acquainted with Gen. Taylor, gave the following graphic and truthful descri[)tion of his character: — " With a good store of common sense, Gen. Taylor's mind had not been en- larged and refreshed by reading, or much converse with the world. Rigidity of ideas was the conse- quence. The frontiers and small military posts had been his home. Hence he was quite ignorant for his rank, and quite bigoted in his ignorance. His sim- plicity was child-like, and with innumerable preju- dices, amusing and incorrigible, well suited to the tender age. Thus, if a man, however respectable, chanced to wear a coat of an unusual color, or his hat a little on one side of his head ; or an officer to leave a corner of his handkerchief dangling from an out- side iiocket, — in any such case, this critic held the olTL-nder to be a coxcomb (perhaps something worse), whom he would not, to use his oft repeated jjlirase, 'touch with a pair of tongs." "Any allusion to literature beyond good old Dil- worth's spelling-book, on the part of one wearing a sword, was evidence, with the same judge, of utter unfitness for heavy marchings and combats. In short, few men have ever had a more comfortable, labor- saving contempt for learning of every kind." i THIRTEENTH PRESIDENT. ^•^r" 67 i^XS:^^<^'^^:{g^~iX^'^~i}^',^^X^^^X^^?:^:^?>^:^^^$:^^:-:^ii^^<$:^'gX$:^^>^'^ f ■MILLflRn FILLMDRE. .1.4 -iM- ^^ «f. ILLARD FILLMORE, thir- fy) tcentli President of the LInited "' .States, was born at bummer Hill, Cayuga Co., N. Y ., on the 7th of January, 1800. His '^ father was a farmer, and ow- ing to misfortune, in humble cir- cumstances. Of his mother, the daughter of Dr. Abiathar Millard, of Pittsfield, Mass., it has been said that she ixjssessed an intellect of very high order, united with much personal loveliness, sweetness of dis- position, graceful manners and ex- cpiisite sensibilities. She died in 1831 ; having lived to see her son a young man of distinguished prom- ise, though she was not permitted to witness the high dignity which he finally attained. Li consequence of the secluded home and limited means of his father, Millard enjoyed but slender ad- vantages for education in his early years. The com- mon schools, which he occasionally attended were very imperfect nistitutions; and books were scarce and expensive. There was nothing then in his char- acter to indicate the brilliant career upon which he was about to enter. He was a plain farme'r's boy; intelligent, good-looking, kind-hearted. The sacred influences of home had taught him to revere the Bible, and had laid the foundations of an upright character. When fourteen years of age, his father sent him some hundred miles from home, to the then vifilds of Livingston County, to learn the trade of a clothier. Near the mill there was a small villiage, where some enterprising man had commenced the collection of a village library. This [iroved an inestimable blessing to young Fillmore. His evenings were S[)entin read- ing. .Soon every leisure moment was occupied \\ith books. His thirst for knowledge became insatiate; and the selections which he made were continually more elevating and instructive. He read history, biography, oratory, and thus gradually there was en- kindled in his heart a desire to be something more than a mere worker with his Viands; and he was be- coming, almost unknown to himself, a well-informed, educated man. The young clothier had now attained the age of nineteen years, and was of fine personal appearance and of gentlemanly demeanor. It so happened that there was a gentleman in the neighborhood of ample pecuniary means and of benevolence, — Judge Walter Wood, — who was struck with the jjrepossessing ap- pearance of young Fillmore. He made his acquaint- ance, and was so luuch imjiressed with his ability and attainments that lie advised him to abandon his trade and devote himself to the study of the law. The young man replied, that he had no means of his own, ro friends to help him and that his previous educa- tion had been very imperfect. But Judge Wood had so much confidence in him tliat he kindly offered to take him into his own office, and to loan him such money as he needed. Most gratefully the generous offer was accepted. There is in many minds a strange delusion about a collegiate education. A young man is supposed to be liberally educated if he has graduated at some col- lege. But many a l.ioy loiters through university halls ind then enters a law office, who is by no means as -•►-■ k ■M^ 68 t MILLARD FILLMORE. rr well prepared to prosecute his legal studies as was Millard Fillmore when he graduated at the clothing- mill at the end of four years of manual labor, during which every leisure moment had been devoted to in- tense mental culture. In 1S23, when twenty-three years of age, he v;as admitted to the Court of Common Pleas. He then went to the village of Aurora, and commenced the practice of law. In this secluded, peaceful region, his practice of course was limited, and there was no opportunity for a sudden rise in fortune or in fame. Here, in the year 1826, he married a lady of great moral worth, and one capable of adorning any station she might be called to fill, — Miss Abigail Powers. His elevation of character, his untiring industry, his legal acquirements, and his skill as an advocate, gradually attracted attention ; and he was invited to enter into partnership under highly advantageous circumstances, with an elder member of the bar in Buffalo. Just before removing to Buffalo, in 1829, he took his seat in the House of Assembly, of the State of New York, as a representative from Erie County. Though he had never taken a very active part in politics, his vote and his sympathies were witli the Whig ])arty. The State was then Dfertippr^ticj^: and he found himself in a helpless minority iiv'-''the ■ Legislature, still the testimony comes froifl all parties, > that his courtesy, ability and integrity, \t^n,'tp^;a;yery unusual degrie the respect of his associate^:- ■■'e^'"'':. In the autumn of 1832, he was elected to a seftk.in^ the United States Congress He entered that troubled- arena in some of the most tumultuous hours of our national history. The great conflict respecting the national liank and tlie removal of tlie deposits, was then raging. His term of two years closed ; and he returned to his profession, which he pursued with increasing rep- utation and success. After a lapse of two years he again became a candidate for Congress ; was re- elected, and took his seat in 1837. His past exjje- rience as a representative gave lum strength and confidence. The first term of service in Congress to any man can be but little )nore than an introduction. He was now prepared for active duty. All his ener- gies were brought to bear upon the jiublic good. I'^very measure received his impress. Mr. Fillmore was now a man of wide repute, and his [xjpularity filled the Slate, and in the year 1847, he was elected Comptroller of the State. Mr. Fillmore had attained the age of forty-seven years. His labors at the bar, in the Legislature, in Congress and as Comptroller, had given him very con- siderable fame. The Whigs were casting about to find suitable candidates for President and Vice-Presi- dent at the a|)[)roaching election. Far away, on the waters of the Rio Grande, there was a rough old soldier, who had fought one or two successful battles with the Mexicans, which had caused his name to be proclaimed in tiumpet-tones all over the land. But it was necessary to associate with him on the same ticket some man of reputation as a statesman. Under the intluence of these considerations, the namesof Zachary Taylor and Millard Fillmore became the rallying-cry of the Whigs, as their candidates for President and Vice-Peesident. The Whig ticket was signally triumphant. On the 4th of March, 1849, Gen. Taylor was inaugurated President, and Millard Fillmore Vice-President, of the United States. On the 9th of July, 1850, President Taylor, but about one year and four months after his inaugura- tion, was suddenly taken sick and died. By the Con- stitution, Vice-President Fillmore thus became Presi- dent. He appointed a very able cabinet, of which the illustrious Daniel Webster was Secretary of State. ■ "'Mr. Fillniore had very serious difficulties to contend ■ Avith, since the opiwsition had a majority in both ■H> i -4•- 72 a FRANKLIN PIERCE. three sons who were born to them, all now sleep with their parents in the grave. In the year 1838, Mr. Pierce, with growing fame and increasing business as a lawyer, took up his residence in Concord, the capital of New Hampshire. President Polk, upon his accession to office, appointed Mr. Pierce attorney-general of the United States; but the offer was declined, in consequence of numerous professional engagements at home, and the precariuos state of Mrs. Pierce's health. He also, about the same time declined the nomination for governor by the Democratic party. 'l"he war with Mexico called Mr. Pierce in the army. Receiving the appointment of brigadier-general, he embarked, with a portion of his troops, at Newport, R, I., on the 27th of May, 1847. He took an important part in this war, proving him- self a brave and true soldier. When Gen. Pierce reached his home in his native State, he was received enthusiastically by the advo- cates of the Mexican war, and coldly by his oppo- nents. He resumed the practice of his profession, very frequently taking an active part in political (jues- tions, giving his cordial support to the pro-slavery wing of the Democratic party. The compromise measures met cordially with his approval; and he strenuously advocated the enforcement of the infa- mous fugitive-slave law, which so shocked the religious sensibilities of the North. He thus became distin- guished as a "Northern man with Southern principles.'' The strong partisans of slavery in the South conse- quently regarded him as a man whom they could safely trust in office to carry out their plans. On the I 2th of June, 1852, the Democratic conven- tion met in Baltimore to nominate a candidate for the Presidency. For four days they continued in session, and in thirty-five ballotings no one had obtained a two-thirds vote. Not a vote thus far had been thrown for Gen. Pierce. Then the Virginia delegation brought forward his name. There were fourteen more ballotings, during which Gen. Pierce constantly gained strength, until, at the forty-ninth ballot, he received two hundred and eighty-two votes, and all other candidates eleven. Gen. Winfield Scott was the Whig candidate. Gen. Pierce was chosen with great unanimity. Only four States — Vermont, Mas- sachusetts, Kentucky and Tennessee — cast their electoral votes against him Gen. Franklin Pieice was therefore inaugurated President of the United States on the 4th of March, 1853. His administration proved one of the most stormy our country had ever experienced. The controversy be- tween slavery and freedom was then approaching its culminating point. It became evident that there was an "irrepressible conflict" between them, and that this Nation could not long exist " half slave and half free." President Pierce, during the whole of his ad- ministration, did every thing he could to conciliate the South ; but it was all in vain. The conflict every year grew more violent, and threats of the dissolution of the Union were borne to the North on every South- ern breeze. Such was the condition of affairs when President Pierce approached the close of his four-years' term of office. The North had become thoroughly alien- ated from him. The anti-slavery sentiment, goaded by great outrages, had been rapidly increasing; all the intellectual ability and social worth of President Pierce were forgotten in deep reprehension of his ad- ministrative acts. The slaveholders of tlie South, also, unmindful of the fidelity with which he had advo- cated those measures of Government which they ap- proved, and perhaps, also, feeling that he had rendered himself so unpopular as no longer to be able acceptably to serve them, ungratefully dropped him, and nominated James Buchanan to succeed him. On the 4th of March, 1857, President Pierce re- tired to his home in Concord. Of three children, two had died, and his only surviving child had been killed before his eyes by a railroad accident ; and his wife, one of the most estimable and accomplished of ladies, was rajiidly sinking in consumption. The hour of dreadful gloom soon came, and he was left alone in the world, without wife or child. When the terrible Rebellion burst forth, which di- vided our country into two parties, and two only, Mr. Pierce remained steadfast in the principles which he had always cherished, and gave his sympathies to that pro-slavery ])avty with which he had ever been allied. He declined to do anything, either by voice or pen, to strengthen the hand of the National Gov- ernment. He continued to reside in Concord until the lime of his death, which occurred in October, 1869. He was one of the most genial and social of men, an honored communicant of the Episcopal Church, and one of the kindest of neighbors. Gen- erous to a fault, he contiibuted libcrallv for the al- leviation of suffering and want, and many of his towns- people were often gladened by his material bounty. I i ^' % % ^ ^ ■= V '""*' (Z^TTtfiJ QyeydjO. i>^^fO^- ^<^^s^ t -^^ I'IFTEENTH PRESIDENT. 75 -<«« ■^»J^ (^jj^j^c^i^c^c^i^iii^il .; ■■ ; I'.'ti'sgiit^'^'^iit^t^'^t^'^'jgutgOl; '■^t^'^'^iit^'^tggiti^'gJi'^tigataS)'^'' -"««e ■+-• ->o 1g) ^■^c?l^ -7»^ f AMES BUCHANAN, the fif- '^teenth President of the United States, was born ni a small frontier town, at the foot of the eastern ridge of the Allcglia- nies, in Franklin Co., Penn.,on the 23d of April, 1791. The place where the humble cabin of his father stuod was called Stony Batter. It was a wild and ro- mantic s[X)t in a gorge of the moun- tains, with towering summits rising grandly all around. His father was a native of the north of Ireland ; a poor man, who had emigrated in 17S3, with little property save liis own strong arms. Five years afterwards he married Elizabeth Spear, the daughter of a respectable farmer, and, with his young bride, plunged into the wilder- ness, staked his claim, reared his log-hut, opened a clearing with his axe, and settled down there to per- form his obscure part in the drama of life. In this se- cluded home, where James was born, he remained for eight years, enjoying but few social or intellectual advantages. When James was eight years of age, his father removed to the village of Mercersburg, where his son was placed at school, and commenced a course of study in English, Latin and Greek. His progress was rapid, and at the age of fourteen, lie entered Dickinson College, at Carlisle. Here he de- veloped remarkable talent, and took his stand among the first scholars in the institution. His application to study was intense, and yet his native powers en- abled him to master the most abstruse subjects with facility. In the year 1S09, he graduated with the highest honors of his class. He was then eighteen years of age; tall and graceful, vigorous in health, fond of athletic sport, an unerring shot, and enlivened with an exuberant flow of animal spirits. He immediately commenced the study of law in the city of Lancaster, and was admitted to the bar in 181 2, when he was but twenty-one years of age. Very rapidly he rose in his profession, and at once took undisputed stand with the ablest law) ers of the State. When but twenty-six years of age, unaided by counsel, he suc- cessfully defended before the State Senate 01 e of the judges of the .State, who was tried upon articles of impeachment. At the age of thirty it was generally admitted that he stood at tlie licad of the bar; and there was no lawyer in the Stale wlio liad a more lu- crative practice. In 1820, he reluctantly consented to run as a candidate for Congress. He was elected, and for ten years he remained a memberof tlie Lower House. During the vacations of Congress, he occasionally tried some imixirtant case. In 1831, he retired altogether from the toils of his profession, having ac- quired an ample fortune. Gen. Jackson, upon his elevation to the Presidency, appointed Mr. Buchanan minister to Russia. The duties of his mission he performed with ability, which gave satisfaction to all parties. LTpon his return, in 1833, he was elected to a seat in tlie United States Senate. He there met, as his associates, Webster, Clay, Wright and Calhoun. He advocated the meas- ures proposed by President Jackson, of making repri- »» f f 76 JAMES BUCHANAN. sals against France, to enforce the payment of our claims against that country; and defended the course of the President in his unprecedented and wiiolesale removal from ofticeof those who were not the sup- porters of his administration. Upon this question he was brought into direct collision with Henry Clay. He also, with voice and vote, advocated expunging from tiie journal of the Senate the vote of censure against (len. Jackson for removing the de[K)sits. Earnestly he o|)posed the alwlition of slavery in the District of Cokunliia, and urged the [irohibition of the circulation of anti-slavery documents by the United States mails. As to petitions on tlie subject of slavery, he advo- cated tliat tiiey should be respectfully received; and tliat the re[)ly should be returned, that Congress had no [jower to legislate upon the suljject. " Congress," said he, " miglit as well undertake to interfere with slavery under a foreign government as in any of the States where it now exists." Upon Mr. Polk's accession to the Presidency, Mr. Buchanan became Secretary of State, and as such, took his share of the responsibility in the conduct of the Mexican War. Mr. Polk assumed that crossing the Nueces by tlie American troops into the disputed territory was not wrong, but for tiie Mexicans to cross the Rio (irande into that territory was a declaration of war. No candid man can read with pleasure the account of the course our (jovernment pursued in that movement Mr. Buchanan identified himself thoroughly with the party devoted to the perpetuation and extension of slavery, and brought all the energies of his mind to bear agdinst the Wilniot Proviso. He gave his cordial api)roval to the compromise measures of 1S50, which included the fugiiive-slave law. Mr. Pierce, upon his election to the Presidency, honored Mr. Buchanan with the mission to Rngland. In the year 1856, a national Democratic conven- tion nominated Mr. Buchanan for the Presidency. The political conflict was one of the most severe in which our country has ever engaged. All the friends of slavery were on one side; all the advocates of its re- striction and final abolition, on the other. Mr. Fre- mont, the candidate of the enemies of slavery, re- ceived H4 electoral votes. Mr. Buchanan received 174, and was elected. The popular vote stood 1,3.^0,618, for Fremont, 1,224,750 for liuchanan. On March 4th, 1S57, Mr. Buchanan was inaugurated. Mr. Buchanan was far advanced in life. Only four years were wanting to (ill up his threescore years and ten. His own friends, those with whom he had been allied in political principles and action for years, were seeking the destruction of the Ciovernment, that they might rear upon the ruins of our free institutions a nation whose corner-stone should be human slavery, fn this emergency, Mr. Buchanan was hopelessly be- wildered He could not, with his long-avowed prin- ciples, consistently oppose the State-rights party in tlieir assumptions. As President of the United States, bound by his oath faithfully to administer the laws, he could not, without perjury of the grossest kind, unite with those endeavoring to overthrow the repub- lic. He therefore did nothing. The opiwnents of Mr. Buchanan's administration nominated Abraham Luicoln as their standard bearer in the next Presidential canvass. The pro-slavery party declared, that if he were elected, and the con- trol of the {Government were thus taken from their hands, they would secede from the Union, taking with them, as they retired, the National Capitol at Washington, and the lion's share of the territory of the United States. Mr. Buchanan's sympathy with the pro-slavery party was such, that he had been willing to offerthem far more than they liad ventured to claim. All the South had professed to ask of the North was non- intervention \\\yox\ the subject of slavery. Mr. Bu- chanan had been ready to offer them the active co- operation of the Government to defend and extend the institution. As the storm increased in violence, the slaveholders claiming the right to secede, and Mr. Buchanan avow- ing that Congress had no (xiwer to prevent it, one of the most pitiable exhibitions of governmental im- becility was exhibited the world has ever seen. He declared that Congress had no power to enforce its laws in any State whicli had withdrawn, or which was attempting to withdraw from tiie Union. This was not the doctrine of Andrew Jackson, when, with his hand uixjn his sword hilt, he exclaimed. " The Union must and shall be preserved!" South Carolina seceded in December, i860; nearly three months before the inauguration of President Ijincoln. Mr. Buchanan looked on in listless despair. The rebel flag was raised in Charleston; Fort SumjMer was 'besieged ; our forts, navy-yards and arsenals were seized; our depots of military stores were plun- dered ; and our custom-houses and post-offices were appropriated by the rebels. The energy of the rebels, and the imbecility of our Executive, were alike marvelous. The Nation looked on in agony, waiting for the slow weeks to glide away, and close tlie administration, so terrible in its weak- ness At length the long-looked-for hour of deliver- ance came, wlien Abraham Lincoln was to receive the scepter. The administration of President Buchanan was certainly the most calamitous our country has ex- perienced. His best friends cannot recall it with ])leasure. And still more deplorable it is for his fame, that in that dreadful conflict wliich rolled its billows of flame and blood over our whole land, no word came from his lips to indicate his wish that our country's banner should Iriuniph over the flag of the rebellion. He died at his Wiieatland retreat, June i, 1868, -4«- i -t p^^xfs^^ <- ^i>f ^<|p < LINCOLN. > | '^%.M^^rA ''^^m> BRAHAM LINCOLN, the sixteenth President of tlie i^.^United States, was born in Hardin Co., Ky., Feb. 12, 1809. About the year 1780, a man l)y the name of Abraham Lincoln left Virginia with iiis e^_-'l> -S Kunily and moved into the tiien wilds of Kentucky. Only two years after this emigration, still a young man, while worlving one day in a field, was stealthily appro:; died by an Indian and shot dead. His widow was left in extreme poverty with five little children, three boys and two girls. Thomas, the youngest of the boys, was four years of age at his father's death. This Thomas was the father of Abraham Lincoln, the President of the United States whose name must henceforth fcever be enrolled with the mi;st i)rominent in the annals of our world. Of course no record has been kept of the life of one so lowly as Thomas Lincoln. He was among the [Xjorest of the poor. His home was a wretched log-cabin ; his food the coarsest and the meanest. Education he had none; he could never either read or write. As soon as he was able to do anything for himself, he was compelled to leave the cabin of his starving mother, and push out into the world, a friend- less, wandering boy, seeking work. He hired him- self out, and thus spent the whole of his youth as a laborer in the fields of others. When twenty-eight years of age he buill a log- cabin of his own, and married Nancy Hanks, the daughter of another family of poor Kentucky emi- grants, who had also come from Virginia. Their second child was ."Vbraham Ijnroln, the subject of this sketch. The mother of Abraham was a noble woman, gentle, loving, pensive, created to adorn a palace, doomed to toil and pine, and die in a hovel. "All that I am, or hope to be," exclaims the grate- ful son "I owe to my angel-mother. When he was eight years of age, his father sold his cabin and small farm, and moved to Indiana. Where two years later his mother died. Abraham soon l>ecame the scribe of the uneducated community around him. He coidd not have had a better school than this to teach him to put thoughts into words. He also became an eager reader. The books he could obtain were few ; but these he read and re-read until they were almost committed to memory. As the years rolled on, the lot of this lowly family was the usual lot of humanity. There were joys and griefs, weddings and funerals. Abraham's sister Sarnh, to whom he was tenderly attaciied, was mar- ried when a child of but fourteen years of age, and soon died. The family was gradually scattered. Mr. Thomas Lincoln sold out his sipuitter's claim in 1830, and emigrated to Macon Co., III. Abraham Lincoln was then twenty-one years of age. With vigorous hands he aided his father in rearing another log-cabin. Abraham worked diligently at this until he saw the family comfortably settled, and their small lot of enclosed prairie planted with corn, when he announced to his father his intention to leave home, and to go out into the world and seek his for- tune. Little did he or his friends imagine how bril- liant that fortune was to be. He saw the value of education and was intensely earnest to improve his mind to the utmost of his power He savv the ruin which ardent spirits were causing, and became strictly temperate; refusing to allow a drop of intoxi- cating liquor to pass his lips. And he had read in God's word, "Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain ;" and a profane expression he was never heard to utter. Religion he revered. His morals were pure, and he was uncontaminated by a single vice. Young Abraham woikcd for a time as a hired laborer among the farmers. Then he went to Springfield, where he was employed in building a large flat-boat. In this he took a herd of swine, floated them down the Sangamon to the Illinois, and thence by the Mis- sissippi to Nevif Orleans. Whatever Abraham I>in- coln undertook, he performed so faithfully as to give great satisfaction to his employers. In this adven- :?^»-^ -^•- ABRAHAM LINCOLN. -A- ture his employers were so well pleased, that upon his return tiiey placed a store and mill under his care. In 1832, at the outbreak of the Black Hawk war, he enlisted and was chosen captain of a company. He returned to Sangamon County, and although only 23 years of age, was a candidate for the Legislature, but was defeated. He soon after received from Andrew Jackson the a[)pointmentof Postmaster of New Salem, His only post-office was his hat. All the letters he received he carried there ready to deliver to those he chanced to meet. He studied surveying, and soon made this his business. In 1834 he again became a candidate for the Legislature, and was elected Mr. Stuart, of Springfield, advised him to study law. He walked from New Salem to Springfield, borrowed of Mr. Stuart a load of books, carried them back and began his legal studies. When the Legislature as- sembled he trudged on foot with his pack on his back one hundred miles to Vandalia, then the capital. In 1836 he was re-elected to the Legislature. Here it was he first met Stephen A. Douglas. In 1839 he re- moved to Springfield and began the practice of law. His success with the jury was so great that he was soon engaged in almost every noted case in the circuit. \\\ 1854 Ihe great discussion began between Mr. Lincoln and Mr. Douglas, on the slavery question. In the organization of the Republican party in Illinois, in 1856, he took an active part, and at once became one of the leaders in that party. Mr. Lincoln's speeches in opposition to Senator Douglas in the con- test in r858 for a seat in the Senate, form a most notable part of his history. The issue was on the ilavery (luestion, and he took the broad ground of .he Declaration of Independence, that all men are created equal. Mr. Lincoln was defeated in this con- test, but won a far higher prize. The great Republican Convention met at Chicago on the i6th of June, i860. The delegates and strangers who crowded tlie city amounted to twenty- five thousand. An immense building called "The Wigwam," was reared to accommodate the Conven- tion. There were eleven candidates for whom votes were thrown. William H Seward, a man whose fame as a statesman had long filled the land, was the most nrominent. It was generally sujiposed he would l)e the nominee Abraham Lincoln, however, received the nomination on the third ballot. Little did he then dream of the weary years of toil and care, and tlie bloody death, to which that nomination doomed him: andasliltledid he tl ream that he was to render services to his country, which would fix iqion him the eyes of the whole civilized world, and which would give him a place in the affections of his countrymen, second only, if second, to that of Washington. Election day came and Mr. Lincoln received 180 electoral votes out of 203 cast, and was, therefore, constitutionally elected President of the United States. The tirade of abuse that was [Xjured u[)on this good m^<^ and merciful man, especially by the slaveholders, was greater than upon any other man ever elected to this liigh position. In February, 1861, Mr. Lincoln started for Washington, stopping in all the large cities on his way making speeches. The whole journey was frought with much danger. Many of the Southern States had already seceded, and several attempts at assassination were afterwards brought to light. A gang in Balti- more had arranged, upon his arrival to" get up a row," and in the confusion to make sure of his death with revolvers and hand-grenades. A detective unravelled the plot. A secret and special train was provided to take him from HarrisL'urg, through Baltimore, at an unexpected hour of the night. The train started at halt-past ten ; and to prevent any possible communi- cation on the part ol the Secessionists with their Con- federate gang in Baltimore, as soon as the train had started the telegraph-wires were cut. Mr. Lincoln reached Washington in safety and was inaugurated, although great anxiety was felt l)y all loyal people. In the selection of his cabinet Mr. Lincoln gave to Mr Seward the Department of State, and to other prominent op[)onents before the convention he gave important positions. During no other administration have the duties devolving upon the President been so manifold, and the responsibilities so great, as those which fell to the lot of President Lincoln. Knowing this, and feeling his own weakness and inability to meet, and in his own strength to cope with, the ditficuhies, he learned early to seek Divine wisdom and guidance in determining his |)lans, and Divine comfort in all his trials, lio^h |)ersonal and national Contrary to his own estimate of himself, Mr. Lincoln was one of the most courageous of men. He went directly into the rebel ca[)ital just as the retreating foe was leaving, with no guard but a few sailors. From the time he had left Springfield, in 1861, however, [ilans had been made for his assassination, and he at last fell a victim to one of them. Aiiril 14, 1865, he, with Gen. Grant, was urgently invited to attend Fords' Theater. It was announced that they would Le present. Gen. Grant, however, left the city. President Lincoln, feel- ing, with his characteristic kindliness of heart, that it would be a disappointment if he should fail them, very reluctantly consented to go. While listening to the i)lay an actor by the name of John Wilkes Booth entered the box where the President and family were seated, and fired a bullet into his lirains. He died the next morning at seven o'clock. Never before, in the history of the world was a nation |)lunged into such deep grief by the death of its ruler Strong men met in the streets and wept ih speechless anguish. It is not too much to say that a nation was in tears. His was a life which will filly become a model. His name as the savior of his country will live with that of Washington's, ils father; his country- men being unable to decide which is the greater. i :W OCy^ %i^>?t^ SEVENTEENTH PRESIDENT. H T^T^^S^^^ NDREW JOHNSON, seven- teenth President of the United States. The early life of Andrew Johnson contains but the record of poverty, destitu- tion and friendlessness. He was born December 29, 180S, in Raleigh, N. C. His parents, belonging to the class of the "poor whites " of the South, were in such circumstances, that they could not confer even the slight- est advantages of education upon their child. When Andrew was five years of age, his father accidentally lost his life while herorically endeavoring to save a friend from drowning. Until ten years of age, Andrew was a ragged boy about the streets, supixsrted by the labor of his mother, who obtained her living with her own hands. He then, having never attended a school one day, and being unable either to read or write, was ap- prenticed to a tailor in his native town. A gentleman was in the habit of going to the tailor's shop occasion- ally, and reading to the boys at work there. He often read from the speechesof distinguished British states- men. Andrew, who was endowed with a mind of more than ordinary native ability, became much interested in these speeches ; his ambition was roused, and he was inspired with a strong desire to learn to read. He accordingly applied himself to the alphabet, and with the assistance of some of his fellow- workmen, learned his letters. He then called upon the gentle- man to borrow the book of speeches. The owner. pleased with his zeal, not only gave him the bciok, but assisted him in learning to combine the letters into words. Under such difficulties he pressed on- ward laboriously, spending usually ten or twelve hours at work in the shop, and then robbing himself of rest and recreation to devote such time as he could to reading. He went to Tennessee in 1826, and located at Greenville, where he married a young lady who pos- sessed some education. Under her instructions he learned to write and cipher. He became prominent in the village debating society, and a favorite with the students of Greenville College. In 1828, he or- ganized a working man's party, which elected him alderman, and in 1830 elected him mayor, which position he held three years. He now began to take a lively interest in political affairs; identifying himself with the working-classes, to which he belonged. In 1835, he was elected a member of the House of Representatives of Tennes- see. He was then just twenty-seven years of age. He became a very active member of the legislature, gave his adhesion to the Democratic party, and in 1840 "stumped the State," advocating Martin Van Buren's claims to the Presidency, in opposition to those of Gen. Harrison. In this campaign he acquired much readiness as a speaker, and extended and increased his reputation. In 1841, he was elected State Senator; in 1843, he was elected a member of Congress, and by successive elections, held that important jx)st for ten years. In 1853, he was elected Governor of Tennessee, and was re-elected in 1855. In all these res])onsible posi tions, he discharged his duties with distinguished abil •►-*-«< 84 ANDREW JOHNSON. Ar \ t ity, and proved himself the warm friend of the work- ing classes. In 1857, Mr. Johnson was elected United States Senator. Years before, in 1845, he had warmly advocated the annexation of Texas, stating however, as his reason, that he thought this annexation would prob- ably prove " to be the gateway out of which the sable sons of Africa are to pass from bondage to freedom, and become merged in a population congenial to themselves." In 1850, he also supported the com- promise measures, the two essential features of which were, that the white people of the Territories should be permitted to decide for themselves whether they would enslave the colored people or not, and that the free States of the North should return to the South persons who attempted to escape from slavery. Mr. Johnson was neverashamedof his lowly origin: on the contrary, he often took pride in avowing that he owed his distinction to his own exertions. "Sir,'" said he on the floor of the Senate, " I do not forget that I am a mechanic ; neither do I forget that Adam was a tailor and sewed fig-leaves, and that our Sav- ior was the son of a carpenter." In the Charleston- Baltimore convention of i860, he was the choice of the Tennessee Democrats for the Presidency. In 186 i, when the purpose of the South- ern Democracy became apparent, he took a decided stand ill favor of the Union, and held that " slavery must be held subordinate to the Union at whatever cost." He returned to Tennessee, and repeatedly imperiled liis own life to protect the Unionists of Tennesee. Tennessee having seceded from the Union, President Lincoln, on March 4th, 1862, a[)- pointed liim Military Governor of the State, and he established the most stringent military rule. His numerous proclamations attracted wide attention. In 1864, he was elected Vice-President of the United States, and ujxjn the death of Mr. Lincoln, April 15, 1865, became President. In a speech two days later he said, "The American people must be taught, if they do not already feel, that treason is a crime and must be punished ; that the Government will not always bear with its enemies; that it is strong not only to protect, but to punish. * * Tlie people must understand that it (treason) is the blackest of crimes, and will surely l)e punished." Yet his whole administration, the history of which is so well known, was in utter itKonslstency with, and the most violent opiX)sition to, the principles laid down in that speech. In his loose policy of reconstruction and general amnesty, he was opposed by Congress ; and he char- acterized Congress as a new rebellion, and lawlessly defied it, in everything possible, to the utmost. In the beginnirig of 1868, on account of "high crimes and misdemeanors," the principal of which was the removal of Secretary Stanton, in violation of the Ten- ure of Office Act, articles of impeachment were pre- ferred against him, and the trial began March 23. It was very tedious, continuing for nearly three months. A test article of the impeachment was at length submitted to the court for its action. It was certain that as the court voted upon that article so would it vote upon all. Thirty-four voices pronounced the President guilty. As a two-thirds vote was neces- sary to his condemnation, he was pronounced ac- quitted, notwithstanding the great majority against him. The change of one vote from the 7wt guilty side would have sustained the impeachment. The President, for the remainder of his term, was but little regarded. He continued, though imiKitently, his conflict with Congress. His own party did not think it expedient to renominate him for the Presi- dency. The Nation rallied, with enthusiasm unpar- alleled since the days of Washington, around the name of Gen. Grant. Andrew Johnson was forgotten. The bullet of the assassin introduced him to the President's chair. Notwithstanding tliis, never was there presented to a man a better opixjrtunity to im- mortalize his nam.e, and to win the gratitude of a nation. He failed utterly. He retired to his home in Greenville, Tenn., taking no very active part in politics until 1875. On Jan. 26, after an exciting struggle, he was chosen by the Legislature of Ten- nessee, United States Senator in the fortj'-fourth Con- gress, and took his seat in that body, at the special session convened by President Grant, on the 5 th of March. On the 27th of July, 1875, the ex-President made a visit to his daughter's home, near Carter Station, Tcnn. When he started on his journey, he was apparently in his usual vigorous health, but on reach- ing the residence of his child the following day, was stricken with paralysis, rendering him unconscious. He rallied occasionally, but finally passed away at 2 .\. M., July 31, aged sixty-seven years. His fun- eral was attended at Geenville, on the 3d of August, with every demonstration of respect. f ;^|^vx^ #^^ ^^If^'^^ci.^^^^ -^•- EIGHTEENTH PRESIDENT. 87 to LYSSES S. GRANT, the eighteenth President of the ^United States, was born on the 29th of April, 1822, of Christian parents, in a humble l^4y home, at Point Pleasant, on the banks of the Ohio. Shortly after his father moved to George- town, Brown Co., O. In this re- mote frontier hamlet, Ulysses received a common-school edu- cation. At the age of seven- teen, in the year 1839, he entered the Military Academy at West I Point. Here he was regarded as a solid, sensible young man of fair abilities, and of sturdy, honest character. He took respectable rank as a scholar. In June, 1843, he graduated, about the middle in his class, and was sent as lieutenant of in- fantry to one of the distant military [x^sts in the Mis- souri Territory. Two years he past in these dreary solitudes, watching the vagabond and exasperating Indians. The war with Mexico came. Lieut. Grant was sent with his regiment to Corpus Christi. His first battle was at Palo Alto. There was no chance here for the e.i»liibition of either skill or heroism, nor at Resaca de la Palma, his second battle. At the battle of Monterey, his third engagement, it is said that he performed a signal service of daring and skillful horsemanship. His brigade had exhausted its am- munition. A messenger must be sent for more, along a route exposed to the bullets of the foe. Lieut. Grant, adopting an expedient learned of the Indians, grasped the mane of his horse, and hanging upon one side of the anifoa.!, ran the gauntlet in entire safety. i^* From Monterey he was sent, with the fourth infantry, to aid Gen. Scott, at the siege of Vera Cruz. In prepararion for the march to the city of Mexico, he was appointed quartermaster of his regiment. At the battle of Molino del Rey, he was promoted to a first lieutenancy, and was brevetted captain at Cha- pultepec. At the close of the Mexican War, Capt. Grant re- turned with his regiment to New York, and was again sent to one of the military posts on the frontier. The discovery of gold in California causing an immense tide of emigration to flow to the Pacific shores, Capt. Grant was sent with a battalion to Fort Dallas, in Oregon, for the protection of the interests of the im- migrants. Life was wearisome in those wilds. Capt. Grant resigned his commission and returned to the States ; and having married, entered upon the cultiva- tion of a small farm near St. Louis, Mo. He had but little skill as a farmer. Finding his toil not re- munerative, he turned to mercantile life, entering into the leather business, with a younger brother, at Ga- lena, 111. This was in the year i860. As the tidings of the rebels firing on Fort Sumpter reached the ears of Capt. Grant in his counting-room, he said, — "Uncle Sam has educated me for the army; though I have served him through one war, I do not feel that I have yet repaid the debt. I am still ready to discharge my obligations. I shall therefore buckle on my sword and see Uncle Sam through this war too." He went into the streets, raised a company of vol- unteers, and led them as their captain to Springfield, the capital of the State, where their services were offered to Gov. Yates. The Governor, impressed by the zeal and straightforward executive ability of Capt. Grant, gave him a desk in his office, to assist in the volunteer organization that was being formed in the State in behalf of the Government. On the 15th of •^ tj u -•» t/L VSSBS S. GRA NT. 4- ■I June, 1 86 1, Capt. Grant received a commission as Colonel of the Twenty-first Regiment of Illinois Vol- unteers. His merits as a West Point graduate, who had served for 15 years in the regular army, were such that he was soon promoted to the rank of Brigadier- General and was i)laced in command at Cairo. The rebels raised their banner at Paducah, near the mouth of the Tennessee River. Scarcely had its folds ap- peared in the breeze ere Gen. Grant was there. The rebels fled. Their banner fell, and the star and stripes were unfurled in its stead. He entered the service with great determination and immediately began active duty. This was the be- ginning, and until the surrender of Lee at Richmond he was ever pushing the enemy with great vigor and effectiveness. At Belmont, a few days later, he sur- prised and routed the rebels, then at Fort Henry won another victory. Then came the brilliant fight at Fort Donelson. The nation was electrified by the victory, and the brave leader of the boys in blue was immediately made a Major-General, and the military jistrict of Tennessee was assigned to him. Like all great captains. Gen. Grant knew well how to secure the results of victory. He immediately pushed on to the enemies' lines. Then came the terrible battles of Pittsburg Landing, Corinth, and the siege of Vicksburg, where Gen. Pemberton made an unconditional surrender of the city with over thirty thousand men and one-hundred and seventy-two can- non. The fall of Vicksburg was by far the most severe blow wliicli the rebels had thus far encountered, and opened up the Mississip[)i from Cairo to the Gulf. Gen. CJrant was next ordered to co-operate with Gen. Banks in a movement upon Texas, and pro- ceeded to New Orleans, where he was thrown from his horse, and received severe injuries, from which he was laid up for months. He then rushed to the aid of Gens. Rosecrans and Tliomas at Chattanooga, and by a wonderful series of strategic and technical meas- ures put tlie Union Army in fighting condition. Then followed tile bloody battles at Chattanooga, Lookout Mountain and Missionary Ridge, in which the rebels were routed with great loss. This won for him un- bounded praise in the North. On the 4th of Febru- ary, 1864, Congress revived the grade of lieutenant- general, and the rank was conferred on Gen. Grant. He repaired to Washington to receive his credentials and enter upon the duties of his new office. Gen. Grant decided as soon as he took charge of the army to concentrate the widely-dispersed National troops for an attack upon Richmond, the nominal capital of the Rebellion, and endeavor there to de- stroy the rebel armies which would be promptly as- sembled from all quarters for its defence. The whole continent seemed to tremble under the tramp of these majestic armies, rushing to the decisive battle field. Steamers were crowded with troops. Railway trains were burdened with closely packed thousands. His plans were comprehensive and involved a series of campaigns, which were executed with remarkable en- ergy and ability, and were consummated at the sur- render of Lee, April 9, 1865. The war was ended. The Union was saved. The almost unanimous voice of the Nation declared Gen. Grant to be the most prominent instrument in its sal- vation. The eminent services he had thus rendered tlie country brought him conspicuously forward as the Republican candidate for the Presidential cliair. At the Republican Convention held at Chicago, May 21, 1868, he was unanimously nominated for the Presidency, and at the autunni election received a majority of the popular vote, and 214 out of 294 electoral votes. The National Convention of the Republican party which met at Philadelphia on the 5th of June, 1872, placed Gen. Grant in nomination for a second tenn by a unanimous vote. The selection was emjihati- cally indorsed by the people five months l.Uer, 292 electoral votes being cast for him. Soon after the close of his second term, Gen. Grant started upon his famous trip around the world. He visited almost every country of the civilized world, and was everywhere received with such ovations and demonstrations of respect and honor, private as well as public and official, as were never before bestowed upon any citizen of the United States. He was the most prominent candidate before the Republican National Convention in 1S80 for a re- nomination fijr President. He went to New York and enil)arked in the brokerage business under the firm nanieof Grant & Ward. The latter proved a villain, wrecked Grant's fortune, and for larceny was sent to the penitentiary. The General was attacked with cancer in the throat, but suffered in his stoic-like manner, never complaining. He was re-instated as (leneral of the Army and retired by Congress. The cancer soon finished its deadly work, and July 23, 1885, the nation went in mourning over the death of the illustrious General. ,s^o«.^-«o^^ ,of-'* I A Scyu.-6L->-^ =^ RUTHEIII'QRD Be HiLYES. 1* UTHERFORD B. HAYES, the nineteenth President of the United States, was born in Delaware, O., Oct. 4, 1822, al- most three months after the '^ death of his father, Rutherford ^g Hayes. His ancestry on both the paternal and maternal sides, was of the most honorable char- acter. It can be traced, it is said, as far back as 1280, when Hayes and Rutherford were two Scottish chief- tains, fighting side by side with Baliol, William Wallace and Robert Bruce. Both families belonged to the nobility, owned extensive estates, and had a large following. Misfor- tune overtaking the family, George Hayes left Scot- land in 1680, and settled in Windsor, Conn. His son George was born in Windsor, and remained there during his life. Daniel Hayes, son of the latter, mar- ried Sarah Lee, and lived from the time of his mar- riage until his death in Simsbury, Conn. Ezekiel, son of Daniel, was born in 1724, and was a manufac- turer of scythes at Bradford, Conn. Rutherford Hayes, son of Ezekiel and grandfather of President Hayes, was born in New Haven, in August, 1756. He was a farmer, blacksmith and tavern-keeper. He emigrated to Vermont at an unknown date, settling in Brattleboro, where he established a hotel. Here his son Ruth- erford Hayes the father of President Hayes, was born. He was married, in September, 1813, to Sophia Birchard, of Wilmington, Vt., whose ancestors emi- grated tiiither from Connecticut, they having been among the wealthiest and best famlies of Norwich. Her ancestry on the male side are traced back to 1635, to John Birchard, one of the principal founders of Norwich. Both of her grandfathers were soldiers in the Revolutionary War. The father of President Hayes was an industrious, frugal and opened-hearted man. He was of a me- chanical turn, and could mend a plow, knit a stock- ing, or do almost anything else that he choose to undertake. He was a member of the Church, active in all the benevolent enterprises of the town, and con- ducted his business on Christian principles. After the close of the war of 1812, for reasons inexplicable to his neighbors, he resolved to emigrate to Ohio. The journey from Vermont to Ohio in that day, when there were no canals, steamers, nor railways, was a very serious affair. A tour of inspection was first made, occupying four months. Mr. Hayes deter- mined to move to Delaware, where the family arrived in 1817. He died July 22, 1822, a victim of malarial fever, less than three months before the birth of the son, of whom we now write. Mrs. Hayes, in her sore be- reavement, found the support she so much needed in her brother Sardis, who had been a member of the household from the day of its departure from Ver- mont, and in an orphan girl whom she had adopted some time before as an act of charity. Mrs. Hayes at this period was very weak, and the n -4*- t EUTHERFORD B. HAYES. \ subject of this sketch was so feeble at birth that he was not expected to live beyond a month or two at most. As the months went by he grew weaker and weaker, so that the neighbors were in the habit of in- quiring from time to time " if Mrs. Hayes' baby died last night." On one occasion a neighbor, who was on familiar terms with the family, after alluding to the boy's big head, and the mother's assiduous care of him, said in a bantering way, " That's right! Stick to him. You have got him along so far, and I shouldn't wonder if he would really come to something yet." " You need not laugh," said Mrs. Hayes. "You wait and see. You can't tell but I shall make him President of the United States yet." The boy lived, in spite of the universal predictions of his speedy death; and when, in 1825, his older brother was drowned, he became, if possible, still dearer to his mother. The boy was seven years old before he went to school. His education, however, was not neglected. He probably learned as much from his mother and sister as he would have done at school. His sports were almost wholly within doors, his playmates being his sister and her associates. These circumstances tended, no doui)t, to foster that gentleness of dis|X)- sition, and that delicate consideration for the feelings of others, which are marked traits of his character. His uncle Sardis Birchard took the deepest interest in his education ; and as the boy's health- KatJ >ni-' proved, and he was making good progres^'jj^ijbjs studies, he proix)sed to send him to college. His pre'- paration commenced with a tutor at home; b;it he was afterwards sent for one year to a professq^ in tti.e ^Vesleyan University, in Middletown, Conn. .'Heeij?^,- tered Kenyon College in 1838, at the age of sixt'e^i^j- and was graduated at the head of his class in 1842. Immediately after his graduation he began the study of law in the office of Thomas Sparrow, Esq., in Columbus. Finding his opportunities for study in Columbus somewhat limited, he determined to enter the I^aw School at Cambridge, Mass., where he re- mained two years. In 1845, after graduatmg at the Law School, he was admitted to the bar at Marietta, Ohio, and shortly afterward went into practice as an attorney-at-law witli Ralph P. Buckland, of Fremont. Here he re- mained three years, acquiring but a limited i)ractice, and apparently unambitious of distinction in his jiro- fcssion. In 1849 he moved to Cincmnati, where his ambi- tion found a new stimulus. For several years, how- ever, his i)rogress was slow. Two events, occurring at this jieriod, had a powerful influence upon his subse- ([uent life. One of these was his marrage with Miss Lucy Ware Webb, daughter of Dr. James Wcbl), of Ciiilicothe; the other was his introduction to the Cin- cinnati Literary C'lub, a body embracing among its members such meri as'^hief Justice Salmon P, Chase, Gen. John Pope, Gov. Edward F. Noyes, and many others hardly less distinguished in after life. The marriage was a fortunate one in every respect, as everybody knows. Not one of all the wives of our Presidents was more universally admired, reverenced and beloved than was Mrs. Hayes, and no one did more than she to reflect honor upon American woman- hood. The Literary Cluu brought Mr. Hayes into constant association with young men of high char- acter and noble aims, and lured him to display the qualities so long hidden by his bashfulness and modesty. In 1856 he was nominated to the office of Judge of the Court of Common Pleas; but he declined to ac- cept the nomination. Two years later, the office of city solicitor becoming vacant, the City Council elected him for the unexpired term. In 1861, when the Rebellion broke out, he was at the zenith of his prolessional life. His rank at the bar was among the the first. But the news of the attack on P'ort Sumpter found him eager to take up arms for the defense of his countr)-. His military record was bright ar.d illustrious. In October, 186 1, he was made Lieutenant-Colonel, and in August, 1862, promoted Colonel of the 79th Ohio regiment, but he refused to leave his old comrades and go among strangers. Subsequently, however, he was made Colonel of his old regiment. At the battle of.South Mountain he received a wound, and while /a.intand bleeding disjjlayed courage and fortitude tjiai.'.won admiration from all. "Col. Haves was detached from his regiment, after his recovery, to act as Brigadier-General, and placed ' ttTc-command of the celebrated Kanawlia division, .'■aftd-for;gallant and meritorious services in tlie battles ofWinchester, Fisher's Hill and Cedar Creek, he was promoted Brigadier-General. He was also brevetted Major-General, "forgallant and distinguished fcrvices during the campaigns of rS64, in West Virginia." In the course of his arduous services, four horses were shot from under him, and he was wounded four times. In 1864, Gen. Hayes was elected to Congress, from the Second Ohio District, which had long been Dem- ocratic. He was not present during tlie campaign, and after his election was importuned lo resign his commission in the army ; but he finally declared, " I shall never coine to Wasliington until I can come by the way of Richmond." He was re-elected in 1866. \v. 1867, Gen Hayes was elected Governor of Ohio, over Hon. .Mien G. Thurman, a popular Democrat. In 1869 was re-elected over George H. Pendleton. He w.as elected Governor for the third term in 1875. In 1S76 he was the standard bearer of the Repub- lican Party in the Presidential contest, and after a hard long contest was chosen President, and was in augurated Monday, March 5, 1S75. He served his full term, not, hcwever, with satisfaction to his party, but his admin'stration was an average op? _»► ■ < i;\-\N^ ^fO■RK %£- ^^^'''' -4•- TiVENTIETH PRESIDENT. 95 I Ji^MUl ii, ©ARFIEiLER., I '/i* -^ ,„ ,„ i% AMES A. GARFIELD, twen- tieth President of the United States, was born Nov. 19, 1S31, in the woods of Orange, Cuyahoga Co., O His par- ents were Abram and Ehza (Ballou) Garfield, both of New England ancestry and from fami- lies well known in the early his- tory of that section of our coun- try, but had moved to the Western Reserve, in Ohio, early in its settle- ment. The house in which James A. was born was not unlike the houses of poor Ohio farmers of that day. It was about 20x30 feet, built of logs, with the spaces be- tween the logs filled with clay. His father was a hard working farmer, and he soon had his fields cleared, an orchard planted, and a log barn built. The household comprised the father and mother and their four children — Mehetabel, Thomas, Mary and James. In May, 1823, the father, from a cold con- tracted in helping to put out a forest fire, died. At this time James was about eighteen months old, and Thomas about ten years old. No one, perhaps, can tell how much James was indebted to his biother's toil and self-sacrifice during the twenty years suc- ceeding his father's death, but undoubtedly very much. He now lives in Michigan, and the two sis- ters live in Solon, O., near their birthplace. The early educational advantages young Garfield enjoyed were very limited, yet he made the most of them. He labored at farm work for others, did car- penter work, chopped wood, or did anything that would bring in a few dollars to aid his widowed piother in he' strijggles to keep the little family to- -«• — — gether. Nor was Gen. Garfield ever ashamed of his origin, and he never forgot the friends of his strug- gling childhood, youth and manhood, neither did they ever forget him. When in the highest seats of honor, the humblest fiiend of his boyhood was as kindly greeted as ever. The jworest laborer was sureof the sympathy of one who had known all the bitterness of want and the sweetness of bread earned by the sweat of the brow. He was ever the simple, plain, modest gentleman. The highest ambition of young Garfield until he was about si.xteen years old was to be a captain of a vessel on Lake Erie. He was anxious to go aboard a vessel, wliich his mother strongly opposed. She finally consented to his going to Cleveland, with the understanding, however, that he sliould try to obtain some other kind of employment. He walked all the way to Cleveland. This was his first visit to the city. After making many applications for work, and trying to get aboard a lake vessel, and not meeting with success, he engaged as a driver for his cousin, Amos Letcher, on tlie Ohio & Pennsylvania Canal. He re- mained at this work but a short time when he went home, and attended the seminary at Chester for about three years, when he entered Hiram and the Eclectic Institute, teaching a few terms of school in tlie meantime, and doing other work. This school was started by the Disciples of Christ in 1850, of which church he was then a member. He became janitor and bell-ringer in order to help pay his way. He then became both teacher and pupil. He soon " exhausted Hiram " and needed more ; hence, in the fall of 1854, he entered Williams College, from which he graduated in 1856, taking one of the highest hon- ors of his class. He afterwards returned to Hiram College as its President. As above slated, he early united with the Christian or Diciples Church at Hiram, and was ever after a devoted, zealous mem- ber, often preaching in its pulpit and places where he happened to be. Dr. Noah Porter, President of Yale College, says of him in reference to his religion ; 96 JAMES A. GARFIELD. "^nl. <# " President Garfield was more than a man of strong moral and religious convictions. His whole history, from boyhood to the last, shows that duty to man and to God, and devotion to Christ and life and faith and spiritual commission were controlling springs of his being, and to a more than usual degree. In my judgment there is no more interesting feature of his character than his loyal allegiance to the body of Cliristians in which he was trained, and the fervent sympathy which he ever showed in their Christian communion. Not many of the few 'wise and mighty and noble who are called' show a similar loyalty to the less stately and cultured Christian communions in which they have been reared. Too often it is true that as they step upward in social and political sig- nificance they step upward from one degree to another in some of the many types of fashionable Christianity. President Garfield adhered to the church of his mother, the church in which he was trained, and in wliich he served as a pillar and an evangelist, and yet with the largest and most unsec- larian charity for all 'who loveour Lord in sincerity.'" Mr. Garfield was united in marriage with Miss Lucretia Rudolph, Nov. 11, 1858, who proved herself worthy as the wife of one whom all the world loved and mourned. To them were born seven children, five of whom are still living, four boys and one girl. Mr. Garfield made his first political speeches in 1 85 6, in Hiram and the neighboring villages, and three years later he began to speak at county mass-meet- ings, and became the favorite speaker wherever he was. During this year he was elected to the Ohio Senate. He also began to study law at Cleveland, and in i86i was admitted to the bar. The great Rebellion broke out in the early part of this year, and Mr. Garfield at once resolved to fight as he had talked, and enlisted to defend the old flag. He re- ceived his commission as I^ieut. -Colonel of the Forty- second Regiment of Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Aug. 14, 1861. He was immediately put into active ser- vice, and before he had ever seen a gun fired in action, was placed in command of four regiments of infantr)' and eight companies of cavalry, charged with the work of driving out of his native State the officer (Humphrey Mirsliall) reputed to be the ablest of those, not educated to war whom Kentucky had given to the Rebellion. This work was bravely and speed- ily accomplisiied, although against great odds. Pres- ident Lincoln, on his success commissioned him Brigadier-General, Jan. 10, 1862; and as "he had been the youngest man in the Ohio Senate two years before, so now he was the youngest General in the army." He was with Gen. Buell's army at Shiloh, in its operations around Corinth and its march through Alabama. He was then detailed as a memberof the General Coutt-Martial for the trial of Gen. Fitz-Iohn Porter. He was then ordered to rejwrt to Gen. Rose- crans, and was assigned to the "Chief of Staff." The military Wstory of Gen. Garfield closed with <• his brilliant services at Chickamauga, where he won the stars of the Major-General. Without an effort on his part Gen. Garfield was elected to Congress in the fall of 1862 from the Nineteenth District of Ohio. This section of Ohio had been represented in Congress for si.xty years mainly by two men — Elisha Whittlesey and Joshua R. Giddings. It was not without a struggle that he resigned his place in the army. At the time he en- tered Congress he was the youngest member in that body. There he remained by successive re- elections until he was elected President in 1880. Of his labors in Congress Senator Hoar says : " Since the year 1864 you cannot think of a question wiiich has been debated in Congress, or discussed before a tribunel of the American people, in regard to which you will not find, if you wish mstruction, the argu- ment on one side stated, in almost every instance better than by anybody else, in some speech made in the House of Representatives or on the hustings by Mr. Garfield." UiX)n Jan. 14, 1880, Gen. Garfield was elected to the U. S. Senate, and on the eighth of June, of tiie same year, was nominated as the candidate of his party for President at the great Chicago Convention. He was elected in the following November, and on March 4, 1881, was inaugurated. Probably no ad- ministration ever opened its existence under brighter auspices than that of President Garfield, and every day it grew in favo; with the people, and by the first of July he had completed all the initiatory and pre- liminary work of his administration and was prepar- ing to leave the city to meet his friends at Williams College. Wliile on liis way and at the depot, in com- pany with Secretary Blaine, a man stepped behind him, drew a revolver, and fired directly at his back. The President tottered and fell, and as he did so the assassin fired a second shot, the bullet cutting the left coat sleeve of his victim, Init in.Ticting no further injury. It has been very truthfully said that this was " the shot that was heard round the world " Never liefore in the history of the Nation had anything oc- curred wiiich so nearly froze the blood of the people for tlie moment, as this awful deed. He was smit- ten on the brightest, gladdest day of all his life, and was at the summit of his ]X)wer and hope. For eighty days, all during the hot months of July and August, he lingered and suffered. He, however, remained master of himself till the last, and by his magnificent bearing was teaching the country and the world the noblest of human lessons — how to live grandly in the very clutch of death. Great in life, he was surpass- ingly great in death. He passed serenely away Sept. 19, 1883, at Elbcron, N. J , on the very bank of the ocean, where he had been taken shortly i>revious. The world wept at his death, as it never had done on the death of any other man w ho had ever lived ujion it. The murderer was duly tried, found guilty and exe- cuted, in one year after he committed the foul deed. i # OC-^-y. -h TWENTY-FIRST. PRESIDENT. 99 1- HESTER A. ARTHUR, twenty-first Presi'^.^iiL of the 'United States was born in Franklin Cour ty, Vermont, on g^ ^ . ,,,^ ,,.^-,^ the fifthofOc'obcr, 1830, andis ^^'^■..■h';|r the oldest of a family of two ^ ^ '"■ - ^ J sons and five daughters. His father was the Rev. Dr. William Ar':hur, a Baptist c'.rgyman, who emigrated to tb.s country from the county Antrim, Ireland, in his 1 8th year, and died in 1875, in Newtonville, n^ai Albany, after a long and successful ministry. Young Arthur was educated at Union College, S( henectady, where he excelled in all his studies. Af- ter his graduation he taught school 1^ in Vermont for two years, and at *£> the e.xpiration of that time came to New York, with $500 in his pocket, and entered the office of ex-Judge E. D. Culver as student. After I being admitted to the bar he formed a partnership with his intimate friend and room-mate, Henry D. Gardiner, with the intention of practicing in the West, and for three months they roamed about in the Western States in search of an eligible site, but in the end returned to New York, where they hung out their shingle, and entered upon a success- ful career almost from the start. General Arthur soon afterward niaxr'pd the daughter of Lieutenant Herndon, of the United States Navy, who was lost at sea. Congress voted a gold medal to his widow in recognition of the bravery he displayed on that occa- sion. Mrs. Arthur died shortly before Mr. Arthur's nomination to the Vice Presidency, leaving two children. Gen. Arthur obtained considerable legal celebrity in his first great case, the famous Lemmon suit, brought to recover possession of eight slaves who had been declared free by Judge Paine, of the Superior Court of New York City. It was in 1852 that Jon, athan Lemmon, of Virginia, went to New York with his slaves, intending to ship them to Texas, when they were discovered and freed. The Judge decided that they could not be held by the owner under the Fugitive Slave Law. A howl of rage went up from the South, and the Virginia Legislature authorized the Attorney General of that State to assist in an appeal. Wm. M. Evarts and Chester A. Arthur were employed to represent the People, and they won their case, which then went to the Supreme Court of the United States. Charles O'Conor here espoused the cause of the slave-holders, but he too was beaten by Messrs. Evarts and Arthur, and a long step was taken toward the emancipation of the black race. Another great service was rendered by General Arthur in the same cause in 1856. Lizzie Jennings, a respectable colored woman, was put off a Fourth Avenue car with violence after she had paid her fare. General Arthur sued on her behalf, and secured a verdict of $500 damages. The next day the compa- ny issued an order to admit colored persons to ride on their cars, and the other car companies quickly -•► 63417? -4^ lOO ■•► CHESTER A. ARTHUR. followed their example. Before that the Sixth Ave- nue Company ran a few special cars for colored per- sons and the other lines refused to let them ride at all. General Arthur was a delegate to the Convention at Saratoga that founded the Republican party. Previous to the war he was Judge-Advocate of the Second Brigade of the State of New York, and Gov- ernor Morgan, of that State, apiX)inted hun Engineer- in-Chief of his staff. In 1861, he was made Inspec- tor General, and soon afterward became Quartermas- ter-General. In each of these offices he rendered great service to the Government during the war. At the end of Governor Morgan's term he resumed the practice of the lavv, forming a partnership with Mr. Ransom, and then Mr. Phelps, the District Attorney of New Yoik, was added to the firm. The legal prac- tioe of this well-known firm was very large and lucra- tive, each of the gentlemen composing it were able lawyers, and possessed a splendid local reputation, if not indeed one of national extent. He always took a leading part in State and city politics. He was appointed Collector of the Port of New York by President Grant, Nov. 21 1872, to suc- ceed Thomas Murphy, and held the office until July, 20, 1878, when he was succeeded by Collector Merritt. Mr. Arthur was nominated on the Presidential ticket, with Gen. James A. Garfield, at the famous National Republican Convention held at Chicago in June, t88o. This was perhaps the greatest political convention that ever assembled on the continent. It was composed of the leading politicians of the Re- publican party, all able men, and each stood firm and fought vigorously and with signal tenacity for their respective candidates that were before the conven- tion for the nomination. Finally Gen. Garfield re- ceived the nomination for President and Gen. Arthur for Vice-President. The campaign which followed was one of the most animated known in the history of our country. Gen. Hancock, the standard-bearer of tlie Democratic party, was a popular man, and his party made a valiant fight for his election. Finally the election came and the country's choice was Garfield and Arthur. They were inaugurated March 4, i88r, as President and Vice-President. A few months only had passed ere the newly chosen President was the victim of the assassin's bullet. Then came terrible weeks of suffering, — -those moments of anxious suspense, when the hearts of all civilized na- tions were throbbing in unison, longing for the re- covery of the noble, the good President. The remark- able patience that he manifested during those hours and weeks, and even months, of the most terrible suf- fering man has often been called upon to endure, was seemingly more than human. It was certainly God- like. During all tliis period of deepest anxiety Mr. Arthur's every move was watched, and be it said to his credit that his every action displayed only an earnest desire that the suffering Garfield might recover, to serve the remainder of the term he had so auspi- ciously begun. Not a selfish feeling was manifested in deed or look of this man, even though the most honored jxisition in the world was at any moment likely to fall to him. At last God in his mercy relieved President Gar- field from further suffering, and the world, as never before in its history over the death of any other man, wept at his bier. Then it became the duty of the Vice President to assume the responsibilities of the high office, and he took the oath in New York, Sept. 20, 1881. The [xisition was an embarrassing one to him, made doubly so from the facts that all eyes were on him, anxious to know what he would do, what policy he would pursue, and who he would se- lect as advisers. The duties of the office had been greatly neglected during the President's long illness, and many important measures were to be immediately decided by him ; and still farther to embarrass him he did not fail to realize under what circumstances he became President, and knew the feelings of many on this point. Under these trying circumstances President Arthur took the reins of the Government in !iis own hands; and, as embarrassing as were the condition of affairs, he happily surprised the nation, acting so wisely that but few criticised his administration. He served the nation well and faithfully, until the close of his administration, March 4, 1S85, and was a popular candidate before his party for a second term. His name was ably presented before the con- vention at Chicago, and was received with great favor, and doubtless but for the personal popularity of one of tile opposing candidates, he would have been selected as the standard-bearer of his party for another campaign. He retired to private life car- rying with him the best wishes of the American peo- ple, whom he had served in a manner satisfactory to them and with credit to himself. i 'y^tZy/^ C/^Ayc//iAy^<-£l TWENTY-SECOND PRESIDENT. 103 )r0^er ®lei3elHttfi.> ^x^^^x^^if^s^^^>^^'g^^:^<^?/ii^^j.^^?}:^'^/!T'^^"~'^.mr'^.i^^^.m- '^m^' 000 coo TEPHEN GROVER CLEVE- LAN D, the twenty- second Pres- ident of the United States, was born in 1837, in the obscure town of Caldwell, Essex Co., N. J., and in a little two-and-a- half-story white house which is still standing, characteristically to mark the humble birth-place of one of America's great men in striking con- trast with the Old World, where all men high in office must be high in origin and born in the cradle of wealth. When the subject of this sketch was three years of age, his father, who was a Presbyterian min- ister, with a large family and a small salary, moved, by way of the Hudson River and Erie Canal, to Fayetteville, in search of an increased income and a larger field of work. Fayetteville was then the most straggling of country villages, about five miles from Pompey Hill, where Governor Seymour was bora. At the last mentioned place young Grover com- menced going to school in the "good, old-fashioned way," and presumably distinguished himself after the manner of all village boys, in doing the things he ought not to do. Such is the distinguishing trait of all geniuses and independent thinkers. When he arrived at the age of 14 years, he had outgrown the capacity of the village school and expressed a most ■^•^ emphatic desire to be sent to an academy. To this his father decidedly objected. Academies in those days cost money; besides, his father wanted him to become self-supporting by the quickest possible means, and this at that time in Fayetteville seemed to be a position in a country store, where his father and the large family on his hands had considerable influence. Grover was to be paid $50 for his services llie first year, and if he proved trustworthy he was to receive $roo the second year. Here the lad com- menced his career as salesman, and in two years he had earned so good a reputation for trustworthiness that his employers desired to retain him for an in- definite length of time. Otherwise he did not ex- hibit as yet any particular " flashes of genius " or eccentricities of talent. He was simply a good boy. But instead of remaining with this firm in Fayette- ville, he went with the family in their removal to Clinton, where he had an opportunity of attending a high school. Here he industriously pursued his studies until the family removed with him to a point on Black River known as the " Holland Patent," a village of 500 or 600 people, 15 miles north of Utica, N. Y. At this place his father died, after preaching but three Sundays. This event broke up the family, and Grover set out for New York City to accept, at a small salary, the position of " under-teacher " in an asylum for the blind. He taught faithfully for two years, and although he obtained a good reputation in this capacity, he concluded that teaching was not his * "^►^ ' 104 S. G ROVER CLEVELAND. calling for life, and, reversing the traditional order, he left the city to seek his fortune, instead of going to a city. He first thought of Cleveland, Ohio, as there was some charm in that name for him; but before proceeding to that place he went to Buffalo to isk the advice of his uncle, Lewis F. Allan, a noted stock-breeder of that place. The latter did not speak enthusiastically. "What is it you want to do, my boy?" he asked. "Well, sir, I want to study law," was the reply. " Good gracious ! " remarked the old gentleman; "do you, indeed ? What ever put that into your head? How much money have you got?" "Well, sir, to tell the truth, I haven't got any. After a long consultation, his uncle offered him a place temporarily as assistant herd-keeper, at $50 a year, w'nile he could "look around." One day soon afterward he boldly walked into the office of Rogers, Bowen & Rogers, of Buffalo, and told them what he wanted. A number of young men were already en- gaged in the office, but Grover's persistency won, and he was finally permitted to come as an office boy and have the use of the law library, for the nominal sum of $3 or $4 a week. Out of this he had to pay for his board and washing. Tiie walk to and from his uncle's was a long and rugged one; and, although the first winter was a memorably severe one, his shoes were out of repair and his overcoat — he had none — yet he was nevertheless prompt and regular. On the first day of his service here, his senior em- ployer threw down a copy of Blackstone before him with a bang that made the dust fly, saying "That's where they all begin." A titter ran around the little circle of clerks and students, as they thought that was enough to scare young Grover out of his plans ; but indue time he mastered that cumbersome volume. Then, as ever afterward, however, Mr. Cleveland exhibited a talent for executiveness rather than for chasing principles through all their metaphysical l»ssibilities. " Let us (juit talking and go and do it," was practically his motto. The first public office to which Mr. Cleveland was elected was that of Sheriff of Erie Co., N. Y., in which Buffalo is situated; and in such capacity it fell to his duty to inflict capital punishment upon two criminals. In i88r he was elected Mayor of the City of Buffalo, on tlie Democratic ticket, with es- pecial reference to the bringing about certain reforms in the administration of the municipal affairs of that city. In this office, as well as that of Sheriff, his performance of duty has generally been considered fair, with possibly a few exceptions which were fer- reted out and magnified during the last Presidential campaign. As a specimen of his plain language in a veto message, we quote from one vetoing an iniqui- tous street-cleaning contract: "This is a time for plain speech, and my objection to your action shall be plainly stated. I regard it as the culmination of a mos bare-faced, impudent and shameless scheme to betray the interests of the people and to worse than squander the people's money." The New York Sun afterward very highly commended Mr. Cleve- land's administration as Mayor of Buffalo, and there- upon recommended him for Governor of the Empire State. To the latter office he was elected in 1882, and his administration of the affairs of State was generally satisfactory. The mistakes he made, if any, were made very public throughout the nation after he was nominated for President of the United States. For this high office he was nominated July II, 1884, by the National Democratic Convention at Chicago, when other competitors were Thomas F. Bayard, Roswell P. Flower, Thomas A. Hendricks, Benjamin F. Butler, Allen G. Thurman, etc.; and he i^as elected by the people, by a majority of about a thousand, over the brilliant and long-tried Repub- lican statesman, James G. Blaine. President Cleve- land resigned his office as Governor of New York in January, 18S5, in order to prepare for his duties as the Ciiief Executive of the United States, in which capacity his term commenced at noon on the 4th of March, 18S5. For his Cabinet officers he selected the following gentlemen; For Secretary of State, Thomas F. Bayard, of Delaware ; Secretary of the Treasury, Daniel Manning, of New York ; Secretary of War, William C. Endicott, of Massachusetts; Secretary of the Navy, William C. Whitney, of New York; Secretary of the Interior, L. Q. C. Lamar, cf Mississippi; Postmaster-General, William F. Vilas, of Wisconsin; Attorney-General, A. H. Garland, of Arkansas. The silver question precipitated a controversy be- tween those who were in favor of the continuance of silver coinage and those who were opposed, Mr. Cleveland answering for the latter, even before his inauguration. t -^^ 'h 'xs^ ^■'yI^^ >^L^ ^/^ ►-Hl-^^ GOVERNORS OF IOWA. f i 111 - or>o ~oSo~ NSEL BRIGG8, the first gentleman chosen to fill the i>iibernatori;il chiih- of Iowa after its organization as a State, was a native of Ver- mont, and was born Vch. 3, 180G. His parents, who likewise were New Engianders, were Ben- jamin and pjlecta Briggs. Tlie boyhood of our subject was passed in his native State, and in at- tendance upon the common schools he received a fair education which was subsequently improved by a term at Norwich Academy. When a young man he removed with his parents to Cambridge, (Juernsey Co., Ohio, where young Briggs engaged in the- work of establishing stage lines. He also here embai'ked in political affairs and as a Whig run for the n for a brief time only. His second wife bore him eight chiklren, all of whom died in infancy save two, and of these lat- ter, Ansel, Jr., died May 15, 1867, aged twenty- five years. John S. Briggs, the only survivor of the family, is editor of the Idaho Herald. pul)lished at Blackfoot, Idaho Territory. Mrs. Briggs died Dec. 30, 1847, while her husband was Governor of the State. She was a devoted Christian lady, a strict member of the Presbyterian Church, and a woman of strong domestic tastes. She was highly- educated, and endowed by nature with that womanly t,act and grace which enabled her to adorn the high position her husband had attained. She dispensed a bounteous hospitality, though her li(nne was in a log house, and was highly esteemed and admired by all who met her. Gov. Briggs went in and out among his peoi)le for m.any j'cars after his retirement from the execu- tive ollice, and even after his return from tlie Mon- taivi expedition. He was admired for his able >"eL"tit«;s rendered so unselfishly during the pioneer lJt^'4f')d'tift.,the now great and populous State. His last''fifti)e.'5^f'>iJceration of the stomach, was of brief ■.jluratiiTii, histiug only five weeks, indeed oulj' three •^liiys liefol'^ius Yle.ith he w.as able to be out. His ""Tj^'BiiStt occurml .at the residence of his son, John S. Bnggs, ill (bnaha. Neb., at lialf-past three of the iiioniing"of ■May ;■>, 1881. His death was greatl}- niourned''all over the .State. Upon the following day, (iov. (iear issued a proclamation reciting his services to the State, ordering half-hour guns to be fired and the national flag on the State capitol to he pnl :il halt'-niast during the day upon which the fuin'ial was held, whii'h was the following .Sun- day succeeding his death. *r y^ ji^^f^-^:^:^ GOVERNORS OF IOWA. 115 i-S- >:»'>^Vt^f^:5<^^^ TEPHEN HEMPSTEAD, sec- ond Governoi' of Iowa, is a native of Connecticut, where, at New London, he was born Oct. 1, 1812. He resided in that State witli his pai'ents nntil 1828, when the family came West, locating upon a farm near Saint Louis. This was the liome of j'oung Stephen until 1830, when he went to (ialena. 111., where he served in the capacity of a clerk in a commission house for a time, lie was there during the exciting period of the Black Hawk troubles, and was an officer in an artillery company which had been organized for the protec- tion of Galena. After the defeat of Black Hawk and the consequent termination of Indian troubles, he entered the Illinois College at Jacksonville, where he remained for about two years. On ac- count of difficulties which he got into about sectarianism and abolitionism, he left the college and returned to Missouri. He shortly afterward entered the office of Charles S. Hempstead, a prom- inent lawyer of Galena, and Itegan the study of the profession in which he afterward became quite pro- ficient. In 1836 he was admitted to practice in all the courts of the Territory of Wisconsin, which at the time embraced the Territory of Iowa, and the same j'ear located at Dubuque, being the first law- yer who began the practice of his profession at that place. As might be expected in a territory but thinly populated, but one which was rapidly settling up, the services of an able attorney would be in de- mand in order to draft the laws. Upon the organ- ization of the Territorial Government of Iowa in 1838, he was, with Gen. Warner Lewis, elected to represent the northern portion of the Territory in the Legislative Council, which assembled in Bur- lington that year. He was Chairman of the Com- mittee Judiciary, and at the second session of that body was elected its President. He was again elected a member of the Council, in 1845, over which he also presided. In 1844 he was elected one of the delegates of Dubuque County, for the first convention to frame a constitution for the State. In 1848, in company with Judge Cnarles Mason and W. G. Woodward, he was appointed by the Legislature Commissioner to revise the laws of the State, which revision, with a few amend- ments, was adopted as the code of Iowa in 1851. In 1850 Mr. Hempstead was elected Governor of 1- ■•► M- I 116 -•► STEPHEN HEMPSTEAD. i the State, and served with ability for four years, that being the full term under the Constitution at the time. He received 13,480 votes against 11,- 403 east for his opponent, James L. Thompson. After the vote had been canvassed a committee was appointed to inform the Governor-elect that the two Houses of the Legislature were ready to re- ceive him in joint convention, in order that he might receive the oath prescribed by the Constitu- tion. Gov. Hempstead, accompanied by the retir- ing Executive, Gov. Briggs, the Judges of the Su- preme Court and the officers of State, entered the hall of the House where the Governor-elect deliv- ered his inaugural message, after which the oath was administered by the Chief Justice of the Su- preme Court. This was an important period in the history of the State, being at a time when the pub- lic affairs were assuming definite shape, and indeed it was what might be termed the foi-mative period. The session of the Legislature passed many import- ant acts which were approved Ijy the Governor, and during his term there were fifty-two new counties formed. Gov. Hempstead in his message to the Fourth General Assembly in December, ISfli, stated that among other things, the population of the State according to the Federal census was 192,- 214, and that the State census showed an increase for one year of 37,786. He also stated that the re- sources of the State for the coming two years would 1)6 sufficient to cancel all that yiavt of funded debt which was payable at its option. Among the numerous counties organized was one named Buncombe, which received its name in the following way : The Legislature was composed of a large majority favcn'ing stringent corporation laws and the liability of individual stockholders for cor- parate debts. This sentiment, on account of the agitation of I'ailroad enterprises then lieing inaugu- rated, brought a large number of prominent men to the capital. To have an effect upon the Legis- lature, they organized a "lobby l^egislature" and elected as (Jovcrnor, \'er|)lank \'an Antwerp, who delivered 1<> tlie seU'-cDnstitutcd body a lengthy message in vvlii( li lie sharpl}- criticized the regular General Assi'inbly. Some of the members of the latter were in the habit of making long and useful speeches much to the hindrance of business. To 4* these he especially referred, charging them with speaking for "Buncombe," and recommended that as a lasting memorial a county should lie called Ijy that name. This suggestion wa.s readily seized on by the Legislature, and the count.y of Binieombe was created with few dissenting voices. However, the Cieneral Assembly', in 1S02, changed the name to Lj'on, in honor of Gen. Nathaniel Lyon who was killed in the early part of the Civil War. The season of 1851 was one of great disappoint- ment to the pioneers of Iowa, and much suffering was the result of the bad season ot that j'ear. By the year 1854, the State had fully recovered fi'om the depression thus produced, and that year as well as the following, tlie emigration from the East was unprecedented. The i)rairies of Illinois were lined day after day with a continuous cai'avan of emi- grants pushing on toward Iowa. During a single month 1743 wagons bound for Iowa passed through Peoria.' So remarkable had been the influx of peo- ple into the State, that in an issue of the Burling- ton Teler/raph appeared the following statement: "Twenty thousand emigrants iiave passed through the city witliin the last thirty days, and they are still crossing the Mississippi at the rate of 600 a day." At the expiration of his term of service, which occurred in the latter part of the year 1854, Gov. Hempstead returned to his old home at Dubuque. In 1855 he was elected Count}- Judge of Dul)U(pie County, and S(j acceptably did he serve the peoi)le that for twelve years he was chosen to fill that posi- tion. Under his administration tlic princii)al county l)uilding, including the jail, pourliouse, as well as some valuable bridges, were erected. Owing to ill-health he was c<(m|)elled to I'etire from ])ublic life, |)assing the reniaimler of his days in quietude and repose at Dubuque. Tluic lie lived until Feb. 16, 1883, when, at his home, the light of his long and evenffnl life went out. Tlic iccord he has made, wliicli was an iioMor;ililc and distin- guished one, was closed, and Iowa was called upon to mourn the loss of one of lier most distinguished pioneer citizens. He had Ijeen an unusually useful man of the State and his services, wiiich were able and wise, were rendered in that unselfish spirit which distinguished so many of the early residents of this now prosperous State. -•^-m^ „ LENOX ^N0 A ^ e4.-7 z> 1 "4^ t ■•^■-4- GOVERNORS OF IOWA. 119 gfedSaas^ ■•>*sa e-aSj^l^fr, i^ AMES W. GRIMES, the third gentleman to fill the Executive Chair of the State jf Iowa, was born in the town of Deering, Hillsbor- ough Co., N. H., Oct. 20, 1816. His parents, John and Elizabeth (Wilson) Grimes, were also natives of the same town. 'fe The former was born on the 11th of August, 1772, and the motlior March 19,1773. They became the jiarents of eight children, of whom James was the youngest and be- came one of the most distinguished citizens of Iowa. He attended the district schools, and in early childhood evinced an unusual taste for learning. Besides attending the district schools, the village pastor instructed him in Greek and Latin. After completing his prepar- ations for college, which he did at Hampton Acad- emy, he entered Dai-tmouth College, in August, 1832, which was in the sixteenth year of his age. He was a hard student, advanced rapidly, and in February, 1835, bid adieu to the college halls, and with James Walker, of Peterborough, N. H., he be- gan tb"- study of his chosen profession. Feeling that his native State afforded too limited advantages, and, in fact, being of a ratlier advent- urous disposition, as well as ambitious, he desired liroader fields in whicli to carve for himself a fort- une. He accordingly left the home that had sheltered him during his boyhood da\'s, and turn- ing liis face Westward proceedeshire for tlie fertile prairies of the "West, distinguislied himself both as I an attorney and a statesman. His personal history is so inseparably interwoven in th;it of the history of the State that a sketch of his life is indeed but a record of the history of his adopted State during I the years of his manhood and vigor. ^ ■•►-■-♦ * v'-*'1*^-.c^^^ ^^^^^m^ j/ %^, 1 W-,i /? ^.ec ■h^ GOVERNORS OF IOWA. ^- 123 #ii ^^n^iyCA^t^ i GOVERNORS OF IOWA. 127 mi^Mwoedo | V ' "^i?*' HE fifth Governor of Iowa was Samuel J. Kirkwood. lie was bom in Hartford County, Md., on his father's farm, Dee. 20, 1813. His father was twice married, first to a lady named Coulson, who became the nu)ther of tw( > sons. After the death of this companion, the elder Kirkwood was united in marriage with JNIary Alexander, who bore him three children, all of whom were sons. Of this little family Samuel was the youngest, and when ten years of age was sent to Washington City to at- tend a school taught by John McLeod, a relative of the family. Here he remained for four years, giv- ing diligent attention to his studies, at the close of which time he entered a drug store at Washington as clerk. In this capacity he continued with the exception of eighteen months, until he reached his majority. During the interval referred to, .young Kirkwood was living the life of a i)edagogue in York County, Pa. In the year 1835, Samuel quit AVashington .and came westward to Richland County', Ohio. His father and brother had preceded him from Mary- land, locating upon a timbered farm in the Buckeye State. Here Samuel lent them valuable assistance in clearing the farm. He was ambitious to enter 1 f the legal profession, and in the year 1841, an oppor- tunity was afforded him to enter the ofl^ce of Thomas W. Bartley, afterward fJovernor of Ohio. The following two years he gave diligent applica- tion to his books, and in 1843, was admitted to pr.actice by the Supreme Court of Ohio. He was then fortunate enough to form an association in the practice of his profession with his former pre- ceptor, which relatii>ns continued for eigiit years. From 1845 to 1849 he served as Prosecuting Attorney of his county. In 1849 he was elected as a Democrat to represent his county and district in the Constitutional Convention. In 1851 Mr. Bartley, his partner, having been elected to the Supreme Judiciary of the State, Kirkwood formed a partnership with Barna])as Barns, ^vith whom he continued to practice until the spring of 1855, when he removed to the West. Up to 1854 Ml". Kirkwood had .acted with the Democratic party. But the measures proposed and sustained that year Ijy the Democracy in Congress, concentrated in what was known as the Kansas- Nebraska Act, drove him with hosts of anti-slavery Democrats out of the party. He w.as besought l>y the opposition in the "Richland District" to be- come their candidate for Congress, but declined. In 1855 he came to Iowa and settled two miles northwest of Iowa City, entering into a partnership with his brother-in-law, Ezekiel Cl.ark, in the mill- ing business, and kept .aloof from public affairs. He could not long conceal his record and abilities from his neighbors, however, and in 1856 he was elected to the State Senate from the district com- -•► 4 -k 128 SAMUEL J. KIRKWOOD. 4 posed of the counties of Iowa and Johnson, and served in the last session of the Legislatnre lield at Iowa City and the first one held at Des Moines. In 18")',) Jlr. Kirivwood was made the standard- bearer of the Kei)ul)lieans of Iowa, and though he had as able and popular a competitor as Gen. A. C. D(jdge, he was elected Governor of Iowa by a ni.ajority of over 3,000. He was inaugurated Jan. 11, 1860. Before the expiration of his first term came the great Civil "War. As Governor, during the darkest daj's of the Rebellion, he performed an exceedingly important duty. He secured a prompt response by volunteers to all reqiiisitions by the Federal Government on the State for troops, so that during his Governorship no "draft" took place in Iowa, and no regiment, except the first, enlisted for less than three 3'ears. At the same time he maintained the State's financial credit. The Legislature, at its extra session in 18(J1, authorized the sale of $800,000 in bonds, to assist in arming and equipping troops. So frugally' was this work done, that but |;i00,(l()0 of the bouds. were sold, and the remaining $.jOO,000 notluwing been required, the Ijonds representing this amouiit were destroyed hy order of the succeeding Legis- lature. In October, 1801, Gov. Kiikwond was, with ciini- paratively little op|)osition, re-elected — an honor accorded for the lirst time in the history of the State. His majority was about 18,000. During his second term he was apjiointed by President Lincoln to lie INI inister to Denmark, but he declined to enter upon his diitlomatic duties until the expir- ation of his term as Governor. The position was kept open for him until that time, but, when it cnnic, iiressim;- private business compelled a declin- ation iif the olllce altogether. In January, 18(;(;, he was a prominent candidate before the Legislature for United States Senator. Senator Harlan had resigned the Senatorsliip upon his ajipointment to the office of Secretary of the Interior by President Lincoln, just before his death, liut liail withdrawn from the cabinet soon after tlie accession of Mr. Johnson to the Presi- dency. In this waj' it happened that the Legisla- ture had two terms of United States Senator to fill, a short term of two years, to fill Harlan's unexpired term, and a long term of six j'ears to immeiliately succeed this ; and Harlan had now become a candi- date for his own successorship, to which Kirkwood also aspii'ed. Ultimately, Kirkwood was elected for the first and Harlan for the second term. Dur- ing his brief Senatorial service, Kirkwood did not hesitate to measure swords with Senator Sumner, whose natural egotism had begotten in him an ar- rogant and dictatorial manner, borne with humbly until then by his colleagues, in deference to his long experience and eminent ability, but unpalata- ble to an independent Western Senator like Kirk- wood. At the close of his Senatorial term, ^larch 4, 1867, he resumed the practice of law, which a few yeiU'S later he relinquished to accejjt the Presidency *0" AMUEL MElRRILL, Governoi- from 18G8 to 1H72, was liorn in Oxford County, Maine, Aug. 7, 1822. He is a de- scendant on his mother's side of Peter Hill, who came from England and settled in Maine in 1053. Fnini this ancestr}' have sprung most of the Hills in Ameri- ca. On his father's side he is a de- pendant of Nathaniel Merrill, who came from England in l(;;5(;,and lo- cated in Massachusetts. Nathaniel had a son, Daniel, who in turn had a son named John, and he in turn begat a son called Thomas. The latter was born Dec. 18, 1708. On the 4th of Aug- ust, 1728, was born to him a son, Samuel, who was married and had a family of twelve children, one of whom, Abel, was taken by his father to Boston in 1750. Abel was married to Elizabeth Page, who had five children, one of whom. A)>el, Jr., was the father of our subject. He married Abigail Hill June 25, 1809, and to them were born eight chil- dren, Samuel being the youngest but one. At the age of sixteen Samuel moved with his parents to Buxton, Maine, the native place of his mother, where his time was employed in turns in teaching and attending school until he attained his majority. Having determined to make teaching a profession, and feeling that the South offered better opportu- nities, he immediately set out for that section. He remained, however, but a short time, as he sa3^s "he was born too far North." Suspicion having been raised as to his abolition principles and finding tlie element ik )t altogether congenial, he so< m aljandoned the sunny South and went to the old (iranite State, where the next several years were spent in fanning. In 1847 he moved to Tamworth, N. H., where he engaged in the mercantile liusiness in company with a brother, in which he was quite successful. Not being satisfied with the limited resources of North- ern Now England he determined to try his good fortune on the broad prairies of the fertile West. It was in the year 1850 that Mr. Merrill turned his face toward the setting sun, finding a desirable location near McGregor, Iowa, where he established a branch house of the olil firm. The i)(>pulation in- creased, as also did their trade, and their house be- came one of the most extensive wholesale establish- ments on the Upper Mississippi. During all these years of business Mr. Merrill took an active part in politics. In 1854 he was chosen on the abolition ticket to the Legislature of New Hampshire. The following year he was again returned to the I>egis- latin-e, and doubtless had he remained in that State would have risen still higher. In coining to Iowa his experience and abilitj' were demanded by his neighbors, and he was here called into public serv- ice. He was sent to the Legislature, and though assembled with the most distinguished men of his time, took a leading part in the important services demanded of that body. The Legislature was con- vened in an extra session of 1801, to provide for ^m^^ 4 f M^ a 136 M ' SAMUEL MERRILL. the fxigeiK'ies of the Rebelliun, and in its deliber- ations Mr. Merrill took an active part. In the summer of 1.SG2, Mr. Merrill was commis- sioned Colonel of the 21st Iowa Infantry, and im- mediate!}' went to tile front. At the time Marma- duke was menacing the Union forces in Missouri, which called for iiroin[>t action on the part of the Union Generals. Col. Merrill was placed in com- mand, with detachments of the 21st Iowa and d'Jth Illinois, a portion of the 3d Iowa Cavalry and two pieces of artillery, with orders to make a forced march to Springfield, he being at the time eighty miles distant. On the morning of Jan. 11, 1863, he came across a l)<"ly of Confederates who were advancing in heavy force. Immediate preparations for battle were made by Col. Merrill, and after brisk- ly firing for an hour, the enemy fell back. Merrill then moved in the and strong, while Merrill had ))ut one-tenth of tliat mimber. A h(>t struggle ensued in which the 'rwenty-lirst distinguished- itself. The Confederate loss was several ollicers and three hun- dred men killed and wounded, while the I'nion loss was but seven killed and sixty-four wounded. The following winter the regiment performed active service, taking part in the cani|(aign of Vicksburg. ■ It fought under McCIeniand at Port (iibson, and while making the famous charge of lilack River Bridge. Col. 3Ierrill was severel_y wounded through the hip. lie was laid up from the 17th of May to Januarj\ when he again joined his regiment in Texas, and in June, 1(S(!4, on account of suffering from his wound, resigned and returned to Mc- Gregor. In ISlw Mr. Merrill was chosen Gov- ernor of the State, being elected u|>o,oot). With this sum the work was begun, and Nov. 23, 1871, the corner r stone was laid in the presence of citizens from all •►-•^^ parts of the State. On this occasion the Governor delivered the address. It was an historical view of the incidents culminating in the labors of the day. It was replete with historical facts, showed patient research, was logical and argumentative, and at times eloquent with the fire and genius of American pa- triotism. It is a paper worthy of the occasion, and does justice to the head and heart that con- ceived it. During the gubernatorial career of Gov. Mer- rill, extending through two terms, from Janu- ary, 1868. to January, 1872, he was actively en- gaged in the discharge of his otticial duties, and probably no incundient of that office ever devoted himself more earnestly to the public good, stand- ing by the side of Gov. Fairchild, of Wisconsin. The two were instrumental in i)lacing the slack- water navigation l)etween the ]Mississii)pi and the Lakes in the way (if idtimate and certain success. The Ciovernor treated this subject to great length and with marked ability in his message to the Tiiir- teenth General Assemlily, and so earnest was he in -liehalf of this impi'ovement, that he again discussed it in his message to the Fourteenth (ieneral Assem- lily. In the instigation of the work the Governors of tile different States interested, called conventions, and tlu'ough the deliberations of these assemblies the aid of the General Government was secured. Samuel Merrill was first married to Catherine Thomas, who died in 1847, fourteen moutiis after their marriage. In January, IS.'il. lie was united in marriage with a Miss Hill, of Huxtoii, Maine. She became the motlier of four t-hildren. three of whom died young, the eldest living to be only two and a iialf years old. After tlie expiration of liis public ser\ ice he re- turned to McGregor, but shortly afterward lenioved to i)es Moines, where he is now residing, and is President of the Citizens' National Uaiik. Tiiu> biielh' ha\'e been pointed out the leading features in tlie life of one of Iowa's most promi- nent citizens, and one who has maile an honorable record both in pulilic positions ami private cnter- [irises. He i> higlilv esteemed in the city where he resides and is regarded as one of the faithful rep- resentatives of the sons of New England. In stat- ure he is fully six feet high and finely propurtioncd. i I- ■ii'*;: ti "t^.'^f^^-"'-/^ t -^^ GOVERNORS OF IOWA. 139 u ''^^ug Qla'g' ^a>^^@Tit&T^ I i sist YRUS CLAY CARPENTER, Governor of Iowa from 1872 to 1875, inclusive, was born in Susquehanna County, Pa., Nov. 24, 1829. He was left _ ^^ an orphan at an early age, his aXV«*;\ mother dying when he was at the age of ten years, and his father two years later. He was left in destitute circumstances, and went first to learn the trade of a clothier, which, however, he abandoned after a few months, and engaged with a fanner, giving a term in the winter, however, to attendance upon the district school. When eighteen he ijegan teaching school, and the fol- lowing four years divided his time between teach- ing and attending the academy at Hartford. At the conclusion of this period he went to Ohio, where he engaged as a teacher for a year and a half, spending the summer at farm work. In the year 1854 Mr. Carpenter came further westward, visiting many points in Illinois and Iowa, arriving at Des Moines, then a village of some 1,200 inhabitants. This place, however, not offering a favorable location, he proceeded on his journey, arriving in Fort Dodge June 28, 1854. Owing to his being without funds he was compelled to travel on foot, in which way tlie journey to Fort Dodge was made, with his entire worldly posses- sions in a carpet-sack which he carried in his hand. He soon found employment at Fort Dodge, as as- sistant to a Government surveyor. This work be- ing completed, young Carpenter assisted his land- lord in cutting ha}', but soon secured another position as a surveyor's assistant. In the early part of the following January he engaged in teach- ing school at Fort Dodge, but in the spring was employed to take charge of a set of surveyors in surveying the counties of Emmet and Kossuth. On his return to Fort Dodge he found the land- office, which liad been established at that f)lace, was about to open for the sale of land. Being familiar with the country and the location of the best land, he opened a private laud-office, and f(jund constant and profitable employment for the following three years, in platting and surveying lands for those seeking homes. During this period he became extensively known, and, being an active Republican, lie was chosen as a standard-bearer for his section of the State. He was elected to the Legislature in the autumn of 1857. In 1861, on the breaking out of the Rebellion, he volunteered and was assigned to duty as Commissary of Sub- sistence, much of the time being Cliief Commissary of the left wing of the IGth Armj- Corps. In 1864 he was promoted Lieutenant-Colonel and assigned to duty on the staff of Gen. Logan, as Chief Com- missary of the 15th Army Corps. He continued in the service until the close of the war, and in August, 1865, was mustered out. Upon the close of his service to his country he returned to his home at Fort Dodge, but, owing to so many changes which liad taken place, and such an influx of enterprising men into the city, he found his once prosperous business in the hands of ■r?^^ f f 140 CTRUS CLAY CA"RPENTER. others. He tinned his attention to the improve- ment of a piece of land, where he remained until his election, in the autumn of 18G6, as Register of the State Land-Office. He was re-elected in 18G8, and refused the nomination in 1870. This position took him to Dcs Moines, but in 1870 he returned to Fort Dodge. During the summer of the follow- mg year he was nominated bj' the Republican party for Governor. He was elected, and inaugurated as Chief Executive of Iowa Jan. 11, 1872. In 1873 he was renominated by bis partj', and October 14 of that year was re-elected, his inauguration taking place Jan. 27, 1874. Gov. Carpenter was an able, popular and faitliful Executive, and was regarded as one of the most honest, prominent and unselfish officials the State ever had. Plain, unassuming, modest, he won his public position more through the enthusiasm of his friends than by any personal effort or desire of his o\vn. Everywhere, at all times and upon all occasions, he demonstrated that the confidence of his friends was justified. He took an active part iu t4'';,S,'''\'yW^%uch to secure mMiim^^' as a public speaker of morr tliiiw iiwlinnry ability, aifd has upon many occasions lieon the orator, and always appreciated b}' the people. At the expiration of his second term as Governor Mr. Carpenter was appointed Second Comptroller of the United States Treasury, which position he resigned after a service of fifteen u\onths. This step was an evidence of his unselfishness, as it was taken becau.se another Bureau officer was to be dis- missed, as it was held that Iowa liad more heads of Bureaus than she was entitled to, and his resigning an office of the higher grade saved the position to another. In ISSI he was elected to Congress, and served with ability, and in the Twentieth General Assembly of Iowa he represented Webster County. Gov. Carpenter was n>arrie dis- charge the duties of his office with marked ability. He found the financial condition of the State at a low ebb, but raised Iowa's credit to that of the best of our States. In his last biennial message he was able to report: "The warrants out-standing, but not bearing interest, Sept. 30, 1881, amounted to 122,093.74, and there are now in the treasury ample funds to meet the current cxijcuses of the State. The war and defense debt has been paid, except the warrants for $125,000 negotiated hy the Executive, Auditt>r and Treasurer, under the law of the 18th General Assembly, and :i!2,500 of the original bonds not j'et presented for paj'- ment. The only other debt owing by the State am(mnts to !s!245,435.U), due to the permanent school fund, a portion of which is matle irredeem aljle liy the Constitution. These facts i)lace Iowa practically among the States which have no ilebt, a consideration which must add much to her repu tation. The expenses of the State for the last two years are less than those of an3' other period sinco 1869, and this notwithstanding the fact that the State is to-da}- sustaining sevenil institutions not then in existence; namelj', the hospital at Inde- pendence, the additional penitentiarj'^, the Normal School and the :isvlum for the feeble-minded chil- dren, bi'sides the girl's department of the reform school. The State also, at present, makes provision for fish culture, for a useful weather service, for sanitary supervision by a Board of Health, for en- couraging immigration to the State, for the inspec- tion of coal mines liy a State Inspector, and liber- ally for the military arm of the Government."' Gov. Gear is now in the sixty-first year of his age, and is in the full vigor of both his nientjd and physical faculties. He was married in 1852 to Harriet S. Foot, formerly of the town of Jliddle- burj', Vermont, bj- whom he has had four children, two of whom are living. ■•►-■ :^ #*^ l^"^^ \0' !f»\ 6 J. ^c. Jn irrk^^^i^^ -4^ ■•► GOVERNORS OF IOWA. 15i ^•=s*^- t^^ssSti^'i '^NE of the most distinguished gentlemen who was ever honored with the position of Chief Executive of the (State is Bnren R. Sherman, the eleventh Governor of Iowa, who is a native of New Tork. It was in the town of Phelps, in On- tario County, that he was horn to his parents, Phineas L. and Eveline (Robinson) Sherman, on the •2.Stli of Ylir-v Maj', 183G, and was the third son of n i \ vli a distinguished family of children. His parents were likewise natives of the Empire State. Buren R. attended the public schools of his neighborhood, but was subsequently given advantages of the schools at Almira, N. Y., where he acquired a very thorough knowledge of the English branches. His father, who was a me- chanic, advised him at the close of his studies to apprentice himself to learn some trade. He ac- cordingly made such arrangements with S. Ayers, of Almira, to learn the trade of .a watchmaker. Tn 18.55, however, he left this position and joined his familj' on their removal to the then new State of Iowa. They settled upon a piece of unbroken prai- rie land on what is now Geneseo Township, Tama r County, his father having previously purchased land from the Government. Here Buren R. labored diligently in developing his father's fields, devoting, however, leisure hours which he was granted, to the study of law. Before leaving his Eastern home he had decided upon that profession and began its study while yet in Almira. He soon secured a po- sition as a book-keeper in a neighboring to'v\ni, and with the wages earned there, materially assisted his father in the development of their home farm. In the meantime he had applied himself diligently to the study of his books, and so studious had he been that in the summer of 1859, he was enabled to pass a creditable examination and to be admitted to the bar. The following spring the young attor- ney moved to Vinton, hung out his shingle and be- gan the practice of his profession. He was associated with Hon. "William Smyth, formerl}' District Judge, and J. C. Traer, under the firm name of Smyth, Traer ik Sherman. The new firm rapidlj' grew into prominence, building up a prosperous practice, when Mr. Sherman withdrew to tender his services to the Government in defense of her integrity and honor. It w.as e.arly in l.sCl, directly after the enemy had assaulted the American flag on Sumter, that the j'oung attorney enlisted in Co. G, 13th Iowa Vol. t -^•- 152 t BUREN R. SHERMAN. Inf., and immediately went to the front. He entered the service as Second Sergeant, and in February, 1862, was made Second Lieutenant of Company E. On tiic 6tli of April following he was very severely wounded at the battle of Pittsburgh Landing, and while in the hospital was promoted to the rank of Cajitain. He returned to his company while yet obliged to use his crutches, and remained on cluty till the summer of IrtO.'S, when, by reason of his wound, he was comiielled to resign and return home. Soon after returning from the army he was elected County -Judge of Benton County, and re- elected without opposition in IHGo. In the autumn of 1866 he resigned his judgeship and accepted the office of Clerk of the District Court, to which he was re-elected in 1868, 1870 and 1872, and in Decemlier, 1 874, resigned in order to accept the office of Auditor of State, to which office he had been elected by a majority of 28,42.5 over J. M. King, the " anti-monojKjly " candidate. In 1876 he was renominated and received 50,272 more votes than W. Growneweg (Democrat) and Leonard Browne (Greenback) together. In 1S78 he was agajn chosen to represent the i;i'|iulilican party in that office, and this time received a major- ity of 7,164 over the combined votes of Col. Eiboeck (Democrat) and G. V. Swearenger (Green- back). In the six years that he held this oflice, he was untiring in his faithful application to routine work and devotion to his special share of the State's business. He retired with such an enviable record that it was with no surprise the peojile learned, June 27, 1881, that he was the nominee of the Re- publican party for Governor. The campaign was an exciting one. The General Assembly had submitted to the people the prohilii- tory amendment to the Constitution. This, while not a partisan (juestion, became ujipermost in the mind of the public. Mr. Sherman received 13,'3,- .•j;iO votes, against .s;l,2 14 for Kinne and 28,112 for D. M. Clark, or a i)lurality of ,")0,(),S6 :ind a major- ity of 21,974. In l.ssa he was re-nominated by till' Keiiublicans, ;is well as L. G. Kinne by the Democrats. The National party olTered .1. 15. Weaver. During the campaign these candidates held a number of joint discussions at different points in the State. At the election the vote was : Sherman, 164,182; Kinne, 139,093; Weaver, 23,- 089; Sherman's plurality, 2o,089; majority. 2,000. In his second inaugural Gov. Sherman said : " In assuming, for the second time, the office of Chief Magistrate for the State, I full}' realize my grateful obligations to the people of Iowa, through whose generous confidence I am here. I .-.m aware of the duties and grave responsibilities of this ex- alted position, and as well what is expected of nie therein. As in the past I have given my undivided time and serious attention thereto, so in the future I promise the most earnest devotion and untiring effort in the faithful perf(_)rmance of my official re- quirements. I have seen the State grow from in- fancy to mature manhood, and each year one of substantial l)etterment of its previous position. " With more railroads than any State, save two; with a school interest the grandest and strongest, which commands the support and confidence of all the people, and a population, which in its entirety is superior to any other in the sisterhood, it is not str.auge the jiride which attaches to our people. When we remember that the results of our efforts iii the direction of good govei'ument have been crowned with such magnificent success, and to-day we have a State in most perfect ph\-sicai and finan- cial condition, no wonder our hearts swell in honest pride as wc contemplate the past and so confidently hope for the future. What we may become de- pends on our own efforts, and to that future I look with earnest and abiding confidence." Gov. Sherman's term of oflice continued until .Tan. 14, 1886, when he was succeeded by William Larra- bec, and he is now, temixirarily. jierhaps, enjoying a well-earned rest. He has been a Ropul>lican since the organization of that i>arty, and his services a.s a campaign speaker have been for many years in great demand. As an officer he has been able to make an enviable record. Himself honorable and thorough, his management of public business has been of the same character, and such as has com- mendeil him to the ajiproval of his fellow-citizens. He was married, Aug. 20, 1862, to Miss Lena Kendall, of N'inton, Iowa, a young Lady of rare ac- coini)lisliinents and strength of character. Their union has been happy in every respect. They have two children — Lena Kendall and Oscar Eugene. s^ -^^ GOVERNORS OF IOWA. ■:^:-'.v.v>..'.A<''.''.-'.'A-!.-r? ^(sp-'^' ooo - ooo ILLIAM LARRABEE, the present alile Governor of Iowa, and the twelfth gen- tleman selected bj^ the people as the Chief Magis- trate of the gi-eat Com- monwealth, is a native of Connecticut. His ancestors were among the French Huguenots who came to America early in the seventeenth centurj' and located in Connecticut. At that time they bore the name of d'Larra- bee. Adam Larrabee, the father of AVill- iam, was born March 14, 1787, and was one of the early graduates of the West Point Military Academy. He served his country during the War of 1812, with distinction, holding the position of Second Lieutenant, to which he was commissioned March 1, 1811. He was pro- moted to the Captaincy of his company Feb. 1, 1814, and on the 30th of the following March, at the battle of Lacole Mills, during Gen. AViUiinson's campaign on the Saint Lawrence River, he was severely wounded in the lung. He eventually re- covered from the injury and was united in mar- riage to Hannah G. Lester. This much esteemed lady was born June 3, 1798, and died on the 15tli of March, 1837. Capt. Larrabee lived to an ad- vanced age, dying in 1869, at the age of eighty- two years. As above mentioned, William, our subject, was born in Connecticut, the town of Ledyard being the place of his birth and Jan. 20,1832, the date. He was the seventh child in a family of nine chil- dren, and passed the early years of his life upon a rugged New England farm, enjoying very meager educational advantages. He attended, during the winter seasons, the neighboring district schools until he reached the age of nineteen years, when, during the following two winters, he fdled the posi- tion of schoolmaster. He was ambitious to do something in life for himself that would bring fort- une and distinction, but in making his plans for the future he was embarrassed by a misfortune which liefell him when fourteen years of age. In being trained to the use of fli-earms under his father's direction, an accidental discharge resulted in the loss of the sight in the right eye. This conse- quently unfitted him for many employments usually sought by amljitious young men. The family lived near the seashore, only two miles away, and in that neighborhood it was the custom for at least one son in each family to go upon the sea as a sailor. The two eldest brothers of our subject had chosen this occupation while the third remained in charge of the home farm. William was thus left free to chose for himself and, like many of the youths of that day, he wisely turned his face West- ward. The year 1853 found him on this journey toward the setting sun, stopping only when he came to the broad and fertile prairies of the new State of Iowa. He first joined his elder sister, Mrs. T^ f 156 WILLIAM LARRABEE. 4 E. H. Williams, who was at that time living at Garnavillo, Clayton County. It was this circum- stance which led the young boy from Connecticut to select his future home in the northeastern por- tion of Iowa. lie resumed his occupation as a pedagogue, teaching, however, but one winter, which was passed at Hardin. The following three years he was employed in the capacity of foreman on the Grand Meadow farm of his lirother- in-law. Judge Williams. In 1857 he b(iught a one-third interest in the Clermont Mills, and located at Clermont, Fayette Count}^ He soon was able to buy the other two- thirds, and within a year found himself sole owner. He operated this mill until lK74when he sold to fS. M. Leach. On the breaking out of the war he offered to enlist, but was rejected on account of the loss of his right e^-e. Being informed he might possibly be admitted as a commissioned officer, he raised a conii)any and received a commission as First Lieutenant, but was again rejected fur the same disability. After selling the mill ]\[r. Larrabee devoted him- self to farming, and started a private bank at Cler- mont. He also, experimentall}', started a large nursery, l>ut this resulted only in confirming the belief thai Northern Iowa has too rigorous a cli- mate for fruit-raising. Mr. Larral)ee did not begin his political career until 1.SG7. He was reared as a Whig and became a Repul)lican on the organization of that party. While interested in politics he generally refused local odices, serving onl}' as Treasurer of the School Board prior to 1SG7. In the autumn of that year, on the Republican ticket, he was elected to represent his county in the State Senate. To this high p(jsition he was re-elected from time to time, so that he served as Senator continuously for eighteen years liefore being iiromoted to the high- est otiice in the State. He was so popiilar at home that he was generally re-nominateil liy acclamation, and for some years the Democrats did not even make nominations. During the whole eighteen j'ears Senator Larrabee was a member of the prin- cipal committee, that on Ways and Means, of which he was gener;illj- Chairman, and was also a member of other committees. In the pursuit of the duties thus devolving upon him, he was indefatigable. It is said that he never missed a committee meet- ing. Not alone in this, liut in private and public Ijusiness of all kinds, his uniform habit is that of close application to work. Many of the important measures passed by the Legislature owe their ex- istence or present form to him. He was a candidate for the gubernatorial nomina- tion in 1881, but entered the contest too late, as Gov. Sherman's following had been successfully organized. In 1 SS5 it was generally conceded be- fore the meeting of the convention that he woidd be nominated, which he was, and his election fol- lowed as a matter of course. He was inaugurated Jan. 14, ISSCi, and so far has made an excellent Governor. His position in regard to the liquor question, that on which political fortunes are made and lost in Iowa, is that the niajority should rule. He was personally in favor of high license, l)ut having been elected Governor, and sworn to up- hold the Constitution and execute the laws, he jiro- poses to do so. A Senator who sat beside him in the Senate de- clares him to be '' a man of the broadest compre- hension and information, an extraordinarily clear reasoner, fair and conscientious in his conclusions, and of S|)artaii lirniness in his matured judgment," and says that "he l)rings the practical facts and lihilosoph}' of human nature, the science and his- tory of law, to aid in his decisions, and adheres with the earnestness of Jefferson and Sumner to the fundamental i>rinciples of the people's rights." Gov. Larrabee was married Sept. 1 2, 1 86 1 , at Cler- I mont, to Anna M. Appelman, daughter of ('apt. G. A. Ai)i)elman. Gov. Larrabee has seven chil- dren— Charles, Augusta, Julia, Anna, William, I Frederic and Helen. i" 4 Jhowa. '^m' ^^>T=^-@ -<*■ ^ «► 11^" 4 -<•■ 4^ T^ '•► i t ■•» II <• INTRODUQTO If bu HE time has arrived when it becomes the duty of the people of this county to per- petuate the names of their pioneers, to furnish a record of their early settlement, and relate the story of their progress. The civilization of our day, the enlightenment of the age and the duty that men of the pres- ent time owe to their ancestors, to themselves and to their posterity, demand that a record of their lives and deeds should be made. In bio- graphical history is found a power to instruct man by precedent, to V4/ « Avs*' enliven the mental faculties, and ^ "^ to waft down the river of time a safe vessel in which the names and actions of the people who contributed to raise this country from its primitive state may be preserved. Surely and rapidly the great and aged men, who in their jjrime entered the wilderness and claimed the virgin soil as their heritage, are passing to their graves. The number re- maining who can relate the incidents of tlie first days of settlement is becoming small indeed, so that an actual necessity exists for the collection and preser- vation of events without delay, before all the early settlers are cut down by the scythe of Time. To be forgotten has been the great dread of mankind from remotest ages. All will be forgotten soon enough, in spite of their best works and the most earnest efforts of their friends to perserve the memory of their lives. The means employed to prevent oblivion and to perpetuate their memory has been in propor- tion to the amount of intelligence they possessed. The pyramids of Egypt were built to perpetuate the names and deeds of their great rulers. The exhu- mations made by the archeologists of Egypt from buried Memphis indicate a desire of those people to perpetuate the memory of their achievements. The erection of the great obelisks were for the same purpose. Coming down to a later period, we find the Greeks and Romans erecting mausoleums and monu- ments, and carving out statues to chronicle their great acliievements and carry them down the ages. It is also evident that the Mound-builders, in piling up their great mounds of earth, had but this idea — to leave something to show that they had lived. All these works, though many of them costly in the ex- treme, give but a faint idea of the lives and charac- ters of those whose memory they were intended to perpetuate, and scarcely anything of the masses of the people that then lived. The great pyramids and some of the obelisks remain objects only of curiosity ; the mausoleums, monuments and statues are crum- bling into dust. It was left to modern ages to establish an intelli- gent, undecaying, immutable method of perpetuating a full history — immutable in that it is almost un- limited in extent and perpetual in its action ; and this is through the art of printing. To the present generation, however, we are in- debted for the introduction of the admirable system of local biography. By this system every man, thougli he has not achieved what the world calls greatness, has the means to perpetuate his life, his history, through the coming ages. The scythe of Time cuts down all ; nothing of the physical man is left. The monument which his chil- dren or friends may erect to his memory in the ceme- tery will crumble into dust and pass away; but his life, his achievements, the work he has accomplished, which otherwise would be forgotten, is perpetuated by a record of this kind. To preserve the lineaments of our companions we engrave their portraits, for the same reason we col- lect the attainable facts of their history. Nor do we think it necessary, as we speak only truth of them, to wait until they are dead, or until those who know them are gone: to do this we are ashamed only to publish to the world the history of those whose lives are unworthy of public record. ^*r/f\^ m^ -r^~:6V- ^i^V % n ^v ^-^:fi 1-^ -tv^" '^///z.eZ^/2^. u HENRY COUNTY. ^v'..'l^-.V.'l'A>'|•J■ 'r'..'t';i'i"'.>V'.>^i-«-'>'V-'fl I Ji^J^jJ^^l^jj^ijliV^ttll^li^ili;;^^ _OS22_ "oCo~ , RESLP: Y SAUN DEES, who is a leading mer- chant of Mt. Pleasant, and President of the First National Bank of that city, is now the oldest living pioneer of the county, and is the founder and sponsor of the flourishing city within whose present bounds he has made his home for more than half a century. He was born in Flem- ing County, Ky., in 1ns, started West. His first in- tention was to locate near the Mississippi, but a wholesome dread of the ague, inseparable in that day from the banks of the river, drove him farther inland, and the little company kept on over the prairie until the site of Mt. Pleasant was reached. Struck with the beauty of the place, and finding water convenient, Mr. Saunders drove his stakes right there. The selection was a fortunate one for him. In February. 1835, he brought his family from Illinois, and knowing this must be near the center of the new county whenever formed, he laid out a plat for a village, which he called Mt. Pleas- ant, a most appropriate name. In 1830 Mr. Saun- ders opened a store in the new village, and there be- gan the business life which he has followed, with strict integrity, and always successfully, for fifty- two consecutive years, making him the oldest mer- chant in the State, if not in the entire Northwest. Beside the original one, Mr. Saunders laid out two additional plats to the town which he founded. The county was organized by the Territorial Legis- lature of Iowa in 1838, and an old law giving the county the right to a quarter section for count}' pur- poses, Mr. Saunders gave up almost half his lots in the village for court-housebuildings, etc. The land not having yet been surveyed, he sold the balance of his lots to purchasers with a bond attached, guar- anteeing a deed when the title was secured from the Government. From tiiis timi^ on the rapid and healthy growth of the embryo city was secured, and Mr. Saunders reaped the reward of his foresight. Ills proi)erty rapidly increased in value, and that and the legitimate gains of a carefully conducted business have made him a wealth}- man, a result in which his life-long neighbors rejoice, taking a pride in the success of so justly an esteemed citizen. In 1862, desiring to enlarge his field of operations, Mr. S;iunder> formed a partnership with James M. Kibben, and established a private bank under the name of Saunders & Kibben. This was the fore- runner of the First Natif>nal Bank of Mt, Pleasant, which w.as organized under the National Banking Law, and of which be has been President, and a guiding spirit ever since its inception. To his sag.acious and prudent management must be attrib- uted in a large degree the success which has made it one of the soundest financial institutions in the State. Notwithstanding his prominence in the city and county, Mr. Saunders has .always refused to hold public office, but has given his attention exclusively to business matters. His duties as a citizen he has discharged in a quiet, unostentatious manner, and many are the quiet, good deeds recorded of him by those who know him best, aceoiniting in a meas- ure for the regard in which he is held b}' the peo- ple of Henry County. Our subject has been twice married, first in San- gamon County, III., in 1830, to Miss Edith Cooper, who was born in Tennessee, and was a daughter of John Cooper, a native of the s.ame State, who w.as one of the earliest settlers of Sangamon County. Mrs. Saunders died at Mt. Pleasant in 1 836, leav- ing three children, of whom a daughter Mary, now a resident of Colorado, is the sole survivor. Mrs. Saunders was an estimable lady, who had the re- spect of the people among whom she lived : she was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. The second m.arriage of Presle}' Saunders was the first within the bounds of Henry County. It was soknnnized in 1837. His wife was Huldah Bowen, with whom he has now passed a happy wedded life of over half a century. Mrs. Saunders was born near Chillicolhe, Ohio, in 1817, and is a daughter of Isaac and Rhoda Bowen, who were natives re- spectively of Maryland and Kentucky, who were married in Ohio, and removed to Mt. Pleasant, where both died. Mrs. Saunders is a member of the Christian Church, in which she is an active •►-■-4« i I a HENRY COUNTY. 171 worker and a liberal supporter. Her long life has lieeu one of content ami happiness, and she, with her luisband, shares the good-will of the people of the city where they have lived so long. Their union was blessed with four children, all now liv- ing, viz.: Smith, who is married to Emma Jenness, and is a dealer in real estate in Council Bluffs, Iowa; Alvin B. married Alice Saunders, and was a real- estate dealer at Harper, Kan., Ijut is now manag- ing his father's store at Mt. Pleasant; Eliza, the wife of John Bowman, .and Etna, the wife of Fred Hope, all residents of Mt. Pleasant. As an illustration of the changes which have taken place during the long residence of Mr. Saun- ders in Henry County, he cites the fact that he had one child born in the Territory of Michigan, one in the Territoi-y of Wisconsin, one in the Territory of Iowa, and one in the State of Iowa, and during all the time wherein these births occurred, was living on the same quarter section, an extraordinary in- cident, prob.ably without parallel. The life of Mr. Saunders is full of encourage- ment to young men who have an earnest desire to succeed, and are possessed of the necessary quali- fications. His capital at the start was a good con- stitution, temperate and frugal habits, industry, and unquestioned integrity of character, with un- bounded pluck and perseverance, and but |.5 in money. From these humble beginnings he has raised himself to the prominent position he has held in the community for many years, and has acquired an ample fortune, and no man in the county stands higher in the estimation of his fellowmen then does Presley Saunders, the pioneer. For the excellent })ortrait of this honored citizen, which appears on an adjoining page, our readers are indebted to friends whf) contributed this memorial in honor of the most eminent pioneer of Henry County. That he is worthj' of the lead- ing place in this record of the best citizens of the county, will be conceded by every resident. [§I^ELS KLEN, a farmer residing on section 23, jj Wayne Township, Henrj' Co., Iowa, was ^ born near Hesselholm, Sweden, Oct. 15, 1838, and is the sou of Nels and Panilla (_ Benson) Rasmusson, born in thesanie country, where they were reared, married, and became the parents of seven children. Nels Rasmusson was a farmer and carpenter in Sweden, and during his life en- gaged in those occup.ations. He became quite wealthy and died in the autumn of 1878. His widow resides on the old homestead and has reached the mature .age of seventy-eight years. Only U\o of the children are residents of America, our sub- ject and Rasmus Nelson, who resides in York County, Neb., the husband of Louie Palmblad. The children living in Sweden are : Peter Nelson, who is the eldest brother and unmarried ; Banta, wife of O. Oleson, resides on the old homestead ; Anna came to America in 18C8, but in 1872 returned to Sweden where she afterward married ; Bengt, the youngest son, is also unmarried, and is a farmer in his native country. In 1865 our subject came to America and went to Galesburg, 111. He was married, December 16 of that year, to Miss Panilla Benson, who came to America from Hastveda, Sweden, the same year with her brother John, now of Brown Count3% Kan., and a cousin, John Swenson. Her people remained aU their lives in Sweden, and died on the old home- stead before the daughter left her native land. A brother, Benjamin, preceded Mrs. Klen to America, coming in 1868. He became an employe of the Government in the Naval Department. Prospering greatly, he went to Helena, Mont., began mining, became wealthy, and now owns extensive water- works in that city. He was married in that country to a German lady and they now have three chil- dren. There were six children in the Benson fam- ily who reached adult age : the two mentioned above, Mrs. Klen, Mrs. John Peterson, and two brothers yet in Sweden — Peter, who married Bessie Oleson, and Nels, who is unmarried. Mr. Klen was acquainted with his wife in Sweden during her girlhood, and since their marriage many happy d.ays have been spent. The trials of life have long since been passed. When Nels arrived at Galesburg he only had $1 in his pocket, and being ill for almost six months, he ran greatly behind. Upon their marriage, Mr. and Mrs. Klen started even with the world, but with strong arms and willing hearts they began the battle of life, and to-day have a nice m^ i -4•- 172 O- HENRY COUNTY. competency and are yet in their prime. They be- came residents of Henry County, Iowa, in 1872, having purchased his land three years previously. The broad acres that are now so finely iniprcjved were a vacant prairie, and every stick, every tree, everything in fact which makes life enjo3'able, have been placed there by Mr. Klen. No children bear their name. No more worth}^ family is a resident of the township, and since their arrival here both have been members of the Swedish Lutheran Church at Swedesburg. Nellie Patterson, known as Nellie Klen, has been reared from her third year by Mrs. Kleii, and in her tidy home Nellie has l»een taught all the mysteries of housekeeping. Mr. Klen is a Republican and received his citi- zenship in full in this county. He owns a fine farm on section 23, and we gladly give him and his wife a deserved place among tJie noted Swedish families of the county. -WV v\ta££/g>J^ ^■K^^l/?Tmr>^-\j\/^ I ) OHN P. SMITH, a farmer of Henry County, residing on section 16, Centre Township, was born near Elizabeth City, N. C, April 11, 1818, and is of English and Welsh de- scent. He is a son of Samuel and Lydia (Pritch- ard) Smith, both of whom were natives of North Carolina. They were the parents of two children, one of whom is living, the subject of this sketch. Mr. Smith was previously married to Gresham Overton, and by this union there were two chil- dren, both of whom are now dead. Of all this family Mr. Smith is the only one left to record their history. John was a boy when his parents died and was bound out to John Gregery, a painter, but not liking this he ran away, and resolved to earn his own living. In 1838 he was married to Miss Julia Kenyon, a native of North Carolina, born in 1812. In 1843 they emigrated to Hemy County, Ind., and in 1 849 came to Henry Count}', Iowa. They made the journey with teams, camp- ing out at night, and located on land in Jackson Township. In 1830 he purciiased his present farm of forty acres in Center Township, situated a mile and a half south of Mt. Pleasant. The union of Mr. and Mrs. Smith has been blessed with six chil- dren: Thomas J. enlisted in Company K, 19th Iowa Volunteer Infantry, and was killed at the battle of Sterling Farm, in Louisiana, Sept. 29, 18C3; Will- iam L. also enlistetl in Company K, 19th Iowa ^'ol- unteer Infantry, and participated in the following battles: That of Ft. Morgan, Jliller's Ford, Browns- ville, Tex., siege of the Spanish Fort and the bat- tle of Mobile. He served thirtj- months and was always found at his post of duty. James M.,. of Ft. Madison, Iowa, also served in the same regi- ment. The other three died in infancy. Mrs. Smith departed this life in 1863. She was a sincere Christian, being a member of the Method- ist Episcopal Church, and a kind wife and mother. In the fall of 1863 Mr. Smith was again married, to Elizabeth J Booth, a daughter of Henry and Eliz- abeth Booth, who died in Guernsey County, Ohio. They were members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. By this last union there were live chil- dren: Rose E., who died Aug. 13, 1886; Bertram E., Jesse B., Joseph H. and Minnie E. Politicallj', Mr. Smith is a Republican, but before the organi- zation of that part}' he was a Whig. Mr. and Mrs. Smith are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and are greatly respected throughout the commvmity. Mr. Smith has lived in Henry County since 1849, and lias witnessed the changes that have transformed it from a wild, uninhabited region, to one of the most cultivated counties in the State. -^ w - *ajei2/®^@ te«'^^'2'57»^'W~- ON. JOHN S. STEPHENSON, deceased, an honored pioneer of Henrj- Comity, Iowa, of 1836, was born in \'irginia, in the old (^) block house :it the fort, on the site of the city of Parkersburg, now West ^'irginia, when the Northwest Territory was ceded b}- A'irgiuia to the I'nited States. His liirth occurred April 11, 1800, while his parents were temporarily seeking shelter at the fort from a threatened Indian attack. Their home properly was in Wood County, \a., to which they returned soon after the birth of our subject. His i)areuts, Edward and Elizabeth (I)ilts) Stephen- son, were worthy people of Scottish birth, and had emigrated to America in tiie first }-ears of tiie Re- public John S. was educated at Parkersburg, ^'a. HP «<•■ ,t HENRY COUNTY. 173 He was a farmer by occupation, and was married in Dearhorn County, Ind., in 1821, to Miss P^lizabeth Archibald, daughter of WiUiam and Elizabeth (White) Archibald. Mrs. Stephenson was born in Massachusetts, Oct. 28, 1801, and died in New London, Iowa, April 7, 1887. Mr. Stephenson removed to Dearborn County, Ind., from \'irginia, while a single m.an, but resided in Hamilton County, Ohio, from the date of his marriage till 1836, when he emigrated from that county to Henr}' County, Iowa, and settled in what is now Baltimore Town- ship, on what is now known as the Britton farm. Three years later he removed to Jackson Township, in the same count}', where he bought a large tract of land, and was engaged in farming till 1 857, then removed to the village of Lowell, Baltimore Township, where he had established a general store several years before. He also had a store at Boyls- ton, which he left in the cue of his sons. Mr. and Mrs. Stephenson's familj' consisted of five sons and two daughters: William A., born Nov. 5, 1823, and died Jan. 26, 1844; Edmund J. was born Oct. 2, 1826, went to California in 1849, and died at New Orleans, La., on his return voyage. May 2, 1854; Edward H. was born April 27, 1829, married Permelia Smith, and is engaged in the drug business at New London. (See his sketch elsewhere in this work). Alva H. was born March 7, 1831, and married Nellie Kearns, and died April 29, 1885; his wife survives him, and resides in Memphis, Tenn. John S. was born Oct. 2, 1834, and married Anna Price, and is a farmer of Pleasant Ridge Township, Lee Co., Iowa ; Sarah E., born Sept. 9, 1838, is the wife of Charles Kirk- patrick, of Lowell, Henry Co., Iowa; INIar^- Eliza, born Oct. 2, 1841, is the wife of William Jack- man, and resides in New London, Iowa. AVhen Mr. Stephenson settled in Jackson Township he purchased a claim on which he built a double- room log cabin, and named his place " Hard- scrabble," where he kept open house after the whole-souled, hospitable manner of the Virginians. He was known far and near, and every stranger or belated traveler who sought shelter with him was sure of a warm welcome, and the best the house afforded. Mr. Stephenson was a man of very superior mental endowments, a thorough scholar, ■^a — and a great student of history and political econ- omy. He soon became prominent in'publicaffairs, and was elected Register of Land ^Claims in this part of the county, and Notary 1 Public, and was one of the first Justices of the county, and held that position for several yeixrs. He was chosen to i-epresent his district in the State Senate, and was influential in framing laws for the young common- wealth of Iowa. In early life he was a Whig of the pro-slavery t3'pe, and on the dissolution of his party in 185C attached himself to the Democratic party, of which he was an ardent supporter till the day of his death. While bitterl}' opposed to the policy of the Repub- lican party, during the war he was true to the Union, and the Constitution as made Lj' the fathers of the Republic. His fund of general information was comprehensive and varied, while his affable, courteous manner and entertaining conversation made him an agreeable hf)st and a welcome guest. His generosity was unbounded; no one ever asked in vain a favor within his power to grant. His brother Edward w.as a gentleman of marked ability, and thorough culture, a great linguist, and a promi- nent lawyer of Virginia. His de.ath occurred at Mataraoras, Mex., April 11, 1870. Another brother, James, was born in Virginia, in 1791, and w;is a prominent and wealthy attorney of Wood County, Va. Mr. and Mrs. Stephenson were mem- bers of the Presbyterian Church from early life until its close. Mr. Stephenson continued to reside at Lowell until the time of his death, which occurred in 1866. His memory will long remain fresh in the hearts of his numerous friends. ylLLIAM L. SMITH, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, one of the early settlers of Henry County, was born in Monongahela County, W. Va., Dec. 25, 1827. His father, Thomas P. Smith, was born in Virginia, in 1799, and was a soldier of the War of 1812. He married Sarah Lazell, a native of Monong.ahela County, Va. They settled in what is now West Virginia, where eight children were born, four sons and four daughters, four of whom are living: ,b)hn W., of Moundsville, W. -^ t J- -4*- 174 ■•► t HENRY COUNTY. Va. ; William L., the subjoot elinonl County, Ohio. Thomas P. Smith was well posted on all affairs, and was a man iiiyhly respected in the country in which he lived. He died in ISoo. Mrs. Smith died later. The subject of tiiis .sketcli when four years of age went to live with ISIarcus Moore, and remained with him until nineteen years old, attending the common subscription schools in the winter, and working upon the farm during the summer months. On leaving Mr. Moore he returned to his old home, and engaged in the butchering business. On the ;)d of July, l!54it, he was united in marriage with Miss Mary K. Grandstaff. a native of Marshall County, \'a., born in 18;U. While a citizen of Marshall County he w.as appointed Deputy' Sheritf, and served two years. In 1855 he left his native State and came to Iowa, locating at Muscatine, wlierc he engaged in the butchering business. In 1856 he came to Mt. Pleasant and embarked in the same trade, continuing in it until 18(!1. In 18G2 he was api)ointcd United States Deputy Provost Marshal, and commissioned by Provost Marshal (General Fr_v, serving until the close of the war. Dur- ing this time he had some rough experiences. At Ft. Wayne, Ind., he came near being mobbed by rebel sympathizers. On the close of the war he engaged in the livery business at Jit. Pleasant, in wiiirh he continued for several years under the linn n.iuie of W. L. it J. M. Smith. In 18(>!i lie went to lUuling- anii', Kan., and embarked in the lumber tradi' under the firm name of Smith A' K'oads, and also at Wicltita, Kan,, under tlie tirni n:une of McClure it Co. In 1m7!I he went to Colorndi) where he w.as interested in the Columbus mine, and also in the Tt>michi mining district, in IJunuison County". In 188;i lie returned lo Henry Ciuinty, whore he has since continued to reside. Mr. and .Mrs. Smith are the parents of four living children: George W., now residing at Detroit, Mich.; Clara, wife of Dewitt Harden, of Monmouth, 111.; Ada, wife of A. W. Morton, of .Moninoulh. 111.; and Sally M., residing at home. Mr, Smith lisis taken great interest in Masonry, and was Miuster of Mt. Pleasant Lodge Xo. 8, for six years, and was a charter member of Xerium Lodge No. 207, of which he was appointed Worship- ful Master by dispensation, and was elected three successive terms thereafter; he wjw also High Priest in Henry Chapter No. 8, R. A. M., for two years, and was a Charter Member of Jerusalem Com- miuidery No. 7, K. T., in which he was Captain of the Guard. He has also taken the C(.)nsistory de- grees, being a :V2^'. In 1 8(59-70 he was Grand Warden of the (irand Lodge of Iowa, Politically, ISIr. Smith is a Hepublican. As a citizen he stands high in the estimation of the general public, and in every enterprise calculated for the jiublic good he is ready to do iiis part. •S^^— v* MLLIAM SUMMERS, one of the proinimiu wiJ/l ^''''"'^'■* ^^^'■^ stock-raisers residing on SCO- 'S^ tion 27, (enter Township, was born in Warwickshire, lingland, on the 2i)th daj- of No- vember, 1833, His parents were John and Mary (Hopkins) Sunnners, and to them three children were born: Richard, a machinist residing in Lon- don; Mary A., who died in Morgan County, AIo,, was the wife of W, C. Wheatlev; and William, our subject, Mr, and Mrs. Summers both departed this life in Kngland. For m;uiy years they were earnest workers in the Kpisct>pal Church. William Summers, deciding lo leave his native lan hogs wore w^irth ?1.50 per hundred pounds, and thinking this might be a pay- ing iu\ estniont he killod and packed several hundred hogs, which he shipped to Kngland in 18(!2.' Corn at this time solil :it twelve :ind ^me-half cents per bushel, potatoes at tifleen cents, and eggs at two cent> per ilozen. After reni:iining in Kngland for about a year Mr. Summers returned lK>me. Mr. Sunnners was united in marriage before he was twenty-one years old to Kliza JIarv Wood- cock, a native of Kngland. born in Warwick- shire. Mr. and Mrs. Summers are the happy parents of ••even children: ,)t>seph. burn June 15, 1855, a ■•►-■-4« i -<*• t HENRY COUNTY. 175 resident of this cdimty; Theresa, born Dec. 8, 1856, wife of William R!ithd(jii, of Antehjpe County, Neb.; Helen, born April 3, 1863, a graduate of the university of Ml. Pleasant, is now a teacher in Fremont, Neb.; Mary, born JJec. 18, 1864, wife (^f William Moore, of Trenton, Mo.; Colletta, born April 21, 1867, now a student at the University of Mt. Pleasant; Maria, born Aug. 20, 1870; and John F., born March 6, 1874; are still inmates of the parental home. The deceased are William, Ambrose, Lucy and Waltei'. In politics Mr. .Sum- mers is a Democrat, and an active W(jrker for his party ; he has also held several township odices with credit to himself and to his constituents. In edu- cational matters he always takes an active interest, having a good, practical education himself, and has endeavored to give his children such an education. He is a man who keeps well [losted on the affairs of the county, and is always ready t, Wayne |ll/)l) Township, Henry Co., Iowa. Only one person, Mrs. Elizabeth Woodruff, antedates oui' subject in priority of citizenship in Wayne Township. He was born in Lake County, Ohio, March 7, 1831, ;ind is a son of Sylvester and Lii- eretia (Woodworth) Smith, both natives of Franklin County, Mass. They were perhaps married in that State, removed later to Warren County, N. Y., and afterward to Lake County, Ohio, where Mr. Smith purchased a tract of woodland, and cleurcd up a fine farm prior to their removal to Iowa in 1«12. Sylvester .Sniitli, Sr., came the ^-ear previous and purchased lands, t (irsl son, -•►-■— ^ i A^ HENRY COUNTY. 177 married Yurith Lane, anrl resides in Douglas County, 111.; Lavina wedded Thomas Kinney, a resident ofTireat Bend, Kan.; Phn>be, deceased, became the wife of William James, who later re- moved to Kansiis; Jane married William McKane, now deceased, and resides in Coshocton, Ohio; Mary, also _ deceased, was twice married, John Cochrane becoming her first liusband, and William Dewson her last. Josephus died unmarried, and Mrs. Cantwell completes the family list. Four children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Cant- well before their removal to Iowa: Mary J., the wife of Presly Allender; Margaret, wife of George Meeker; Sarah E. died in childhood, and Matilda, wife of Samuel Taylor. In 186ft Samuel Cantwell and his family removed to Wayne Township, and upon his land he erected a small house the same year. Every improvement, every tree, fence and building, has been placed upon this tract since 1860. Here his children "grew to maturity. Besides those named, other children were born in their new home: Emma, wife of Henry James; William II., now deceased; Alohzo, completing his education at Mt. Pleasant; Nora, Francos, Elma, Jessie M. and Annie M., all unmarried and inmates of the par- ental home. Here the faniil}- live in that style that comes to those of ample means, and as the family have increased in years so has the prosperity' of the parents, who for more than a quarter of a century have been ranked among the best families of Wayne Township. For several terms Mr. Cant- well has been connected with the School Board, and careful attention has been given to the education of his children. To such families as this Henry County is indebted for the business growth, pros- perity and social culture which so largely abound within its borders. ANIEL M. CAMPBELL, fanner and dairy- man, residing on section .SI, New London Township, was born in Ashland County, Ohio, Sept. 12, 1843, and is the son of Rol)ert and Margaret (Archibald) Campbell. His father was a native of Pennsylvania, born in West- moreland County, Jan. 26, 1800, and was descended from the Scotch. He married Miss Margaret Archi- bald in that State, by whom he had nine children, seven now living: the eldest. Dr. John Cam^jbell, residing in Gallion, Ohio, married Rachel Bryan; James married Ruth Cole, and is a farmer of New London Township; William married Lizzie Spear- man, and resides in Centre Township; Sarah Jane, wife of Thompson Chambers, a farmer of New London Township; Milton M., of Denver, Col., wedded Lucy Weston; Daniel M., a farmer of New London Township, wedded Mary Rhodes: Mary, wife of James Patten, of Centre Township. Robert Campbell removed to Ashland County, Ohio, in an earl}' day, and went from there with his family to Henry County in 1865, and located in New London Township, where he spent the remainder of his days, dying in June, 1877. His wife, an estimable lady, died in November, 1872. He spent his whole life in tilling the soil. Daniel M. was reared on a farm, and learned the plasterer's trade, at which he worked several years. He came to Henry County in the spring of 186.5, and was married near Salem, this county. May 30, 1872, to Miss Mary Rhodes, daughter of John W. and Sarah (Thompson) Rhodes. Mrs. Campbell was born in Morrow, Warren Co., Ohio, Oct. 28, 1844, and came to Henry County with her parents in 1851. Five children have graced their union, three of whom are now living. Daisy May, the eldest, died when four and a half j'ears old; Ross A. died when two and a half years old. Those liv- ing are Florence A., aged seven ; Daniel W., aged five, and Mary Helen, one 3'ear of age. Mr. and Mrs. Campbell are members of the First Presbj'- terian Church of New Loudon. iSIr. Campbell is a Democrat in politics. He has a fine dairy farm of 240 acres, on which he keeps a large herd of cows, and manufactures butter and cheese. Mrs. Campbell's father, John AV. Rhodes, was born near Georgetown, Va., ,Iuly 10, 1800, and was descended from an old and highly respected Virginia family. He witnessed the burning of Washington by the British in the War of 1812. He moved to Morrow, Warren Co., Ohio, in his youth, and there married Sarah Thompson, a native of Virginia, boi'n of New lilngland parents. Her family were natives of Maine and weie of i -^ <^ 178 ^ HENRY COUNTY. English descent. Mr. and Mrs. Rhodes had a family of eleven children, six sons and five daugh- ters. Clarksoii went .South prior to the late war and was a Captain in the Confederate army ; his death occurred in 1881. Samuel was a soldier in the Union army, a member of the California battalion, enlisted for a Massachusetts regiment, was cap- tured while on a scouting expedition, but escaped soon. Franlilin was a member of a Kans.as regi- ment, was captured, and he also soon escaped; Newton, Milton and Wesley were in the 14th Iowa Volunteer Infantry; Wesley was wounded, Newton and Milton were talven prisoners at Shiloh, and both escaped from Macon, Ga. Caroline is the wife of Joel .Jones, of Salem Township; Hen- rietta is the wife of Caleb Trapp, residing in Florida; Eliza died at tiie age of twenty-eight; Mary is the honored wife of D. M. Campbell, of New London Township; Emma is the wife of Oliver Garretson, of Buffalo, N. Y. Mrs. Rhodes died in Ohio in 1848. Mi-. Rhodes came to Henry County in 1851, and settled in Tippecanoe Town- ship, wlierc liis death occurred in tiic spring of 1880. Mr. Rliodes was a second time married, to Mrs. Daraaris Alden, by whom he had four children, two of wliom are living. .Julia married Addison Frasier, living in Lincoln, Neb. : Edwin married Melissa Frasier, a sister, also living in Lincoln, Neb. Those deceased are Alice 1'. and Jennie. The mother is still living at an advanced age witii her daughter. OLIVER STEPHENSON, farmer and Trustee of W.ayiie Townsliip, Henry Co., Iowa, re- siding on section 18, was liorn in Southern .Sweden in 18.'54, and is tlie son of .Ste|ihen and Christiana C. (Poulson) Steplienson, who in IfSIl) cmigi'ated to America, settling in Trenton Town- ship, llcnry County. They bronglil witii Iheni eight children — Paul, Oliver, Charles ,J., Stephen, Caroline, Christiana, Mary and Louisa. The latter died in Chicago of ciiolera wliile on tlie way to luwa. ,Ste|)hcn Steplienson, .Sr., purciiased liie farm upon wliich Daniel Vorliies now lives, in 'I'lenton Township, and upon this the parents, two brotiiers and cue sister died. Besides Oliver, two sisters are now living. Caroline wedded Peter Alsen, who resides near Madrid, Boone Co., Iowa; and Chris- tiana is married to James Sexton, a native of Ohio, a Commercial agent for a Chicago firm, and a resident of Pella, Iowa. Our subject grew to manhood in Trenton Town- shii), and from boyhood developed the character- istics which have been so marked during his later years. He received but a limited school education, but, as his business liabits were formed he secured a practical one, and to-day takes front rank among the prominent farmers of the county. He was married in 1 860 to Miss M.arj- H. Johnson, also born in Sweden, who came alone from that country in 1858. The young couple began their domestic life ill Jefferson County, and six years later moved to Wayne Township, tiiis county, Mr. Stephenson purchasing a quarter section of land. He has made this one of the most beautiful farms in tlie town- ship, and has expended large sums of money in the erection of a mansion and fine out-buildings, and as his means increased, his liro.ad acres have grown to a half section of land, where he resides; and he also owns other farms, in Nebraska, Kansas, and in this township aii, in 1801, and settled in Butler County, where Thomas was miirried to Hester Aim Shields, a native of Ireland, by wliom he liad a family of seven chil- dren: Mary Ann married (Jeorgc !'. Gi-afl, of Butler County, and died in thatcunnty; Jane, wife of Dr. Josej)!! Waterman, a I'ciebr.'ited Meth- odist preacher, died in Oxford, Butler Co., Ohio; Eliza, born in 1811, resides in this (Henry) county; Thomas married Miss Ann Be vis; Hester Ann, wife of William Pottenger, of Preble County, Ohio; Caroline, wife of William Lytic, came to this county where she afterward died ; her husband was sup- posed to have been murdered near Hamilton, Ohio, and his body thrown into the Miami River. John, who .settled in this count}' in 1840. Thomas More- head and wife were members of the Methodist Episcopal Church and for some years he was a Class- Loader. He was a man highly respected in the county where he lived. In politics, he was a stanch Jackson Democrat. Joiui S. Morehead was an earlj' settler of Henry County, Iowa. He was born in Butler Count}', Ohio, Aug. 12, 1820, and there grew to manhood and received a liberal education. In the fall of 1846 he married Miss Charlott Forbes, a native of Butler County, Ohio, born .Jan. 1, 1827. Soon after their marriage they came to Henry County and located in Centre Township, where they re- mained until their death. Six children were born unto them, four of whom are living: Hester, wife of Erskine Becker, residing in New London Town- ship; Mary, wife of Nelson Cornick, of this county ; Callie, residing on the old homestead; Annettie, wife of Cornelius Smith, of Jefferson County, Iowa. Tlie deceased are John and an infant daughter. Mrs. Morehead died in 1865. Slie was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church and a sincere Christian woman, loved by all. Mr. Morehead came to Iowa in the same year it was admitted into the Union of States. The greater part of the connti-y at this time was in a wild state, and in common with the pioneers generally he had but little capital other than a brave heart and willing iiands. He went immediately to work and soon had a splendid farm under a high state of cultivation. He was a man of marked ability, one calculated to make friends wherever known. Religiously, he was con- nected Willi the Methodist Episcopal Church, and as a member of that body did all in his power to advance liie Master's cause. Politically, he was a stanch Democrat, a Jinn believer in the principles advocated by Jefferson and Jackson. A friend of education, he gave each of his children opportunity »► M^ -i^ HENRY COUNTY. 181 -le^ sufficient to become well versed in the various sciences of the day. June 21, 1887, Mr. Morehead was trampled by a frightened horse, which caused his death June 26, 1887. He was a kind husband and an indulgent parent, and no man could say aught against him. His death was universally mourned alike by his family and friends. Miss Eliza Morehead, the sister of John, has al- ways made her home \vith the family. She is a woman of superior ability and has been a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church for many years. Of a family of seven children she is the sole surviv- ing one. LFRED J. CAMPBELL is among the 01 oldest and best known citizens of Henry Count3'. He was born in Sussex County, Del., April 2, 1816, and is a son of Rob- ert and Hannah (Hazard) Campbell, both na- tives of the same State, where their whole lives were passed. They were the parents of four sons and three daughters who grew up. Besides the sub- ject of this sketch, one other member of this fam- ily is now living, a brother, John S., who is now in his seventy-seventh j^ear and is a resident of Passa- dena, Cal. Both of his parents died when Alfred J. was six years old, and he went to live with older brothers and sisters. He received such education as the schools of that day afforded, and was reared on a farm until he was fourteen years old, when he came West with an older brother, William H., who kept a general store at Shelby ville, Ind. He was in his brother's employ for eight years, when he began on his own account in the same town. Two years later he began trading in the South, and some- times clerking, usuallj' spending the summers in the North. On the breaking out of the Mexican War, Mr. Campbell enlisted in the 3d Indiana Volunteers, under Capt. Sullivan, their Colonel being the after- ward celebrated Gen. James H. Lane, of Kansas border war fame. He participated in the battle of Bueiia Vista, fought by Gen. Taylor against tre- mendous odds, and which was one of the most brilliant victories of that war. On his return to peaceful pursuits he again settled in Shelby County, Ind. Mr. Campbell was married in September, 183;), at Dayton, Oliio, to Miss Mary Sullivan, who died in July, 1848. The fruit of this union was one child who died in infancj'. In Seiitember, 1849, Mr. Campbell was married to Mrs. Prudence Lockhart, widow of Benjamin Lockhart, of Ripley County, Ind., who died July 1.5, 1848. This couple had no children. In 1853 Mr. and INIrs. Campbell emigrated to Iowa, settling on a farm in Henry County, on which he lived for twent}- years, and on which, by the aid of his industrious and thrifty habits and good judgment, he accumulated a competence. In 1873 he retired from active life on the farm and removed to his present home in Mt. Pleasant. In earlj- life Mr. Campbell acted with the Democratic party, but on the breaking out of the Rebellion joined the ranks of the Republicans with whom he has ever since affiliated. In his religious views he is a be- liever in Christianity and a liberal supporter of churches, but not a member of any denomination. His wife is a member of the Christian Church. A man of sound judgment, well informed as to public matters, and of undoubted probity of character, Mr. Campbell commands the respect of his fellow- men. r>5- ••# VILLIAM SMITH, born Oct. 5, 1833, is a native of Beaver County, Pa. He resides on section 20, Trenton Township, where he owns a fine farm of eighty acres. AVhen but a lad of twelve years he emigrated with his parents, Robert and Nancy (Bryarly) Smith, natives of Pennsylvania, to Indiana. In that State William was reared on a farm and received his education at the district schools. He came to this county in the fall of 18.55 with his parents, who subsequently re- moved to Decatur County, where they both died. The father departed this life in August, 1877, and the mother in August, 1885. They were both members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. He was a Republican, always taking a lively interest in jjolitical affairs. They reared a family of eight children : Sarah S., wife of John Jones, now resides in Decatur County, Iowa; Jane M., widow of John Bouse, now living in Tipton County, Ind. ; AVill- 1 ^ f .1- -^ 182 HENRY COUNTY. iaiii. (iiir subject; Agnes, wife of Isaac Dick, resid- ing in Indiana; Margaret, widow of Jolin Stone, of Decatur County, Iowa; Robert, a soldier in tlie 34th Iowa Volunteer Infantry, enlisted in August, 18G2, and died at Helena, Ark., when fighting foi' hi.s country ; Mary A., wife of Preston Creveling, of Decatur County, Iowa; Louisa Ann died in infancy. William Smith, our subject, went with his par- ents to Decatur Countj^ Iowa, in the spring of 1856; remaining but a short time, he returned to Henry County, engaging as a farm hand, then rent- ing farms until October, 1861, when he responded to his country's call for troops. He enlisted in Company D, 4th Iowa Cavalry, and served until Aug. 9, 1864, as Corporal. His eyes became sore and he suffered from other disabilities, from the effects of which diseases he has never fully re- covei'ed. After his discharge he returned to Henry County, and was united in marriage, in February, 1865, with Rhoda Ann Messer, a native of Henrj' County, and a daughter of Hiram Messer. He made his home upon a rented farm on section 20, Tren- ton Township, until 1873, when he made a home on a farm of eighty acres which he had previously bought, and has developed a good farm. Mr. and Mrs. Smith were the parents of two chil- dren— W. G. and E. M. His first wife died April 14, 1870, and ho was .again married in 1873, to Margaret Messer, a sister of his former wife, and by their union eight children have been born — Will- iam Sherman, Robert Hiram, John Miller, Ann Eliza, Rosa Blanche, Maggie Luella, Nanc}' Ade- line and .lames Harlan. Mr. Smith has held the office of Township Trustee for six years. Politically he is Republican. He is one of the stanch sup- porters of the party, and takes great interest in all political affairs. Mr. Smith commenced life a poor boy, and has made his own way in the world with- out .a.ssistance. I J' OB CODNER, a farmer residing at New London Village, has a finely imjjroved farm of 205 acres adjoining the east city limits, another of seventy-seven acres in the same township, besides forty acres of good timber. Mr. -^•- Codner was born at Athens, Athens Co., Ohio, in December, 1820. His father, .John C. Codner, was a large land-owner in that county, but was born in Rhode Island, his parents being of French descent. The name uriginally was Cadnea, liut was changed to Coy every transfer. In 1878 he purchased the farm of 20.") acres near the east village limits which he still owns, and the ele- gant residence in the village, his jiresent home. Mr. Codner has not confined himself strictly to farm life, but has traveled over the world more or less. In 18.56 he made a trip to Texas, going overland through the Indian Territory. He left home in September, 1856, spent the winter in Texas and re- turned via the Red River, Louisiana, Arkansas and Missouri. While in North Missouri he was stricken with Spanish or yellow fever and came near dying. He reached home on the 25th of May, 1857. On the 16th of September, 1869, he started with his family for a cruise to the Pacific Slope, spent two months in California, visiting .San Fsancisco and other chief points of interest, and then returned to Iowa. In his younger days he was an old-line Whig, and on the formation of the Republican party, joined that organization, and has since been an earnest supporter of the party. Mr. and Mrs. Codner are members of the Baptist Church, and are highly respected by that society and by the entire community in which they make their home. s^- ■^.r^ «S ^=^EORGE SHANER, merchant. New London, [|[ ,— , Iowa, a pioneer of Henry County of 1844, ^^Jj was born in Westmoreland County, Pa., Jan. 15, 1840. His parents, George and Juliana (Bricker) Shaner, were Pennsylvanians by birth and of German descent. The family originally settled in Maryland, and went from there to Westmore- land County, Pa., where the father was born. George came to Iowa with his parents in 1844, when but a child. They spent a short time in Burlington and then came to New London. ■-4^ The subject of our sketch was educated in the village schools of that place, and on the breaking- out of the Civil War he was among the first to enter the .service in defense of the Union. He enlisted in June, 1861, and was sworn into the United States service July 17 following as a private of Company H, 6th Iowa Infantry, under command of Col. John Adair McDowell, who was succeeded by Col. John M. Corse, late Major General. His regi- ment was assigned to duty in the Army of the Ten- nessee, under Gen.' Slierman. The history of the 6th Iowa Infantry was one of hard-fought cam- paigns in which the regiment made a brilliant rec- ord for brave and efficient .service, and during which time it sustained a loss of 140 men killed outright in line of battle, and 349 wounded. The first important battle in which the regiment engaged was the battle of Shiloh, where they entered with a force of 600 men and sustained a loss of 284 in killed and wounded. Our subject participated in the following-named engagements: Battles of Shi- loh, March 16, 1862; siege of Corinth, May, 1862; siege of Yicksburg, winter of 1862-6.3. At the battles near Jackson, July 16, 1863, the regiment covered Itself with glory and was highly compli- mented in the reports of the general officers. In the mouth of November, 1863, it was engaged in the battle of Mission Ridge. In December follow- ing, the regiment took jiart in the famous expedi- tion for the relief of Knoxville, Tenn. Early in 1864 the regiment veteranized and became the 6th Iowa Veteran Volunteers, and was granted a thirty- days furlough. Returning at the expiration of the furlough, about the last of April, 1864, it rejoined Sherman and fouglit the battles of Resaca, May 14 and 15; Dallas, May 28; New Hope, June 1 to 4; Big Shanty, June 15, and Kennesaw on the 27th; then in all the great battles before At- lanta, July 21, 22 and 28, and at Jonesboro, in the rear of Atlanta, on the last of August and first of September. The roster at Dalton showed not more than 400 men when the regiment returned from veteran furlough, and on the campaign before At- lanta the casualties numbered over 200. When the regiment started with Sherman on his famous march to the sea, it numbered but little more than one full company. It took part in the battles of «>. i f J 184 HENRY COUNTY. 4- Griswoldville, Ga., Nov. 22, 1864, where they rr all the registered claims in this township he was the bidder on behalf of the respective claimants, and perhaps the only man now living in this county who performed the same service. Isaac Garrettson was the inventor of the first nail cutting and heading machine ever in- vented, of which there is any record, and which was patented while George Washington was Presi- dent, the patent bearing the name of the Father of his Country. The first cabin built by Joel Garrettson was erected on the creek ou the east half of the south- west quarter of section 27. Their first son, Amos P., was born in Ohio; Emilj' R. was bc>rn in the first cabin built on their purchase in Iowa, on March 15, 1840. With two yoke of cattle hitched to a wagon, the journey was made from Ohio, and the team played no unimportant part after they were fairly settled. They turned over the virgin sod, drew the logs for their cabins, and as both brothers brought with them a horse, they also had a team for driving. Our subject and his brothers began life in the new country like other pioneers. They built their own cabins, split the puncheons for floors, and fashioned the clapboards for the roof. They also made a •' hominy mortar " of a hollowed log, and with a pestle made with a spring pole, somewhat similar to the old well-sweep, the corn was crushed into meal, and some of the neigh- bors, among whom were Ephraim Ratliffe and wife, patronized the primitive mill. The prosperous days that came later on did away with all that kind of labor, and the crushed corn was replaced by bolted rae.al and wheaten flour. Flocks and herds dotted the pastures, and almost before our subject and his young wife were aware of it they were wealthy people and the parents of a family of children, whose merry voices made the walls of the old cabin ring with their shouts of glee. As tlie days went by a modern house took the place of the pole cabin. The deer and wolves no longer raced across the prairies; the Indians who for years had hunted over the now fertile lands had gone, and Mr. Gar- rettson's remark to his friends when leaving Ohio, " that he had come West to secure lands and grow with the growth of the country," was fully real- ized. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Garrettson are: Amos, wedded to Mary A. Huffman, and who is a resident mechanic of Leon, Decatur Co., Iowa; Emily R. is the wife of Irenius M. Hoffman, a mechanic of Indianapolis, Ind. ; Julia, wife of Ben- jamin F. Pratt, a resident physician of Clarks, Merrick Co., Neb., is a gi-aduate of Whittier College, and also of the Florence Heights Medical College, New Jersey ; Albert H., the husband of Louisa Smith, is a graduate of the State University, and a resident attorney of Keokuk; John G., also graduated at Whittier and the State University, wedded Laura Bartlett, and is his brother's law -t 190 HENRY COUNTY. "4 partner, the firm Ijeiiig favorably known as Gar- rettson & Garrrttson; Owen A. graduated at Whittier College, and resides with his father on the farm, and is married to Miss Emma J. Diltz, a sister of Dr. Diltz, and daughter of Thomas Diltz, a well-known citizen of this township. Long since our subject gained a competence, and he and his wife for years took life easy. They lived uprightly, did faithfully their life work, and in their mature age, before death came to break their long companionship, could look upon children who are prominent factors in the business and social world. Having passed with honor all the offlcial positions in the gift of the i)eople of his township, Mr. Garrettson resigns public life to younger men. The golden wedding anniversary of Mr. Garrettson and his wife was celebrated in 188G, and all their children were present. They were the grandparents of sixteen children and one great-gi'andchild. On Dec. 4, 1887, the Angel of Death entered the happy home, and the loving wife and faithful mother passed from earth, rendering up her soul to Him who gave it, and the aged husband was left to mourn the loss of a tender wife, by whose side he had passed more than half a century. She was a noble woman, who nobly discharged all her duties, and was truly a helpmeet to her husband. Her end came suddenly and peacefully, and her memory is enshrined in the hearts of not only her family but of a large circle of friends, by whom she was held in high esteem. Mrs. Garrettson was born May 5, 1816, in Franklin County, Ohio. ^OHN KURTZ, a farmer residing on section 7, Jefferson Town.fhip, Henry Co., Iowa, was ^_^^ born in Maryland in 1 829, and is the son of (^^ John and Margaret (Harget) Kurtz, who were of German origin, Init were born, rcnred and married in Maryland. His grandfather on his father's side was born in Germany, and his name was also John Kurtz. The given name of his wife was Susan, who bore two children: Jolui and Susan, who remained in Mar3land, and |)rob:ih!y never married. The children of John Kurtz, fallier of our subject, are mentioned individual^ in the sketch of Newton INIcClintic, who wedded Ann R., the second youngest daughter. John Kurtz, Sr., died at the age of sixtj'-four, and his wife survived him a number of years, reaching the mature age of seventy-two. Both were buried on the old home- stead, and side by side all th.at was mortal reposes, also one son, Peter, who died unmarrieil. John Kurtz, our subject, was married in 1850 to Martha A. Mason, a daughter of A. W. and Cyn- thia (Rogers) Mason, who were married in Monroe County', Teun. Mrs. Kurtz was born there, and came with her parents to Henry County in 1842, settling where Wayland is now located. Later Mr. Mason purchased a farm on section 8, where he lived for some years, but later purchased a small home on section 6, where himself and wife died. They were born in North Carolina, and reared a family of ten children. The first eight were born in Tennessee— James N., William R., Martha A., Mary J., Andrew J., Arch McC'racken, Rufus and Thomas. Leo and Margaret, in Iowa. Thomas died in Tennessee. The wife of A. W. Mason died in her forty-first year, and Mr. Mason wedded Isa- bella Murry, who bore Ilenrj' H., Charles A., Elizabeth C, Eliza E., Almeda M., Hettie, Homer C, Samuel D., Viola J. and Ida, all born in this county. A. W. Mason died in May, 18C9, aged sixty-four years. His widow yet resides in Wash- ington Count}', now the wife of Josejih Young, and has reached an advanced .age. Forty-six years in this county have crowned the head of John Kurtz, Jr., with hairs of gray, but he is the same genial man of twenty-live years ago. He is the father of seven children : Samantha, wife of John Lute, a farmer of Jefferson Township: Aramintha, wife of Abner Edwards, a farmer of Washington County; William, husband of Mattie Esslej', is farming near Coppack; David, the hus- band of Mary Windliiig, resides in Jefferson County, Iowa; Mattie, wife of John Page, an em- ploye on the C, B. it C^. R. R. ; Charles, an em- ploye in the State Asylum, and Frank, complete the number. Mr. Kurtz owns 140 acres of line land situated near Wayland, and within easj' walk- ing distance of Coppack. He lias grown wealthy willi l\is years, and lias served longer on the School .^ J^ 1 HENRY COUNTY. 191 Board than any man in his district. We iioint with pleasure to this family, who have come frym a race who have done much to build up and develop the new counties, and deserve a special mention. -**»-- ••o*o.-^5^>J ■o«o..(§Jn^, in I8(!6, was united in marriage with Miss F.-mnie llutchins, a daughter of David and ^Mar- j gari'tta (Wooils) Ilutchius. She was a native of i I HENRY COUNTY. 197 Ohio, her parents being early settlers of that State. In the same 3' ear they were married Mr. and Mrs. DuMars removed to Elmira, N. Y., but later re- turned to Harrisburg, where Mr. DuM.Trs worked at his trade. In 1872 they again removed, this time settling in Columbus Junction, Iowa, from thence came to Crawfordsville in 1883, and the fol- lowing year to AViulield, where they have ever since resided. Mr. DuMars is a member of Scott Tent No. 6, Knights of the Maccabees Insurance Company, and Mort Hobart Post, G. A. R. Mr. and Mrs. DuMars have had twelve children, four of whom are living — Anna M., William G.. John B. and Frankie D. The remainder died in infancy. Mrs. DuMars and her daughter are members of the Presbyterian Church. Politically, Mr. DuMars is a stanch Republican, and an earnest worker for his party. ENRY DAVIES, Jk., a retired farmer, re- siding on section 10, .Jefferson Township, Henry Co., Iowa, is a member of one of the oldest and wealthiest families of Jefferson Township, and we add with pleasure his sketch iu this volume. He was born Dec. 22, 1833, in South Wales. His education was commenced in Wales, and completed iu Jefferson Township. He was married, in 18()7, to Miss Mary Davidson, of Wash- ington County, Iowa, a daughter of John and Elnora Davidson. The young wife was brought to a new home on the farm owned by her husband, a part of the Davies' land. On this farm their mar- ried life w,as begun. Here their children were born, namely: Sarah E., wife of William Ilenss, Jr., a resident on the home farm, and Jesse E. In 1883 Mr. Davies became a resident of Wayland, pur- chasing twentj' acres of the Warren addition, atl- joining the original vill.age plat. After the marriage of their d.aughter the husband occupied the homo- stead and has since engaged in farm work, although bj- trade a mechanic, and the son of one of the old- est residents of Wayland. One grandson, Lester, plays gladly in the arms of the fond grandparents, who on both sides are living. No better name than that of Davies can gr.ice these pages, and in pre- -^0 senting their history we offer the public a record of a people who have no superiors in social and moral virtues. Henry Davies, Ji'., broke with sev- eral yoke of cattle all the sod of his, and a part of the David Davies' tract, and with pleasure he re- lates his love for the work, and the way in which he could inan.ige his cattle in turning down the tall h.azel brush and the long prairie grass. R. MePHERSON, residing on section 8, WJv Scott Township, Henry Co., Iowa, was //rii born in Hamilton County, Ohio, near Cin- (^' cinnati, Feb. 2, 1812. His parents were Robert and Margaret (McCormick) McPhei'Son, the former born in Virginia in 1769, the latter near Baltimore, Md., iu 17S4. In 1811 they went to Hamilton Count}'. Ohio, and near Cincinnati, which was then but a small village, they made a home. Eight children were born to them, four sons and four daughters, five of whom are living: George; Mary J., wife of Dr. Jordan, now deceased; Mar- garet married John Myers, of Licking County, Ohio; John lives in Licking County, Ohio, and A. R., the subject of this sketch. Those deceased are: Adah, Elizabeth and William. Mr. McPherson was a prominent Mason, and he and his wife were reared, lived and died in the Presbyterian faith. The early life of our subject was spent under the parental roof, remaining on the farm until he w.as twenty years of age. In 1832 he left home, going to Illinois, but returning the following year, he sub- sequently made two trips to New Orleans. His father, anxious that he should receive a good edu- cation, gave him #50 vvith which to pay his tuition at a school in Athens. About this time the Texas rebellion broke out, and, in com[)any with James McDonald, Mr. McPherson went to New Orleans, where he enlisted with the Texas Rangers under Gen. Morgan. He went with that command to Texas, where the Rangers were employed as scouts, doing some hard fighting, and having some hair- breadth escapes. At one time a company of ninety- six men were ambushed by tiie Comanelio Indians and Mexicans, and out of that number only thirty- two escaped, they having a hiind-to-hand fight. -•►^1 i I •<*• 198 a HENRY COUNTY. i^ Mr. McPhersoii received several lancet wounds, but escaped otherwise uninjured. He served in the war until its close, receiving half a league of land for his services, which he afterward sold for $500. For several years he worked on the river, aceuinu- lating considerable money. In Hamilton County, Ohio, in 1811, he was joined in marriage with Miss Jane Daniels. Seven children came to make glad the parents' hearts: William, now a civil engineer, served in the late Kebelli(jn with honor; Joseph, now deceased, en- listed in the oOtli Iowa Volunteer Infantry, and was afterward promoted to the rank of Lieutenant: Elizabeth, deceased wife of Josephus Brown; Or- nian, also a soldier, in the 19th Iowa Volunteer In- fantry, resides, in Mercer County, 111.; Jlmma wedded H. White, of St. Louis, who is connected with the Globe Democrat; R. Franklin, of Chariton, Mo., and one child, who died in infancy. Mrs. McPherson was taken from her happy home in 1 S-OO. In 1846 Mr. McPherson enlisted in the Mexican War, serving in Company (', Cth United States Infantry. lie was appointed to the command as Seconil Lieutenant, but served as First. He partici- pated in the llattlc of I'alo Alto, where the regi- ment lost heavily, and also in the capture of Vera Cruz. In 18.J3 Mr. McPherson was again mariied, to Miss Martha M. Morris, a daughter of William and Abigal (Klwell) Morris, one of tlu- pioneer settlers of Louisa County, Iowa. Again seven chil- dren brought joy and gladness to their home, and six of these children are yet living: Clara, wife of A. R. Dayton, of Sherman County, Kan.; (irant, a resident of Henry County; Sherman, FIlie, James and Chnrles, who still reside with Iheii' parents; Adah died in infancy. In I8()2 Mr. McPherson with his family settled in Liiuisa County, Iowa, but in 1883 decided t() make Henry County his home, and here he has since resided. Success and losses co'iie alike to all, and Mr. McPherson's life has not been an exception to the general rule. lie has traveled extensively over our country, and has seen much that vvas pleasant, and this beautiful land of ours. In all his wanderings never during his life has h(? used toliaeeo or whisky. A remaikable rec- ord, ti'uly. In many of his tr;uis:u'tions he has be(»n very successful, liul. on tlu' other hand lie has met with seveial losses, which he paid dollar for dollar. Atone time he lost, through a partner, $30,000, but were it not for these very trials we could not fully appreciate our blessings. '\f| ESSF KKTCIIFM, of Mt. Pleasant, was born atFishkill, Dutchess Co., N. Y., on the 9th of April, 1809. His father, Timothy Ketchum, was born at Huntington South, Lons>- Island, in 1731. He served through the Revolutionary War, and at Fairfield, Conn., was wounded in the head, necessitating the removal of some i)ieces of skull. After the war he returned to Danbury, Conn., where he had previously located. Ho was twice married; his second wife was Miss Rebecca LaDue, :i native of New York. l{y this union there were nine children, three of whom are now living: Jesse, of Mt. Pleasant; James Madison, of Long Island; and Mary, of Queens County, Long Island, widow of George W. Anderson. Those de- ceased are Charity, Samuel, John, Ebenezer. Timo- thy, and an infant. Timothy Ketchum was a man who was highly respected for his honestly and integ- rity, and his word was as good as his bond. His motto was "to do good for evil." In politics Mr. Ketchum was an old-time Republican, and was a great admirer of President Madison. At the time when Dr. Barton White was elected to Congress he told Mr. Ketchum that when he went to W:ishing- ton he would get him a pension. Mr. Ketchum said he diil not want one, but when the Doctor re- turned he had a pension of * 1,800 for him, but he would not receive a cent, returning it to the Gov- ernment, saying: "I did not fight for nu)ne3' ; it was for liberty, the country, and ni}' God." Mr. Kelcliuin died at the advanced age of ninetj'-eight. Mrs. Ketchum was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Cluu'ch, and an earnest Christian. She died at the age of forty-nine, in Dutchess County, N. V. The subject of this sketch grew to ni:inhood in Dutchess Count}', N. V.. and was educated In the primitive school-houses of those times, his books consisting of a Testament and :i Websler's spelling- book. He was married to AHss l'A\/.:i ChiM'chill, of v^ 4 a- HENRY COUNTY. -•► 199 Dutchess County, July 30, 1830. She was the daughter of John Churchill, a soldier of the French and Indian wars. Eight sons and three daughters were horn to them : Julia A. is the wife of Richard Armstrong, of Tuttle's Point, 111. ; Oscar C, a resi- dent of Southern Kansas; William B., living at Alt. Pleasant; Leander, also of Mt. Pleasant; Edward D., who enlisted in the 4th Iowa Cavalry, died of disease contracted in the army; Eliza is the wife of John Peterson, of Mt. Valley, Kan. ; Frank, of Henry County; Winfield, of Mendota, Mo. ; Albert, now deceased; Hattie, at home, and Jesse, Jr., at home. In 1855 Mr. Ketchum came to Henry County and located, and the following year moved his family. He worked at the carpenter's and joiner's trade for a short while, but afterward became a butcher, and gave that up to live on a farm. In 1865 he removed to Mt. Pleasant, at which place he has since resided. In politics he is a stanch Re- publican. Mr. and Mrs. Ketchum stand high in the community where they have so long resided. Thej' are both members of the Baptist Church, always living a true Christian life, and ai'e only waiting the call of their Master to their final home. J AVID KINNEY, deceased, was aprominent pioneer settler of Henry County, Iowa, having come to this county first In 1845 from Ohio. Remaining some six months he returned home, and again, in April, 1850, came to Henry Count}-, at which time he purchased 160 acres of land on section 33, Trenton Township. He removed to this farm the same year, and by his own labor ti-ansformed it into one of the best in the county, residing upon it until his death. He was one of the successful farmers of Henry County, and in time became owner of 532 acres of land. Mr. Kinney was born Jan. 0, 1814, and died April 5, 1883, mourned by a large circle of friends as well as relatives. Having lived in this county for so many years he was universally known, and was respected alike by old and young, rich and poor. I On the 22d of December, 1835, he was united ~ in marriage with Margaret Johnson, a native of Ohio, and a daughter of Frederick Johnson. Five children blessed the union of Mr. and Mrs. Kinney: Mary Catherine, wife of Thomas J. Wilson, now residing in Harvey C'ounty, Kan. ; Frederick J., re- siding in Tippecanoe Township, married Mary Bon- field, 25th of March, 1870, and died on the 20th of September, 1881; thc}^ had one child, Franklin 1., who died in infanc}' ; Elizabeth S., died when eleven years of age; Rosamond, wife of Warren Chandler, a resident of Jefferson County, Iowa, died June 27, 1877: and Franklin T. lOBERT S. GILLLS, Cashier of the National State Bank, of Mt. Pleas.ant, Iowa, was born in Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa., May 1, 1840, and ^lis the son of Hon. James L. and Cecilia A. (Berry) Gillis. He i)assed his childhood and youth in his native State, receiving his education in the common schools. In 1859, his father having been appointed Indian Agent by President Buchanan, the family, including our subject, removed to the Pawnee Indian Reservation in Eastern Nebraska, and later to Omaha, from which place Robert S. entered the United States Naval Service in 1862, as Paymaster's Clerk in the North Atlantic and Gulf Squadron, and served till the close of the war. He was on board the United States man-of-war " Mil- waukee," which was commanded b}' his brother, James H. Gillis, when she was blown up b}' a tor- pedo in Mobile Bay. In 1 865 he went to Wash- ington with the Paymaster, and was connected with the Treasury Department till the fall of 1868. He then returned to his old home in Pennsylvania, and two years later came to Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. On coming to this city he was employed as bookkeeper in the State Bank, and was next made Assistant Cashier, and later was made Cashier to succeed Mr. J. H. Whiting, and has since held that position. Mr. Gillis was married at Mt. Pleasant, Aug. 4, 1868, to Miss Sophia E. Whiting, daughter of Timothy Whiting (see sketch). Mrs. Gillis was born at Bath, Steuben Co., N. Y. Four children were born of this union, three sons and a daughter: James Timothy, now .aged eighteen ; Sarah Cecilia, I f -4•- 200 O- HENRY COUNTY. aged fifloon; Robert Iloiiry, .ii^fi I lour, and Hugh (!laudiiis, aged Olio year. Mr. and Mrs. (^illis are memhors of llic ricsliytorian Cliurcli. Mr. Oillis is -A uu'inhcr of Mf. Plciisanl Iif)dgo No. s. A. V. &. A. M. riilitic.-illy 111' is M Dciiiocr.'il. I'cr.sonally he is regiirded as a gciillciiiaii of unlilemished ciiar- aeter, llioroiighly uprigiil in all Imsinoss (-raiisaotions, and a sl.raiglitforward iii;ni and ij'ood cilizcn. ...j^^^^rA;^'. )ARniNER & ROTH are dealers m hardware and agricultural implements at ^\'ayland, Henry Co., Iowa. Desiring to make men- tion of the resjiective families of these gentlemen in comiection with their business we speak first of the senior member of the firm. Benedick Gardiner was born in New Hamburg, Canada West, in 18.'5!), and is the son of Christian and Anna (Roth) Oardiner. Christian Gardiner came to Washington County, Iowa, in 1857, being at the time the husband of Plnebe Roth, a relative of his lirst wife, who died in Canada, .'ind was the mother of seven children, and FlKche (Roth) Gardiner was the mother of three children. The death of Christian Gardiner, Sr., occurred in Iowa, and I'IkcIic, his widow, now resides in .lolni- son. Renedick Gardiner came to Iowa three years prior to his father, and when he was but fifteen years old. He worked on a farm in Lee County for a year and a half, when he went to Washington County, where he remained about the same length of time. Thence lie went to Davis County, and a 3'ear later, in 1 855, came to Henry County. On his marriage he rented a farm for a j-ear, and a year later bought a farm in Trenton Townshii), on which he lived for nineteen years, and until his removal to Wayland, in 1881. He was married to Nauc}- A. Roth, of this county, in ISCl. They have three children living: F^lla, wife of Ed. II. I-'arris, the Station Agent at Wayland ; Ida .and Guy, who are unmarried, and live with thcii- parents. One son, William Edward, died in 1880, aged twelve years. On his removal to Wayland, in 1881, Mr. Gardiner engaged in a general mercantile business, which he hiter disposed of, and purchased a half interest in the hardware stock of Charles Bergh. This he later sold to Mr. Bergh, and for some time did an exclusive business in agricultural implements; but in 1886, with Joseph Roth, purchased the hardware stock and good -will of Mr. Bergh, and they have since done a large business in that line, besides dealing largely in all kinds of agriiadtural imple- ments. They carry a ^2,000 stock of hardware, and their sales the past season of buggies and agri- cultural im()lements alone amounted to over ^$4,500. Both the gentlemen named are enterprising business men, and their Integrity and courtesy have drawn trade remote from their legitimate business center. Such men arc valuable factors in any community, and to such the growth .ind prosperity of Wayhuid are due. Joseph Rotli, the junitir nieinlier of the firm, is the brother-in-law of Mr. Gardiner. He was born in Wayne County, Ohio, in 181;), and is the son of John and Katie (Grever) Roth, who eanie to this counUy in 1840. Several children who were born in Ohio came with their parents to Iowa — Michael^ John, Peter, Joseph, Nancy A., .Mary and Lydia. After their arrival in this State Katie, David and Elizabeth were born. The family reside on a farm near Trenton, and are highly- spoken of. 4 T HENRY COUNTY. 201 Joseph Roth wedded Miss Nettie MoC'ra3', of Trenton, Iowa, Sept. 5, 1876. She was born P'el). 11,18.5.'). Their domestic life w.as begun upon a farm in Trenton Township, Vjut in Miucli, 1884, they removed to Wayland. Mrs. Roth engaged in the millinery and fancy goods business, and to iier is the honor due of having a large and well-selected Stoclt, and the only one in Wayland. Everytliing in ladies' goods is to be found there, and tlie store does a fine trade. Mr. and Mrs. Roth are parents of three children, all born in this county — Lulu, Earl and Clark. Tiie parents of Mrs. Roth, Frank and Hester (VanVoast) McCray, reside near Tren- ton, upon the same farm where foi' forty years a happy married life has been enjoyed. They were tlie parents of eight children, six living: Orlando, unmarried, a bookkeeper in tlie bank of Sioux City; Nettie, wife of Joseph Roth ; Joiin, unmarried, a farmer in Dakota; Mary, wife of Prof. William Hart, a resident teacher of Holdrege, Neb., where she is also a teacher; Joseph and Frank, unmnnicd, reside on the old homestead. \¥j ACOB S. KINNEY, a prominent farmer 11 residing on section 30, Marion Township, ^.^^ I was born in Pennsylvania, Sept. 1.5,1817, ^g// and is tlie son -^t^>^'Q_^-'^i<£-^'<~ ellARLES B. PANGBORN. a farmer, and Township Trustee, residing on si'Ction 14, Jefferson Township, Henry Co., Iowa, was born in Cazcnovia, Madison Co.. N. Y., Dec. 31, 1840, and is the son of Cyrus and Annie (.Mulkins) Pangborn. C^'rus was bi>rii in WmiuouI, and his wife in the town mentioned, in which village she ■•► i •►HK-4*- i HENRY COUNTY. 207 was married to Mr. Pangborn.and all theif children were born in Cazenovia. The marriage was cele- brated April 10, 18.S9. The parents lived upon a farm until the removal to tliis county in September, 1856, locating on a farm in Tippecanoe Township, j Cj'rus died while in the United States service, be- ing a member of the celebrated " Graybeard " regi- ment, which mainly did guard dutj' and was com- posed of Iowa men fiftj' j'ears of age and over. From illness contracted during his service, the death of i Mr. Pangborn occurred in 1864, while coming up the Mississippi from Memphis, and his remains were interred at Jefferson Barracks, Mo., belovv St. i Louis. He was the father of three children : Charles B. ; Nellie M., wife of James Rouse, of Mt. Pleasant; and James, who died in infancy. The first husband of Miss Annie Mulkins was Marara Lewis, of French ancestry. He was the i father of three children by this marriage: John S., husband of Adeline Bates, is a resident of Oswego Count^^ N. Y. ; Edward A. became the husband of Kate Driver, and is a resident farmer of Jefferson County, Iowa; and Adeline, deceased, who married Daniel Hopkins, a resident of Alamakee County, Iowa. All the sons of Mrs. Pangborn were soldiers during the war, as well as her devoted husband. Coming from patriotic blood on both sides, the father a Whig, and later a Republican, he advo- cated the sentiments which have made this a grand country, and his sons were taught thus from in- fancy. John S. Lewis was a member of a New I'ork regiment, serving the last two years of the war; Edward of the 12th Iowa, and our subject, a member of the 4th Iowa Cavalry, of whicli he was Sergeant of Company M. He enlisted in 1861, and in 1862 was discharged on account of disability. While his regiment was in camp at Camp Harlan, near Mt. Pleasant, Charles Pangborn was married to Miss Cassandra L. Richardson, of this county, born in Clarke County, Ohio, and a daughter of Elijah and Delia A. (Bishop) Richardson, who came to this county in 1856. The parents are both dead, and three children only are living: Edward, a resi- dent of Fair Play, El Dorado Co., Cal. ; Emeline, wife of John Brown, a resident of Mt. Pleasant; and Cassandra, wife of our subject. Her father was a large manufacturer of boots and shoes in Spring- •^ _ field, Ohio, but lived a retired life in this county, dying in his sixty-ninth year. After his return from the service Mr. Pangborn began farming near Rome, and excepting one year, has been a resident of this county from 1856 up to the present time. His jiresent farm was purchased in 1 883, although being a resident farmer of this neighborhood for several j'ears. Three children have graced their union : John H., husband of Mary P]. Stone; Freddie H., deceased; and Annie C, now in her eleventh year. Our subject, Charles Pangborn, has filled for a long term of years various offices in this township, a member of the School Board, Supervisor, and in 1886 was elected one of her Trustees, and is the present incumbent. In all the business enterprises of his county Mr. Pangborn is an important factor. His mother, now in her seventieth year, finds with her son and kindly daughter a home, known far and wide as one of the most hospitable and cheerj' in the neigh- borhood.' As a representative family, we welcome the Pangborns, and are pleased to present their sketch to the good people of Henry Count}-. ^ €-*-^- ENRY' COOK, a farmer of Henry County, residing in Baltimore Township, was boi'n near Bealfeldt, Prussia, in 1836. His par- ents, Casper and Elizabeth Cook, were both born, reared and married in that country, and there they reared a family of five children, and the widows of two of the sons yet reside there. Casper Cook was a shoemaker, and worked at the trade during his lifetime. His children were Fred, Henry, Annie, William and Casper. Our subject left Prussia when a lad of sixteen years, in company with his LTncle Bremger, who settled in Burlington, Iowa, and lived and died there. Only a few dollars were in the pockets of our subject when he landed in Burlington, but he at once secured work on a farm at %i per month. For seven years he worked in that county, and when his marriage was celebrated in 1860 he was worth all told $125. His wife was Mary A. Hand, ^^ i •^^ 208 -^ HENRY COUNTY. f I a lady possessing an equal amount of energy as Mr. Cook, so they concluded to rent a farm near the city, and from the day they were married prosperity has been with them and has come to staj*. Who can say that it was not due to the good counsels and associations with a good wife, for from the time they began their united efforts they have reared a fine family of industrious children, and have become owners of a splendid farm; all this, too, in a few years. After a residence in Des Moines County of fourteen years Mr. (Jook became a resident of Henry County, and purchased eighty acres of land, on which he now resides, that had once been cleared, but had gone back to brush. He built a small frame house and commenced work, and from four in the morning until ten at night he could be found digging and clearing. A few years later, having brought his first purchase to paying good returns on the investment, he bought other lands, cleared them in the same way, and now has 230 broad acres all in fine order, over 100 in culti- vation. All his money has been invested in im- provements and land, and his fine house and barn are the best between New London and Lowell. The nice orchard was planted and the well planned arrangements of house and barn were jierfected by him. Surely, Mr. Cook and his good wife are en- titled to much credit for such enterprise, and as their children have grown to man and womanhood, they have been taught the same convictions of right and honesty of purpose possessed by their parents. The names of the children arc: Olive L., wife of Charles Ilanes; Edward II., Ilomce C, Lyman, Martha E. and Florence. The unmarried five chil- dren live in a magnificent home with tlieir beloved parents, who are regarded by their neighbors as a model coui)le. Both are members of the C'iiristian Church, and as a family we learn of none who are more worthy and entitled to greater honor for having, during a quarter of a century, achieved a competence. Their home is supplied with all that makes life enjoyable. Flowers fill the room with fragrance, and the neatest of housewives makes welcome her guests in that cordial manner for which the family are noted. Mr. C'ook is largely engaged in raising of stock, and year by year his ■<• income becomes gi-eater. With his iudomitable energy, ten years more of active labor will rank him among the wealthiest men of his township, and his reward is and will be a fitting recompense for that labor. -«A/v -'xaajza/®^^-? *^^aai>*>~'w~- *1.25 per hundred, and for years lived alone upon what the country could produce. In looking back over the past, and reflecting upon what he has passed through, he has little sympathy with those to-day who plead hard times, when surrounded by all the comforts which wealth can procure. Few men are better known in this section of the county than William Kean, and none are more uni- versally respected. In early life he was a Whig, and on its formation affiliated with the Republican party, voting with that party until 1872, since which time he has been liberal in his views, voting for the best man nominated. Like his father before him, he never sought office, but has filled several posi- tions of trust in his township, among which is that of Township Trustee, an office which he filled for several years. He has always been a friend to edu- cation, and has given much of his time to that cause. Religiously he is connected with the Chris- tian Church, and foi' man}' years he haslieen a mem- ber and an Elder of the congregation in Mt. Pleas- ant. AVell posted in the Scriptures, he can express himself ttueutlj' and intelligently upon all subjects connected therewith. ^I^J#^L*i« E\^AN DA VIES, farmer, residing on section 4, Jefferson Township, Henry Co., Iowa, is a prominent member of the familj* whose earlier history is noticed under the name of an elder brother, David Davies, elsewhere in this volume. Evan Davies was born in South AVales, Aug. 3, 1842, and came here w'hen his father emigrated in 18.t3. His education was received here, and his father's house, near where he now lives, was his home until after his marriage. After getting such education as was afforded by the district schools he attended Howe's Academy in Mt. Pleasant for two years, and afterward gi-aduated from the Great Western Business College, at Mt. Pleasant, re- ceiving a diploma as "Bachelor of Accounts." His subsequent life has been passed in agricultural pur- suits, and the farm on which is his home was in- herited from his father a few years after his marriage. He is noted as one of the intelligent and successful men of Jeiferson Township, and has held nearly all the township offices. He is now Township Clerk and Treasurer of Independent School District No. 5, and has l)een Justice of the Peace and Trustee. He is a member of Wayland Methodist Episcopal Church, of which he is Parsonage Trustee. His wife is likewise a member of the same church, and the family are held in high esteem. He was mar- ried, Nov. 29, 1870, to Miss Elizabeth Williams, the history of whose parents will follow. Upon their present homestead a happy and prosperous married life was begun, and to this day no nicer home or happier family graces Jefferson Township. Their new mansion was completed in 1874, and in 1884 the great barn was erected. Thousands of dollars have been spent by Evan Davies in improvements, and his farm, consisting of 172 acres, adjoins the northwest corner of the village plat of Wayland. Six cliiNben were born to this couple, three now T t f 210 HENRY COUNTY. *r i will It '■■"' deceased — Eva, Ira and Isa, twins. Those living are Addie B., Annie R. and Gracie E. As will be seen in referring to other pages in this volume, Wales furnishes some of the most distin- guished families of this part of the countj', and among her sons and daughters are those whose life's history no stain or blot has ever marred. Hopkin Williams was born in Wales, and in that country he was married to Wennie Jones, and had a family of four children before they emigrated to America. Hopkin Williams was a farmer in his native country. There is no obtainable history of either the Williams or Jones families back of Hopkin and his wife, but we propose to give their children data that to them will be valuable. In 183'2 the family' sailed for America, and located tirst in Tuscarawas County, Ohio, remaining there about two and a half 3'ears, where they purchased a farm. The Germans rapidly settled about liim and later purchased his farm. Having a desire to live further West, Hopkin packed his goods upon a steamer and with his fam- ily started down the Ohio. Before reaching the iVIississippi he decided to laud hi.-s goods and buy a team, which he did, and overland in a covered wagon the family- made their wa}' to Iowa, crossing the Mississippi at Burlington in the summer of 1835. After prospecting a few days, Mr. Williams pushed farther westward and found a tract with water, timber and prairie, which suited his ideas of what a farm should be. He selected a large claim, butaftei' it was surveyed by the Government found that others had taken part of it, consequently he entered different tracts in this ;ind Washingt(.)n County. John 11. Wallbank owns the farm u|)i)n which Hopkin Williams built his first cabin, which was later destroyed b^' lire, and at the same time the famil3' records and othei' valuable property was burned. While in tJhio, a daughter, Rachel, were bt)rn; she is now the widow of Amos Montgomerv. Ann, the wife of Evan Kvaiis, was born in \Vales. also her brother \Villi;im anil two other children who died unmariied. In this county were born Sarah, who wedded i^avid Davies. of whom mention is made elsewhei'e; .J;ine, who wcddi'd Solomon Cavenee, a resident of llem-y County; Benj.-imin, who wedded Jennie Benhani, and is a farmer of I'age Coiuit}', Iowa, :uid lilizabelli, llie lumoreil wife of Evan Davies. A long lifetime was spent in happiness by Hopkin Williams and his good wife. He was an industrious man, and his wife was one of the most amial>le of ladies. She was a member of the first Methodist Episcopal class organized in this township, and was during her lifetime a firm believer in the faith. .Some of her children fol- lowed her example, and all were numbered among the best residents of the eommunitj'. "Williams Creek" was named in honor of Hop- kin Williams; it passed through his claim, and his being the only white family in this part of the county nearer than Trenton, the name naturally followed. The Indians made sugar during the early spring months of each year in the maple groves skirting Mr. Williams' farm, and their dusky faces were more common by far than white ones. Hop- kin Williams died at the age of sevent3--three, and his wife survived him several years, making her home with her children. >««-<«iBl>-)!WI ^^ ONROE SWIFT, miller, of New London, I l\\ ''■''* "Pt'i'ated the New London Mills almost I IK continuousl3' since April, 1802. He was * born in ]\lilan, Ripley Co., lud., Feb. 12, i>^.t-j, jind is the son of Mason and Mary (Han- nan) Swift. His father was boin in Connecticut, and his mother on the eastern shore of Marjdand ; both families were long time residents of this county. The sul)ject of this sketch spent his boy- hood on his father's farm, and when sixteen years of age began life for himself as a miller's ajiprentiee. He worked at all sorts of milling business, both in sawmills and gristmills, and was married, April 7, IK.'cJ, in his native State to .Miss Sarah .lane Courl- ne\. (laughter of Johnand Mir.anda Courtney. Mrs. Swill was born in .lerse^ville. 111. Five children were born of their union, three sons and two daugh- ters, two of whom died in infancy : Sadoras, aged thirly-seven, isa niachiiiisi. .•uid a residentof Argen- tine. Mo.; Estus resides .at .Ml. Pleasant, and is ciii|)loyed ilka mill; Mary Klleii is the wife of E. M. Aller, of I'aylor Counly, Iowa; Frank is in Ml. •►■-4 i »» ll"^ i HENRY COUNTY. 211 Pleasant; Anna Belle, the youngest, keeps house for her father. Mr. Swift emigrated from Indiana tu Henrj' County, Iowa, in October, 1854, and for the next eight j'ears was employed in the sawmill business. He engaged as a miller in the New^London Mills in April, 1862, and has had charge of them ever since. Mrs. Swift, an estimable Christian lady, "died Sept. 26, 1885. Mr. Swift is a Knight Templar Mason, a member of New Loudon Lodge No. 28, A. F. »-^~a«z'w»v.-./w 4 OHN BLACK, a son of William Black, was born in Knox County, 111., March 14, 1838. When but two years old he was taken by his / parents to Henry County, where the}' resided in a log cabin. Here he received his primary edu- cation in a pioneer school. In October, 1861, he enlisted in the 4th Iowa Cavalry, and was mustered in at Camp Harlan, and was afterward sent to Keo- kuk hospital. He was in the battle of Guntowu, but being in very poor health, was taken to the hos- pital where he remained a year. He was mustered out at Memphis, Teun., at the expiration of his term of service. From the war he returned to his home, where he was married, in March, 1865, to Harriet Jameson, a daughter of James and Cordelia (Scoville) Jameson, who were the parents of two children, Harlan and Hariet. Mr. Jameson died in Ohio. Mrs. Jameson came to Henry County, Iowa, in 1858, and in 1866 removed to Crawford County, Kan. She was afterward married to Thomas Havens. By this union there was one child, Carlton I. Mr. and Mrs. Black are the parents of four chil- dren— Charles, Delia, Birdie and Maggie. In politics, he is a Uepublican and an active winktr in <■ the party. Mr. Black has been identified with the county all his life, and has witnessed its growth from infancy. As he is one of the oldest, he is also one of the most respected citizens of the county. OUSTEN CULBERTSON, proprietor of the Hawkeye House, Winfleld, Iowa, was born in Richland County, Oliio, near Mansfield, April 5, 1835. His father, John Housten Culbertson, was a native of Fenton, County Tyrone, Ireland, in about the year 1798. We can not give the early history of this family, as the records were lost during the voyage to America. Mr. Culbert- son, bidding good-bye to his friends and the Green Isle of Erin, crossed the ocean and landed in America at Boston, Mass., on the country's birth- day, July 4, 1811. He soon after went to Phila- delphia via New York, and later, he and his brother started a manufactory in Delaware. The w.ar with Great Britain causing them to lose their property, they went to Baltimore, where thej' accumulated means to take them to the then far West. Going to Wheeling, W. Va., they continued their mechan- ical pursuits, and subsequently removed to Ohio, following the same occupation. Mr. Culbertson was a millwright by trade, and built many of the largest woolen and cotton mills in the East. In 1822 he wedded Miss Mary Culbertson, who, al- though of the same name, was no relation. Mr. and Mrs. Culbertson both united with the Presbyterian Church at Crab Apple, Ohio, where he became a Ruling Elder. About 1830 he purchased a farm some six miles from St. Clairsville, abandoning to a great extent his mechanical pursuits. In 1833 Mr. Culbertson removed with his family to the homestead near Mansfield, Ohio, where he spent the remainder of his life. He was the father of twelve children, five yet living: James C, a resi- dent of Central Tennessee ; Jane, the wife of J. W. Pollack; Agnes, wife of Dr. J. R. McCullougti, a prominent physician and surgeon of Chicago; Housten, of Winfleld, Iowa, and Martha, wife of David Dean, of Huron County, Ohio. Three died Ol I in tj f ■<*■ 212 HENRY COUNTY. infancy; Mary Ann, wife of Dr. J. .J. Loughridge, deceased; William W". died in C'alifornia, Feb. 18, 1851; ,Toii and his young wife removed to Crawfordsville, Iowa, at which place they both united with the Presbyterian Church. They returned to Mansfield in 1.SG2, but in 1809 again removed to Iowa, settling in Wash- ington in the month of April. Mrs. Culbertson was sick for several year>, but bore her sufferings with great patience. She was a consistent Christian ; her conduct during her sickness vvas an example of her whole Christian life. She died Sept. 2, 1871, in Washington, at the age of thirty-seven, leaving three children, two now living: .Tames W., a te.acher: and William \V.: Ida J. is deceased. In May, 1875, Mr. Culbertson came to Winfield, where he clerked in a dry-goods store for a short time. He was again married, Nov. 13, 1875, to Miss Fannie A. Hough, a native of Pennsylvania. He soon after erected the llawkeye House, where ever since he has been mine host. Mr. and Mrs. Culbertson have two chil- dren— -Leila Estella and Le Roy G. He is one of the stanch Democrats of the county, having aflili- ated with the party all his life. Mr. Culbertson is a social, genial companion, alw.ays looking on the bright side of everything. He has the respect and confidence of all who knovv him. Ci-*- jF^OWARl) CARTER, residing on section 12, 'jT]^ Marion Township, is one of the early set- 1^^ tiers of Henry County. Iowa. He was born (^) in'Muskingum County. ( >hio, April 7, 1825, and is a son of Isaac G. and Harriet (Josselyn) Carter, both natives of Wald() County, Jfe. They both removed to Muskingum County. Oiiio, when quite young, and Dec. ICi, 1819, were married in Perry County, Ohio. He was the son of Isaac P. and .Joanna (Gay) Carter, and was born Sept. (!, 1797. His wife was boin .June 9, 1 S02, and was the daughter of .loshua and S;u:ih (Chapman) Jos- selyn. Mr. and Mrs. Carter had a family- of ten sons, the first dying in infancy' : Ira J., j'et living on the old homestead in Grant County. Ind.: Howard, our subject, being third in order of birth: .loseph, a I'airner of Cass County, Iowa; Elijah, a black- <\\u\\\ of .Tonesboro, Grant Co., Ind.; John H., i ^^^►HB-* HENRY COUNTY. 213 a merchant of New Cumberland, Grant Co., Intl.; Albert died at the age of two, in Grant County, Ind. ; Lewis, a farmer iu Grant County, Ind. ; Oliver died at the age of twenty-four, in Grant County, Ind. : Alfred died lu infancy. The seven oldest of these children were born in Musliingum County, Ohio, and the three youngest in Grant County, Ind. Shortly after their marriage Mr. and Mrs. (barter moved to Muskingum Count}-, Ohio, where for a few years he engaged in brick-making. In the year 18-35, with his wife and children he moved to Grant County, Ind., where he bought 160 .acres of wild land, ti'ansforming it into a fiue farm. He was called to his final home Jan. 29, 1869, at the age of seventy-two, his wife having preceded him six years, dying April 1, 1863, at the age of sixty-one. Mr. and Mrs. Carter were devoted members of the Metliodist Episcopal Church, of which he was Steward for a number of years. Our subject received his education in the district schools of his native State. He remained with his parents until twenty-five years of age. He led to the marriage altar Miss Eleanor Lyon, on the 18th of Februarj', 1851. She was a native of Ohio, having been bora in Guernsey' County, Jan. 22, 1831. Her parents were James and Nancy (Slater) Lyon, the father being a native of Virginia, and the mother of Ohio. Shortly after his marriage Mr. Carter with Ids young bride moved upon a farm that he had purchased of eighty acres. He added to this until he had 160 acres well cultivated. In 1864 he sold his farm and came to Henry County, .and iu June, 1865, moved upon the wild land of section 12, where he immediately began to break the sod and fence the wild prairies. Now his land is iu excellent condition, and his buildings are models of convenience. He came to tliis county with his wife and eight children in the full hope and happiness of a bright future, but Nov. 24, 1870, his wife was taken from his happy home. She was an active worker in the Metliodist Episco- pal Churcli. In her death the husband lost a lov- ing wife, the children a kind and indulgent mother. Mr. and Mrs. Carter were the parents of nine chil- dren : Nancy M., who was born in Grant County, Ind., .Ian. 24, 1852, is the wife of "William H. Snell, a farmer in Wayne Township, Henry Co., Iowa; Sarah J., born July 1, 1853, is the wife of .John Seberg, a farmer in Kearney County, Neb. ; Harriet J., born March 3, 1855, died Nov. 27, 1870; Leroy P., born Feb. 4, 1857, is a telegi'aph operator and Station Agent on the St. Paul & Duluth Railroad, at Sandstone Junction, Minn. ; RhodaC, born Nov. 6, 1858, is the wife of Frank Tallman, a farmer in Osborne County, Kan.; M. Alice, born Oct. 12, 1860, at home; William E., born Oct. 12, 1862, died May 1,1887; George H., born April 8, 1865; Eva I., born July 25, 1867, in Henry County, Iowa, was married to Alfred H. Anderson, Jan. 4, 1888. Mr. Carter is now one of the prominent and well-to-do farmers of Henry County, but all that he has was made by his own frugality and industry. He has one of the most excellent farms in the county, and upon it may be found a good grade of horses, cattle and hogs. Mr. Carter has held various township oflices of trust with credit to himself and his constituents. Politically he is a Republican. He contributes liberally to all charitable and public enterprises, and as a neighbor and citizen none stands higher than does Mr. Carter. "^ ETER SMITH, a stock-raiser and farmer residing on section 28, Marion Township, was born July 12, 1830, in Switzerland County, Ind., and is a son of Abraham and Eleanor (VanDorin) Smith, the former a native of North Carolina, born May 19, 1794, and the latter Aug. 10, 18( April, 1869, Mr. Smith was uniteil in marriage with Miss Lucy B. Crew, daughter of Walter and Sarah (Rice) Crew. She wa> biini Aug. IH, 1^*11. iie:ir Hiclniionil, Va. !''i\i' children have been bora to them: Annie L. was born Jan. -27, 1870; Nellie M., born Feb. 25, 1871, died May 28 of the same year; Charles S., born Aug. 16, 1873; Mary J., born Jan. 30, 1875; John, born Jan. 28, 1877, died Jan. 18, 1879. ]Mrs. Smith is a member of the Society of Friends. In politics he is a Democrat. As a citizen he stands high in the estimation of all. He is ahvaj's ready to ad- vance any interest for the public good. ■^f/ AMES H. SCARFF, one of the leading far- mers of Trenton Township, Henry Co., Iowa, was born in Clarke County, Ohio, Aug. 4, 1840. His parents, John and Laura (Osier) Scarff, were natives of Maryland, and came to this county in 1844, settling in Trenton Township, where on a farm the boyhood days of our subject were spent. James enlisted in the war for the Union, Aug. 27, 1862, in the 25th Iowa Volunteer Infantry, serving until the close of the war — almost three j'ears. He participated in the following bat- tles: Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Jackson, Miss., Resaca, Marietta, and was with Sherman on the famous march to the sea. At Peachtree Creek he was wounded in the heel. He was at AVashiugton, D. C, on grand review, and was mustered out June 25, 1865, at Davenport, Iowa. Returning home he resumed fanning, which occupation he has ever since followed. He was married. May 6, 1866, to Mary A. Messer, a native of this county. Thir- teen children have graced the union of this worth}- couple : Charles Henry, born March 9, 1 867 ; John A., born July 2, 1868; James W., born June 2, 1869; W. Edmund, born Sept. 29, 1870, died when nine months old; Asbury, born Feb. 28, 1874, also died when four months old; Martha Jane, born Feb. 16, 1872; Calvin, born May 20, 1875, died at three years of age: Mary E., born Feb 11, 1877; Anna died when two 3'ears of iige; lona, born Jan. 26, 1879; Ida Mariettii, born May 7, 188-3: Florence, born Feb. 15, 1885, and Eva V., born Feb. 19, 1887. .Mr. Scarff owns one of the finest farms in Ti'ciilon Tinvnship. IT'.i acres in extent. He :iiii] «»■-<• i ^ -4^ HENRY COUNTY. 215 his estimable wife are members of the Methodist Protestant Church. Politically Mr. Scarff affiliates with the Democratic party. He is a pioneer of 1844, and one of those to whom the county owes her prosperity. #"#-- --v AROLD E. CLEMENT, M. D., of Trenton, Iowa, is a native of Wisconsin, born at h jtv^ Racine in 1853, and is the son of the Hon. 11^ Charles Clement, a native of Newburyport, Mass. His mother was Miranda (Ci'osby) Clement, a native of New Hampshire. Charles Clement was one of the first editors and publishers at Racine, Wis., having established the Racine Journal, which paper he edited until 1868. At that time his health failed, and he moved South with the hope that a change of climate would benefit him. He settled in McMinnville, Tenu., where he died Jan. 11, 1885, when seventy years of age. He was a lead- ing man in political affairs in Racine for a number of years, was elected Superintendent of Public Schools of Racine County in 1851, filling that office for several years. He was afterward elected by the Republican party to the State Legislature, serving as Senator for several terms with credit to himself and to the satisfaction of his constituents. He was a well-read man, a college graduate and a thorough scholar. Mr. and Mrs. Clement were the [jarents of seven children, all of whom survive them. Tlie^' are named respectively : Charles F., engaged in a railroad office in Minneapolis, Minn. ; Florence M., residing in New York City; J. S., residing in Ra- cine, Wis., is in the Manufacturers' National Bank of that city ; George E., a locomotive engineer, lives in Minnesota ; Mary S. is the wife of Frank S. Strong, a merchant of Chicago; Harold E., the subject of this sketch, and Lewis R., residing in Racine, Wis., engaged in the Union National Bank, in that city. Harold E. Clement was educated at the public schools of Racine, Wis., and at a private school in Tennessee. He also attended for one year the Van- derbilt University, at Nashville, Teun., taking a course in the medical department of that institution. Afterward he .attended the Medical College at Keokuk, Iowa, graduating there in 1884. He lo- cated first at Richland, Iowa, where he practiced successfully for a year, and next located at Lowell, Henry County, in 1881, and here also enjo3'ed a good pr.ictice. In 1 884 he came to his present lo- cation at Trenton, where he has since remained and has an extensive practice, which many an older doctor might well envy. Dr. Clement is a thorough physician and a polished gentleman, and his worth is appreciated bj' the people of Trenton and vicin- ity, among whom he deservedly stands high. Dr. Clement has been twice married, first in 1875, to Miss Willie A. Hopkins, a native of McMinn- ville, Tenn., and a daughter of Samuel A. and Maltha (Scales) Hopkins. By this union two chil- dren were born — Minnie M. and Louise E., the mother dying in August, 1880, at the age of twen- ty-two. On the nth of December, 1884, Dr. Clement was .again married, his wife being Miss Manche Miller, a native of Iowa. ylLLIAM BLACK, one of the early settlers of Henry County-, was born iu Greeubriar County, Va., in 1805. He was married to iVIiss Rebecca Benson about 1832. In an early day he moved to Knox Count}', 111., and in 1840 re- moved to this county, and settled near Trentnn, in what is now Jefferson Township. Here he pur- chased 160 acres of prairie .andforty acres of timber land, and made many improvements on his farm. He was compelled to haul his flour and lumber from Burlington witli an ox-team. In early life Mr. Black was an old-line Whig. Mr. and Mrs. Black are parents of seven children : Joseph, now of Kearney, Neb., enlisted iu the war of the Rebel- lion, was elected Captain, and afterservingeighteen months resigned; John, who now resides in Mt. Pleasant; Samuel, of Kearney, Neb. ; VV'illiam, who enlisted in the 25th Iowa Regiment, died in this county in 1870; Asbnry, of Mt. Pleasant; Charles, 9^ 4 -4*- iT 216 HENRY COUNTY. A f of Kearney, Neb. ; Emma, wife of G. C. Wilson, of Wayne Township. Mr. anil Mrs. Black were mem- bers of the Methodist Episcopal Church. They were widely known, and no couple were more highly respected. JACOB ARTHAND, a farmer residing on sec- tion 15, Wayne Township, Henry Co., Iowa, was born in Upper Canada, near Hamburg, Sept. 2, 184.3, and is a son of Emile and Susannah (Ebersole) Arthand, l)0th natives of France, he V)orn near the central part, she in Alsace. The parents of Eniile Arthand both remained and died in France. By trade, Emile was a cutler, but after emigrating to Canada purchased a farm or rather woodland which he made into a farm later. While single he made a prospecting trip over part of the United States, making the journey on foot from the Dominion of Canada to the citj' of New- Orleans, and thence back to his first location in Canada, after which he sold his land. It was in about 1827 that he came to America, and his marriage was'celebrated at the age of thirty-three. This union was productive of a family of fifteen children, onlj' three of whom are deceased. The eight eldest were born in Canada — Christian, John, Jacob, Leo, Magdalena, Jonathan ; Samuel, deceased ; and Enos. In 1850 the familj' left Canada and located in Porter County, Ind., near Valparaiso, where a farm was purchased, but fifteen months later it was sold, and the family- moved direct to Iowa, locating permanently in Washington County in 1853, where the familj' resided until 18G8, when the father purchased a farm in Henry Countj', a part of which is owned by his son Ben- jamin. The death of Emile Arthand occurred Jan. 26, 1887, having reached his eighty -first \^ear. In Iowa, Daniel ; Martin, deceased ; Benjamin ; Barbara, deceased ; Marj', Frank and Joseph, were born. The mother resides In a cottage near our subject, with her son Joseph and daughter Mary. Joscjjh and Frank are teachers by profession, having received their education at Howe's Aeademj'; Leo also taught some in Muscatine County, but is now, .is well as the others, engaged in farming; John is the husband of Anazelle Odell, and resides in Taylor County ; Leo wedded Diantha Moffett, of Musca- tine Count}', and now resides in Dallas County; Jonathan married Sarah AVelch, of Sherman County, Neb., where thej- reside; Christian is also a farmer in Sherman Count}', Neb. ; Lena is the wife of Egbert "V^anscoy, a farmer of the same county ; Daniel wedded Mary Henry, of Lee County, and resides in Taylor County ; Benjamin became tiie husband of Stella Beriman, and they reside on the old home- stead. Jacob Arthand, our subject, is the husband uf Miss Christinia Conrad, daughter of Daniel and Alary (Klopfenstein) Conrad. She was born in this county, Dec. 29, 1852, and deserves special recognition as one of the daughters born on Henry County soil. On the .30th of October, 1870, the nuptials were celebrated at the home of the bride's brother Daniel in Washington County, and the young couple began their domestic life, the first year in Henry County, and the next six months in Washington County, where Mr. Arthand had pur- chased a farm. Later this was sold, and his present farm In Wayne Township was purchased in the autunni of 1872, when they removed to the same and since that day have been identified with the business and prosperity of Henry County. Here their children — Clara Lillian, William W. and Bertha — were born. Possessing the characteristics of his race, Mr. Arthand has led a life of enterprise, which has brought large returns in a financial sense. With his citizenship came the confidence of his townsman in his capabilities as an oHiclal, and he has been thrice elected Trustee of Wayne Township, and is now his own successor in that capacity. Since 1874 he has been connected with the School Board, several years of which time he was Treasurer. His fine farm house was completed in 1882, one of tlic nicest in the norlliern part of the county, and over- looks the growing village of Olds, which furnishes school and railroad facilities. Not only has this been done, hut many of the most important im- provements of the county have been completed since the family first became residents of Henry County. The Artliands are not only well Unfjwn, i I HENRY COUNTY. 217 but are bj" virtue of a long and honorable citizen- ship entitled to representation in the pages of her history. The parents of Mrs. Artiiand are botli deceased. They were parents of thirteen children, nine living and all married ; Christinia, wife of our subject; Marin wedded Anna Klopfenstein; Bar- bara is the wife of Christian Bachler; Catherine wedded John Rich; Daniel married Catherine Zeigler, now deceased: Fannie is the wife of Mi- cliael Klopfenstein ; Peter married Carrie Kapferer ; John is the husband of ^larj* Ferdamwalt, and Sarah wedded Peter Augspergur. Those deceased are Hannah, wife of S. B. Wyse, a merchant of Wayland ; Lydia, Mary and Anna. ^j<«j»^» JOHN BECKER, a prominent and wealthy farmer of New London Township, on sectii.>n 1 8, post-office Mt. Pleasant, has a well-im- proved farm of 333 acres of prairie laud. His farm is a beautiful place, formorlv known as the homestead of the late Prof. Howe, situated on the Mt. Pleasant and Burlington wagon road, four miles east of the former city. Mr. Becker was born in the town of Middleburg, Schoharie Co., N. Y., March 15, 1817, and is the son of Peter A. L. and Helen (Van Wie) Becker. His father was born in Albany County, N. Y., and was a descend- ant from the early Holland emigrants of that region, and his mother was born in the same locality-, and ■was also of Holland descent. Our subject grew to manhood on a farm and was married in his native county, July 5, 1840, to Miss Christina Silvernail, a daught«r of Andrew and Helen Silvernail. She was born in the same county and town as her husband, on the 5th of September, 1820. Nine children were born of their union, six sons and three daughters, all of whom are living at this writing. John F., the eldest, was born in Middleburg, N. Y., March 25, 1841, and married Louisa Morrison, and is now residing in Southern Florida; William was born in Geneva, N. Y., Nov. 19, 1842, and married Cath.arine Rhodes, and re- sides in Smith Center, Smith Co., Kan.; George was born in Geneva, N. Y., Oct. 23, 1844, and married Lethe Graham, and resides in Sarp3- County, Neb., and has six children ; Erskine was also bom in Geneva, N. Y., Oct. 12, 184(i, married Hester Morehead, has four children,- and lives on the old homestead in New London Township, Henry Count3": Marj- was born Oct. 21, 1851, and is the wife of W. S. Wright, of New London Township, and has four children; Jacob was born Aug. 30, 1853, married Maria Hedge, has four children, and resides on a fann in New London Township; Elizabeth was born Sept. 14, 1856, is the wife of Clifton Cl.arke, has one child, and resides in Jefferson Township, Henry County; Wriley was born July 22, 1859, and is living in AYestern Kan- sas; Delia was born June 17, 1862, and resides with her parents. The five younger children were born in Huntington County, Ind. Mr. Becker removed with his famih' to Geueva,- N. Y., in 1842, and from there to Huntington Count}', Ind., in 1851, where he engaged in farm- ing until 1865. when he came to Iowa and located in New London Township, where he still resides. Two of Mr. Becker's sons served in the late war for the Union. John F. was a member of the 34th Indiana Volunteer Infantrj-, and enlisted in 1861 and served until the close of the war. George was a member of the 47th Indiana Volunteer Infantry. He enlisted in 1861 and served until the close of the war. Mr. Becker and all his sons are Re- publican in politics. The family are descended from a rugged, hardy race, noted for their longevity^ Mr. Becker is a courteous gentleman of superior mental and phjsical force, and is held in high es- teem by his neighbors and acquaintances. i •.o*o.®X®-«>*o.. <^ I^ILLIAM BATES, a representative and in- fluential farmer, residing on section 23, Trenton Township, Henrj^ Co., Iowa, is a native of Saxonj-, Germ.any, born Aug. 18, 1838. His parents. Christian and Mai-garet (Panser) Bates, also natives of Saxony, came to America in the fall of 1854, locating in Henrj- County, v f ! m^4^ 218 HENRY COUNTY. where the father bought a farm on section 23 of Trenton Township, consisting of 320 acres of par- tially improved Iniifl.anrl still lives on the old homo- stead . Our sul)ject, William Bates, was reared upon the above-mentioned farm, and was married, Oct. 4, 1806, to Elizabeth Ginkel, a native of Hesse, Ger- many. Her parents were Conrad and Catharine (Kanft) (linkel. who came to America in 1871, making Trenton Township their home. Mr. and Mrs. Bates have been the parents of five children : Louis, born July 11, 1867; Neil, born Sept. 27, 1868, and Minnie, born July 19, 1872, are still inmates of the parental home; the other two children are dead : Ida, born Sept. 3, 1874, died when four years of age, and Amiel, born March 18, 1 870, died when about seventeen months old. Mr. Bates is one of the well-to-do farmers of Henry County^ and is a large land-owner, owning 260 acres of finely cultivated land in Trenton Township, and 640 acres in Pratt County, Kan., and also some property in Pratt Center. Every- thing about his farm denotes thrift and enterprise. The out-buildings are models of convenience, the barn alone being worth $1,000, and his stock is of the best grades. The hospitable host and hostess of a fine country residence, which was erected at a cost of $2,500, they deserve a place in the history of their county. Mr. Bates in his political views is liberal, voting for the man whom he thinks will best fill the office. AMUEL CHANDLER, a soldier of the War of 1812, was born Feb. 18, 1795. He was married to Miss Eliza Kenyon, who was born in 1805. The^' were the hapjjy parents of si.x children, four of whom are now living, viz : James K. is a resident of Los Gatos, Cal. ; Thomas B., a Sergeant in the late Re- bellion, was taken prisoner at the battle of Shiloh and confined at Macon, Ga., and is now living in Burlington, Iowa; Hon. Joseph H. was in the Mich- igan Cavalry, and served through the war and drilled a company of colored men, of which he was •►■-^^ * Captain: Mar}' M. is the wife of B. ('. Chandler and lives in IMt. Pleasant. Two, Edwin and Martha, are deceased. The mother finished her work on earth Nov. 19, 1851. Mr. Chandler still resides in Mt. Pleasant, and is a man worthy of the deepest respect and love of all. Though ninety-throe years of age, he is in full possession of all his faculties. '^^^'■'<>^^'*^^l^'^^-'^i<^ VwjOHN GOTTLIEB SCHUBERT, a farmer re- I siding in Baltimore Township, was born in I Schlascan, Germany, in 1830, and is the son ^^ of John G. and Elizabeth (Douftle) Schubert. Both parents were also born in or near Schlascan, where thej' were married and reared a family of three children : Christiana, deceased wife of Gott- fried Schermell ; Mary, wife of Aug. Kudabe, a wealth}' farmer of Jackson Township, and our sub- ject. The parents came to America in 1853, locat- ing in Green Bay, and the nest year purchasing- land in Henry County. They remained in this county until their death, the father departing this life in 1875, and the mother in 1885, at the advanced age of eighty-eight. Our subject was married, in 1859, to Anna Muschick, a lady born in Germany, whose parents were Martin and Lizzie Muschick, residents of Marshall County, Iowa. Thej- began their domestic life upon a farm in Baltimore Township, upon rented land, but two years later Gottlieb purchased the farm of his father and removed with his young wife to their present location. Their children, five in number, were all born in this township, namely : Martin, born May 13, 1861, died Aug. 14, 1863; Charley, born April 20, 1863; Frank, born Nov. 22, 1865; Mary, born Jan. .'il, 1868, and Emma, born Dec. 12, 1874. All are yet under the paternal roof except Charles, who was married Jan. 19, 1888, to Rose A. Lee. Mr. Schubert, aided by a good wife, has become one of the wealth}' men of Balti- more Town>hip, in a comparatively short lifetime, farming upon his present farm. The broad acres are highly cultivated, and the elegant country homo is one of the most attractive to be seen in ■<•- HENRY COUNTY. 219 the south part of the countj'. The large barns give shelter to niaiij^ hear! of fine cattle, and cverj'- thing betokens a prosperous life. All the children are well educated in the English language, and are such as give a high moral and intellectual tone to the community in which they reside. There is no family [living in this part of the county more favorably known to her citizens than that of Gottlieb and Anna Schubert, and as Germany has contributed many valuable citizens to the grand State of Iowa, we gladl}' give them a place in the histor}' of Henry County. I '^inll^-'^'^' CAULK, deceased, was one of the ILiK early settlers of Henry County. He was a native of Guilford County, N. C, born in 1828. In 18.34 he went with his parents to Georgetown, 111., and in 1836 came to Henry County. His parents were Robert and Jane (Hem- pill) Caulk. In this county Bent grew to manhood, and received his education in the pioneer log school- house. Bent was married on the 17th of Oc- tober, 1852, to Miss Jane Moore, born in Sangamon County, 111., Aug. 1, 1832, a daughter of Joseph and Lydia (Cooper) Moore, the former being a native of Indiana and the latter of Tennessee. Both were among the early settlers of Sangamon County, 111., where they became acquainted and were united in marriage. They were the parents of eight chil- dren, seven of whom are now living. They were as follows : Calvin, who died in Ringgold County, Iowa: Rebecca, deceased; Jane, widow of Bent Caulk; Amanda, wife of Daniel Biddlecom, of Cass County, 111. ; Ephraim, a carpenter of Mt. Pleasant; John, residing in Buffalo County, Neb.: E^dward, also living in that countj% who was a soldier in the war of the Rebellion ; and James, residing in Bates County, Mo. In 1835 Mr. Moore came to Henry County with his family, and located on section U, Center Township. Mrs. Moore was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church in her early life, but afterward affiliated with the Christian Church. She was a sincere Christian woman, highly respected by all who knew her, and died in August, 1882, mourned by a large circle uf friends. In the spring of 18-49, Mr. Moore, in company with a party com- posed of old settlers of Henry Conntj', went to California, and there remained engaged in mining until 1851, when he took passage on board a vessel bound for New York. The ship was never after- ward heard from, and all on board are supposed to have been lost. His oldest daughter, Rebecca, wife of Aldred Lotspeich. was also on board the lost vessel. Mr. and Mrs. Caulk grew to manhood and woman- hood on adjoining farms; by their union two sons were born, Charles and Frank, both of whom yet reside in this county. Mr. Caulk died in February, 1883, leaving a widow and two sons, and many relatives and friends to mourn his loss. He was a kind husband and father, and was well and favora- bly known throughout the county as an honest, upright man, who had the confidence and respect of the entire comnuinit}'. Politically he was a Demo- crat. At the time of his death he was owner of 249 acres of land, 200 of which was under cultiva- tion, and which was valued at $75 per acre. Mrs. Caulk still resides upon the home farm, where she has lived a period of thirty-four years. At the time of their settlement upon this farm, they were the farthest north of any family in the county, and Indians were frequent visitors at their cabin. To- day all this is changed, and the farm is one of the best improved in Henry County. -*-)p- ,ARTON C. CHANDLER, of Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, is the son of Edward and Jane E. (Marsh) Chandler, who were natives of Vermont, but who removed to Spafford, N. Y., where, on the 19th of May, 1829, Barton was born. In 1832, while Barton was yet a child, thej' moved to Huron County, Ohio, and subsequently to Knox County in the same State, and then to Ripley Count}', Ind. In 1851 they came to Henry County. Of their family of seven children four are now living: Nancy, wife of Milo Chandler, of u ■«► 220 HENRY COUNTY. r Smith County, Kan.; Lydia is inarried to John Banghani, a resident of Wilmington, Ohio; William H., who enlisted in the 4th Iowa Cavaliy and served four years, now resides in Dallas County, Iowa, and Barton C, the subject of this sketch. Edward Chandler was a shoemaker by trade, and was a member of the Missionary Baptist Church, of which body his wife was also a member. They are both now reaping the reward of a righteous life. He was born in Mulberry, Vt., Oct. 23, 17119, and died at Smith Center, Kan., Oct. 10, 1878. His wife was born at Niles, N. Y., Oct. 28, 1810, and died in New London Township, this county, Nov. 28, 1853; their marriage was celebrated Jan. 10, 1828, in Scott, N. Y. The subject of this sketch, not unlike thousands of others at that time, received but limited educa- tional advantages. In 1849 he came to Henry County, settling in Mt. Pleasant, where he was employed as a carpenter and stonemason. In 1858 lie was united in marriage with Miss Mary M. Chandler (see above), born June 19, 1839. By this union there are three children: Vincent K., educated at the Burlington Commercial College, is now a book-keeper at Perry, Iowa; Eliza J. was educated at Howe's Seminary, Mt. Pleasant, and at the Business College of Burlington, Iowa; Carrie May was educated at the University of Mt. Pleas- ant. Religiously, Mr. Chandler is a Seventh-Day Adventist, and he takes an .active interest in all educational matters. He has lived in Henry County since early times, and has witnessed the changes which transformed its natural wilderness to beauti- ful farms and elegant homes. In his life Mr. Chandler endeavors to live in faithful obedience to all the commands found in the Word of God, and in so doing feels that comfort and satisfaction not enjoyed by those who do not believe. ^^ RAFTON KIRBY, of section ;!, Center Town- '/[ (^ shi|), was born in Morgan County, Ohio, '^^L May 20, 1843, and is a son of Thomas and Rebecca Ann ((irafton) Kirby. Their marriage was celebrated in Morgan County, Ohio, and to them was born a family of six children, four sons and two daughters: Mary J., wife of Isaac Thomas, a resident of Wilmington, Ohio; Isaac, a resident of New Mexico: ^MarthaE. married Stephen Livzy, of Keokuk, Iowa; Grafton, the subject of this sketch; Milton S., of Des Moines County, Iowa; Melvin C, deceased. In 18CC Thomas Kirby re- moved to Henr3^ County and jjurchased the land on which Mr. Backus now lives. In politics he was a Democrat, and a great admirer of Stephen A. Douglas. He and his estimable wife were mem- bers of the Congregationalist Church of Mt. Pleas- ant. Ml'. Kirby took great interest in all matters pertaining to education, and was always well in- formed on the affairs of the county and nation. Grafton Kirby, the subject of this sketch, was reared in Morgan Count}-, Ohio, until eighteen years of age, receiving a common-school education in his native State. He came to Henry Count}' in 1836, and in 1869 was united in marriage with Miss Elizabeth J. Barclay, a daughter of Henry and Elizabeth Barclay, natives of Greene County, Pa. Henry Barclay was born in Greene County, Pa., in 1799, and in the year 1828 formed a matri- monial alliance with Elizabeth Armstrong, who was born in 1809. In 1858 Mr. Barclay came to Henry County and purchased the place where Mr. Kirb}- now resides. They were the parents of nine chil- dren : Helen, wife of James Davidson, of Chariton, Iowa; Mary, wife of John Biddle, deceased, now resides in Shenandoah, luwa; lleniy A., of Bird City, Kan. ; Elizabeth, wife of Grafton Kirby, of Heni'}' Count}-, Iowa; Laura, widow of Melvin C. Kirby, resides at Council Bluffs, Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Barclay were members of the Presbyterian Church, and always ready to advance the cause of their Master. Mr. Barclay was called to his final home in 1862, preceding his wife twenty years, she dying in February, 1882. In early life he held the political views of the Whigs until the organization of the Republican party, when he cast his vote with that body. Mr. and Mrs. Kirby are the happy parents of two daughters: Lena, a graduate of the High School of Mt. Pleasant, is now in Chicago studying short- hand and type-writing; Laura, the other daughter, is at home. In 1882 Mr. Kirby suffered quite a HENRY COUNTY. 221 I loss by the cyclone of June 17, his loss being valued at $1,000. His business is that of a fanner and general stock-raiser. He owns eighty acres of land, situated twt) and a half miles from Mt. Pleas- ant, valued at from $.50 to $75 per acre, all of which is under a high state of cultivation. Mr. and Mrs. Kirby are earnest Christian people, and are members of the Presb3-terian Church of Mt. Pleasant. In politics Mr. Kirby is a Democrat. ON. SAMUEL L. STEELE, manager of the Mt. Pleasant Manufacturing Company, and present Representative in the Iowa Legisla- (^) ture from the Twentieth District, resides on section 36, Marion Township, Henry Co., Iowa, and does business in Mt. Pleasant. Mr. Steele has been a resident of Henry County since 1847, and was born in Clarke County, Ohio, April 8, 1836. His parents, James and Marj' H. (White) Steele, were natives of Virginia, and were born in Berkeley County, now West Virginia. They were of the old orthodox Quaker faith. On the father's side the family was of Irish origin, but residents of America from Colonial daj's. Gen. Steele, of Revolutionary fame, was a distant relative of our subject. Mr. Steele's parents moved from Virginia to Clarke County, Ohio, in 1826, and from there to Henry County, Iowa, in 1847, arriving in Jefferson Town- ship, where they located Oct. 25, 1847. Samuel L. was reared on a farm, and in August, 1862, enlisted for the late war. He was elected Second Lieutenant of Company B, 25th Iowa Vol- unteer Infantry, and was promoted to a First Lieu- tenancy in August, 1863, and served in that capacity until the close of the wai-. He was mustered out at Davenport, Iowa, June 6, 1865. His regiment was assigned to the 15th (Gen. John A. Logan's) Army Corps, and participated in the battles of Chickasaw Bayou, Miss. ; Arkansas Post, Ark. ; siege of Vicksburg, Miss.; Lookout Mountain, Missionary Ridge, Ringgold, the Atlanta campaign, the battle of Goldsboro, N. C, and Sherman's historic march to the sea. The official history of the regiment shows that it participated in thirty-seven dis- tinct engagements. In almost all of these Lieut. Steele was a participant, and showed himself a brave and gallant soldier. On his return from the war Mr. Steele engaged in the mercantile and lumber business at Sedalia, Mo., which business occupied his time for four j'ears, at the end of which he returned to Hemy County, Iowa, and engaged in farming on section 6, Marion Township. In 1873 he purchased a farm of 280 acres on section 36 of the same town- ship, where he still resides. He has lately sold 120 acres, leaving his present farm 160 acres in extent. Mr. Steele was married in Jefferson Township, Henry County, May 27, 1866, to Miss Sarah Mar- garet, daughter of Lawrence M. and Margaret L. Everts. Mrs. Steele was born in the State of New York, and came to Iowa in childhood. One child, a daughter, Mary E., was born to them, who is now the wife of Guy Norton, of St. Paul, Nel>. Mrs. Steele died Oct. 26, 1868. He was again married Dec. 24, 1872, in Henry County, to Miss Martha D. Oaks, a daughter of John S. Oaks, who was born in Lycoming County, Pa. Five children, four sons and a daughter, were born of their union : John Oaks, now aged eleven; James Arthur, aged nine; Edna, aged seven; Charles C, aged three, and Fred', an infant. Mr. Steele is an out-and-out Republican, and has voted with that party since its organization. He has been chosen to various offices of public honor and trust, and was elected as a member of the County Board of Supervisors in 1 808, and w.is sub- sequently re-elected and served six years. Prior to that he had served as a member of the Town- ship Board of Trustees, and for fourteen years has been a member of the District School Board. He was elected Nov. 8, 1887, on the Republican ticket, as Representative to the State Legislature from the Twentieth District, by a majority of 596 over his competitor. In every position to which he has been chosen he has borne the reputation of a competent and upright official, and has earned the esteem of his fellow-citizens. Mr. Steele is a memlier of the McFarland Post No. 20, G. A. R., and is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, of which church his first wife was also a member, while his present wife is a ■•►■Jf'" u ••»• 222 HENRY COUNTY. f Presbyterian. lu August, 1887, he was instru- mental in organizing and incorporating the Mt. Pleasant Manufacturing Company, of which he is general manager. (See notice of business elsewhere in this work.) Mr. Steele is an energetic, sagacious, business man, a most indomitable worker, possess- ing superior executive ability and great force of character. The enterprise upon which he has so lately entered promises to develop into an impor- tant industry, and already orders are flowing in faster than the company, with their present facili- ties, can fill them. Mr. Steele is a man of un- questioned integrity, and justly ranks among the leading business men of Henry County. , EN JAM IN W. SPRY, now deceased, was a native of Ohio, and was born in Zanesville, f|!)))II' ^^^- '^^' 181'''- He remained in that city until after his marriage, which occurred in March, 1844, to Miss Ivy Johnson, who was also a native of Ohio. He was engaged in the mercantile business until the time of liis death, which occurred July 6, 1827. His life throughout was an entirely upright one, and he was held in iiigh esteem by all who knew him. His devoted wife preceded him to the better world, her death occurring June 25, 1875. After the death of his wife Mr. Spry made his home with his son-in-law, G. W. Burton, of Mt. Pleasant. Mr. and Mrs. Spry were the parents of seven children: Hattie J., born in 1845, is now the wife of E. D. Anderson, wliose sketch appears else- where in this work; Annie E., born in 1846, is the wife of J. W. Burton, of Mt. Pleasant; Charles W., born in 1847, is a farmer in Marion Township; he married Mi.ss Flora B. IMoford. J. W. died in in- fancy; Mary E., who makes her home with her sister, Mrs. J. VV. Burton; Emma C, who died in 1873, at the age of twenty : Homer J., born in 1857, is a farmer in Marion Township; his wife was Miss E. L. Anderson. Mrs. Harriet Boyce, now deceased, was a native of Washington (bounty, Md., and a grandmother of Mrs. Anderson. Her maiden name was Thompson. She was born Dec. 7, 171)2. Her first husband was Jacob Johnson, .and to them were born thirteen ^■^^•- children, of whom twelve grew to man and woman- hood. At the time of her death she had seven children, forty-eight grandchildren, and twenty- seven great-grandchildren. Her second husband was Mr. Boyce. She was a member of the Meth- odist Episcopal Church. ^OHN HANNAH, farmer, in Jackson Town- ship section 15, was born in the year 1831, in Brown County, Ohio, and is a son of James and Elizabeth (Fulton) Hannah. The Han- nah ancestors were of Irish origin, and the Ful- tons were probabl}^ of Scotch descent. Both James Hannah and his wife were born in Pennsylvania, and were married in Washington County of that State. James was by trade a shoemaker, but after his marriage engaged solely in agriculture, remov- ing at a very earlj' date to Brown County', Ohio, where he entered lands, built a house, and had a family of eight children before he removed to Clermont Countj' in the same State. The children were .as follows: Thomas, who died unmairied, had gone to New Orleans with a flatboat loaded with sundries, and on arriving there contracted yellow fever, and as he was returning home on a steamer died, and was buried at Cairo, III., more than fifty j'ears ago. Margaret wedded John McCartj', who during his lifetime was a farmer of Jackson County, Ind., and after his death married George Hampton, of Illinois, and is now his widow ; Fulton married first, Almeda Bryant, and after her death wedded Mrs. Lewis, and is a farmer in Brown County, Ohio; James wedded first, Margaret West, and after her death married a Miss Thompson, and .also resides upon a farm in Brown County; Ann, deceased, became the wife of Matthias Freedman, a farmer of Jackson Ci)unty, Ind.: David is wedded to Nancy J. Richards, of Clermont County, Oiiio, and resides in Edgar County, HI., on a farm; Jo- seph wedded for his first wife Eliza Ketcham, and after her death married again, and resides also in Brown County, Ohio. John Hannah, our subject, was married in Cler- mont Countj-, Ohio, in 1851, to Miss Catherine Seton, daughter of Ebenezer and Barbara (Bush- * i- »► II ^» 4 HENRY COUNTY. 223 man) Setoii. The Setoii familj' were of Irish ex- traction, while the liushuuin family were of Ger- man and English origin, although born in Virginia. Both families were early settlers of Ohio, and were among the first to take up claims in that part of the eountr}-. A great-uncle of Mrs. Hannah, Thomas Seton, was a Captain in the army during the War of 1812. Great-grandfather Seton was a weaver in Ireland, but verj" little history can be obtained, as all the elder members of the family who could have furnished it are now dead. Grandfather Bushman purchased 1,300 acres of land, which was left to his children, and his descendants yet own it. He died at Point Pleasant, Ohio, which his land adjoined. Mrs. Hannah was one of a family of twelve : Elizabeth, Mary, Rebecca, Martha, William, John, Benjamin, Sarah, David, Catherine, Sippy A. and Ebenezer. The latter was born after his father's death. One son, John, was suffocated by damp in a well in Shelby Count}-, Ohio, and of the entire famil}' only Mrs. Hannah, Ebenezer and Benjamin are now living. Ebenezer is a farmer of Washing- ton County, Iowa, and Benjamin, wedded to Nancy A. Donnellj', is a farmer near Blue Rapids, Kan. After the marriage of our subject and his 3'oung wife, they remained two years in Ohio, and then removed to Jaclison County, Ind., near Seymour. They only remained there one year, and in Novem- ber, 1854, emigrated farther west and located in this township, on lands now owned by Alexander Kudobe. Benjamin Seton was a partner in the purchase of the 1 20 acres, and later Mr. Hannah sold his interest to Mr. Seton and purchased the farm upon which he now resides, on section 15, Jackson Township. One who looks at his fine im- provements to-day would scarcely think that in thirty years such a farm could be made. In March, 1858, Mr. and Mi'S. Hannah moved into a little cabin which stood upon this tract, of which only three-fourths of an acre was then broken. Mr. Hannah was not a holder of United States bonds at that time, but he possessed a wealth of muscle and industry, and his good wife was ready to share in every undertaking. While her husband was at work getting out rails and grubbing tirush, she was doing her share to aid in the work, and as children came to bless their home, the labor of love was lightened. Their first-born was Martha E., now deceased, who was the wife of Van Jackman; she was born in Ohio, and all the others in this town- ship. Benjamin F. wedded Angelina Bunker; George died in infancy; Mary is deceased; Jane is the wife of Harlan Pickard ; Owen W., John W., and Margaret A., deceased, and Robert F., complete the familj'. The three unmarried sons reside with their parents in a handsome cottage on the hill overlooking a wide expanse of country, and the site furnishes a view unsurpassed from any point in the township. Mr. Hannah came to this count}' a poor man, but by economy and hard labor he has realized a nice fortune, and his meager purchase of 1854 has grown to 2.35 acres, purchased as he was able. The good wife still superintends her house- hold, and Mr. Hannah can take his ease if he de- sires, as they have already a competence, and the boys are skilled in farm work. Mr. Hannah has served in numerous official positions, his first elec- tion as Trustee occurring in 1 860, since which time he has been frequentlj' re-elected to the same office, and has also served upon the School Board for sev- eral years. B. Frank, the eldest son, served two years as Township Clerk, and is the only son of age. Both Mr. and Mrs. Hannah are members of Donaldson Methodist Episcopal Church, in which he has often served in an official capacity. We add this sketch with pleasure to the number of repre- sentative families in this county, and none are en- titled to or will receive a more cordial greeting. Ebenezer Seton, father of Mrs. Hannah, removed from Clermont County, Ohio, to Shelby County, Ohio, and while digging a well there, and leaving it for dinner, heard a noise below. Supposing water had broken in he sent his young son, John, down in the bucket to bring up the tools. The cause of the noise was damp, and the boy fell out of the bucket suffocated. The father, not knowing the cause, went down to rescue his child, and he also fell a victim, both being dead before the}' were got out by the neighbors. The mother, with her remaining children, returned to Clermont County, where she lived a widow until her death, dying in 1877, nearly seventy-nine years of age. She spun, wove, and worked in every way to keep her family together, and bring them up properly, as ••K-a- i -^•- -•► 224 HENRY COUNTY. she did, and her chiklren have cause to revere her memory. Another of the famil}', William, also met an accidental death. He was a resident of Jackson Township, having become a citizen of Henry Countj-. Nov. 9, 1874, while digging a cistern for Stephen Booth it caved in upon him. When the attempt was made to rescue him he was barely able to speak, but was dead before he was extricated. -J-^^^^- f OHN Z. NUGEN, a farmer residing at New London Village, has 120 acres of land. He J was born in New London Township, Ai)ril ■25, 1845, and is the son of Jarrett and Meliuda (Butler) Nugen, of whom a history is given elsewhere. He was reared on the farm, and received a common-school education, and when nineteen j-ears of age enlisted, Ma3' 1, 18G4, as a private in Company G, 45th Iowa Volunteer In- fantry, and served four months in the Army of the Tennessee. On his return from the war he engaofed in farming in New London Township. He was married in Des Jloines County, Iowa, Sept. 25, 1870, to Miss Zora Belle Newell, daughter of Albert and Martha Newell. Mi-s. Newell was born in Pleasant Grove Township, Des Moines Co., Iowa. Six children have gathered round the hearthstone of this worthy couple, live of whom are now living: Aria, born Nov. 1, 1871 ; Jarrett, deceased; Eliza- beth, William II., Ethel, and an infant daughter, unnamed. Mr. Nugen moved to the village of New London in 1887. Mrs. Nugen is a member of the Protestant Episcopal Church, and Mr. Nugen is a member of Charity Lodge No. 56, I. O. O. F., and of J. W. Hardin Post No. 384, G. A. R., and in politics is a Democrat. EDWARD L. PENN, a leading merchant and old settler of Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, and one of the most prosperous business men of that thrift}' city, was born in the good old cit^' of Broth- erly Love (Philadelphia), which was founded by t^m^^- his namesake, William Penu. His father, Abraham Penn, was a Quaker, born in Chatham, England, and descended from an old Quaker family of that locality". His mother, whose maiden name was Elizabeth Livingston, was born at Philadelphia, and was a daughter of Capt. John Livingston, wlio was killed at the battle of Brando-wine. She was also a niece of Robert R. Livingston, t)ne of thesignersof the Declaration of Independence. The subject of this sketch while a youth removed with his parents to a point near C'hillicothe, Ohio. He was trained to mercantile pursuits earlj- in life, and was engaged in merchandising in various places South and West. He spent twelve j-ears in that I line at Lafayette, Ind., and came to Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, in October, 1850. Oncoming to this city, he engaged in the drv-goods and boot and shoe business, having a double store. Mr. Penn devoted his whole attention to his business, which he con- ducted so successful!}- that he acquired a comfort- able fortune. For the past twelve years Mr. Penn has retired from active participation in the details of the business, though still retaining his interest there- in. In 1878 he formed the existing partnership with Mr. C. A. Holwick, under the firm name of Penn & Holwick. This house carries an extensive stock of staple dry-goods, carpets, boots and shoes. Mr. Penn was united in marriage at Lafayette, Ind., Aug. 12, 1851, wiili ^Miss Amelia A. Weaver, daughter of Dr. Jacob Weaver. Mrs. Penn's father was a Trustee of Dickinson College, Carlisle, Pa., and Professor of the art of elocution. He lectm-ed and wrote extensively on the subject, and w.as the author of text books on elocution which are the standard authority among students and elocution- ists. He was a man of superior ability, and enjo^'ed a wide and flattering repuUition. Mr. and Mrs. Penn were blessed with three children, daughters: Ella A. and Lulu B. were born in Lafaoette, Ind. ; Katie Alma, the youngest, was born in Mt. Pleas- ant, Iowa. Mr. Penn, his wife and daughters, are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. He is a Republican in politics, but in no sense a politi- cian in the way of seeking for office, which he would not accept. He has never coveted political preferment, desiring the more quiet and unpretend- ing life of a m:in of business. He has taken an act- t 4 ►■ 11^* a HENRY COUNTY. 225 ive interest iu educational matters, and for twenty years has served as a member of tlie Board of Trus- tees of tlie Iowa Wesleyan ITniversity, and for the past fifteen years has been President of the Execu- tive Board of that institution. He was one of the incorporators of the First National Bank of Mt. Pleasant, of which he is a large stockholder, and has served as member of the Board of Directors since the establishment of the bank. Mr. Penn has been a resident of Mt. Pleasant for the past thirty-one ,years, during which time he has been prominently identified with the mercantile in- terests of the city, and has always been recognized as one of its leading merchants, and most highly respected citizens. He is now living in the quiet enjoyment of well-earned influence. His residence on North Jefferson street, surrounded by extensive and tastil}' arranged grounds, is one of the finest and most attractive in the city. ^ ^^ ^ j^^ C ADAM BROTHERS, James and William A., photographers, have been established in business atMt. Pleasant since 1875. James, the senior partner, and active member of the firm, was born in Harrison County, Ohio, Oct. 20, 1846, and is a son of George and Ann (Moore) McAdam, both of whom were also natives of Harri- son County, Ohio. Our subject went to Wenona, Marshall Co., 111., in the spring of 1857, and in that place learned the art of photograpiiy. In the winter of 1809-70 he commenced business for him- self at LaSaUe, 111., but gave it up after six months, and engaged in ranching in Colorado for another six months, when he returned to Illinois and again began business, this time at Wenona, where he re- mained in business until 1875. In that year, in compan}- with his brother George, he started his present gallery at Mt. Pleasant, and has been con- tinuously engaged in business here ever since, and has made many friends, both in business and socially. In his business he is materially assisted by his wife, who is a lady of talent and business capacity. His brother and partner takes no active part in the busi- T ness, which is successful, and constantly increasing, owing to the fine class of work done, and reason- able prices charged. June 27, 1877, James McAdam w-as married to Miss Agnes S. Phillips, daughter of Lieut. William Phillips, who was killed in the famous "battle of the AVilderness." Mrs. McAdam was born at Pitts- burgh, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. McAdam have been the parents of three children, two of whom died in in- fancy. The survivor is a daughter, Mary A., now nine years of age. Mr. and Mrs. McAdam are members of the Presbyterian Church, and in politics he is a supporter of the Republican party. Both are respected members of society, who are held in esteem by all who know them. AREY D. SHELLEDY, a farmer and stock- raiser, residing on section 29, Baltimore Township, was burn in Jennings County, Ind., in 1 822, and is the son of George and Isabella (Graham) Shelledy. Edward, the paternal grand- father of our subject, was born in Virginia, and the ancestors are supposed to be of Irish origin. He married Miss Bovell, and later moved to Ohio, from thence to Jennings County, Ind., and lastly to Edgar Count}', 111., where both himself and wife died. They had seven children: Margaret, de- ceased, who wedded William Moore, of Lowell, Iowa, and died in that village ; George, father of (jur subject, who married Isabella Graham in Indi- ana, where his death accidentally occurred while clearing up his farm; Stephen married Elizabeth Vance, and both are deail; Alfred, Gillen and Alex, who died unmarried, and John, married to Mary A. Milton, completed the number of children. The family of George and Isabella SheUedy con- sisted of three sons — Edward, George and Carey D. The widow afterward married John Compton, and bore him six children — Samuel, Virginia, Loui- siana, Stephen, William and Isabella. The death of the mother occurred in Marion Count)', Iowa, in 1822. After the death of his father and mar- riage of his mother Carey D. Shelledy, then sixteen years of age, left home and vvent to Charleston, 111., where he learned the saddlery and harness trade. When eighteen years old he came to this county, ^"^f-^ 1 ' f 226 ■*¥^m-^ HENRY COUNTY. i and in the winter of 1840 opened a shop, the first mechanic of this art in the now thriving county seat. He madu the first saddle and breeching har- ness ever nianufactui'ed in Henry County. His shop stood upon the site of Presley Saunders' bank, but there was not enough call for his services to pay the young man, and he went to Lowell and took charge of a carding-mill for Thomas Angell, which he operated for two years. The next year he went to what is now known as the second pur- chase of Indian lauds, upon which Ottuuiwa and Oskaloosa are situated. He aided in building all the first cabins of Oskaloosa, as when he reached the place only one log store stood upon its site. This was a general store that retailed groceries and whisky, owned at the time by Leeper .Smith. Mr. Shelledy was present at the Os.agc Agency when the treaty was made, and selected three claims, built a log cabin on each, later sold two claims, and secured enough monej' to enter eighty acres at the first land sale at Fairfield. His marriage had been cele- brated prior to this lime, Miss Amanda Shelledy becoming his wife. They began life on limited capital, and in Mahaska County theirs was one of the first marriages. The father of Judge Seavers performed the ceremony, and the young bride was installed mistress of a log cabin, with hewed pun- cheon floor erected by her husband. That was the beginning of his good fortune. Children came to their cabin home. The first was Elizabeth, now the wife of Charles Simpson; her birth was followed by that of a son, George E., who died in infancy; then Jane, who died in childhood, and who was born in Jasper County, to which her parents had removed, and where other children were born, viz. : Ella, now wife of George Collins; Margaret, wife of Hugh Bowen, and Stephen, the husband of De- borah Collins. In 1869 Mr. Shelledy returned to Henry County, and ])urchased the farm upon which William Archibald now resides. His wife died in Jasper County, and in l)es Moines County Mr. Shelled}' married his second wife, Mrs. Jane (^Lin- der) Hale, who had three children by her first hus- band, named George W., Sylvester and Sarah J. After her marriage to Mr. Shelledy she bore Lean- der and Andrew, twins ; Fremont, Nathaniel, Emma, Charles, Amy, Ella, John, Frank and Fred. All are living except Ella, and are widely scattered. Leander married Mary Kyle, and Andrew married her sister Rena; Fremont wedded Ella Cook, in Nebraska; Emma is Richard Foster's wife, while the others are unmarried. Margaret was a teacher in Marion and Cass Counties prior to her marriage, but all the sons are farmers, and the daughters have wedded farmers. From the lad in 1 840, with thirty-seven and a half cents in his pocket, our subject grew to manhood, reared a large family, and is now, in his mature years one of the large land-owners and wealthy men of Baltimore Township. For many years Mr. Shelledy served as a member of the School Board, but dis- liking to attend to an\' business except his own, has declined any connection with other olHcial po- sitions. His education in his youth was very lim- ited, all his learning being self-acquired, but his children have all been given a liberal education. In 187G he purchased the Hussey farm, and is now the owner of 200 broad acres, and is in emy cir- cumstances. He is the grandsire of eighteen chil- dren, and the father of seventeen. Genial and social, Mr. and Mrs. Shelled^' have alwa3's been noted for their hospitality, and this sketch will be read with interest by scores of old pioneers, among whom they are numbered. His step-father was a cruel man to the children, and was very fond of chastising them upon the least provocation. The last seen of him bj' our subject, he was standing in the door with a birch switch in his hand, waiting for Carey to put in an appearance, but he had climbed out of a back window, and was making tracks for Illinois, without bidding any of the fam- ily adieu. When he next saw his mother he had grown to manhood, and she failed to recognize him. He went to Indiana after her, intending to give her a home, her second husband being also dead at the time. That good lad}- accompanied him to Iowa, and found a comfortable home under his roof during the remainder of her life. Mr. Shelledy was in early d.ays an avowed Abolitionist, and was largely interested in the underground rail- ro.Mcl, of which mention will he made elsewhere, and in that connection acted both ;is .SUition Agent and as conductor, and was instrumental in securing the froecloni of many a poor colored man before the <•■ ■•►-■-4« 4 »► ll^» HENRY COUNTY. 227 Emancipation Proclamation gave tliem all their lib- ertj-. For his manly character, his uprightness and straightforward manner, he is greatly esteemed by those who know him. ARRETT NLTGEN,a former residing on sec- tion 36, New London Township, is a pioneer of 1840. He has several well-improved farms, aggregating 59.5 acres, and liis post- oflice is New London. Mr. Nugen is a native of Virginia, and was born in Kanawha County, now in West Virginia, in February, 1813. His parents were also natives of Virginia. His father, John Nugen, Sr., was born near Richmond, Va., in 177.5, of Irish parents, and was a soldier of the War of 1812. He was married in Kanawha County, Va., to Miss INIary C. Lee. They were the parents of sixteen children, thirteen of whom grew to man and womanhood ; and four sons — David, Jarrett, Charles and Silas — came to Iowa, and settled in New London Township, Henry County; Charles came in 1838, Jarrett and David in 1840, and Silas in 1855. Of these David and Jan-ett are still residents of this county, are wealthy, and large land-owners. Silas resides in Dakota Territory, and Charles is now deceased. The family are remarkable for their longevity, there being now living eleven of the twelve children who reached maturity. The oldest was born in 1804, and is now eighty-three years of age; the youngest is fifty-seven years old. John Nugen, Sr., emigrated from Virginia to Kentucky, and a few years later to Wayne County, Ind., in 1818. He continued to reside in that county, engaged in farming, until his deatli, wliich occurred in 1859. His wife was of an old Virginia family of Colonial times. Her father served through the Revolutionary War as a soldier of the Conti- nental army, and was a warm patriot. Jarrett Nugen, our subject, was reared on his father's farm, and was united in marriage in Wayne County, Ind., March 8, 1838, to Miss Melinda Butler, daughter of Samuel Butler. Mrs. Nugen was born in Wayne County, Ind., and her fatlier was a native of Georgia, emigrating to the former State at an early day. Seven children were born ■"^ ' — ^— of their union, five sons and two daughters, and five are now living : William H. was boi'n in Des Moines County, Iowa, Jan. G, 1841, and served in the late war as a member of Company K, 25th Iowa Volunteer Infantry ; he was engaged in the mercantile business at New London for twelve j'ears, four in company with Capt. Richard, and eight by himself, but is now engaged in farming. Mary, born April 6, 1843, is the wife of Gad Lyman, of New London; John Z., born April 25, 1845, married Miss Zora Belle Newell, and resides at New London (see his sketch) ; Lizzie was born May 28, 1847, and resides with her father; Josephus, born April 27, 1850, died at the age of four; Ell- wood died in childhood ; the other being an un- named infant. Mr. Nugen first came to Iowa Oct. 18, 1839, purchasing a claim in Des Moines County, and after a brief stay returned to Indiana. The following year he returned with his family, arriving at their home in Pleasant Grove Township Oct. 8^ 1840. On the 2d of M.arch, 1841, he moved to Henry County, and on the 16th of November of that year he established his permanent home, where he has since resided. Mr. Nugen was a Whig in early life, and since the dissolution of that party has been a Democrat. He is a Master Mason, a member of New London Lodge No. 28, A. F. & A. M. He has been an active business man, and by industry and good management has accumulated a large property, and his character as a man and citizen is above reproach. f W. SATTERTHWAIT, druggist, Mt. Pleas- ant, Iowa, was born in Guernsey County, Ohio, March 29, 1835, and is the son of Enoch and Nancy (Dilley) Satterthwait. His parents were natives of England, but came to America in early life. They settled in New Jersey, and subsequently moved to Guernsey County, Ohio, when that county was in a primitive condi- tion, where his father owned a large tract of land, on which he carried on farming and stock-raising. J. W. lost his mother when he was but two years old, and his father died six years later, leaving the gon an orphan at the tender age of seven j'ears. His 1.1S 228 -•► ,t HENEY COUNTY. people were members of the Society of Friends, and he was reared among Quakers and educated at a Quaker school. He served several years as a druggist's clerk, and in the autumn of 1856 came to Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. The succeeding four years were spent in various undertakings, and in 18G0 he purchased an interest in the drug business, but did not engage personally in it at that time. He en- listed in the war of tlie Rebellion in response to the first call of the President for troops in April, 1861, and entered the service as a member of Com- pany F, 1st Regiment Iowa Volunteer Infantry (three-months men), and served through the term of his enlistment and a few days longer. He par- ticipated in the campaign under Gen. Lyon ; the regiment remaining in the service a short time after the expiration of their term of enlistment before being mustered out, in order to take part in the battle of Wilson's Creek, then ponding, and in which they were activel3- engaged. On his return from the war, in August, 1861, he engaged actively in the drug business at Mt. Pleas- ant, in which he has continued ever since. In 1869 he was elected by the Republican party to repre- sent Henry County in the Iowa Legislature, and served one term ; he has also served as a member of the Common Council of Mt. Pleasant. He was one of the proprietors and organizers of the Henry County Agricultural Society, and has ever since been a member, and has held the positions of Secre- tary and Treasurer. Mr. Satteithwait has always taken a warm interest in educational matters, and has served about twenty years as a member of the Board of Education, which jiosition he holds at this writing, and most of the time lieing President of the Board. He is :ilso a member of the Board of Directors of the State Normal Sciiool, and has filled that position four years, and lias always wielded a large influence in educational matters, and has given eminent satisfaction tf) the people in every position to which he has been called. IMr. Sattcrthwait was married al i\lt. I'leasant, in Aijril, 1802, to Miss Emma Randolph, a daughter of John H. Randol|>li. Mrs. Sattertli wail was born in Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. Her father was a native of Virginia, and a member of tlie well-known family ■ '<•■■ ^hJk-^* HENRY COUNTY. 231 Chester County, Pa., who came to Woodstock with her pai'ents when a child. Their marriage wast'ele- brated in April, 1818. After some years spent in business in Woodstock. Mr. Richard went onto a farm given him by his father, situated in the same county, and on that place he remained until his re- moval to Iowa. In that county all of Mr. and Mrs. Richard's children were born. The eldest was an infant who lived hut a few hours; the next was Catherine A. G., now the sole survivor of the family, and the occupant of the old family home in New London. The others were: William Thomp- son Henry, who died when but a little over four j'ears of age; John Thompson, who came to Iowa with his parents and died in New London in Sep- tember, 1845, having been tw-enty-oue years old the preceding month; Mary Elizabeth, who was twice married in Henrj' County, her first husband being John Green, of Mt. Pleasant, where he died ; her second husband was El isha. Saunders, also of Mt. Pleasant, but who subsequently removed to New London, where both died. The youngest of the family w-as Ignatius Perry McCandless, who also accomi)anied his parents to Henry County, and died in August, 1844, having been sixteen years old the preceding April. The new Territory of Iowa at that time attract- ing much attention, in 1841 Mr. Richard deter- mined to remove thither, and selling his Virginia farm he made the journey overland, crossing the Mississippi at P't. Madison in the beginning of Oc- tober of that year. A few days later he bought a place at New London, to which he at once removed his family, arriving there Oct. 27, 1841. For two years he cultivated the small farm with the aid of a man he had brought from Virginia, but this did not satisf}' his active temperament, and in the spring of 1844 he engaged in mercantile business in New London, which he carried on until the increasing infirmities of age caused him to retire a few years before his death. During eight years of that time he was Postmaster of New London, but on the inauguration of President Lincoln in 18G1, resigned the position, he being a strong and uncompromising Democrat. During the later years of his life he lived retired, in the enjoyment of ample means in the home which was selected as their future resi- dence by his daughter Catharine, on the ver3- day on which they arrived in New London, and on which he subsequently built the commodious resi- dence which she yet occupies. For more than forty years Mr. Richard was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and had many times offered a site for a church edifice in New London, but the matter had not been set- tled when he passed away, and his daughter, faith- ful to her father's memory, kei)t his pledge, and in 1887 donated to the society over an acre of ground In the center of the village, on which the neat frame church now stands and in which services are regu- larly held. In April, 1848, Mrs. Eliza II. Richard passed from this life, mourned by her husband and sur- viving children, and with the love and esteem of all who knew hei- as she was, a loving wife and de- voted mother. Mr. Richard followed her June 22, 1881, passing away suddenl}', unexpectedly and painlessly, living but a few minutes after he was attacked by illness. He left behind him the repute of an honorable man, a good citizen and faithful friend, who was never known to do wrong. His loving daughter still occupies the family home, calmly waiting for the summons which will reunite her to those who have gone before. The excellent portrait on an adjoining page of this Album is a tribute of her affection for the niemorj' of the par- ent whom she so dearl3' loved and so greatlj' respected. RANK P. PECK, M. D., Second Assistant Physician and Pathologist of the Iowa State Hospital, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, since April 1, 1883, was born in Will Ct>unty, 111., near Joliet, Oct. 1, 1858, and is the son of Armenius D. and Hannah H. (Hopping) Peck. He received his lit- erary education at the Lockport ( 111.) High School, and taught school for five years before entering the Chicago Medical College in 1879, where, after a regular course, he graduated in the class of 1883, having spent eighteen months of that time in Cook County Hospital. He then came directly to Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, to accept the position he now holds, as stated above. In politics he is a Repub- -► ■ <* -4«- 232 t HENRY COUNTY. lican; religiously a member of the Baptist Chnreh, and fraternally a Master Mason, a member of Mt. Pleasant Lodge No. 8, A. F. & A. M. Dr. Peck is a young physician of fine ability, a thorough student of .advanced ideas, and has spared no pains to familiarize himself with all that pertains to a thorough knowledge of his profession as rap- idly as possible, and has already won a high place in the estimation of those best qualified to judge of his merits. His father, Armeiiius D. Peck, was a farmer bj^ occupation, and a worthy man of good re- pute. He was born in Jefferson County, N. Y., Oct. 20, 1820. In his youth he went to Chautau- qua County, .and then in 1835, to Danville, 111., with his parents. The following year the family removed near Joliet, Will Count}', where the father engaged in farming. He married Miss Hannah Hop- ping. Five children were born to^them, three sons and two daughters, Frank P. being the third child. Mr. Peck is connected with the Baptist Church, and in politics is a Republican. Mrs. Peck was born in Onondaga County, N. Y., Nov. 23, 1821. She was an estimable lady, a devoted wife and mother, an earnest Christian and member of the Baptist Church. Her death occurred Oct. 23, 1879. .-Siv^ -^«^= «^*r^' l/OHN C. COLLINS is a farmer of Baltimore Township. The Collins family came from Indiana to this county in 18.50. Henry B. Collins, the father of -our subject, was born in New York, and his wife, Catherine Sh.annon, in Pennsylvani.a. They were married in Ohio Count}', Ind., where our subject, the eldest son, w;is born; iiis birth was followed by that of Adeli.a, wife of Robert Wood; William, who wedded Rachel Bun- ker; George, husband of Ella Shelled}-; Mary, wife of R. T. Wood; .Julia, deceased wife of Jonathan Hunker; Deborah .1., wife of Slcphen Sliellcdy; Olive B., wife of .bilui Grubb; Margaret, wife of George Hannah, wliich completed the family. When Henry 15. Collins came to this county he pureliased 20G acres on section 30, Baltimore Town- ship, upon which his son George resides. With the exception of a small cabin and some cultivated land, Henry Collins improved the tract during his lifetime, and with the exception of the farm house built since his death by his widow, all the improve- ments stand as monuments of his industry. His widow survived him ten years, dying at the age of seventy-two. The children of this family have all been possessed of the same enterprise which char- acterized the parents, and all who are living, with the exception of Mary, who resides in Webster County, are still residents of Henry County. Henry B. Collins died July 30, 1877, aged sixty-eight, and his widow April 26, 1886. Our subject was born Jan. 5, 1838, and was mar- ried, in 1 859, to Miss Phabe E. Kent, of Lee County, who was born Nov. 22, 1842, and is a daughter of H. Tapley and Cynthia A. (Crossley) Kent, who came from Montgomery County, Ohio, about 185G, to Lee County. Her mother is still living in Caw- ker City, Kan., and of their children, three sons and one daughter, William wedded Emma Glover; Theodore became the husband of Lizzie Cra-michael ; Ross is unmarried, and resides in the West; and Ph■ m<» HENRY COUNTY. 233 Not a pound is shipped, the products not being suffi- cient to supply home demand. In this enterprise over $1,500 is invested, and thoy exi)ect to largely increase the stock the coming months. i\ ATHIAS S. BOWERS, a farmer and stock- raiser, of Marion Township, residing on sec- tion 25, was born in Muskingum County, Ohio, Feb. 24, 183y, and is the son of John and Rebecca (Vernon) Bowers. His father was born in Greene County, Pa., June 24, 1792, and his mother in Muskingum County, Oct. 10, 1805. John and Rebecca Bowers were the parents of twelve chil- dren ; of that number eleven are still living: Amos married Miss Elizabeth Spry, of Custer County, Oliio; Henry wedded Miss Sarah Violet, and re- sides in Wasliington, Washington Co., Iowa; Lu- cinda, widow of Patterson Calhoun, resides in Zanesvillc, Ohio; Cornelius married Catherine Cal- houn, and resides in La Harpe, Hancock Co., 111. ; Charles S. married Emeline Moore, who died in 1866, leaving two children, and he was again mar- ried, to Eliza Erving, and now resides at Elmwood, Peoria Co., 111. ; Charles was a member of the 4th Iowa Cavalry and served three years; Mathias, our subject, is the sixth child in order of birth ; Dorothy, wife of Allen Vernon, of Council Bluffs, Iowa; Lizzie, widow of Jacob Twigs, a resident of Beatrice, Neb.; Harrison was a member of tlie 4th Iowa Cavalry, and died at Memphis, Tenn., in 1864; Harriet, wife of a Mr. Humphrey, a con- ductor on the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Rail- road, resides at Lincoln, Neb.; Eliza, wife of Allen Courtney, a farmer of Marion Township ; and Chris- tiana, wife of Logan Myers, residing near Marshall, Iowa. Their children were all born in Muskingum County, Ohio, their father having settled in that county at a ver}' early day and was married at that place. He found the country in a state of natur.ll wildness. With but few exceptions the virgin soil vvas yet unvexed by the plow. The nimble deer, thoughtless of danger, lightly bounded over the plain, contentedly grazing upon the succu- lent gi-asses. He cleared 100 acres of land and made for himself a home, and continued to live there until 1832, when the desire to again become a pio- neer took possession of him, and he accordingly loaded his famil}^ and household effects into wagons and started on the long, tedious journey to Iowa, leaving Lucinda and Cornelius at the old home- stead, where they remained for several years, and later moved to Hancock County, 111. Leaving his well-improved farm of 160 acres and all the com- forts of liome, he landed in Henry County, which was an unbroken wilderness, and bought 605 acres of wild land in Marion and Canaan Townships, in one body. At that time there were no laid out roads or landmarks. The first road marked out was fiom the place where Hill's building now stands in Mt. Pleasant to Wapello. This was laid out with an ox-team. He was a man who lived for his familj',and was quiet and reserved iu his way, but had man}' friends and was highly respected. He and his good wife were both members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and she was taken from him in the year 1872. Mr. Bowers was called to his heavenly home in 1881, at the age of eighty-nine years and eleven months. He had no pain, and day by day saw him grow weaker, yet on the day of his death he ate a hearty dinner. His last words were: " I am not sick," but befell back dead in his son's arms. Our subject was reared on a farm, and in the oc- cupation of tilling the soil has continued to labor all his life. His earl}- education was received at the common school. Mr. Bowers has witnessed the rapid changes in this county since 1852, for since that time he has made his home in Marion Town- ship, where he has a well regulated farm of ninety- five acres. He was united in marriage to Miss Kmma Spry, born in Muskingum County. Ohio, Oct. 30, 1837. She is the daughter of William and Mary (Vernon) Sprj', who had a family of twelve children: Elizabeth; Lucinda, deceased; M. B. ; Martha, wife of Thomas Moore, residing in Florida; Milton J., a farmer in Kearney County, Neb.; Joseph W., a member uf the 25th Iowa Volunteer Infantry, died at Vicksburg; Sanuiel N., a farmer and stock-raiser in Nodaway County, Mo. ; AVilliam K., a farmer of this county; May, wife of William Steadman, a farmer of Marion Township; John E., in Villiska, Iowa; Charley W., a farmer in Ne- •^ ■<^ 234 f HENRY COUNTY. braska; Christin, wife of Charles Campbell, of Ogle Alley, Neb. The father of these children died ill 1881, and the mother is still living- in Marion Township. Mr. and Mrs. Bowers' family consists of four chil- dren: William G., born Dec. 29, 1863: Leroy C. born Sept 3, 1867, now attending school: Charles H., born Oct. 10, 1870; Black O., born Sept. 26, 1878. Mr. and Mrs. Bowers have given their chil- dren good edncational advantages. They are members nf the Methodist Episcopal church, and are greatly interested in all church work. Mr. Bow- ers is pi>liticall3', a Republican, and is held in high esteem throughout the county in which he has been so long a resident, and no one more justly deserves this esteem than does he. He has taken an active interest in all public affairs, and is an intlueutial citizen. "\f]OHN SAMPLE, deceased, a pioneer of Heniy County, of 183'.), and one of her most highly respected citizens, fell a victim i^^T/ to cholera June 5, 1851, his wife also dying- two days later. Samuel D. Wood worth, a son-in- law of John Sample, and his two sons, all died within seven days of the appearance of the disease among them. Mv. Sample was born in Washing- ton County, Pa., with the birth of the Republic in 1776, March 23, a few years prior to the issuing of the Declaration of Independence, and his child- hood and youth were spent amid the stirring- scenes of the great Revolution, from which has sprung the greatest Republic known in the history' of the world. His father was an English emigrant, his mother a native of (iermany, both worthy people. John .Sample was apprenticed to a millwright, and served his time at that useful trade. In pursuit of employment he afterward wended his way to Butler County, Ohio, about the close of the last century, where he was married, Jan. 20, 1803, to Miss Ann Taylor, daughter of Henry Taylor. Mrs. Sanii)lo was born in Cincinnati A]iril 10, 1783. Her father was a [lioneer of Cin- cinnati, and a brother of hers was the first white male child burn in that city. Mr. Sample removed to Randolpii County, Ind., in l.sl8, wiierc he en- gaged in building mills. In the spring of 1839 he set out witii his family for the then "far west" of Iowa. Their mode of convej'ance was liy f>ne- horse team and two ox-teains, with the usual covered emigrant wagons. He located land in Tippecanoe Township, the same Land now forming a part of the farm of his son-in-law, William Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Sample were blessed with a nuiuci-oas family, consisting of eleven children, seven of whom grew to maturity. Mar}' was born Jan. I, 1804, and was the wife of S. D. Wood worth; she died in Jan- uary, 1845. Jane H. was born May 14, 1812: she married Arthur Bull, Nov. 12, 1829, and died Sept. 26, 1831. William was born June 14, 1814; he married Amanda T. (loddard, and died of cholera June 9, 1851. Robert was born Oct. 13, 1816, and died Aug. 12, 1839; John was born Sept. 26, 1818, and died in September, 1842; Eliza A. was born Feb. 25, 1821. Mr. Sample was a consistent member of the Presbyterian Church, and his wife was an earnest Methodist. He was a Whig in politics and his sons walked politicallj' in his footsteps. While liv- ing in Randolph County, Ind., he was chosen one of the three judges who constituted the courts of that county, and served with honor and abilitj- in that capacity. He was a man of jiositive views and of great force of character, upright and honor- able in all his intercourse with his fellowmen, and he enjoyed in a marked degree the respect and esteem of all who knew him. He was a master me- ch.anic and delighted in the exercise of his skill. His course westward was marked bj- mills of his erecting, and up to the time of his sudden death he was desirous of building another mill. His daugh- ter, Eliza A., the wife of Mr. AVilliam Davis, is the only surviving member of that once large family. eLARA J. SWAN, M. 1)., homeopathic i)liy- sician. Ml. Pleasant, Iowa, was born in St. Paul, Minn. Her parents, Andrew and Mar- garet Swan, were natives of Sweden, who emi- grated to America in their j'outh. They were hon- est and industrious, and died leaving Clara an orphan when she was but eight j'cars old. She came »► ■-# * -^•- HENRY COUNTY. 23-) I to Iowa in 1873, and lived near Oakland Mills, Henry Count}', where she received her primary education in the public schools. In 18.S2 she came to Mt. Pleasant and entered Prof. Howe's Academy and Training Sclionl, where she took a two-years course of general stud\\ She began reading medi- cine with Dr. J. H. Drake in 1883, and in October, 1884, entered the Iowa State University as a medi- cal student, taking a general course of study in medicine and surgerj-, and graduating in the class of 1887. Immediately after receiving her diploma, she opened an office at Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, where at present she is the only lady physician in actual practice. Dr. Swan is a young lady of superior ability, and is a thorough medical student and cool rea- soner. Her misfortune in childhood of being left an orphan has taught her that self-reliance and pa- tience necessarj' to win an honorable place in tlie profession of her choice. She realizes that she has much to contend with from the competition of the many able ph3-sicians in the city, and from the common prejudice .against emplo3'ing female physi- cians, especially one so young. But time remedies many things and rights many wrongs. The most eminent in the profession have been guilty of the heinous crime of once having been young, and the world is fast learning that men must not, nor can- not, monopolize the learned professions. That she may win that high rank among practitioners that is the result of steadfast determination and earnest effort, is certainly the desire of all who know her, and who admire the courage that triumphs over every obstacle. 5^^ ANDERS BROS. The firm of Sanders Bros. (Eddy E. and John E.) is well known in Waj'land and vicinity, they having for four years done business in the village, and their trade is becoming yearly more prosperous. The brothers are both heads of families and entitled to consideration aside from their business relation- ship. Both were born in Erie County, N. Y., sons of Emmons H. and L. J. (Eddy) Sanders. The father was a native of New York, and was a man full of promise when his death occurred. His youngest son was then unborn, and after his birth the mother, accompanied bj' her children, came to this State in 18.57, and until her second marriage their home was made with her parents, her father, Ezekiel Eddy, being an early and well-known citizen in this part of the country. The Eddy family located in Iowa in 1853 on a farm. Their cliildren are ten in ntunbcr — Wilbur, Alvin, Israel, Lutheria J. (mother of our subjects,) .Jenette, Diana, Zilplia, Mary, Martha and Ruby. The i)arents remained in this neighborhood until 1807, then removed to Oregon, where the wife died. Ezekiel Eddy yet resides in Benton, tliat State, and has reached his eighty-fifth year. While living near Brighton, Mrs. Lutheria Sanders wedded Christian Schafer, a gentleman of large acquaintance and wealth. He was born in Germany, near Witteni- berg, and for more than a quarter of a century was a resident of this part of Iowa, altliough not of this county. He was three times married, the first wife having three children — Mar}', Caroline and Elizabeth. His second wife was Mrs. Kinser, who bore to her first husband one son, .lohn Kinser. After the marriage to Mrs. Sanders the union was graced by the births of Eva M., George C. and Fredericka, the latter the wife of Dr. A. E. Moore, a resident physician of Wayland. With Mrs. Schafer the Doctor and his wife make their home since the death of Mr. Schafer and the marriage of his daughter to the Doctor. Our subjects were reared upon a farm, received a practical business education during tlieir boy- hood, and in 1883 both came to Wayland, and purchased the stock of goods formerly owned by B. F. Morris. The senior member of the firm wedded Miss Samantha McClintick, of this county. They are the parents of one daughter, Anewa, now in her third year. Elizabeth Pfeiffer became the wife of John E. Sanders. They have been the parents of eight children — Emmons, Pidward ; John, deceased; Fred, deceased; Gussie, Julia, Myra and Grover C, the latter also deceased. John E. San- ders is route agent for transportation of the United States mail between Wayland and Mt. Pleasant, making tri-weekly trips. Sanders Bros, carry a $4,000 stock of general <^ u M 236 HENRY COUNTY. merchandise, and do an annual retail trade of $7,(100 or over. We are pleased to give the young- men credit for their enterprise, and a place in this history of the best of families of Henry County. J JOSEPH L. STEADMAN, a fanner and stoek- I raiser of section 24, Marion Township, was ' born in Bainbridge, Ross Co., Ohio, Dec. ' 25, 1846, and is a son of G. AV. and Eliza- beth (Long) Steadman. (See O. W. Sto.adni.in's sketch on another page of this work.) He attended school in his native town until 1861, when he en- tered the army, enlisting in Company G, 60th Ojiio Volunteer Infantry. Tlie regiment was captured at Harper's Ferry. Va., but Joseph was taken sick with typhoid fever at Wincliester, and subsequently captured and held prisoner for about two months. His mother having gone to the bedside of her sick boy, remained with him until he was exchanged and sent home. As soon as sutliciently recovered, he was sent to Chicago, where he was paid off and dis- charged in November, 1 862. Returning home, he remained there until January, 1863, wiien he re-en- listed, in the 4th Independent Battalion of Ohio Volunteer Cavalr3' for six months, but remained nine in that command. The battalion was assigned to tiie Army of the Tennessee, and participated in a number of minor engagements, but was generallj- engaged in scouting and foraging. After he was disciiarged from this regiment, he again enlisted, in the 13tii Oliio Cavalry, and was in the seven-days liattle of the Wilderness, also at Ilatciies Run, Wel- don Railroad and Five Points. On the .list of March, 1 86"), Mr. Steadman was wounded in tlie rigiit arm above the elbow, and was again taken prisoner. Having a good knowledge of Anderson- ville, he determined to risk his chances at escape, and did get awa}', but was shot at twice and missed. Not having had his wound dressed for some hours, the pain was so intense that it almost crazed him, l)ut he was limilly cared for, nndscut to City Point, Va., au'i from there (o Washington,!). C. He was in Ford's Tiieater the memorable night when our beloved President Lincoln was assassinated. This caused such an excitement and jam, that in trying to escape from the building he was hurt and had to be sent home on the general order of furloughs for all disabled soldiers. He remained at home until July, 1865, when he went to Cincinnati, and there received his discharge. In the spring of 1866 Mr. Steadman went to Tennessee, Arkansas, and the Indian Territory, but returned home and was united in marriage, March 20, 1867, with Miss Caroline M. Mathews. She was born in Lipidelmutt, Prussia, Aug. 25, 1848, and is a daughter of Henry and Caroline L. M.athews, both deceased. Jlr. and Mrs. Steadman are the par- ents of nine children, four of whom died in infancj'; the living are Launi L., George H., Joseph A., Ed- ward W. and Lillie Lena. After their marriage they moved to Henry County, Iowa, where thej- lived for six ye,ars on a farm. In 1872 they emi- grated to Elbert Countj', Col., where Mr. Steadman took up a soldier's claim of 160 acres, and lived on it for three years. In 1875 he sold his farm and engaged in the hotel business in South Park for about one year. Taking his family by team, he went to Walla Walla, Wash. Ter., being on the way sixty d.ays. From there he went to Spokane Falls, w^hcre he bought a piece of land, but also ran a hotel in that place about two years. He was also eng.aged in the transportation business with a drove of thirty animals. His route was from the evolu- tion on South Fork of Canir d'Alene River, to Eagle City, on the North Fork of the Cu'iir d'Alene River, in Id.aho, then in 1885-86 feighted from Granite to Aspen, Col. He ran a freight team across the Continental Divide for two years. In June, 1887, Mr. Steadman returned to Henry County, after an absence of nearl}' fifteen j-ears, and took charge of his father's farm of 160 acres, where he is at present employed. Folitically, he is a Repub- lican, and takes great interest in public affairs. ARTIN F. BURKET has been a dealer in stoves, tinware and kindrod articles in Mt. Pleasant for twenty-one years. He was born in Huntingdon County, Pa., Doc. 9, 18211, and is a son of John and Lydia (Funck) Burket, both natives of Pennsylvania, and on botli ♦-■-4^ i u. HENRY COUNTY. 237 sides of German extraction. Our sul)ject, when eight years of age, was taken by his parents to Blair County, Pa., and seven years later, when he was fifteen, to Center County, same State. In these places his boyhood days were passed, living in the latter county until he was twenty-one. He learned the tinsmith's trade, and when about twenty-two 3'ears of age embarked in business on his own account at Warrior's Mark, Huntingdon Countj', where lie remained for over two j-ears, then selling out to come west. In the spring of ISoa Mr. Burket came to Iowa, locating at West Point, Lee County, in which place he successfully carried on the trade until 1866, when he came to Mt. Pleasant, and here he again engaged in the business of a stove and tinware dealer, beside doing all kinds of jobbing in his line. For four years, from 1876 to 1880, he had as a partner Oliver Griffith, but in the latter year the firm sold out, and Mr. Burket worked as a journey- man until 1887, in the spring of which 3'ear he recommenced business, and now carries a full stock, besides being well prepared to do all kinds of work in his line. He is a good mechanic, and Las always borne the reputation of an upright business man. Mr. Burket was married in Center County, Pa., Nov. 11, 18.52, to Miss Nanc}' Glenn, daughter of .John Glenn. She was born in Center County. Three children were born to them, of whom one, a daughter, Ina S., died when nineteen years old. Wilbur F. is married and lives at Lyons, Kan., and John G. is single and a resident of Page County, Kan. Mr. and Mrs. Burket are members of the Method- ist Episcopal Church. In polities he is a supporter of the Republican party, and socially is a member of Mystic Lodge No. 55, I. O. O. F., and is per- sonally held in esteem by his neighbors and fellow- citizens. \f) AMES F. MILLER, farmer and stock-raiser, resides upon section 11, Jackson Township, and as one of the typical farmers of the township, we are pleased to present a sketch of his familj' history. In his township, and iu the county as well, he bears an enviable reputation as a gentleman .and citizen. He was born in Scott County, 111., March 21, 1833, and is the son of Alfred and Nancy (New) Miller. Alfred Miller was born iu North Carolina and his wife in Tennes- see. They were married in Illinois and all their children were born in that State. Alfred died in 1853, and his widow afterward married John B. Abbey, who was a resident of this county, and one of the first settlers in Baltimore Township. Upon the land that he entered in 1840 his widow now re- sides. He took the claim, made some improve- ments, and entered the lands at the first land sale held in Burlington. By her second marriage Mrs. Miller had no heirs, but to her first husband she bore Lucinda, now deceased, who was the wife of James Six ; Francis M., who became the husband of Marj- Steelman ; James F., who married ]\Iatilda Kirkpatriek in 1853; Lorenzo J., husband of Mi- nerva Blaney ; Adam, married to Margaret, a sister of Matilda, wife of our subject; Nancy, deceased, became the wife of Addison McGavick; William wedded Caroline Welsh, while Alfred remains a bachelor. In 1852 our subject came to Iowa and first located in Lee County. While there the acquaint- ance was first formed with Miss Matilda Kirkpat- riek, and her parents removing to this county in 1853, the wedding was celebrated in Henry Count}', where they have since resided. Her paients, Will- iam and Mary (Pratt) Kirkpatriek, were among the very first settlers of Clark's Point, Lee Co., Iowa, locating there in 1 834, and entering over a half section of land. They came from Sangamon Count}-, 111., where they were married. Miss Kirk patriek w.as a native of Ohio, horn July 2, 1835, leaving that State when a girl ten years of age. William Kirkpatriek was a soldier during the Black Hawk War, after which he was married, and during his residence iu Illinois engaged in farming. They were the parents of ten children, all born in Iowa, except the two eldest, Jane and Charles. Jane, who lives in Missouri, was twice wedded, first to John Thompson, then to Grnndville Arnold, both now deceased; Charles married Sarah Stephenson, and resides near Lowell, in this county. In Iowa were born Matilda, wife of our subject; Lucinda, wife of '*-* i of Tl -•► 238 HENRY COUNTY. William Tull; Martha, who became the wife of Thomas Diits; Margaret, the wife of A. Miller, a brother of our subject; Emma, weddeci to Marion Daggs; Sarah, who became the wife of Josepli Masters; William, who is the husband of Libbie Rank; and Joseph, wedded to Ella Marsh. All are now living. The first land owned by Mi'. Miller was his present farm. lie began domestic and agricult- ural life in this county on a rented farm in Balti- more Township, and succeeded so well that in a few years he had a farm of his own. All the nice improvements of this farm have been made since 18G6,and they are of that substantial character which betokens thrift and energy. He has always enjoyed the confidence of his fellowmen, and although a Democrat from his first vote, has been repeatedly elected to positions of trust in his town- ship, serving as Trustee sever.al times. Assessor three years, and having another year yet to serve. At the last election he was made a candidate with- out his knowledge, and was elected without oppo- sition. This of itself stamps him as a correct official and public-spirited man. Mr. and Mrs. Miller have seven children. Those living are: Charles F., who is wedded to Mary .Stacker, living in Jackson Township; AVilliam, hus- band of Emma Brazill, now living in Nebraska; Flora, wife of A. D. Brazill, also living in Nebraska; Clara and Linnie, living with their p.arents, and their birthplace in the roomy old mansion has been to them a hai)py home. Those deceased .are: Josephine, who was the wife of Robert Francey, and left a daughter, Stella; and Clement, who died in infancy. All the children were born in this county, and are in every sense identified witii its interests. We are pleased to thus mention this family and assign them a place .among those who with them have grown gray and wealthy, since the improvement of Henry County was begun in the days of " .auld lang sine." Both Mr. and Mrs. Miller are members of the Protestant Methodist Church, anil at different dates he has been Superintendent of the Sabbath-scliool and an officer of the church. Both were members of the first church organization of that society in this section of the country, about 18G8, in the Greenwood school-house. Rev. .loini Mason being the pastor. Among the first members were also William Myers, William Walters and wife, Adam Miller and wife, John Francey and wife, and others. Of these AVilliam Myers was the first Class-Leader, and our subject the first Steward. The society is still in a prosperous condition and regular services are held. By such families as those mentioned are the schools, churches, morals and wealth of a community built up, and to none is the good repute of Henrj' County more due than to Mr. Miller and family. -^ ^-^ ^ ^?^EORGEW. TRIMBLE, Superintendent of ill (=n the Mt. Pleasant Water Companj', and a ^^^ resident of Mt. Plea.sant since 1855, was born in Westmoreland County, Pa., April 7, 1821, and is a son of John and Mary (Carnahan) Trim- ble. His father was a native of Ireland, .and came to America with his parents in infancy. His mother was born in Pennsylvania, of Scotch par- ents. The early life of George was spent on a farm, and in his youth he learned the carpenter's trade, at which he worked for some years. On the 3d of December, 1853, in Westmoreland County, Pa., he was united in marriage to Miss Elizabeth Fre^', a daughter of Hon. Jacob Frey. Her parents were Germans, and her father w.as a prominent man of that region. Five children were born unto Mr. and Mrs. Trimble, one in the East, and the re- mainder in Mt. Pleasant: John W. is a druggist's clerk in Chicago; IMary died at the age of thirteen years; Charles is in British Columbia; Emma J. is the wife of l'hilli|)s Fluke, a dairyman of Mt. Pleasant; Estella M. lives with her father at Mt. Pleasant. Mrs. Ti'imble died at Mt. Pleasant, in August, 1883. In 1855 Mr. Trimble decided on coming West, and in June of that year landed at Burlington, Iowa, where he remained a short time, and in August fol- lowing came to Mt. Pleasant, where he h.as since continued to reside, eng.aged principall}' in wurking at his ti'ade of contracting and building. On the 1st day of Januarj-, 1.S8G, he became coniiecled with the water company, George B. Inman it Bro., of New York, and has since been Superintendent. i' I z z ct O U4 — a. |i -*■ ^ en t- d o a native of Wurtemlierg, liorn in 1798. Since her emigration to America she has made her home mainly with her son Charles B., with wliom she is now living, in exceptiunally good health, al- though in her ninetieth year. One brother, John, had preceded tiie others to this country. He lived first in Richmond, \:i., and in 1857 removed to Washington, D. C, and the following year came ^B-^- to Mt. Pleasant, where he has since resided. Another brother, David, of whom see sketch, came to America in 1858; Christian emigrated in 1869, and is also a resident of Mt. Pleasant. The sis- ter was named Rosa. In 1859 she l)ecame the wife of Charles Williams, and died in that citj- in 1876, leaving a sou Charles, now living in Kansas. Mr. Williams also died in Mt. Pleasant. On coming to America Charles B. made his home first in Washington, D. C, where he resided one year, and in 1858 remos^ed to Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, in company with his brother David, arriving in this city August 16. Here he engaged in the boot and shoe business until the breaking out of the war of the Reliellion, when on the 18th of August, 1861, he enlisted as a private in Companj' C, 4th Iowa Cavahy, He was promoted Orderly Ser- geant, and re-eulistcd as a veteran Dec. 12, 1863, and served four years, or to the close of the war, being mustered out with his regiment at Atlanta, Ga., Aug. 10, 1865. His regiment was attached to Grant's army during the siege of Vicksburg, and during his term of service did some hard work. The following is a list of the prinei[ial battles and engagements in which Mr. Rulvgalier participated: White River, Helena, Brown's Ford, and Red River, in Arkansas; at Fourteen-Mile Creek, Raymond, Mechanicsburg, first and second Missis- sippi Springs, first and second battles of Jackson, siege of Vicksburg, at Canton, Brandon, Browns- ville, Meridian and Cohhvater, all in Mississipjii; ;it Memphis, Tenn.; at Guntown, Ripley and Tupelo (Old Town Creek), Miss. He w.as mustered out in August, 1865, after four years of hard cani- pnigning, in which he won the reputation of a brave and gallant soldier. On his return from the army Mr. Rukgaber engaged as clerk for J. B. Shaw, iiardn-are merchant of Mt. Pleasant, continuing in that capacity from 1866 to 1872, when he bought an interest in the business, the lirni being Shaw & Rukgaber. This connection continued till the death of Jlr. Shaw in 1875, when Horace Clark bought the interest of the Shaw heirs, and the new firm became Rukgaber & Clark. Four years later Mr. Clark went out, and J. S. IMcGregor and Edward Baines bought in, forming the firm of Rukgaber, McGregor & Baines, i t ■<^ HENRY COUNTY. a 243 a which conuection continued till Mr. Rukg.aber's election in the fall of 1886 to the oflice he now hokls, when he sold out to give his entire time to his official duties, which he performs in the most thorough and satisfactory manner. ISIr. Rukgaber was united in marriage at Mt. Pleasant, April 11, 1861, to Miss Joanna Mueller, daughter of Victor and Amelia (Fehrcnbach) Mueller. Mrs. Rukgaber was born in Baden, Ger- many, in 1*843, and came to America with her par- ents in 1845, and to Henry County, Iowa, in 18.')5. Her parents landed in New Orleans, where they lived for nine years, and in 1854 entered some land in rutn.am County, Mo., on which they lived for a ye.ar, when they came to Mt. Pleasant. In 1859 Mr. Mueller and a brother, like thousands of others, crossed the plains to Pike's Peak in search of gold. Disliking the country, he went to Cali- fornia, where he was joined by his wife the follow- ing year. In 1867 he returned to Mt. Pleasant, and soon after went to their Missouri farm, where both died, the husband in 1878, and the wife in 1876. Mr. Mueller served his time in the army in Germany, and was by trade a carpenter. He was an industrious man, and in his labors in the mines con- tracted rheumatism, from which effects he died. An upright, honorable man, he was held in esteem by his neighbors. Mr. and Mrs. Rukgaber are the parents of five children, four of whom are living, all born in Mt. Pleasant. Louisa, born Oct. 25, 1866; Emily, born March 27, 1868, died Sept. 13, 1887; Mina, born Nov. 23, 1869; Carrie, born June 16, 1871; and Victor, born March 11, 1873. The daughter Emily, who died, was a beautiful and highly accomplished j'oung lady, possessing rare musical talents, and had been the organist of St. Michael's Elpiscopal Church for a long time. She was a great favorite in society, and her untimely death was a sad blow to her family and numerous friends. The members of the church of which she was an ornament, and in which she was universally beloved, decided to erect a testimonial to her mem- ory, which has t.aken the form of a beautiful stained glass window. Mr. Rukgaber has borne an active part in local public affairs. He has served one year as Secretary of the Henry County Agricultural Society, and six years as a member of the Mt. Pleasant Board of Education. He is a member of Mt. Pleasant Lodge No. 8, A. F. & A. M. ; Henry Lodge No. 10, I. O. O. F., and of McFarland Post No. 20, G. A. R., of which he is one of the charter members, and has been Junior Vice Commander. In politics he is a Republican, and has been active in all party affairs. Religiously he is a member of the Episco- pal Church, his wife and children being also mem- bers of the same society. He is an honorable gen- tleman, courteous in his intercourse with the public, and capable and attentive in the discharge of the duties of his office, and is justly held in high esteem for his upright and manly character. -€^^ « ^- dren. AVID RUKGABER, of Mt. Pleasant, a son of Joseph and Mary (Baur) Rukgaber, was born in Wurtemberg, Germany, Dec. 30, 1830, and is one of a family of five chil- The family history is given under the name of Charles B. Rukgaber. Joseph Rukgaber de- parted this life in 1845, in Germany, and in 1857 Mrs. Rukgaber emigrated to America, locating in Mt. Pleasant, at which place she still resides. The family are members of the Catholic Church. David Rukgaber is a well-educated man, having received a liberal education while in Germany. At the age of twenty he enlisted in the German army, serving for six years. After being discharged he immediately came to America in 1858, and located at Mt. Pleasant, and in 1859 he led to the mar- riage altar Miss Magdalene Rupreeht, who was also a native of Germany, born in Ilohenzollern in 1830. He farmed until 1861, when at the break- ing out of the Rebellion, Mr. Rukgaber enlisted in the 4th Iowa Cavalry, and was mustered into serv- ice at Mt. Pleasant. The regiment then went to St. Louis, where they were armed and equipped, remaining there three weeks. It then proceeded to Springfield, Mo., was in the raid after Price, and was in several skirmishes and fought in the engage- ments at Guntown, Tupelo, Holly Springs, and other places. The regiment was afterward made a part of Grant's army, and was at the siege of Vicksburg. -t ■in^ 244 .•►Hh-^ HENRY COUNTY. Mr. Rukgaber served four years, but was mustered out at Memphis, before the remainder of his regi- ment, on account of losing his sight. He was a brave soldier, always at his post, never shirliing his duty though danger threatened on every side. The Government has awarded him a pension of $30 per month for the injuries he sustained. He is a member of the McFarland Post No. 20, G. A. R., taking an active interest in all work pertaining to the order. Mr. and Mrs. Rukgaber have the respect and good-will of all. The}' have a family of five chil- dren: Mary, now the wife of Lewis Scheunenian, a resident of Mt. Pleasant; Amelia, Bertha, Otto A. and Willie. The parents are members of the Cath- olic Church. In politics he is a Republican. i "if/OHN T. NORTH, residing on sections 26 and 27, Scott Township, Henry Co., Iowa, is descended from good old Revolutionary stock. He was born in Holmes County, Ohio, and is the son of Samuel and Elizabeth (Stallings) North, both of whom were natives of Maryland, though the father was of German parent- age. They emigrated to Ohio in about 1831 and there developed a farm in the timber. In 1841 they emigrated to Henry County, and settled near New London. There were six children in the family, the two eldest, Christian, now the wife of Peter Oni, a carpenter of New London, and Susan, wife of AVilliam Wilson, residing in Harrison County, Mo., were born in Maryland. While residing in Ohio three other children were born : Matilda .1., wife of J. D. Bj'ers, of New London Township, died in 1872; John T., our subject, and Martha, wife of Charles B. Weller, residing near Kent, Adams Co., Iowa. Etnma B., the j'oungest child, was born in Henry Count}', married John Wriglit, and #"#- ^ OBIi;RT T. CANFIELD,a prominent farmer of Jackson Township, was born in Randolph County, Va., in 1826, and is the son of [^ Titus and Phcebe Canfield, who died when our subject was a mere lad. They were the parents of seven children — Elizabeth, Johnson, Sarah, Mary, Nancy, Robert T. and Ketuiah. All were left or- phans while yet children, and as the parents were poor they became scattered and their later history is not fully known. Some went West, part liecame residents of Kansas and some of Wisconsin. Our subject when five years of age was taken by his father to Ohio, and in that State the father died, leaving his boy to the care of George Harmon, with whom he remained until he was sixteen years of age, when he began life's battle for himself. Leaving Seneca Count}', Robert went to Clarke County and later toJlianii County, Ohio, then in 1849 to Jef- ferson County, Ind. in the year 1853 he was united in marriage with Miss Mirey Swager. Mr. Canfield was at that time in the employ of the Madi- son & Indianapolis Railroad Company. Jn 1866 the death of his wife occurred and the next year he removed to Iowa, locating in Henry Count}'. His four children came with him, namelj' : Elma, now the wife of Archie Ross; Clinton, also married; James and Ida, the latter now deceased. After a residence of two j'ears in this count}', Mr. Canfield was again married, to IMrs. Margaret (Maupin) Chancy, the widow of Andrew J. Cha- ncy, a well-known resident of this county, who with his good wife settled here in 1849, coming from Jefferson County, Tenn. Mr. and Mrs. Chaney were the parents of eight children, all now dead ex- cept Flora B., wife of Fred Huxley, and Edward, yet unmarried. The deceased are: William, Sarah E., Mary Jane, Ellis C, Leonard F. and Carrie. Mr. Chaney resided upon a farm near Lowell, and after his death his widow purchased the farm upon which she and her present husband reside. The father of l\Ir. Chaney owned a large plantation in Tennessee, and also owned a number of slaves, but prior to his death liberated them, thus show- ing his sentiments regarding the rights of man. After a few years, Mr. and Mrs. Chaney decided to move to Texas, but after trying the country, they removed back to Henry County, and for }ears were identified with her business growth and prosperity. In 18G7 the death of her husband occurred, and her man-iage to Mr. Canfield was celebrated in March, 1869. In a cosy farmhouse the couple live, beloved by their neighbors, and in the enjoj'- ment of a ripe old age both Mr. and Mrs. Caufleld find themselves blessed by such .associations as their position in life entitles them to. Both are worthy members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Mrs. Canfield was born in Blount County, Tenn., and reared in Jefferson County from her fifteenth year. Her father, Morgan G. Maupin. w.as born in France and married Elizabeth Collins in Ten- nessee. He was a Revolutionary soldier and had a family by another wife prior to that war, but no definite history can be given of them. With the blood of a patriot, and his grandsire a Revolution- ary soldier, Edward m.ay well feel a pride that few have reason to boast of. The father of Andrew J. Chaney w.as a native of Ireland, who came to America a poor man, but .accumulated a large prop- ert}'. For a quarter of a century he owned and conducted a large hotel near Morristown, Tenn., -•►-■-4« i 4* ^ HENRY COUNTY. 247 and owned a large plantation adjoining. He reared a family of fourteen children, of whom Andrew J. was the youugest. eHARLES NILSON, a farmer residing on section 2G, Wayne Township, Henry Co., Iowa, was born in Southeastern Sweden, near the small village of Westerwik. He is a son of Neils W. Swenson and Charlotte Sweuson, who were both born, reared and married in Sweden, and after a long lifetime were buried in that far-away land. They were parents of four children — Charles, Gustoph, Orfried and Anna. The second and third sons are still residents of Sweden, married, and are stonemasons in Westerwik. Anna fol- lowed her brother Charles to America, coming alone in 1882. Two years later she became the wife of Fred Johnson, a farmer of Wayne Town- ship, who was also born in Sweden, near the birth- place of our sulijcct. Charles Nilson came to this country in 1869, and after a few months spent in Burlington went to Prairie City, 111. His marriage was celebrated in Sweden, in April, 1869, and the bridal tour was the voyage made by the young coujile across the broad Atlantic. They brought nothing with them but strong arms and willing hearts. The first year Charles found work on the C. B. & Q. R. R. In the year 1870 he began farming rented land, and for thirteen years tilled the same soil, and when the couple came to Henry Count3', in 1884, they brought money enough that had been earned and saved to buy a nice little farm of eighty acres, and they have a beautiful home one and a half miles southeast of Swedesburg. On the farm in Illinois their children were born — Axell and Gus- tave. Our subject became a naturalized citizen of the United States in 1878, and became a member of the Republican party of Illinois, and is now promi- nently identified with the same in Henry County, Iowa. At Prairie City, 111., Mr. Nilson was made a member of the I. 0. O. F., No. 205, in 1875. To this organization he still belongs, and is one of the only three Swedes in Wayne Township who belong to any secret organization. Both himself and his wife love American institutions and the laws and customs which prevail. They came to stay, and as they grow in j-ears and prosperity their sons take their rightful places in the busi- ness world. For them they have lived, have toiled, and to them they give a heritage of honor, truth and enterprise. Mrs. Nilson is a daughter of Jonas and Anna (Peterson) Johnson. They have nine children — John, Christina, Gustoph, Clara, Louisa, William, Charles, Mary and Augusta. In America live Clara, wife of our subject; William, who married Nellie Johnson, and lives in Illinois ; Charles, who married Lotta Johnson, and lives in Illinois. The other children, of whom John and Christina are living, remained in Sweden. C-rs^^HOMAS G. ALLENDER, deceased, was born near Baltimore, Md., Jan. 28, 1818, and moved from there with his parents to Ohio when but a small boy. In 1838 the family moved to the Territory of Iowa, which had just been organized, and located in Trenton Township, Henry County. On the 31st day of March, 1842, Mr. Allender was united in mari'iage with Miss Jane M. Allred, a native of North Carolina. By this marriage there were ten children: Elizabeth Ann, born Jan. 11, 1843, married M. L. Rice, a native of Pennsylvania, June 9, 1859, and died in July, 1870; Martha I., born Oct. 26, 1844, married J. C. McCoy, March 25,1866; Eliza Jane, born July 26,1846, died Sept. 4, 1865; AVilliam H., born Aug. 23, 1848, married Mary E. Downing, Nov. 7, 1869; she was born in Jefferson County, Iowa, March 5, 1849, and died Jan. 20, 1882. He again married, Sept. 20, 1883, Martha 0. Schloder, a native of Henry County, Iowa, born Aug. 2, 1849. Benjamin R., born in November, 1850, died in infancy; Thomas E., born March 23, 1852, married Anna Coleman, Dec. 7, 1879, and now resides in Nebraska; John A., born March 13, 1854, married Martha E. Logsdon, Aug. 26, 1875, a native of Mt. Vernon, Knox Co., Ohio, born Dec. 10, 1855; Cor- nelia F., born Jan. 18, 1856, married Charles W. Downing, Sept. 6, 1872, and now resides in Fur- 1 -4^ 248 ^^»M 4' HENRY COUNTY. 4 nas County, Neb.; James F., born Sept. 22, 1860, married Margaret A. Lawrence, Oct. 24, 1882; she was bora Feb. 22, 1855, at Cleveland, Ohio. One died in infancy. After their marriage our subject and wife lived three years in Trenton Township, where Mr. Allen- der engaged in farming. He then moved to Tippe- canoe Township, lived there two years, then moved to Jefferson Township, where he remained five years, returning then to Trenton Township, in 1852, where he resided thirty-two j'ears. Mrs. Al- lender died March 25, 1882, and Mr. Alleuder two years later moved to Mt. Pleasant, where he died March 23, 1886. Thej' were both members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. For nearly forty years he filled official positious in church and state. As a School Director he was very eHicient, and would employ only the best teachers procurable. In him the cause of education alwaj's found a stead- fast friend, and in his death the county lost a most valuable citizen. JAMES HAMMOND ARNOLD, retired. The importance of the history of Henry County depends largely' upon the accuracj' of the personal sketches <-if the men who have for a generation been interested in tlie development of her soil, her society, her schools and her churches. Among such men we are pleased to no- tice James Hammond Arnold, the second oldest man now living in the countj', and the oldest in Salem Township. His famil}' are all widely known and highly respected, and of each one we will make mention in tlieir proper place. James H. Arnold was born Dec. 7, 17'.)7, near Brownsville, Fayette Co., Pa., and is a son of James and Com- fort (Conwein Arnold. Tlirc^e brothers, Andrew, Jonathan and Jesse Arnold, emigrated from Ches- ter County, Pa., near Pliil:idelphia, to Ft. Red- stone, on the cast side of tiie Monongahela River, and settled within protecting distance of the fort, in 1705. Jonath.'Ui Arnold, grandfather of our sulgect, wedded Rachel Scott, whose parents came from Scotland, in which country she was probably born, and he located on the cast bank of tiic river oppo- site the mouth of Ten-Mile Creek, and the others immediatel}- below. The claim of Jonathan consisted of over 1,000 acres, which he im- proved, and upon whicli he lived and died. Of his ciiildren there were .Jonathan. Benjamin, Levi, Hannah, Rachel, Sarah, William and James, tiie two latter being twins. James, like the others of his name, was a farmer. His father, and Jonathan, his oldest brother, also owned and operated a powder mill on the old homestead, and James owned a mill in Jefferson Countj', Ohio. He removed with iiis family to Jefferson (now Harrison) County, Ohio, in 1803, the date of her admission as a State. He was wedded in Pennsylvania to Comfort Connell, who bore in that State, James H., our subject, Hyatt and Narcissa L. The Arnolds were among the first families settling in that part of Oliio, and there a daughter, Matilda, was born the same year they made their settlement. Her birth was fol- lowed by those of Putnam and William C, the date of the birth of the latter being 1808. From the best knowledge of our subject, the family were of Quaker stock, but his mother was a member of the Presbj'teriau Church, and James Arnold donated a church site for the latter denomination, and the same site is still known as the "Beech Spring" meeting- house, and is yet occupied as church property. The death of James Arnold occurred in Harrison County, Ohio, Jan. 24, 1811, and his widow after- ward married George Keller, a farmer of the same county. To him she bore no heirs. She died in that neighborhood in her fifty-first year. Our subject is the onlj' surviving menil>er of the family. After the death of his father he re- turned to Washington Count}-, Pa., and learned the process of wool manufacturing. lie tiien took a trip down the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers, and then to Culm, and back to Philadelphia. This voj'age exhausted his cash resources, so on foot, with his bundle on his back, he tramped over the mountains 300 miles to Fayette County, Pa., where he rented a woolen-mill, and again accumulated some money. Wliile there he formed the acquaint- ance of Sarah, daughter of .lohu :ind Martha (Sam- ple) Ewan, to wiiom he \va.> married April 29, 1821, in F.a^'ette County, I'm. She was btirn Jan. 2 1, 17US, ill Wiii(lie,-.U'r, \:i. Thi'V remained in i -U a. HENRy COUNTY. 249 Pennsylvania till 1823, Mr. Arnold all the while engaged in tlie manufacture of wooleus. In that State the eldest daughter, Martha, was born, but died in infancy. He removed in the fall of 1821 tt) Belmont County, Ohio, where ho rented anotlier woi.ilcn-mill, at Belmont Station, operating it for five years, then going to Morristown, where he erected a large faetor}^ and for years carried on the same. In 1842 he sold the factor}', and en- gaged in merchandising, and being also appointed Postmaster, he continued in business until their removal to Iowa, in 1853. The mechanical inge- nuity of our subject led to his invention of many valualile devices in the manufacture of woolens, and he has the honor of lieing the patentee of the first threshing-machine ever patented, July 8, 1830, the patent bearing the signature of President An- drew Jackson, with Martin Van Buren, Secretary of State. Mr. Arnold built a machine which was later improved by other patents, and he then de- cided to have nothing more to do with it. The children liorn in Ohio are Louisa N., now the wife of George Pitman, a farmer of Salem Township : Liber- tatia, the widow of Hon. A. J. Withrow, who was a former Representative of this count}' in the State Legislature; Columbus V., ex-Treasurer of this county (see sketch) ; he is now the husband of Addie Howard, and resides in Mt. Pleasant. Boli- var W. and Cleopatra died in childhood ; Pizzaro C, the hardware merchant of Salem, wedded Phosl)e Childs; Galileo died in childhood ; Xeno- phon H., with whom our subject resides, wedded first Mary Ilaskett, and after her death Miss Emma V. Armstrong, of Fayette County, Pa. In April, 1853, James H. Arnold purchased the farm which is jet his home, and without any experience as a farmer decided to reside in the country. After his sons became old enough to work it, they as- sumed its management, and each child married and removed to other localities, except X. H., familiarly known as Zen, who became manager in full. The death of the wife and mother occurred in 1 ^74, at the age of seventy-six years. She was a loving wife and tender mother, and the aged couple for many years braved the vicissitudes and privations t)f toil, lint in their ripe old age were blessed with abuudanec, and their children have each made an -<• enviable record in both the financial and social world. Our suliject is to-day hale and hearty. He can still use his rifle, and often from the tree- top falls the nimble squirrel at the crack of his gun. Although living for so many years on the farm, he has never plowed a furrow, but has plenty to spare, and spends his declining years in ease and comfort. For more than a quarter of a eentuiy he has kept a weather diary, and the temperature is taken by him at sunrise and at 2 P. M., also the direction of the wind. It is noted in the jtlainest script, and gives exact information regarding the above points for every day covering the period mentioned. Not only is he one of the oldest, but one of the most respected, citizens of the township, and a host of friends wish for him many more years of life and health. —>-i-4- — o^*^(f!)))).iss-o S»-5, 1874; Julia was born Nov. 7, 1859, died Aug. 4, 1874; John L., born Aug. 12, 1862, died July 9, 1874; Edith S., born April 19, 1868, was drowned Nov. 7, 1884, in the distressing accident which happened on Tracy's Pond, in Mt. Pleasant, when she lost her life, as did Prof. Wolfe, of the High .School; Miss Carpenter, of Cedar Falls, Iowa, a teacher, and a classmate, ^Hss EllaTeter, by the sinking of a boat. The only survivor of tlie family is Charles Henr}-, who was born in Mt. Pleasant, July 21, 1871, and is now attending school in Mt. Pleasant, and cm- ploys his leisure time in his father's mill, having given evidence of superior skill, which his father is giving him every oi)p(jrtuiiity to develop. Some of his handiwork would be creditable to older iiic- ehanics, and indicates a decided genius in that line. Mr. Baugh came to Iowa in November, 1857, and to Mt. Pleasant in May, 1858. lie worked at his trade till ls72,wlicu he formed the existing partnership willi II. K. I.ceclham (see sketch) in the manufacture of sash, doors and blinds. The firm of l.ecdham ife Baugh have a large establishincnt and are doing a fine business. Mr. Baugh is a man of more than ordinary skill in his business, and attends closely to the interior work of the mill, and the marked excellence of the articles manufactured by the firm is largely due to his careful oversight. For thirty years he has been a resident of Mt. Pleasant, and in that time has done his share in building up the city (jf his adoption. He is a good business man and an excellent citizen. Politically he is a Republican, and sociallj' a member of the I. O. O. F., holding membership with Henry Lodge No. 10, of Mt. Pleasant, joining that body in Ohio when he was tvventy-one years old. o When the partnership of Leedham & Baugh was formed, May 9, 1X72, nearly sixteen years ago, preparations were at once begun to erect the mill, and that season the main building was finished. It is three stories high and is 45x60 feet in dimensions. The following year they added a building 20x28, two stories in height, principally used for stor.age of manufactured goods. These buildings being not yet large enough to accommodate their rapidly growing business, the next year they added another 22x44, and two stories high ; a drying-house, 1 8x50, two stories, was the next, and a couple of years later another building was put u|), size 30x50, like- wise two stories high. These, with stables and sheds, give them ample facilities for their large trade, which still keeps growing. Power is fur- nished l)y a sixty horse-power engine. When the firm first began they employed six men, but now have fourteen hands at work, who, with the greatly improved machinery invented and put into the mill of late years, turn out more than four times the amount of work formerly done. In round figures, their product the first year was worth ^8,000. Last year it footed up |i40,000, showing a decidedly healthy growth. The\- now handle between eighty and 100 carloads of lumber each year, and have a steady demand for all they can turn out. Their ti -► ■— i \ -^*- 252 a HENRY COUNTY. trade is mostly lucal, but they sliip goods to other States, to Nebraska, Missouri, etc. They have also a special trade on walnut house brackets, which they send all over the country. The steady growth of the business of this firm is due to the reputation tliey have earned of always turning out honest work, fully up to and generally a little better than it is represented to l)e. The trade fully appreciate this, and consequently the firm is never at a loss for customers, as one once made is secured for good. The result is that while other factories of the kind susjiend a part of each year, these works are never shut down except for necessary repairs. ^^EORGE C. TRAXIjER, residing on section III (-— , 20, Marion Township, is by birth a Pennsyl- ^^ijj vaniau, having been born in Cumberland County of that State, Oct. 31, 1842. His parents, Jacob and Elizabeth (Cramer) Traxler, were also natives of Pennsylvania, though of German de- scent. The father and mother of Jacob Traxler came to America at a very early day and settled in Pennsylvania, where Jacob was born. Jacob and Elizabeth Traxler were the parents of nine children : Catherine A., wife of Levi Flickinger, now resides in Story County, Iowa; John, a farmer and brick- maker of Seward County, Kan., wedded Rebecca Yount; Jacob, whose first wife was Eliza J. Humes, who died Aug. 5, 1867, leaving three children, was ag.ain married, to Mrs. Elizabeth Gould, and is a resident of Trenton Townsliij), llenrj- County ; Mary, deceased wife of .John PJack, of Trenton Township; Elizabeth, the deceased wife of Ellas Black: Frances R., the deceased wife of J. W. Moore, of Marion Township; George, tlie subject of this sketch, is next in order of birth; Joscpli, a farmer of Appa- noose County, Iowa, and (irazel, who died at the age of nine. John Traxler emigrated to Iowa in IS").*?, and his fatiiei' Jacob, with the rest of the family, came in 1S,54. The father l)ought eighty- four acres of land in Marion Township, on which he lived until his death, wliich occurred April 24, 1871. He was born Oct. 28, 1807, ami iiad been bliml for ;i iiunilicr of years l)efore his death, hav- ing lost his sight while blasting. His wife died Oct. 9, 1872. They were both members of the Lutheran Church, and were regular and faithful attendants of the same. George Traxler obtained his education in liie common schools of the township, but at an early age he left to learn the trade of brick-making, which business he followed until 1885. On the 15tli of October, 1865, he was united in marriage with Miss Emma L. Harper, of Franklin Count}', Ohio. Jlrs. Traxler is a daughter of Elisha and Ana (Davis) Harper, and was born Jan. 29, 1845. Mr. and Mrs. Harper were natives of Pennsylvania, but of Ger- man and Irish descent. To them were born six children: David, a farmer of Marion Township; Eliza A., wife of Samuel Jay, of Dallas, Col. ; Will- iam J., a farmer of Page County, Iowa; Mrs. Trax- ler; Margaret, wife of David Kenworthy, of Mt. Pleasant, and Eli. a farmer of Trenton Township. Mr. Harper died Nov. 18, 1855, and his wife was again united in marriage, with Reuben Mannings, now deceased. Mrs. Mannings is now residing in Trenton Township. Mr. and Mrs. Traxler are the happy parents of two children: Levi A., born Dec. 20, 1866, and Annetta, born Oct. 11, 18G8. In March, 1886, Levi started a store of general merchandise on the Washington road. Mr. Traxler and his good wife are highly respected by all who know them. He was reared a Democrat, luit cast his first vote with the Independent part}'. He owns a nice farm of fifty -six acres, on which he has good and substantial farm buildings. '^^m^^ UILLIAM R. CREW, farmer As stated in the sketch of Hon. M. L. Crew, all the W^ children of Walter :ind Sarah (Rice) Crew were born in Hanover County, ^'a. William was born in December, 1826. and was in company witli his piuents and their entire family when the}' came to tills Slate. I'rior to that event he was engaged in the milling business, and soon after his marriage began business for himself, and from 1854 to 1857 w;is in the mercantile business with his brother-in- law, Alfred Sluylcr. In Sidem. i t HENRY COUNTY. 253 ' ■ I I The marriage of William R. Crew and Miss Caro- line Richey was celebrated in February, 18G2. Eight children blessed their union, viz: Cordelia A., now wife of D. S. Swan, a merchant of Cheyenne, AVyo. ; Leroy B., husband of Ella Matthews, and a resident farmer of this township; Eva E. is the wife of William B. Donaldson, formerly a druggist of Salem, now doing business in the West; Edwin G. became the husband of Lucy Bales, and is farming in this township; Luella H. married John H. Boj'ce, a farmer of Salem Town- ship; Alfred S. is with his brother-in-law Swan in Cheyenne, and Fannie F. is lier father's liouse- keeper. One, Carrie, died in infanc_v. After a few years spent in mercantile business, Mr. Crew re- moved to the Crew homestead, and later purchas- ing the farm now his property, removed ti> it in 1866. His wife died Aug. 3, 1867, and on March 24, 1870, the man-iage of Mr. Crew and Mary E. Smith wascelebr.ated. Her parents were James and Mary (Brown) Smith, who were residents of Waynesville, Ohio. The death of her mother occurred when Mary was five years of age, and after her father died she came to Iowa in company with several of her brothers and sisters, who intended mak- ing a home in the West. The children were named respectively: Orestes R., who wedded Elizabeth Hartle, and died in Salem in 1883; Asher B., who removed to Ohio, and Rachel, wife of Samuel Siveter; the two latter were twins. Mary H,wife of our subject, and Charles G., a resident of Dakota. The wife of Mr. Crew was during a part of her residence in Iowa, a teacher, having received a good education at the Friends' School in Richmond, Ind. She was thirty-five years of age when she be- came the wife of Mr. Crew, and bore him two children — Leonard F. and AVilliam R., twins. The death of the latter occurred in infancy. Assuming the cares of a mother to all the children born to Mr. Crew's first wife, she enacted a noble part, and no mother could have been more truly loved. Be- tween her own son and his half brothers and sisters no favoritism was shown, and to each and all she was a true mother in every sense of the word. Each vied with the other in promoting her pleasure, and wlieu her spirit took its flight, each and all felt most keenly the loss of one who in every deed and word acted only fiir their welfare. The remains of Mrs. Mary E. Crew were laid forest Dec. 7, 1883, in the Salem Churchj-ard, the funeral services being con- ducted by her pastor. Rev. L. T. Rowley, the min- ister of the Congregation.ll Church in Salem, to which Mr. and Mrs. Crew both belonged. Wher- ever she went, as hei- husband expresses it, "sun- shine followed," and much of his good fortune came from her care and after she became the head of his household. AD the children are married and aw.ay from the parental home except Fannie and Leonard. They are surrounded b}' every- thing that can make home pleasant, and the farm is a model one in this township. To Mr. Crew have come sorrows hard to bear, but he is yet in his prime, with large experience, possessed of wealth, character and honor. P^ive terms he has served upon the Board of Supervisors, is a member of tiie School Board, and for fifteen years was Superintendent of the Congregational S.abbath-school, at Salem. He is a large breeder of stock, and owns more than a half section of land in one body. Both as a man .and citizen he commands the respect of all who know him. ''wv. -^«iii2i2/©-^^< »^,5!/Zrzrs»v. "w/*- ENRY BROWN, one of the pioneer settlers of Henry County, residing on section 3, Center Townsliip, was born in F.ayette ji County, Ohio, Nov. 3, 1819, and is a sou of John and Mary (Tate) Brown. They were natives of Frederick County, Va., emigrating to Fayette County in an early day. Thej' were the parents of five sons and six daughters, seven of whom .are still living: Sydney, of Appanoose County, Iowa; Lu- cinda, of this county; Manley, of Washington County, Iowa; Jackson, now a resident of S.alem County, Mo.; Ellen, wife of John Tendergrass, of W.ashington County, Iowa; William, of Council Bluffs, Iowa. In 1847 Mr. and Mrs. Brown came to Iowa, remaining here until their death, the father dying in Washington County, and the mother in Des Moines. In politics he was a Jackson Democrat. They were people highl}' respected in the commun ity where they resided. The subject of this sketch in his boyhood diiys f ••»> 254 HENRY COUNTY. remainecl on a farm in Fayette County, Ohio, and like so many other lioys of that time, attended the log school-house with its punchon lloors, slab seats, greased paper windows and immense fireplace. In 1841 Mr. Brown led to the marriage altar Miss Barbara A. Helphrey, a native of Ohio, born in Licking County in 1823. Mr. and Mrs. Brown have had a faniilj* of six children, five of whom are now living: Alice, wife of Cyrus Bush, of Washing- ton County, Iowa; George, still an inmate of the parental iiome; Rosa, also at home; Florence, wife of David Durst, of Washington County, Iowa, and Parrott, of Mt. Pleasant. In 1846 Mr. Brown emigrated to Iowa, making the journey with teams, settling near Burlington for about two years, but subsequently removing to Henry County. He re- mained in this county for twenty-two years, then removed to AVashington County, Iowa, which place he made his home for fourteen j-ears. In the spring of 1882 he returned to Henrj' County, pur- chasing a f.arm, as before stated, in Center Town- shij), and here he still resides. In early life our subject exerted his influence for and voted witli the Democratic party until the breaking out of the war, since which time he has always voted with the Republican party. Mr. I'rown came to this county a poor man, but with a willing- heart and a strong arm, he patiently labored until he is now one of the well-to-do farmers of Henry County. His farm, consisting of 120 acres, situated a mile and a half from Mt. Pleasant, is one of the best cultivated in this part of the State. The beloved wife was called from her happy home on earth to the better one above, March 13, 1881. Mr. Brown is one of the early settlers of the county, is alvvays ready to aid in any public enterprises for the public good, and is universally esteemed. RANCLS DUAKK .SHELDON, farmer. Per- haps no man in Salem Township is more widely known, or is considered more of a peculiar character, than tlie gentleman named above. He was l)orii in Leeds County, Canada, Dec. 20, 1809, and is a son of Jeremiah and Experience (Fuller) Sheldon. They were natives of Pittsford, Conn., and emigrated to Canada several 3-ears be- fore the birth of our subject. For many j-ears be- fore his marriage, and as long as he remained in Connecticut, Jeremiah Sheldon was a Lieutenant in the regular army. The eldest son, Horace, was born before the family removed to Canada, where the father purchased a farm, upon which Rilej% Rus- tin W., Amelia, Richard, Fr.ancis D., Jane, Alexan- der and Experience, were born. The parents both died on this farm, their children being grown and well educated prior to that time. Our subject fell from a tree when seventeen years of age, and broke both his wrists, which practically disabled him for farm work, but his father being in somewhat straightened circumstances, the son de- termined to shift for himself. He attended school for three years, and paid both for board and tuition, and when twenty-one years old began teaching, which he continued for three years. Not liking that profession, in 1823 he began clerking in astore, and in 1826 was married to Sarah, a daughter of Sheldon and Olive Stoddard, the former a member of the firm of Hartwell & Stoddard, in whose em- ploy he had been. Francis Sheldon had economized and saved money enough to purchase a farm at Rideau Lake, near Beverly, and the domestic life of the 3'oung couple was begun on this farm. The father of Mrs. Sheldon was, in his day, a very wealthy man, who owned extensive mills, and shipped large quantities of lumber to Quebec; and was also engaged in the mercantile trade. Later, they removed to Porter County, Ind., where they both died. One daughter, Olive, now deceased, graced the union of our sub- ject and wife before they became residents of the United States. Their removal was made to I'orter County, Ind., about 1836, and the next year they went to Cass County, Mich., where Mr. Sheldon purchased a farm. In Porter County, Ind., a son, Franklin, was born, who wedded Mary Vaughn, and at the time of his death, Dec. 19,1883, was the editor of the McPherson (Kan.) F)-ee Thinker. Olivia, the second d.aughter, now deceased, was born in Michigan. She became the wife of William M. Carter, of Lee County, Iowa. Mr. Sheldon had erected a new lionse on his farm in Cass County, Mich., and after it was cleaned and •^^m ^» ^u HENRY COUNTY. .•► 255 i ready to move into, the cabin caught fire and burned to the ground with all its contents. This was a severe loss to the 3'oung couple, as it swept awaj' all their earnings; so they returned to Indiana, where the death of Mrs. Sheldon occurred the next year, Dec. 9, 1841. While a resident of Canada, our subject embraced the doctrine of the Friends, and for a term of years was a prominent member of that societj'. After the division in that body re- garding slaverj% ]\Ir. Sheldon still remained in the church, though in sentiment he was an Abolitionist. He labored faithfully in the society even after his removal from Michigan, and after the death of his wife, returned to Cass County, Mich., and taught a monthly meeting school. The next year he re- turned to Canada, and while there was married to Miss Charlotte Booth. She was a daughter of Isaac and Thursey (Wing) Booth, whom, as is well authen- ticated, bore in their veins royal blood. Her father was born iu Orange County, and her mother in Dutchess County, N. Y., but their parents were natives of England. Mr. and Mrs. Booth settled on a farm in Canada, and there their children grew to maturity. Charles, the eldest son, was a well- known surveyor, and also taught school, as did Mrs. Sheldon before her marri.ige. Her mother bore fif- teen children, nine reaching maturity — Anna, Eliza- beth, Caroline, May, Rebecca, Charlotte, Charles, James and Daniel. Mrs. Sheldon is the only one living, and was born July 9, 1822. After their marriage, Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon lived for three j'ears in Cass County, Mich., and in 1845 came to Lee County, Iowa, where he purchased a farm. For many years after his coming to Iowa, Mr. Sheldon labored earnestly in the Society oi Friends, but after careful consideration of the sub- ject, aided by a liberal and intelligent studj' of moral and Divine law, he and his w'ife (who was born in that faith) asked for a discontinuance of their membership. Having fully investigated the subject, both have allied themselves with the great body of materialists, and with all their former zeal are now laboring for the welfare of their fellow- men. In 1878 they became residents of Salem, where they have a neat cottage on a nice little farm inside of the corporation. Six daughters and three sous have graced their union : Sarah, the wife of -^« Charles Brown, a farmer of Henry Count}'; Thursey wedded to Hiram H. Root, a farmer in Colorado; Ho.ag B. was a soldier during the late war, belong- ing to an Iowa regiment, and was wounded at the battle of Atlanta, but recovered, and is now a resi- dent of Mesa County, Col., and is a bachelor; Re- becca is the widow of James South, and resides in Lee County, Iowa; Experience is the wife of Elihu Bond, and resides in Dawson County, Neb.; Rachel is the wife of Lemuel Kenley, a resident of the same county ; Charles W. married Minnie Stamper, and resides in this township; Olive is the wife of William JI. Steward, a farmer of Henry County; Franklin Sheldon, the other son, was also a soldier in the late war, serving three years, apart of which time he was connected with the hospital staff. Mr. Sheldon and his wife, by reason of their long residence in the State, and their unswerving up- rightness of character here, are entitled to and have the respect and esteem of the people who know them. ll^ EV. STEPHEN MILLER, a farmer residing iUif on section 24, Jefferson Township, Henry Co., Iowa, was born in Holmes County, JJ^Ohio, in 1844, and is the son of Tobias and Barbara (Yoder) Miller. The father of Tobias, Daniel Miller, w.as a native of Somerset County, Pa., and married Miss Troyer, and moved to Ohio in 1817, thus becoming one of the first settlers of Holmes County. They were the parents of Tobias, born in 1801, Benjamin, Moses, Joseph, Susannab and Aaron. Their father was for many years a Deacon in the Mennonite Church, and died in his eighty-tirst year. His sect>nd wife was Mrs. Mag- dalena (Miller) Troyer. After the marriage of Tobias Miller to Barbara Yoder, he began domestic life on a farm, upon which he remained during his lifetime. His wife died in 1849, and he married Mrs. Annie (Hostettler) Yoder. To the first wife was born: Moses, who married Lizzie Yoder; Elizabeth, wife of Samuel Hostettler; Daniel died unmarried; Christian wedded Elizabeth Mast; Lydia died in childhood ; John wedded Catherine Mast, and after her death Fannie Zook; Rebecca became the w-ife of Daniel Stuzman: David mar- . «► u ^*^l7-* 256 HENRY COUNTY. ried and resides in Goshen, Ind., where he is en- gaged in retail boot and shoe trade ; Jacob wedded Lydia Wenuei-, and after her death a lady of La- grange County, Ind. ; then onr sul)ject: and Fannie, wife of Eli Wenger, of Wayne Count3', Ohio. The second marriage was graced by the l)irth of one son, Aaron, now the husband of Miss .Scholl, and a physician of Tuscai-awas County, Ohio. Our subject was married first in Ohio, Jan. 4, 1866, to Catherine Degler. She was the mother of two children — Emma I., and Sarah A., deceased. After her death, which occurred March 9, 1809, Rev. Miller remained a widower until Dec. 1, 1871, when Miss Leah Wenger became his wife, which union was blessed by the births of: Frederick, Nettie; David, deceased; Mary; John, deceased; Elmer, deceased, and Samuel. In Ohio Rev. Miller was elected Deacon of the Mennonite Church in 1877. The next year, with his family, he removed to Henry County, purchasing his present farm in Jefferson Township. He was elected by the Men- nonite congregation, of which he became a mem- ber, as minister, and was ordained in the spring of 1879, and to this date has faithful!}' performed the trust reposed in him. He is accounted one of the most worth}' citizens, and no family can claim a higher degree of respect. During his ministry the church has prospered greatly, and among those who devote a large portion of their time to the holy calling of sowing the good seed, we are pleased to make mention of Rev. Stephen Miller. ^^ TEPHEN THATCHER, farmer, on section ^^^ 12, in Salem Township. For a (piailer of lv<^13) ■' centni'v our sul)j('ct has been engaged in, and identified with, the busine.-^s intei'ests of Henry Coiuily. lie was liorn in Rochester, Warren Co., Ohio, and is a son of Joseph and Elizabeth (Linton) Tiiatcher. The Thatcher fam- ily arc of English origin, and ijt-HH-«. 'I^^ATHANIEL E. ARMSTRONG, a prominent I jj and well-known citizen of Henry County, li\J^ residing on section 24, Tippecanoe Town- ship, was born in Hamilton County, Ohio, in 1816, and is the son of Leonard and Rebecca (Riggs) Armstrong, the former a native of Virginia, and the latter of North Carolina, the father being of Scotch and the mother of German descent. Leonard Armstrong settled at Columbia, Ohio, in 1796, near where Cincinnati now stands, though at that time there was no settlement there. Here he lived a short time, then moved a few miles east to the Little Miami River, where he and three brothers, John, Thomas and Nathaniel, each claimed a mill site and built a mill. These mills were widely' knowu as the Armstrong Mills, and were among the first erected in that part of Ohio. They were visited by the settlers for 100 miles around. One of them was used for the manufacture of woolen goods and the others were saw and flouring mills. Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong reared a family of eleven children, four sons and seven daughters, all of whom grew to man and womanhood, and lived to rear families of their own, and eight of them are still living. They were as follows : Nathaniel, our subject; William P., who now resides in Missouri, and is a miller by trade; John R., also a miller, re- siding in Illinois; Hannah Ann, wife of John C. Webb, of Hamilton County, Ohio, both decea.'ed ; Harriet, the wife of John W. Millspaugh, a car- penter of Winfield, Kan. ; Philomelia, wife of Thomas Spellman, a resident of Kansas ; Selina, wife of An- drew Riggs, residing in Eddyville, Iowa; Frances ■^•^ : ^, - - v., w'ife of Alfred Riggs, of Mahaska County, Iowa; Aniarida, wife of John Slemmons, residing at Coun- cil Bluffs, Iowa; Zelia Jane married B. K. Pharr, a citizen of this count}', and departed this life in Salem, in 1868, he dying in the same place in 1865; CIa3-ton W. died in Winfield. Kan., at the age of si xt}' -five. Our subject passed his youth on a farm and worked in a mill. He was educated at the public schools and at Parker's Academy in Clermont County, Ohio. At the age of twenty-seven, in 1843, he was united in ra.arri.ige with Miss Char- lotte Millspaugh, who was born in 1826, in Cler- mont County, Ohio, and is a daughter of James and Cynthia (Corwin) Millspaugh. The latter was a cousin to Thomas Corwin, the distinguished orator and Statesman of Ohio. In the spring of 1844 Mr. Armstrong emigrated with his young- wife to AVarrick County, Ind., there purchasing eighty acres of land in the forest, with but a few acres cleared, on which was a log cabin. In this cabin he lived happily in true frontier style for four years. Selling this, Mr. Armstrong purchased a tract of land of seventy-six acres in the suburbs of Boonville, Ind., residing there for ten years en- gaged in farming and running a mill. In 1 858 he emigrated to Henry County, Iowa, purchasing the Oakland Mills and 320 acres of land in connection with his three brothers-in-law, Messrs. Riggs, Spell- man and Millspaugh. Mr. Armstrong still owns his interest, his p.artner being John P. Stringer, the husliand of his daughter Eugenia. Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong are the parents of six children, namely: Marcellus, who resides in Cen- ter Township in this county; Sarah Belle died at the age of fifteen ; Alice died at the age of eighteen ; T. N., who resides with his father; Eugenia, wife of John P. Stringer, of this county; Milton, residing in Colorado, is engaged in the mercantile business, and Josephine, who makes her home with her par- ents, is an artist of. considerable ability. Mr. Armstrong is very liberal in his political views, believing in political reform, and at present heartily indorsing the ininciples of the Union La- bor party. In religion he is a free-thinker. He has held many township offices with credit to him- self and satisfaction to the community, and has held -1 u 262 HENRY COUNTY. ■ the office of Township Treasurer for twelve years. Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong are among the pioneer set- tlers of this count)', and are well known and highly respected by all who know them. EVI L. BEERY, a farmer and dairj^man of Baltimore Township, is prominent among the [L^^ agriculturists and business men of Henry County, and his name has been for years a familiar one. He was born in Fairfield County, Ohio, in 1814, and is the son of Isaac and Mary (Cridle- baugh) Beery, who came to this county in 1842. Isaac Beery was born in Rockingham County, Va., and his wife in Reading, Pa., their marriage being celebrated in Ohio. Mr. Beery built a flatboat for the purpose of emigration, and on it made the jour- ney to Ohio, where he was one of the first settlers. He was a minister of the Dunkard faith, also a farmer, and after living for man}- years lives worthy of emulation, the parents were called to their final home. They reared a family of twelve children: Delilah, Catherine, George, Andrew, Elizabeth, Levi L., Maria, Elijah, Jesse, Isaac, Enoch and Priseilla. Eight of these children are now living, but our sub- ject is the only one residing in this county. In Ohio Levi L. Beery was wedded to Miss Margaret Short, in 1839. He came to this count}', as before stated, in 1842, and the next j-ear brought his young wife, selecting this for a permanent home. He was present at the treat}' made with the In- dians, at the time of the second purchase, and the land selected by Mr. Beery was upon the Black Hawk purchase, and the fertile valley that produces such bountiful crops was the favorite luinting-ground of the Indians, wIki had two considerable villages not far from his present homestead. Mr. Beery made a first purchase of 1C2 acres, which was occu- pied by a squatter who had built a small cal)in upon the site of his jiresent home. With his young wife, Mr. Beery moved into the cabin, and after twelve months of pioneer life he erected a more commodious house. Mr. Beery is an example of a typical self-made ■^« _^_^___^_ man, and was in straightened circumstances when he first came to this county. He erected a mill in 1844, which lie operated for perhaps a score of years. Later, putting in an engine and boiler, he added a gristmill, and this was also operated for several years, Mr. Beerj' having learned the miller's trade while engaged in the business. The ruins now serve as a landmark. This mill was the prin- cipal source of Mr. Beery's good fortune, and from that investment his possessions have increased with his years, until he now owns nearly a section of the finest land in Baltimore Township, stocked with flocks and herds, and the bottom lands are of the most productive character. His buildings are in keeping with his enterprise, and in addition to his farming interests he has a cheese factory with a capacity of 700 pounds weekly. His own cows sup- ply the milk, and the products find a ready sale in the home markets: in fact, the demand is greater than the supply. Aside from the industries men- tioned, Mr. Beery has done a large business for years in both grain and stock, which has been also a source of profit and pleasure. Mr. and Mrs. Beery have seven children: Jane, now the wife of A. L. Micksell, a resident of Cov- ington, Miami Co., Ohio: AVilliam H., wedded to Lizzie Briton : Isaac, husband of Nellie IMoul ; Enoch, married to Susie Rains; Mary, Delilah and Angeline, at home with their parents. In addition, Mr. and Mrs. Beery are rearing as carefully as their own, a niece, Gertie Beery, a daughter of Jefferson and Martha Beer}'. This household has ever been noted for its cour- tes}' and kindness, and as host and hostess the names of L. L. Beery and his estimable wife are known far and wide. The first family reunion occurred Oct. 15, 1887, at which all the children were pres- ent with their respective husbands and wives. Mr. Beery has lived a life worthy of emulation, and as his years increase, his love and veneration for the Republican party increase, and although nut a candidate forollicial position, he isan ardent worker, and at the last county convention, held at Mt. Pleasant, he was Chairman. His children have been carefully educated, and all have certificates enti- tling them to teach, and some of them have taught in this count}'; Delilah and Angeline have been -4•- HENRY COUNTY. 263 ,t "*^f- teachers in Nebraska, and Jane in Ohio. The same teacher that was preceptor wlieii Mr. Beerj' was a student, was the instructor of his children— Prof. S. L. Howe, who founded the academy which bears his name, and which has given an education to many people of note from this and other States. Mr. Beery was a schoolmate with Gen. W. T. and .Tohn Siierman, Tom Ewing and other noted men, and in their boyhood days their debates grew ardent in their literary societies. Men grow old in years, but their good deeds and their virtues are left for examples for future generations, and to such men as Mr. Beery Henry Countj^ owes much of the fame she possesses as a leading county in the State of Iowa. !<^ AVID BURDEN, merchant and Postmas- ^' ter, Salem, Iowa, was born in Charlbury, Oxfordshire, England, in 1833, and is the son of James and Ann (Sales) Burden. Both parents were natives of England, and James for many years was a stone-cutter and mason. They reared eleven children, seven of whom are now living, and four are deceased. Those living in England are : Ann married Mr. Kench ; Har- riet wedded her cousin, AVilliam Burden; Han- nah is married to William Kerry; Sarah became the wife of Job Tolley, and William is also married. John is the onlj- unmarried one, and is a teacher in Oxfordshire, England, in which locality all the children except David reside. He left his native home in 1854, and landed in America before he had reached his twenty-first year. He was full of the enthusiasm that fills the breasts of enterprising young men, and expected to better his condition in life, although he was engaged in the mercantile busi- ness before leaving England. His .academic educa- tion was completed in Europe and he was well fitted for any occupation. His first experience was in Au- rora, N. Y., he taking a position with the mercan- tile house of E. B. Morgan & Co. The senior pro- prietor was then a Member of Congress. During his residence of ten months in Aurora, our subject became acquainted with Miss Rosa Savage. After the family left New York and emigrated to Iowa, he followed them, and Jan. 1, 1857, he became the husband of Miss Rosa Savage, the wedding being celebrated beneath the paternal roof. Rev. L. J. Rogers, of the Methodist Episcopal Church, per- forming the ceremony. One mile east of Salem the young couple began their domestic life, which has been continued under the most happy circum- stances. Until the breaking out of the Civil War Mr. Burden farmed in the summer and taught school in the winter, and was at that time teaching in Southern Illinois. He was one of the first to vol- unteer in a CO mpanj' raised in Richland County, 111. Their services were proffered the State, but the quota being full and a regiment then partly organized in St. Louis being readj' to start to the front, they be- came Company E, of the 1 1th Missouri Regiment of the noted Eagle Brigade. They formed a part of the western army, and their first engagement was at Fredericktijwn, Mo., followed by that of Point Pleasant, Mo., below Island No. 10. He then partici- pated in the siege of Corinth and the battles following. He was tlien detached from the regiment and assigned to special duty at Gen. Grant's headquarters. He re- mained at the executive part of headquarters, and at Holly Springs was taken prisoner and escaped three times during the daj'. The last time, however, he was paroled and returned to headquarters, where he was in the service of the medical department. Following this, the transfer of Gen. Grant to Commander-in-Chief of the United States armies, placed Gen. Sherman in charge of the department in which our subject was serving. His abilities secured his retention, and during his entire service he remained with the executive headquarters of Sherman's army. After the battle of Vicksburg he was discharged from the volunteers and made a member of the regular army. He was selected by the Secretary of War, and retained by him with in- creased work and salary. His appointment l)ears the signature of Gen H. W. Ilalleck, dated Aug. 1, 1 863. While lying at Vicksburg the smallpox broke out, and our subject vaccinated most of the offi- cers at headquarters, among whom was Gen. Grant, and has the lancet still in his possession with which he performed the operation. Among his numerous 1 -4«- 264 HENRY COUNTY. .,t \ war relics is a receipted liill from Claghorn & Cun- ningham, of Savannah, Ga., Sept. 7, 1864, for a pound of tea, price §40, lionght b}' Charles C. Jones, Secretary of the Georgia Historical Society-. He was discharged from the service Sept. 18, 1865, having served over four years. His discharge bears the signature of J)r. .John Moore, now Sur- geon (General of the United States Army. We quote from the certificate given in writing by that distinguished surgeon : "Hospital Steward Burden, United States Army, has been in my office for more than twu years. He is a man of spotless moral character, and one of the most efficient clerks I have met in the armj- in a service of thirteen years." After his return from the army, Mr. Burden pur- chased a farm near Salem, remaining there until 1877. He took an active part in the organization of the Grange store at Salem, and was placed in charge, and under his management, from 1874 until its incorporation expired, it was successfully con- ducted, and its stockholders realized in the ten years one hundred and forty per cent in dividends on their investment, and received their stock back in full. Prior to the fire that destroyed Union Block, Mr. Burden had sold his farm and invested his cash in that business, but the accumulation of years was in one short hour swept away. He secured another stock of goods, and has remained in business to date. In local politics he has been an important factor, and has frequently lieen a delegate tv District and State Conventions, sent by the Democratic part}'. April 1, 1887, he took charge of the post-office at Salem; his appiiintment, dating March 1, bears the signa- ture of I'ostmaster-Cieneral N'ilas. He has fitted up an oflice in the rear of his stcire, with improved boxes, and there is no better ollice in anj" country town in the county. Five children have graced the union of Mr. and Mrs. Burden — Charles F., Lena L., Oliver VV.. Sidney \V. antl \'ietor K. The eldest son is a graduate of Wliittier College; he is by profession a teacher. Mr. Burden, his wife and two children, arc members of the Congre- gational Church, and he was a member of the Congregational National Council held in 1886 at Chicago, representing the Denmark Association, and in the Church Bi>ard of olMcials he is one of the Trustees. Feb. 6, 1855, he took out his first papers, and by the act of Congress admitting all soldiers of the late war to citizenship, became a citizen of the United States. Later, he secured full naturaliza- tion papers, and expects to live and die in the country and under the flag for which he fought. He is a member of Salem Lodge No. 48, L O. O. F., and has passed all the Chairs, and has been Dis- trict Deputy and representative to the Grand Lodge. As a gentleman and citizen he stands high in the estimation of all his acquaintances. ^^^*-H^^ ^ 1^1 J. MARTIN, inventor of the reversible \/jJ// Monitor or Roadgrader, of Mt. Pleasant, V^^ was born in Schuylkill County, Pa., on the 16th of February, 1848. His father, John L. Mar- tin, the first stonemason and contractoi' of Mt. Pleasant, was also a native of Pennsylvania, and his mother was Carrie (Bird) Martin. The}' were mar- ried in Pennsylvania, and in 1856 emigrated to Henry County, Iowa, settling in Mt. Pleasant, where he embarked in his business, residing here until his death, which occurred in 1880. Mrs. Mar- tin resides at Des Moines, and is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Mr. and Mrs. Martin were the parents of five children, two of whom are dead; the living are: William, who is a stone- mason, of Brighton, Iowa, and Wellington J., the subject of this sketch, and Clementine E., wife of W. H. Penn, a postal clerk, residing in Des Moines. John L. Martin held the political views of the Whigs until the organization of the Repub- lican party, alwa^'s since then voting with that party. Our subject received his education at the com- mon schools. He is a carriage-maker and mechanic by trade. In the year 1877 he was united in marriage to Miss Clara Picking, daughter of ('. Picking, of Nebraska. l{y this union there are four children — Pearl P., Harry, Florence and Lydia. In the year 1877 Mr. M:utin patented the road grader, of which mention will be made in another part of this book; the thought flashing .across his mind all in an instant, he set to work to invent that i JU HENRY COUNTY. 4 265 most useful machine. He has now another machine under consideration which he hopes soon to com- plete. As a machinist, he has more than ordinary abilitj'. having no superiors and few equals in this region. Mr. and Mrs. Martin are bighly esteemed by all who know them, and have the confidence and love of the whole community. Mr. Martin is a member of the I. 0. 0. F., and also the Knights of L.ibor. Politically he is a Democrat. ' ' eui R. J. B. ALLEN, Hillsboro, Iowa. Few men in a business or professional life re- main for a quarter of a century in one city or village, but the subject of this sketch has been a continuous resident and phj'sician of Hillsboro for almost twoscore years. He was born in Muskingum County, Ohio, in 1822, and is a son of Thomas and Rachel (Green) Allen. The death of Thomas Allen occurred when his son, our sub- ject, was one year old. Thomas Allen was a Major in the War of lbl2, and died at the age of thirt3'- five years, leaving a widow and five children. The mother owned a small farm upon which they lived for a few years, and .all was harmonious and the children were happj- in the love of their mother and the companionship of each other until the death of the mother in 1833. The children were named respectively — Jane, Alfred A., Thomas G., Joseph B. and Calvin. The eldest daughter wedded .Julius Beach, a farmer of that county, about a year after her mother's death, and the eldest son be- came an inmate of the family of David Bacon. Later he taught school in Ohio, and afterward prac- ticed medicine in Elizabethtown, Ind., later in Mercer County, 111., and is now a practicing physi- cian in Dakota. He was twice married ; the first wife was Sarah Heal, who bore one daughter; the deaths of both mother and daughter occurred in Illinois, and in that State Nancy Maloy became his wife. She bore several children, one of whom, Austin B., is a physician and surgeon of prouiin- ence in Missouri. The death of Calvin occurred in infancy, and the two younger surviving sons, Thom.as and Joseph B., were consigned to the care of Deacon John Hammond, b}' the loving mother upon her dying bed. He was a father to the two orphan boys and they were given all the opportunities for an educa- tion that the Deacon's children enjoyed. All were reared upon a farm. Thomas remained a bachelor, and at one time w.as a merchant of Hillsboro, Henry Co., Iowa, but is now a resident of Nebraska. Our subject, Dr. Joseph B. Allen, always desired to become a physician, and having secured all the edu- cation afforded by the common schools, his foster- father, the good Deacon mentioned, sent him to an academ3' in Guernsey County, Ohio, he being at that time eighteen j^ears of age. At twenty he began the study of medicine with Dr. Welcome Ballon, of Cumberland, and his first practice was in partnership with his brother in Indiana. In 1844 the Doctor came West and located in the country in Mercer County, III., and a few months later set- tled in Little York, Warren Count}', where he re- mained ten years. While a resident of that village, in 1845, he wedded Dorothy M. Hammond, a niece of the Deacon mentioned. She bore four children, two of whom are j'et living: Richard E. and Mary A., the latter the wife of Cyrus Newbold, a brother of ex-Gov. J. G. Newbold. After the death of Mrs. Allen the Doctor removed to Iowa, and located in Hillsboro, Henry County, in 1854. He purchased the practice of the resident physician. Dr. Weir, and eighteen months later was wedded to Miss Sarah J. Kimes, a daughter of Dr. Royal P. and Priscilla (Hull) Kimes, who were residents of Hills- boro, where Dr. Kimes h.ad practiced, but at the time of his death was in St. Louis, whither he had gone for the purpose of graduating. His widow later wedded John Billingsley, whose death oc- curred afterward, and she now resides in Van Buren County, near Hillsboro. Two children were born to the second marriage — Mary and Samuel. Dr. Allen has been actively engaged in the practice of medicine for thirty-three consecutive years, and also has engaged in mercantile business in Hills- boro. During his residence in that village .and since his last marriage five children have gi-aced his home: William S., a lawyer of Birmingham, Iowa, "I M^ t 266 HENRY COUNTY. the husband of Ella McCorraick; Louis B. is a practicing physician of Humboklt, Neb., the hus- band of Queen V. Gaj'lur; he was formerly a part- ner of his father in Hillsboro, and after three years spent witli him removed to his present location, and is now the principal physician of that city. Louis is a graduate of Keokuk Medical College, and "William is a graduate of the law department of the State University. Emma was the first daugh- ter, followed 1)3' Anna B., now the wife of John W. Harper, of Ravenna, Garfield Co., Kan., where he is in part proprietor of the probable county seat. Flora, the youngest daughter, died in infancy. During a long lifetime of honorable management our subject has earned and saved a competence. He is one of the most widely known |>hysicians of his county*, and among society and in ()ublic he and his family enjoy a most enviable reputation. Dr. Allen is a graduate in medicine from New I'ork Citj- and belongs to the regular school. Forty years of active practice have made him an expert in diagnosis. We are pleased to give him a place as a deserved one among the professional men of his county. .^(^^ ^^ AMUEL WALLACE GARVIN, Mt. Pleas- ant, Iowa, is a dealer in dry-goods, carpets, notions, etc., and is also a partner of the firm of John Moroney & Co., dealers in staple and fancy groceries, of the same citj'. He was born in Fleming County', Ky., Sept. 28, IS3G, and is the son of James and Margaret (Saunders) G.arvin. In 1848, when he was but twelve years of age, the family emigrated to Henry County, Iowa, and settled upon a farm in Center Township. In the public schools of his native and also of his adopted .State, Mr. Garvin received his primary education, and then look a course of study at the celebrated academj- of I'rof. Samuel L. Mowe, of Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. In 18.J8 lie made his home at Mt. Pleasant and commenced business as a mer- chant clerk, in which capacity ho served initil Au- gust, 1 8C2, when he enlisted as a private in Company B, 2oth Iowa Volunteer Infantry. Before going to the front he was appointed Sergeant of his com panj- and was promoted Commissar^' Sergeant of the regi- ment, and faithfuU}' served until the close of the war, receiving his discharge in June. 1865. The 25th Iowa Volunteer Infantry was assigned to the 15tli Army Corps, and made a glorious record dur- ing the war, participating in the battles of Chicka- saw Ba^-ou, Arkansas Post, siege of Vicksburg, bat- tles of Raymond, Champion Hill, Lookout Mount- ain, Missionary Ridge, Resaca, Snake Creek Gap, Kennesaw Mountain, the battles of July 22 and 28, 1864, at Atlanta, and the siege of Atlanta, battles of Jonesboro, Sherman's march to the sea, capture of Savannah, march through the Carolinas, battle of Bcntonville, N. C, and other minor engagements. On his return from the army, Mr. Garvin en- gaged as a clerk at Mt. Pleasant for three and a half j'ears, then, in .September, 186H, he formed a part- nership with T. II. Garlick in the mercantile busi- ness, which partnership existed for one and a half years. He was next in partnership with William G. Saunders in the same line of trade for six years, since which time he has carried on the busi- ness alone. As a merchant he has been quite suc- cessful, and has a reputation far and wide for the good quality of his goods. In addition to his ex- tensive dry-goods business, Mr. (iarvin is a part- ner in the grocerj- house 8, wheu Iowa was yet a Territory. His parents were .Samuel and Hannah (Wallers) Smith; the fcirmer, a native of Henderson County, Ky., was born in 1816, and the latter, a native of Tennessee, was born in 1822. His grandparents were Scotch and French, with the exception of his grandmother on his father's side, who \vas an In- dian squaw. Samuel Smith left Kentuckj' in 1832 while yet a young man, and located for a short time in Burlington, Iowa. He then went to Au- gusta, Des Moines Co., Iowa, where he was married, subscquentl}' settling near Skunk River, in Jackson Township, Henry County. Here he took up a claim which he developed into a beautiful and pro- ductive farm. In 1850 he removed to California, where he remained two years engaged in mining. He then returned to Henry Countj% where his wife died the following year, leaving a family of eight children to mourn their loss. Of these, three are now living: Joel, of Mt. Pleasant; Elias, of Des Moines, and Benjamin E., a contractor, also of Des Moines. Mr. Smith was again married, to Miss Mar}- J. Herring. By this union there were two children, one of whom is dead ; the other, Calvin B., is lo- cated in Warren County, Iowa. Mr. .Smith was a man of intelligence, and one who always kept well posted on all public affairs. Joel M. Smith, the subject of this sketch, re- ceived but three months' schooling, having no chance to obtain an education b}-the usual methods, but by sheer hard work and earnest application has obtained more than an ordinary education, and what is better, a practical one. He .always keeps well informed in regard to the affairs of the country, and is a good conversationalist. In 1858 Mr. Smith went to Pike's Peak, then relumed to Florence, Neb., where he had a brothor-in-law who was a Mormon Elder. From there he went to Denver Plains, where he remained till 1863, as wagon- master. He then proceeded to Montana, with Cal. Bozman, traveling around Big Horn. Thej" were the first men to make the trip. Subsequently he went to the Red Kivcr country, and continued traveling until ISOli. In the year of 1869-70 he embarked in business at \\'alla Walla, Wash. Ter.. but in 1871 returned to Henry Count}', where he lias since resided, and for a lime was en- gaged in railroading, which proved a losing busi- ness. In 1883 Mr. Smith patented a tile ditching- machine, and a company was organized for its manufacture, known as the Iowa Ditching-Machine 1 -4^ 1 HENRT COUNTY. 271 Manufacturing Company, of which he was elected President, having full charge of the business until the time he disposed of his interest. The Monitor Roadgrader was the invention of W. J. Martin, to which Mr. Smith added man^- improvements. Mr. Smith has been twice married. His first wife was Miss Isabel Martin, by whom he had two ehil- (li-en — Thomas J. and Laura Bell. His present wife was Alice H. Roderick, and by this union there are four children now living — Joseph S., Clyde A., Bertie and Dottie. Mr. Smith is a self-made man. With no advantages, by hard labor and good man- agement, he has gained a competency, and is the owner of 2,480 acres of land in Cheyenne County, Neb., worth $8,000. In politics Mr. Smith is a Greenbacker, and was the first man to be initiated into the Knights of Labor in Henry County. He is a strict abstainer from all that can intoxicate, and is a just and upright man. «Sp*f-»»^5tf-« •-^i^^^^ HARLES H. TRIBBY, farmer. There are (11 ^^ many of the young men of to-day, who were ^^Jf' born in other States, that are representatives of the business interests of Henr3' County. Among these we are pleased to mention Charles H. Tribby, who is favorably known to many of the people of this county as an energetic farmer whose home for a score of years has been in Salem Township. He was born in Harrisville, Harrison Co., Ohio, in 1855, and is a son of John W. and Jane H. Tribby. The paternal grandfather of our subject, and his family, were natives of Virginia, and of their early history but little is known. John Tribby, grand- father of our subject, was left an orjDhan when ten years of age, and before he reached full manhood went to Harrison County, Ohio, where lie was mar- ried to Ann White, then in her sixteenth year. Her death occurred in this State in 1873, and her mar- riage must have been one of the earliest celebrated in that county, and was consummated, perhaps, in 1813. Her husband was a tanner by trade, aud be- fore his marriage worked at that business in \'ir- ginia. He also owned ami operated a tannery in Ohio .after his marriage, and engaged in clearing up aud farming the lands previously entered. They were the parents of several children, of whom we mention: Sarah J., who is the wife of Milton Men- denhall, and lives in Colorado; Isaac B., married to Mary Yost, lives in Londonderry, Ohio; Lewis D. is married to Melissa Thompson, and lives in Mar- shall County, Iowa; John W., father of Charles H. ; and Samuel. Several died young. The children were born, reared and married in Ohio, and with their parents emigrated to this county in 1864, pur- chasing land four miles north of Salem. Upon that farm the parents lived, and died within a year of each other, at a ripe old age. They were of the Friends' faith, and were zealous advocates of their doctrines. John W. and his wife, Jane Howard, are the parents of six children, living: Martha, wife of Wyke Elliott; .lulia, wife of .Sanuiel Spray ; Han- nah, wedded to Levi Parkins; Ella, the wife of Marion Weimer; Melissa wedded Alpheus Taylor; and Charles H. Possessed of an adventurous spirit, the parents have taken a Western trip, and have located a tract of unimproved land in Greelej^ County, Kan., although their connection with this count}- has not been severed. Our subject attended school in this county, com- pleting his education at Whittiei- College in the summer of 1879. For several years both before and after that time, he engaged in teaching in this and Lee Count}', in which profession he was favor- ably known. Having been reared upon a farm he learned to love its independent life, and worked at farming at intervals. The 3'ear prior to his mar- riage he was in the employ of the "Gate Citj- Pub- lishing Compan}'," engaged in reportorial and vari- ous kinds of work in the States of Illinois, Iowa and Missouri. IJesirous of l)ecoming settled in life, and of engaging in the breeding of stock, he relinquished journalism, and on the 30th of November, 188'2, Miss Mar}' Carver, of Lee County, this State, bo- came his wife. Her mother, Mary (Cook) Carver, died at her birth, and Mary was reared and educated by her uncle and aunt, Samuel and Susan Hill, formerly of Lee, but now respected citizens of Salem Township, this county. Mr. and Mrs. Hill were early pioneers <^f Lee County, and began life in the most primitive way, but the ends for which •►■ J 275 HENRY COUNTY. they toiled have been accomplished, and they are now numbered among the aged and wealthy couples of this county. In 1844 they settled in Lee County, but subsequently became residents of Henry County solely for the purpose of educating their niece, who was in attendance at Whittier College. She was reared with all the care and tenderness a mother and father could have bestowed upon her, and to the aged couple her love goes out with all the warmth of affection of an appreciative daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Hill had no children of their own, conse- quently their attention was given not only to Mrs. Tribb3% but they also partly reared several other children, all of whom are now gone from the home- stead. After his marriage, in the winter of 1882-83, Mr. Tribby was assistant teacher at Whittier College, and this closed his school work. Mr. and Mrs. Tribby are the parents of two children, Nellie and Ray, both bright, interesting children. In 1887 Mr. Tribby leased a half section of land near Salem, and has stocked it with breeds of the best cattle and hogs, and intends to engage largely in the rearing of stock. Having been the son of a good father, who W.1S industrious but poor, Charles was obliged to work his own way in the world, and he is a thor- oughly self-made man. Mr. Tribby is a charter member of Monarch Lodge No. 143, K. of P., of which he was first Past Chancellor, and also its first representative at the Grand Lodge. In local poli- tics be is a prominent factor. He is the soul of courtesy, and an honored citizen, respected and esteemed by all who know him. to /^EORGE W. TVNEH, fanner, ami President of tiie Salem Hank. I ml iaiia has contributed many enterprising men to the Western States, and Iowa has shared largely in securing them. The fertility of her soil, the facilities for raising stock and for the production of cereals, are a boon of which she is justly proud. Our subject was born in Hancock Countj', Ind., in 1832, and is a son of Elijah and .Sarah A. (Hal- »► ^ ^> berstout) Tyner. Elijah T^'ner was born on Little River, Abbey ville District, S. C, March 21, 1799, and was the second son of Rev. William Tyner, a Baptist minister who removed with his famil}' to Kentucky in 1802, and three years later to the Ter- ritory of Indiana, locating near where Brookville has since been built. In 1854 he removed to De- catur County, Ind., where his death occurred. Elijah Tyner was thrice married. The first wife was Martha McCune, who had one son, William M. The second wife was Mary Nelson, whose children were Martha A., Mary J., Robert N. and Charlotte. Sarah A. Hallierstout was the third wife, and had seven children — George W., our subject, John H., Oliver H., James M., Elbert, Alonzo and Missouri. Before the first marriage of Elijah Tyner, he took a claim in Hancock Countj-, Ind., where there was no road but Indian trials to guide the chance trapper or occasional squatter to and from his humble cabin, and here Elijah opened a small stock of general merchandise in a log cabin. As long as he lived he was engaged in the mercantile trade, and upon his original claim, which he finelj- improved, he lived and died. He was a very exemplary and suc- cessful business man, and by reference to clippings from Indiana journals we learn that he was one of the wealthj' and highly' respected citizens of that county. At the time of his death he owned over 1,000 acres of land in one body. His wife still re- sides on the Indiana homestead, and has reached the ripe age of eighty years. In 1854 George W. Tyner left Indiana and lo- cated in McDonough County, 111., where he began the business of stock-breeding and farming. In 1855 he took a survey of Southeastern Iowa, and purchased his present farm on section 33, Jackson Township, in the autumn of that year. While a resident of Illinois, Mr. Tyner first met the lady who is now his wife, and the occasion was the removal of her parents from Indiana with the inten- tion of locating in this county. They stopped dur- ing the winter in tiie village of Olena, in Illinois, o|)p<)site Burlington. It w.as agreed thatthej' should be wedded, and after a few months, by mu- tual agreement our subject followed the young lad}' til this county, and in the autumn of 1855 Miss Mar}' F. Bartlett became his wife, the ceremony -•*-«-4 1i^ * u HENRY COUNTY. 273 t\ being performed at the home of her parents, John W. and Catherine (Carraichael) Bartlett, in Jack- son Township. The Bartlett family are yet exten- sively represented in the county, one son, William A., being in the clothing business in Salem, and Jesse D. residing on a farm near Mt. Pleasant. The parents of Mrs. Tyner lived for many j-ears after they came to this county, the mother dying Aug. 4, 1879, the father. May 22, 188.=1. During bis earlj' life John W. Bartlett resided in Virginia, and when a young man removed to Cincinnati, Ohio, and learned the coach and carriage making trade, which he afterward carried on in that city. He was married at Lawrenceburg, Ind., and when the family removed to Iowa they came from Rush County, Ind. Mrs. Tyner was born in Harri- son, Dearborn County, in that State, Nov. 3, 1832. She is the eldest living of the ten children. Her birth was followed by those of William, Jesse D., Kate and Maggie, who are all living and married. Five others died In infancy. The domestic life of Mr. and Mrs. Tyner was be- gun under the most favorable circumstances upon their present farm. Their union has lieen one of the happiest, their successes the most continuous, and their social qualities so well known as to win for them the respect and good-will of their neigh- bors. Thej' are the parents of eight children, of whom six are living — Elijah, Sarah C, Jlelvin, Oliver, James and Elbert; and William and John, deceased. Two of the children are married. Eli- jah is the husband of Emma Gee.se, and resides in Tippecanoe Township, this count}', and Sarah C. is the wife of Dr. A. J. Rodgers, a physician of Hast- ings, Neb. The four eldest children were educated at Whittier College prior to its destruction by fire. Melvin has been engaged in teaching in this county, and is another of the manj" teachers educated in the old college which has fitted many of the youth of this county for a successful business life. Aside from his farm duties, Mr. Tyner finds time to attend to other business of importance. He was for two years Township Clerk, and for four years has been a member of the School Board. The Salem District Fair owes much of its success to the efforts made by him, Mr. O. H. Cook and Mr. Z. H. Arnold, to whose enterprise the successful exhi- bitions of 1886 and 1887 are largely due. From its beginning he has been one of the principal pro- moters and supporters of the enterprise. He has been Treasurer of the association since its organi- zation, and no debt remains unpaid. The society is now fully organized and future meetings will prob- ably be even better than the past. As a successful farmer, his well-tilled fields give evidence. To be assured of their courtesy, it is only necessary to visit the Tyner home, and to judge of their social and business life, the praise of neighbors is suffic- ient. For several j-ears Mr. Tyner has been connected with the Bank of Salem, as a stockholder, and since 1882 has been its President. For a term of four- teen years he has been in partnership with J. L. Bennett in the purchase and shipment of stock. Mr. Tyner is widely known in a business and social way, and is one of the most successful farmers and business men inthecount3^ He and his famil}' are distinguished for their social qualities, and he is justly regarded as one of the leading and estimable citizens of the count}'. '§^#P«^ ENRY CLAY SAUNDERS, dealer in real estate, loan and collection agent, Mt. Pleas- ant, Iowa, was born in the Shenandoah Val- ley, near Staunton, Augusta Co., Va., Dec. 1829, and is the son of Bartley M. and Annie (Caulk) Saunders, who were pioneers of Henry County, Iowa. Henrj^ C. removed with his parents to Tennessee in early childhood, and from there went to Georgia. From Georgia the family removed to Georgetown, 111., and from there to Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, arriving May 26, 1838. Our sub- ject vvas educated in the public schools and at Mc- Kinney's High School, of Mt. Pleasant, and after completing his studies engaged as a merchant's clerk at Mt. Pleasant, following that occupation for ten years. He was appointed Postmaster at Mt. Pleasant in 1849, under President Zachary Taylor's administration, and served four years. He was next made Deputy Recorder and Treasurer of •► t -^•- 274 ■•► HENRY COUNTY. Henrj' Count}-, and served in that rapacity about six years. He then entered ii|i(iii \n> piesent l)usi- ness, which he has [)iirsucd coiitimioiisly since. Mr. Saunders was married at West Union, Fayette Co., Iowa, in November. 1855, to Miss Rhoda Bowman, a daughter of John Bowman. She was born in Warren County, Pa., whence her jiarents re- moved to Henry County, of which they were early settlers. Mr. and Mrs. Saunders have four chil- dren, two sons and two daughters: Dermont M., married to Miss Stella Comstoclf, and residing in Mt. Pleasant: Frank D., unmarried, and living in Grand Rapids, Mich. ; Ona, wife of Harry Porter, living in Lincoln, Neb., and Anna, still at home, ail born in Mt. Pleasant. Mrs. Saunders is a mem- ber of the Christian Church. He is a member of Mt. Plca.sant Lodge No. 8, A. F. ' ^~^i^^^5«^^^tfitf< SSAAC W. ALLEN, of Henry County, Iowa, le- sides on section 9, Jefferson Township, and is engaged in farming. Jackson Allen, the fatlier of our subject, came with his family from Clarke County, Oliio, in October, 1840, and located in Henry County, and liled a claim upon land one mile south of where Wayland now stands. Braxon Bcnn Iiad built a small eal)in, and for this and iiis claim Mr. Allen traded a span of horses. In Ohio, Jackson Allen wedded Mary Ann Wade, and eleven children were born to tiiem in that State, two of whom were twins, who died in infiuicy, their names being Mary A. and .lulia A.; Joiin, who is married and resides near Stockton, Cal. ; Maria became tlie wife of Erastus Warren, vvho died in the army; Jesse, husl)and of Kacliol Anderson, is a farmer re- siding in Jefferson Townsliip: Heecc wedded Me- lissa J. Warren, and resides in Jefferson Townsliip; Ellen D. wedded J. N. Allen, now deceased, who h was ex-County Clerk of Heniy Count}' ; his widow resides in Mt. Pleasant. Our subject followed ; then came Jane, whfi died unmarried; .Samantha, resid- ing in Council Bluffs, is tlie wife of Edward Saj'les, agent at the Union Depot in tlint city ; Sarah E. is the widow of Dennis Warren, and Alvin S., husband of Aia Maiiafsfy, resides in Wayland, and w.as born in tliis county. Alvin was older than Sarah. The last tliree were born in Henrj- Count}-. Jackson Allen entered forty acres of land and purchased the claim mentioned. After a long lifetime spent on the farm, he sold the first purchase, removed to Way- land and lived a retired life. Mrs. Allen died at the age of sixty-seven years, and Mr. Allen in his eightieth year. .Jackson Allen was for several years in the early history of the county, Assessor, and afterward represented the township as Trustee. He was active in the erection of the Methodist Episcopal Church at Wayland, of which his wife was a member. He was by birth and profession a Friend, and worshiped at their chnrcli in W.ayland To^vnship. Isaac Allen was born in 1844. and from his sec- ond year has been a resident of Henry County, with the exception of two years spent in California. He was educated, married, and has reared a family on her soil, and is one of her best known men. In 1867 Miss Keziah Musgrove, of tliis county, became his wife. She was born and reared in Clark County, 111. Her people have all removed from that State to Kansas, and her father, John Musgrove, a mem- ber of Company H, 25th Iowa Infanti-y, died in the service. Reece Allen was a member of the same comp.any and regiment, and also Erastus Warren. Since the marriage of Isaac Allen and Miss Mus- grove five children have gr.aced their home: Cora B. ; Ella M., who married C. C. Wenger, Jr., of Wayland, Dec. 8, 1887; John Jackson, Bessie I. and Anna. Mr. Allen resides upon the farm last purchased liy his father, adjoining the town of Wayland, known .as the R. M. Pickle farm, and a portion of vvhich comprises the village (ilat of Way- land. When a young man he learned the black- smithing trade of M. C. McCormick & Son, and started a shop of his own in Wayland, at which trade lie worked twenty years, then bought his present farm and went to farming. He is a suc- — ■» -^•- ••► HENRY COUNTY. 27r. cessfiil farmer and owns 120 acres of land, and is a credit to the townsliip in wliicli liis famil}' resides. We are pleased to make such mention as the Allen family deserve in the history of tiie county, where for many years they have resided. DDISON CHANDLER, harness-malier, sad- dler and dealer in horse furnishing goods, New London. Mr. Chandler settled in New London in 1852. and for twentj'-five years has served as Postmaster of that village. He was born in Cayuga County, N. Y., Oct. 24, 1817, and is the son of Ebenezer and Lueinda (Niles) Chandler. He served a regular apprenticeship to the saddle and harness maiiing trade at Skaneateles, N. Y. He removed to Indiana in 1837, and located at Moore's Hill, where he worked as a journeyman. He started in busines.s at Wilmington, Ind., in the line of his trade, and later removed to Manchester, Ind., where he also carried on a shop. He was married at Moore's Hill, June 17, 1839, to Miss Mary Emeline Hedge, daughter of Samuel Hedge. Mrs. Chandler was born in Steuben County, N. Y. Seven children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Chand- ler: Isabel is the wife of C. Whit Smitli, and re. sides in Burlington, lovva; James married Martha De Long, and lives in Lincoln, Neb. ; Janett died aged five years; Otho A. died at the age of one year; those named above were born in Manchester, Ind. The remainder of the children were born at New London: Thomas married Nettie Lewis, and lives in Burlington ; Frank is at home, and Maggie is the wife of S. E. Symons, of Saginaw, Mich. Mr Chandler removed from Indiana to Ft. Madison Iowa, Nov. 20, 1851, and the following September came to New London. He opened a harness-shop at that place, and carried on the business till 1862, when he was appointed Postmaster of New London under President Lincoln, in August of that year. He had been Acting Postmaster from the April pre- vious, was re-appointed, and held office utitil Janu- ary, 1887, when he resigned. During his twenty- five years of service as Postmaster he was never absent a single day on account of sickness, and rarely from an}- other cause. His administration of the office was prompt, efflcient and courteous, and most satisfactory to the people. Soon after taking the postniastership Mr. Chandler formed a partnership with his son-in-law, Mr. Smith, in the mercantile business, under the firm name of Chand- ler { John and Ann (Stewart) Algeo, and the paternal ancestors were of Irish origin. They came from Wellsburg, Va., where she was born, and the famil}' removed to this State about 1847. John Algeo went to California in 1850, and died in a mining camp. After her daughter, Eu- genie Archer, and her husband, decided to go to California, Mrs. Algeo resolved to accompany them, and in that State her death occurred later. She ^ — — •^-m^^i* 1' i t^ -^•- 282 HENRY COUNTY. was the mother of six children : Thomas, John, Ann R., Eugenie, William and Ridgeley. Four of these are now living: John wedded Louisa Harlan; Eugenie married John Archer; Ridgelej' was mar- ried in California and lives there, and Ann is the wife of our subject, and was born Dec. 29, 1837. After the death of his father and the other heirs, Mr. McDonald and his brother, John E., purchased the old homestead, and our subject now owns the original site where stood the pioneer cabin. The domestic life of the young couple was begun on the same tract, and the same residence to-daj' is the one in which, for almost thirty-five years, they have lived the happiest of lives. Four children have blessed their union : John E. and William Edgar, who are single: Anna B., wife of Seneca Kcl- ley, a farmer of New London Township, and Mil- ton, the husband of Ivenette Williams, residing in Danville Township, Des Moines County. The family circle remains intact, and in a cosy home, with all that makes life worth living, and with children of whom they have every reason to feel proud, the historian leaves the subject of this sketch, who has been an industrious and fortunate man, and has accumulated since he began life for himself, 2S0 acres of very desirable land. Neither he nor his father have ever desired or ever held public oflicc. but as citizens, gentlemen, and kindly neighbors, few men have greater credit. Mr. and ]Mrs. McDonald are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church at Pleasant Grove, of which he has been Steward and Class-Leader, and is now a Trustee. Socially he is a member of Charity Lodge No. .'ifi, L 0. O. F., of New London, and in politics has been a life-long Democrat. |-*-p- ^^ APT. WARREN BECKWITH, a leading (i\ r ''"*''"^*s '"''" ^"d prominent citizen of ^^^ Mt. Pleasant, was born in Henrietta, Mon- roe Co., N. Y., in 1833, his parents being George L. .'Uid Sally (AVinslow) Bcckwith. The former was a native of New Brunswick, born in 1800, who went with his parents to Buffalo, N. Y., in 1813. The following year his father died, directly after which event news reached the settlers of the intended destruction of the place by the Indian allies of the British, in the war then existing between the United States and Great Britain. Mrs. Beckwith and her family were among those who sought safetj^ by flight beyond the Genesee River. In 1816 the family settled on a farm in Henrietta, Monroe County, near Rochester, N. Y., where the subject of this sketch was born, and which he now owns. George L., his father, was the eldest of the family, and the management of the farm naturally devolved upon him, and he subsequently became its owner. On this place he lived all of his after life, and died there in 1883, at the age of eighty-three years. He was always a farmer, but in his 30unger days had also been a teacher. He was a man of positive character and of strongly marked personal charac- teristics. Though never an office-seeker, he took an active part in public affairs; a Democrat by con- viction, he was also an original Abolitionist, a be- liever in the doctrines of William Lloyd Garrison, and an ardent admirer of Horace Greeley. He w.os an extraordinarily well-read man, a sound thinker and cogent reasoner and fluent speaker, and wielded a more than ordinary influence in his locality. In the infancy of tiie common schools of the State he was an influential friend and supporter, and did much to insure their success in that region. On the breaking out of the Rebellion he took an active part in support of the Government, helping to fill the (juota of lii> county, and three of his sons were in the army, in which two of tliem lost their lives. He never engaged in any occupation but that of farming, and at his death left a competence. He was married in 1829 to Sall^-, daughter of Jonathan Winslow, of Henrietta, who had come to that place from New Bedford, Mass. She was boin in 1805, and died in 1885, aged eighty 3'ears. They had seven children, namel_v : Adolphus, who was a farmer in his native count}', and entered the Union armj- in 1861. enlisting in the 8th New York Cavalry, and (lied of typhoid fever in cnnii) in Virginia, in No- vember, 1862; Samuel, the next son, was part of his life in the railroad business, and came to Mt. I'leas- ant, where he was Station Agent of the Burlington & Missouri River Railroad from 1859 to 1864, when he returned to the old home in New York, staying there until 1880, during which period he n >■ m<» 4 HENRY COUNTY. 283 was elected to the State Legis-lature ; he came back to Mt. Pleasant and died here in 1884. War- ren was the next son, and after him came George, who died young; Sarah, the next child, also died while young; Everett, who followed Sarah, also was a Union soldier, in the same regiment as his brother, and like him died in camp of typhoid fever, in January, 1863; the youngest of the fam- ily, Elizabeth, died in childhood. Warren Beckwith, the subject of this sketch, was reared on the home farm, and was educated at the Monroe Academy and at the Genesee Wesleyan Seminary, at Lima, Livingston Co., N. Y. Leaving school at the age of nineteen, he embraced the pro- fession of civil engineering, his first work being done on the Genesee Valley Railroad. He followed this business in the East until November, 1854, when he went to Kansas, and the following winter, at Ft. Riley, helped to laj' out Pawnee City, designed by Gov. Reeder for the capital of the State. He as- sisted in putting up a building for the Legislature, which however, occupied it but one day. This work was in charge of Natlianiel Lyon, then a Cap- tain in the regular army, with wiiom he was brought into close relations, and who afterward became famous as Gen. Lyon, and who undoubtedly frus- trated the plots of the secessionists, and saved Missouri to the Union. In 185G Mr. Beckwith came to Burlington, Iowa, entering the employ of the Burlington & Missouri River Railroad, with whom he staid until 1860, when he went to Texas with a drove of sheep. He was there when the war began, and determined to return North and offer his services to the Govern- ment. He came by way of New Orleans, In which city he spent the Fourth of Jul}', 1861. Reaching Burlington, Iowa, he enlisted in September, 1861, as a private in Company C, 4th Iowa Cavalry, and served until after the close of the war, proving him- self a brave and gallant soldier, and making an hon- orable record. Dec. 25, 1S61, he was promoted to First Lieutenant of his company, and on Jan. 1, 1863, was made Captain. He was with his company in service under Gen. Curtis in Southwestern Missouri, was subsequently at Helena, Ark., and during the summer and fall of 1862 was in active duty, in skirmishing and scouting tlirough that .^t dangerous region. The regiment joined Grant's army at Grand Gulf, on the march to Vicksburg, and participated in the arduous labors of the siege and capture of that rebel stronghold. They re- mained in and near that city until February, 1864, when they took part in the Meridian expedition under Gen. Sherman. Later in the year they had a lively time in and about Memphis, Tenn., where they were engaged in chasing the rebel cavalry under Forrest, who were trjdng to intercept Sher- man's communications. The regiment during this time was engaged in sharp fights at Guntown, Tupelo, Holly Springs and at other places. In January, 1865, the 4th Iowa was joined to Wilson's Cavalry Corps, and saw a good deal of active serv- ice, notably at Selma, Columbus, etc., and it is the universal testimony of his comrades that wherever Capt. Beckwith was engaged he acted in a brave and soldierljr manner, and had not only the confi- dence of his superior officers, but of his own men and of all those with whom his duties brought him into contact. In 1864 he was on detached duty, and was in command of the mounted provost guard, district of West Tennessee, and in 1865 was Brigade Inspector General. He was mustered out Aug. 29, 1865, after an honorable army career of four years, during which he saw much hard service, but was fortunately never wounded. As a recognition of his meritorious services he was tendered a commis- sion in the regular army, which he did not accept. Returning to the pursuits of peace he came to Mt. Pleasant and again engaged with the Burlington & Missouri River Railroad Company, and after the consolidation of the lines in 1872, became Chief Engineer and Superintendent of Track of the Chi- cago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad Company. In 1879 he began contracting on the road, and was in that business until a" short time since. He and his brother-in-law, Frank P. Porter, are now proprietors of the quarries at Dudley, Iowa, where is found the best stone in the State, all of wiiich is taken by the railroail company ns fast as taken out. Capt. Beck- with, Charles H. Smith and Richard Stubbs were the originators of the Western Wheel Scraper Works at Mt. Pleasant, for a description of which see sketch of Charles H. Smith. Another business carried on by him. and which is evidently a labor ■» f >^i^ t 284 HENRY COUNTY. of love, is the breeding and raising of fine horses, both draft and driving, principally Shires for work and Hambletoniau for driving purposes. At his extensive farms near the citj' of Mt. Pleasant he has usually about sixty head of blooded stock, which is doing much to raise the standard of the horses in this section of the country. Capt. Beckwith was married, in 1863, to Luzenia W., daughter of Col. A. B. Porter, an eminent citi- zen of Henry County, of whom a history is given elsewhere. She died in 1880, leaving five children, as follows: p]verett, Orvillc, Emil}', Florence and Warren, all living with their father. The mother of this family was an estimable lady, whose death was sincerely mourned, not only by her family but by a large circle of friends to whom her lovable character had greatl}' endeared her. She was a prominent member of St. Mich.iel's p]piscopal Church. In 1881 Capt. Beckwith was united in marriage to Miss Sarah E. Porter, a sister of his first wife, and a lady of decided ability and culture. She likewise is a communicant of the Episcopal Church. The sul)ject of this sketch is a member of Mt. Pleasant Lodge No. 8, A. F. & A. M., of McFar- land Post No. 13, G. A. U., and of the Loyal Legion of America — the most exclusive organiza- tion in the country, membership to vvhich is granted only to commissioned officers of the army and navy who saw sei'vice in the Civil War, and after a most searching examination into tlie private and public record of the candidate, vvhich must be unblemished. Contact with the world, together with his inher- ited qualities, have made Capt. Beckwith a man of broad and lUn'ral ideas. A natural leader among men he has acquired many warm friends, not only at his home, but among leading men in all parts of the country, and m the community in which he resides he is a prominent figure. -^E= ^ )»/ELLlNGTON BIRD, M. D., a prominent \/^// physician of Henry County since 1841), W^ iiiid a resident of Mt. Pleasant, was born in Northumberland County. Pa., M.-xy ij, lf<17, and is a son of WilliMni and JIargaret (Moyer) Bird. His father was boin in New Jersey in 17Da, and emigrated with his parents to Pennsj'lvania when two years of age. James Bird, the grandfather of the Doctor, was a soldier in the war of the Revolu- tion in the Patriot army. He was a wagonmaster, and participated in the battle of Monmouth, and served till the close of the war. His wife's name was Osborne, to whom he was married in New Jersey, and with whom he removed to Northumber- land County in 1797. where they both died. The Birds were a large, athletic race, descended from the sturdy yeomen of old England. Dr. Bird's mother was born in Philadelphia, and was of Ger- man descent, her father being a native, of German parentage, while her mother was a native of Ger- many, who came to this country while young, and lived to the extreme old age of ninety-five years, dying in Catawissa, Pa. William Bird, the father of our subject, was a blacksmith b^' trade, and worked in Columbia County, Pa., and adjoining places, his home for some years prior to his coming west being in Danville, Montour County, from which place he removed to Mt. Pleasant in 1858. After coming here he and his wife lived retired in a house owned bj' their son. Mr. Bird died at the age of seventy- six. His wife survived him about ten years, dying at the age of eighty-five. Mr. Bird was a pleasant, genial and popular man, and was well liked by all who knew him. He and his wife were members of the IMethodist Episcopal Church. They had twelve children, all of whom grew to maturity. Those now living are: Caroline, widow of John Martin, late of Mt. Pleasant; Philip, a fanner in Kansas; Wilhelmina, a widow now living in Dauphin County, Pa.; Charles, a machinist at Danville, Pa.; Clement, living at Afton, Iowa; and Wellington who was the oldest of the family. When twelve years old the latter went with his parents to Bioomsburg, Columbia Co., Pa., and there received his education, and grew to manhood. He took a regular course of study at the Jefferson Medical College, of Philadelphia, and graduated in the class of 1841. In October of that year he was united in marriage, at Hloomsburg, Pa., to Miss Sarah, daughter of Eli Tliornlon, a prominent and respected citizen of tlnil place, and a member of the Penn- sylvania Legislature for several terms. Immediately ufler taking his degree Dr. Bird ■•p^a^4* i t. -4*- 1 HENRY COUNTY. 285 located in Knox County, Ohio, and established a fine practice at the city of Frederickstown. Having a desire to come farther west he emigrated in July, 1849, from Ohio to Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, where he has since been engaged in the practice of his pro- fession. While his professional duties have been quite exacting he has yet found time to give some attention to other enterprises. On the establishment of the Iowa Wesleyan College, at Mt. Pleasant, now the Iowa Wesleyan University, he took an active part in the management, in its construction and outfitting. He was elected a Trustee of the college, and served in that capacity for twenty-five years, or until he resigned to accept an appointment as Indian Agent in 1877. On the breaking out of the late war, in 18C1, he was appointed as Assistant Surgeon of the 4th Iowa Cavalry, which position he resigned to accept that of Commissary of Sub- sistence, with rank of Captain, and served in that capacity till the fall of 18G2, when he resigned on account of ill-health. His son, Hiram T., who was then a student of the Iowa Wesleyan College enlisted in lcS63, at the age of seventeen, as a private of the 8th Iowa Cavalry, and was subse- (|uently appointed Hospital Steward. lie was made prisoner before Atlanta during McCook'sraid, and was taken to Charleston, S. C, where, having been classed as an Assistant Surgeon, he was ex- changed without much dela}-. After one month spent at home, on furlough, he returned to the front, and participated in Wilson's raid and other engagements, serving till the fall of 18G5. In 1866 Dr. Bird went to Idaho, and spent one year on the headwaters of the Columbia River. Returning to Mt. Pleasant at the expiration of that time he resumed practice, and was actively engaged until his appointment, by President Hayes, in 1877, to the Indian Agency at Ft. Peck, Mont. He served in this capacity nearly three years, during which time he was quite successful in his manage- ment of the natives. When he took the agency there was not an acre of land under cultivation, buthe instructed tlie Indians in the metliods of agri- culture and labor, and at the close of his term had a thousand acres enclosed, and several hundred under cultivation. He returned to his home in Mt. Pleasant in 1880. Dr. and Mrs. Bird are active members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, the Doctor's member- ship dating from 1846, and Mrs. Bird's from 1839. He is President of the Board of Trustees. They have been blessed with nine children: William N. died in childhood; Myra is the wife of Hon. John S. Woolson, State Senator, and a prominent attorney in Mt. Pleasant (see sketch) ; Allie is the wife of Hon. Washington I. Babb, a leading at- torney of Mt. Pleasant (see sketch) ; Hiram T. married Florence McLaran, and is engaged in busi- ness at Mt. Pleasant; Regina is the wife of Theo- dore F. Twinting, formerly of Mt. Pleasant, now of Passadena, Cal. ; Caroline was burned to death in childhood by her clothes catching fire; Horace died in 1859, aged three and a half years; Burnetta died in infancy; Leslie, the youngest, is unmarried, and lives in Mt. Pleasant. Dr. Bird is a prominent citizen; he has been a member of the City Council for a number of years; he was many times elected Trustee of the public schools, and for several terms was President of the board. He is a member of McFarland Post No. 20, G. A. R., and is still in the active practice of his profession, his skill and ability having won for him a flattering reputation and a large practice. ILLIAM S. BURTON, Clerk in the War fl Department, Washington, D. C.,and a resi- dent of Mt. Pleasant since 1865, was born in Guilford County, N. C, Feb. 7, 1820, and is the son of Ainsley and Sarah (Clarke) Burton. He re- moved with his parents to Davidson County, in the same State, in childhood, where he learned the car- riage-maker's trade. In 1842 he removed to Ran- dolph County, Mo., and established himself in business in Huntsville, where he remained until 1854, when he came to Iowa and located at Rich- land, Keokuk County, and there embarked in the carriage business. From Richland he came to Mt. Pleasant in 1865, and opened a carriage-shop which he continued until the spring of 1882, when he was appointed to his present position in the War De- partment by Robert T. Lincoln. Mr. Burton held various local offices while in Missouri and Richland, U i .t 28G HENRY COUNTY. and was Mayor of Mt. Pleasant in 1879 and 1880, and he has held other minor offices. In politics he IS a Republic.in. He is a member of Mystic Lodge No. 55, I. O. 0. F., and of the Camp, and has been Grand Master of the order in Iowa, also Grand Patriarch, and represented the Grand Lodge in the Sovereign Grand Lodge of the United Stales in 1866 and 18G7. Mr. Burton was married in DavidsonC'ount}', N. C, in March, 1839, to Miss Malinda Moffitt, daugh- ter of Robert and Lydia Mofiitt. She was born in Davidson Count)', N. C. Ten children were born of their marriage, seven of whom are now living, four sons and three daughters: Lydia C. is the wife of James S. Pringle, residing in Richland, Iowa: Sar.ih A. resides at home : William M. married Miss Vaughn, and resides in Jefferson County, Ark.: Robert A. married Fannie S. Way, and resides in Washington City, D. C; Lorenzo W. died at the age of two years; Constantine B. is single, living in Cohirado: James K., single, now at Mt. Pleasant: Harriet M., single, resides at home; Mariettii died in childhood. Mr. and Mrs Bm-ton are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. ^- -€-*-B- 'NDREW W. McCLURE, M. D., is the most W£M noted physician, and the one longest estab- lished in practice in Mt. Pleasant. He was born at Lebanon, \\:uren Co., Ohio, June 10, 1828, and is a son of Andrew and Mary (Gra- ham) MfClure, both natives of Dauphin County, Pa., the former born in 179.'), and the latter in 1790. They emigrated to Warren County, Ohio, and were among the first settlers of that region. There they took up a farm among the timber, whicli they cleared, and on which they lived for many years. They were of Scotch and Irish ancestry, and both were strict members of the Presbyterian Church. When they removed to Ohio, they were poor in this world's gooils, but by industry and thi-ifl, and care- ful JKibits, acquired a comfortable cumpetence. Mr. McClure was a patriot soldier in the War of 1 812. He was a Free-Soiler .'uid old-line A\'hig, and a supporter of Henry Clay and Daniel Webster. He died in 1858, and his wife iu 1884, aged eighty- eight. They were the parents of eight children, of whom three are now living: Hugh, a resident of Eureka Springs, Ark.; Ann, wife of Robert H. Todd, (jf Warren County, Oiiio; and Andrew W., the subject of this biographical notice. He was reared upon the farm, and after leaving the district schools received an academic education at the Lebanon Academy. When twenty-one years old, he began reading medicine in the office of Dr. Fisher, a prominent practicing physician of Leb- anon, at the same time having charge of Turtle Creek Academy, a Qu.aker school near that place. Under Dr. Fisher he laid a good groundwork for a thorough medical education, and in 185"2-5o at- tended the Ohio Medical College at Cincinnati, graduating in the latter year. He at once began the practice of his profession at Paris, 111., in con- nection with Dr. S. York, of that place. This part- nership was dissolved in 1856, and Dr. McClure came to Mt. Pleasant, where he has acquired the well-deserved reputation of a skillful and successful physician and surgeon. On first coming to Mt. Pleas- ant, he formed a partnei'ship with Dr. Bird, which continued until 1861, and that fall Dr. McClure re- sponded to his country's call, and entered the service as surgeon of the 4th Iowa Cavahy. The regiment was in a camp of instruction at Mt. Pleasant until the spring of 1862, when the regiment was sent to St. Louis, and thence to Springfield, Mo. After the battle of Pea Ridge, they were joined to the com- mand of Gen. Curtis, in Gen. Carr's division, and the summer was spent in marching and scouting in the Southwest. They wintered in Helena, Ark., and on the investment of Vicksburg were made a part of Grant's army, taking part in the siege and capture of that place. After the fall of Vicksburg, Dr. .MctClure resigned his commission, having served two years, and returned tu Mt. Ple;isant. and again engaged in pr.actiee. In 1858 Dr. McClure wa.s married at Homer, III., to .Maria Conke}', a native of Massachusetts, who lived but a year after, her babe surviving her but a siiort time. In the fall nf ISOO Dr. McClure w.as married iu .Ml. Pleasant to .Miss Emily I'orter, daughter of Col. A. 1!. Porter, one of the earliest settlers of Henry County, and one of its best known citizens. .Mrs. McClui'e w;is born iu this i'- 4 u HENRY COUNTY. 287 -Hl-^ county in 1839. Dr. and Mrs. McClure are the parents of three children, of whom two daughters, Mary and Jlartha, are now living. Dr. McOnre is prominently identified with the industrial, professional and social life of the city where he has made his home for more than thirty years. He is a member of the Wheel Scraper Com- pany, the leading manufacturing enterprise of tiie cit}', of which a sketch appears elsewhere. While not in the ordinary sense a politician, he takes an intelligent interest in public affairs, and is a sup- porter of the Republican party. In all educational matters he takes a warm interest; he has been for ten j'ears one of the Trustees of the State Hospital for the Insane, and is in fact heartily in support of everything tending to the advancement and pros- perity of the city and county. He and his wife are members of the Presbyterian Church. As a physician, Dr. McClure occupies a leading position, not only in the city, but abroad. He is a member of the American Medical Association ; the DesMoines Medical Society, of which he was President for one year, and since 1858 has been a member of the Iowa State Medical Society, and was President in l88fi-87. The address which he de- livered before that body at their annual meeting in Sioux City, in 1887, received the warmest enco- miums from the most eminent physicians present, and has been widely copied in medical and other journals. Mt. Pleasant numbers among its citizens no more worthy and creditable representative than Andrew W. McClure. ICHARD AMBLER, of the firm of R. Am- bler & Son, is a well-known and successful attorney of Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, of thirty ^years' practice in this city. He was born in Pittsburgh, Pa., in 18.31, and is the son of Henry and Hannah M. (Spright) Ambler. He received a liberal education, and engaged in the study of law in New Philadelphia, Ohio, and was admitted t(j the bar in 185.5. In 18o7 he came to Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, and entered upon the practice of his profes- sion, and in 1862 formed a partnership with his brother Henry, which connection continued for twenty-three years. The existing partnership with his son Harry was formed in 1880, under the firm name of R. Ambler & Son. Mr. Ambler was mar- ried in Henry County, Iowa, in the fall of 1858, to Miss N. H. Andrews, born in Trumbull County, Ohio, and a daughter of D. G. Andrews. Four children were born of this union, one son and three daughters, all of whom were born in Mt. Pleasant, namely : Sarah, Harry, Lulu and Dolly. Harry was educated at the Iowa AVesleyan University, at Mt. Pleasant, studied law with his father, and was ad- mitted to the bar in 1884, and in 1886 formed the existing partnership with his father, and has since pursued the practice of his profession at this place. The children are living with their parents. Mr. Ambler has been a Republican since the in- ception of the party. He is a Knight Templar Ma- son, a member of Mt. Pleasant Lodge No. 8, A. F. & A. M., of Henry Chapter No. 8, R. A. M., and of Jerusalem Commandery No. 7, K. T. ENRY TRAUT, one of the young, enter- prising farmers of Henr^' County, residing onsecti%i;'^-io.''S'!'*-~-\/\^s^ W WILLIAM B. BUFFINGTON was born July 5, LSI 3, in W.ashington County, P:i., and resides on section 27 of Trenton Townshi|), Henry Co., Iowa, where he is engaged in farming, , althougii a tanner by trade. His i)arents, Seth and y »►-•-♦ i -m-M^ t HENRY COUNTY. 289 Sarah (Mileson) Buffington, were also natives of Pennsylvania, born in Chester Countj'. They were both members of the Society of Friends, and reared a family of eleven children, all of whom lived until maturity, though but four are now living, namely: William B. ; Joseph, a farmer residing in Washing- ton County, Pa.; Robert, living in Cincinn.ati, Ohio, is a carpenter, and Abigail, wife of John Dean, a resident of Bates County, Mo. Seth Buf- fington spent his whole life upon a farm, dying in 1840, when seventy-four years of age, and his wife in 1858, at the age of seventy-three. Our subject was reared upon a farm, receiving his education at the district school. When sixteen years of age he began an apprenticeship of five years to the tanner's trade, after which he went into a distillery, where he worked as a hand for two years, and the following three years was employed upon a farm in Pennsylvania. Sept. 18, 1834, he was joined in marriage with Elizabeth C. Goodrich, a native of Greene County, Pa., and a daughter of Goodwin B. and Ruth (Bayne) Goodrich, the father a native of Connecticut, and the mother of Wash- ington Comity, Pa. Her father died Nov. 14, 1861, in Mt. Pleasant, at the age of seventy-six, while on a visit to his daughter. He was a devoted member of the Christian Church, and was a soldier in the War of 1812; and her grandfather, Jesse Goodrich, was a soldier in the Revolutionary War. Goodwin B. Goodrich owned a fine farm near Columbus, Ohio, at the time of his death. The mother died when Mrs. Buffington was but ten years of age. William B. Buffington and his young wife emi- grated to Ripley County, Ind., locating at New Marion, where he remained for three years. Going to Milford, Decatur Co., Ind., he was employed as foreman of a distillery for two years, and then re- moved to Rush County, Ind., where he bought a sawmill, which he operated for two years. Again removing, he settled this time in Tipton, building a sawmill, and remaining there until 1858, when he came to Iowa, locating southeast of Mt. Pleasant. He repaired Boyls' mill and operated the same for two years, when he removed to Mt. Pleasant and engaged as engineer, and in that city resided for two years. Mr. Buffington then purchased 100 -^« acres of raw land out of which he developed a farm. He erected a mill upon his farm, which he operated for twenty years, and at the end of that time, in 1881, the mill blew up, and he has never rebuilt it. Credit is due Mr. Buffington from the fact that all his property was acquired by his own labor, helped on by good management and fair dealing. Mrs. Buffington, an estimable lady, pre- sides over the home, and welcomes the stranger, the friend or the Isinsman who enters her door. Not only in Trenton Township, but throughout Henry County, are this worthy couple universally known and respected. To make the family circle com- plete, two children have blessed their union: Ruth is now the wife of George Boyer, a carriage-maker of Tipton, Ind., and to them have been born two children: Frances Olive, wife of Martin Vickery, M. D., of Tipton, and Asher G., who died at the age of twenty-four. The other child is Reason S., who married Mary A. Edy, of Canada ; they now re- side in Leadville, Col., and have a family of four children — William J., Francis E., Lulu May and Edna B. *EORGE W. S. ALLEN, dealer in clothing, hats, caps and furnishing goods, has been G ^JiS! established in that business in Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, since 1882. He is a native of Rutland County, Vt., born Oct. 15, 1850, and is a son of Robert and Eliza (Albee) Allen, both of whom were also natives of the Green Mountain State. The Allen family were of English and Scotch an- cestry, and for many generations had been resi- dents of New England. The parents of the sub- ject of this sketch removed to Iowa in 1855, and made their home in Lee County, whence they re- moved to Salem, Henr}' County, in 18G2, in which j'ear the elder Allen died, aged forty-three. His wife is now living atCreston, Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Allen had four children, .all of whom are now liv- ing, and are named: J(jhn F., who is a hotel-keeiter at Creston, Iowa; Elvira, wife of Levi Snell, for- merly a merchant in Mt. Pleasant, now a real-estate dealer in Lincoln, Neb. ; Ella M., wife of Charles Dahlburg, in charge of the telegraph lines on the „ West Division of the C, B., & Q. R. R., and liv- * ■<^ A 290 HENRY COUNTY. ing at Creston, and George W. S., who was the youngest. After getting such education as was af- forded by the public schools, the latter attended the High School at Mt. Pleasant, and began his business life as clerk for E. L. Penn & Co. He re- mained vvitli that firm some time, and then sought employment witli Mr. George H. Spohr, clothier, with whom he remained until he engaged in busi- ness for himself, which was in the year 1882. He carries a stock of from *10,000 to $15,000 worth of goods. Mr. Allen was married, Oct. 28, 1886, to Miss Mary Whiting, daughter of .John H. Whiting, of Mt. Pleasant, of whom see sketch in another part of this volume. Mrs. Allen is a n.ative (if Mt. Pleas- ant. ^@: — -^> ^jy^ LIJAH ANDERSON, of Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, one of the pioneer settlers of Henry County, Iowa, was born in Hampshire County, Va., Dec. 18, 1825. His father, Jesse Anderson, was also a native of Virginia, while his mother, Anna (Harvey) Anderson, was born in Licking County, Ohio, to which State her parents emigrated at an early day, but subsequently returned to Hampshire County, Va., where she wedded .Jesse Anderson. They were the parents of fifteen children, only five of whom are now living: Elijah, residing in Mt. Pleasant, is the subject of this sketch; Abraliam resides in Buffalo County, Neb. ; David also resides in Buffalo County, Neb. ; Rachel lives in Marshall County, Va. ; Margaret is the wife of John Allen, a resident of Marshall County, \'a. Politically, Mr. Anderson was a Whig, and was well informed on all questions of interest in his day. He was a devoted member of the Metliodist Episcopal Church for many years, of which body his wife was also a member. They had the respect and confidence of all wlio knew them, and were always ready to help a fellow traveler over the difficulties and trials which he could not meet unaided. Both died in Marshall Count3% \'a. Tlie subject of this sketch received his education in the log school-house so common in early days, in whicli vvere tiie puncheon floor and seats, while ii portion of one of the logs was removed, and the aperture covered with greased paper served as a window. The fireplace was of enormous size, occu- pying nearly the whole of one end of the building. In 1855 Mr. Anderson came to Henry County, Iowa, at a time when the country was yet compara- tively new. . Here he became acquainted with Miss Mary E. Curtis, and the acquaintance ripened into love, and on the 15th of October, 1858, he led her to the marriage altar. By this union seven children were born, six of whom are now living: Gertrude is the wife of Harvey Harrison, a butcher of Mt. Pleasant; Wyley lives on a farm; Laura and Lula, twins; Stella and Carrie Maud. For many ^-ears Mr. Anderson has given his attention to the raising of fine stock. At one time he owned Kentucky Bill, one of the finest horses ever brought to this county, measuring sixteen hands high, and widel}' known throughout the State. At present he owns Little Matt, a gelding, seven j'ears old, and one of the finest steppers in the county. He can now trot his mile in 2:25, and by judicious training will doubtless make it in 2 :20. Little Matt is from old Iron Duke, he by Cassius M., he by Henry Claj', he by Andrew Jackson, he from a colt by old Bashaw, and lie bj- a colt from Kentucky Bo^. Mr. Anderson liolds political views with the Democratic part^', in which he is an active worker. When he came to Henry County he was i)oor in this world's goods, but he and his estimable wife by their hard labor, thrift and econom}', have accumu- lated a fine proijerty. For thirty-two years he has been identified with the county, and has seen the forest leveled, and the wild prairies transformed into beautiful homes. In the various changes that have been made he has borne well his part. •'^•^fll TBHSSBSSSSS UlSmSmOi ^?W^ ATRICK BAKER, Station Agent at Rome, was born in County Clare, Ireland, March 17, 1827, and isasoiiof Michael and JIary (O'Gr.idy) Baker, both of whom were na- tives of Ireland, and were reared, married, and ilied in County Clare. His father was eighty- two years old at his death, and his motlier seventy-five. They were both members of the Catholic Church, and reared a family of nine chil- i — i-4»- HENRY COUNTY. 291 I" dren, all of whom grew to man anrl womanhoofl. Tbey were named: Thomas, who died in Ireland: Mary, wife of Patrick Bja-on, also a native of Ire- land ; Bridget, wife of James C'lune, of the same country: Ellen, wife of John Snllivan; Ann, wife of James Daloiighty; Daniel, also a resident of his native country: Michael, who died there; John, who died in Rome, Iowa, in 1874, and Patrick. Our subject was the second one of the familj' to emigrate to America. He crossed the water in 1849, settling in New York, where for seven years he was engaged as section foreman on the New York & Erie Railroad. In 1855 he came to Bur- lington, and engaged as track foreman for the B. & M., now the C.,B. & Q. R. R., and in 1858 came to Rome. Here Mr. Baker was engaged as foreman, continuing in this emploj'ment until 1878, when he was made Station Agent, which position he has held ever since. Mr. Baker was united in marriage, in 1 855, to Johanna Ambrose, a n.ative of County Limerick, Ireland, and a daughter of William Ambrose. B}' this union seven children have been born: Michael A., now a resident of Keokuk, is chief dispatcher of the C, B. & Q. R. R. : John C. is operator at Rome ; Katie is a teacher in the same village; Maggie is also a teacher; Peter B. and James D. are now en- gaged in fanning, and Johanna is the youngest. Mr. and Mrs. Baker with their children are mem- bers of the Catholic Church. He was poor in this world's goods when he came to this county, but by close attention to business, and good management, has gained a competence. He now owns 200 acres of fine land, all improved, adjoining Rome. Politically, he is a Democrat, and has been Presi- dent of the Board of Education for ten years. He takes great interest in educational and public affairs, and of the citizens of Tippecanoe Township, none deserve more respect than does our subject. ylLLIAM S. MILLSPAUGH, proprietor of the Millspaugh Mill, of Trenton, was born in Shelby County, Ohio, in 1844. He is the son of Harvey and Sarah A. (Kyle) Millspaugh, the father a native of Orange County, N. Y., and the mother of Clermont County, Ohio. The parents of Harvey Millspaugh, James and Cynthia (Cor- win) Millspaugh, were of German descent. William came with his parents to this county in 185G. They settled in ]\It. Pleasant, making that their home for two years, when they moved to Tippecanoe Town- ship, where they lived some years, then moved to Trenton Township. Harvey Millspaugh and his wife were both members of the Missionary Baptist Church. He was a miller by trade, and was a well- informed man upon all subjects, especiallj'f upon political affairs, and always cast his vote with the Republican part}'. While in Ohio he held the office of Assessor. Mr. and Mrs. Millspaugh were the parents of seven children, four of whom are yet living: John R., who is owner of a sawmill in Gunnison, Col.; Electa resides with our subject, William 8.; and Thomas, who is in Colorado with his brother John. Those who have died are : George W., who died Dec. 29, 1885; Harvey died at the age of twenty-one; and Elizabeth, the deceased wife of Thomas McCall, of Montana Territory,- died in 1877; three died in infancy. Mr. Mills- paugh departed this life May 28, 1861, at the age of fifty-three. His wife still survives him, and finds a happy home with our subject. William Millspaugh when twelve years old came with his parents to this county, and here he has continued to reside. He learned the miller's trade, and has been engaged in that business nearly ever since. On the 22d of January, 1885, he was united in marriage with Mary Rivey. She is a native of Jefferson County, Iowa, though her parents, Peter and Permelia (Draw) Rivey, were natives of France. One child, a darling- little daughter, has come to make glad the fond parents' hearts. To this daughter, who was born Dec. 31, 1886, the name of Ethel has been given. The Star Mill, owned by Mr. Millspaugh, was erected in 1879, and h.is a capacity of six bushels of wheat per hour, and ten bushels of corn. It is a water-power mill, and Mr. Millspaugh being well acquainted with his business cannot but make it a success. Mr. Millspaugh was reared in the Baptist Church, and is a member of the same, taking an active interest in and doing his part of all the work. He is one of the enterprising busi- ness men of Trenton Township, and has done much i» t »>^B^4« 292 HENRY COUNTY. toward developing and building np the countj', and among the citizens of Henry County none deserve more iionor tlian he. '■" t S^^ ir and farmer, Township, Monmouth County, N. J., in 1 8.32, and is the son of Cor- nelius V. and Joanna (Rogers) Conover. Both were n.itives of that State, of German ancestr}', al- though for five generations they rank as native Americans. Joanna Rogers was three weeks old when the battle of Monmouth was fought, and her parents resided at Penolopen during the progress of that war. After their marriage Cornelius and Joanna began domestic life upon a farm in New Jer- sey, and there all their children were born. They are: Cornelius, now a farmer of Monmouth County, ■N. J. ; George H. ; Samuel, deceased ; Marj- M. ; Jo- anna B. ; Ann and Charlotte L. Our subject learned his trade in New York City with Ills uncle, E. F. Rogers, a noted .irchitect and builder. He completed the palatial residences of Cyrus W. Field, the great telegraph monopolist, at the corner of Twenty -first street and Lexington avenue, and the philanthropist, Peter Cooper's, at the corner of Lexington avenue and Twenty-.sec- ond street, besides many other buildings of note. After four years' residence in New York City, George Conover came west to visit his uncle, John T. Rogers, who at that time resided on the Calvin Burrows farm in Jefferson Township. .Seeing a great future for the new country he was easily pre- vailed upon to make this his home, and at once be- gan work at his trade, his first job contracted for be- ing the elegant residence of Jacob Moore, which was completed at a cost of ijifi.OOO, and was tiie liiiest resi- dence ever erected in Jefferson Township. It was later destroyed bj- lire. lie built the Trenton Presbyterian Church in 1868, also the Rus.sell .school- house, the Foster school building, the Union School in Wayne Township, the Crawford School, and also the fine farm residences of John Montgomery, Perrj' Morrison, John Felger, Dr. Leeper, Oliver Stephenson, Evan Davis, and a iiost of others of greater or less importance. For thirty-one yeare Mr. Conover has been the most prominent con- tractor and builder in tiie northern part of the coinit^' and formerly emplo3'ed a large number of hands. The past three years his sons have aided in the work, the two eldest having become finished workmen and the third le.irning the trade. Mr. Conover was married, in 1856, to Adelaide, daughter of George W. an^ Rebecca (Rame) Kingsbury, who came from Indiana to Henry County in 1855, and who, after a twelve years' resi- dence in Henry Count3- removed to Labette Count}', Kan., where the widowed mother and other mem- bers of the family yet reside. Jlr. and Mrs. Cono- ver have had twelve children, of whom but five are now living, namely: Edmund F., who has been twice married, first to Ida Fulton, and after her death to Miss Emma Ramer; Howard H., George W. ;Irvin and Florence, who are married. Ed- mund manages the home farm, the father giving all his attention to his trade. Living onl}- two miles from where he first located in the count}', Mr. Conover has perhaps done more in his line of busi- ness than any other man in the county. His skill in mechanics keeps him constantly employed. The farm upon which the famil}- has since resided was bought in 1862, and the fine residence built in 1873. Prom- inent in social .and business life, we are pleased to make this mention of one of the best known resi- dents of Henry County. The father of Mrs. Conover w.as during his oar- Her years a mechanic, and was also a minister of the Baptist Church. In Indiana he was Judge of the Franklin County Court, and by that title he was familiarly known in this county. He died in his sixtieth year, in Labette County, Kan. Two grandchildren, Edua and James IL, are the favor- ites of the grandparents, and the same farm is the residence of both families, who live within easy walking distance of each other. We complete this family history with mention of the brothers and sisters of our subject and his wife, who are : Maryi M., wedded to James H. Hough, also a contractor and builder, of Brooklyn, N. Y. ; Ann, widow of John Lippincott, who during his life was a merchant of Freehold, N. J.: Charlotte L., wedded to John Bowden, also a resident of Free- ♦-■-^^ 4 ■».^li- -^•- HENRY COUNTY. -•► 293 «! i hold, N. J., and owner of a large tVnuKlry. Of Mrs. Conover's brothers and sisters, Theodosia wedded Jacob Rubel, a minister of Oswego County, Kan ; Theodore, deceased, was married to Hannah Hinebaugh, who resides in Labette County, Kan. ; Madison M. became the husband of Zettie Cosier, and resides in Oswego County, Kan., engaged in the wholesale drug business; Winfield Scott wedded K.ate Pliilpot, and resides in Missouri, where he is both a merchant and a farmer; William is the latter's partner in business, and the husband of Hattie Cosier; Joseph became the husband of Amelia Bur- rows, now deceased, and he is married again and operates a photograph gallery in Oswego, Kan.; Libbie married James Dickerman, a dealer in real estate in Oswego. THOMAS COAD, a farmer residing on section 23, Canaan Township, Henry Co., Iowa, is of English ancestry. He is a son of John and Jennie (Jeffry) Coad, both natives of Devon- shire England, where they were married, and whence they came to America, about the year 1827, settling in Westmoreland County, Pa. In 1844 the family came to Iowa, settling in Des Moines County, near Burlington. VV^ith them from England came seven children, all born there : Louisa, widow of Isaac Coljbet, of Butler County, Pa. ; Edward married Nancy Ford, and resides in New Loudon Township; W^illiam wedded Mary A. Mc- Laughlin, and then came to Iowa, where they both died ; Priscilla, deceased, wedded Daniel Beer, of Pennsylvania, and came in 1844 to Iowa; Robert, deceased, married in Kentucky, and resided there the remainder of his life; Mary A. wedded Isaac Horn, and yet resides in Indiana County, Pa. ; John married in Builington, Margaret Thompson becom- ing his wife, and still resides in Des Moines County; Henry, the first son born in America, wedded Maria Riffle, and resides in Des Moines County; James wedded Susan Dixon, of Burlington, where they re- side, he being in the employ of the Chicago, Burling- ton & Quiney Railroad; Samuel wedded Annie O'Neil, of Oregon, and is engaged in farming in Salem, that State. ^ ^« Thomas, our subject, and the youngest one of the family, was born in Westmoreland County. Pa., July 8, 1835. Since 1844 he has resided in South- eastern Iowa, and for twentj'-one 3-ears in Henrj' Count}'. He was a soldier, enlisting Oct. 11, 1861. in Company A, 14th Iowa Volunteers, and after two years' service, was mounted and became a mem- ber of the 7th Cavalry. The first three companies were assigned to the frontier service, taking the place of the regulars who were sent to the front. Until July, 1866, he was in active service in guard- ing the outposts from marauding Indians. After Mr. Coad returned from the war, he was united in marriage with Miss Emeline Hale, daugh- ter of John D. and Sarah (Lee) Hale, old settlers of this county, and highly respected people. The ceremony was performed Dec. 12, 1869, Rev. James Haines, a Methodist Episcopal minister, officiating. Their domestic life began on the farm of Mr. Hale, and after a few years Mr. Coad removed to his own farm in the same neighborhood that he had im- proved. This was afterward sold, and his present farm of 160 acres was purchased, to which he re- moved in 1880. His new residence was completed in 1 887 at a cost of $2,000, it being one of the finest in the township. Truly it is a fitting home for a man who has done so much to improve the countiy, and surelj- no happier one can be found. The children are John M., Harry E., Laura M., Minnie L. and Edgar T. The eldest and youngest are deceased. Mr. Coad is a Republican in politics. His wife is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, known as Trinity Chapel. ^'AMES SNYDER, a farmer residing on sec- tion 25, Canaan Township, Henry Co., Iowa, was born in Marshall County, W. Va., April _ 21, 1830, and is a son of Andrew and S.arah (Baker) Snyder. Andrew Snyder was born in Jefferson County, Ohio, and Sarah Baker in Mar- shall County, Va. George Snyder was the grand- father of our subject and a Pennsylvanian German by birth and parentage. He married Rachel Taff in Pennsylvania, then removed to Virginia, and from thence to Highland County, Ohio, their last n t '► Ji 4» I 294 HENRY COUNTY. \ daj'Si being speut in Brown C'dunty, where they died and were buried. They were parents of Samuel, Hiram, William. Adam, Peter, Andrew, Mary A., Nancy and Kittie. Of these, Adam, and probablj- Peter, are living, the first in Centerville, Iowa, the latter in Ladoga, Ind. Andrew Snyder went to Virginia, and there mar- ried Miss Sarah Baker about 1827. She was a daughter of George and Sarah Baker, who resided on a farm in that county. After a married life of eighteen years in V^irginia, during which time eight children were born, the family removed to Iowa, settling in Des Moines County, near Danville, in 1844. The children were Rachel, wife of Oliver Little; James, our subject; Elizabeth, who resides with him: Mary A., who died unmarried; Caroline, who wedded James Crogan; Sarah, wife of Charles Crocker: William W.. who died in childhood, and Lou J., wife of E. A. Miller. Mr. Snyder pur- chased a half section of land in Des Moines County and erected a log house, which has long since been torn down. Under its roof were born Theo. B., an attorney-at-law in Burlington aa4/the hus- band of Mary L. Dorgan, and Wilbur, a resiclfent farmer of Pleasant Grove Township, who married Nellie Burns, of Des Moines County-. For thirt\'- seven happy years the parents lived on their old homestead, when the mother was taken from them, the father living three years longer, when he too died, on the old homestead. The pioneer life of Mr. and Mrs. Snyder was shared in its fullest sense. The imjoroving of a new farm was not such a hardship for them as for many, thej' living so near the city of Burlington. Their lands were productive, and their children grew to man and womanhood, bringing gladness and joy to the old homestead. All except one had reached maturity at the time of the mother's death, which occurred in December, 1882. Her remains were interred near the old family mansion in Pleas- ant Grove Township. She reached the mature age of seventy-four, and her funeral obsequies were held on Christmas Day in 1882. The husband sur- vived until 188.5. and all that was mortal of the pioneer was laid to rest by the side of the wife he had loved so well. The very advanced age of eighty-three had been reached by that patriarch. who had held in his arms a score and a half of grandchildren, some of whom are now parents. Andrew Snyder was a quiet and good citizen, always a farmer, and his children were early taught habits of thrift and sobriety. Our subject gi-ew to manhood in Des Moines Count\'. He was united in marriage with Miss Mahala Doty, Nov. 27, 1859, Rev. G. B. Bowman, President of Cornell College, Mt. Vernon, Linn Co., Iowa, performing the ceremony at the residence of the bride's mother in Linn Countj\ Ephraim Doty, the father of Mrs. Snyder, was born in Ohio County, Va., and wedded Mary Snyder in that State. They removed to Highland County, and thence to Williams County, Ohio, where his death occurred in the autumn of 1844. He was the father of twelve children, the eldest of whom were born in Virginia. His widow came to Iowa the same year, locating at Mt. Vernon, Linn County, where she remained until her death, in August, 1881. Her house was the home of all her fatherless children except the eldest, who married in Ohio. We are pleased to give not onlj* the names, but the wives and husbands of those •children, who were pioneers in Southeastern Iowa : Rachel manned Caleb Richart, who died in phiof Kittie A. became the wife of Barnej' Pettj'court, of Williams Count3\ Ohio: Abner, husband of Mary A. Barnes, died in Western Ne- braska; Mary A. wedded Horatio Wtilker, and resides in Buchanan County, Iowa; Phiebe became the wife of Chauncy Blodgett, of Mt. Vernon, Iowa; Andrew married Hannah McElro}', and was killed at the battle of Champion Hills, where his bodj- was buried; George W. was killed at the bat- tle of Pittsburg Landing, and was burled in the National Cemetery there; Minerva, wife of Joseph S. Cookus, of Crete, Neb. ; Mahala, wife of our subject, is a twin sister of Minerva; Ephraim mar- ried Emily L. Jenks. and resides in Mt. Vernon, and with Ruah, his sister, formed another pair of twins. She wedded Christian Cordes, of the same village, and Eliz.abfth became the wife of Peter H. H. Kepler, also of Mt. Vernon. Six years after the marriage of our subject he removed to Henry Countv and purchased a farm, upon which he now lives. Not a tree was standing =^ i tv I <^ HENRY COUNTY. =4 299 , , uor a furrow tinned uijon this tract, but from the beginning a farm has been made, substantial im- provements erected, and for years Mr. Snyder has been recognized as one of the leading farmers of Canaan Township. Mr. and Mrs. Snyder are the parents of six children: Virginia A., wife of W. H. Deal, of Scott Township; Rachel F., wife of J. H. Forbes, a resident farmer of Crawford, Neb.; Charles W., James P]., Wilbur D. and Howard T., complete the family and are all beneath the paternal roof. Both the daughters were educated at Howe's Academy, and were engaged in teaching in this and Des Moines County prior to their marriage. Since 1865 Mr. Snyder and his family have been honored residents of Canaan Township, and as such we desire to do them justice and give them the credit they deserve for the part taken in the development of this goodly land. -¥3- A J. =£>- t EONARD FARR, a retired f.armer, resides ■ ^ at Mt. Pleasant. He was a pioneer in Iowa ^ of 1841, and has been a resident of Henry County'since 1848. He was born in Huntington, Crittenden. Co., Vt., April 1, 1814, and is the son of Artemas and Mercy (Fitch") Farr. His father was born at Tinraouth, Conn., in 1781, and removed to the wilds of Vermont with his family when but a lad. He was a soldier of the War of 1812, and commanded a company of volunteers at the battle of Plattsburg. A farmer by occupation, he emi- grated to Ohio in 1824, settling in Butler Countj', where he was engaged in his chosen vocation. He came to Iowa at the time of the land sales, in 1839, and purchased claims in Henry County, returned east, and moved to Henry County in 1841, and settled in New London Township. He died near Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, Oct. 18, 1844. The paternal grandfather of Leonard emigrated from Wales to America in Colonial days, and settled in Martha's Vineyard. Leonard's mother, Mercy Fitch Farr, was born in Coventry, Conn. Her father, John Fitch, was also a native of that place, and came of old New England stock. Her mother's father was Maj. Elias Buell, an officer of the war of the nevo- id.—---^—-—-^^— -——___ lutiun. Her uncle, Hon. Jesse Buell, of Coventry, Conn., and later of Albany, N. Y., was a prominent man of his day, being an eminent agriculturist and horticulturist of those early times, the publisher of the pioneer agricultural journal in this countrj', the well-known Culiivator and Country Gentleman, of Albany, N. Y., .and a leading man of that place. The Buell farail}' trace their descent from the nobility of England. William Buell, the founder of the family in America, came from England in the year 1630, and landed at Pl3'mouth Colony, Mass. The family subsequently settled at Coventry, Conn., and to-day their, descendants are to be found in every State in the Union, many of them having distinguished themselves as soldiers. Statesmen, and in the private walks of life. Leonard Farr received his primary education In the district school, and pursued his studies at the Hudson River Seminary, Kinderhook, N. Y., .and at the Burr Seminary, Manchester, Vt. AVhen nineteen years of age he commenced teaching school in Butler County, Ohio, and followed that calling in that count}' until 1838, when he removed to Rushville, Ind., where he was similarly engaged for one year. He spent the years 1839 and 1840 in traveling and teaching in the Southern States. In the latter part of 1840 he located in Augusta County, Va., and taught school in that county until December, 1848. He was married, Feb. 22,1848, to Miss Margaret D. Bush, a daughter of John Bush, a resident of Augusta County, Va. Previ- ous to this time Mr. Farr had made several trips to Henry County, Iowa, the first being in 1841, when he purchased some land. He w.is back and forth afterward three or four times, seeing to its im« provement, and in 1 848 he removed west and made his home at Mt. Pleasant. In 1855 he bought the seminar}' property at Salem, and conducted that insti- tution until the fall of 1856, following which he and his wife traveled east for two years. Returning to Iowa, he settled on his farm near Salem, in Salem Township, where he remained five years, and then moved to the city of Mt. Pleasant, where he has since continued to reside. In his life-work he has been reasonably successful, having at the present time some 1,600 acres of land, 1,300 of which lie in a body in Salem Township. »HB— «<• I- 300 HENRY COUNTY. From its organization until 1870 Mr. F.arr was a member of the Republican party, since which time he has acted with the Greenback part3^ In 1868 he was elected Superintendent of Public Schools of Henry County, and served with his characteristic abilit3' one term. Religiously he is identified with and is a member of the Christian Church, and has contributed liberally to religious and educational institutions. While unpretending and disposed to avoid being thought a philanthropist, he is broad, liberal and humane in his views, and is ever ready to lend himself to the support of worthy objects. He gave twelve acres of land with good buildings to the Christian Church in Mt. Pleasant, the pro- ceeds of which go toward the support of the church, of which he and his wife are prominent members. His home is on the corner of Clay and Marion streets, and a fine view of it is given in this work. Portraits of this well-known citizen and his wife will also be found on preceding pages. ^^MJH*^^^ \f? EVI CAMMOCK, who is now a retired I (© farmer, lesiding in Salem Township, Henry jlL^ Co., Iowa, was born in Greene County, Ohio, Nov. 4, 1815, and is the son of John and Jane (Ilollingsworlh) Cammock. The grandfather, James Cammock, was born in Scotland, but went with his parents to p]ngland, and subsequently, in 1780, to North Carolina, where he was twice mar- ried. His first union was with Ann Inscoe, who was the mother of John Cammock. James Cammock removed to Greene County, Ohio, where he was one of the first settlers. Later he removed to W.ayne County, Ind., and there died. In Greene County, Ohio, John Cammock was man-led and there sevieral of his children were born: Janu'S, who wedded Penina Cook, and after her death Edith Pearson, is a farmer, residing in Ham- ilton County, Ind.; Henry married Sally Horn, and resides in Rush County, Ind.; Levi, our subject, and Ira. In the spring of 1816 John Cammock settled in Wayne County, Ind., and entered eighty acres of land, building his own log cabin, and enduring all the hardships of true pioneer life. Indi- ana was very sparsely settled at that date, but the Cammock families were of the enterjnising kind that soon made homes in the wild woods, and from their toil a competence was in after years secured. Other children were born in that State : Elihu, who mairied Rebecca Wiggs, and afterward Remina, widow of his brother Martin, is a resident of Mar- shalltown, Iowa; Martin, deceased, married Anna Wiggs, and after her death Remina Davis, the lady now the wife of Elihu; Johanna, deceased, married Jesse Morris, and died in Reed County, Ind. ; Elijah, a resident of Hamilton County, Ind., wedded Marj' Jay ; William married Hannah Horn, and resides in Miami C(»unty, Ind.; Sarah wedded Thomas Knight, but after their removal to Iowa she died; Mary died in Indiana, and two other children died in infancy. The parents and ancestors of our subject for generations back were Quakers of the strictest sort. They were among the first of their faith in both North Carolina and Indiana, and in the latter State botii the parents of Levi Cammock were bur- ied. He was left fatherless at thirteen years of age. He was reared on the Indiana farm, and from boy- hood until he left that State was engaged in grub- bing the stumps, felling trees, rolling and burning the logs, and doing everything that a lad could do to aid in clearing up a farm and make a start in life. When his wedding was celebrated, he was barely past his seventeenth birthday, and as the historian is writing Uncle Levi makes the remark, "This is m}- fifty-fourth marriage annivcrsarj', the 19th day of September, 1887. I was married in a Quaker Church, according to their customs." His wife, Elizabetli Frazior, was eighteen months his senior, but during their long lifetime and through all the tribulations and struggles of their earlier years she was ever devoted, tender and true. Uncle Levi says the}' had not a dollar in the woild but were fully determined to make the best of life, let come what would. Mrs. Cammock's mother w.ns a widow, and owned eighty acres (if land, upon one corner of which Levi built a pole cal)in, and Jlrs. Frazler gave them a few things to commence housekeeping with. He relates with glee how he had to make rails at tlilrtj'-sevcn cents perlnindrcd to [lav for his wedding clothes, but notwithstanding all this, the}' prospered. ^m-<»' * 4 t i HENRY COUNTY. 301 Deciding to move further west, we will follow for a time their fortune. Uncle Levi states: "We left our little cabin in the green woods May 10» 1837, having a good wife, two little children, and an old wagon to which was hitched three yoke of small young cattle." In his pockets reposed twelve silver dollars, and it was his intention to return if |6 of the same were spent when his journej' was half completed. There were forty-five souls in the colony that were en route to Iowa, all Quakers, and a herd of cattle and hogs was driven by members of the party in the rear of the caravan. The roads were not graded, nor were man}' of the streams bridged, but day after Any the troops made prog- ress, yet the trip required almost six weeks. They crossed the Mississippi at Ft. Madison, June 14, 1837, and camped on this side of the river. That night a steamboat came up the river and frightened the stock, causing a general stampede, and the}- were all the next day in getting them together again. The next night the company reached West Point, and as it looked like rain, on account of his wife and children Mr. Cammock concluded to sleep in the hotel. This was a log house with a sod chimney, which on top was surmounted with a salt barrel to add to its height and give it a better draught. Mr. Cammock looked over his cash, found $1, and when the bill was paid next morning received seventy -five cents in change, which consti- tuted the capital from which he later built up an immense landed estate. The next night the party encamped within sight of where we are now writ- ing. Aunt Polly Pugh was then in her new cabin, of which mention is made elsewhere, it being the onl3' house in sight. The horses and cattle were turned loose to range across the prairies, where until that time nothing fed except wild deer and wolves, and the white man had scarcely a dwelling- place. The next day was spent in visiting Uncle Aaron Street, who lived farther up the Little Ce- dar. On Monday the wagons were unloaded, and Levi, Thomas Cook, and Mrs. Frazier's families, made one household for the season. They at once went to work, and by Saturdaj' week had the cabin built in Salem on a lot donated by Mr. Street. The last seventy-five cents owned by Levi purchased corn meal, and again he was even with the world. He was furnished with money by the neighbors, and started back to Illinois with his oxen for meal. He made two trips for meal and one for bacon during the fall. He then went to Adams County, 111., for hogs, in company with Henry Johnson. They drove them home, buttheir trip made in three days was a terrible one. Over night the wolves would fight with them and a continuous squealing and howling was kept up. His boots were carried on his arm, and the long frozen prairie grass cut the woolen stockings from his feet as he trudged over the frozen ground, but he persevered and brought in the stock. He paid §12 for a bushel of salt to cure his meat, and that winter salt was worth $60 per barrel. He turned his cattle on brush along Skunk River during the winter and spring, and in the spring of 1838 bought a claim on the half section where he now resides, upon which he built a cabin-. That fall the land came into market, and Mr. Cammock and other men in the neighbor- hood went to Burlington to attend the land sale. Scarcely any of them had a dollar, but they in- tended getting money of brokers at Burlington, paying fifty per cent, but b}- good luck Mr. Cam- mock's uncle, Reuben, arrived at the same time with $100 belonging to Levi, who, by borrowing $100 from Jones Richey at fifty per cent, entered one and one-fourth sections. He became a very prosperous man, and during his business life was one of the largest dealers in stock in Southeastern Iowa. He has 'owned thirteen 80-acre tracts of land during his residence here, and has put under fence and cultivation since coming, 15,000 acres, building four good houses, and at one time owned 640 acres in one body. His kindliness of heart has, however, caused him the loss of almost his entire fortune. Security debts by the thousands of dol- lars melted it away like snow before a summer's sun. For one man he paid $20,000 and for others larger amounts. The home of Levi Cammock was always rioted for its hospitality, and his genial manner and their well-spread board were known to all both far and wide. The death of his first wife occurred in 1865. Every pioneer grieved when that most estimable lady passed from earth. She was tender, kind and true. Her love of home, devotion to her husband, a^ HB v^ ^^»^ll ■» 302 HENRY COUNTY. •-*H^- f children .aiu) friends, was an axiom in tliis comnin- nit}'. She was the mother of three sons and six daughtei's, all of whom are married except one daugliter who is deceased. On the 9lh of September, 1865, he was again married, to Ann Wilcoxon, who has borne him one daughter, Laura B. The blood of Levi Cammock flows in the veins of fifty grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren; all the latter are sons. Who can air a prouder name than a Cammock.'' Who has done more to develop and support tiiis countj' with her schools, her churches and her colleges than our subject? Methinks not one. In a lifetime of almost half a century he has wielded an influence in this community unsurpassed by any man a resident of Salem Township. Business, and nothing but business, has been his watchword. In conclusion, he is now seventy 3'ears of age, has never used tobacco in any form, never tasted anj' kind of spirits, tea or coffee, and never used a pair of spectacles. He is to-day mentally as brilliant as when thirty years of age, and despite his reverses of fortune is the same hale, genial, Levi Cammock as in the pioneer days of 1837. ^ OHN SAVAGE, farmer, was born in North- amptonshire, England, Jan. 22,1838, and is a son of William and Marj' (Worrall) Sav- age. William Savage was born in the same shire, and Mary, his wife, in Warwickshire, in the city of Coventry. William and his father, John Savage, Sr.. were both tailors, and during a long term of years William worked in London and Birmingham. In London his marriage was celebrated Aug. 4, 1829, at St. Pancreas Church, in the county of Mid- dlesex. In London their first son, John, was born, whose death occurred in infancy. Not long after- ward Mr. Savage removed to Northamptonshire, to Greens-Norton, where Rosa, who is now the wife of David Burton, of Salem, was born. Rosa's birth was followed by that of Mary, wife of Ed- ward Simkin, a carpenter of Salem, formerly a farmer. Then came John, our subject, and Thomas W., deceased, who was wounded during the late war, his death occurring eleven da3-s after. He was a member of Company K, 19th Iowa Regi- ment, and had been but two months in the service when his death occurred, he having not yet reached his majority. The Savage family removed from England to America, landing in New York May 1, 1 846, after a voyage lasting two months. His un- cle, Samuel Savage, was one of the leading Friends in the township of Venice, Cayuga Co., N. Y., and to that point William made his way. The family were warmly welcomed, and Samuel, who was also a tailor, advised William to locate in the same town- ship, on the Poplar Ridge Road. William engaged in business there for nine \'ears. Our subject was then a lad grown old enough to work, and his father's trade was too confining for the boy, so he engaged at farm work for a farmer living in the neighbor- hood, at $1..50 per month, and liking it very much, he prevailed upon his parents to go farther west, and in 18')5 the family removed to Iowa, making a landing at Burlington. Dr. Thomas Siveter, a well-known resident of Salem, had been somewhat in correspondence with Mr. Savage, and being also a native of England, tendered the hospitalities of his home to the famil3' until they could look over the countrj-. The offer was accepted, and a team carried them to Salem soon after their arrival at Burlington. The next day rooms were rented in Salem, and William and our subject drove over the country and selected the tract now the home farm (if John Savage. The family removed within a few days to their new home, consisting of a small house of two rooms and thirty acres of cleared land, and in the same year an ox-team was purchased and in the autumn of 1 8o5 the first crop was harvested. The parents both lived and died on this farm, and for several years prior to the death of the father John managed the place. The family' were only in moderate cir- cuiostances, but their last days were spent in an easy manner. William Savage and his wife were devoted Christi.ins. For man}' 3'ears he was a leader of the Methodist Episcopal class at Wesle}" Chapel, near Salem. The marriage of John Savage to Miss Tacy D., daughter of Walter and Sarah Crew, was celebrated Oct. 24, 1862; she was born Sept. 14, 1834. (An ■► t ►-fll^^^ =4 HENRY COUNTY. 303 interesting histoiy of her family appears elsewhere.) The domestic life of our subject and his young wife was begun on the farm of Charles Poulter, his brother-in-law, he, liowever, managing the farm of his father. One year later he completed a room in the Savage residence, and brought his young wife to the farm upon which they have since lived, and all their children except Nellie, the eldest daughter, were born in the old farmhouse of their grand- father. The famil}' was composed of eleven chil- dren— Nellie M., Jennie T.; Thomas E. and Alice S., twins; Walter H. and William, twins, the lat- ter deceased ; Sarah, deceased ; then William C. and John R., twins, Samuel M. and David L. After the death of his parents our subject became sole owner of the homestead. He had, however, purchased other lands, and his successors have since added man}' broad acres to his domain. The children old enough to learn have a substantial education, and Jennie, Alice and Thomas hold certificates entitling them to teach in the schools of this county. Thomas and Jennie have both been engaged in that profession, the former now having charge of a school. Several terms were taken by them in Whittier Col- lege and in tlie schools of Salem, and we are pleased to observe that the children of such parents have all a literary taste. Mr. Savage had secured a good education before his parents came to this State, and prior to his mar- riage he had taught several terms of school in this county, the first of which was in what was known as District No. 7, which is now consolidated with another. Continuously, with two exceptions, Mr. Savage tauglit for seventeen consecutive winters, and many of the middle-aged residents in this township were former students under his tutel- age. For many years Mr. Savage has been a mem- ber of the School Board, and a long while before and until the school districts became independent, he was Treasurer of the School District Township Board of .Salem. In 1883 he was elected Assessor of Salem 'I'ownship, serving two years. Mr. Savage now gives his entire attention to the management of his farms, which have increased from a 60-acre tract in 1871, to 340 acres in 1887. This is indic- ative of his energy and good management, and few men have a better business record. Politically, -4*^ he has acted with the Republican party sinc§ its organization, but of late has leaned strongly to the cause of prohibition, of which he is an ardent advo- cate. Mrs. Savage has for some time past been an inva- lid, but bears her suffering with Christian pa- tience and resignation. By birthright, she was a member of the Society of Friends. She has ever proved herself a sincere Christian, a faithful and devoted wife and loving mother. 'i^^- trade. F. MORRIS is a merchant and dealer in stock in the new town of Coppack, where he and his wife do the principal business in the mercantile, stock, grain and millinery Mr. Morris is a native of Indiana, born near Knightstown, Henry County, in 1840. His fatiier, Benjamin F. Morris, died in that State, and with the widowed mother our subject came to Jef- ferson County, Iowa, in 1857. She was a Miss Catherine Williams, and was the mother of ten children: Lucinda, now wife of William Huddle- son; Hannah, deceased wife of Joseph Wiggins; Levi, husband of Mrs. Sarah (Tracy) Flannigan; William, wedded to Miss HoUingsworth ; Lavina, wife of David Hoilopeter; Cyrus, who wedded Ra- chel Echroid; Martin, the husband of Minnie Williams; Benjamin F., our subject; Kate, who died unmarried; and Louisa, the wife of Thaddeus Cooper, completed the number, all of whom, except Lucinda, Louisa and Hannah, came to Iowa. The family removed from Jefferson County, and located near Brighton, Washington County, the mother finally selling her place and living with her chil- dren. She died in Keokuk County, where Keota now stands. Our subject, Benjamin F. Morris, w.as engaged in farming in Washington County until 1867, when he bought a farm near Sigourney, Keokuk Co., Iowa, which he sold two years later, removing to West Grove, Davis Co., Iowa, and emiiarkiiig in mercantile pursuits. A few years later he sold out and rented the farm of his wife's father in Jef- ferson County. Two years later he bought the lat- ter's business at Brighton, which he carried on there : «^ i t -4^ ■•► t 304 HENRY COUNTY. for a year, then removing to Wayland, in this county, in which village he and his wife remained in business for nearly ten years, then selling out and going back to his own farm in Jefferson Township. Farming did not satisfi' his energetic temperament, and in 1886 he built his present store in the new vil- lage of Coppack, adjoining the depot of the Iowa Central Railroad, where he is doing a flourishing trade. In October, 1866, he was married to Eliza A. Wood, a daughter of Charles and Catharine (Freder- ick) Wood, of Jefferson County, both natives of Ohio, coming from that to this State in 1 840, making them among the earlj' settlers of Jefferson Coimtj-. There Mrs. Morris was born, reared, educated and married. Mr. Morris now owns 450 acres of land in a bod}", adjoining the village of Coppack. Mrs. Morris was the first lady who did a millinery busi- ness at Wayland, and also in the future history' of Coppack can claim the same distinction. .She is a practical business ladj', and during her girlhood was a teacher for three years in Washington, Jeffer- son and Henry Counties. For twenty years she has aided her husband as clerk and counselor, and while he purchases and ships grain and stock, she man- ages the store and office of the Iowa Central Rail- road, of which he is Station Agent. They carry a stock of general merchandise of over $4,000, and do an annual trade of perhaps $9,000. No heirs have come to grace their home, but the}' are rearing a nephew, Charles Frederick, a son of Martin Mor- ris. In connection with his other business, Mr. Morris manages his extensive farm, and this is indic- ative of his enterprise, and also adds to his bank account. We are pleased to welcome Mr. and Mrs. Morris to a place in this volume. HARLES L. MOREHOUS, editor and pro- prietor of the Jit. Pleasant Evening Nev:s and Weekly Independent, was born in the State of New York June 13, 1830. His parents were among the early settlers in Ohio, to which State they removed in 1833, going to New York in 1835, and returning to Ohio in 1839. In 1853 they re- moved to Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, our subject coming with them. His father, George W. Morehous, was a cattle-dealer and stockman, but since coming to V this count}' has principally lived a retired life. He is still living, in his eighty-eighth year, in Wash- ington, Iowa, of which place he has been a resident for over thirty years. His mother, whose name was Elizabeth Ann, died in 1886, aged eighty-six years. George W. Morehous is a prominent and honored member of the Masonic fraternity. He was the projector and principal oi'ganizer of Henry Chap- ter No. 8, R. A. M., in Mt. Pleasant. He has been a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church for nearly sixty-five years. Mr. and Mrs. Morehous were the parents of twelve children, of whom the following-named five are deceased : Lucretia, Cor- nelius B., Abigail, George W., and an unnamed in- fant. The survivors are: Philo D., a resident of Washington, Iowa, where he has kept a hotel for twenty-five years; Alice Ann, wife of Rev. Cad- wallader, living at Jacksonville, Fla. ; George W. (2d), who is a mine owner at Star City, Utah, was foreman of the grand jury which indicted John D. Lee ; John W., a fanner at Nephi, Utah, was Deputy Sheriff at the time of the conviction of Lee : Rosana, widow of William Timberlake, now living in Har- rison County, Ohio; Parker A., an engineer living at Baraboo, Wis., and Charles L., our subject. The latter learned the trade of a printer at Rochester, N. Y., and has been connected with it all his mature life, and since his removal to Iowa has been con- nected with many newspaper enterprises. In 1859 he removed to Washington, Iowa. In 1865 he went to Ft. Madison, and established there the ' Democrat^ a Republican paper, which he conducted until 1868, when he sold it out and returned to Mt. ; Pleasant, which he has ever since considered his I home, and where his family have liveil most of the I time. In 1869 Mr. Morehous established the Salem Register, and in 1872 the Mt. Pleasant Daily Re- porter, which lie sold in 1880, and in the year 1881 began the publication of the Enterprise, in Iledrick, Keokuk Co., Iowa. His next venture was the Journal, at Williamsburg. Iowa County, which he began in 1883. Returning to Mt. Ple.isant. he es- tablished the Daily News and Weekly Independent, the first number being issued Dec. 26, 1884. He is still at tlie helm of these enterprises, and the Neivs is a bright newsy afternoon paper, which Mt. Pleas- ant people could not now do without. i ■<*■ i 4 HENRY COUNTY. 305 Mr. Morehous was married, Dec. 24, 1853, to Elizal)eth A., daughter of William and Sarah E. Meredith. She wasboru in Indiana, Feb. 18, 1832. Her father was a machinist by trade, and removed from Greensbnrgto Mt. Pleasant in the fall of 1850' In 1 852 he started for California, but died of cholera when near Ft. Laramie. His widow continued to live in Mt. Pleasant, where she died in May, 1875, at the age of sixtv-S(^ven. Tiie union of Mr. and Mrs. Morehous was blessed with three children. The oldest son, James Frank- lin, is married to Nellie Clark, whose parents came to Henr3- County from Boston, and lived here a few years, when they returned to Massachusetts, where both now reside. James F. has one child, named Ethel. A daughter, Laura Belle, is the wife of At- wood T. Porter, and a resident of Canton, 111. The youngest of the family is Frederick D., who is mar- ried, assists his father on the newspaper, and lives with his pai-ents. Mr. Morehous and wife are estima- ble people, wht) have the respect of all who know them. a^/ C. MARTIN, a farmer residing on section JU 10, Jefferson Township, Henry Co., Iowa, jTli ^^'■is born in Greene Count}-, Pa., April 8, ijl 1834, and is a son of Bonham and PhcBbe (Conkling) Martin, both natives of Greene County, Pa., where the}' were reared and married. The origin of the family is presumably German, as the grandparents spoke the German language. Louis Martin was the grandfather of our suliject, and both himself and wife lived and died in Greene County, they each being over ninety years of age. They reared a family consisting of James, Daniel, William, John, Bonham, Hannah, Mar^- and Bettie. All of these were married except Mary, but Bon- ham, the father of our subject, is the oul^y one who came to Iowa. Perliaps none of these children are living, at least no obtainable facts can be secured. All the children of Bonham Martin and wife were born in Greene County, Pa., and with the excep- tion of the two eldest, came with their parents to this State in the spring of 1845. All finally be- came residents, however, of Henry County . of whom A. C. Martin is the only representative in this State. Bonham Martin entered the southeast quar- ter of section 1, in Jefferson Township, this county, but really began making a farm and home on the east half of section 11, but this was entered after his settlement bj- another man, and Bonham had to purchase it of the man, although b}^ right its real possessor. The tract on section 1 , and au 80-acre tract in Washington County, were entered with a soldier's warrant, which two of his sons improved, the father making his home during the remainder of his lifetime on section 11. For almost thirty years Bonham Martin resided on that ti-act. His wife died in 1865, aged sixty-eight 3-ears. Ten children graced the union. Susannah, now deceased, the eldest daughter, married Henry Ro6p in Penn- sylvania; they removed to this county and later to Schuyler County, Mo., where her death occurred. Louis died in Pennsylvania unmarried: Ananias also mari'ied in Pennsylvania, Margaret McCormick becoming his wife; her death occurred in Ore- gon, where he yet resides, and is the husband of Mrs. E. T. Mitchell. Daniel wedded Rachel Pech- over, and resides in Schuyler Countj-. Mo.; James M. became the husband of Caroline Mathew, also of Schuyler Count}-. Mo., then comes our subject, followed b}- Simon, who wedded Adeline Mathew; Elizabeth wedded Amos Adams, of Jefferson Town- ship; two children, Samuel and David, died in Penn- sylvania, which completes the family. After the death of his wife, Bonham Martin married Miss Ester ileyer, of Washington, in Washington County, who became the mother of two children: Ella, wife of Silas B. White, of Keokuk County; and Frank, now a lad of twelve years. The death of Bonham Martin occurred in 1876, being then in his seventy- seventh year. His widow yet resides in Washing- ton. Iowa. A. C. Martin, our subject, was married, Dec. 25, 1856, to Miss Sadie M. Matthews, whose parents, Madison and Lanah (Coleman) Matthews, came from Gallia, Ohio, to this county in 1849, locating on section 2, Jefferson Tosvnship. bringing two chil- dren, Sadie M. and Ester C. After their coming four other children were born — Charlotte, Brazilla. Catherine E. and Emma R. The parents are yet living ou the same section, where for thirty-seven 4 f -4^ 306 .1 \ HENRY COUNTY. years everything wliich brings joy and happiness to a home has been theirs. All their chiklren are married : Ester is the wife of W. W. Woods, of Jef- ferson Township; Charlotte became the wife of Harvey Leeper; Catherine is the wife of Andrew Johnson ; and Emma is the wife of Harvey John- son, no relation to Andrew. Our subject and his j'oung wife began their domes- tic life on section 12 in Jefferson Township, remain- ing there until 1873, when his present home farm was purchased. The history of the family is that of a successful one. The eldest child of A. C. and Mrs. Martin is Mary L., wife of William Nichols, of Yam Hill County, Ore.; Elmer wedded Mary Johnson, a sister of Andrew, and lives with our subject near Wayland ; Cora completes those of the children living. Madison B., named in honor of his two grandsires, died in infancy. We need only add that this faniil}' have always been foremost in enterprise, in moral and social life, and that their home near Wayland is one of the most commodi- ous and pleasant ones in the neighborhood. In 1884 Mr. Martiu served his township as Trustee, and his olBcial acts were such as made him the choice of his party in 1887 for the same position. In Jefferson Township there is a large Republican majority, but he was only defeated by eight votes. He was for several j'ears a member of the School Board, and his only son completed his education at Howe's Academy in 1880. This son is the f.ather of two children — Edwin Richard and Maxie G. The daughter. Mar}' L., is the mother of Martin M., Wellman 1). and Blanche M. #••#► I t -v-^ JETER M. ANDERSON is a farmer, resid- ) ingon section 2!), Wayne Township, Henry Co., Iowa. ( )ne of the prominent families I \ and one of the most substantial men of Wayne Township is our subject, who was born in Kristeanstad, Sweden, in 1830, and is a son of N. B. and Nellie (Christianson) Anderson. The father of our subject died wiien Peter was four years of age. The widowed mother was left with three small children — Peter, Christi.ana, and a son who died in childhood. The niolher is yet a resident of ^0- • Sweden and finds a home with her daughter, who married a soldier, Mr. Lindo, who is 3'et a member of the regular army. Peter Anderson was adopted b3' his uncle, Hans Malm, who lived in the village mentioned. He learned the trade of brick-making, and in 1854 decided to try his fortune in America, He made the voyage in a sailing-vessel, the trip between Liverpool and Quebec lasting eight weeks. Peter had just enough money to pay his passage to Galesburg, 111., where he secured work with a farmer, and two years later went to Biggsville, 111., where after two years he was married, Miss Mary !Malmburg becoming his wife. The young couple began life upon a rented farm, Peter's earthly i)OS- sessions at that time consisting of a team and wagon, and for seven years they prospered, and when they left Illinois in 18G7 he brought monej' enough, the result of their thrift, to buy the farm upon which they now live. This for a score of years has been their home, and here their children have gi'own to man and womanhood, and here all except the three eldest were born. Here they have become impor- tant factors in the church and in society, and as Peter and his good wife near the meridian of life, they feel that a useful and hap]n' wedded life has been theirs. Their children are — Edwin O., Charles E., John M., Minnie D., Joseph A., Nellie, Bertha, Tillie and Lilian J. The two eldest ;50ns have taken a classical course at Howe's Academy. Charles is a clerk in a dry-goods store at Mt. Ple.asant; Edwin is with Keys & Bros., hardware dealers of Red Oak, Iowa. All the others are residents beneath the pater- nal roof. Mrs. Anderson w.as also born in Sweden, and is a daughter of John and Christiana (Nelson) Jlalm- burg, who were married in Sweden, and were the parents of seven children before thej- left their native land for America. The}' sailed in 1863 and settled in Biggsville, where their daughter lived. There the father died seven years later, and the mother survived until 1887, and died in Red Oak, Iowa, at the age of eighty-five. Three of their children are living: Andrew, who resides in Gl.ad- stone, 111., the husband of Helena Knutstrom ; John, residing at Red Oak, Iowa, is a grocery mercluant, and the husband of Sophia Haugland; and Mrs. Anderson completes the family. Of her and her -^-m^^ i t -^•- ■•► HENRY COUNTY. 309 family we are pleased to make mention. Their home is a pleasant one, and books, music, and all the evidences of wealth and culture grace that home. All this too has been brought about in a few j'ears, for when they were married only a few dollars composed their united fortune. W ■B,ILLIAM F. NIXON. J. P., a wealthy and ■' influential farmer, residing on section 17, \i/% Marion Township, was born in Washing- ton County. Ind.. April 2G, 1824, and is the 5i>n of Foster and Susanna (.Jordan) Nixon. They were natives of North Carolina, and to them were born six children: Thomas died in Helena, Ark.: Zach- ariah died in Washington County, Ind., in 1886; AVilliara F., of Mt. Pleasant; Benjamin T., a silver- smith of Louisville, Kj-. ; Cyrus, editor of the Chanute (Kan.) Times; Margaret, deceased. The father with his two eldest children removed to Washington County', Ind., in 1825, where he was engaged in mercantile business, and in partnership with his brother was running the Nixon Mills at the time of his death, which occurred in 1832. He was a man full of energy and life, and no enter- pi'ise was undertaken by him but what it was ac- complished. At one time while shipping a boat load of goods to New Orleans he was robbed of $1,000; the monej' was recovered, but being a very tender-hearted man, he did not prosecute the of- fender. Foster Nixon was a fine business man, and was highly respected in the community. By his death the family lost a kind and indulgent parent, and the couuty of Washington a good citizen. Mrs. Nixon was again married, to Jehosaphat Mor- ris, and bj- him she had one child. Mr. iiorris died in 1872. She was united in marriage, the third time, with Levi Knight. Mrs. Knight yet resides in Washington Count}-, Ind., at the advanced .age of ninety, and is a wonderfull}' preserved lad}- for her age, being able to take care of her own house. She was clerk of the Society- of Friends for many years, of which she and her three husbands were all mem- bers. Our subject lived with his mother until the age of seven, when he was adopted b}' his grandfather Nixon, living there until the age of twenty. After whipping the wheat out of the straw to feed the cattle he trudged off to the little log school-house, where he received his education. Ater the death of his grandfather, in 1844, he bought the old mills, taking charge of them for about a year, but was forced to quit this business on account of illl- health, and selling out, he went to work by the month, receiving but 19 per month. On the 17th day of March, 1847, he led to the marriage altar Miss Nancy J. Davis; who was born in Washing- ton County. Ind., Jan. 20, 1833, and was the daughter of Farlow and Sophia (Spoon) Davis, natives of North Carolina. Three weeks after their marriage Mr. Nixon and his young wife started for Henrj- Couuty, Iowa, traveling from Keokuk to Henry County in wagons. Settling in Marion Township he rented a farm for four years, and in 1851 he bought forty acres of land on section 17. He erected a little log cabin in which thej- began housekeeping, living here until the bre^ikiug out of the Rebellion, when he enrolled his name among the manj- brave boys of the 4th Iowa Cavalry. For many wear}- months he lay sick in the hospital, and was discharged after having been in the service for three years and six months. Returning home he again turned his attention to farming, adding to his first purchase until he now has 120 acres of fine land, all under cultii-ation. The little log cabin has long since given place to a beautiful two-story resi- dence, and the little saplings have developed into large, stately trees. Mr. Nixon began life a poor man, but with the aid of his estimable wife, who has truly been a helpmeet to him, he hai become indepen lent. They ai-e the parents of five children : Margaret, born Feb. 23, 1849, died in .September, 1854. .She had gone with her father on a visit to the old home, when she was taken sick and died on the re- j turning journey. Sophia, who was born March 21. 1851. is the wife of John Cubbison, and to them two children have been born — Vinnie and Frank; Benjamin F., born March 27, 1855, is in partnership with his brother-in-law, John Cubbison. in the mercantile business at Fairmont, Neb. : .Sarah Belle, born M.ay 2, 1858. is the wife of Levi Miller, a farmer of Cheyenne Couuty. Neb., and to them 0^ t -^•- 310 HENRY COUNTY. have been born three sons — Charles, Jesse and Ira D. ; Enoch D., born Jan. 28, 1866, is now clerking in a store at Fairmont, Neb. Politically Mr. Nixon is a Republican; he has hekl many township offices of trust with credit to iiimself, and to the satisfaction of his contituents, and is now serving his fourth term as Justice of the Peace, having held the office for six jears. Mr. Nixon has given iiis children good educations, and all of them have been teachers in the eountj'. Mrs. Nixon is a great worker in the temperance cause. They are both members of the Methodist Episcopal Cliurch, and have tlie respect of all who know them, and they are always ready with their time and money to aid in all charitable, temperance and church work. In him tiie poor find a helper, and his acquaintances a noble friend. ^:^EORGE W. MARTIN, residing on section III g— , 23, Marion Township, was born Nov. 25, ^^Ij 1809, in Fredericksburg, Lebanon Co., Pa. His parents, Frederick and Sarah (Wolf) Martin, were natives of Pennsylvania, but of English ancestry, and to them were born four children : Will- iam, deceased, whose widow now resides in Potts- ville, Pa. ; Jesse died at the age of eighty-one in Fredericlvsburg, Pa.; Sarah, wife of Jacob Hoffe^', a resident of Fredei-icksburg, Pa.; our subject is the fdurlli child in order of birth. His fathei' died at the age of fifly-one and liis motlier at the age of forty-five, in Fredericksburg, Pa. They were both members of fhe Presbyterian Church, and took great interest in ;ill the chiu'ch work. Mr. Martin held the offices of Surveyor and Recorder of Public Deeds, and was celebi-ated far and near for his ex- cellent pcnmanshii). He was a line scholar, though entirely a self-erniiig and evening. His parents died when he was thirty years of age. In 1830 he wedded Miss Mary Pefley, a native of Lebanon County, Pa., born in 1809. Four children have graced their union: Josiah, a resident of Delaware, Pa.; Sarah A., wife of Jerrj' Martin, a bricklayer in Sharaokin, Pa.; William, who has been married twice, his first wife being Marj' Bealer, and to them were born a son and daughter, Thornton and Ida; Mrs. William Martin died in 1880, and he was again united in marriage, with Mrs. Elizabeth Baxter, and now resides in Marion Township. Rebecca, wife of Joseph Howard, a resi- dent of Mt. Pleasant. Mary, the mother of these children, died in 1842 in Pottsville, Pa. Mr. Martin was a second time united in marriage, on the 21st of December, 1843, to Miss Eliza Bird, a native of Catawissa, Pa., and b}' this union there were seven children: Emma, wife of Alva Lindley, a resident of IMt. Pleasant; Grace, at home; George, a farmer near Hastings, Neb., wedded Mary Reed ; Elliot P. married Emily Orr, now residing at Plattsmouth, Neb. ; Maggie, wife of Collins Lindley, a farmer in T.aylor County, Iowa : Charles, a resident of Platts- mouth, Neb., was united in marriage with Susan Greusel; Mary, wife of Robert Garard, residing near Plattsmouth, Neb. Mrs. Martin dei);uted this life March 5, 1876. She was a kiTid mother, a de- voted member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and was greatly esteemed by all. Mr. Martin's thlid union w.as with Mrs. William Ogg, and her maiden n.ame was Sabina J. Frame. She was born in Laporte County, Ind., Feb. 24, 1838, and by her first husband she had two children: Nellie and Jennie, who are l)Oth at home. I?y this third union there is but one child, ClilToid. In 1856 Mr. Martin came to Henry County, purchasing eight}' acres of laud, on which he still resides. He now owns ICO acres of :is finely im- proved land as there is in the county. He has been a hard wc)rker and all that he now possesses lias lieen made by his own industry. He and his es- timable wife are members of the Methodist Episco- pal Church. Mr. Martin has always borne his part in every public enterprise, and in jiolitics casts his vote with the Republican part}'. Being honest and upright, in all he undertakes, Mr. Martin has the rcspfft of ;UI. .Mr. William Ogg was born Sept. 23, 1834, and w:is Mrs. Martin's first husband, ;ind father of Nel- ■» 1 >^m<»' U HENRY COUNTY. 311 ►4- lie and Jennie. Mr. Ogg enlisted in Company K, ■4tU low.i Cavalry, Oct. 5, 1861, at Mt. Pleasant, and was discharged from the United States service Dec. 18, 1863, at Yicksburg, Miss., by reason of re- enlistment on the 19th of December, 1863, at Vicksburg. He served until Aug. 8, 1865, and was discharged at Atlanta, Ga., after serving nearly four years. His death occurred at Mt. Pleasant, March "23, 1871, of consumption, contracted while in the army. \||AMES M. MITTS, prominent among the 1 well-to-do farmers and stock-raisers, resides I on section 19, Marion Township, Henry ^^|// Co., Iowa, and was born in Center Town- ship, this county, April 6, 1837. He is the' son of .James and Martha (Moffett) Mitts. His father was born July 11, 1807, and his mother March 5, 1809. Her maiden name was Moffett, and she was first married to Calvin Stevenson, by whom she had one child, whose name was also Calvin, who is now a farmer of Marion Town- ship. After the death of her first husband Mrs. Stevenson married Mr. James Mitts, by whom she had thirteen children, eight of whom are now liv- ing. The record is : William, born in Sangamon County, 111., Aug. 5, 1832, now resides on a farm in Macon County Mo.; John, born Feb. 5, 1834, in Sangamon County, 111., died about the j-ear 1872; Thomas Calvin Stevenson, born April 30, 1833; James M. and Margaret J., born April 6, 1837, in Henr3' Count\-, Iowa; Margaret married Stephen M. Cook, M. D., and now resides at Belle Plaine; Sarah M., wife of John W. Lee, was born Nov. 9, 1839, and resides on a farm in Trenton Township; George H. was born July 18, 1841, and was married to Lyda Ogg, who died in March, 1865; he was again mnrried,to Hettie McCormick, and now resides in Wichita, Kan. Mary E., bom March 25, 1843, was the wife of Wesley Allender, a farmer of Marion Township; she is now de- ceased. Abraham W., born Nov. 8, 1846, died at the age of two years; Franklin, born June 5, 1847, is now a farmer of Barber County, Kan.; Oscar and Osbert, born Oct. 20, 1849; Osbert died in 1875, and Oscar is a farmer in Marion Township, and his wife was Elizabeth Ogg, Mar- tha L., wife of James Logston, was born Dec. 29, 1852, and now resides on a farm in Trenton Town- ship. James Mitts, Sr., moved from Kentucky to San- gamon County, 111., about the year 1831, where he remained until 1837, when he removed to Henry County, Iowa, and first settled on the farm now owned by Thomas Carnes, in Center Township. Thus Mr. Mitts was a pioneer settler of both Illinois and Iowa, moving with teams from Ken- tucky to Illinois, and in the same year from there to Iowa. He made a fine farm of his first settle- ment, which he sold, and then bought 158 acres in Marion Township, which is now owned by David Harper. Mr. Mitts was of a retiring dis- position, but a man who won the hearts of all with whom became in contact. His death occurred Julj' 13, 1884, and that of his wife Jan. 10, 1865. They were both earnest and devoted members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, he being a member for forty-five years, and she for thirtj'. Thej' were ver3' active in both churcli and .Sunday-school work, and instructing their children in the teachings of the Bible, and were always read3' to help along any enterprise of worth. James M. Mitts, Jr., spent his early life at home on the farm, getting his education in the common schools of early days in Henry County-. His home has been in this countj- for over fift}' years, and he has seen the county pass from a state of wildness to the condition when a church and school-house grace each hilltop, and fine farmhouses and well- filled barns have taken the place of the log cabin and straw shed. At the breaking out of the Rebel- lion Mr. Mitts did not stop to debate as to what was his duty, but at once offered his services to his country, and enlisted in Company K, 4th Iowa Cav- alry, for three years. His first four engagements were at the siege of Vicksburg; he was in both en- gagements at Jackson, Miss., also at Black River, and was in the campaign in Missouri when tlicy drove Price out of the State; was with Grant and Sherman in their campaign through Louisiana and Mississippi and at Mechanicsburg, also in the chase after the rebel General, Forrest. He was with •^ fl A ■^*- 312 •> ■- HENRY COUNTY. 'the regiment in all its engagements, except for four months, during which time he was in the hospital at Keokuk, with a low grade of fever. After serving three 3-ears and two months he was mustered out at Memphis, Tenn., and received his discharge at Cairo, 111. After returning home he again turned his atten- tion to farming. On the 23d of March, 18G5, he was united in marriage with Miss Elizabeth Mus- grove, who was born in Clark County, HI., June 18, 1837. .She is a daughter of Henr}' and Eliza- beth (Croy) Musgrove. Her father was from Vir- ginia, and her mother from Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Mitts' union has been blessed with seven children : James H. was born July 3, 186fi; Mary F., born Sept. 12, 18G7; Martha L., born April 18, 1870; Anna A., born Oct. 29, 1871, and died Aug. 14, 1873; one died in inf.ancy; William A., born May 23, 1882, .and Nellie May, Oct. 24, 1883. Mr. Mitts owns a farm of 132 acres, where he has lived since February, 186G. He and his wife are both active members of the Methodist Epis- copal Church, and he is also a member of the Tren- ton Lodge No. 55, 1. O. O. F., and of McFarland Post No. 20, G. A. R., of Mt. Pleasant. In politics he is a Republican, and takes an active interest in church and political matters. ENRY MUSGROVE, deceased, a minister of the Christian Church, was born May 23, 1800, and w.as united in marriage to Eliza- (^) bclh Croy Nov. 1, 1820. He was a native of Virginia and his wife was a native of Ohio. By this union there were born unto them seven children : John, born April 21, 1823, who enlisted in the 25tli Iowa Volunteer Infantry', and died in the service of his country; Keziah, widow of W. M. R. Forbes, was born Sept. 5, 1825; Henjamin B., born Feb. 5, 1827, died March 6, 185G; Henry, born March 20, 1829, died in 1876; Tabitha, born April 27, 1832, died in 1881 ; Christopher, born March 3,1834, died May 2, 1847; .Elizabeth, born June 18, 1837. Mr. ]\Iusgrove and family moved to Illinois in 1836, where they remained until 1855, when they removed to Henry County, Iowa, where the}* m.ade their home until the time of their death. They resided in Mt. Pleasant until a few 3-ears before their death, when they went to live with their daughter and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. James Mitts, of Marion Township. Mr. Musgrove de- parted this life in September, 1869, and his wife in April, 1870. He devoted manj' years of his life to the preaching of the Gospel as taught by the Apostles, in its primitive truth and holiness, and under his teachings many were led to seek that better way which leads to life eternal. 1 OB MESSER, a prominent farmer of Trenton I Township, Henry Co., Iowa, was burn Nov. IG, 1847, in the township where he now re- sides, and is the son of John and Rhoda (Miller) Messer, both of whom are natives of Guernsey County, Ohio. They had a family of fourteen children, two of whom died in infancy : Josephus married Rebecca J. Huffman; John mai-- ried Cornelia Hollowell; Mary married James Scarff; Job is our subject; Simon married Jane Henthorn ; Alfred married Maria Hemsler for his first wife, who died in 1877 ; he was married again, to Rebecca Richards; Jane married George Allen- der; Calvin married Lizzie Smith; Alvin; Hiram Lincoln ; Rebecca Ann married Isaac Shook. They came to Iowa in an early day. John Messer was a soldier in the Graybeard regiment, but w.as dis- charged for disability. He died Feb. 7, 18G5, at the age of seventy years. He w.as a farmer all his life, and at his death owned a fine place of eighty acres. Politically', he was a Rcjjublican. Our subject was reared on a farm, and received such education as the district schools at that time afforded. On the 4th of July, 1871, he was united in marriage with Martha Jane Smith, who was also ;i native of this county, and a daughter of Jacob and Margaret Smith. B^' their union three chil- dren were born — Margaret Ann, John Alvin and Frank Melviu. His wife died in 1877, and Mr. Messer was again married, his second wife being Susanna Harmon, a native of Indiana, who came to Henry County when a child with her parents, where i -B-^- HENRY COUNTY. 313 she has resided nearly all of the time siiife. Five children have graced this second union — Reason, Carrie, Charles, Mary Jane and Milford. Mr. Messer is an energetic and enterprising man. Every- thing on his farm, a fine one of 100 acres, denotes thrift and good management. He commenced life without .1 dollar in his pocket, but bj' his own earn- est and honest labor has gained a competency, and the respect and esteem of bis fellowmen. I T RA MITCHELL, Sr., is one of the best known men of his age residing in Salem, Iowa, and since his coming has grown grey in years and rich in purse. He was born in Tioga County, Pa., .July 3, 1803, and is a son of Ensign and Lucj^ (Hubbard) Blitehell, both of whom were born, reared and married in Massachusetts. Ensign Mitchell w.as a soldier in the Revolutionarj' War, enlisting as a drummer boy when fifteen years of age. His father, also named Ensign, served at the same time, and both spent five years in that war, experiencing all its hardships, which are well known to readers of history. After the marriage of Ensign, Jr., they removed first to New York State, and later to Tioga County, Pa. Our subject was six years of age when his parents removed to Ohio, the journey being made down the Ohio River from Pittsburgh to Cincinnati. A permanent location was made in Cliamijaign County, Ohio, near Mechanicsburg, and for many years our subject was a resident of Darby Plains, that county, where he was married, Dec. 12, 1826, to Miss Jane Rhodes, daughter of John and Sarah (Brittin) Rhodes, of Welsh origin, who were early settlers of that county, and were residents there before Ohio was a State. They were married in Ross Count}', and there Mrs. Mitchell was born. Her father was the first man who invented a mowing- machine, and to obtain a patent on it rode on horse- back from Ohio to Washington and back. Her old home was the first one in Champaign County, cov- ered with boards put on with iron nails, and was painted by her father. There were eleven children of the Mitchell family, all of whom reached maturity, married and reared families, and some of them reached the remarkable .age of almost one hundred years. Onl}' two of the children are living to-daj', our subject and his brother Abizar, who resides in Madison County, Ohio, u farmer and stock -raiser, and one of the oldest citizens of that county. He was born in 1807, and has lived in that neighborhood since he was a mere lad. Our subject and his wife removed to Miami County, Ind., in 1834, where a tract of 500 acres of land was entered in the Pottawatomie reservation. This was covered with heavy timber, and only those familiar with making homes in the dense woods can appreciate the Labor incident to clear- ing and getting into successful cultivation a large body of land of such a character. Mr. Mitchell was a great lover of stock in his day, and raised and dealt largely in cattle. His prosperity was greatly due to his enterprising habits, and indefatigable labor. Three children were born in Ohio: S.arah, who died when nine years of age; Abigail, who wedded Welcome W.ilker, a resident of Salem ; and Ovid H., husband of Amanda Sittin, living in Springfield, Mo.; in Indiana Ira R., Jr., was born; he is a farmer of S.alem Township, and was during her lifetime the husband of Lida Green. His birth was followed bj' that of Lucy M., now deceased, who wedded H. H. Hess; Elizabeth, .another d.iugh- ter, after the death of her sister, wedded Mi'. Hess, a well-known farmer of S.alem Township; John E., a resident of Salem, is the patentee of the w.asher bearing his name, and is married to Elma Henderson ; Francis M. is the husband of Annie Kittle, daughter of William Kittle, a well- known hotel man in that part of the county; Leonard M., the youngest child, was .also a resident of Salem, and the husband of Ella Murphy, and died in Salem, Oct. 23, 1887; the last of the family was Claudius, who was also born in Indiana, and died when two and a half years old. After clearing up his original purchase in Indiana, and adding other lands, Mr. Mitchell decided to come to this State. In 18.53 the removal was made, and one year later the family became residents of Henry County, purchasing over half a section one mile west of Salem, where they resided until the spring of 1884, when the farm was disposed of, and the aged couple became residents of the pleas- :?^r#^ ii -4. .314 HENRY COUNTY. ant village of Salem. The children were well mar- ried and settled, and the old folks, who are now in their sixty-second year of wedded life, have grown old together, and their love for each other has been strengthened as their life's journey has been made. Their sons, Ira and John, were both mem- bers of Company I, 14th Iowa, of which Ira was Sergeant, being promoted from the ranks. Thej' were both taken prisoners at the battle of Shiloh, and confined first at Memphis, then at Mobile, and Macon, Ga. ; and lastly Ira was an inmate of Libby Prison, the horrors of which have been told thous- ands of times. Ira, who weighed when captured 15.5 pounds, was only the ghost of a man when released, weighing at that time only seventy pounds. John was paroled at Macon, Ga., and escaped the prison walls of Libby. TLey have been residents of the West since returning to the pursuits of peace. John was only nineteen when he enlisted, but he left his college and became a soldier from pure pat- riotism. The sketch of this family who from Revo- lutionary times have been patriots and estimable citizens, lends interest to this volume, and among the old settlers and honored families of the county we gladly give it a |)lace. -*' ^-^^ ''^ "\f?OHN D. SMITH, one of the farmers and extensive stock-raisers residing on section 7, Marion Township, was born in Richland ^11 County, Ohio, April 21, 1830, and is the son of Thomas and Elizabeth (McCready) Smith, both of whom were natives of Pennsylvania. Robert McCre.ady, grandfather of our subject, was one of those brave men who fought so gallantly for the freedom of his country during the Revolu- tionary War. Nine children blessed the union of Thomas Smith and Elizabeth McCready: Nancy, widow of Alexander Lawthers, now resides in Washington County, Pa., on a farm adjoining the old home farm ; Jane, wife of J. B. Hart, a resident of Mt. Pleasant; Robert M., whodied Jan. 1, 1886, in Davis County, Iowa; Joseph, a farmer of Van Buren County, Iowa; Thon)as V. died near Mt. Pleasant in 1846; Elizabeth died on the home farm in Henry County, where H. C. Weir now lives; our •■■-4« i subject is the seventh child in the order of birth; William McCready Smith was Ch.iplain in a Penn- sj'lvania regiment during the late war, and died in the service in 1864; E. J. died in Henry County in 1 855 ; Anna M. is the deceased wife of P. M. Ogan, a resident of St. Louis. Thomas Smith brought his family to Iowa in 1840, settling on the farm now owned by H. C. Weir, on which he made the first improvements, and at the time of his death he had one of the best farms in the countj*. He was an active church worker, and organized the first temperance society in Richland County, Ohio, and was also one of the first farmers who dared to lay aside the use of whisky in the harvest fields and in public gather- ings. He was a man of great moral convictions, always upholding that which was right, and in politics was an old-line Whig and a strong Aboli- tionist. In his younger days Mr. Smith was a teacher, and for several terms held the office of Justice of the Peace of the count}'. He ended this life in April, 1848, and was highlj' respected by all who knew him. His wife died in 1866, and with her husband was a member of the Congregational Church. Our subject's earl}- life was spent in attending the district school until the age of twent^'-one, when, in the spring of 1852, he decided to goto California. Crossing the plains with an ox-team he landed in Placcrville, and from there went to Scott's Vallejs Siskiyou Co., Cal., where he engaged to work on a farm. The first year he received §1,000, the second and third jear ijl,200 each, and the last two years he received $180 per month, from all of which he saved §6,000. Returning to Henry County, he purchased 125 acres of land, of which he took possession in the spring of 1858, when he was united in marriage with Miss Isabel Paine, a native of Virginia, being born in Berkeley County in 18;52. She came to Hour}' County with her parents in 1836. Mr. and Mrs. Smith are the parents of five children: Nevada, born June 25, 1859, died March 20, 1861, in infancy: Charles, born Oct. .30, 1861 ; Clara A., born May II, 1864; Walter E., born Jan. 23, 1867, died April 10, 1874, and Elbert E., born June 5, 1870, now in college at Mt, Pleasant. -^- HENRY COUNTY. 4 315 1^ Mr. Smith has kept adding to his first purchase until he now owns 525 acres of the best cultivated land in the county. Starting in life with a capital of 854, he lias b^' his own honest labor become one of the well-to-do farmers of Henry Count}', and is an extensive stock-raiser. He imported the first fine imported Norman horse into the county in 1873, for which lie paid *;2,500. Politically Mr. Smith is a Republican, and lias held many township offices. He is always read}' to push forward any public interest, and is, with his wife, an earnest worker in the Methodist Episcopal Church. '^'^^•-is-^ j^^ .^5«^ .^itf- y^ILLIAM ARCHIBALD, a farmer of Balti- more Township, residing on section 20i \^^ was born in Hamilton County, Ohio, and is a son of Edmund and Belinda (Calhoun) Archi- bald. The sire was a native of Massachusetts, and Belinda Calhoun was a relative of the noted John C. Calhoun. In Indiana the parents of our sub- ject were married, and their eldest child, Alva, was born in that State. Later the family removed to Hamilton Count}', Ohio, where Mr. Archibald worked at his trade, that of wagon-making, in con- nection with farming. While residing there Laura, now deceased, was born, as was also our subject. In the autumn of 1837 the Archibald famil}' emi- grated to Iowa, and settled on Skunk River, where Edmund took a claim adjoining the present village of Lowell on fhe west. He entered this land later, improved it, and upon this spot both himself and wife lived and died. William Archibald was born in 1834, and was only a little past three years of age at the time his father located here, and the Black Hawk tribe yet had their village located upon his father's claim, and their old wigwams were still standing, and the same were used when sugar-making time came in the spring. But little of the Indian language was learned by our subject, but he remembers well the band of Indians who passed through on their way- east, in 1838, for the chief's son, John Black Hawk, made a speech, in which he denounced bitterly the building of the dam across the river. He said: " I am mad at this thing, the dam is mad; hear it roar." The homes which the Indians knew are now peopled bj' white men, and their choice hunt- ing-grounds have brought back large returns of wealth to the white man who settled in this fertile valley. After all the other Indians had gone, one lone savage was loath to leave the forests where he had passed so many happ}- tlays. By name he was known as Dr. Jim, and for a long time he brought in lead or ore and sold to the settlers, who would make him drunk and trj' to learn the place where it was obtained, but Dr. Jim was too shrewd for them, and to this da\' no trace of the ore has ever been discovered, although he would bring in supplies two hours after he had found a customer. He went to the second purchase near the Osage Agency, and it is currently reported that his own tribe killed him. After Mr. Archibald settled here one other child was born, Sarah E., now the wife of John W. Grigg, of Lowell, Iowa. Edmund Archibald studied medicine after he came to this county, and became one of the most successful men of his profession in his day, and enjo^'ed a reputation, both far and near, which was truly an enviable one. He amassed a large fortune during his life, and left his children wealthy. He died at the age of sevent\'- three, respected alike by rich and poor, old and young. His wife died in her sixty-eighth year. Our subject was married when twenty years of age, to Miss Sarah A. Hufstedler, the daughter of Martin and Mary Hufstedler, who came from Indi- ana in 1852, and settled in Van Buren County, Iowa, and in 1857 became residents of Henry County. Her father died near Hillsboro, and her mother now resides in Osceola, Clarke County, at the age of eighty -four. Mr. and Mrs. Archibald are the par- ents of eight children, some of whom are deceased. They are named: William M., the husband of Kate Flenor, resides near Clarinda, Page County ; George W. is engaged in railroading: Mary F. is the wife of Howard Root, of Marion County ; Ola, Albert, Harry and Ernest are unmarried. William Archi- bald has been a resident of this count}' for half a century, and during his business life has been a suc- cessful farmer. Declining all official positions, his time has been given to the furtherance of his busi- ness, and almost within sight of his boyhood home -•►Hl-^ u -a^ 316 HENRY COUNTY. he has lived and roared his family, and the name of Archibald is as widely known in Henry County as any of the many names which have given her a desired prominence. -w^ ^/\«i2j2a/©'^«< *^^^^0oo*^'\/\y^^ r y" ILLIAM H. JACKMAN is the proprietor of the City Hotel and livery stable, New London, Iowa, and carrier of mail and passengers between New London and Lowell. He was born in Washington County, Pa., Aug. 12, 1832, and is the son of Nathan and Catherine (IloUman) Jackman. His father was born in Wash- ington County, Fa. The family were residents of Pennsylvania for several generations, and were of Irish descent. His mother was born near Hagers- tow n, Md., of German descent, and went to Wash- ington County, Pa., with her parents when but twelve years of age. In the spring of 1844 the family moved to Ft. Madison, Iowa, and a few weeks later (in July) to Henry County, locating in, Jackson Township. They si)ent one year in thiit localit}', and then removed to Marion Township, Lee County, where Mr. Jackman engaged in farm- ing (nominally only) as he was a ship carpenter, miller and millwright by trade. He devoted his time principally to mechanical pursuits, while the care of the farm devolved on his sons. There were eleven children in the f.amily, nine sons and two daughters, all of whom are now living except two, all remarkably rugged and healthy, as befitted emigrants to a new country : Benson II. wedded Mary Lynch, and resides in Lee County, on the old homestead ; Clarkson, whose iionie is in Baltimore Tovvnship, was twice married, his first wife being' Martha (Smith, and his second Addic Wheatley; Addison II. married Rebecca Abraham, .nud lives in Southwestern Nebraska, at Ft. Robinson; Hen- rietta, deceased, was the w^fe of Silas P. Blair, of Grant County, Wis.; Melissa is the wife of Robert P. Jackman, of Pilot Grove, Lee Co., Iowa; Will- iam H. married Eliza M. Stephenson, and resides in New London, Iowa; Nathan married Lucy Logan for his first wife, and Lulilia Stockdale for his second, and lives near Moundville, Mo.; John Q. married Elizabeth Brown, and is a fanner of Balti- more Township; Van Buren married Martha Han- nah, and resides in Crawford, Neb. ; Joseph H. has been twice married, bis first wife being Lydia J. De Wilt; Robert A. died at the age of nineteen, while in service during the late war. Mr. Jackman, Sr., was an earnest Democrat in his political sentiment, and his sons have all followed his example. His death occurred in Lee Count}', in February, 1874, his wife surviving him, and dying Oct. 6, 188.5. William H. Jackman was married, Nov. 25, 1858, in Lowell, Iowa, to Miss Eliza M. Stephenson, daughter of John and Elizabeth Stephenson, whose historj' appears on another page. Mrs. Jackman was born at Hardscrabble farm, Jiickson Township, Henry Co., Iowa, Oct. 2, 1841. Three children were born of their union, two sons and a daughter : Willie S. was born March 30, 18(J0, and died at the age of one year; Clarence H. was born Nov. 12, 1861, and died when two .ind a half years of age; Lucy E., born Nov. 6, 1864, is now the wife of Homer E. Lyman, of New London. Mr. Jackman settled in Lowell at the time of his marriage, and resided there till March, 1886, when he moved to New Lo^idon, and engaged in his present business. While a resident of Lowell he was engaged in farm- ing and teaming. In politics, Mr. Jackman and his entire family are most uncompromising Demo- crats. He is a man of modest pretensions, but of sound judgment and unquestioned integritj'. The City Hotel, under the able management of '"mine host " Jackman and his amiable and kind-hearted wife, is one of the most home-like hotels in the countv. j^ ANIEL PRICE was born in Wales, in March, 1804, and was the son of John and Mary (Jones) Price, who were also natives of that country, where his father was a large land-owner. While a young man, he worked as a foreman on the railroad and in the mines, for twenty j'ears. He left his native land and emigrated to America in 1851, first locating at Philadelphia, Pa., but remained there only three weeks, and then went to the State of New Jersey, residing there one winter, engaged in chopping ^ -tll.0 nVo""" i HENRY COUNTY. 319 wood. He then removed to Franklin County, Ind., remaining there three years, engaged as a common laborer. He then emigrated to Henry Count}^ Iowa, locating in the village of Trenton, remaining one winter, and on the 1st of April, 1856, he re- moved to section 22 of Trenton Township, where he purchased ten acres of timber land. Here he lived until his death, which occurred Oct. 19, 1887. He added to his possessions until he had a fine farm of 12C acres at the time of his decease. He was so poor when he bought his first ten acres that he had to go in debt for it, but by hard labor and good management, he gained a competence. Mr. Price was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and a sincere, earnest Christian. In politics he was a Democrat. He was a self-educated man, and always kept well informed upon public affairs, whetlier political or otherwise. His wife still sur- vives him, and resides on the home farm, at the age of sixty-four. She also belongs to the Methodist Episcopal Church. This worthj^ couple were the parents of four children : William Penn, a farmer residing in Mills County, Iowa; Mary EUen; Mar- garet Jane, wife of George Dies, of Brighton, Iowa; and John M., who has charge of the home farm, and was married. Dee. 21, 1887, to Miss Sally Wood, daughter of Clark and Catherine Wood. Among the pioneers and prominent men of Henry County, Iowa, none more truly deserved the respect and confidence of all than Daniel Price. ^ AMES M. KIBBEN, deceased, was born in Culpeper County, Va., near Harper's Ferry. He was left an ori)han at the tender age of nine yeai'S, without fortune or friends, and began the battle of life as an apprentice to a wagon- maker. His early years were such as often fell to the lot of the destitute orphan. Hard work and abuse were rewarded with a pittance. Possessed of a strong will and superior intelligence, he fought his way tlirough to manhood, and then went to Co- lumbus, Ohio, where he worked at his trade a short time only, when he removed to Faj'ette County, Ind., and there engaged in farming. He was mar- ried in Fayette County, Oct. 3, 1833, to Miss Jane Sample, by whom he had one child, a son, Marcus, who died in infancy'. His wife survived but a few years, and died Sept. 23, 1836. Mr. Kibben was again married, Nov. 22, 1839, in the same county, to Miss Rebecca Farmer, daughter of William Farmer. She was born near Dayton, Ohio, Nov. 2, 1810. Her father was born in South Carolina, and her mother in Georgia. They were members of the Society of Friends, and were earnestly opposed to slavery, so much so that they would not own ne- groes, or reside in a slave State; therefore they wended their w.iy northward to the free State of Indiana. Separated from those of like faith, and living in a sparsely settled country, they attended the Methodist Episcopal Church as that the nearest in sympathy with them. Mr. Farmer united with the Methodist Episcopal Church, but his wife clung to the Quaker faith. Their daughter, now Mrs. Kibben, united with the Methodist Episcopal Church when fifteen years of age, and has now been a member of that society for sixty-two years. Mr. and Mrs. Kibben had five children born to them, of whom three are now living: Mary, widow of Rev. P. P. Ingels, a prominent minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church, who resides at Des Moines, Iowa; Walter S. and Oliver P. were tw.'us; Walter was drowned at the age of tvventy years ; Oliver P. married Miss Delia Gamage, of Mt. Pleas- ant, and resides at Curtis, Neb., where he is en- gaged in the cattle-raising business ; Prudence M. is the wife of Rev. S. S. Murphy, a well-known minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church, of Burlington, Kan. ; Virginia, the youngest, died in infancy. Mr. Kibben removed with his family from Indi- ana to Will County, 111., in 184G, and engaged ex- tensively' in farming and stock-growing at Twelve- Mile Grove. He continued to reside in Illinois for ten years, and in 1856 came to Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. At this time he was possessed of liberal means, and soon bought an interest in the Saunders' bank. He was instrumental in the organization of the First National Bank of Mt. Pleasant, and for many j^ears served as a Director of that institution. In his political views he was an earnest Democrat, and be- lieved in maintaining the constitution and union of the States, regardless of the institution of slavery. ■••*rf" 320 HENRY COUNTY. He was fearless and outspoken in his views, and on the breaking out of the late war he found him- self placed in a false position. While he contended that a failure on the part of the free States to prop- erly observe the Constitution precipitated the con- flict he did not sj'mpathize with or apologize for armed opposition to the Government. He was true to the Union and the principles of the Constitution. His death occurred Sept. 9, 1874. Mr. Kibben w.as a consistent member of the Meth- odist Episcopal Church, with which he had been connected since his 3'outh. He was a warm-hearted, upright gentleman, who commanded the respect and esteem of even those who were bitterly op- posed to him in political opinion, and was eminently a self-made man. Starting in life an orphan and penniless, by industry, strong wiU and fine business ability, he won his way to wealth and independence. His widow, an estimable lady, survives him, and still resides in Mt. Pleasant. While her life now numbers seventy-seven years, and she has witnessed all the wonderful discoveries in science and mechanics, and the great march of improvement of the present centurj', her eyes are still bright, her form erect, while a genial, kindly intelligence en- dears her to all who are so fortunate as to be classed among her friends. The many friends of IMr. Kibben will be pleased that we have secured an excellent portrait of the gentleman, which is presented on an accompanying page to the readers of this volume. ^- -•€^-1 ■^ i s^^ B. WYSE, the senior member of the firm of Wyse & Schantz, is a well-known resident of Wayland, who for several years has made Jefferson Township his home, and has become an important factor in its business interests. He was born in Fulton County, Oiiio, in 1815, and is the son of Peter and Catherine (Brandt) Wyse, both of whom were natives of the Canton of Berne, Switzerland. The parents of I'eter W^'se lived and died in that country, and Peter came to America when a young man, and was married to Catherine Brandt in Ohio. Iler f.athcr emigrated to Americi in 1817, bringing his family with liini. Only his -<• second and third daughters are now living: Eliza- beth, widow of Jacob Gyman, resides in Fulton County, Ohio, and Catherine, mother of Mr. Wyse, now a widow in her eighty-first year, and at present an inmate of his home in Wayland. Two other daughters, Annie and Barbara, are now deceased. Our subject was reared upon a farm in Fulton County, Ohio, and secured a practical education, fitting him for conducting a successful business. His first experience away from the homestead began in his twentieth year, when he went to Butler County, Ohio, and engaged in farm work. A few months later he returned home, and remained until 1867, when his first visit was made to Henry County, Iowa, and he was pleased with the prospects of the future, which was rapidly developing. He for a time engaged in farm work, threshing, etc., and after a two years' residence, he returned to the home of his boyhood. The acquaintance having been formed while here of Miss Hannah Conrad, he returned to Henry County in 1870, and they were married and began life for themselves in this county. Her parents were Daniel and Maria (Klopfenstine) Conrad, who were among the early settlers in this part of the State, locating about 1840, but after a long lifetime of usefulness both were gathered to "that bourne from which no traveler returns." Their memory is dear to those of the old pioneers who yet remain. After his marriage, Mr. Wyse taught several terms of school in this county, two at Prospect school-house. In 1883 he engaged in company with Mr. Jacobs in the mercantile business at AVayland, the firm opening a new stock of gen- eral merchandise. In February, 1886, IMr. Jacobs retired from the firm, Mr. C. C. Schantz purchas- ing his interest, and the two gentlemen, Wyse and Schantz, who were reared together in the Buckeye State, receiving their lesson in the school-boy d.aj's within two miles of each other, are now men of ma- ture years, and arc jiaituers in a splendid retail store, doing a successful business. In January, 1888, Mr. Wyse was appointed Poslm.asler of Wayland, under President Cleveland's administration, in rccogniticju of his life-long devotion to the creed of the Demo- cratic party, of which he has always been a hearty supporter. The wife of Mr. W3'se became the mother f -^f HENRY COUNTY. 321 of five children — Ella, Emma, Frank, Lester and an infant. The joy of the parents was greatly en- hanced by their births, but the "silent reaper" marked the loving wife and tender mother' for his own. Christmas Eve of 1885, the births of Lester and a twin brother occurred, the latter dying at birth, and the life of their mother ended one week later. Sorrow and joy come to all, but the merry peals of the church bells ringing in the glad New Year, found the bereaved husband full of grief and care for his motherless children, but in him they have found an affectionate father, who sup- plies their every want. Side by side in the village churchyard the re- mains of mother and child repose. Both herself and husband were faithful members of the Ornish Meunonite Church, and Christians in the fullest sense. v (^ I^ILLIAM MELTON, one of the prominent and representative farmers of this county, was born in Warren County, Ind., and in that county his boyhood days were spent. He received iiis early education in the common schools of his native State, and in the year 1858 came West, locating in Henry County, where he resided a short time with his uncle. In the meantime he became acquainted with Miss Sarah Wilson, the acquaintance ripened into love, and in October, 1859, he led her to the marriage altar. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Wilson, were among the very earliest settlers of the county. On the 29th of Feb- ruary, 183G, at the home of Mr. John Wilson, on Brush Creek, Ky., Mrs. Melton, the first white child of Henry County, was born. Mrs. Melton has a most wonderful head of hair, being at the present time long enough to drag upon the floor, and at one time before being cut off it measured seven feet and three inches. Mrs. Melton is a woman of good address and fine intellect. The hospitable door of the home always stands open, and both husband and wife are always ready to welcome the weary traveler. In their home love for each other and their fellowman reigns supreme, and those simple but powerful gifts, a kind word and a cheery smile, are ready for all. Soon after their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Melton went to Warren County, Ind., where they remained for twenty-five years, until hearing of Mr. Wilson's sickness, when thej' re- turned home, staying with him until his death. T^^EWTON McCLINTIC, a farmer residing on I j) section 8, Jefferson Township, Henry Co., \V\M-i Iowa, was born in Bartholomew County, Ind., June 11, 1836, and is the son of Alex and Anca (Bates) McClintic. They were married in Ken- tucky, but Alex was born in Pennsylvania, his wife being a native of the former State. The father of Ales McClintic was also named Alex McClintic, and Thomas Bates was the father of Anca Bates. On the paternal side the ancestors came from Ire- land, and on the maternal side from Germany. The father of our subject, Alex McClintic, was a soldier in the War of 1812 and drew a land warrant for 160 acres of land from the Government. But lit- tle history of either family can be given, as the father of our subject died when Alex was a small boy, and Anca Bates came to Indiana from her na- tive State with relatives, and as both are now deceased, the early history of the family died with them. They came to this State about 1839, enter- ing a claim of one section of land, but later pur- chased several hundred acres more, amounting to about 1,100 acres in the whole farm, a part of which original entry adjoins thatof our subject on the north. Daniel Eicher now owns the original tract upon which Alex McClintic settled, and the homestead site is within easy view of where Newton now lives. Dur- ing his lifetime Alex and his sons improved at least 400 acres. Mrs. McClintic died about five years after she came to this count}'. She was a most estimable lady, and the mother of nine children : John, who wedded Elizabeth Barclow, resides in Washington County, Iowa; Jane, who married Lucas Covert, and remained in Indiana; Alex, de- ceased, wedded for his first wife May A. Lloyd, and for his second wife Harriet Pangborue, who after his death married Henry Neff, of this county, but now resides in Missouri; Abigail, deceased, married Henry Cohee, a resident physician of Rome, Iowa; she died at Mt. Pleasant in 1881. Olive A. became ■♦- k »» m^t "^^tT* 322 HENRY COUNTY. the wife of Robert Scott, a farmer of Plymouth Count}', Iowa; Robert, deceased, wedded Martha A. Custer, who after his death married Amos Moore, of Washington County, where they reside; Mitchell, deceased, married Hester Ann Custer, who now resides in Jefferson Township. Our subject was the youngest of the family. > In Henry County he was reared, educated, married and resides. He early learned to clear the brushy lands, and many broad acres has he grubbed and plowed in making ready for the first crop. He has witnessed since boyhood the building of the towns and cities, the railroads, and the deyelopment of almost the entire county has been accomplished in his day. He remembers distinctly when a boy the Indian tribes that for many years had hunted over the ])rairies and through the woods, fished in the streams, and, though dispossessed by the whites, yet gave the new-comers a fairly cordial welcome and never molested their property. Newton McClintic was wedded to Miss Ann R. Kurtz, Oct. 13, 1800. Her parents were natives of Maryland, from whence they came after marriage and settled near Lebanon, Ohio. They emigrated to Iowa in 1841 and settled on Skunk River, in Henry Count}', where the parents both died. Six children were born to them in Ohio, and one was born in this count}'. Their names and location are individually given. Peter died unmarried; John wedded Martha Mason, and is a resident farmer of Jefferson Township; Henry married Hannah Pang- borne, and resides in Washington County; jMary wedded Nimrod Leece, a merchant of Crawfords- ville, Iowa; Susan became the wife of W. R. Mason, also a resident of Jefferson Township; Ann R., wife of Mr. McClintic, and Martha became the wife of Nimrod Long, who is a merchant and also Post- master of Crawfordsvillo, Iowa. These children are well known in this county, and their names should properly appear in her history. Since his marri.age Mr. McClintic has resided upon a farm. A handsome country residence was erected in 1871). and the family circle is made happy by several chil- dren, all of whom were born in this township. The eldest daughter, Margaret, is the wife of Isaac Van Wagenen, a mechanic of Washington County; they have three children — James, Alva N. and Anna. -^ The other children of our subject are: Marietta, Anna M., Susie, Abbie, Angeline, Eva J., deceased, and John N., twins. One hundred acres of land bring Mr. McClintic a comfortable income, and they live in the cosy style which delights those of taste and culture. Mr. McClintic has long been connected with the School Board and is greatly interested in the cause of edu- cation. To such families much praise is due, they having done much to elevate the moral and social world in which they live. -#^^ ^ OHN MELTON, one of the early and hon- ored settlers of Henry County, was born in Virginia, and was a son of Allen Melton. His mother died when he was only five years old. He was reared upon a farm, being bound out to a farmer until he grew to manhood. When about twenty-one years of age, John Melton led to the marriage altar Miss Phoebe Heston, who w.is born in Pennsylvania, and was a daughter of Phineasaud Sarah Heston. Shortly after his marriage, he with his young wife emigrated to Ohio, where they lived for a number of years. Thence he went to Warren County, Ind., where he staid several years. In 1839 Mr. Melton removed to Henry County, which place he made his home until his death. He took up his residence on a farm in Center Township, remaining there until 1853, when he removed to section 36, Tippecanoe Township. Twelve children graced the union of John Melton and l'h(ebe Heston, only three of whom are yet living: John, a miner, residing in California; Mrs. Alfred Doan;and Isaac, a farmer, now living in Republic County, Kan. When the Republican party came into existence, Mr. Melton found the principles enunciated by its leaders were in accordance with those he had held, and therefore acted with it until he departed this life in October, 1870, his wife also dying in the same month of the same year. She was a member of the Society of Friends, and though Mr. Melton was not a church member, his integrity and uprightness were un- doubted. He was a large land-holder in this county, and one of its best citizens. Having a heart over- flowing with love for humanity, to the poor he was >► m^ f J^^^i^ 4 HENEY COUNTY. 323 ever kind and considerate, and no man ever stood higher in the community than Mr. Melton, his high char.icter and many good deeds endearing him to all classes. -^ W -^ «2j2j2/®-^* »^^^ STUf— ~>/w ^^EORGE C. BELL, a blacksmith of Rome, III (— , Henry Co., Iowa, and a prominent citizen ^^jj of that village, was born in Greene County, Ohio, June 7, 1825, and is a son of Joshua and Mary (Bales) Bell, the former a native of Mary- land, and the latter of Ohio. Joshua Bell was of Scotch-Irish descent, and was born on the 13th of February, 1776, and departed this life in Henry County, July 12, 1856. All his life was spent upon a farm. He took great interest in local politics, always voting with the Whig party. He was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and a sincere, earnest Christian. Nathaniel D. Bell, the grandfather of our subject, emigrated from the North of Ireland to America. He was a soldier in the Revolutionary War. Mary Bell, the mother of George, was of German descent. She was also a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and is now deceased. In 1829, when George was a lad of four years, his parents removed to Tippecanoe County, Ind., where they remained until the fall of 1841. Com- ing to Henry County they located in Tippecanoe Township. George was reared upon the farm until his seventeenth year. He then learned the black- smith trade, which he has followed ever since. On the 7th of August, 1846, the marriage of George C. Bell and Delila Grant was celebrated. She was a native of Indiana, being born in Harrison County, Nov. 3, 1827. Her parents were Thomas and Christiana (Davis) Grant. Eight children have gathered round the hearthstone of Mr. and Mrs. Bell: Malinda, now the wife of William Fry: William, an engineer, residing in Rome; John D., who died when five years of age; Naomi J., widow of Reiley Lloyd, residing in Fremont County, Iowa: Thomas I., a resident of Rome ; Martha, wife of Charles H. Huston, a resident of McLean Count}', Dak. ; Charlotte, at home ; and -Mary Rebecca, wife of James Phillips, of Dakota. The mother of these •^•^ children died Sept. 16, 1886, at the age of fifty-nine, and great indeed was the grief felt at her death. She was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church for many years, and an earnest worker for her Master. At the breaking out of the Rebellion our subject responded to his country's call for troops, and enlisted Sept. 25, 1863, in the 9th Iowa Volunteer Cavalry, serving two years and seven months. He was engaged in many skirmishes, and was mustered out Feb. 28, 1866, at Little Rock, Ark. After returning home he resumed blacksmithing in Jeffer- son County, where he resided until 1872. He then came to Rome, at which village he has since made his home. Here he built a blacksmith-shop, and has ever since continued to work at his trade. Mr. Bell served as ]Ma3'or of Rome, and as Marshal for a year each, and as Constable for three years. He is a stalwart Republican, and never swerves in his allegiance to that party. ^- -€-*-i ICHAEL CLARK is a farmer and stock- raiser, residing upon section 1, Jackson Township. He was born in County Cavan, Ireland, in 1833, and is a son of Thomas and Ellen (Smith) Clark. The family emigrated to America in 1845, settling in Sullivan County, N. Y. In 1848 they came to Chicago, but returned the same year to New York. At that time there w.as but one hotel in that now prosperous city, and the swampy location offered but little inducement for the family to remain. They remained three years in New York, then went to New Haven, Conn., and remained until about the year 1854, when they came to this county. Here the parents lived and died, and were Ijuricd in the pioneer cemetery at Mt. Pleasant. They were pious Catho- lics, and were the parents of three children, two of whom died in New York .State, leaving our subject the only one to represent a family whose name has been a familiar one in this county for more than a quarter of a century. He was married in this county to Miss Annie, daughter of John and Mary (Cassidy) Courtney, Jan. 4, 1871, Rev. Father Welch, of Mt. Pleasant, performing the ceremony. ■» t I 324 t -*^-f-^ HENRY COUNTY. Our subject had earned by hard labor with his own hands every dollar that he paid for his nice farm, whicli was |)urchased before the marriage, and the young bride came immediately to the cosy little cabin which her husband bad built in anticipation of her coming. From the beginning they have prospered, and their pastures are dotted with herds of cattle, and his well-tilled fields bring abundant crops. A new frame iiouse took the place of the cabin in which their married life was begun, and the union has been blessed with several promising children. The sons are stalwart young men, and the daughters resemble their mother in both intellect and features. They were named in order of their birth : James, John, Ellen, Pearl, Mary, Rose, Kate and Sylvester. The family have ever been reck- oned by their neighbors as one whom they can value as people of intelligence and thrift. As a self-made man Michael Clark is entitled to credit, and his good wife is an honor to her sex, and the faithful mother of her happy family' of children, all of whom were born on the farm in Jackson Township. At the breaking out of the late war our subject joined Company D, 4th Iowa Cavalry, and for four years braved the shot and shell along with his com- rades under Capt. Spearman. He was in every engagement in which his regiment participated, and was only in the hospital two weeks during his four years of service. All honor is due our gallant men who fought to preserve the Union, and we are pleased to make honorable mention of them. By his gal- lantry as a soldier, his integrity of character, and his honorable record as a good citizen, Mr. Clark is entitled to a place among the best people of Henry County. JONATHAN rilELl'S, farmer in Jackson Township, section 36, was born in Randolph County, N. C, July .5, 1823, and is tlie son of Samuel and Sarah (Newby) I'helps, wlio owned a plantation in that State, but never owned a slave. They emigrated to Henry County, Ind., in 1842, and jjurchased a farm, where both died. Their children were all born in North Carolina ex- cept Marj', Joseph and Jabez, whose births took place in Indiana. Jane was the wife of Joseph Small, a farmer of Hendricks, Ind., and both she and her husband are deceased: Elias. who is married to Anna Hill, and is a resident farmer of Henry Count3', Ind. ; Eleanor, deceased, who became first the wife of John Hodson, and after his death married Will- iam Stanley ; Frederick, who wedded Dorcas Boone, and botii died, he in Indiana and she in Poweshiek County, Iowa; prior to his death he was married to Sarah Newby. Bethany married Robert Cross, and formerly resided in Boone County-, this State, but both are deceased ; Maiy, also deceased, was wedded to Abner Ratliffe, who is again married, and resides in Henry County, Ind. ; Ezekiel married Sarah Hoover, and also resides in Henry County, Ind.; Joseph died unmarried while a young man; Jabez married Miss Hodson, after whose death he married again; Jonathan, the subject of this sketch, is the second son, and was married in Henry County', Ind., to Asenath J.ay, April 13, 1848. She was born in Randolph County, Ind., Feb. I, 1825, her parents being Joseph and Edith (Mills) Jay, who were Friends. Thej^ were among the first settlers of that count}', and came from Belmont County, Ohio. The death of Mr. Jay occurred in Randolph Countj'., Ind., his widow afterward mar- rying Thomas Kirk, and l>oth dying in Henry County, Ind. Three children were born to the first marri.age: Ruth A., deceased, who wedded Davis Grey; Hugh, who became the husband of Mary J. Martin, both deceased, and the wife of our subject, Asenath. After his marriage, Joiiatiian Phelps farmed in Indiana for five years, and in 1853 the young couple came to Lee County, Iowa, and puix'hased the farm now owned by Henry Minke, which they disposed of in 1805, and became residents of Henry County. When the war broke out he was full of patriotism, and was one of the first to volun- teer in the 100-days service. After his term was served he returned home, was drafted, and this time sent a substitute. Mr. and Mrs. Phelps have two children, both born in Indiana — -Seth and Joseph J. The first was educated at Burlington, and married Rose Miller; Joseph J. became the husband of Ad- die Lessinger, whose father has alwaj's been a * -4•- HKNRY COUNTY. 325 pronlinent man in this county, and is now managei* of the Henry County Infirmary. Joseph was a teacher in this county for several years, but resides upon the home farm, and is one of the enterprising young men of Jaclison Township. He is the father of four children : Rudoli)h, deceased ; Fred, Carl and Maud. He is a prominent local politician, and has held manj' offices within the gift of the people of his township, having been Assessor, Township Clerk, Trustee and Justice of the Peace, and for years has been connected with the School Board. He was educated in the public schools and is fitted to fill any position of trust. Of the Phelps family we are pleased to make mention, for the}' honor the community in which they live. The father is comfortablj' situated, and the sons possess his characteristics. For thirty-two years Mr. Phelps has been en- gaged in the sheep business, in which he has made a fortune, and no man in the county or State is more widely known in business circles. He and his good wife have no need for further labor, and their home is ahva3's bright, but 3-cars of labor have so imbued them with the spirit of enterprise that it is impossible to refrain from work.- AVe find Mr. Phelps holding the plow while this sketch is written, and he is yet hale and hearty and as jovial as in his boyhood days. In private and public life he bears the repute of a man of uprightness and integrity. m^^ L. WHITE is a merchant, and is also Post- master of Swedesburg, and is now one of the oldest business men in the northern part of Henry County, being a resident since 1846. His parents, Thomas H. and Elizabeth (Kibler) White, were among the early and well- known residents of the new State, but the death of Thomas White occurred ton 3'ears after locating in the county. His wife reached the ripe age of sev- enty-two, and died in 1875. They were former residents of Berkeley County, Va., where our sub- ject was born. He was ten years of age when his parents removed to this county. Here Mr. White has grown from boj'hood to manhood, and here be was married, and in this county his children were ■^» born. He has seen the entire county transformed from its virgin state to one of cultivation and wealth, villages and cities have been created, and the log cabins of early days have been replaced by modern residences. His brothers and sisters were : George H., now deceased, who wedded Maria Tedrow; Mary E. be- came the wife of Emanuel Ernst; Deborah wedded J. W. Bird; the next was our subject; Sarah, who died unmarried; Thomas W. married Rebecca Tedrow; and Jacob L., who became the husband of Phemia Perkins. Thomas W. was a member of Company B, 25th Iowa Volunteers, and served throughout the war. Our subject was educated at the Iowa Wesleyan University, and his attention was given to the pro- fession of teaching for many years, his first term being at the Union Schoof, in Wayne Township, in 1857. For sixteen consecutive winters he taught school in this county, and among his scholars who have become noted we mention: Wesley James, now a student in the State University, J. E. Con- nor, son of the County Recorder, and quite a well- kndwn teacher; and many of the resident farmers, who have grown to manhood in this county, were members of his school. During the time Mr. White was engaged in teaching, he was married to Miss Drusilla Havens, who was a pupil in his school in this township. The marriage was celebrated March 6, 1861, at the home of her father, Thomas Havens, of this township. Her mother died in New Jersey, and was the mother of George, Drusilla; Mary A., deceased ; Martin, deceased ; and Alexander. The mother, Phcebe (Case) Havens, was a native of New Jersey, of English origin. After her death Mr. Havens svedded Mrs. Cordelia (Scoville) Jameson, near Columbus, Ohio, where the Havens family at that time resided. In 1853 they removed to this county, and until 1866 they resided here. Mr. Havens died in Crawford County, Kan., in 1876, and his widow now resides in this county. One child was the result of the second marriage, Carl- ton, unmarried, and residing with his mother. S. L. White, our subject, taught school in the win- ter, and farmed in summer until 1866, when he removed to Sedalia, Mo., and for six months was as- sociated in business with the Hon. Samuel L. Steele, t. -^*- ••► 326 HENRY COUNTY. now a member of the Iowa General Assembly for Henry County. The same year he returned to Wayne Township, and improved a tract of land owned by him. and there made his home until 1875, when Swedesburg was surveyed. He eame to the new town, rented the store built by a company known as the Prairie Hall Association, and for nine years did business in the hall. In 1884 he erected his present store building, and his residence was con- pleted in 1882. From 1875 to this date, Mr. AVhite has done an extensive business, and from a trade in 1875 of $13,000. the business has increased to over $20,000 in 1887. Mr. White handles hardware in connection with his genend stock of merchandise, and a fair invoice will rate it above $8,000. In September, 1876, Mr. White assumed the office of Postmaster at Swedesburg. to which he was ap- pointed in August of that year. He has served in that capacity for eleven years, and is the present in- cumbent. Five children have come to bless the union of Mr. and Mrs. White, but two only are now living — Edmund E. and Thomas L. Those de- ceased are Mary, Anna and Elizabeth, all nearly grown when summoned from earth. The loss brought great grief, not only to the jDarents, but to a large circle of friends and acquaintances. As a business man, Mr. White is a fine representa- tive of Henry County's sons, and his eldest son is chief clerk in the store and office. His education was received at the noted academy founded by Prof. Howe, and in business he will receive a practical education in the trade at Swedesburg. We welcome our subject and family to a place among those of the pioneers who remain, and are among the reliable business men of the county. -^.t^^Q^^i-^^i^-^ 4Th Jj'OHN WILSON, one (»f the pioneer settlers I of Henry County, was l>orn in Clay County, I Ky., July 10, 1809. He was reared in Clay ' County, receiving his education in a log school-house. lie was married in that State to Miss Mary Thomas, and in 1835 they left Kentucky on horseback, bringing with them their three chil- dren and all tlie worMly goods thej' possessed. They first stopped for a short time on Brush Creek, and shortly after they purchased a claim on section 2u, Center Township. Mr. Wilson building a log cabin where they lived for four j^ears. At the end of this time a fire destroyed their cabin, which was their all. This was supposed to be the work of an incendiary, the fire probabl}' being kindled bj' a man who wanted the claim. Before leaving Ken- tucky this same misfortune happpened to them, and now for the second time a fire destroyed their home, but a kind neighbor, Mrs. Maulding, gave them shelter until Mr. Wilson could provide an- other home for his family. A rude log cabin was constructed and into this they moved before the floor was laid. They had no bedstead, but putting up poles on which they placed some straw, with a free conscience they slept better than many a mil- lionaire in his luxuriant home. Mr. Wilson was taken sick about this time, and without mone}' the future indeed looked dark, but Mr. Rea gave him $75, which was truly a godsend to him, and in this way he was enaliled to keep the wolf from the door. At this time a little child was born to Mr. and Mrs. Wilson, and their noble friend, Mrs. Willeford, took the mother and her baby to her own home, caring for them for seven weeks until they could care for themselves. As the darkest hour is just before the dawn, so in the case of Mr. and Mrs. Wilson, the clouds now began to vanish and pros- perity to smile upon them ; Mr. Wilson worked hard and soon accumulated a corapetenc3'. Nine children came to bless their union, seven of whom yet live: iJavid, of Cirundy Center, Iowa; Alford, of Page County, Iowa, enlisted in the 25th Iowa Volunteer Infantrj-, serving as Second Lieu- tenant of the company; Sarah, wife of William Melton, and first white child born in this county, residing on the old homestead; Philip is a lumber dealer of Ft. Collins, Col.; Jemima J., wife of Peter Perine, both deceased ; Jonathan and Elislia, twins; the former now residing in Mt. Pleasant, en- listed in the 25th Iowa Volunteer Infantr3', and the latter resides in Baxter, Jasper Co., Iowa. Rachel, wife of George Cooper, of Osborne County, I Kan.; John, of Greene County, Iowa; Marj', wife ! of Gabriel Burton, of Henry County, Iowa. In politics, .Mr. Wilson wjis a Democrat. He I and his wife were earnest Christian people, and J^ HENRY COUNTY. -•► 327 .t were highly respected in the community where the}' resided. Alwaj's honest and ni>right, Mr. Wilsons' word was as good as his bond. The mother departed this life Oct. 16, 1873, being sixty-two years of age. She preceded her husband to the home of the redeem"fed thirteen years, he dying on the -iGth of January. 1887, at the age of sevent3'-six. -^ -^-^ "^ ON. JOHN S. WOO LSON, senior partner of V^ the prominent law firm of Woolson & Babb, of Mt. Pleas.-int, and a member of the Iowa State Senate, was born at Tonawanda, Erie Co., N. Y., Dec. 6, 1840. His father, Theron AV. Woolson, was an earlj- settler of Henry County, and a leading attorney (a sketch of his life and his portrait will be found elsewhere in this work). His mothers maiden name was Clarissa Simson. The family on both sides are descended from patriotic ancestry in the war of the Revolution. His pater- nal grandfather particii)ated in the war of Inde- pendence and in that of 1812, while his maternal grandfather took an active part in the latter war. Onr subject, as his histor\- shows, was true to the patriotic instincts of his forefathers, and bore his part in the War for the Union in 1861-65. He re- ceived liis primar}- education in his native town, and when sixteen yeai-s of age (June, 1856), he ac- companied his parent* to Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, where he entered the Iowa Wesleyau Universitj- as a student and graduated with the honors of his class in 1860. He at once engaged in the study of law in his father's otlice, but the breaking out of the war excited his patriotic ardor, and throwing aside his I'.lackstone and Chitty, he forsook the peaceful paths of the law for a position in the United Skites Navj\ He was appointed Assistant P.aymaster of the United States Navy in February, 1862, and was assigned to the United States sloop-of-war " Housatonic," of the South Atlantic squadron. He continued to serve on the " Housatonic " till she w:is sunk by a Confederate torpedo boat off Charles- ton Harbor, Feb. 17, 1864. The sloop sank within fifteen minutes after the torpedo w.as exploded. Mr. Woolson succeeded in securing himself to a floating spar which proved but a precarious support, as it w.as overloaded and submerged bj^ the numbers clinging to it. By the timely arrival of a l)oat from another vessel of the squadron, he and his compan- ions were rescued from their perilous position. He was next assigned to the double turreted monitor " Monadnock," then in service in the North and South Atlantic squ.adron. He participated in all the attacks on Ft. Sumter and both attacks on Ft. Fisher. He served at different times .as signal officer of the squadron, and during the attacks ou Ft. Fisher had command of one of the pilot-houses of the monitor. He was up the James River at the taking of Crow's Nest and the capture of Richmond. He was also at " Butler's Dutch Gap Canal," and served till the surrender of the Confeder.ate army and the close of the war. He was previously sent with an expedition to Havana to capture a rebel ram in those waters. The ram failed to accept the challenge, but sought protection under the guns of the Spanish forts. ^Ir. Woolson resigned his posi- tion in the regular service in December, 1865, re- turueil to Mt. Pleasant and resumed the studj' of law with his father as preceptor, and was admitted to the bar in Sei)tember. 1866. He at once formed a law partnership with his father, under the firm name of T. W. A- John S. Woolson, which connec- tion continued till the death of his father, Nov. 8, 1872. In January, 1873, he formed the existing partnership with lion. W. I. Babb. Mr. Woolson has taken a prominent part in pub- lic affairs, and has been chosen to fill various offices of honor and trust. He has served several years as a member and Secretary of the School Board of Mt. Pleasant. He was appointed a member of the Henry County Board of Commissioners of Insanity in 1870, and was elected President of the Board, and h.as held that position continuously" since. Mr. Woolson was elected b}' the Republican party to the State Sen.ate in 1875, was re-elected and served six j-ears. He w.as appointed Chairman of the Judiciary Committee, was chosen President pro tem of the Senate, and had the honor of presiding at the re-inauguration of Gov. J. H. Gear. He was re-elected in 1885, and again elected President pro tem, which position he still holds. In 1884 he was the Republican candidate for Congress for the I ^ •^^ 328 HENRY COUNTY. First Iowa Congressional District. Mr. Woolson had taken positive ground while in the State Sen- ate in favor of the right of the State and (General Government to control within constitutional limits the estalilishnient of rates of passenger and freight tratlic, and to protect tlie people against anj' extor- tion ])y monopolies. Notwithstanding the fact that he liad thus antagonized the powerful railvvay in- fluence, and that his opi>oneut, the Hon. Benjamin J. Hall, had the earnest and undivided support of the railway corporations, in addition to the prestige of an opposition majority of from 800 to 1,000, which had been cast against the Republican ticket in the two previous elections, Mr. Woolson was defeated by but seventy-three votes, a high com- pliment to his personal popularity. Mr. Woolson w.as united in marriage at Mt. Pleas- ant, April 9, 18G7, to Miss Mira T. Bird, daugliter of Dr. W. Bird, a prominent physician and early settler of that city, and whose iiistor}' is given on another page. Mrs. Woolson was born at Freder- ickstown, Knox Co., Ohio. Five children were born of their union, four of whom are living: Paul B., born May 13, 18C8; Ralph T., born May 25, 1871, died Nov. 8, 1886 ; Miriam, born May 19, 1873 ; Grace S., born .July 17, 1875; Ruth S., born Oct. 18, 1880. Mr. Woolson, his wife and three elder children, are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. He is a member of the McFarland Post No. 20, G. A. R., and of the Iowa Commandery of the Loyal Legion. He is a Master Mason, and a member of Mt. Pleasant Lodge No. 8. He and his wife are members of Betiilehem Chapter No. 38, of the order of the Eiistern Stiu-. Tiie sul>ject of this sketch is so well known that aii}-- tliing that might be said in a short sketch like this would not add to or detract from his high stiniding in the conmiunity with the present generation, but as this work is designed as a standard reference for coming generations, it is eminently proper to state that Mr. Woolson stands in the front rank of his profession in Henry County, and is among tlie leading lawyers of the State. He is an indefatigable worker and student, possessing qualities of mind and a high order of talent that eminentlj' fit iiim for the profession of the law and :\ foremost place among the legislators of tlie country. As a lawyer he is quick to analyze the subject matter of the business in hand, careful and methodical in the prep- aration of cases, eloquent and logical in his ad- dresses to court and jury, and isalways to be relied upon to present the claims of his clients in the best possible light and to guard their interests with ability, integrity and fidelit}'. As a legislator he has always proved true to the interests of ills con- stituents, consistent with his broad views of public policy. He served on important committees, in the discharge of whose duties he has alw.ays borne a prominent part. As a speaker, he is fluent, logical and eloquent. His well-known habit of thoroughly investigating any subject on which he is to speak adds force to his remarks and carries conviction to the minds of his audience. Possessing these char- acteristics, it is not strange that his people should favor him with their choice for positions of public iionor and trust, and that they are proud to ac- knowledge him as a leader among them. ■^Z OHN MESSER, deceased, was a native of Ohio, and his parents were Job and Sarah (Green) Messer. He was among the earliest pioneer settlers of Heiuy Count}', Iowa, hav- ing come to this county in 1839, and settled in Tren- ton Township, on section 8, where he lived until the time of his death, which occurred Feb. 7, 18U5. He was united in marriage with Rhoda Ann Miller, and the}' were the parents of fourteen children, of whom Michael and .Sarah died 3'ouug; Josephus was the eldest; the next was John, of Trenton Town- ship; Miir}', wife of James II. Scarff, of Trenton Township; Job, also of Trenton Township; Simon, also a farmer of Trenton Township; Alfred, who died Aug. 27, 1885; Jane, wife of George Alexan- der, of Trenton Township; Calvin, residing in Jef- ferson Township; Alvin, who has charge of the home farm for his mother; Hannah departed this life in January, 1874; Lincoln; Becca Ann, wife of Is:iiic Shuck, a resident of Trenton Township. Jlr. Messer in early life alliliated with the Whig party, and until the organization of the liepublican, when he voted with the latter party. He served as a soltlier in tlie late Hebellion, enlisting in what was »» ■- t HENRY COUNTY. 329 known as the old Graybeard regiment, from which he was honorably discharged for disability. Mr. Messer owned a fine farm of eighty acres of land at the time of his death. Among the honored names of the pioneer settlers, that of John Messer ranks among the first. Joseplms Messer was born and reared on tlie farm in Trenton Township, on which his parents had set- tled on coming to Henry Connty. He was among the many brave boys in blue who fought so gal- lantl}^ for their country, enlisting in the 4th Iowa Cavalry, serving three years, and participating in the many battles in which his regiment was engaged. On the 9th of July, 18G4, he married Rebecca Jane Hoffman, a native of Indiana, and a daughter of Paul and Azuba (Washburn) Hoffman, the father a native of Canada, and the mother of Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Hoffman are now residing in Decatur County, Kan. Mr. and Mrs. Messer have been the parents of ten children: Zion, born Nov. 1, 1865; Marj* Florence, born July 22, 1867, now the wife of Jesse F. Fields, a resident of Trenton Township; Freeman, born Nov. 26, 1868; Sheridan, Nov. 30, 1870; Alice, born March 6, 1872, died Aug. 14, 1873; Emma Jane, born Dec. 13, 1873; Joe, March 25, 1876; Azuba Ann, Oct. 27, 1879; Lavina, Aug. 10, 1881 ; Sarah Frances, Oct. 11, 1885; and Rhoda, May 26, 1 887 ; one died in infancj'. Mr. Messer owns a farm of seventy -two acres of land, well cultivated. Politically he is an adherent of the Republican party. Mr. and Mrs. Messer are highly esteemed both as citizens and neighbors. AX E. WITTE, M. D., First Assistant Ph^^sician at the Iowa State Hospital for the Insane at Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, was born in Berlin, Prussia, on the 31st of January, His parents were G. W. and W. (Rakow) Our subject came to America with them in the autumn of 1864. The family located in Jack- son County, Iowa. Max E. received his literary education at Galena, 111., and then took a three- years course at the State University of Iowa, grad- uating from the medical department in the class of 1859. Witte, 1881. He read medicine with Prof. W. D. Middle- ton, M. D., and began the practice of his profession at Davenport, Iowa. He was appointed to his present responsible position, and entered upon his duties as First Assistant Physician at the Iowa State Hospital in November, 1881. He is a member of the Lutheran Church, and Republican in politics. Dr. Witte has proved an able assistant to Dr. Gil- man, being well skilled in his profession, and earnest and conscientious in the discharge of the responsible duties of his offlee. -^*> o^.-(C)^><^..o*o <<— "jp ACOB TRAXLER, residing on section 25, Trenton Township, Henry Co., Iowa, is a na- tive of Cumberland County, Pa., born Sept. (^// i), 1831, and is of German ancestry. Our subject learned the trade of brick-making, which he has followed most of his life. He came to this county in 1854 with iiis father, settling in Marion Township, where he purchased 266 acres of land, which he afterward sold, buying a farm of 120 acres on section 9 of the same township. He re- sided upon that farm from 1859 until 1884, and during that time made many improvements, but sold in that year, and rented a farm in Trenton Township, where he has since made his home. In the fall of 1855 Jacob Traxler was united in marriage with Eliza J. Hume. She was born Dec. 18, 1838, in Ohio, and is the daughter of James Hume, a native of Virginia. B}' that marriage five children were born, namely: James B., who was born Sept. 21, 1856, w.asfor four j'ears School Super- intendent of Henr^- County, and is now teaching in Grenada, Col. ; an infant, born May 6, 1859, was the second child; Elizabeth J., born Aug. 5, 1860, who was a teacher in the public schools, became the wife of J. Wallace Miller, a farmer of Marion Town- ship; Grezelle A., born April 6, 1869, died in Ma^', 1883; George C, born Ma}' 5, 1866, died in in- fancy. Eliza J. Traxler died Aug. 5, 1866. She was a devoted member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Mr. Traxler was again married, Jan. 16, 1867, to Ruth E. Carpenter, who was the widow of John F. Gould, of Jones County, Iowa, who died Feb. 28, »^ i >► m^^~ 330 HENRY COUNTY. 1865, and by that marriage Mrs. Traxler had one child, Hiram E. Gould, now living in Nebraska. B}'' Mr. Traxler's second marriage ten children were born: Viola C, born Oct. 25, 1867; John E., Nov. 15, 1869; Clarence C, J.an. 13, 1872; William L., April 29, 1874; Rosa Belle, Dec. .3, 1875; Mary A., April 5, 1877; Minnie B., born Feb. 25, 1879, died March 20, 1882; Alvin J., born Nov. 24, 1880, died Feb. 26, 1882; Louis E., l)Orn July 31, 1883; and Catherine, March 5, 1885. Polilicall}', Mr. Traxler is a Democrat, though he is liberal in his views. Mr. and Mrs. Traxler are among the highly respected people of Trenton Township, and we wel- come them to a place in the history of Hein-y County. ,,.,, LEX. .S. PERRY is a farmer and stock- !0| raiser, residing on section 15, Center Town- Ill ship. He was born in Washington County, Pa., Jan. 12, 1826, and is the son of T. J. R. and Margaret (Gaston) Perry, the former a native of Maryland, and the latter of Pennsylvania. They were the parents of nine children: John G., decea.sed ; Alex. S., the subject of this sketch ; Char- ity A., wife of Wesley Howard, of Des Moines; Samuel G., who enlisted in Company C, 30th Iowa Volunteer Infantry, was killed May 22, 1836, dur- ing the siege of Vicksburg; Hon. Thomas, Jr., en- listed in the 1st Iowa Cavah-y, served nearly four years, and now resides in Western Kansas; William P. enlisted in Company C, 30th Iowa Volunteer In- fantry, serving out his time, re-enlisted and was trans- ferred to the Veteran Reserve Corps, being stationed at Indianapolis, Ind., where he was engaged guard- ing prisoners; he now resides on the old home- stead. Margaret married Jerome Turner, and is now deceased ; Mathew M. enlisted in the 45th Iowa Volunteer Infantry, served out his time, and now resides in Chariton, lovva; Rebecca is the wife of W. W. I'crry, of Pottawattamie County, Iowa. In 11S45 the family emigrated to Des Moines County, Iowa, where the father located a large tract of land where he resided untd death. I'olitically, he was an old-lino Whig in his early life, but became a Republican on the organization of that party. He was elected a member of the House of Representa- tives of the General Assembly of Iowa, and served [ with credit to himself and constituents. A man of more than ordinary ability, he was a frieud to edu- cation, and everything calculated for the public good, was a strict temperance man and did much for that cause. The subject of this sketch remained in his native kState until nineteen j-ears of age, when he came to Iowa with his parents, and settled in Des Moines County. The educational advantages enjoj'ed by him were those of the common school, but the in- formation obtained therein has been supplemented b3' extensive reading since that day. On coming to Iowa he helped his father improve his farm, and for some time was engaged in breaking the wild prairie land. In 1855 Mr. Perry was united in marriage with Miss Catherine Baumguardner, a native of Eastern Pennsylvania and daughter of John Baumguard- ner, who settled in Des Moines County in 1849. After his m:u-riage, Mr. Perr^- engaged in farming until 1862, when, in response to the call of Presi- dent Lincoln for 300,000 more men to put down the Rebellion, he enlisted in Company C, 30th Iowa Volunteer Infantry, and was mustered into United States service at Keokuk. From Keokuk the regi- ment was seht to Benton Barracks, near .St. Louis, where it remained a short time, and was sent from there to Helena, Ark., and then to Chickasaw Bayou, where it was engaged, and where Mr. Perr3' was wounded in the hand. From the field, he was sent to the hospital at Paducah, K}'., where he re- mained three months, and was then discharged, re- turning to his home in Des Moines County, where he remained until 1868, when he moved to Ml. Pleasant, where he continued to reside until the spring of 1888, when he removed to his farm on section 13, Center Township, where he now lives. In politics, Mr. Perry is a Republican, and has allili- ated with that party since its organization. In 1 SIli;, while a resident of Des Moines Count}', he was elected Sheriff, and served one term. Mr. and Mrs. Perry have no natural heirs, but have reared three children, one of whom, Maria C. Wennick, is now the wife of William AL VanVleet, of New London. Mr. I'erry is a member of McFarland Post No. 20, i u HENRY COUNTY. -•► 331 G. A. R. Mrs. Perry is a member of the Christian Church of Mt. Pleasant. Both are highly respected citizens of the county. P^^=tREDERICK L. WIEGAND, merchant, was )j born in Saxe-Meinigen, Germany, in 1837, and is the sou of Andrus and Margaret (Chocher) Wiegand, both of whom were natives of Germany. By trade Andrus Wiegand was a cabi- net-maker, and carried on business in Badlevein- stein, a noted watering place, where he lived and died. They had only two sons, Charles F. and our subject. When ten years of age Frederick left his native land, his mother having married after the death of her first husband, Matthias Glotzbach, who preceded the family to America, settling in Philadelphia, where his wife with her two sons landed in 1846. At the age of eleven years Fred- erick went to work for a cotton manufacturer of that citj', and at twelve was apprenticad to a shoe- maker for five years, but his mother took him away when she, with her husband, left Philadelphia the next j'ear. In 1850 they started for Iowa but stopped to visit relatives in Indiana, afterward resuming their journey via the Ohio River, but when Louisville, Ky., was reached, the mother was taken violently ill, and after stopping in that city for some time, they returned to Madison, Ind. Later the illness of Mrs. Glotzljach grew more serious, and she was taken back to Louisville, and died in the hospital intliatcity in 1850. Charles remained in Philadelphia, being bound to a barber, and after serving out his apprenticeship, in 1863 went to Cal- ifornia, and for several j-ears had a shop on board a vessel plying between San Francisco and Panama. In 1858 he quit that business, having saved con- siderable money, and started east to look for his brother, knowing of his mother's death. After advertising largely in the papers without learning of the whereabouts of Frederick, he returned to Europe, thinking perhaps the orphan lad had gone back to his fatherland. Getting no tidings of him, however, he returned to America and located in Portland, Ore., married Rosina Wilhelm, and con- ducted a lar^e business. His death occurred twelve V years later, and his widow and five children yet reside in that city. After the death of his mother our subject was set adrift by his step-father who refused to have any further care for him, and a young lad but fourteen years of age he started out alone in the world to seek his fortune, and for twenty-two years he neither saw nor heard of any of his relatives. He found employment first on a steamer running on the Ohio, lie found it hard to get a place, everyone thinking that a lad of his j'ears had run away from home, but by chance a gentleman having charge of a steamer kindly kept him over night, gave him his breakfast and ten cents in money, the first casli that he ever had of his own, and he found a situation the next daj^ as cabin boy on an Ohio steamer. He only staid a short time with this man, as he was a drinking and blasphemous fellow, but he found em- ployment in the same capacity on another boat running between Cincinnati and St. Louis, and in the former city met a boy who was an old acquaintance. Wishing to see the South they engaged on a boat bound for New Orleans, and while in that city the trunk containing the clothes of our subject was stolen, and he was left penniless. They tried for some time to obtain passage North, but had no monej' and could not obtain work. Finall^'^ they became stowaways on the steamer "United States," and for their provisions depended on the scraps left by the deck hands. Before the boys had jour- neyed three days the clerk spied them, and Fred- erick made a plain statement of the facts and was told by the clerk to remain, at least until the Cap- tain found them out, who it seems learned the same day that they were aboard. He put them off in Mississippi, where they remained until the next steamer came along. They were given shelter and something to eat by the negroes, and then boarded a boat with the consent of the Captain and were taken to Louisville. The cold weather was at hand and their clothes were getting thin. They walked to Madison, Ind., begging food en route. The other boy, John Yeager, had relatives living at Indianapolis, but at North Madison they became sep- arated, but Frederick being determined to find his companion, st-arted on foot and reached Indianapo- lis after .all kinds of adventures, where he discovered f I 4 t 332 HENRY COUNTY. his boy friend who had found liis relatives, but tliere was no place for Frederick. A few d.nys later he obtained employment with Mr. Shirner, a farmer four miles east of the citj', only getting the place by persistent begging, as they feared he was a runa- way. They kindlj' cared for him during the win- ter, giving hira clothes, and during the next summer he engaged with a son, William Shirner, until the following spring. He remained in that vicinity- seven years working on farms. His education was very limited, less than six months including all his sciiooling in America. His wages were carefully saved, but at 15 and $10 per month his bank .ac- count was not very large when he left for Kansas in the spring of 1857, where he pre-empted a quarter section of land near Ossawatomie. His home was made with a Quaker, Richard Mendenhall, where old John Brown m.ade his headquarters, and Fred- erick was personally acquainted with that noted man. Mr. Wiegand improved his land and for eighteen years remained a farmer. In the spring of 1862 he enlisted in the Missouri State Slilitia, later enlisted in Company T), 15tli Kansas Cavahy, serving during the remainder of the war in the western army. At West Point, Mo., he was wounded and yet carries the ball which, however, causes him little inconvenience. After the war he returned to his farm, and in 18G7 was married to Miss Sarali ,]., daughter of Eli and INIartha (llun- nicut) White. INIiss White came into the neighbor- hood to teach school, and the acquaintance was then formed which resulted in marriage. In 1874 Mr. Wiegand sold his Kansas farm and removed to Mokena, Will Co., 111., where for some time he operated a fruit farm and was subsequently elected Justice of the Peace, serving two years. The resi- dence in Mokena lasted nine years, and in July, 188.'!, he disposed of the Illinois property and started to Oregon, but stopping in Salem to visit relatives of Mrs. Wiegand. and a business invest- ment offering .'it Hillsboro, he purchased the store and goods of William INIickelwaite, and has con- ducted the business to this date, having a large stock of general merchandise and a fine trade. He was api)ointed Justice of the Pe.'ice after coming to the village, but at present attends solely to his mercantile business, being aided by his wife and their only son, Charles F., born in Kansas in 1868. Mr. Wiegand is a successful business man and has accumulated a fine property, educated himself in language and business methods, and intends hav- ing his son graduate in a commercial college. Mr. Wiegand is a member of John L. Jordan Post 246, G. A. R., and is at present Post Quartermaster. He is also a member of the I. O. O. F. and of the Baptist Church. Mrs. Wiegand is a member of the Society of Friends. -^ ^^ ^ If^ ILLER MESSER is a farmer and stock- raiser of Henry County, Iowa, residing on section 17, Trenton Township, wiiere he owns 120 acres of land, all under a fine state of cultivation. He is a son of Hiram Messer, and was born in this county in 1848. His father came to Henry County in 18.39, locating on the farm where Miller now lives. The bojhood days of our subject were spent upon the farm on which he now resides. He received his education at the district school, and in 1870 was united in marriage with Miss Adeline Miller. She is the daughter of William Miller, and is a native of Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Messer have been the parents of two chil- dren : Henry, who was taken from them by death at the age of three; and Layura May. He is one of the stalwart supporters of the Republican party, and has never swerved in his allegiance to the same. His business is that of general farming and stock- raising, and among the young business men of the county, Mr. Messer ranks with the first. ^^^*hH^ JOHN T. MESSER, residing on section 17, Trenton Townshij), w;is born in Guernsey County, Ohio, Jan. 21, 1834, and is the son of Hiram .and Barbara (Miller) Messer. His father was a native of F.aj'ette County, Pa., and was the son of Job and Sarah (Green) Messer. He was one of a family of eight children, five boys and three girls — Israel, Hiram, James, John, Re.ason, Mariam, Harriet and Jane, and was reared on a farm. With the exceplii)n of a few 3'ears, when he ■^•■ HENRY COUNTY. 333 was engaged in running a still for Andy Craig in his native State, he spent his entire life in farm- ing. In 1839 he emigrated with his family to Henry County, Iowa, settling on section 17, Tren- ton Township, where he resided till his death, which occurred April 12, 1871. His farm originally con- sisted of 371 acres. John T. Messer was reared on the farm on which he now resides. He was married, Jan. 28, 1855, to Senith Black, a native of Champaign, Ohio. Her father was Samuel Black, one of the pioneers of Henry County. By this union six children have been bom: Samuel Hiram, a farmer of Trenton Township; Albert Mitchell, also a farmer residing in Trenton Township; Anna Bell married George Black and lives in Trenton Township; James W., at home; Geneva Frances, born July 8, 1871, died at the age of three ; and an infant. Assisted by his good wife Mr. Messer has made all he possesses. By good management and close attention to busi- ness he has gained a competence, and now owns 200 acres of finely improved land. He is a practi- cal farmer, and everything on the farm denotes thrift and enterprise. Mrs. Messer's father, Samuel Black, departed this life July 22, 18G5. -W/V -vtajl2£7g^g/»>-< •^^gyZTTT?!?^ -UW- 9• u HENRY COUNTY. 337 f Lieutenant of Company G-, but acted as aide to Gen. McPhersou. Returning home on a sick fur- lough he was seriously injured in a railroad acci- dent at Chattanooga, Tenn., which, together with his impaired health, caused his death in August, 18G4; James P. and family live in Marion Town- ship. Adam Weir, with his family, moved to Lee County, Iowa, in 1851, and settled near Pilot Grove. In 1854 he bought eighty acres of land in that township, and added to it from time until he owned 120 acres of splendid land_and in a good state of cultivation. He died Dec. 1, 1874, at the advanced age of eighty-four years, having been born in 1790; his wife died in 1868. They were both members of the Presbyterian Church, of which be was an Elder, and always took an active part in matters pertaining to the church, and those of gen- eral interest to the community. They were highly respected by the citizens of both AVashington County, Pa., and Lee County, Iowa, where they resided. Henry Clay Weir, the subject of this sketch, continued at home with his parents, working on the farm and attending the district school. On the 12th of June, 1802, he was married to Maggie Potter, who was a daughter of Andrew and Katharine Potter, being born in Cleveland, Ohio, Feb. 18, 1842. Her father was a native of Ireland, and died about the year 1881, at Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. His wife is still living in Mt. Pleasant. Mr. and Mrs. Weir are the parents of live chil- dren: William, who died in infancy; Edward, May, Charles F. and Adam. After the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Weir, they still remained at the old home- stead until 1866, when he bought 130 acres in Ma- rion Township, Lee Co., Iowa, and moved on to it. He added to his first purchase until he owned 280 acres. In the fall of 1875 he sold his farm in Lee County, and bought 262 acres in Marion Township, Henrj' County, where he now resides, and has from time to time added to his original pur- chase until he now owns 500 acres, and it is not only one of the largest and finest but it is also one of the best cultivated farms in the count}', and he has the satisfaction of knowing that he has made it all by his own industry. In politics he is a Repub- lican, and was elected, in 1886, by the party as a member of the Board of Supervisors. Although a man of reserved habits, he is always willing to lend a helping hand to promote all public enter- prises. 0^9*>l- • i^itf^' IP^-^ EV. EBER CRANE, deceased, was a well- \l^ known and highly respected mission minis- 1 ter of the Baptist Church, and a resident of i^Henry County from 1853 to the time of his death, which occurred at Mt. Pleasant in 1884. The subject of this memoir was bom in Clinton, Conn., near Long Island, May 3, 1808. His ances- tors on his father's side were among the earliest colonists of New England. The histoi'y of the family dates back to earlj' in the seventeenth cen- tury, soon after the establishment of the Plj'mouth Colony of ^lassachusetts. Two brothers, Benjamin and Henry Crane, emigrated from England and settled in Southeastern Connecticut, and were the founders of the family in America. One of their descendants, Col. John Crane, was a prominent officer of the war of the Revolution. A meeting of representatives of the Crane family was held at the Elliott House, New Haven, Conn., Sept. 8, 1880, to consider the advisability of compiling a genealogical record of the family. An association for that purpose was organized, which held a second meeting in New York City, Oct. 5, 1881. The President was Zenas M. Crane, of Dalton, Mass. ; Vice Presidents, Gen. Nerom M. Crane, of Horuells- ville, N. Y., and Phineas ^I. Crane, of East Boston. Plans were perfected for the work in hand. The parents of our subject removed to Ohio when he was but four j^ears old. Both died within a week of each other when Eber was in his sixteenth year, and this sudden double bereavement turned his thoughts to religious matters, and he was sin- cerely converted, and resolved to devote his life to the ministry of the Gospel. Returning East he began his studies in Newton Theological Seminary, in Massachusetts. Love for his fcllowmen, espec- ially for the poor and afflicted, which became such a marked characteristic in later life, developed early in him. While still a student, and before his i 4 -4*- 338 4- HENRY COUNTY. •►■-^ ordination, he gave much of his time to the poor and the destitute. His heart overflowed with love for suffering humanity, and in imitation of the Divine ^Master he had elected to follow, he sought out the lowly and despised and "them who were in bonds," visiting almshouses and prisons, ministering to their inmates with love for their immortal souls and sympathy for their ufBictions, trying earnestly to guide them into leading better lives. Mr. Crane was an earnest thinker and a strong advocate of human liberty. He was one of the original Abolitionists, and while still a student was a member of William Llo^'d Garrison's little band. When he offered to join the society Mr. Garrison happened to have just received a very threatening letter (nothing unusual), in which he was advised to cease his agitation of the anti-slavery question or suffer the consequences, which it was plainly as- serted woidd be the loss of his life. He asked Mr. Crane if he knew what he was .about to do, and the probable consequences, at the same time giving him the letter spoken of. Mr. Crane assured liim that he liad given the matter due consideration and was ready to take all risks in a cause so holy. He became one of the most earnest workers in the then unpopular cause of abolition. After his ordination as a minister of the Baptist Church, Mr. Crane w;is engaged in the home mis- sion work of the cliurch in tlie then AVestern State of Ohio. While engaged in this field he became convinced of the great evils of intemperance, and with characteristic zeal espoused the cause of total abstinence, at a time when it required great courage and indomitable will to join in the crusade against liquor, which in that day was in universal use, among church members and the clergy almost as much as among others. In this cause he was an earnest laborer until his death. His labors in Ohio were productive of much good, and he filled man}' lmi)ortant pastorates in that State, remaining there until 1853, when in consequence of impaired hc.allii he came to Iowa, settling with his family in Mt. Pleasant. He pursued his hoi}' calling in this county and vicinity until the inexorable reaper. Death, closed his useful career on April 4, 1884, at the ripe .age of seventy-live j'ears, eleven months and one day. Mr. Crane's S3'mpathies were alw.ays witli the op- pressed and in favor of human freedom. During the border war in Kansas begun under President Pierce's administration, he took an active part in favor of the free State men, making many eloquent speeches, .and doing much to mold public ojiinidn. On the breaking out of the war of the Rebellion he was of course a chami)ion of the cause of the Union, :nid freel}' gave to the ranks of his country's de- fenders the two of his sons who were of sufficient age to become soldiers. True to his anti-slaver}' prin- ciples and instincts, he was from the first a believer in the truth that the war could never be ended un- til the curse of human slavery was wiped from the country. He was an early and earnest advocate of the public school system, and was a member of the School Board of Mt. Pleasant when it w.as adopted, and it was by this bo.ard the new scliool buildings were erected, which marked such an important ad- vance in public education. Mr. Crane w.as twice mai-ried, first in INIethuen, Mass., to Caroline Nevins, wlio died at Akron, Ohio, leaving no issue, her only child being buried with her. He was .again married, at Kent, Ohio, Dec. G, 1837, to Nancy A., daughter of Deacon William Kuowlton. Mrs. Crane was born in Bran- don, Vt., Jan. 5, 1817. They were blessed with eight children, five sons and three daughters: Baron H. is a merchant in Mt. Pleasant (see sketch) ; Ilervey N. married Ellen M.ay, dauglitcr of INIaj. Lyman, of Muscatine. Iowa, and is also a merchant at Mt. Pleasant; Carrie E. is the wife of Josiah P. Brenholtz, of Mt. Pleasant; .Tubus A. is a pr.actic- ing physician at Santa Ana, Cal.. and is married to Minnie, daughter of Hon. O. H. Sehenck, of Bur- lington, Iowa; Klla AV., Mrs. Leib, died in 18S4, aged thirty-four; Mary F. met a tragic death b\- drowning at Marengo, Iowa, July 2y, 1875, at the .age of twenty-four: Eber K. is ra.arried to Nettie, daughter of Gen. George A. Stone, of Mt. Pleas- ant, and resides at Humboldt, Neb.; Willie K., the youngest, lives with his mother in Mt. Plea.sant. The life of Mr. Crane was until its close one of usefulness and honor. In liis .age, as in his youth, he was the fiiend of the poor and the afflicted, and the miserable and neglected ever found in him a true friend and consoler. It might truly be said of ■► m-^ i r ■^ HENRY COUNTY. 339 him as of Abou Ben Adhem, of old, he was "one who loved his fellowmen," and death found him ready to meet that Master to whose service his life had been consecrated, and the upright man was laid to his last rest amid the tears and prayers of a, large concourse of sorrowing friends, who yet do not mourn " as those without hope," knowing he is but gone to meet the reward promised by Him who said : "Mark the perfect man, and behold the upright, for the end of that man is peace." The portrait of Mr. Crane on a preceding page is one eminently fitted to grace the pages of this volume. He was truly a representative of one of the highest types of humanity, and our readers will thank us for preserving his lineaments to future generations. lARON H. CRANE, dealer in hardware, stoves and tinware, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, the eldest child of Rev. Eber and Nancy A. ^^^ (Knowltun) Crane, was born in Kent, Port- age Co., Ohio, Nov. 20, 1838. His father was born at Clinton, Conn., near Long Island Sound, May 3, 1808. He was descended from one of the oldest families of New England (see sketch). Baron H. spent his boyhood in his native State, and in 1853 came with his parents to Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, where he completed his schooling. He was engaged in farn)ing until he enlisted, in August, 1802, as a private of Company B, 25tli Iowa Volunteer In- fanti'y. He was regularlj^ promoted through all the non-commissioned officers of his compan}', and was commissioned Second Lieutenant and detailed as aide-de-camp at headquarters 3d Brigade, 1st Divis- ion, ISth Army Corps, where he served till the close of the war, and was mustered out after three years' service, in June, 1865. He participated in twenty-seven distinct engagements, and was wounded at the battle of Chattanooga by a gunshot. He participated in the capture of Columbia, S. C, and received honorable mention in the offlei.-il re- port of his Colonel (Stone) for gallant conduct on that occasion. After his return from the war he spent the succeeding four years in farming, at the end of which time he engaged in the hardware busi- ness in Mt. Pleasant, in 1869, and has carried it on continuously since that time. He was married at Quiney, 111., Jan. 2, 1866, to Miss Abbie E. Mellen, daughter of Wilder J. and Al)igail K. (VanDoorn) Mellen, of that city. Mrs. Crane was born at Quiney, 111., July 18, 1843. Her father .and pater- nal grandfather were both born in Massachusetts, and were of Scotch-Irish descent. On her mother's side she is descended from the Ingrams, her forefather, Timothy Ingram, having married a lady who was the only heir to the great estates of Joseph Wilson, of Leeds, England, and which were entailed to the fourth generation, which is the present in the history of the family. The Ingrams and their kin have arranged to prosecute this claim to the estate, which is very extensive and valuable. Mr. and Mrs. Crane have nine children, five sons and four daughters, all born in Mt. Pleasant, and in the fol- lowing order — Anna M., Herbert W., Laura E., Frederick B., George E., Julius H., Ralph K., Helen Van D. and Edith Allison. Mr. and Mrs. Crane are members of the First Baptist Church. Mr. Crane is a Republican in politics, and is a mem- ber of McFarland Post No. 20, G. A. R. Mr. Crane has been a resident of Ilenrj^ County for nearly thirty-five years, and an active business m.an of Mt. Pleasant for more than eighteen years. He has proved himself an upright, honorable citizen, a patriotic, brave and gallant soldier, and kind hus- band and father. He has an elegant home in the eastern part of the city, where he passes mueth of his time in the genial company of his wife and children. o Since the above was written the silent reaper Death has invaded this happy home, and the family circle has been broken by the loss of its honored head, who passed from this life Dec. 20, 1887. Mr. Crane's health was somewhat impaired by hard- ships endured while in the service of his country, and he w.is never afterward very robust, but did not consider himself an invalid until about five years since, when it became evident that an incur- able disease had fastened itself upon him. Since that time he had gradually failed, but though knowing he could never recover, he attended cheerfully to his business until a week before his ■•►HB- i ■♦- 340 HENRY COUNTY. death. The end, though not unlocked for either by himself or friends, came rather suddenly, as he was not confined to his bed until less than twenty- four hours before his death. His remains were fol- lowed to their last resting-place by a large con- course of sorrowing friends, by his comrades of McFarland Post, and by tiie members of James A. Harlan Post No. 34, Sons of Veterans. In his death society lost a useful and honored member, his com- rades a brave and generous associate, and his family a loving husband and devoted parent. -^ ^-^ —^-^ f ^i OL CAVENEE, farmer, also importer and breeder of thoroughbred Norman horses. Short-horn cattle and Poland-China hogs, residing on section 5, New London Town- ship, is the only importer in that township of blooded horses. His post-ofHce address is Mt. Pleasant. The subject of this sketch was born in the town of New Lexington, Perry Co., Ohio, Maj' 20, 1841, and is the son of Patrick and Jane (Montgomery) Cavenee. His father was liorn in Bedford County, Pa., in LSI 2, and was of Irish descent. His mother was born in North Carolina, Dec. 2, 1811. The family emigrated to Henry County, Iowa, in 185G, and settled in Center Town- ship, where the father purchased a farm and con- tinued to reside until the time of his death, whicli occurred Aug. 28, 1855. The mother survived her husband and resides at Mt. Pleasant. Our subject was reared on his father's farm, and when twenty years of age enlisted, in September, 1861, as a member of Company K, 4th Iowa Cav- alrj', and served four years, or until the close of the war, and was mustered out Aug. 10, 1865. Mr. Cavenee's regiment was assigned to the loth Army Corps, and took part in most of the prin- cipal battles in the Southwest. In the battle of Guntown, Tenn., his company' lost half their number in killed and wounded. He was detailed as Orderly on the staff of Gen. Thomas, and served in that capacity several months. On his return from the army he resumed farming, and was married at Trenton, Iowa, Nov. .'5, 1868, to Miss J.anc Will- iams, daughter of Hopkin Williams. Mrs. Cavenee was born in Marshall (now Wayland). Henry Co., Iowa, May 19, 1840. Her people were from Wales, and emigrated to Henry Count}' in 18.34, being among the verj' earliest pioneers (see sketch of Evan Davies). Mr. and Mrs. Cavenee have four children, one son and three daughters: Georgiana, born Oct. 27, 1869; Nellie Winnie, born Sept. 2, 1872; Mary Jane, born July 12, 1876; Clark M. was born on the fifth Sunday in Fel)ruary, 1880, which was the 29th, and he will be forty yeai-s old before his birthday .again falls on Sunday. Mr. (;;avenee purchased his present farm in 1865, where he has made his home continuously since, and has 220 acres of well-improved prairie land. He has been largely engaged in importing and breeding thoroughbred Norman and English Shire horses. On his last trip to Europe he imported ten fine horses, and has now in his stables two of the finest specimens of Norman and one of English Shire stallions that can be found in the West. He also breeds full-blood Siiort-horn cattle and Poland China hogs. Mr. Cavenee has devoted much time to the study of the best methods of improving the stock best .adapted to this region, and his travels and investigations of the various breeds in the gre.at stock-growing centers of Europe, have enabled him to mature his judgment and select the best. He is widelj- and favorably known as a successful stockman, and his horses have a reputation secorid to none in the State. He has held various local ollicos, and has been a consistent Kopuhlican since the organization of tiiat party. Both Mr. and .Mrs. Cavenee are members of the INIethodist Episcopal Church. .m.^^—^ 0.,W1.1. ■O ^^-{.^B. VH. WISE, of the firm of W. 11. Wisest Co., hardware dealers, of Winfield, Iowa, estab- lished a hardware store in 1887. It is one of the neatest stores in that part of the county. They carry a full and complete line of shelf hard- ware, and the l)usincss cannot help but be a success when conducted l)y the gonial proprietors, W. H. and C. I. Wise. In comicction with hardware they also carry a full line of machinery, including thrash- ers manuf.actured b^' the Springfield Engine and Thi'ashing Company, of Springfield, Ohio, and also ^t^^ HENRY COUNTY. 4 34r' D. M. Osborne & Co.'s harvesters anrl mowers, both of which are leading machines. They also carry first-class buggies, received from Washington, Iowa. The members of the firm are both young men, and by tlieir fair dealing have gained a lib- eral share of patronage. W. H. Wise was born in Greene County, Pa., April 13, 1856. He is a son of Morgan Wise, now a resident of this county. While yet an infant, his parents removed to La Salle. 111., where Mr. Wise grew to manhood. He was educated in the com- mon schools { the pioneer settlers of Henry County, and is entirely a self-maile man. Wiliiout a cent in his -•►-■ i <--wr<*' 4 HENRY COUNTY. 343 pocket he began life working by the month, saving his earnings, and in this way got a start. He bought eight acres of land which he improved, afterward buying a farm of eighty acres, adding to this until he had at one time a fine farm of 400 acres, but has sold and given to his son Thornton until he now has 287 acres. He sold his farm of 400 acres in Mercer County, 111., and came to Henry County, /purchasing the land as above stated, and all this he has made by his own industry and economy. An honorable, upright man, always ready to advance any public enterprise, he has the respect of the whole community. The family are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Mr. Willits is a zeal- ous Republican, and is always working for the advancement of his party. — s-- ••ofo-g^^-Y®-"*"" AMES HARVEY PHILPOTT, M. D., a pioneer physician and surgeon of New London, Henr}' County, and a resident of (^g// Iowa since 1837, was born in Barren County, Ky., Nov. 7, 1828. His p.arents, Jonathan and Sarah (Frazier) Philpott, were also pioneers of Iowa. Jonathan Philpott was born in Barren County, Ky., Aug. 27, 1806, cametoDes Moines County in 1837, and to Henry County in 1854. His death occurred in New London Township, April 2'J, 1857. His wife, Sarah Frazier, was born in Tennessee, Nov. 12, 1801>, and died in Des Moines County, Iowa, July 4, 184L Dr. Philpott emigrated from Kentucky to Des Moines County, Iowa, with his parents in 1837. He attended a select school at Burlington and the Wesleyan University at Mt. Pleasant, where he re- ceived his literary education. On the completion of his college course he entered upon the study of medicine at Burlington, with Dr. pj. D, Ransom as preceptor. He attended botii medical colleges of St. Louis, tiie Missouri Medical and the State Medical, but did not com|)lete a course in either. He then attended the American Medical College at Cincinnati, then a regular medical school, later eclectic in its system of instruction, and graduated in the class of 1854. He entered upon the practice of his profession at New London, Iowa, July G, 1854, and has pursued it with marked success con- tinuousljr since, covering a period of over thirty years. Studious in his habits and a close observer, Dr. Philpott has kept well up with the times, and is thurougiily skilled in his profession, both as a physician and surgeon. His practice has extended through Henry and adjoining counties, and has proved eminently successful. The fact that his books show that he has attended 2,683 obstetric cases should convey something of an idea of the extent of his practice in that direction, while his general practice, both as a physician and surgeon, has been extensive. The Doctor is the oldest, both . in years and experience, of the local physicians of New London, and justly ranks as one of the lead- ing members of the profession in Henry County. He was united in marriage at New London, Iowa, Aug. 15, 1854, with Miss Louisa M. Farrar, daugh- ter of Philetus and Calista (Farrell) Farrar. Mrs. Philpott was born in Rupert, Bennington Co., Vt., April 26, 1 831. Her father was born in New Hamp- shire, and her mother in Vermont. Four children were born of their union, two sons and two daugh- ters: Sarah Calista was born Aug. 23, 1855, and died Sept. 11, 1856; John William was born Dec. 24, 1856. He began the study of medicine with his father and is a graduate of the Keokuk College of Physicians and Surgeons, at Keokuk, Iowa, of the class of 1878, and also of the medical depart- ment of the University of Vermont, of the class of 1884. He is .at present the local surgeon, at Ft. Madison, Iowa, of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fc Railroad, and enjoys an extensive and lucrative practice. He is thoroughly skilled in the science of medicine .and surgery, and has won a place in the foremiist ranks of the profession. Dr. J. W. Philpott married Miss Lucy L. Bollinger, daughter of Alexander Bollinger, and has one child, Austin Flint, born Feb. 15, 1882. The Doctor is a Knight Templar Mason, belonging to the Lodge, Chapter and Commandery in Ft. Madison. Charles Harvey, the second son, was born at New London, Iowa, May 22, 1860. He, too, entered upon the study of medicine with his father, and is a graduate of the medical department of the State University of Iowa, of the cla.ss of 1882. Soon after his gradu- ation he located at Omaha and engaged in practice, t u 344 HENRY COUNTY. -f and was admitted to membership in the Nebraska State Medical Association, which he had the honor to represent in the American Medical Association at Chicago in the session of 1887. He is also a member of the Iowa State Medical Association, and a member of the Des Moines Valley Medical Asso- ciation, and is engaged in practice at Burlington. Four years since, he was appointed local surgeon of the Iowa Central and Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroads, which position he still holds. He has built up an extensive practice and stands at the head of his profession. As a skillful surgeon his services are sought far and near, in difficult and dangerous cases, and his reputation is already assured. He was united in marriage with Miss Eva E. Smith, daughter of the Rev. U. B. Smith, of Danville, Iowa. Dr. C. H. Philpott and wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and he, like his brother, is also a Knight Templar Mason, a member of Malta Commander}' No. 31, of Ottumwa. Dr. J. II. Philpott's daughter, Mary Ellen, or "Minnie," as her friends call her, was born at New London, Jan. 23, 1862, and is the wife of E. A. Lyman, editor and publisher of the New London Eclipse, to whom she was married Sept. 4, 1883. The Doctor is a Master Mason, and a member of New London Lodge No. 28, A. F. & A. M. He and his wife are members of the Presliytcrian Church, and politically the Doctor and both his sons are Republicans. /^ IIARLKS D. WOOD, residing on section 21, ((( n ^*''"'''^'' 'I'ownship, Henry Co., Iowa, was ^^J l>orn in Quincy, 111., Dec. 12, 1837, and is the youngest son of Daniel and Kdith Wood, the former a native of Long Island. N. Y., and the lat- ter, whose maiden name was Edith Athens, of North Carolin.a. When young people, they came to Hamil- ton County, Ohio, with tlioir parents, where they be- came acquainted and united in marriage. After a few years' residence in Ohio, they removed to Law- renceburg, Ind., where they remained for three years, and securing some forest land, they hewed down the trees and develope"d a line farm. Bcconi- ing dissatisfied with the country on account of ill- health, they returned to Ohio, remaining there but a short time, next taking up their residence in Quincj% 111. At the expiration of two j'ears, they left that city, crossed the "Father of Waters" into Iowa, locating near Lowell, Henry Count}', and after a residence of six months, removed for the last time to the homestead which was occupied by them until, by the hand of death, they were called hence, the father departing this life Sept. 10, 1881, in the eighty-fifth year of his age, the mother June 8, 1866, aged sixty-two j'ears. Both were con- sistent members of the Methodist Episcopal Church for over forty years. Mr. Wood was an earnest advocate of every charitable and noble cause, con- tending fearlessly for the rights of his fellowmen of whatever race, color or condition, and for many years was proud to be a member of that heroic lit- tle band of Abolitionists, who so nobly battled and suffered in the cause of human rights, .and later, when the war cloud that for years had been gather- ing, burst, and Ft. Sumter was fired upon, at the appeal from the National Government aX Washing- ton for money to .arm and equip the soldiers in the field, he proved his patriotic faith bj- cheerfully tendering all his available means to his countrj-, re- ceiving from the Government jiromise to pa\-, and continued to do this from time to time, until the war was ended, and the country saved. During the darkest days of the Rebellion, when the armies for the Union were beaten back, the country seemed to be trembling in the balance, and the hope of many had wellnigh given w.ay to despair, he was admon- ished that there was great risk in placing so much of his h.ard-earned savings in the Government. To this, he promptly replied, "tliat if tlie Governnient went to pieces, it would probably be upcm that theory, and th.at if we should all act on that sup- position the Government would surely not be main- tained. Slavery cannot alwaj's exist, or the slave power nuich longer rule, and in the justness of our cause, and with honest Abe at the head, we are sure to win." Mr. and Airs. Wood were the parents of seven children, four of whom are still living: ,Tohn F., of San Bern.ardino, Cal. ; Theodoeia B., wife of John Dawson, of Henry County, Iowa; Daniel C, also -►-«- i u 4- HENRY COUNTY. 345 of Henry Countj'. Charles D. Wood, our subject, received his education in the primitive schools of the time, and in 1838 came to Henrj' County with his parents, remaining on the farm until 185G, when he went to Kansas, then a Territory, engaging in the border rutfian war under old Jim Lane, and using [lis vote and influence in maliing that State a home for free men. In the fall of 1860, having con- ceived a desire to visit the place of his birth, he bad adieu to Kansas, the land of the cayote and border rutlian, and turning his face toward the rising sun, he st.arted in a private conveyance, in due time hailed the ferryman at Nauvoo, and crossed into the land of his e.arly childhood, remaining there till July 13, 1861. He enlisted in Company K, 2d Illi- nois Cavalry, being mustered in at Camp Butler, near Springfield, where the regiment was encamped, and then went to Paducah, Ky., the regiment re- maining there for a year. During this time Mr. Wood was taken sick with measles, and was dis- charged April 30, 1802. Like the prodigal, he then returned home, and on the 12th of February, 1863, was married to Miss Addie E. Willeford, daughter of Samuel and Rhoda Willefonl. formerly of Ken- tucky, but pioneers of this county. She w.as born May 8, 1844, iu Henry County, Iowa, and five chil- dren graced their union — Florence H., Edith A., Ada B., Viola May and Charles R. R. Shortly after marriage, Mr. and Mrs. Wood lo- cated on a farm three miles south of Mt. Pleasant, residing there until the spring of 1873, when they removed to the vicinity of Weaverville. Trinity Co., Cal., purchasing a farm in the Golden State, located on the banks of Trinity River, from whence could be seen the snow-capped mountains all the year. Two very prosperous years were passed, but owing to the rough state of society, and the lack of educational advantages for their growing family, the parents determined to sell and return to Iowa. Carrying out this purpose, they purchased the farm where they reside one and a half miles south of the city of Mt. Pleasant, and again became residents of Henry County. Mr. Wood's belief is in the Right, having no special preference for sects or creeds. A stanch Republican in politics, he believes that the great evil of intemperance can be so surely suppressed in -^« • no other way then through the policy of Prohibi- tion advocated by that party. Believing that the protective policy of the Republican party to Ameri- can industries will be most beneficial to the Ameri- can laborer, and will more rapidly develop our latent resources, bringing prosperity to all indus- trious classes of society; believing that through the Republican partj' we may hope to see the ballot ex- tended to the noble women of our land, bringing in its wake a higher state of refinement, more humane and better laws ; believing that no other party is so willing to accord to the LTuion soldier the justice and honor he is entitled to for the grand achieve- ment wrought on the many bloody battle-fields of the South for the maintenance of the LTnion, and the suffering endured in hospital and prison pen ; he sincerely hopes, and confidently expects, if he should live to a ripe old age, to see these policies maintained, and in consequence, to witness the brightest, most prosperous and happy era that ever dawned on the American people. <^ jp 'R- MASON, residing on section 5, Jeffer- \rJ/i son Township, is a prominent farmer of W^ Henry County. The only male represent- ative of the Mason family in tliis county is our subject, who was born in Monroe County, Tenn., Aug. 18, 1830. His parents and their respective children are severally' mentioned in the historj' of John Kurtz, and we therefore confine the history of this gentleman to his own personal record. He was twelve years of age when his parents came to Henry County, and minutely he lias watched the progress of the county as it has developed year by year. He was not twenty-one years of age when the desire was formed to see the far western country, and also to engage in gold mining, at that time causing such an exodus of young men from the States. On the 21st of April, 1851, in company with his older brother, James N. Mason, and two of the Moore brothers, an ox-team was rigged out, and with covered wagon the party joined others who were en route from this part of the State. Every- thing progressed finely, and with the exception of one little skirmish at Ft. Hall, on Snake River, they hey t| 4 -1* t •^Hl 346 HENRY COUNTY. had no trouble with Indians or otherwise. The boys enjoyed the trip; the bracing air, their great game supplies cooked in a huge pot suspended by a crane over the fire, brought with them the best of appetites and perfect digestion. Only a few of the men wiio made the overland journey to Oregon and California in 1850, or even later, are living, but when one is found the stories of buffalo hunting, the seeniingl}' endless journe}', and the graphic way they have of telling the story, make it sound almost like a romance, yet all is true and vouched for by many men of the highest repute. Their first house in Oregon was made Sept. 21, 1851. The brothers sold their oxen when the mountains were reached, and hired to a man at ^'2 per day to drive cattle over the Cascade Range. This seemed to the boys like big wages, but they were well used to such before their return to Iowa. After footing it over the mountains, they reached Portland, and decided to take a trip on the steamer "Columbia," plying between that city and San Francisco. Both stopped at Jlilwaukee, Ore., and commenced work on a dam in process of construction, and when tliat was com- pleted made a trip to Sacramento, and from there went into the mining country, both securing work with tlie "Bear River Water Company," which furnished water to the miners. Three months later they went further uj) the mountains and began mining, but after trying it one sunuuer concluded that more money coidd be made b^' farming, and purchasing teams took a claim in the Sacramento Valley, in Yolo County, twenty-five miles from the city. After farming two years, during wliicii time they did well, the brothers again decided to try milling, and selling their claim and teams, made their way back to tlie mountains, and in partner- ship with Messrs. Ball and Leathers, opened amine known tiien as the "Scent Diggings," whicli paid them handsomelj'. 'I'iiis was operated six 3'ears, when William Mason sold his interest for ^3,000, and hired to another company at 5=1 per da}', working for them two years, lie tlieii liegan farming again in the Bodega \'a!ley, and for fourteen years re- mained there in that business. While engaged in mining the second time, .Mr. Mason was married to .Aliss Adelia Clark, whose death occurred soon afterward. He remained un- married until after his return home, having been absent for almost twenty-three years. Boj's had become men of mature years, had married and reared families; elegant farms and great houses stood upon commanding sites, over which he had hunted and phij'cd in childhood; villages dotted the prairies, and in fact the transformation was almost, to him, without a parallel. His father had died, his brothers and sisters had married, and the family circle was to him completely disorganized. He purchased a farm, the old Kurtz homestead, but the next year returned to California and disjiosed of his property there, and in 187G came back to the home of his boyhood. On the 13th of December, 1877, William Mason was married to Miss .Susanna Kurtz, and upon the farm and in the same house that had been for years her home, the}- began their domestic life. They remained there three years, and then purchased their present farm near the vilKage of Wa_ylaud, where they live as contentedly as if their married life had begun forty years .ago instead of ten. ilr. and Mrs. Mason have no heirs, but are rearing an orphan lad, Willie Woods, who finds with thein a home, and in the household of ;\lr. and Airs. IMason feels no need of father or mother, brother or sister. JOSEPH A. TAGUE, a proniiiieiil farmer re- siding on section 7, Scott Township, Henry Co., Iowa, was born in Baltimore Township, Sept. 12, 1842. His parents were Joseph and Lucinda (Kees) Tague, the former a native of Keiituckj', of Ocrinan and Scotch ancestry, and the latter born in Pennsylvania, though of Welsh and Dutch parentage. Joseph Tague, Sr., emigrated to this county in 1S37, settling in Baltimore Township, where he and his wife died, the mother when our subject was but a child. His father died in Au- gust, 1884, at the advanced age of sevenl}' years. He was a life-long farmer, a member of the Meth- odist Episcopal Church, and had served his country' during the War of 1812, and was a Democrat in politics. He had been thrice married, his tirst wife being Malinda Glassby. Four children were born of this marriage, all of whom are living: George, a n M^ I HENRY COUNTY, 347 ^} farmer residing in Des Moines County, Iowa; John, proprietor of a hotel in Fremont County ; William, a resident of Mills County, Iowa, was a soldier in the ICtli Iowa Volunteer Infantry ; and Nancy Jane, wife of William Weater, of Missouri. Joseph is the only living child of the second marriage. Mr. Tague, after the death of his second wife, was united in mai'riage with Eliza Gott, and by their union four children were born : Martha and Otis, who died in childhood; Lorenzo Dow and Francis M., residents of Baltimore Township. At the time of his death !\Ir. Tague owned a farm of 230 acres of land, on which his widow still resides. Our subject was born and reared upon a farm, and his whole life has been spent as a tiller of the soil. He was one of the brave boys in blue, being a member of Company A, 4th Iowa Cavalry. He enlisted Dee. 3, 1863, and was discharged at the close of the war, March 20, 1865. He participated in the battles of Ripley and Memphis, Tenn., and in numerous other slcirmishes. After his discharge he returned to this county, remaining two years engaged as farm hand, and then went to Mills County. There he rented a farm for one year and then purchased forty acres of land, upon which he resided for three years. Selling his farm in Mills County he bought eight3f acres in Fremont County, but later removed to Baltimore Township, where he rented a farm for two years. He then bought eighty acres of land on section 7, of Scott Town- ship, his present home. This farm was partially improved, yet he has made manj' more improve- ments. He has a nice home which was erected at a cost of §1,200, and good out-buildings for the use of his stock and grain. Everything about the place denotes thrift and enterprise, showing that Mr. Tague well understands the business of farming. On the 11th of December, 1866, Joseph Tague brought to his home his young bride, Deborali Kerr. She is one of Henry County's daughters, and was born in Baltimore Township. Her parents were Bernard and Sarah (Dillingham) Kerr, her father a native of England and her mother born in New York. They were among the early settlers of Henry County. ]Mr. Kerr was drowned in Skunk River, June 1, 1851, when forty-five years and eleven months old. His wife survived him sev- eral years, dying at the age of sixty-three years, in 1862. Mrs. Tague was a member of the Society of Friends. There are four of her father's family yet living: Mary, widow of Joseph Bancer; AVilliam R., a resident farmer of Grant County, Wis.; Ed- ward, residing in Baltimore Township, engaged in farming, and the honored wife of our subject. Mr. and Mrs. Tague have no children of their own, but have an adopted son, Festus, upon whom they bestow all the love and care that would have been given to their own children. Mr. and Mrs. Tague are devoted members of the Methodist Epis- copal Church of Winlield. He is lilieral in his views, voting for the man whom he thiniis would best fill the office. Having lived in this couutj- all their lives, Mr. and Mrs. Tague are universally known, and of such citizens Henr\' County is justly proud. AXTON FITCH, one of the prominent farmers and stock-i-aisers of Henry County, resides on section 20, Trenton Township. He was born in Guernsey County, Ohiara and JSIattie. Their mother was the second wife of John Frienberger. who first wedded j;iizabeth Rupp, who was the mother of several children, four of whom are living: Josepii, wedded to INIary Slaughter; Christian, married to Katie Fry; Elizabeth, who became the wife of Christian Rupp; and Katie, wedded to Jacob Rupp. The three latter reside on farms in Fullon County, Oliici. All the children of the Kolh family are liappily married, and well settled on f;u-ms. with tiie exception of our subject, who is a permanent resident of Wayland. Jacob r <^ married Barbara Yoder, and lives a retired life at Louisville, Ohio. Fannie is now the widow of Joseph !Mast, who died Nov. 29, 1887; her first husband being Christian Wise. Christian married Fannie Augsberger: Katie became the wife of Peter AVise ; Joseph is the husband of Barbara, a daughter of Christian Eicher; and Mary died un- married. Mr. and Mrs. Roth have no children of their own, but are rearing a pretty and vivacious little girl, Mamie AVhitman, born Dec. 31, 1876. To her the}' give the love and care that parents could bestow upon their own child, and she never feels the lack of anything that affection can provide. In the enterprising village of AVayland tlie Roths are deservedly held in esteem. ETP;R p. AVALZ, a prominent farmer of Baltimore Township, was born in this county, June 29, 1858, and is the S(m of Dennis and Caroline (Herrmann) AValz. Both parents came from Baden, Germany, where they were schoolmates and friends from childhood. Dennis AV.alz came alone to America in 1852, and located in Canton, Ohio. He secured employment in the coal mines there, and after working for two j'ears his heart went out to the bonny girl whom he learned to love in the German home across the sea, to wliom his troth was plighted before he left his native land. He had accumulated a few dollars, and decided to send for his lu'lrotliod. Siic came, and was met b}' her lover in Canton, where thej' were married, and where for two j-ears the young couple remained. Their hearts were gladdened by the birth of a little daugliler, Julia A., born in tlie Buckeye State. Two years after Caroline Herr- mann came to America, tlu>y emigrated to the Far West w itii their darling daughter and $G0 in cash. They came direct to Des Moines County, .and the husl)and engaged with Dennis Melcher, who gave him work in llie woods at fifty cents per dii}'. INIr. AValz worked early and late until he ;iccunui!ated a small sum, and with that he purchased forty acres of land, upon which iiis son I'eter P. now resides. .^^°:\i.r.^^ vwo S3^. QMri^ ^^ «««% ,t HENRY COUNTY. 355 t* He erected a small cabin in the brush, which stands a few rods from where the fine farmhouse is situ- ated, and in this cabin the young wife with her baby was duly installed as mistress. Mr. Walz grubbed and otherwise improved his lands, and prosperity came as the days went by. His first team was a partnership one, he owning one steer, and his neighbor, B. Kleinkopf, the other, and in turn their lands were plowed and cultivated. Mr. Walz later purchased Kleinkopf's ox, and then had a team which was the beginning of his good fortune. Day b}' day the gains increased, and other acres became his. In the little cabin their first son, Peter P., was born, and the delighted father blessed the day when he first saw the light. While he was yet a baby the good mother had to aid the husband in tilling the land, and placing her baby in a secure place, would lead the ox while he guided the plow. The third birth gave them another daughter, Mary L. The three children came near getting killed at one time, being in the wagon when the oxen ran away, but becoming entangled in the trees, the children were rescued by their frightened parents, who be- lieved they had met a hon-ible death. Other acres were added to the first forty, and when Dennis Walz and his wife left the old farm he was owner of 250 acres of land, which arc hand- somely improved, and upon which grand buQdings stand. Tiiere never was a man of greater energy than Dennis Walz, and as he became wealthy by his own labor and that of his good wife, they are entitled to much credit in the history of this county. Their family is composed of the children men- tioned and Mary, who married Frank X. Ferry, a mer- chant of Rochester, N. Y. ; Frances, the wife of John Walz, a business man in Burlington, and John, who is a partner with his father in the grocery busi- ness in Burlington. Peter P. Walz was married to Miss Celestine M. Widerspoch, Feb. 10, 1885, who takes the place of her kind mother-in-law as mistress of the mansion. Celestine was born in Washington County, Iowa, Nov. 24, 18C5, and is the daughter of Charles and Mary (Brum) Widerspoch, both of whom were natives of France. Her father came to America a single man, and his wife came when twelve years of age. They were married in Des Moines County, Iowa, and are the parents of six children, three of whom are now living — Celestine, Louisa and Edna. We'greet the young couple, who have taken the place of the fine familj' who did so much to im- prove and beautify this coimty, and ere their heads become silvered with gray, they may be as noted as were their ancestors. ♦ ^■»- ■^OHN M. HANSON, deceased, was one of the pioneers of Henry Countj% and one of its most esteemed citizens. He was born in Deerfield, Franklin Co., Mass., July 25, 1807, and died on his farm in Center Township, adjoin- ing Mt. Pleasant, April 3, 1887, lacking but little of having completed fourscore years, a long life, well and worthily' spent. He left a sorrowing widow and children, and a large circle of friends to mourn their loss, but comforted with the knowledge that he went to meet the reward earned by an upright Christian life. He was one of a large family, of whom but three are living at the present: Mrs. P. H. P'isher, of Mt. Pleasant, and two younger brothers, now residents of Mentor, Ohio. Like the great majority of New England boys of his day, he had his own way to make in the world, and received but the limited education common in those times. Early in life he was apprenticed to the trade of cabinet-making at Shelburne, in his native county, working there until his marriage on Jan. 8, 1 832, to Miss Lauretta Smith, a native of Massachusetts. Shortly after this event he removed to New York State, but did not stay long there, being, like many others,, attracted by the more brilli.nnt opportunities in the West, and removing to Ohio. That phice did not suit him, and he went still nearer to the frontier, arriving in Chicago, 111., in 1836, whence he started with a team to Joliet. There he traded his team for wild land, and set out for Iowa, arriv- ing in Henry County in September of that year, and soon after settling on the farm where all his subsequent life was passed, with the exception of the time he spent in California. He was truly one of that band of noble pioneers who opened the way to the broad prairies of the State. When he located on his farm, there was not a settler between him and -^ -U '•►HI-4 356 HENRY COUNTY. the Mississippi, whence all his sup]ilies had to be procured. Nothing daunted, with unbounded en- ergy and faith, he began the work of making a home, and how well his confidence was founded is shown by the results he achieved. Besides farming he was for some years engaged in chair-making and turning, and many specimens of his skill are yet to be foiuid in the houses of the earlier settlers. He was industrious and enterprising, and turned his hand to anj'thing he found to do. August 18, 1839, his wife died, leaving three chil- dren, of whom but one is now living, a son, Will- iam, in business in Mt. Pleasant. On the 10th of February, 1841, Mr. Hanson was married to Miss Laura A. Wood, by whom he had six children, of whom four are now living: Charles A. and John C, residents of C'hillicothe, Mo. ; Lauretta A., now Mrs. Bayles, living in Nebraska; and Henry W., a resident of this county. Leaving his family pro- vided for, he started in 1852 for the gold fields of California, with a company of friends and neigh- bors, and accompanied by his eldest son, George. Shortly after he left home his wife died, on Feb. 24, 1852, but the sad news did not reach him until seven months afterward. He staid in California for six years, most of the time engaged in mining. In 1 858 he returned to his desc)late home in Iowa, and gathered his children around him. In his ab- sence two of them had found a home with tiuir grandparents, Mr. and iAIrs. Wood, cared for and attended by an older sister. The others had been reared by other relatives and friends. Aug. 2(5, 1859, death again invaded the family, the eldest son, George, who had remained in C'alifornia, dying on that day, at Deer Creek. .lune 10, l.S(;2. ]\Ir. Hanson was united in mar- riage to Eliza, daughter of Joel and Eunice (Hig- gins) Farr, the former a native of Vermont, and the latter born at Cape Cod, M.ass. INlrs. Hanson was born in Chittenden County, Vt., June 9, 1817, and proved herself a worth3- and loving helpmeet to her husband, whose memory she tcnderl}' reveres. i\Ir. Hanson was a man of marked intc^lligenee, energy, good judgment, and decisiim of ciiaracter, and took an active part in all movements tending to the interest of his adopted home. He was the first President of tlie Ilenrj' County Agricultural Society, M» and cJiief promoter of its first fair. He held many town and school offices, and in 1871 was chosen to represent the county in the .State Legislature on an independent fai-mer's ticket, and in every position to which he was called fully justified the confidence reposed in him. In his death the county lost one of its most valued citizens, who had done much for its advancement, and his many friends a counselor on whose judgment they had been accustomed to relj'; his wife a noble and kind husband, and his children a wise and faithful parent. Though his daj's were prolonged to a decade beyond the Psalmist's three- score years and ten. yet to the last he was an act- ive and useful member of society. His life was a model for all. Blessings and sorrows he accepted as coming from Him who "doeth all things well," and his memory is revered by many who honored his sterling integrilty of ch.aracter, his unswerving honesty, industry, imvarjing cheerfulness and ready charity. His death, which was preceded by a severe illness, was not unexpected, but was not the less mourned, and his mortal remains were followed to their last resting-place by a large concourse of friends assembled to honor the memory of a just man, and were laid to rest to await the sounding of that trumi)et which shall sununcMi both the quick and the dead. J'he portrait of IMr. Hanson, inserted l)y request of his widow, is a fitting tribute to the worth of one who was in every relation of life an ujjright man, and a true representjitive of the best class of Henry Country's early settlers. -h- #^ AVID O. WILSON, residing on section 3, )Y Trenton Township, Henr}' County, was born in llnckbridge County, Va., March 13, 1837. His parents, William and Ellen (Orbisoii) Wilson, were also natives of Rockbridge County, Va. They came to this county in 1857, and seltled in Trenton Township, whore he was emplo^'ed as a cabincl-mMker in Ticnton, which trade he followed until liis death, whicii nccurred Aug. 8, l,s77. He was a member of tlie Presby- terian Church, and was Justice of the Peace for a number of ye.ars in Trenton Tt)wnship. He was a n JU ,t HENRY COUNTY. 357 '^ Democrat In politics, and took an active interest in all political affairs. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson were the parents of seven children, of whom our subject was the eldest. John C, the second child, died while in the service of his country as a member of the 1st Iowa Volunteer Cavalry, at Butler, Mo., Aug. G, 1862; James, also a soldier in the same regiment, died at Benton Barracks, St. Louis, Nov. 30, 1801 ; William now lives in Trenton, and is a painter by trade; C. Giveus, a farmer of Marion Township; Charles is a resident of Trenton; Nannie M., wife of Oliver C.avenee, died March 21, 1878. The mother of these children still resides in Tren- ton, at the age of seventy-two, and is a member of the Presbyterian Church. David O. Wilson, our subject, was reared upon a farm, and all his life has been spent in tilling the soil. He was married, April 3, 1.S62, to Ann Morrison, a native of the county, and a daughter of Joseph Morrison, whose sketch appears elsewhere in this vol- ume. Seven children have been born to this worthy couple: Ada, born March 29, 18G3, died Jan. 20, 1881; Clarence, born Jan. 23, 186G, died Oct. 21, 1 887 ; he was a student at the Business College in Burlington. May, born May 25, 1872, died Oct. 21, 1878; Harry, born Oct. 2,'), 1875, resides at home; Nellie, born April 30, 1880, died April 21, 1881, and James, born Nov. 14, 1884, completes the family now living; one son died in infancy. Mr. Wilson is a member of the Presbyterian Church, and his wife of tlie Christian Church. His business is tliatof general farming, and he owns 180 acres of fine land in Trenton Township. Politically' he is a Republican, and was elected .Justice of the Peace of the township. He is well known and universally respected throughout the county. ^ IV.ILLIAM HENRY WHITNEY, architect, \/iJ// ^'^''Penter and builder, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. V^^ was born in Ross County, Ohio, Feb. 7, 1840, and is the son of William and Mary A. (Ressel) Whitney, the former a native of Connecti- cut and the latter of Pennsylvania. They were married in Ross County, Ohio, to which point their respective families had moved at an early day. William, who traces his ancestry back to nearly 1400 — is of English descent, and early in life learned the trade of a blacksmith, at which trade he worked for many years. In 184f) he moved with his family to Indiana, locating first in Putnam County, where he remained a short time, and then moved to Montgomery, and later to Tippecanoe County, in the same State. While in Indiana he combined farming with blacksmithing. In 1854 he moved to Mt. Pleasant, Henry Co., Iowa, where he remained a short time, working at his trade, and then moved to a farm in Marion Township, having entered IGO acres of land. Later he sold sixty acres, retaining the remainder till his removal to Nebraska, in February, 18S8. To William and Mary A. Whitney were born six children, of whom five are yet living. Mrs. Whitney dying in 1859, in 18G1 Mr. Whitney wedded Ann Eliza Miller, by whom he had two children. For many years William Whitney has been a devoted member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. When the family came to Iowa, William H. Whitney, of whom we write, was fourteen years of age. He soon afterward engaged to learn the carpenter's trade, which he mastered, and in 1860 married Miss Angelina Miller, daughter of Arthur Miller. Two children were born of their union: Mary F., born Nov. 15, 18G1, and William A., born June 21, 18G3. The former is now living in Colorado, and the latter died July 15, 1872. Mrs. Whitney died shortly' after the birth of her second child, and Dec. G, 18G7, Mr. Whitney wedded Miss Nancy A. Lamb, daughter of Jacob and Sidney (Ferrell) Lamb. She was born March 10, 1848, in F'ulton County, 111. Four children were born of the latter marriage, all sons. Charles H. was born Sept. 25, 1868; John L., Jan. 12, 1870; George W., July 17, 1871 ; Edwin, March 2, 1873. Mr. Whitney has been engaged in his occupation of contracting and building for upward of twenty- five years, and in that time has erected many of the best public and private buildings in Henry County, among which may be mentioned the residences of P. Summers, Walter Gamagc, James Harlan, Jacob Housman, Le Grand Chandler, Wesley Greenfield, Dangherty and Comick. The Catholic Church, at Mt. Pleasant, destroyed by the c^'clone of July, •►nil- i -4*- -•► 358 HENRY COUNTY. f 1882, was rebuilt by him, and in the summer and fall of 1887 he erected a handsome church building for the Methodist Episcopal Society of New Lon- don. He is a first-class mechanic and a fine draughtsman. Politically Mr. Whitney is a Democrat, and socially a member of the K. of L. and the Good Templars. In the latter body iMrs. Whitney is also a member. Both are memljers of the Christian Church, .at Mt. Plc.isant, in which they take a lively Interest, generally being found in their accustomed place during the hours of worship. Wl OHN F. WYSE, residing on section 28, Tren- ton Township, Henry Co., Iowa, was born in France, Sept. 15, 1828. His parents, (^7/ Christian and IMary (Eichcr) Wj'se, were also natives of tlie same place. John received a good common-school education, and at the .age of fifteen was apprenticed to a cabinet-maker for a term of tlu'ee ye.'irs, having to p.ay $40 for the privilege of learning the trade. Christian Wyse was called from this earth in 1840. His widow with her family, leaving her native home, emigrated to America in 1850. For a time she m.ade Fulton County, Ohio, her home. Our subject, being the eldest son, was obliged to aid in the support of the family. He purchased eighty acres of raw land in that county and from this developed a farm. In that county also he became acquainted with and wedded Mary Gr.afft, a native of Switzerland, and a daughter of Jacob .and Mary (Spangler) Grafft. The young couple resided in Fulton County until 18G8. Mr. Wyse, having added to his possessions, then owned 120 acres of land, which he sold at $85 an acre, and removed to Henry County, Iowa. Prior to his coming to this county he operated a saw- mill in Ohio for seven years, at which business he was very successful. He also purchased a mill here which he operated for a sliort time, but lias devoted himself principality to farming and stock-raising. Mr. and ISIrs. Wyse have been the parents of ten children: Marj', wife of Oscar Swan, a resident of New London; Christian, li.arbara; John, who died Sept. 27, 1882, at the age of three years; Anna; ^ Solomon, who died Sept. 4, 1878; Benj.amin died April 22, 1883; David died April 6, 1887, aged six years and seven months; and Josephiue and IMartha. On coming to this county, Mr. Wyse purchased 480 acres of land, mostlj' covered with brush and timber, and h.is now a finely improved farm. He has 250 acres under cultivation and the entire tract is under fence. In August, 1882, a new house was erected at a cost of $1,500. He has good barns and out-buildings, and his farm is well stocked with the best grades of cattle. Mr. Wjse has been very suc- cessful through life, notwithstanding he has been a cripple since boyhood. He came to this countr3' poor, and had his widowed mother to support on a salary of forty-five cents per d.ay. His home was his mother's home until the time of her death, which occurred in 1861. She w.as a devoted member of the ]\Iennonite Church. Of her six children five are still living. Mr. AV^-se keeps well informed on all questions of the d.ay, and is a friend of education or .any other interest which is beneficial to the people. 'vwj OHN F. LEECH, Mayor of the city of Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, is a native of the State, born I at Bloomfield, Davis County. July 9, 1848. (^7/ His father, Hon. Andrew Leech, was born in Washington County, Pa., in 1807. His mother, Agnes (Bell) Leech, was born in Guernse}- County-, Ohio, in 1811. They were married in the latter county in 1833,. and emigrated to Van Buren Count3-, Iowa, in the summer of 1840. A 3^ear later they moved to Davis County and settled in Bloomfield, which at that time contained about a dozen houses. Here Andrew Leech purchased and developed a large tr.act of land adjoining the town. He took an active part in all ])ul)lic matters tending to the development of his adopted home, and in 184G was elected a member of the firet State Legislature at Iowa Citj-, and voted for the first United States Senators elected — Dodge and Jones. In 1855 he was appointed Land Receiver of the land-oflice at Sioux City, holding the office six j'ears. In 18G4 IVIr. Leech emigrated to Madison County, Mont., and while there was elected Treasurer of the countj\ n^ -4^ ^^►^11 <• HENRY COUNTY. 359 After four j'eais he retiinied to Bloomfiekl, Iowa, where he lived a retired life until liis death, which occurred in 18H6. He was a self made man of more than ordinary ability, and was an especially valu- able citizen in a newl}' settled region, his enter- prise, sagacity and foresight being of great benefit to the coramunit}-, which rewarded him by placing him in responsible positions, none of which he ever sought. He and his wife were life-king members of the Presbyterian Church. The latter, now a woman of advanced age, is still living at Bloomtteld, where she is regarded as an estimable Christian lady, and is highly respected. Andrevv Leech and wife were the parents of eight children, namely: Mathew, a farmer in Cow- ley County, Kan. ; Robert, a merchant at Omaha, Neb. ; Andrew, an attorney-at-law. Palisade, Neb. ; William, County Clerk for several terms of Davis County, Iowa; John F., Mayor of Mt. Pleasant, Iowa; Emma and Margaret, living in Bloomfield, and Nannie, wife of Palmer Trimble, of Keokuk, Iowa. The subject of this sketch grew to manhood in his native county, and spent four years in Montana with his father, during which time he learned the printing business. In 1868 he returned to his native place and there worked at his trade. In 1870 he came to Mt. Pleasant, where he entered the Iowa Wesleyan Uuiversit}', graduating in the class of 1874, and during these four years also doing work in a printing-office. Subsequently, for sev- eral years he was connected with the Mt. Pleasant Journal as one of its editors. He afterward studied law and was admitted to the bar in the fall of 1877, since which time, in connection with other business, he has been in the continuous practice of his profession. He is now Mayor "of the city of Mt. Pleasant, his present term completing his fifth 3'ear in that position, that being good evidence of the appreciation of his neighbors. His training has been especiall}- valuable in teaching him the prac- tical needs of a city, and the results are apparent in the admirable manner in which he discharges the duties of a responsible position. He takes a warm interest in educational matters, and for six years was Clerk of the School Board. Mr. Leech was married, Sept. 28,1880, in Mt, Pleasant, to Miss Belle Requa, a daughter of Joseph Requa, one of the earl3' settlers of Henry County. She was born in 1858 in Mt. Pleasant. Indei)endent in politics, advocating always the adoption of all measures designed for the good of the community, and a man of undoubted probity, Jlr. Leech has in a marked degree the respect of all who know him. ILLIAM H. FEHSE, tobacconist and news- dealer, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, was born in that city Dec. 8, 185G. His parents, J. Frederick and Marie (Schultz) Fehse, were born in the Province of Saxony, Germany. His father is the son of James Fehse, and was born Sept. 3, 1822. He learned the w.agon and carriage maker's trade in his n.ative country, performed the required military duty due the Government, and emigrated to Amer- ica in 1848, landing in Baltimore on the 16th of October of that year. Remaining but a short time in that city, he went to Indianapolis, Ind., where he worked at his tr.ade till 1852, when he came to Iowa and located at Burlington, where he worked at the plow business four j'ears. In 1856 became to Mt. Pleasant, where he has since resided, and has since continued to work at his trade, of which he is a master. For several years he was a silent partner of William Schultz in the wagon and carriage mak- ing business. He is now employed in the shop of Mr. A. H. Zuhn. Mr. Fehse is a hard-working, in- dustrious man, a good mechanic, and a very higiily respected citizen. He was married in Indianapolis, Ind., Nov. 9, 1849, to Miss Maria Schulz, a daughter of James Schulz. Mrs. Fehse was born in Saxony, German}'. Both are members of the Presbyterian Church in Mt. Pleasant. They have had four children — Fred, William H., Sarah and Frank. Fred, the eldest, is a soldier in the regular armj^ serving as a musician; Sarah is living at home; Frank is an upholsterer by trade, and lives .at Omaha. William H., the subject of this sketch, learned the cigar-maker's trade with Dempsey & Heits- meier, cigar manufacturers, of Burlington, Iowa. f -4»- 360 HENRY COUNTY. He traveled as a, journej'man and salesman, and worked at his trade through the Western States until 1877, when he began Imsiness fitr himself at Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, since which time he has carried it on continuousl3\ In 1884 he added the news business, and has worked up a tine trade in that branch. Mr. Kehse manufactures some of the finest stock in his line in the cit3', and also carries a full line of tobacco. He was married at Mt. Pleas- ant, Dec. 17, 1879, to Miss Hattie E. Keefer, daughter of Joshua Keefer. Mrs. Fehse was born in Sargent, McKean Co., Pa., Dec. 8, 1862. Five children were born of their marriage, four sons and a daughter. Three died in infancy. Those living are James Howard and Jeanette Marie. Their youngest child. Josh R;ilph, died only a short time since, aged seven months. Mr. Felise is a Knight Templar Mason, a member of Mt. Pleasant Lodge No. 8, A. F. ife A. M., of Henry Chapter No. 8, E. A. M., and of Jerusalem Comandery No. 7, K. T. Politically he is a Democrat. ^-*#- -^ ss^ AMU EL M. TURNER, Postmaster and merchant of Coppock, is a prominent citi- zen of Henry Count}-. Among the earliest families settling in Salem Township was his father, Thomas N. Turner, who was born, reared and married in Kentucky. The Turners were of Scotch origin, but the early history of the famil}' cannot be detailed. Thomas N. Turner was three times married, his first wife being Miss Margaret M. McKiiniey. After their marriage, in the au- tumn of 1845, the next spring found them en route for Iowa, and to this d;ite one of the best known and most highly respected families in her bounda- ries is the one under consideration. They were parents of ten children, all sons, and all born in this covnit3'. William L. married Cordelia Lane, and resides in Polk County, Iowa; John F. wed- ded Lydia Alired. and resides in Harrison County. Mo.; Samuel M., our subject; Henry wedded Aletha Jay, whose death occurred Nov. 15. 1847; Perry .M. married Klizalietli (iraliam, and also lives in Polk County; Benjamin II. and Martin .M. are unmarried, and live with tiieir father on the farm; Oscar, Zephania and David died in childhood. The death of Mrs. Turner occurred Nov. 20, 1873, and on Nov. 12, 1875, Mr. Turner was m.arried to -Mrs. Nancy (Wright) Vorris, who died the follow- ing August, and on May 6, 1877, Thomas Turner married Mary M. (Long) Ridinger. She was the widow of George Ridinger, who, by her lirst union, had six children, named Samuel H., William T., John E.. Saiah C, Mary A. and George D.. all liv- ing. The four youngest are married, .as follows: George is the husband of Hettie !McDonough. and resides in Corvallis, Ore. ; S.arah C. wedded Julius Lippmon, now deceased. She makes her home with Mr. Turner, and is the mother of Jules R., a bright boy four years of age. Mary A. mar- ried William A. Smith, of Trenton; John E. wed- ded Emma T. Kephart, and resides in this county. The parents of Mrs. Turner, John and Mary M. Long, came to Iowa from Franklin County. Pa., in 1842, settling in Jefferson County, and bringing with them six children — John. William, Sarah. David, Henrj- and Mar}- M. Only two are living, the eldest and youngest. John married Barbara Courtne}^ and resides in Chariton. Iowa. The parents both died in Jefferson Count}-, the father in his sixty-first and the mother in her sixty-third year. Our subject, Samuel M. Turner, was born ^la}- 7, 1854. on the farm in Fr.auklin Township, educated in this county, and grew to manhood on the farm. He w.is married, in 1872, to Miss Elizabeth C. Mason, whose father, W. Mason, was an early settler, and whose historj- will be found elsewhere. A few months after his marriage 3Ir. Turner rented a farm in Ilenr}- Count}', and three years later re- moved to Montgomery County, where he staiil three years, when, for a year, he maile Jeffer- son County his home, and then farmed for another year in Henry County. An accident to his right hand dis.abled him for farm work, and he engaged in huckstering for a year, and when the railroad wa* graded he came to the village of Coppock, not yet laid out, and erected a home, the first one built upon what is now the town site. At once he engaged in business, and from that day to this the name of Turner has been associated with the busi- ness prosperity of the new village. His was the •►Hl-^ I -^•- ,t HENRY COUNTY. 361 first family to settle in the village; his the first business building, and he the first merchant and Postmaster, the post-office being seemed through his instrumentality. His commission bears the signature of Timothy O. Howe, Postmaster Gen- eral, and Frank Hatton, First Assistant, dated July 5, 1882. Since that date he has continuously filled the office. Four children have blessed the union of Mr. and Mrs. Turner: Martha L. and Harry O., who died within a few days of each other, in 1878, one on October 18, and the other October 26; Clayton O. and Elsie I\I. The latter is entitled to the distinction of being the first child born in Cop- pock, her birthday being Dec. 31, 1882. Mr. Turner was also the first regular dealer in grain in the town. His first stock was exclusively of groceries and provisions, but to this was soon added dry-goods and fancy articles. The stock of gen- eral merchandise now carried will invoice $3,000 or over, and his sales for 1887 were in advance of $10,000. He was also the first who fed the waj'- farer in the new town, and while not exactly keep- ing a hotel, his was the first boarding-house. Like others of his name, he possesses that genial disposi- tion which makes his name so well known, and his excellent business management is rapidly making him well off. His is a front rank among the pioneers of Coppock, and as a son of Henry County, and a business man of integrity and enterprise, his name is widelj' known. ■'>«e££/®-|g'«— *i|;-^ •^WU^m^ JOHN H. AYALLBANK, Postmaster of Mt. Pleasant, Henry Co., Iowa, is one of that class of enterprising, energetic citizens who , . do much to insure the prosperity and devel- opment of the places where they make their homes, as he has in Mt. Pleasant. He was born near Man- chester, England, Nov. 7, 1838, and is a son of James and Sophia (Hayhurst) Wallhank, both natives of England, who followed their son to the New World, emigi-ating in 1871, and settling in this county, where both died, the former in 1878 and his widow in 1884. They were people of excellent repute, who enjoyed the respect of those who knew them. <■ They were the parents of two sons, one of whom, George, still lives in his native laud. The other, John H., the subject of this sketch, received a good education in England, and for six years was em- ployed in the revenue service of Great Britain, in the excise department. Leaving his native land he went to Australia, and lived there and in New Zealand between three and four years, and also visited many of the South Pacific Islands. He re- turned to England, and in 18G7 emigrated to Amer- ica, and coming to the West, located in Henr3' Count}-, which has ever since been his home. His first business venture here was in Trenton, whence he went to Marshall, now called Wayland, where he staid until 1878, when he removed to Mt. Pleas- ant and engaged in the boot and shoe trade, which he carried on until Dec. 31, 1883, on which night the building in which he was doing business burned down, and Mr. Wallbank was a heavy loser. He then sold out the balance of his stock, and in 1885 opened a clothing store, in which he carries not only a full stock of clothing of all grades, but a complete line of gentlemen's furnishing goods and men's shoes. This is not Mr. Wallbank's only bus- iness enterprise, as he has a fine branch store at Winfield, known as Green & Wallbank, in this county, and is the owner of a 200-acre farm in Jef- ferson Township, all under cultivation. He was married in England, in 1860, to Miss Martha Whitman, a native of that country. They are the happy parents of six children, now living, namely: Sophia E., Eliza, Nellie, Anna, James and Arthur. Mr. Wallbank is a leading man in the Democratic party in the county, and in August, 1886, was ajj- pointed Postmaster of Mt. Pleasant, under President Cleveland's administration. Since coming to the country he has been one of the most efficient work- ers in the party, and his appointment over a number of competitors was "a well-merited recognition of his zeal in the cause. Not only in political affairs is Mr. Wallbank a leader. In business circles he is recognized as an enterprising citizen, and is al- ways to be found in the ranks of those who encour- age all movements tending to the advancement and prosperitj^ of the county and city, in whose affairs he keeps thoroughly jjosted. t M^ ■•► 362 HENRY COUNTY. Mr. Wallbank belongs to the Masonic fraternity, and is a member of Adoniram Lodge No. 120, A. F. & A. M., of Wayland, and also of Henry Lodge No. 10, L O. O. F., of Mt. Pleasant. His wife and eldest daughter are members of the Pres- bj-terian Church. He has proved himself an enterprising, go-ahead and capable citizen, and is justlj' entitled to representation in this volume. -~H- ^^^^ ♦ »— .*N^w- ELVILLE C. LEACH, who is Postmaster and agent of the American Jixpress Com- pany, New London, Henry Co., Iowa, was born in Allen County, Ind., Oct. 19, 1858. He received a common-school education, and at the age of thirteen left school and was employed as a cash boy, and from there went to a wall-paper and paint store, where he learned book-keeping. At the age of sixteen he started out to see the world, and "pulled up" at Cleveland, Ohio, where he was employed as book-keeper in a wholesale paint and paper house. After a year of that service he re- turned to Ft. W.ayne, Ind., with the hope of im- proving his health, which was delicate, and engaged in the butchering business, continuing in that line two and a half yeai's. Mr. Le.ach then went to St. Joseph, Mo., where he was employed as assistant fore- man of a large packing establishment. In 1880 he left St. Joseph and came to New London, Iowa, where he has since resided. P^or several years he was em- ployed as salesman with James ]\IcClellan, merchant, and was appointed Postmaster in December, 1885, entering upon the duties of the odice Jan. 1, 1886. Mr. Leach was married at New London, July 21, 1880, to Miss Emma McCIcllan, daughter uf J.ames McClellan, who was an earl}' settler of Henry County, and whose history is given elsewhere in this volume. Mrs. Leach is a native of New Lon- don, Iowa. Two ciiiklicn were born of their mar- riage, a daughter and a son: Mamie E., born May 6. 1882, and Grover, July 30, 1885. both born at New London. Mr. Leach is a Democrat, and took an active part in the last Presidential election in sup- port of his party's National and Congressional candid.'ites. He is a Master ^Lason, and a member of New London Lodge No. 28, A. F. & A. M. He -<•— was appointed agent of the American Express Com- pany in 1882. In connection with the post-offlce and exjn-ess oflice, ^Ir. Leach carries a stock of fruits, vegetables and confectionery, in which he has built up quite a fine trade, and he is regarded as one of the enterprising and rising men of the vil- lage. >HOMAS B. LEE, farmer, residing at New London, Henry Co., Iowa, a pioneer of 1836, was born in Bond County. 111., June 25, 1835. His parents were John and Charity (Smith) Lee, also pioneers of Henry County of 1836, of whom a biographical sketch appears elsewhere in this work. The subject of this sketch was reared on his father's farm in the northern part of New London Township, and i-eceived a common-school education. He was engaged in farming until the summer of 1862, when he enlisted on August 7 as a private in Company K, 25th Regiment Iowa In- fantry, and served until the close of the war. His first service was at the beginning of the siege of Vicksburg under Grant, next at the battle of Ar- kans.as Post, Kennesaw Mountain and Chattanooga, which included Missionary Ridge, Taylor's Ridge and Lookout ^Mountain. Next at Nashville, Re- s.aca, and Columbia. S. C, from there to Savannah. Ga., where he was among the first to enter the city. From there he wont to Beaufort and Columbia, S. C, participating in those engagements. He made the march to the sea under Gen. Sherman, fighting his last battle at Ooldsboro, N. C. During his long term of active service Mr. Lee was neither wounded nor i)risoner. was never confined in a liosi)ital or in an ambulance. On liis return from the war lie re- sumed farming in lleiny County, and w.as married in Des Moines County, Iowa, to Miss Elizabeth Bridges, March !), 1873. Mrs. Lee was born in Des Moines Count^^ and is the daughter of Napo- leon and Sarah (llackelman) Bridges. Her i>areuts emigrated from Illiiu)is to Iowa in 1836. Mrs. Lee's father, Napoleon Bridges, was liorn in Indiana, and lur i)aterual grandfather in \'irginia, the family iieing of German descent. Her inollier, Sarah llackelman, was born in Wabash County, Ind., to which plaee her i)arents had reuiovinl from ^ -4»- HENRY COUNTY. 4 SfiS 1- Ma.ysville, Ky. In 1835 the family removed to Morgan (now Cass) County, III., but later returned to Uii.sli County, Ind. Mrs. Lee lost her father when he was thirty-cigiit years of age, and her mother died at the age of twentjr. Her grandfather, Abner Hackelnian, founded a colony in Oregon, in 1845. Mrs. Lee was reared in Des Moines County, Iowa. Mr. Lee continued to carry on his farin of 206 acres, which is well improved, and situated on sec- tions '2 and 1 2 of New London Township, Henry County, until aliout 1S81, when he moved to the vil- lage of New London, wiicre lie now resides. He also has eighteen acres of timber land in the same town- ship. Mr. and Mrs. Lee arememliors of the Meth- odist Episcopal Church. Mr. Lee is a Kepuliiican in politics, and has held various local offices. He has sewed as a member of the Board of Trustees of New London Township, and as one of the Council of the village. He is a member of J. W. H.ardin Post No. 384, G. A. R., of New London, and is held in high esteem as a respected, honorable man, and good citizen. JAMES W. EVELAND, a farmer of Henry Count}', Iow;i, resiiles on section 32, Wayne Township. While our subject was not one of the first settlers of the county, yet he takes rank among the most prominent of his township, and by virtue of long years spent here is numbered as an old settler and one of Ilenr^' County's best citizens. He was born in Warren County, Va., Dec. 30, 1824, and is a son of John and Frances (.McEarland) Eveland. Both were natives of that State, he born in Loudoun and she in Warren County. In Virginia seven children were born : .Tames W. ; Mary J., who married Enoch Leniasters for her second husband, resides in Whit- sell County, W. Va. ; Sarah C, wife of George Mar- shall; Frances R., and Harriet B., who wedded Edward AVilliams, was one of a pair of twin sisters; Elizabetli, Frances and Martlia Ann, who died young. The parents removed to Ohio in 1846 and located in Belmont County, where the mother died later. Our subject came to Iowa in September, 1 849, and took up his residence in the home of Abraliam Lane, one of the first families of the county, a sketch of whom is given elsewhere. Mr. Eveland was not well suited in lands, as at tiiat tinio all claims near streams or timber were taken, lie owned a land warrant and later took a claim in Lucas County, also purchasing fifty-seven acres of timber adjoining. He retm-ned to Mr. Lane's and was united in marri.age witli the daugliter, Margaret E., Feb. 14, 1850, and their first three years of married life were passed upon the old George .Miller farm in Trenton Townshiji. Mr. Eveland was a poor man when he was married, and for several years made but slow progress, especially as times were hard and he owned not even a team. He began life with the determination to sueceer). how- ever, and tliis he has accomplished, although many long and weary days were passetl before success was attained. Before thej^ were finally settled the wife of INIr. Eveland died, leaving three small children — Helen, Jacob and Lois. Jacob is now the husband of Emma Meeker, and resides near Winlicld. In 1855 the death of Mrs. Eveland occurred, and Mr. Eveland was married in 1857 to Miss Martha J. Gholson. They began life upvu the farm, and within a few rods from where they now live. The old house in which so many happy and prosperous days have been passed still stands, and in it all tiie children, except the two last, were born. The farm of to-day was then a broad grass.y plain. The line house, the barn, the lofty trees, all stand as monuments to the enterprise of Mr. Eve- land and his wife, both of whom have given the best years of their lives to making for themselves and children a home, which is second to none in the township. As the d.ays went by prosperity came, and the hard times of their early mari-ied life have been almost forgotten. Children :ind grandchildren have nestled in their arms, and the old house, ik>w comparatively deserted, is yet thought of as the pl.ace in which their joys were the most complete. Under its roof Iowa, wife of George Uunn, of Baltimore Township; Jlary J., wife of Edward Scott, of Colorado, and David Lewis, were born. AVilliam .and Joseph A. vvere born in the brick home erected in 1868. •► i i f ■*>-*r< 366 HENRY COUNTY. Thousands of dollars have been expended in im- provements, all earned since Mr. Eveland became a resident of Wayne Township. His home is one of the finest, and his barns, that cover so many feet, were erected for the accommodation of large quantities of stock. Helen, the eldest daughter, died in 1875. Her husband was Francis McFeron, son of Wesley McFeron, of Trenton Township. They were the parents of one daughter, Helen, born a few days before her mother's death. For years Mr. Evoland has been a member of the School Board, and is one of the ardent advocates of education in its fullest sense. o Since the above was written this well-known and respected citizen has gone to his last home, having departed this life aftera brief but severe illness, on Feb. 10, 1888. His death was greatly regretted by a wide circle of friends, to whom his manly and upright character had endeared him. He was a member of Star of Hope Lodge No. 34, 1. O. O. F., of Swedesburg, who attended his funeral in a body. His remains were interred in Green Mount Ceme- tery. We are pleased to give un an adjoining page a portrait of Mr. Eveland, as a tribute of respect to the memory of a good man, and a token of the filial respect and affection his children bear for his memory. C. BARKER resides upt)n section 13, Jack- son Township, where he is engaged in gen- eral farming and stock-raising. Among \!iS3) t''® '"*'" of ^'^"^ township who are making an enviable record as farmers and business men, there ai'e none more worthy of mention than Mr. Barker. He was born in Tioga County, Pa., Aug. 15, 1848, and is a son of Ambrose and Mary A. (Terry) Barker, botli natives of Delaware County', N. Y., in which State they were married. They removed to Pennsylvania in 1845, and in 1865 emigrated to Iowa, settling in this county and purchasing a farm in Jackson Township, and are yet residents of the county. They were the parents of seven children: Margaret, wedded to Alpheus Dann; Betsy A. became the wife of John Irvin; Mary C. married William M3'res; Henry C. is the husband of Isabel Short, born Dec. 4, 1849; Robert M. died in infancy'; Amelia died unmarried; and Augusta wedded Charles Clark. The two eldest are residents of Tioga County, Pa.; sill the others being residents of Henry County. Our sub- ject received a good education, and prior to his marriage was a teacher in this county. He was later employed by Harrison & AVarner, in county and State atlas work in Iowa and Wisconsin, and in this Mr. Barker became quite successful. This ex- perience has been of much value to him in the form- ation of recent business enterprises. His marriage w.as celebrated on the 10th of April, 1873, his wife being a daughter of Alex, and Mary (Arnold) Short, who were well-known and wealthy residents of this county. The married life of Mr. and Mrs. Barker has been spent on a farm, and Mr. Barker has well proved his adaptability- for the business, from the fact that in ten years he has spent over §3,000 in improvements, all of which has given their farm a substantial appearance. Their new mansion was completed in 1887, and it is the best farmhouse in Jackson Township east of the river. His bank barn was erected in 1882, and its commodious apart- ments furnish all the conveniences .afforded by a modern st3'le of .architecture. In fact we are pleased to note such substantial improvements, as thej' speak volumes for the enterprise of not only our subject but of his township. Their home has been graced bj^ the births of Charles A., Carrie, L.aura, Penina, Orrin and Gladys. The household has never known a sorrow and the circle is j'et unbroken. In a social and political sense Mr. Barker h.as no sujieriors. He is prominent in local politics, and has been successivel}' a member of the School Board, Township Supervisor, Justice of the Peace, and in 1880 was appointed enumerator of the United States census. In all the positions the duties were well and faithfully performed. The hospitalities of the Barker mansion are too well known to need further memtion; there the friend and the stranger alike find a cordial n'elcome and ample accommodation. As a host Clay Barker excels, and his good wife, who is hostess, wife and mother, in it* fullest sense makes theirs a home in i u ^^►^11 '4» HENRY COUNTY. 367 i all that the name implies. Both stand high in the estimation of their friends and neighbors, who appreciate their character and worth. WILLI AIM A. CRABTREE is a prominent farmer and stock-raiser of Henry County, Iowa, residing upon section 3, Marion Township. He was born in Monroe County, Ky., Jan. 24, 1827. His parents were Hiram and Mar- t^arct (Johnson) Crabtree. They were natives of Virginia, but were married in Kentucky, where ten children were born to them, six of whom are now living: Abraham married Jliss Lucinda Murphy; they reside on a farm in Mercer County, 111., and have a family of seven children. John M. was united in marriage with Melinda King; he is a farmer in Tazewell County, 111. Elizabeth, who is the widow of John S. Hamilton, resides in Scott County, 111. ; Mary is the wife of S. H. Redman, a nurseryman in Yillisca, Iowa, who for a number of years ran a steam ferry at Keithsburg, 111.; Michael died in 1862, in Scott County, 111.; Hiram died at Nashville, Tenn., while fighting for his country; Stephen is farming in Tazewell County, 111.; Cath- erine, the widow of W. A. Kirkp.atrick, is residing in Scott County, 111. ; our subject is tenth in order of birth. In the year 1830 Mr. Crabtree emigrated with his family to Illinois, locating in what was at that time ISIorgan County, but which has since been divided, they living in the part known as Scott County. Here the children grew to man and womanhood, except one child who died in infancy. Here the parents both departed this life, the father dying Sept. 13, 1844, at the age of seventy-one; his wife following him to that home of the redeemed on the 22d of June, 1868, at the age of eighty- three. They were devoted members of the Meth- odist Episcopal Church, Mr. Crabtree being a local minister. He was one who did much to civilize and christianize the new eommunitj' in which he lived. On account of the death of his father, our sub- ject was compelled to take charge of the farm and care for the farail^s and for one so young, he being but seventeen, it was a great responsibility. His education was received in such spare moments as he could find from farm work. He remained in charge of the farm until the age of twenty-two, then going to Winchester he learned the trade of plow stocking and carpentering. iSIaking Win- chester his home, he followed that trade for twenty- one 3'ears, or until the 3^ear 1870, when he came to Henr3' Count\'. Buj'ing 360 acres of land on sections 3 and 4, of Marion Township, he has since given his attention to farming and stock-raising. Mr. Crabtree w.as united in marriage with Miss Eliza A. Martin, on the 6th of August, 1854, in Scott County, 111. She is the daughter of Samuel and Susan (Sisson) Martin, who were natives of Virginia. Mr. and Mrs. C'ral)treo are the parents of four children: Dora, who died in infiuicy; Net- tie Belle, who was born in 18.')7, is the wife of Winfield S. Hickman, a farmer of Frontier County, Neb. ; they have one son, Frederick G. Charles L. was united in marriage with Miss Estella Foster, who is a native of Henrj' County, Iowa. They are the happy parents of one child, Edmund C. These three children were born in Scott Count}', 111. ; William H., their fourth child, was lioru in Henrj' County. Mr. and Mrs. Crabtree are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, taking an active in- terest in all church work. They are highly re- spected in the community in which they reside, and are always ready to advance an enterprise that is for the public good. Mr. Crabtree has held various township offices, both in Illinois and Iowa, and has been Assessor for two j^ears. Politically he is a Republican, but in favor of prohibition. LFORD TRUEBLOOD, of Mt. Pleasant, {(^fu\\ one of the pioneer settlers of Henry Count}', Iowa, was born in AVashington County, Ind., April 24, 1841, and is the son of Phineasand Elizabeth (Overman) Trueblood, natives of North Carolina. Mr. Phineas Trueblood W'hen a lad of twelve removed with his father, Abel Trueblood, to Washington County, Ind., in 1816. Our subject's father emigrated to Henrj- County in 1847, settling on section 35, Tippecanoe t •^^ i li 368 ^ HENRY COUNTY. Township, residing there until his death, which occurred in March, 1877, at the age of seventy- tlu'ee. His wife preceded liim four years to her final home, departing this life in 1873. Tliey were both members of the Society of Friends. Alford, our subject, was but Ave years old when his parents came to this county. He was reared on the farm, and educated ;it the district school. On the 1st of September, 18G4, he formed a matrimo- nial alliance with Miss llosanna Smith, a native of Indiana. By this union there are eight children — William Foster, Nelson, Matilda, Alvan, Newton, Eliza Ellen, Lena P^lorence and Le Roy. Mr. and Mrs. Trueblood are members of the Society of Friends, and are highly respected by all. In poli- tics Mr. Trueblood is a Republican, and is at present serving his township as Justice of the Peace. He owns 194 acres of land in Ilenr}- County. W r;ILLIAM MULLEN, a farmer residing on section 24, Scott Township, Henry Co., Iowa, was born in Ohio, perhaps in Adams County, in 1832, and is a son of John and Elizabeth J. (Ilarbaug) Mullen. John Mullen was born in Pennsylvania of Irish parentage, and after attaining manhood went to Hamilton Count}', Ind., where he worked at his trade of mason. After a residence of Some time in that county lie formed the acquaint- ance t)f IMiss Ilarbaug, a daughter of Philip Ilar- baug, a farmer of that county, and about 1S;50 their nuptials were celebrated. John was of a rf)ving disposition, and being master of a good tr:ide remained only a few months in any locality until after tlie birth of his son, onr sulijcct, and the death of his young wife a few months liiler. At that time he resided iu Shawneetown, III., and one year later removed to Ibimiltou Couuty, Ind., pur- cliasiug a tract of woodland, which lie seltleil per- manently upon, and after niMking it a farm in its fullest sense, resided upon it during the remainder of his life, reaching the ripe age of se\eiity-threc 3'ears. He married for his second «ife Rachel Harbaug, a sister of his first wife, and ten children were born — Philip, Elizabeth, John, i\I;iry A., Cor- dilla, Thomas, Bernard, Martin, Sarah (deceased), and Maggie. All have grown to man and woman- hood since our subject left the home of his boy- hood, and have since married. The second wife and some of her children yet remain in Hamilton County on the old homestead, which was hallowed by their births, their marriages, and the prosperity and happiness which followeil in the wake of a well- spent life. At the age of twenty our subject left his home in Indiana, came direct to this State, .and made his way later to W.ayne County, where he pre-empted a half section of land, then returned to Des Moines County and began work by the month. Mr. Mul- len was united in marri.age, Feb. 15, 18.55, with Catherine Brenuan, a daughter of Thomas and Bridget (Donahue) Brennan. That couple were nntives of Westmeath County, Ireland, emigrating to America in 1845, settling iu Des Moines County upon lands which Thomas had purchased. Eight children were born in Ireland, all of wlioin came to this county with them: Ester, wife of J.ames Mullen; Mary, wife of Bernard Mullen; Adelia, wife of Joseph Warren; Margaret, who wedded Emanuel Daugherty; Catherine, wife of our sub- ject; James wedded ^lay Murphy; Thomas, hus- band of Annie Lyon; Mic^hael, also married, and Patrick, who died in cliililliood. The jiarents lived a long and useful life upon their Des Moines Count}- farm, and died respected alike by the good people who knew them, lioth were ardent Catho- lics and wt're aids in orgnniziiig the first Catholic Church in their neighborhood, the Dodgeville Church. After the wedding w,as celebr.ated by Father Reffee and his blessing pronounced upon the young couple, Mr. iMullcn :in(l his wife began their domes- tic life iipt)n a farm in Louisa County, Later be sold his Wayne County land, purchasing a farm ill Des Moines County near the village of Y:u"- niouth. Upon this they lived a nnml>er of ye;irs and then came to Henry County, Mi-. Mullen hav- ing purchased a line f;inii upon which lie now re- sides. Here he has grown po|>ular and wealthy and now lives at his case. Eight children have gladdened their home, all living except one who died in infancy: Fr;iiu-is, Charles, John, .M.iggie; Mollic, now the wife of Fluke Con — ENRY AMBLER, who was for many years a leading member of the bar of Henry- County, has now retired from the active practice of his profession, devoting his time and attention mainly to his large real-estate and other interests in Omaha, but retaining his resi- dence in IMt. Pleasant, where he and his faniil}' are highly esteemed. He is of English ancestry and was born in 1821. Ilis early life was spent in Alle- gheny Count}', Pa. ; he studied law and was admit- ted to the bar in 1848, and practiced in Southeastern Ohio, residing in Salem. He has been a resident of Henry County since 18.56, and was actively engaged in the practice of his profession until 1885. In 1862 he was admitted to the bar of the Supreme Court of the United States, and was as successful in his practice before that court as in the State courts. For a number of years he was Professor of Law in the Towa Wesleyan University. His family consists of his wife, Louisa P. Ambler (formerly Philliiis), and their children — Nellie Ambler Campbell, Fan- nie Ambler Higley, Jane Ambler, Pauline Ambler (deceased), Glaucus S. Ambler and Louie Ambler Janes. *4— S^ o— 5 #^;;^^^ .oKZ- 'fO^' 1*0'' -JW.^ i 4 -4^ i HENRY COUNTY. 375 was nominated for Sheriff in 1887, and endorsed by the Democrats, running aiiead of the general ticket. He has held various township offices and is at pres- ent a member of the Board of Trustees and of the School Board, which office he has held for four years. Mr. Jlilner is one of the well-to-do farmers of Tippecanoe Township, his farm of 103 acres be- ing one of the best cultivated in that part of the county. His Imrd labor, economy and honesty have gained him all that he has, and one cannot but give him the esteem and confidence due to such a man. As an upright man and good citizen he stands high in the communit}'. eH. SMITH, General Manager of the Western Wheel Scraper Company, the most import- ant manufacturing institution of Mt. Pleas- ant, was born in Hamilton Count}", Ohio, Nov. 2G, 1842, and came to Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, with his parents, D:ivid and Hannah Smith, in 1853. Mr. Smith was educated in the city schools, and enlist- ing in September, 1862, in Companj^ C, of the 4th Iowa Cavalry, and continued in the service until the close of the war. He was captured by the rebels at Grenada, Miss., Aug. 18, 1863, escaped and reached, the Union lines at La, Grange, Tenn., August 27. He participated in the siege of Vicksburg, during which time he took part in numerous engagements with the rebel cavalry. He also took part in the raid on ^lemphis, and was with Wilson's expeclition in Alabama and Georgia, during wliich he took part in the battles at Selma, Ala., and Columbus. Ga., the latter being tlie last battle of the war. He was promoted to the position of Second Lieutenant, and received an honorable discharge in August, 1865, having given three years of faitliful service to the defense of the Union. On his return from the war he became a resident of Burlington, Iowa, returning to Mt. Pleasant in 1878, and engaging in the construction of the Atcliison. Topeka ife Santa Fe Raih'oad. It was while he was on this work that he introduced the wheel scrapers, and demonstrated their practical use. This experiment led to the establishment of the factory at Mt. Pleasant, of which he is the -4» efficient manager, and of which an account is given below^ jMr. Smith was united in maiTiage at Burlington, Iowa, :May 26, 1874, to ISliss Selma C. Teuscher. Mrs. Smith was born in Farmington, Iowa. They have three children, all daughters — Stella INIay, Edna Louise and an infant. Mr. Smith is a Repub- lican in politics, and is Commander of McFarland Post No. 20, G. A. R. He is enthusiastic in the cause of the Grand Army, and has done much to place McFarland Post upon its present prosperous footing. He is a stirring business man, and the marked success of the Wheel Scraper Company is due to his energetic and judicious management. On an adjoining page we give a faitliful portrait of this trul}' representative business man of Mt. Pleasant, to whom is due much of its prosperity, in the employment of much of its skilled Labor, and in the distribution of large sums of money in pay- ment thereof. o The Western Wheel Scraper Company was incor- porated in 1877, and tlie business was begun that year at Mt. Pleasant on a small scale, but four men being employed, the intention then being to manu- facture only for their own stockholders, who were in the contracting business, and needed the articles in their own work. In 1878 the making of road and grading plows was begun, and liie business gradually increased. The practical value of the wheel scrapers especially being fully demonstrated, many other contractors wanted to share in the bene, fits to be derived from their use, and the demand for them was so urgent and persistent that the com- pany decided to enlarge their works, and put them on the market, selling to all who wanted to buy. Thus was begun the industry which to-day is so potent a factor in the growth and prosperity of !Mt. Pleasant, giving emploj^ment to hundreds of its workmen, and supplying tlie means of comfortable support for hundreds of its families, and adding yearly largely to the valuation of the city. In 1880 the company added to their manufacture the Improved Drag Scraper, which they now make in large numbers. Extending their operations still farther, in 1884 they began the manufacture of the Moore Road Grader, a machine for grading and ie v- t -I 376 HENRY COUNTY. eling roads, which saves fully seventy-five per cent of the cost of working roads in the old way. In 1887 they added two new features to their factory, one being a reversible grader, which promises still farther to reduce the cost of grading, and work a revolution in the work, by largely increasing the capacity and efflciency of the machine. The other new department added to the work is the manufact- ure of the "Western Farm Wagon," which em- braces several novel and improved features, never before embodied in the manufacture of anj' wagon, such as a new improved thimble skein, new style of lock, an improved manner of ironing, and espec- ially a new patent dump end gate, which has already proved itself greatly superior to anything of the kind heretofore invented. Tliese wagons, which promise hereafter to be a prominent part of their trade, will be made in tlie thorough manner which h.as been a characteristic of all of the work turned out at this establishment. They will be painted in a superior and artistic manner, and no i)ains will be spared to make them superior to any wagon of the kind ever put on the market, and the achievements of the company in the past are a guaranty that what they undertake they will carry out. To accommodate their largely increased and con- tinually increasing trade, the buildings and grounds occupied by the companj' have been added to from year to year. Instead of the one small l)uilding used in l.'~!77 their works now cover two entire blocks of ground, in which employment is given to nearly 300 men, which force will be largely in- creased next season. The operations of the com- p!in_y have been conducted with such shrewdness and business ability, and their manufactures have acquired such envialilc fame for tlieir ])ractical utility, and the honest and thorough maimer in which they are made, that the business is on a sure and stable foundation. While oilier manufacturing establishments are usually closed during a part of the year these works have never been shut down since thej' started, except for necessary repairs. Their value to the city of Mt. Pleasant is very great, bringing a large addition to its population, and distributing much more money in it tlian any other industry or business in the city or count}'. The Directors of the company are ('apt. Warren Beckwith. Dr. A. ^Y. McClure and Charles H. Smith. The latter has since the inception of the works been their efficient manager and controlling spirit, and his energy and good judgment have done much to produce the great success attained by the companj*. His associates recognize this fact, and leave the entire management in the hands of Jlr. Smith, with gratifying results to themselves. n ELSON B. ANDREWS, wholesale .and retail dealer in queensware, crockery, glassware, \V\M^ etc., at Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, was born in New London Township. Henry Co., Iowa, Dec. 7, 1843. His parents, AVells and Laura (Brockway) Andrews, were among the pioneers of that county, and his father is still a resident of New London Township. His father was born in Trumbull County, Ohio, in April, 1810, emigrated to Henry Countj% Iowa, in 1837, and located in New London Township, where he is known as one of the wealthiest and most highly respected citizens. Nelson B. was reared on the farm, and educated in the district schools of his native town, and in Prof. Howe's private school at Mt. Pleasant. He began business as a teacher <:)f country schools, doing chores before and after school liours. After follow- ing that occupation for three years, he had, by economical hnbit>, s:ivcliip with Mr. D. I. Ilolcomb, at Mt. Pleasant, as jobbers and dealers in crockery and glassware. Their customers were located principally along the liue of the Chicago, Burling- ton A: CJuincy Pailroad, through Iowa .'ind Ne- braska. At the end of live years he closed out his interest in the business and found himself pos- sessed of a good farm of eightj'-foiu' acres, situated in Center Townshi|i, and a small cash capitiil. He then went to Salt Lake City, California, anf his life. iMrs. Thompson by her first husband had two children — R. P. Davidson, a leading lawyer of Lafayette, Ind., and James T. The former wedded Jennie Claybaugh, a daughter of Dr. Claybaugh, who was a professor and Pi'esident of the Oxford Theological Seminary in Ohio, and was one of the best known theologians of that region. James T. Davidson was reared in the State of Kentucky, and being energetic and industrious, was of great assistance to his mother. Farming- was his greatest delight, and while his brother was attending college James remained with his mother, contented in having her days brightened by the happiness which his success brought as he grew in years. He was eleven years of age when his mother married Mr. Thompson, who was a merchant while in Kentucky and also in Winfield for a few months. Until fourteen years of age James resided with his grandfather, James Parks, and having nothing to do but hunt, fish and swim, became proficient in these arts, and grew to manhood a perfect physical specimen. His first work for himself was prior to his marriage, he taking charge of the estate left by his father. On the 4th of September, 1851, Mr. Davidson wedded Nancy A. Glenn, and their domestic life was begun on the homestead where he was born. Mrs. Davidson is the daughter of Moses F. and Elizabeth (Cowan) Glenn, who were early settlers of Nicholas County, Ky. Moses Glenn was of Irish descent, but was born at a fort in Bourbon County, Ky., known as the Irish Station, and erected when the Indians were troublesome. Under the old constitution of Kentucky, Mr. Glenn was created a magistrate of Nicholas County, aud later was thrice elected as her Representative to the General Assembly, serving with that faithfulness which had always characterized his administration i t 382 HENRY COUNTY. as magistrate and High Sheriff, which position he also held. He died full of years and honors, and was buried in Kentuekj-, at the age of threescore and ten. Judah Davidson w.as also a High Sheriff of his county, and history records it that he adjusted the rope that hung the first man ever executed in Nicholas County, Ky., for a crime committed after its organization. Three children were born to James T. Davidson and wife in Kentucky, before their removal in 1858 to this State. Thej'' are: Mary, wife of Calvin Darnell, a dealer in real estate in Carlisle, Ky. ; Elizabeth, wife of Dr. E. B. Ringland, a resident physician of Keokuk, Iowa, who erected the sani- tarium at Hamilton, 111., and Charles E., a dealer in stock and real estate at San Angelo, Tex. Five children were added to their family circle after becoming residents of Iowa, of whom one is de- ceased, Jennie, who died when two years of age. The survivoi's are: M. Glenn, who wedded Clara Smith, of Mt. Vernon, Iowa, and is a partner with his brother Charles in San Angelo, Tex.; Robert P., Sally P. and James are with their parents on the home farm. The two eldest daughters were graduates of college in this count^^ and the youngest gradu- ated in music at Mt. Vernon. Mr. Davidson has spared no expense in the edu- cation of his children, and since their residence in Henry County the family have become endeared to aU who know them. Since their arrival in 1858, the splendid farm upon which Mr. Davidson resides has been put under cultivation. A part of this large tract was traded for before he came to this county. His first visit was made in 1856, and the future of Iowa looking so bright, he purchased in partnership with his mother a h.alf section of prairie. Scarcely a house was in sight between Big Creek and Winfield, and the outlook promised plenty of hard work and small returns. Mr. Davidson pushed on to Warren County, and entered 200 acres which he later traded to Daniel Morel^' for a piutly im- proved 80-acre farm upon which a small house stood, occupying the exact site of his present f.-im- il}' home. Mr. Davidson returned to Kentuekj' for his family, bringing them to Iowa in the spring of 1858. His wife had never seen a prairie, and the waving grjiss and sparsely settled region were anj'thing but a pleasure. Accustomed to society, to ;ill that brought comfort :it home in Ken- tucky, it required the greatest sacrifice on her part to remain, f)ut as emigration Ijrought other families to the neighborhood, and tiie years went by, she bec:ime accustomed to the change, and her home is now the dearest spot on earth. The magnificent pines and maples that line the avenues leading to their house were planted since their arrival, and the fine barns and (,>uthouses, the miles offence and the bro.ad acres owned by Mr. David- sou, represent years of labor and prosperity. To James T. Davidson is largely due the build- ing of the Narrow Gauge Railroad, known as the Burlington & Northwestern. Several attempts had lieen made to organize a compan}', and to get an appropriation from tlie towns along the proposed line, but after several ineffectual attempts had been made and abandoned, Mr. Davidson, full of enter- prise and public spirit, determined to put his shoulder to the wheel, and upon the organization of the new company, of which he was elected Vice President, the several towns were canvassed for subscription. Scott Township was assessed $25,- 000, as estimated bj^ the engineer, and Dr. Wertz, Sara Clarke and James T. Davidson, composed the committee on subscription. Mr. Davidson gener- ously offered to pay i;l,000 if §2,1,000 additional was raised, and this liberal offer was a direct means of securing the amount; |;26,000 was raised, of which $24,000 was paid in. The road was built and equipped, and this will ever remain a monument to the generosit}' and public spiritedness of the citizens, chief of whom in this neigliborhood is the man of whom we write. As an advocate of Democratic measures, Mr. Davidson has always been one of the most ardent. He became identified with that part}' in his earlj' manhood, and has never seen reason to change his views. He was the choice of his party for Repre- sentative in 1872, and in a county polling 1,700 Rei)ublicau majority, he reduced it to forty-two majority on the popular vote, Hon. II. R. Lj'ons being his competitor. His wife is a member of the I'resbyteriau Church of Winfield, and also their daughters. Their home has ever been noted for hospitality, good cheer, and everytliing which gives ' 'I i e.W. SALISBUftr .D€L . CLGIN.ILL . Billy. Joe Stock Farm of LD. Anderson &50I YOUNG Louis Napoleon. SEC. 24.m/\rionTown5Hip,henry COUNTY. Iowa. ^J HENRY COUNTY. 3H7 such a {•harm to tlie life of a farmer of thrift. The liUlc Ivciitiicky fnrtii is now sii|)ei-sc(lc(l liy a section of ferlil(i prairie land, iinsurpassi^d fi)r |)r()ilii(!tive- nes.s, an ('vidence of tiirift and economy. We pre- sent tliis siietcii witli pIciisMre U> the |)eoi)i(^ of Henry Connty, uilli whom I'oi' tiiirty years the Havidsons iiavc liccn as>()i;i;i(,c(l in social and Imsi- ness life. D. ANDKIiSON, a pi-oinincnt farmer and stock-raisi'i- of Marion Townsiiip, Henry /!'— ., .Jr., deceased ; i>ouisa, the widow of Hiram Rush, now resides in Wasiiing- ton, l*"Myette Co., Ohio; .lames C. is a farmer in Highland County, Ohio; Liicinda is the wile of Hugh Fishback, a resident of KoUonio, Ind.; Hannah, who is the widow of Mr. Hall, is lesiding in St. Louis, ftlo. ; her husband was killed while gallantly lighting for tli(^ Union. The inollier of these children was called tn (>( forty acres. No man in lleniy ('ounty li.'is done more for the improvement , 1841, in Clarke County, Ohio. The early history of tlie familj' will be found in the sketch of Isaac \V. Allen, a brother of our subject, and his historj' from boyhood is identical with other mem- bers of the family. As noted in that sketch, the family settled near Waj'land. Henry Countj', and when a boy Rease Allen plowed corn upon the south half of the village plat. What great changes have come since that time! A handsome village has been built, the contiguous territory developed, and the pioneer lad has developed into a strong man of sterling worth, and is now the father of an interesting family. He was married, Yob. 22, 186(5, to JMelissa J. Warren, a daughter of William A. and Elizabeth G. (Edwards) Warren. Her mother was born in Maine, Dec. 2, 1839, and her parents later moved to McLean Count}', III. A\'illiani A. Warren was a native of Connecticut, and was mar- ried in Ohio, in which State their children were born: Wesley, who died in the United States Army, Jan. 31, 1863; Erastus F.. who died .Tan. 12, 18G3, was the husband of Maria Allen; Elmira is the wife of John .loncs; and Melissa the wife of our subject. Mr. Warren, father of .Mrs. .Melissa Allen, was generally known through the county as " Uncle Billy" Warren, and w.as one of the foremost men in all public enterprises, being I'cmarkable for his energy and push in whatever he undertook. He was largely instrumental in advancing the cause of religion, and being a good singer generally took the lead in this exercise, having a remarkably strong voice, which many old settlers will remember. He was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and one of six to form the first class in Jefferson Township, the members holding meetings weekly at the various houses of the class. His wife, Eliza- beth, w.as a helpmeet indeed, seconding her worthy husband in his every endeavor, and like him was remarkable for her perseverance, energy, benevo- lence and piety, being also a member of the class of six who first organized. The family came to Henry County in the autumn of 1845. locating in the neighborhood of \Vayland. Both parents lived, died and were buried in Jeffer- son Township; William died Nov. 16, 1863, and his wife Aug. .5, 1880. After they came to Henry County other children were born : Jesse P. was a soldier, a member of Company H. 7th Iowa In- fantry, and died during bis term of service, un- married, Dec. 1, 18G1 ; Belinda died in childhood; Landon. the husband of Mary York, removed to California; and Dennis, who wedded .Sarah E. Allen, a sister of our subject, died Feb. 11, 1885. Of the whole Warren family only three are living: Jlelissa, wife of our subject; Almira, wife of John Jones, of Clay County, 111.; and Landon, a resident of Eureka, Humboldt Co., Cal. Rease Allen and his wife have alw.ays since coming to. Iowa lived within sight of the present village of Wayland. They were married after his return from the army, in which he served three years, as a member of Company H, 25th Iowa In- fantry, and participated in the battles of Arkansas Post, siege and cai)turc of Vicksburg, Resaca, Atlanta, .and with Sherman to the sea, thence back through North C.arolin.a, and was with Sherman until the last engagement at Bentonville, N. C. Although twice struck by rebel bullets he w!\s never seriously disabled. He participated in the givat military review at Washington, I). C, and was in that city mustered out of the United States service, and discharged from State service at Davenport, June 12, 18li5. .Since his niarri.age Mr. Allen has been a farmer. He purchased his present farm in 1885, and is cosily settled in a pleasant home, pre- } ■^- HENRY COUNTY. 391 ' ' \ sided over by a lady of taste and culture. Two children, both unmarried, have been born to them : William Jasper, Jan. 8, 1867; and Nellie, Nov. 16, 1870. JOHN FRANCY, a farmer of Jaciison Town- ship, was born in County Antrim, Ireland, in the year 1816, and is a son of John and Agnes (Carly) Franey. The children of this couple were all born in Ireland, and were twelve in number — Ellen, William, David, Robert. Mary, George, Margaret. Agnes, Jane, Rose, John and Alexander. John Franey, Sr., and his wife Agnes, resided upon a farm in Ireland and were of that industrious and enterprising class that keep tlie business world moving. He was a great lover of fine horses, and his stables never contained an inferior animal. During their lifetime the parents remained on the homestead, and Ijoth readied a ripe age. They were of the Protestant faitli, and their children all followed the Christian teachings of their parents. In 1 839 our subject was married to Miss Joyce Ridley, born in 1810, a native of County Antrim, Ireland, and their eldest son, Timotli3', was born in the Emerald Isle. In .^lay, 1840, Mr. and Mrs. Franey bade adieu to home, friends and liindred, and witli their meager possessions, emliarked at Belfast for Liverpool, and from there toolc passage to New York, arriving in that city in July, having spent ten weeks upon the ocean, during which time three of the sailors were buried in the sea. Sailing fifty miles up the Nortli River, they stopped for a few months in Newburg, Orange Co., N. Y., Mr. Franey securing work there on a farm. After deliberation the young couple decided to try tlieir fortune in Virginia, and in September, 1840, located in Wheeling, where Mr. Franey secured employment at the tile and fire-briclv manufactorj', at which business lie was an expert. In the city of Wlieel- ing their children, William J., George and Eliza, were born. Carefully h(^arding his earnings, Mr. Fr.incy found himself possessor of enough cash, at the end of seven years, to purchase a small farm if they should remove to the West, and deciding to remove to this county, of which they had heard favorable mention, in 1851 a permanent location was made, Mr. Franey purchasing 100 acres, a part of his present homestead. Small improvements had been made and a trifling log cabin built. Into this the family moved, and the wife soon had their few household goods placed in order; the children grew robust and the old cabin had to have an addition. Later this was covered with hoards and made into a comfortable dwelling. As the lands were cleared prosperitj- came, and her smiles have never dimin- ished. Other lands have been purchased, and the merry laughter of the children and their ambition to aid in the work of improving the farm, gave added zest to the parents. Two other sons were born on the homestead, Robert and David, and the old house still stands as a landmark. Blany jileas- ant memories cluster about the quaint old relic. Its roof gave shelter to a happy family, and through its open doors the children ran in their play, and through its old-fashioned windows the baby-boys watched for the coming of their father, who always greeted them with a smile and a pleasant word. But this liouse has seen its time, and a fine house has taken its place. The children liave grown to manhood .and womanhood and are widely scattered, but the family circle remains unbroken by ' are enjoy- ing the fruits of a life of industry and thrift, sur- rounded with the comforts of life, and enjoying the respect and esteem of the entire comnuinitj'. ^S^ \*«t ANIEL pnCHER is a prominent farmer, residing on section 5, Jefferson Township, Henry County, for among those who have become noted personages iij this and Wash- ington Counties are the brothers, Daniel and Rev. Benjamin Eicher, the later a resident of U^ashing- ton County. Daniel was born in Alsace, France, now a i)art of the German Empire, April 22, 1825, and is the son of Rev. John and Margaretta (Con- rad) Eicher. There the Hev. John Eicher had charge of a Mennonite congregation, and for many years was engaged not only in the ministry, but in farming. Only a part of his ehildien came to America, and all came singly. First came Jacob, then John .Jr., Christian, then our subject, Martin Benjamin, followed by a sister Annie, who was mar- ried in Als.ace to John W. Wittnier, who also came, and all settled in AVayne Count}', Ohio. Jacob later retnrne(l to the home of his boyhood, and married his playmate. Mary Summer, whom he brought to America. Three of the boys, after tiy- iiig awliile a life in Ohio, conchided to make a loca- tion in Canada, John, Daniel and Cliristian, locating in Waterloo County, and ;ill remained for three years with tiic exception of our subject. He staid six years, and tlien followed his brothers to Iowa. Three of these had located in Washington County, and John and Daniel in Henry. Martin was the only one who entered any laud, he doing this in 1 .S."i(). After coming to Iowa, all the sons m.arried : Martin wedded Barbara Roth; Christian marrieil Annie Wenger; Jacob became the husband of Cath- erine Rich; and Rev. Benjamin Eicher married Lydia Summers. All these children did well in ■l^^- i America, but only three are now living — Benjamin, Christian and our subject. In Alsace the parents remained, also their other children: Joseph, who married Elizabeth Kropf; Fannie, wife of Jacob Summer; and Peter, husband of Catherine Summer. The parents lived to a ripe old age, and were buried in the country' that gave them birth. Our subject went back to German}", intending to bring them over, but the old people preferred to remain in their native land. In 1854 Miss Magdalena Rich became the wife of Daniel Eicher. She bore no heirs, and her death occurred one year after the marriage. His second wife was Magdalena Klopfenstine, to whom he was wedded in 1856. Daniel saw hard times with small returns. He was *500 in debt, but he persevered, and his first pui'chase of forty acres he paid for in cash. His good-nature [Jut him under such obliga- tion to his fellowmen, to whom he loaned his hard earned dollars, that during the commencement of the war he was in straitened circumstances. Little by little he recovered, and long .ago those losses were regained, and instead of a poor man struggling to provide for a family, he is now the father of a large and interesting family, and the owner of 341 broad acres, that have for years brought him and his sons a large revenue. .Since the last niarri.age the following children have been born : Peter, the liusl)and of I^dia E.-ish ; John, Franklin, Martin, Catherine, Jacob and Mary. jNIartin received his education at Washington, Iowa, and intends following a mechanical occupation. Perhaps no man a resident of Jefferson Township has accomplished more in the same length of time th;in Daniel Kicher, who came to Iowa a young man without mone}", but with his own liands, and by the unitccl labor of himself and family, now enjoys a competence, and his children are of the same ener- getic class to which their p;irents belong. Their house is one of those hospitable homes foi' which Henry County is noted, and from Daniel Eicher .and his good wife, the stranger, neighbor or friend, receives a cordial welcome. Both himself ;ind wife were members of the first Mcimonite Church organ- ized in this part of the country, and to this they yet belong. For twelve years ]\[r. Eichei'has been con- nected with the iniblic schools of Jefferson Town- ■» HENRY COUNTY. 393 '' ship, and for a number of years he has been School Treasurer. To such families the morality, social standing and enterprise of Henry County are due, and among those who have made it a noted name none have contributed more than the Eichers. JOHN H. WHITING, President of the Na- tional State Bank of Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, was born in the town of Erwin, Steuben Co., N. Y., Dec. G, 1834, and is the son of Tim- othy and Sarah A. (McCall) Whiting, of whom see sketch. He was educated at Genesee College, Lima, N. Y., and at Wesleyan University, Middle- town, Conn., graduating in 1855. He was engaged in teaching school for one year in the Paul Wing Academy, near Sandwich, Mass. In April, 1857, he came West, and located at Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, where he entered the banking-house of W. P. Bra- zelton & Co., as clerk, and soon became bookkeeper. Six months later his father bought an interest in the bank, the firm becoming Brazelton & Whiting. One year afterward .John H. Whiting and H. S. Clark succeeded to the business, under the Arm name of Clark & Whiting. They conducted the bank until April, 185S, when it was re-organized as the Mt. Pleasant Branch of the State Bank of Iowa, of which Timothy Whiting, his father, was Cashier, and John H. Whiting, Assistant Cashier. In Jan- uary, 1862, John H. was promoted to the position of Cashier, which he continued to hold after the bank was chartered as the National State Bank of Mt. Pleasant, in B'ebruary, 1865, his father, Timo- thy Whiting, being President. Mr. John H. Whit- ing continued to serve as Cashier till January, 1886, when he was elected Vice President, and on the death of his father, which occurred Feb. G, 1887, he was elected President to fill the vacancy. Mr. Whiting was united in marriage with Miss Julia May, at Bath, N. Y., Sept. 22, 1858. Mrs. Whiting is the daughter of James and Betsy (Adams) May, and was burn at Bath, N. Y., in 1839. Her parents were from Litchfield, Corni., her mother being related to the Adams family of Massachusetts, of National reputation. Three chil- dren were born of this union: May, the eldest, is the wife of George W. S. Allen, a merchant of Mt. Pleasant, Iowa; James Timothy is a bookkeeper of the National State Bank of Mt. Pleasant; Henry C, the j'oungest, is a student of the Chicago Medical College. Mr. Whiting has served as City Tre.asurer and as School Treasurer of Mt. Pleas- ant, and is a Republican in politics. He inherits the sterling qualities of his honored father, being a good financier and a thorough business man, upright and just. He is liberal in support of educational and religious institutions. Both he and his wife and all of his children are members of the First Presbyterian Church, of wliich he has been for the past twenty years Ruling Elder, and for nearly twenty years was Superintendent of the Sabbath-school connected with the church. i)le, strict in their religimis views, and trained their children to habits of industry and morality. They were in moderate circumstances, and our subject, like tiie other children, had to work hard, and had but limited opportunities for education. At the age of fourteen years Charles left home to work among strangers and make his own way in the world. He was employed for abo\it a year as chore boy with a Mr. Dullield, wli he left, to accept a place in the dry-good.s store of W. S. r= Fletcher, at McConnellsburg, Pa. He spent about two }'ears with Mr. F'letcher, and then entered the drug-store of Dr. Duffleld, a son of his former employer, and a prominent phj'sician of that city. He learned the drug business with Dr. Duffield, with whom he remained till the spring of 1852, working during the first 3'ear for the munificent salary of $3G. Becoming impatient at the pros- pect of getting on so slowly, he conceived the idea of trying his fortune in California, then the great center of attraction on account of the recent gold discoveries, but much against the wishes of his familj' and friends, who objected on account of his youth and inexperience, he being still in his minority. He set out via New York and Panama, for the Eldorado of the West. His small savings were augmented bj' borrowed capital, and in order to make his limited means go as far as possible, he endured the discomforts and hardships of a steerage passage in a crowded vessel, crossed the Isthmus of Panama on foot, subjected to the intense heat of a tropical region, destitute of water. Before reaching Panama he was nearlj' jjrostrated by sickness and exhaustion, but by force of an in- domitable will and energy, he succeeded in reach- ing Panama, where, having regained his strength, he shipped for .San Francisco. Disappointed in obtaining employment in that city, he went to Sac- ramento, where after considerable delay and difli- eulty he obtained employment in a drug-store, in an inferior position. By strict attention to busi- ness he won rapid iiromotion, and was soon placed in full charge of the store, his employer spending the greater [Kirt of his time in the States. Here he found the elTeel of his early training a good safe- guard against the temi)lations that surrounded him. Drinking, gambling, and the usual forms of dissi- pation customary in a mining region, beset his path (;n every hanil. The precepts of his worthy parents came to his mind, and under their inllnence he held himself aloof from the vortex that wrecked so many worthy men. While in charge of the store and stock they were destroyed by fire, while his em- ployer was absent in New York, but before his return Mr. Snider had the store rebuilt and the business again in full ru)Hiing order. Here he succeeded in accumulating a snug sum, after pay- IXl to ZD QQ _l Ul o i)lc ^^hl> knew them well, .'ind many of whom their hosijitable roof li.ad sheltered in eaily days. \**^ AVID RAINEY, one of the enterprising farmers of Henry County, Iowa, residing t on suction 30. Tiiipecanoe Township, is a native of Irel.'uul, horn in tliat country in 1818, and is the son of James and Nancy (Orecn) Rainey. David Rainey was reared on a farm in the old country, and leaving his native home in 1833, he emigrated to America, settling in Belmont County, Ohio, remaining there until 1844. Decid- ing to come West, and being pleased with Henry County, he moved here, settling first on a farm one mile west of Mt. Pleasant. After remaining for a year on that farm, he settled in Trenton Town- ship, there residing for two years. In 1847 Mr. Rainey purchased sixty acres of land in Tippecanoe Township, where he still resides, but since that time he has sold twenty acres, leaving a farm of forty acres in extent. In Belmont Countj', Ohio, the marriage of David Rainey and Catherine Hall was celebrated. She was a native of Ohio, and a daughter of Samuel and Christiana Hall, who were also born in the Buckeye State. Three children graced this union: Christiana was taken from them while yet an infant; Samuel enlisted in Company II, 4th Iowa Infantrj'; after having served three years he re-enlisted, but was killed at the battle of Atlanta, and lies buried .among the lost heroes who died on that field. Mar^' Ann died at the age of sixteen in 1857. Mrs. Rainey was called to iier heavenly home at the age of twenty-eight years, in the winter of 1845. Mr. Rainey was again married in the spring of 1848, to Cliristiana B;irton, tlie widow of William Barton. One cliild was born to the fond p.arents, John, who w.as taken from them at the age of six years, in 1853. The mother de- jiarted tills life in Febru:irv, issf): she was a mem- ber of the Baptist C'hurcli and was an earnest, sincere Christian. l\Ir. Rainey was among the loyal Irish wlio fought so gallantly during the late Rebellion. At the I'residenl's csill for tr(n)ps to defend our Union he ros[)Ondp(l, enlisting in C'oni|iaiiy I, I4lli Iowa In- fantry, serving nearly four years, lie [larticipated in the battles of Ft. Donelson, IMttsburg Landing, Ft. De Busscy, La., Pleasant Hill, Tupelo, and was taken prisoner at Pittsburg Landing. For three months he was held captive, confined in the loatli- some iirison at Macon, Ga. Tlu' 1 Ith Iowa In- fantrj', of wliirli he was a member, did some of the hardest fighting that was done during liie war. Mr. Rainey w.as ahv.ays at his post, never known to shirk his duty, and during battle was ever in the thickest of the fight. After he returned to his -4^ i HENRY COUNTY. 399 home, he again engaged in farming, which business he has followed ever since. Socially, Mr. Rainey is a member of the G. A. R. Post, while iiolitically, he is a stalwart Republican, believing yet that a great work will be iierforined by that party, and its interests he is always ready to advance. The example of Mr. Rainey any boy might well follow. Landing in America in 1833, without money, with- out friends, without home, he has worked his way through difliculties and discouragements, until now he can look back on a well-spent life, more enjoya- ble in contrast with the hardships of t)ther days. Mr. Rainey is a member of the Baptist Church, and his time, money and intluence are always ready to aid in the advancement of his Master's cause. -,>>■- #••# yESLEY K. DILLON, Assistant Supervisor of the Iowa State Hospital for the Insane, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, since April 1, 1885, was born in Wheeling, Va. (now West Virginia), June 27, 1846. His father, Reuben Dillon, was born in Allegheny County, Pa., was a hatter by trade, and of Scotch-Irish descent. The family were residents' of America prior to the Revolution, and were represented in all the important wars of this country. The subject of this sketch and his father were both soldiers of the late war, members of Compan}' D, (32d Pennsylvania Regiment. The grandfather of Wesley K. Dillon was a soldier in the War of 1812, and his great-grandfather, a sol- dier in the Revolutionary War. The mother of our subject was Lydia B. Monk before her marriage. She was born in Center County, Pa., and died when Wesley K. was but a child. Her ances- tors came to America from Hanover in Colon- ial times. One of her relatives was an officer in the Revolutionary War and served on Gen. Washing- ton's staff. After his mother's death, Wesley accompanied his father to Minnesota, in the fall of IS.") 6, where they spent four years, and in the fall of 1860 returned to Pennsylvania, and July 4, 1861, they both enlisted in Company D, 62d Penn- sylvania Infantry. His father served in the Quarter- master's Department, and died from exposure while in service. Wesley K. was but fifteen years of age ■^m when he enlisted. He was wounded at the battle of Spottsylvania Court-House, Va., May 12, 1864, by bullets and buckshot in his left lower leg, and was confined to the hospital from May 14 to Sept. 1, 1864, when be was mustered out, receiving an honorable discharge. On his return from the array he attended school, with a view of fitting him- self for college, but circumstances prevented the consummation of his plans, and he engaged in teaching school. In 1869 he became connected with the Dixmont (Pa.) Hospital for the Insane, and continued there till 1874, when he took a two- years course of lectures at the medical department of the Western Reserve LTniversity, of Cleveland, Ohio. He was employed at the Danville Hospital for the Insane, from Feb. 24, 1876, until 1882, when he engaged at the Morristown (N. J.) Asylum for the Insane, till 1884, when he accepted the posi- tion of private secretary to William McKinney, of Brooklyn, N. Y., and in March, 1885, was appointed to his present position at the Iowa State Hospital for the Insane, at Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. Mr. Dillon is an efficient and faithful officer, and is held in high esteem by all with whom he is con- nected. Politically, he is a Republican. He is a member of McFarland Post No. 20, G. A. R., of the Harlan Camp of the Sons of Veterans, Mt. Pleasant, and a Knight Templar Mason, a member of Mt. Pleasant Lodge No. 8, A. F. & A. M., of Henry Chapter No. 8, R. A. M., and of Jerusalem Commandery No. 20, K. T., all of Mt. Pleasant. y INFIELD SCOTT DOVER, editor ami pro- prietor of the New London >S'm/(, a weekly sis-column folio, independent in politics, established April 30, 1887, and issued every Satur- day, was born in New London Township, Henry County, Aug. 26, 1854, and is the son of Solomon H. and Matilda (Davis) Dover. He was educated at the New London Academy, and began teaching school when only seventeen years old, has taught eight years in Henr^' County, and four in Southern Kansas. He first went to Kansas in 1874, and remained two years, returned to New London, and again went to Kansas iu 1884, and remained till ■•►-•—««• 4 u 400 HENRY COUNTY. 4 1886, when he returned to New London, and in the spring of 1887 established the Sun. Mr. Dover w.as married at New London, to Miss Jennie New, daugliter of John New. Mrs. Dover was born in Des Moines County, Iowa, and died Feb. 28, 1884, leaving three children, a daughter, Gay, born June 25, 187.5, and two sons, Jeflie and Ralph, the elder born June 15, 1878, and the younger Nov. 11, 1880. Mr. Dover is a Repub- lican in politics. ATTHIAS PAXTON, residing in Rome, Henry C'o., Iowa, carries on a shop for general repairing in that village. He was born in Stark County, Ohio, July 21, 1837, and is the son of John and Elizalieth (Farley) Tax- ton, the former a native of Ohio and the latter of Pennsylvania. John Paxton was a carpenter b}' trade, and in 1842 emigrated to Wayne County, 111., with his family, remaining four years, and then n^noved to Dayton, Ohio, residing in that city until 1849, working at his trade. He then removed to Ft. Dependence, Henry Co., Ohio, and from there to Lafayette, Ind., wheie he lived until he came to Henry County, in the fall of 1854. He first located at Mt. Pleasant, residing there for a year, and then puichascd a farm near Rome, where he lived until tlie hreaking out of the Rebellion, when he enlisted in the 37th Iowa Volunteer In- fantry', serving until the close of the war, when he returned home and spent the remainder of his life upon his farm, with the exception of a short time spent in Illinois and Southern Missouri. His death occurred April 22, 1872, at tin? ,ige of sixty -six ye.'U'.s. Politically, John Paxton was a Demo- crat. Ilis widow still survives, and resides in Rome, at the advanced age of seventy-eight. She is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. To this woiliiy couple were born seven chil- dren, two of wiiom died in infancy, and the others growing to man and womanhood, namely : Jared, now in Appanoose County, Iowa, engaged in mill- ing; Matthias, our subject; William M. was a soldier in tiie Late war, serving as a member of the 4th Iowa Cavalry, and afterward of the 19th Iowa Infantry, .and is now residing in Rome; Ursulina, wife of John Cole, died in 1878, and Elizabeth, now residing in Georgia, is the wife of Isaac Archibald, a soldier in the late war, who is now eng.aged in farming. Matthias Paxton received his education in the common schools. He enlisted in the arinj^ for the Union, serving as a member of Company G, 11th Iowa Volunteer Infantry. He was mustered in vSept. 16, 1861, prior to which he and his father were with Col. Moore in Missouri, for a month. He served until April 15, 1865, and participated in the battles of Shiloh, Corinth, the siege of Vicks- burg, Kennesaw Mountain, Nick Jack and Atlanta, where he was captured and taken to the loath- some Andersonville Prison, and from there to Florence, S. C. ; thence to Goldsboro, S. C, and from there to Wilmington, and then back to Golds- boro again. Being hard pressed by the Union forces, the rebels were forced with their captives into a swamp, where they had to remain three daj-s. They were then taken to Neuse River Bridge, where they were exchanged. Mr. Paxton having been a captive from July 22, 1861, to March 3, 1865. He w.as discharged April 15, 1865, at Clin- ton, Iowa. After his discharge he returned home, but was in jioor health for some time after in con- sequence of ill treatment while a prisoner. In 1865 he commenced learning the trade vf a wagon-maker, serving an ajiprenticeship for a year. He then worked as a journeyman until 1867, when he engaged with the Chicago, Burlington ct C^>uincy Railroad Companj- as a bridge carpenter. He made r.apid progress in this work, in four moutiis taking charge of a division from Burlington to Frederick, and in less than a year's time he took charge of a bridge gang; this he continued until December, 1872, having eonimeuccd as a common hand. He w.as compelled to (piit this business on account of ill-health, and h.as since lived in Rome, and carries on a job shop, doing general repairing in wood work. He is also agent for the R.ay Plow Company of Burlington and George Haw Imple- ment Comiiany of Ottumwa, and Noilon's mower and reaper of Rockford, 111., and for the Buckeye pump, P. P. Mast & Co., of Peoria, agents; and l* A HENRY COUNTY. 401 also of the Barbed AVire Fence Company, of Burlington. Mr. Taxton was married, Dec. 7, 1865, to Chris- tina C. Anderson, a native of Sweden, and a daughter of Peter and Sophia (SIvendle) Anderson. Mrs. Faxton was born in 1849, and came to Amer- ica with her parents when she was but five years old, and settled in Jefferson County, Iowa, wliere they lived for a fewj'ears, and later came to Henry County, Iowa. Her father was a carpenter by trade, but engaged in farming after coming to America. He died in Henry County in 1860. Her mother is still living, in Tippecanoe Township, at the age of fifty-seven, and is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. He was a member of the Lutheran Church. The union of Mr. and Mrs. Paxton has been blessed with three children : Elmer E. died in 1872, at the age of four years and four months; Nellie Rosmie died Nov. 18, 1869, when six months old; May is now attending school. Mr. and Mrs. Paxton are members of the Seventh-Day Advcntist Church, and he is also a member of Robert Crawford Post, G. A. R. Politically he is a stalwart Republican. He has been Maj'or of Rome for a jear, and for years was a member of the Council, and at present is a member of the Board of Trustees. He owns a neat residence and shop in Rome. He is a self-made man, having commenced life a poor boy, and much honor is due him for the care and attention he has given to his parents, having contributed to their support since he was old enough to labor. He is a man well known and universally respected by the people of Tippecanoe Township and Henry County. ^^<« H. FARR, a farmer residing on section 1 2, Scott Township, Henry Co., Iowa, was Ijorn in Chittenden Count}-, Vt., July 31, 1818, (g)) and is the son of Joel and Eunice (Higgins) Farr, the former a native of A'ermontand the latter of Eastham, Mass. Mr. Farr comes from old Rev- olutionary stock, his maternal grandfather being a soldier in that war, was taken a prisoner and car- ried to England. His paternal grandfather was a native of Vermont and a farmer throughout his life. Joel Farr, the father of our subject, was a shoemaker by trade, but during the latter part of his life was engaged in tilling the soil. lie V(jlunteered as a soldier during the War of 1812, but the war closed before he reached the field. He died Aug. 26, 1854, aged fifty-eight years. His wife survived him and came to this countj' with her son, II. H. Farr, and here died Oct. 29, 1871, in her eightieth year. She and her husband were );oth members of the Christian Church. The boyhood days of our subject were spent on the farm. He left home at the age of sixteen, working as a farm hand and buying his time of his father. He continued farm work until Sept. 19, 1841, when he was united in marriage with Elmira Sherman, a native of Chittenden County, Vt., born April 3, 1816. She is a daughter of Simeon and Lucretia (Stewart) Sherman, the father born in New Hampshire and the mother in Worcester County, Mass. Her father departed this life in Huntington, Vt., Feb. 10, 1864, at the age of eighty- five years. His wife survived him until March 24, 1872, dying when seventy-four years and ten months old. She was a Baptist. After his marriage Mr. Farr purchased sixty acres of land in the Green Mountain State, and there they resided until 1856, at which time the family removed to Henry County, Iowa. Here he bought seventy acres of timber land in Baltimore Township, making many improvements upon this farm. At the end of four j-ears he sold that and purchased 120 acres on section 12, Scott Township, his present home. This land was in a raw state but he made many improvements, and now has a fine farm and comfortable home. Seven children blessed the union of H. H. Farr and Elmira Sherman. All except the youngest child were born in Vermont. Ransom J. and Eliza J. are still at home with their parents; Ellen, wife of W. H. Wise, of Winfield; Henry, who died in infancy ; Josephine, at home; Alice L. died at the age of seventeen years; George E., the youngest child, w.is born July 4, 1 K60, in Winfield. Mr. and Mrs. F'arr are both members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Politically', he is a Republican. He and his good wife have lived in ,t 402 HENRY COUNTY. this county since 1856, and as citizens, neighbors and friends, none stand higher. R. J. Farr, residing on section 12, Scott Township, Henry Co., Iowa, was born Nov. 26, 1844, in Chittenden County, Vt. He was married, Oct. 13, 1870, to Anna Sherman, a native of Illinois, and a daughter of .Jacob and Mary (Roundtree) Sher- man. Missouri was the birthplace of her parents. Two children have graced tlie union of Mr. and Mrs. Farr: Ella May, born April 21, 1872, is attend- ing school at Winfield, and Henry Mertou, born Dec. 6, 1876. Mr. Farr is one of the prominent young farmers of Henry County. He owns eighty acres of land in Scott Township, and has held sev- eral township offices. He advocates the principles of the Republican party and has always affiliated with that body. Mrs. Farr was taken from her happy home on earth, May 3, 1876, when twent}'- nine j'ears of age. She was a member of the Bap- tist Church, and Mr. Farr belongs to the Methodist Episcopal Church. EDWARD NIXON, a retired farnicr and merchant of Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, was born in Washington County, Ohio, .June 3, 181.5i and is the son of William and Elizabeth (Ste- phenson) Nixon. His father was previously mar- ried, and had eight children by that ni.'ii-riagc. His mother was also previously married, atiil li:id nine children by her first m;irri:ige. Four children were born of the hitler inarri;ige, making the united familj- number twenty-one. Edward Nixon was the third child of the l:ist marri;igc, .•mil he and, |)ossilily, two sisters, are all that .'ire now left of the twenty-one. His father was a native of Bed- ford County, Pa.; his mother was born in Del- aware. Mr. Nixon spent his youth on his fathei's farm, and when sixtceu years of age was bound out to learn the trade <»f a tailor, at which he served an apprenticesliip of nearly five years, and then moved to (Juyandottc, \:i., with his employer, when he was twenty-one years of age. There he was mar- ried, April 2, 1840, to Miss Mary A. Phelps, daugh- ter of Sainu(!l Phelps, of Massachusetts. Six chil- dren were born of this union, four sons and two daughters, one of whom died in infancj'. Edward Herbert, born May 26, 1842, enlisted in the late war in January, 1863, in the 9th Iowa Infantry, Company' A, and served till the close of the war. He then went to Poughkeepsie, N. Y., and took a, regular course in Eastman's Business College, and graduated in 1860. He married Miss Kate Stewart, of Walla Walla, Wash. Ter., and is now Deputy Postmaster at that place, and is largely interested in ranching in Whitman County, where he has nearly .500 acres of land. He has three children, two girls and a boy — Stella, Laura and Edward S. His second child by his first m.arriage is Mary Yirginia, wife of Hugh Cozier, residing in Canaan Township, Henry County. She has three children, one boy and two girls — Caddie A., .Marj- F. and John Edward. Mr. Nixon's third child, Thomas, died when eighteen months of .age. The fourth, Samuel Edwin, is now a prominent ph^-sician of Burlington, Iowa. He married Miss Lucy Wilcox; they have one child, a son, George Edward, .aged six years. The fifth child, Sarah, is single, and is engaged in teaching school in Washington Ter- ritory. The sixth child, William A., is a farmer of Northwestern Idaho, and is single. Mr. Nixon lost his first wife by death in September, 1863, and was married again in June, 1865, to Miss Hepsibah Phelps, a sister of his first wife. She was born in Medford, Mass. Mr. Nixon followed the tailoring business till 1851, when, foreseeing the Civil War, he decided to remove his family northward, and he came to Iowa b}' team, lieing one munth upon the road. He removed to Jackson County, and improved a farm there, where he resided until the spring of 1865. He then sold out and moved to Danville, Des Moines County, where he was engaged in the mercantile business until .laiiuaiy, 1867. He then moved to Hi'in-y County, and inirchased a farm in Canaan Township, which was then quite new; and he was engaged at farming there until the fall of 1886, when he came to Mt. I'leasant, and retired from active work. He has a handsome and com- modious residence in the southern jiart of the city. Mr. Nixt>n served four years as a .Justice of the Peace in .lackson County, and ten years in Canaan Township, Henry County, and has held other local -►-•-* i -•► HENRY COUNTY. 403 offices. In politics, in Ids early life he was a Whig;, and he has been a Uepiiblican since the oryaniza- tion of tliat party. He and his wife Jirc niembci'S of the Metliodist Episcopal^Chnrch, of which denom- ination he has been a member for lifty-live years. He is a genial, bright, intelligent gentleman, ripe with the experience of seventy-two years' iuter- conrse with the wx)rld. OSES I'ICHO is a farmer and stock-raiser, residing on section 12, Jackson Township. Although of French descent he was born in N'ermont in 1825, and is a son of Francis and Louisa (D'Uuo) Pero, who emigrated to Massa- - chusetts, and engaged in farming and other pursuits until their removal to Center Square, New York State. There the father died in his one hundred and fifth year. His widow ^-et resides there, and is now past ninety years of age. She is the mother of nine children: Francis, Gilbert, Jerry, Eliza and Clara, deceased; and Oliver, Moses, James and Ma- tilda, living. All except Matilda and Jerry were married. Moses and Oliver were both married in New York State, and came together to Iowa, in 18G8, settling in Henry County. Oliver wedded Julia Hope, who bore children, and after her death he was married in this county to Mrs. Mahala Kicheon, who has borne no heirs to the last husband. They reside on the Lowell road, in Baltimore Township. Our subject wedded Miss Eunice Me- nard, born in Canada, a daughter of Francis and Florence (Miller) Menard. The grandparents of Mrs. Pero were both born in the old country, he in Germany, and she in France. Francis and Florence Menard were the parents of five children, all of whom were born in Canada, viz: Sophia, Eunice, Elizabeth, Aurelia, riiiloraena and Francis. The two latter died in infancy', and the father when Mrs. Pero was but five years of age. The mother remained during her lifetime in Canada. The four eldest daughters are all living and married. Aurelia is a resident of West \'irginia, and the wife of Horatio Peabody. When Eunice Menard was seventeen years of age she made a visit to New York State, and while there met Mr. Pero, with whom the .acquaintance was formed w-liich culmi- nated in marriage, Aug. 5, 1853, J. AV. l?yrn, J. P., officiating. The young cou[)le began their mar- ried life with bright prospects, in the I'ity of Troy, N. Y. Mr. Pero purchased a sawmill soon after- ward in Constantia, Oswego County, to which jjlace the^' removed, and this he operated for several years. Children came to grace their home, live stiilwart sons and two daughters, all born in New York State, except the j'oungest ilaughter. They are named Oliver, Moses, George, Horatio, Nelson, Emma and Louisa. The family' removed from Oswego Cdunty, N. Y.,to Ilenrj' County, Iowa, in 18t)8, and from that date they have been regarded as among the best families of the township in which they reside. Mr. Pero purchased his farm in 1870, and is com- fortably' situated. The I'ldest daughter, Emma, has taken a classical course at Howe's Academy, in Mt. Pleasant, and intends taking up teaching as a pro- fession. The sons have been educated in the public schools, and the historian h:is met no family in which the evidences of birth and breeding are more marked than in the Pero family. The family ciri'le is unbroken either by death or marriage, and in one of the cosiest little homes the greatest unity pre- vails. Music, literature and good taste make their home a miniature paradise, and as a family who have prestige in their neighborhood we welcome them to a place ami)ng their neighbors and friends. ■ » — ,>v>.- EHUV FRANK is a de;i!er in drugs, gro- ceries, boots, shoes and notions, an early settler of Henry Countj', and a prominent business man of New London. He was born in the town of Busti, Chautauqua Co., N. Y., Sept. 23, 1825. His parents were John and Eliza- beth (Devendorf) Frank. His father w.as born in Herkimer County, N. Y., Jan. 4, 1791, of German parentage. He was a tanner and currier by trade, and settled in Chautauqua County in 1809. His parents were born in Germany, and came to America in their youth, prior to the war of the Revolution. His mother and her twin sister were captured while girls by the Indians, and held cap- •► f 404 HENRY COUNTY. tive four years. Their close resemblance to each other and their beaut}' made them objects of ciiri- osit}' to their captors, and tliey were the only ones spared out of their party. Perry's mother was born in New Yorlv, Ma\' 10, 1795, and died April 14, ISG."), but a few months prior to her husband's death, which occurred August 6 of the same year. Our subject learned tlie trade of tanner and cur- rier and shoemalver with his father, at wliicii he worked in his native State till 1857, when he emi- grated to Iowa, and located at New London, Henry County, November 17 of that year. He engaged in the shoemaker's business, and in 18G0 opened a grocery in connection with his shoe store, and in 1865 added drags to his stock. He has now been in business in this place continuously for twenty-seven years. Mr. Frank was married in his native town, Jan. G, 1847, to Miss Mary E. Stoddard, a daughter of the Rev. Ira C. Stoddard. Mrs. Frank was born ill the town of Eden, Erie Co., N. Y., Nov. 19, 1826. Her parents were from Brattleboro, Vt.,and were of English descent. Mr. and Mrs. Frank have one child living, a son, Clement S., who was born Nov. 8, 1847, and is now residing in Valley County, Neb. They have lost one child, Arabella Laroo, who was born April 21, 1851, and died Dec. 4, 1874. Mr. and Mrs. P"'rank and their son are memliers of the Baptist Church. Mr. Frank is a Republican in politics, a thorough business man, affable and courteous, always prompt, and is classed as one of the reliable men of New London. t\ '-rc?2^' S" •^^^m A ^lofS^ ^ OHN DAVIES, a farmer, residing on section 4, Jefferson Townsliip, Henry Co., Iowa, was born in Wales in 1849, the youngest son of the Davies family, and his education was received in Iowa after the famil}' came to this county. He was married, in 1883, to l\liss Ada V. Park, daughter of Abraham T. and Amaud.a (Cline) Park, who came from Ohio, and were married in Washington County, Iowa. They yet I'eside in Brighton, and in tluit county five cliililren were born to them; four are living: Ada \'., wife of our subject; Mary, wife of Edward Fox, the agent aud A* telegraph operator of the Narrow Gauge ; Sarah and Jessie complete the family. The Cline and Park families were both e.'u-l}' settlei-s in this part of the State, and for thirty-five j-e;u's their names h:ive been familiar to the people of Washington County. Mrs. Park was born near Harrisburg. Pa., and Abraham Park ne.ir Circleville, Ohio. Abraham Park, Sr., the grandsire of Mrs. Davies, was born in ^'irginia, and liis wife, who was Martha Thomp- son, in tlie same State, where they were also mar- ried. The young couple of whom we write came di- rectly to the old Davies homestead, aud to botii lias come a heritage of wealth and kindliness of dispo- sition. Their marriage has been graced by the birth of one daughter, Katie, born July 15.1886. We thus continue the history of the Davies famil}-, who have been for so many years most favorablj'^ known in Jefferson Township, aud we leave this, the youngest representative, in one of the cosiest of homes, surrounded by his pleasant family. ••°*°"®^>o^^oy Terri- torial Governor Lucas, Justice of the Peace, and on the office being made elective was elected, and re-elected, holding the position until he resigned to go to California. On his return he was several times again elected to the same office. In politics he has always been a Democrat, and under President Pie''ce's administration was .appointed Postmaster of I\It. I'leasant, holding the position for nearly nine jears. Twice he h.as been elected Alderman of the city on a non-partisan ticket, holding that office four years. Always active in any movement for tiie benefit of his town, he took a prominent part in procuring the establishment of the Iowa Wesleyan University, of which he was one of the incorporators, and President of its first Board of Trustees. He has always lent a helping hand to any deserving enterprise for the public good. Mr. and Mrs. Tiffany have no children of their own, but adopted and reared two : The son, Samuel, married Louise Osborn; he is a traveling salesman, and at present is living in New York City. The daugh- ter, Eliza W., received her education at Howe's Academy in Mt. Pleasant, and w.as afterward sent for a year to Hartford, Conn., to finish her educa- tion. She became the wife of Gen. Thomas B. p;idridge, well known for the prominent part he took in the Kansas border war. Ho died in Law- rence, Kan., where Jlrs. Eldridge now lives. Mr. and Mrs. Tiffany are members of St. Michael's Epis- copal Church, Mt. Pleasant, of which he has been \Varden for many years. He is also a member of the I. O. 0. F., belonging to Henry Lodge No. 10. His life of half a century in Mt. Pleasant has been one of usefulness and honor, and he is justly re- garded not only as one of its first, but also as one of its best citizens, who is held in esteem by all who know him. Since locating here he has wit- nessed many changes. The beautiful but wild t. -4^ f HEXEY COCIS^TT. 411 prairie has given way to a flourishing city, and where stood the rude cabins of the early settlers, are now to be found splendid buildings devoted to the trade of a thriving business center. Another indication of progress is mentioned by Mr. Tiffany. When he first came to Mt. Pleasant the journej- occupied thirty days, and cost the little party #500, now the same trip can be made within for- ty-eight hours, in elegantlj' equipped railroad coaches, and would cost the same number not to exceed 8100. Truly a wonderful progress. This sketch would be incomplete without a more particular mention of Mrs. Eliza C. Tiffany. A woman of marked individuality, and of rare gifts, she exercised a wide influence in the social and business life of the joung citj-. Her charitj" was a no less noted trait of her character. No matter how inclement the weather, or how lowlj- the station of the sufferer, where distress needed relief there ^Mrs. Tiffanj- was ever to be found, never hesitatingly' or grudgingly, but freely and promptly ministering to the wants of the needy, even though the object was perhaps hardly worthj-. With her, charity was first; reproof, if needed, came later. No per- sonal dislike (and she was a woman of strong im- pulses) ever deterred her in the performance of a charity, no fear of contagion frightened her, and her keen judgment and firmness of mind were often tested in trying scenes. As a woman of busi- ness, while conducting the hotel in the absence of her husband in California, and while presiding over the work of the post-office, while her husband was Postmaster, she showed herself possessed of rare executive abilities, and the older residents of the city, who knew her best, speak of her in warm terms of admiration. She is indeed a most estimable lady, and worthy of all the words of praise bestowed upon her. It is with great pleasxrre we present the admira- ble portraits of these most worthy living repre- sentatives of the pioneers of Henry Countv. <=hii, Ik-nry, Frederick and Nancy, who were also left fatherless in tiie country then only sparsely settled. They all married before they left Pennsjivania, and were widely scattered througliout the Western States, leaving but little trace of the family history to draw conclusions from. Of lliese ciiildren, Frederick, the fatlier of our subject, after marriage began life in Somerset County, Pa., but left that State in 1828, becoming a pioneer of Waj-ne County, Ohio, near Wooster. After a residence there of three years, he removed with his family to Ashland County, near Ashland, and purchased a small farm. He remained there during his life, dying Nov. 28, 1849. His wife survived him ten j'ears, and all that was mortal of his good wife was placed to rest by his side in the Ashland Cemetery. They were parents of ten chil- dren, seven daughters and three sons: Mary, de- ceased ; Julia, wife of Asher Edgerton ; Eliza, deceased; Nancy, wife of George Yeisley ; Lewis, deceased ; Sarah, deceased ; Josiah and Rebecca, still single ; Henry and Harriet, deceased. Our subject begMU the study of medicine in the autumn of 184.5 with Dr. A. S. Norris, uf Orange, Ohio. He continued his studies until after his graduation in 1849, from the Cleveland (Ohio) Med- ical College, after which he began practicing in Orange, and also continued study under Dr. Archi- b.ald McClelland, beginning business for liiniself the next year, and continued practicing in that county for almost seventeen years. His wedding to Miss Mary Campbell was celebrated Oct. 29, 1848, and for nearly forty years this couple have shared a happy married life. She was a daughter of Daniel and Anna M. (Biddiuger) Campbell, residents of Orange, Ohio, where Daniel was both a merchant and a farmer. His death occurred in 1854, and in 18Go the widow came to Iowa where some of her ciiildren resided, and in the autumn of 1887 her death occurred at the home of our subject in Mt. Union. She reached the age of eighty-four, having lived to see her chihlren all married and settled in life. They were named respectively : Daniel, who was the Greenback candidate for Governor of Ohio ill 1880; his wife was Eliza Fluke, and resides in Monona County, Iowa. Maiy, wife of our subject; Nancy, deceased wife of Hmaee Harkness; Peter, deceased; Sarah, wife of George Crosier, of Well- ington, Ohio; James, husband of Jennie Seifert, resides in O'Neill, Neb. ; Jefferson and Wilson, both deceased; Eliza, wife of Estin Gorhani, of .Sullivan, Ohio; Samantha, deceased; Orville, husband of Alice L. Willets, of Cheyenne County, Kan.; Ben- jamin F. wedded Kate Powlns, and after her death Fannie Goodspeed, who is also deceased, and also 4 u HENRY COUNTY. ■•► 413 resides in Cheyenne Count}', Kan., where he is County Recorder. After the Doctor and his wife decided to move westward, they chose the State of Iowa, coming direct to Morning Sun, Louisa County, where he both practiced medicine and managed a farm for six years, regaining in a perfect manner his healtli, which had almost Lrolcen down. In 1809 the Doc- tor pui-chased a farm in Henry County near the present village of Mt. Union, to which he removed, remaining both in practice and agricultural life as he was in Louisa County. When the village of Mt. Union was fairly started he sold his farm, pur- chased land in town, and since March, 1879, has done a continuous practice, and is the only physi- cian in the village.. Forty of the best years of his life have been devoted to the profession, and it is needless to say that he is as noted for his skill as he is for the correct habits which have ever character- ized the man. Dr. Deal is Itnown far and wide as a physician and surgeon, and to many homes has his skill brought back to healthy life those whom it was feared would never recover. Five children grace the union : Helen E. and Flora B. are deceased ; Ida M. is the wife of C. G. Clough. a merchant of Stanton. Neb. ; Frederick O. is Deputy Sheriff of Wano, Cheyenne Co., Kan. ; and Lizzie J. is the wife of J. W. Gorham, a me- chanic of Mt. Union. We are pleased to give the good Doctor and his familj' a deserved place in tlie history of the county, with which for so nianj' years they have been identified. .... BNER FORMAN, a farmer and stock-raiser, £JJ| residing on section 3, Marion Township, Henry County, was born in Preston Coun- ty, Va., April 7, 181.1. His parents were Samuel and Elizabeth (Willits) Forman, the f.athcr being a native of Pennsylvania, and the mother of Maryland. His father went from Pennsylvania to Virginia in an early da}', and here became ac- quainted with ;md married Miss Elizabeth Willits, in 1805. They were married in Preston County, Va., where they resided and reared a family of nine children : Jesse, deceased ; Deborah, living in Tay- lor County, Iowa: Annie, deceased; Rhoda, aged twenty-eight; James, aged nineteen, and the mother, all died in 1841, within four days of each other. Hannah, deceased ; Abner, our subject, is sixth in order of birth; Ellis, deceased, and Richard. Sam- uel Forman during all his life was a farmer. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Forman were for many years mem- bers of the Society of Friends. He was a man highly esteemed by all. No one in need ever came to him for help but found in him a faithful friend. He was called to his final home, in Preston Count}', Va., in 1847. Our subject received his education in the com- mon schools. Until his father's death he remained on the farm, when he received it as his share of the property. On the Uth day of June, 1846, he wed- ded Miss Hannah B. Johnson, who was born in Greene County, Pa., Nov. 7, 1824. Her parents were Isaac and Mary (Barkley) Johnson, natives of Bucks County, Pa. Her father died about the year 1844. He also was a member of the Society of Friends. After Mr. Forman was married he re- mained on the old home farm in Preston County until 1854, when he sold his farm and removed to Knox County, Ohio, where he rented a farm of 100 acres for two years. In 185G he bought 130 acres of hand in Knox County, Ohio, remaining there un- til the fall of 1866. Having sold his farm he then came to Henry County, buying 160 acres of land on section 3, ]\I.arion Township, where he has since re- sided. Mr. Forman h.'is added many improve- ments to the farm till it is one of the finest in the county. He is a practical farmer, knowing how to use his means to the best adviuitage. He has been very successful, the farm each year yielding good crops, and the stock also has been a source of rev- enue to him. Upon the farm may be found a fine grade of Short-horn cattle, the best grade of Poland- China hogs, and a good grade of Norman horses. Mr. and Mrs. Forman are the parents of seven children: Rhoda, born April 2, 1847; Willits L., born April 10, 1849, married Ruth A. Vore, a na- tive of Ohio, and to them were born three chil- dren— Rachel May, Lee W. and Elva. He is a farmer in Taylor County, Iowa. They are mem- bers of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Isaac J., iiU. t -4»- 414 HENRY COUNTY. born Aug. 29, 1851, wedded Luella Darlington, a native of Marshall County, Iowa. By this union there were three children: Edith died in infancy; Miirrel T. and Lloyd; he is a farmer of Taylor Couuty, Iowa, but at present in California for his health. Solon B., born Feb. 10, 1855, died Aug. 20, 1883; he was a successful educator and a young man of more than ordinary ability, and was highly esteemed by all. Ellis F., born July 15, 1858, is with his brother in California; Jesse J.ay, born May 28, 1862, h.as charge of the home farm, and is a young man of stead}', industrious habits; Mary B., born Marcli 7, 18()5, died Feb. 2, 1886; she grew up as a flower, but was cut down in her prime. One could not know her but to love her. She was a young lady liaviiig more than ordinary musical talent, and was a leader in the church to whioh she belonged. The life of such a one should lead many tsl prolific ill the countrj' east of the mountains, and numer- ous families yet bear the name of Weiermaii in Adams and Cumberland Counties, Pa., adjoining the ]\Iarylaiid line. In the spring of 1856 John (iillasiiey and his wife decided to come West, and selling their Ohio farm, embarked upon the Ohio River and made the journey to Keokuk by boat. They found a home in Mt. Pleasant, where (ov three years the husli.ind engaged in diffeient occiiiiatioiis. He then rented a farm four mill's northeast of Mt. Pleasant, from W. R. Cole, remaining there until his present farm was bought, in 18C3. His first purchase of land in this State was in Iowa Count}', but he never lived upon that farm, and subsequentl}' selling it made t-: -■»^ll -^t HENRY COUNTY. 415 ' his permanent investment in Henry County. This farm was partly improved, but all the trees and permanent improvements stand as monuments to the enterprise of John and Rachel Gillaspey. They, during the last quarter of a eenturj', have raised the seed, planted the twigs, and now sit in the grate- ful shade of lordly maples that lift their tops toward the sk3^ Their three eldest children were born in Ohio: William A., now a dairyman of Gunnison, Col. ; Sophia M., wife of Albert Meeker, a farmer of this township; and C4eorge W., the husband of Sarah McPeek, of New Cambridge, Ohio, but the young couple reside in this county. Three chil- dren were born in this countj': Alonzo B., born during their residence in Mt. Pleasant, is married to Miss Ettie Meeker, of Scott Township, and now lives in Marion Township, Henry County. John T. and James H., born on the homestead, and the family circle has never been broken by aught save marriage. INIrs. Gillaspey is a granddaughter of Capt. Duvall, of historic fame in the War of 1812, and we are pleased to record this fact in their history, as only a few persons are now living who carry in their veins the blood of either Revolution- ary or patriots of the War of 1812. Our subject and his good wife have gained a competence for old age, and although but little past the meridian, their life's work is almost completed, and the period for its enjoj-ment has just begun. Both are mem- bers of the Baptist Church .and are highly respected in the social and business world. Mr. Gill.ispey has held several township offices, and for many years has been Treasurer of Independent School District No. 9. -^^ — ^^^B ^^- RNEST E. BATES, one of the leading and E representative farmers of Henry Count}', Iowa, residing on section 22, Trenton Town- ship, was born in Saxony, Germany, March 11, 1844. His parents were Christian and Margaret (Pantzer) Bates, both of whom were also natives of Saxony. Leaving "dat Vaterland" they emigrated to Amer- ica in the fall of 1854. After spending some time upon the broad Atlantic, they landed in this country, traveling on until they readied Iowa, where in Henry Count}' they made their home. Christian Bates purchased 320 acres of land, upon which he made many improvements. This farm is now owned by our subject, being 230 acres in extent, the re- maining acres being disposed of, and is one of the best cultivated farms in the township. In the fall of 186G the marriage of Ernest Bates and Emily Allender was celebrated. She is a native of Henry County, born in 1846. Her father, James Allender, is still a resident of Marion Township. Eleven children have come to bless the union of this wor- thy couple, who rejoiced withtliera in their childish glee, and sympathized with them in childhood's sorrow. The silent reaper has passed by their home and the family circle remains unbroken. The names of the members of this happy family are: Annie, who is now the wife of Clark Jay, a resident of Oregon ; Margaret, Lydia, John, Amanda, Lizzie, Emma, Nellie, Albert, Elva and Frank. Mr. Bates is principally engaged in the raising of cattle and fine hogs, of which he always keeps the best grades. He is one of the enterprising farmers of Trenton Township, and everjthing on the farm points to the thrift and industry of the owner. ■^ OHN L. MYERS, a blacksmith of Winfield, was born in (Jreenbrier County, W. Va., April 8, 1830. He was educated in the prim- itive log school-house with its puncheon floor, slab seats and greased paper windows. He had to go four miles to school and then could only attend during the winter. In October, 1850, Mr. Myers emigrated to Mt. Ple.asant, Iowa, and the fol- lowing autumn located in Scott Township, where he entered a claim, and in company with his brother, built a house. Into this his father moved in 1852. Mr. Myers and his brother opened the first black- smith-shop in Scott Township, they having previ- ously learned the trade in West Virginia. In October, 1864, Mr. Myers was united in mar- riage with Harriet Tedron, a daughter of the Buckeye State, born in Athens County in 1844. By their union ten children were born, seven of whom are living : Jenetta, born June 29, 1865; John, born Sept. 17, 18G6; Emma, born Oct. 17, 1867, is the wife of Ed Supplee, of Winfield ; Sarah C, \- 416 HENRY COUNTY. born Dec. 4, 1868; George B.,born March 7, 1872; Lizzie B., born April 8, 1875; Frank, born April 5, 1877;Iflaand Ada, twins, born Feb. 27, 1883: Those deceased are: George, died June 5, 1875, and Lizzie Bell died Feb. 21, 1885, and May, who died aged eleven montiis. In politics Mr. Myers is a Democrat. He is active for his party and talvcs great interest in local elections. Mr. Myers is one of the earliest settlers of Henry County, it being a wild and unsettled jn-airie when he took up his resi- dence here, and there was not a house between Winfield and Big Creek. Scott Township was one vast prairie, and there were but few settlers along the interior. In 1850, Scott and Wayne Town- ships were all one, called by the latter name, and .at the first election which he attended in Henry County at the time when Winfield Scott ran for President, there were but twenty-five votes polled in the two townships, and members of the .flyers familj' cast four of those. Mr. Myers receives the respect due him as an old pioneer settler, and Henry County owes much of its advancement to Mr. Myers. So- cially, he is a member of the Masonic fraternity, a Master Mason, and lielongs to Good Faith. "Lodge No. 235. . .'•.;'■ ""' vac- tice. He is a Republican in politics, and socially, a Knight Templar Mason. He a member of Mt. Pleasant Lodge No. 8, A. F. & A. M.; of Henry Chapter No. 8, R. A. M., and of Jerusalem Com- mandery No. 7, K. T. He and his wife are mem- bers of the First Presbyterian Church of Mt. Pleasant. -«= ,EV. JOSEPH BOWERS VERNON, de- ceased, was born in Muskingum County, Ohio, Jan. 1, 1812, and was a son of Jolui Xvgi and Elizabeth Veiiion. His parents were natives of Bucks County, Pa. Josepli B. was reared on a farm, and followed that occupation in the East until the fall of 1851, when he came to Mt. Pleasant, and in tlie following spring removed to a farm four miles northeast of the citj', on which he lived until 1863, when he sold his farm and removed to the city. Alwa^'s industrious and careful, he was a successful farmer. After his removal to Mt. Pleasant he was twice elected to the office of Justice of the Peace. Mr. Vernon early in youth turned his thoughts to religious matters, and at tlie age of thirteen united with the ^lethodist Episcopal Church, of which he was until his deatli a pious and consistent member, and in which lie became a local preaciier, and did much good through his ministrations. He died June 10, 1882, in Mt. Pleasant, leaving a widow and children to mourn tlie loss of an affectionate husband and faithful parent. Mr. Vernon was married March 22, 1837, wiiile living in Oliio, to Miss Maria Monroe, the daughter of Daniel and Mar}' Monroe. Mrs. Vernon was born ill Muskingum County, Ohio; her father in Virginia, and her mother in Erie County, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon's union was blessed by seven children, of whom five are now living. The eldest son, Leroy M. Vernon, D. D., is a distin- guished minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church, who has for seventeen j'ears past been in charge of the Methodist Episcopal Mission in Rome, Italj', where he is now living. Under his superintendence the first American Methodist Episcopal Chuicli was built in the Eternal Citj', in the face of much oppo- sition. He has been twice married, first to Miss Fannie Elliott, daughter of Rev. Charles Elliott, D. D., LL. D., who was President of Iowa Wesleyan University' iu 1857-61, and in 1864-66, and also filled several of the chairs in that institute. After her death Mr. Vernon was united in marriage with Emily Barker, of New York City. The next of JMr. and Mrs. Vernon's family is John Weslej-, who is married to Maiy Palm, of this county, and is a practicing attorne}' in Memphis, Tcun., and has been a member of the Tennessee Legislature, and served througiiout tlie Civil War, in Compaii}' K, 4th Iowa Cavalry, in wliicli lie was Sergeant under Capt. James T. Drummoiid. The next of the family was Samuel I\L \enion, D. D., who was married to Hat- tie Kelle}' in Muskingum County, Ohio, and is now a minister of tiie Metliodist Episcopal Church in Philadelphia, Pa.; the daughter is Mary Elizabeth, who is the wife of Josei)h T. Patch, Esq., of Mt. Pleasant (see sketch) ; William Spry, the youngest son, is married to Sarah M. Hatch, of Mt. Pleasant, and is a merchant of Dos Moines, Iowa. The de- ceased are : Harriet Lucinda, who died at the age 4. HENRY COUNTY. 421 of fourteen months, and Joseph Albert, who died in infancy. Mrs. Vernon, like her husband, is a de- vout member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, with which she united on Christmas Da}-, 1828, and is a lady respected and esteemed by all who know her. She is now calmly awaiting the summons which will reunite her to the husband with whom she lived in faithful companionship for so many years. Three of her uncles, whose names were Mon- roe, were prominent in the ministry of the Method- ist Episcopal Church. ^j OHN B. COATE, dealer in general dry goods, notions, etc., Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, was born near Xenia, Greene Co., Ohio, Oct. 21, 1836, and is a son of Joseph T. and Agnes C. Coate. Joseph T. Coate was born in Miami County, Ohio, in 1815, in which place his parents had set- tled in an early day, going there from North Carolina. He and his wife were members of the Society of Friends, of which both were Elders. He had strong anti-slaverj' proclivities, and his house was a well-known station of the "underground railroad," in which many a poor fugitive was helped and sent on his way to freedom. He was one of the principal Abolitionists in Ohio, and his house was on many occasions surrounded by slave-holders from Kentucky, who, however, never succeeded in reclaiming any of their fugitive chattels from him. He cast one of the three first free-soil ballots ever cast in Greene County, Ohio. He died in 1877, at the age of sixty-six. His wife. Agues C, was also a native of Ohio, born in Clinton County in 1811, and is still living in her native county. Her par- ents were from Virginia, and were early settlers in Ohio. They had seven children, as follows : Eliza- beth B., widow of Abraham Haney, now living in Clinton County, Ohio; Nancj-, unmarried, living with her mother ; John B. was next ; then Martha, wife of William Osborn, also in Clinton County; Orlistus S., dealer in carriages in Wilmington, Ohio, and Loren A. and Mary, deceased. John B. was brought up on a farm and was mar- ried. Mayo, 18G0, in Clinton County, Ohio, to Miss Delilah A. Andrews, a daughter of William B. An- t- drews and a native of that county, born March 13, 1837. Four children were born of their union, two sons and two daughters : Ruth Eva ► a^ t i HENRY COUNTY. 425 a common-school education in Ohio, and in 1855 emigrated to Henry County, Iowa, but returned to Ohio after a year and a half. In 1859 he began reading medicine with a Dr. Vance, at his old home, woriiing his own way, and there receiving a thor- ough practical grounding in the science of medicine. In 18G0 he came back to Mt. Pleasant, but staid only six months, again going to his Ohio home, but in 18C2 made Henry County his permanent home. In 18G8 he attended a course of lectures at the Cleveland Medical College, and in the spring of 1878 gi'.aduated at Keokuk Medical College, Iowa, and commenced practice at Rome, in Henry County. Dr. Elliott was married in Carroll County, Ohio, in 1857, to Miss Letitia Noble, a daughter of David Noble, one of the early settlers of that county. Their children now living are: Elihu N., a gradu- ate of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Chicago, now in practice with his father at Mt. Pleasant, and Leilie Maud, living with her parents. Dr. John Elliott is essentially a self-made man, who has made his own path in life, and has never re- ceived a [lenny of pecuniary assistance since he started in the world. Wholly by pluck, close stud)', industry and a determination to succeed, he has succeeded in making liimself an honored mem- ber of an honored profession. He takes an active interest in JNIasonie affairs; is a member of Xenium Lodge No. 207, A. F. & A. M. ; of Henry Chapter No. 8, R. A. M., and of Jerusalem Commandery No. 7, K. T. In politics he is a supporter of tlie principles of the Democratic partj^ and keeps thoroughly' posted in public affairs. As phj'sicians the Drs. Elliott take high rank in their profession, and are held in high esteem in the community in which they live. ^W-tZjIlC?©^^ |->'-^^'OTJ»v.-wv^ I )HOMAS H. OLTNGER. A prominent citizen ff(^^. of this county, residing upon section 21, 0 Marion Township, will be found the subject of this sketch. He was born May 15, 1843, in Sullivan County, Tenn. His parents, John H. and Nancy (Cox) Olinger, were natives of Pennsyl- vania, but his fatiier was of German descent. Mr. and Mrs. Olinger had eleven children : George died in 1863, in Sullivan County, Tenn., and was buried in that county; Mary, widow of W. L. Maury, is now in Kansas; they had one child, Fannie. Our subject was third in order of birth; Sanford, deceased ; Sarah, deceased wife of William Walters, a painter by trade, who now resides in Omaha, Neb.; Joan, wife of Aaron Bright; James, a resident of Council Bluffs, Iowa; Amanda, wife of Lebbius Bright, of Shenandoah, Iowa; John, of Council Bluffs, Iowa; Caledonia, wife of James Anderson, of Buffalo County, Kan.; Charles, of Ford, Mo. The mother of this family died July 2, 1878. She was a faithful and useful member of the Protestant Methodist Church, whose exam- ple has been followed bj' her family, all of whom, except three, being professed Christians. The father was also a devoted and pious man, and gave liberally of his time and money to all good works. He died Feb. 2(5, 1884, and was buried in the cemeterj' at Shenandoah, Iowa. His death was caused by a cancer that had existed for nine years, the last two j'ears of which he experienced intense pain, but he bore his long suffering without a word of complaint. His last words were that he "hoped his children would all meet him in the better world." Our subject remained at the home of his father until the age of twenty -six, and received his edu- cation in the common schools of Sullivan County, Tenn. At the age of fifteen lie entered his father's wagon-shop, where he remained until Oct. 16, 1862, when he entered the army, enlisting in the 45th Kentuclv3' Mounted Infantry of United States troops. [le took part in tiie capture of King's Salt Works, and with the boys drove the rebel General, John Morgan, out of Lexington and kept him out. At Cynthiana they had another hard-fought battle with Morgan, and ran him out of Kentuck)', keep- ing his forces from attacking Cincinnati. During the year 1864, Company B, of which Mr. Olinger was a member, acted as escort and guard to Gen. Schofield from Lexington, Ky., to Cumberland Gap, Tenn. The last payment made to the troops was made in the Gap. The com pan j' then returned to Lexington, and from there proceeded to Louis- ville, Ky., where the regiment was discharged. After returning home, Mr. Olinger began clerk- 426 t HENRY COUNTY. ing in the dry-goods store of M. Cramer, remaining there three months. lie then went back to the old home, remaining there a year. The family then re- moved to Iowa, settling on section 20, Clarion Township, Henry County, where he bought seven acres of land and built a shop, house and barn. Here he has since made his home and followed blacksmithing and wagon-making, in addition to which, as the opportunity was afforded him, he has preached the Gospel, being in 1882 licensed to preach for the Protestant Methodist Church. He was united in marriage vvitti Miss Emeline A. Mil- ler. She was born Jan. 24, 1855. Her parents were James and Caroline (Jelett) Miller, both na- tives of Pennsjlvaiiia. Mr. and Mrs. Olinger are the parents of six children: Hugh W. ; Fannie, in Van Buren County, Iowa; Roy L., Carrie M., Nel- lie, James and Lulu. Mr. Olinger takes great interest in all public af- fairs, and devotes much of his time to church work. His wife is also a member of tlie Protestant Meth- odist (Jhurch. They are both highly respected in the community wliere they live. ••-^tf*>- -^4!]^:^ ■ O D H •D r- m > > HENRY COUNTY. 429 i Catherine, the wife of Jacob Lishy ; Martha J., who wedded James Kirkpatric; Rebecca, wife of Cal- vin Carey; Mary A., wife of Cornelius Morford ; Benjamin F., who married Ruth Cline; Thaddeus S., husband of Lucy Bower; and Sarah E., wife of Benjamin V. Fenton. The Bower family settled on a farm now owned by Charles Fox, where the parents both lived and died. All the children have left the county except Mrs. Fenton.and her widowed sister, Catherine, who finds with the Fentons a comfortable home. Seven children have gr.aced the union of Mr. .and Mrs. Fenton: Fhineas S., a te.acher of this county; Laura B. has a teacher's certificate in Henry Cdunty ; Howard; Sarah G. is deceased, Mary C, Bertha M. and Eli Preston. All the children are yet with their parents, .and for many years this family has been regarded as one of the most prominent in Wayne Township. Benjamin Fenton has been coiniected with the School Board of W.ayne Township, and for several 3'ears has been Elder in the Friends' Church. The maternal great-grandfather of Mrs. Fenton was P^phraini Schultz. His daughter, Catherine, married Abraham Lobaugh, who was a prominent teacher for many years in Cumberland County, Pa. He w.as accidentally killed, and his widow remained in that county the remainder of her life. ■'»««£2'®^'''— %@ "^^i/Utm'. ylLLIAM J. FRANCY, a prominent farmer of Baltimore Township, w.as born Nov. 1, 1844, and is the son of John and Joyce Francy, whose family history appears elsewhere. He was educated in this countj^, and m— "^•# r SBURY C. MORRISON, a farmer residing on section 35, Jefferson Township, was born in that township Feb. 13, 1845, and is a grandson of Joseph and Sarah (Ted- ron) Morrison. Both were natives of Pennsylva- nia, married and reared a family in that State. All the children but the youngest were born in Penn- sylvania, and the eldest was married in that State : Mary, deceased, married Joseph Crenier; Jane mar- ried James Green; Samuel married Mahala Braxel- ton ; Jacob, father of our subject, married Margaret McCormick; Rebecca married James McFeron; Julia A. married .lohu A. Leeper; Sarah married Joel Turney, and Ann married David Wilson. All the children, except Mary, who wedded in Penn- m sylvania and later went to Ohio, came with the par- ents to Iowa, excepting Ann, whp was born here. Joseph Morrison left Pennsylvania in April, 1 838, and arrived in December of the same year. They were forced to stop in Ohio for some months, the journe}' having been undertaken bj- boat, but at Quincj- they had to unload and come across the country to Hillsboro, where they remained a few weeks or until Mr. Morrison found a suitable c'.aim. He secured a claim of IGO acres, and purchased other claims, amounting to about 2,000 acres, but sold a part of it to Hiram Howard, and at the first land sale held in the State, which was at Burlington in 1840, purchased 1,760 acres. James C. Gi-een pur- chased for the claimants the township of Trenton, and Samuel Morrison, now in California, was the first Township Recorder. The first house built on the tract, erected by Joseph Morrison, stood where David Wilson built. That was a hewed-log cabin with a clapboard roof, held on with weight poles, and part of the logs are yet in use as a barn. Joseph Morrison was for fifteen years Justice of the Peace in Pennsylvania, but refused every offer of official position after becoming a resident of Iowa. There were many l)road acres put under cultivation dur- ing his lifetime, perhaps 200, and as the children were m.arried they were given farms, a part of the original tract. His wife survived until 1856. She was an ardent member of the ^lethodist Episcopal Church. At Trenton she became one of those who organized the church. I\Ir. ]\Iorrison was a member of the Christian Church aftei- he came to Iowa, but in Pennsylvania he was a member of the iNIethodist Episcopal Church. His death occurred in 1869, he having lived to see the jjrinciples he advocated before and during the war completely established. He was a Whig fiom boj'hood, and was one of those who aided in the formation of the Republican party in this county. Our subject was married, Nov. 12, 1(SG3, to Miss Margaret I. Probasco, whose parents, William H. .and Cynthia A. (Marble) Probasco, came from Clinton County, Ohio, to Henry County, Iowa, about 1854, settling in Trenton. Mr. Probasco purchased a farm later, but his first business expe- rience in this county was as a merchant in Tren- ton. He was an enterprising man, and aside from •►^f^^ 4- 432 HENRY COUNTY. the mercantile and real-estate business, purcluised and shipped stock for a number of years prior to the war. Both himself and wife are now dead, and the children are widely scattered. Mrs. Morrison is tiie only one in this county, and two others in the State, Mary E., wife of Jolui Daugherty, of Fairfield, and Kit C, wife of Will G. Garman, of Council Bluffs. Ann E. is a resident of Pierre, Dak., wife of John McManima; Daniel B., a resident of Kansas City, and Frank, the husband of Jessie Rheinheimer, also a resident of Kansas City. All these children were well known in this county, .'uid we are pleased to mention them severall}'. The first school our subject attended was taught by Augustus !McConnick in a log school-house which yet stands in Trenton. There he secured the laidi- raents of a classical education, which was completed later in Trenton, and from the beginning c>f his business life tiie greatest goo known as the (ireybeard regiment, 37th Iowa. NOIunteer Infantry, and was on guard duty, serving over two years. He was discharged on account of a broken leg and hip, and was mustered out at Rock Island in 18(14, since which time he has lived a retired life, residing at Mt. Pleasant. lie now receives a jien- sion of S'21 per month. In early life Mr. Fisher learned llie trade of a tailor, which he followed for many years. In jioli- HENRY COUNTY. 433 r tics he is one of the old stanch Democrats of the Jaelison stripe, .and in early life voted for Presi- dent Jackson. Mr. and Mrs. Fisher are members of the Universalist Church, and are always willing to lend a lielping hand for the advancement of a good cause. .Suflicient praise can scarcely be be- stowed upon this man. Reared in a country then hardly more than a wilderness, liaving few educa- tional advantages, he has3'et risen to such eminence that any State might be proud of such a citizen. He served his country truly, earnestly, faithfully, through two wars, and has endured the hardships and trials of pioneer life. Coming to this county when there were no railroads and few settlements, he has alw.ays exerted a great and steadj- influence for the cause of right and for the good of the com- munity. He is now an old man, his life's work is nearly ended, and he is now patiently waiting the call of his Master, and to hear tlie blessed words of his Savior, "Well done, thou good and faithful serv- ant, enter into the joj's of thy Lord." I.SAAC R. JOHNSON was born, reared and still resides in Heni'y County, Iowa. He resides on section 32, Scott Township, and is the son of Lewis and Mary Ann (Patterson) Johnson, both natives of Greene County, Pa., and whose sketch ap- pears elsewhere in this volume. They emigrated to this county in the spring of 1853, and Isaac was born the following fall, October 21. They settled in Marion Township, and there our subject was reared upon the farm. His education was received in the district schools of the county, supplemented by a course at Howe's Academj% at Mt. Pleasant. On the 2yth of December, 1880, Mr. Johnson was united in marriage with Miss Donna Mont- gomery, one of Henr^f County's fair daughters. A sketch of her parents, Amos B. and Raclicl Montgomery, may be found elsewhere in this work. One child, a little daughter, May, born Oct. 29, 1887, graces this union. Mr. Johnson owns one of the finest farms in Scott Township, 220 acres in extent, with magnifi- cent improvements, the house and barn being erected at a cost of $4,000. Everything about tlie farm denotes the thrift and industry of the owner. Mr. Johnson is also a horseman of note, as attested by many drivers who have pitted their skill against his on the course and in tlie prize ring. The Johnson mansion has been the scene of much festivity among the young people of their neigh- borhood, and truly their union is most opportune, they not only uniting two of the oldest families in the county, but the marriage united two of the most social young persons of Scott Township. i 'iT SAAC BAUSMAN is a prominent farmer of Henry County, residing on section 17, Tippe- canoe Township. His farm, which is 203 acres in extent, is one of the best cultivated in that part of the countj-, and everything about the place de- notes thrift and enterprise. Isaac Bausman was born in Lancaster County, Pa., in 1823. His par- ents, John and Caroline (Gurlaugh) Bausman, were also natives of the same county. When our subject was about twelve years old his parents emigrated to Montgomery County, Ohio, where the father died in May, 1854:, when sixty years of age. His wife survived him some years and died near Osage Mission, Neosho Co., Kan. The boj'hood days of our subject were spent upon a farm, and he received his education at the district schools of Oliio. He was joined in marriage, Feb. 22, 1854, with Mary A. Siplinger, a native of Cumberland County, Pa., who was the daughter of Samuel and Rebecca (Moudj') Siplinger, both of whom were natives of Virginia. Mrs. Bausman's grandfather, David Moudy, served as a soldier in the War of 1812. Mr. and Mrs. Bausman have been the parents of seven children: Sarah Jane, wife of M. M. Percell, a farmer residing in Tippe- canoe Township; Benjamin Franklin, also a farmer of the same township; Lavina, wife of Sydney D. Mills, residing in New York .State; Elizabeth, wife of Andrew Stanley, a resident of Salem Township, who was a teacher before her marriage; Charles I., a resident of Tippecanoe Township; Laura and Martha A., who still reside at home. Mr. Bausman emigrated from Ohio to Tippecanoe County, Ind., and six years later, in 1865, he removed to Henry t ■^•- 434 4- HENRY COUNTY. County, Iowa, where he bought a farm of 137 acres oil section 17 of Tippecanoe Township. He has added to this land until he now has, as before stated, a fine farm of 293 acres, and nearly all of this is under cultivation. With the help of his good wife he has become one of the well-to-do farmers of Henry County, Iowa. Mrs. Bausman and her children are members of the Baptist Church. I'olit- ically, Mr. Bausman is a Republican, though he holds liberal views. Among the names of promin- ent citizens of Henry County, Iowa, those of Mr. and Mrs. Bausman deserve an honorable place. •r?»^->j>t^ >^5«?-<<^«^« AMUEL ROSS, deceased, was among the ^^^ settlers of Henrj' County in 1848. He was born in Perry County, Pa.. Feb. 4,1808. In his native State he remained until he was sixteen years of age, in the meantime receiv- ing a liberal education in the common schools, being of a studious nature. From Pennsylvania he removed to Ohio in 1824, where he remained until he came to Henry County. Mr. Ross was twice married, first to Maria Elliott, who died in 1842. One child of this union, Thomas Scott Ross, is now residing in Boone County, Iowa. Mrs. Ross was a member of the Presbyterian Church. Mr. Ross, in 1843, wedded Miss Eliza Knox, a native of Roane County, Tenn., born Doc. 11, 1812, a daughter of William and Margaret (Armstrong) Knox, who emi- grated to Miami County, Ohio, in 1815, at which tinie that county was vor}' sparsely' settled, Mr. Knox locating in the heavy timlier, which he cut down and transformed into a well-cultivated farru. In politics he was an old-line Whig and took an act- ive interest in j)olitical affairs. The family of Mr. and Mrs. Knox consisted of seven children, four of whom arc living: Armstrong, in Preble County, Ohio; Mary, widow of John Brown, resides near Pickaway, Ohio; Kliza, widow of Samuel Ross, the subject of this sketch; James resides in Paris, Ohio. Mr. Knox died July 10, 1827, and Mrs. Knox in 1839. They were reared in the Presbyterian faith, but in later life were members of the Christian Church. In 1 848 Mr. and Mrs Ross came to Henry County, Iowa, and located in Center Township, Henry County, a mile and a half from the business center of Mt. Pleasant. Here ]Mr. Ross engaged in farm- ing, in which occupation he continued until his death, Sept. 12, 1872. Three children blessed the union of Samuel Ross and Eliza Knox, all of whom are yet living: Demaris, now the wife of Oliver Berriman, of Atchison, Kan.; 'M. Ella and Fanny. Two daughters are now engaged in the chinaware business at Mt. Pleasant and are enjoying a fine trade. Mr. Ross was a friend of education and gave to each of his children all the privileges desired in the way of becoming thoroughly educated, which priv- ileges they readil}' availed themselves of, and which have been of gieat practical benefit to them. He was a sincere Christian man. a member of the Pres- byterian Church for many j'cars. A kind and lov- ing husband, and an indulgent father, his death was sincerely mourned. Mrs. Ross is still living and is the owner of 152 acres of fine land, valued at $75 per acre. She is a member of the Presbyterian Church, with which body she has been connected for many years. In all work of the church she is greatly interested, and has always been ready to do her part for the advancement of the cause. A resi- dent of the county for a period of forty years, she is well known and universally respected. r ACOB L. RENSHAW, residing on section 27, Scott Township, Henry Co., Iowa, was born in Fayette County, Pa., Feb. 22, 1841. (^^// His parents, Samuel and Marj- (Longmecker) Renshaw, were both natives of Penns3lvani:i, though the mother was of German descent and the father of Irish. Jacob was reared upon a farm, and at the age of twenty-one he responded to the country's call for volunteers to put down the Rebellion, and became a member of the 168th Pennsjdvania In- fantry in 1801, serving thirteen months. He par- ticipated in the battles of Goldsboro, N. C. ; Ft. Macon and Harper's Ferry. After his liischarge he returned to Pennsj'lvania, where he w.as engaged in fanning until 1867. He then sold out, coming to Henry County, where he purchased forty acres r HENRY COUNTY, 435 of land on section 27 of Scott Township, which has been his liome ever since. Besides his farm in Henry County, Mr. Renshawowns 160 acres of land in Dakota. Ill 18(55 Mr. Renshaw wedded Emily Nixon. She was born in Penns3lvania, and her parents. Moses and Louisa (Bailey) Nixon, were natives of tlie same State. Mr. and Mrs. Renshaw have three children: lowing, a carpenter of Winfield, Iowa; May, wife of Walter Henderson, a resident of Neosho County, Kan., and Raj- P., at home. Mr. Renshaw and wife are members of the Presbyterian Church. Politically, he is a Republican, while socially, he is a member of the G. A. R. and A. F. & A. M. Samuel Renshaw, the father of our suV)ject, spent his whole life upon a farm. He died at the .age of fifty-nine, and his wife at the age of fifty-seven years. They were both members of the Dunkard Church, and reared a family of eight cliildren, four of whom are now living: .James, residing in Penn- sylvania; our subject; Frances, wife of Robert Ross, of AVest Virginia, and .John, who now resides in Kansas. Mrs. Renshaw's father also spent his life in till- ing the soil. He departed this life in 1857 at the age of forty-five years. Her mother is still residing in Pennsylvania at the ripe old age of seventy- three. She is a consistent member of the Cumber- land Presbyterian Church. Mr. and Mrs. Nixon were the parents of ten children, all of whom reside in Pennsylvania with the exception of Fiances, wife of Azel Freeman ; Anna, wife of Thomas RingJand, of Scott Township; Presley, of Wayne Township, and one brother iu Dakota. William, a former resident of this county, was a soldier in the 25th Iowa Volunteer Infantry. '^ OHN MONSON is a farmer residing on sec- 1 tiou 20, Wayne Township, Henry Co., Iowa, Sweden has furnished manj' of the best families of Wayne Township, some of whom have risen to prominence in the business and social world. Among these we mention the family of John Monson, which is favorably known as one of intelligence and culture, and as such they are entitled to a place in this, the history of Henry County's best families. .John Monson and his wife were both born in Southern Sweden, he in 1831, and Mrs. Monson in 1820. In 1857 they were married, and all their children, except the youngest, were born in the land which gave their parents birtli. The father of our subject was a farmer in Sweden, and his two sons, John and Nels, followed his example. John is the only one of the family who came to America. Mr. Monson was united in marriage with Bengta Anderson, the youngest daughter of Anders and Nellie (Johnson) Anderson. They were the parents of six children, of whom Jacob Anderson, of Knoxville, 111., and Mrs. Monson, are the only ones who came to this countiy. For several years John Monson and his wife resided upon a farm in Sweden, but decided to make for themselves a home in America. With their cliildren, Anna, Jennie, Nellie, and Nels, they left Gottenberg in the autumn of 1 867, landing in Quebec October 9 of the same year. They started West, and located first near Knox- ville, 111., where a farm was rented for two years. In the winter of 1869 a second removal was made, this time a permanent location being secured in Henry County, Iowa, and in Wayne Township the family have resided ever since. Caleb A., their youngest son, was born in Illinois, and while speak- ing of the children, the first births of the union were twins, both of whom died in infancy. Mr. Monson has grown from a poor man in 1867 to one well-to-do in 1888, and has reared and edu- cated a family of whom any father might be proud. Loving the free institutions of the United States, and desiring to become one of her people in its fullest sense, he long since secured naturalization papers, and for fifteen years has been a voter with the Republican party. The eldest daughter, Anna, became the wife of Anthony Johnson, of Page County, Iowa, in 1884. Her death occurred June 30, 1886, leaving one daughter, Anna E., who has been taken into the family of our subject, and is loved as one of their own children. Her mother graduated at Red Oak, Iowa, and afterward taught school in Page and Montgomery Counties for several years. The r t ■^•- 436 4 HENRY COUNTY. r father is now living in Omaha. The eldest son is a graduate of the schools in his township, and is com- pleting a theological course at the Augustana Col- lege, at Rock Island, 111. The daughters, Nellie and Jennie, have received good English educations in this county, and Caleb A., the youngest son, is with his father on the farm. Since becoming resi- dents of Wayne Township Mr. and Mrs. Monson have become members of the Swedish Lutheran Church, at Swedesburg, and for eighteen years Mr. Monson has been a Deacon in the church. For several years he was Superintendent of tiie Sunday- school, and in the doctrines of the church all their children have been conscientiously reared. The Monson household are noted for hospitality, and as neighbors and one of the best families, the citizens of Wayne Township highly prize them. The father of our subject lived to be ninety-six years old, and his mother reached the advanced age of ninetj'. three. Both died and were ))uried in their beloved Sweden. <^ J^jlLLlAM A. DILTS, M. D., physioian and rgeon at Salem, Hemy Co., Iowa, wais Jan. 13, 1860, in Louisa County, Iowa, and is a son of Thomas D-. and Martha L. (Kirkp.'itrick) Dilts. His father was born in Logan County, Ohio, March 20, 1831, his parents being Wilkisson and Catherine Dilts. In 184()"'tliey , removed to Henry County, Iowa, but returned to Ohio the same year. In 1854 Thomas again emi- grated to Iowa, locating in Louisa County, where he remained until 18()4, when he removed to Balti- more Townshii), Henry County, where he spent six years, removing in 1870 to J.ackson Township, where he now lives. He was married in Louisa County, Iowa. March 20, 1858, to Miss Martha L. Kirkpatrick. She w.as born Dec. 25, 1838, in Lee [ County, Iowa, her parents being William R. and Mary (Pratt) Kirkpatrick, who were of Scotch ances- try. They were aiming the earliest settlers of this State, emigrating fiom near Galena, 111., in 1834. where they had come from Ohio. On arriving in the then Territory' of Wisconsin, they settled on uusur- vcycd land about four miles north of what is now West Point, Lee County, removing thence in 1850 y)lLLlA 3' to Henry County', where they lived until their deaths, both of which occurred in 1885, when each was about eighty. They had three sous and seven daughters, all of whom are now living, and all mar- ried. The family were widelj' known and greatly respected in the county. Thomas Dilts and wife had four children, of whom our subject was the eldest; the next, Emma J., was born in Louisa County, Iowa, Aug. 6, 1862, and is the wife of O. A. Garretson, a prominent farmer of Jackson Township, to whom she was married Nov. 7, 1881 ; John J., born July 10, 1864, worked on his father's farm until 1880, when he entered AVhittier Col- lege. He began in 1884 the study of medicine with his brother, and is now a student at the Keokuk College of Physicians and Surgeons, and will grad- uate in 1888; Laura, born Jan. 6. 1872, is living with her parents. Thomas Dilts is a Republican in polities, and is known as an honorable and up- right man. He and his wife are members of the Methodist Elpiscopal Church. Thomas Dilts had two brothers and two sisters: Joseph is a farmer in Ohio; Josephine is the wife of J. W. Prottsman, a farmer in Northwestern Nebraska; Anna is the wife of Gus Fetters, a merchant in Kansas; and John W. is a ranch ownei' in Colorado. Our subject. Dr. William A. Dilts, remained on the farm until 1878, when he entered Whittier Col- lege, at Salem, where he remained until 1882, when he began the study of medicine under Dr. E. W. Cook, then of Salem, now of Plattsmouth, Neb. He attended a course of lectures in the medical department of the Iowa State University in 1883-84, and then practiced for two years in Jackson Town- shii), Homy County. He subsequently entered upon ;i course of study at the College of Ph^'si- cians and Surgeons, at Keokuk, Iowa, and in 1887 graduated second in a class of fifty-four, lie re- moved to Salem in .March of that year, and has gained recognition as a talented and conscientious yt)ung pli3'sician, and is rapidly- building ui) a lucra- tive pr.actice. He was married, March 16, 1887, to ]\Ii. the practice of which he was admitted at Buffalo, in that county. He embarked, and always successfully, in many enter- prises at Tonawanda. For some 3'ears he had a shingle factory there, and he was the inventor of the process of steaming the blocks from which they were cut, greatly facilitating and cheapening their manu- facture. He, with a brother-in-law, engaged largely' in real-estate operations, and he laid out an addi- tion to the town, and by his foresight and industry acquired a liberal fortune. He lived in Tonawanda for twenty-one years, and was a leading citizen of the town and county, often called upon to fill posi- tions of trust. He was for years Tresident of the Board of Trustees of the village, and head of the local educational board. He represented the town in the Board of Supervisors, of which he was Chair- man, and he also filled the position of Loan Com- missioner for the county. He was a truly repre- sentative citizen, who strongly impressed himself on those with whom he was associated, and had the respect and confidence of all who knew him, and wielded a great influence in the community. There, as later in Mt. Pleasant, he w.as foremost in ad- vocating public improvements, and fostering worthy enterprises. The rapidl}' growing State of Iowa attracted Mr. Woolson's attention, and he made a tour through it with the intention of seeking a home within its borders. The superior educational advantages of Mt. Pleasant determined his location here, and he removed to it in 1856, arriving hei"e June 6 of that year. After coming to Mt. Pleasant, he devoted himself exclusively to the practice of the law, and formed a partnership with Henry Ambler, Esq., then the leading attoi'uej' of the cit}', and the firm at once took a [jrominent place among the lawyers of the State. Three years later the firm was dissolved, and iSlr. Woolson associated with himself a son-in- law, Samuel JMcFarland, who entered the Union army during the Rebellion, became Colonel of the 19th Iowa Volunteers, and was killed while charg- ing a rebel battery at Prairie Grove, Ark., in De- cember, 1862. After this Mr. Woolson was alone until 1864, when he entered into partnership with P. N. Bowman, Esq., which continued until Sept. 6, 1866. when the latter retired, and the partnership with his son John S. was formed, which w.as un- broken until Mr. Woolson's death. From an appreciative sketch of his career, writ- ten not long after Mr. AVooIson's death, we extract the following: "That keen interest in educational matters which had characterized his former life, w:is carried to his new residence, and the cause of education found no more unselfish, zealous and considerate advocate and friend. He was for nian^' years a niemlier of the educational board of the city; for years its President, and aided largely, by his devotion, en- ergy and ripe judgment, in placing the public schools of the city in their present well-deserved high position. To him the public-school system was a matter so sacred, so intimately- connected with the public welf.-u-c and highest interests of the commoHweallh, tliat its demands upon his time were always honored gladly and freely. "For a number of years lie held the position of City Solicitor ot the city, and he was for a number of terms its Mayor. As Mayor, he cxliibited that decision of character, determination of purpose, and u i HENRY COUNTY. 441 care for the interests intnisted to him, which were marked features of his whole life. An illustration can be given, taken from his entrance upon his duties as Mayor. By resolution of the City Coun- cil, there had been submitted to vote of the electors, at the election at which he was first elected Mayor (and when, also, a new Council was elected), the question of reducing the license upon billiard tables, which was then substantially a piohibitor}' license, and by a considerable majority the electors refused to sanction any reduction. The day arrived for the meeting of the Council at which the votes of the election were to be canvassed, and when the old Council and the Mayor were to step out and the newly elected step into office. The old Council had a strong majority of its members who were in favor of reducing the license, while the newly elected Council were opposed to such reduc- tion. Mr. Woolson had intimations of an ex- pected attempt by the old Council to pass — in the face of the vote just cast by the people against such a step — an ordinance reducing the license on the tables, and, preparing for it, he subscribed the oath of office as Mayor, and quietly stepped, with other citizens, into the council chamber to witness the proceedings of the canvass. When the Council had been called to order, a motion was made to proceed to the canvass of the votes, a proceeding which had customarily been the first business of such a meet- ing. But those in charge of it had determined to pass the ordinance reducing the license, and, hav- ing the voting power, they compelled the canvass to give way to the consideration of the ordinance, which passed through its first and second readings, and was about to be put on its passage, and the vote to be taken. At this juncture, and when it had become apparent that the opponents of the measure were powerless to prevent its adoption, and that it was the settled purpose of the retiring members to defeat, by this unusual proceeding, the expressed will of the city, Mr. Woolson stepped forward, handed to the City Clerk his oath of office, and demanded of the Mayor his seat as the duly elected Mayor of the city, which was yielded to him. The roll call proceeded. Mr. Woolson di- rected the Clerk to call his name, and cast his vote against the ordinance. This vote, in connection with his firm action in the chair, effectually check- mated the conspirators, defeated the ordinance, and thus secured the triumph of the expressed popular will. "Mr. Woolson was a member, and the Chairman of the first Board of Supervisors of this county, and for years held the position of Attorney for the county. "In 1861 he was elected to the State Senate from this count}', and was re-elected in 1865. He was a member of the Ninth. Tenth, Eleventh and Twelfth General Assemblies. In the Senate he was a lead- ing member, serving on its most important commit- tees, and exercising a large infiuence in shaping the legislation of that bodj', and held by vote of the Senate, the position of President j)ro tern. It has been truly said of him, that he hei'e 'sustained a reputation not only for earnest, upright honesty, but for the highest skill and ability as a legislator.' " As an illustration of the estimate put upon Mr. Woolson by his fellow Senators, we quote from a letter received by his son, Hon. John S. Woolson, in November, 1887, from Hon. Warren S. Dungan, now a member of the Senate, and Chairman of the Judiciary Committee of that body during the first year of Mr. Woolson's service : "I am reminded of the winter I spent in Des Moines with your father, in the Senate of the Ninth General Assembly, in 1862. . . He was the best posted on the statutes of the State of any Senator. He knew at a glance how any measure proposed compared with the law as it existed. He was al- ways ready and on the alert, genial but dignified ; a noble Senator, doing honor to his constituents, and noble service to the State. Let us emulate his example." Mr. Woolson was a Senator throughout the war of the Rebellion, and by voice, vote, pen and purse, was a determined, effective supporter of the Gov- ernment, The editor of the Mt. Pleasant Journal being in the military service, Mr. Woolson assumed his duties, and during his editorship the paper never gave forth an uncertain sound on National matters, but was always an earnest supporter of the cause of National unity. Not onlj' in State and National matters did Mr. Woolson take an active interest, and act a leading part. As a citizen of Mt. Pleas- ant, every movement looking toward the moral and material advancement of the city found in him a hearty supporter. Early in life he was a believer in the doctrines of the Democratic party, but when that party became, in his judgment, unfaithful to its professed principles, he left its ranks, and there- after was a Republican. He was a member of the first Republican convention held at Buffalo, N. Y., and participated actively and influentially in the councils of the party. He was a delegate from this ••► t I -4^ 442 HENRY COUNTY. State to the National Convention which first nomi- nated Gen. Orant for President. His religious associations were with the Meth- odist Episcopal Church, of which he was a member from 18.36. He united with the Asbury (now First) Methodist Episcopal Church, after coming to Mt. Pleasant, and was for many years a member of its official board, and a zealous, consistent member of the church until his death. September 1, 18.36, Mr. Woolson was married to Clarissa Simson, who proved herself a devoted wife and loving mother. She died suddenly, March 7, 1862, while he was absent in the Legislature, of which he was tlien a member. She left three daugh- ters: Mrs. Peter Melendy, now of Cedar Rapids, Iowa; Mrs. R. J. Borghlothaus, of Minneapolis, Minn.; and Mrs. M. W. Darling, of Sioux City, Iowa; also one son, John S., of whom see sketch on another page. .June 26. 186.5, Mr. Woolson was united in marriage with Anna Carney, who with her son, J. Leigh, now survives. Mr. Woolson's death was sudden and unexpected. On Nov. 7, 1872, he was at his ollice preparing for the approaching term of Court. For several days he had been somewhat unwell, and in the afternoon of that day was feeling so much worse that he re- tired to his home. Within two hours of that time he was attacked with acute cholera morbus, so vio- lent in its action as to closely simulate Asiatic cholera. The attack was so violent that in a few hours hope was almost al)andoned, and when his wife (who liad been absent with a sick daughter) arrived home at 9 P. M., his life was despaired of. He lingered until 4:20 P. iM. of the next day, when the great soul was reh^ased from the overtasked body, passing peacefully away. His funeral on November 10 was attended by a, large concourse of mourning friends, and by the bar of the count}', who attended in a body. Hisremaius were interred in Forest Home Cemetery, in the citj' in which his riper years had been sitent. and of wiiich he was, with possibly a single exception, the foremost citi- zen. On the following dny, at the opening of the Dis- trict Court, a committee, previously appointed at a meeting of tlie members of the bar, presented reso- lutions adopted by that body, which were placed 4* upon the records of the court. Judge Joshua Tracy, in well chosen words, paid the following ti'ibute to the memory of Mr. Woolson : The resolutions just read, commemorative of the death of our friend and professional brother, exjjress in appropriate terms the many estimable traits of character lie possessed. Thej' also express the great grief and heartfelt sorrow experienced by his family and the communit}' at large at the loss of one whose place at home, in society and in church, cannot be filled. His character for strict professional integritj', honesty of purpose and courteous deportment, was such as to endear him to everyone who became in- timately acquainted with him. To those of us who have been so intimately' ac- quainted with him for the last sixteen j'cars in the practice of tiie legal |)rofession. these traits of char- acter of our departed friend will serve to guide us upon our professional pathway, and, it may be hoped, will lead us to that point of true worth and great- ness which he occupied when he ceased to be one among us. It is W(jrth}' of remark upon this solemn occasion, that although our deceased friend (lossessed a ner- vous, sensitive cast of temperament, and that in the practice of his profession he was ardentlj' devoted to his client's cause, yet no matter how close the contest, or heated the discussion in which he was engaged, he never so far forgot the character of the true professional gentleman, as to be guiltj' of ap- plying to his opponent unkind words, or opprobrious epithets, and his conduct toward the Court in the man.agement and argumentof his causes was always equally commendable. By the death of Theron W. Woolson, society has lost an honored, valuable member, the State an able legislator, the church of which he was a mem- ber a true Christian, the legal profession an able advocate, and his bereaved family a kind-hearted and devoted husband and father. With mournful i)leasure, it is ordcreil that the resolutions presented be s|)read upon the records of this court; and as a furllier token of respect to the memory of our departed friend, it is ordered the Court do now ndjourn. Committees wci<' appointed to present the resolu- tions to the Supreme Court of the SUite. and also to the United States Circuit Court for this State, in botli of which lie had an extensive practice. The Hoard of Suiicrvisors of the count}', for whom Mr. Woolson was at the time of his death counsel, also took formal action in the pass.age of this resolution: •$r*^ J^ t HENRY COUNTY. 443 Be it resolved by the Board of Supervisors of Henry Count}', now in session, That it is with feel- ings of profound regret that we learn of the death of a former honorable member and Chairman of this board, and for a long time its |)rineipal at- torney and adviser, Hon. 'J'herun W. Woolson ; and it is with great pleasure we record our admiration of the fidelity of his conduct in all those relations, discharging them with promptness, great good judgment and ability ; and we hereby express and tender to the famil}' of the deceased our heartfelt sympathy. The press of the whole State, and of both political parties, noticed in fitting terms and with expres- sions of appreciative feelings, his life and death. From his political and professional associates many letters vvere received by his family, all expressive of their profound sorrow at his sudden and un- timely death. It is difficult concisely, yet fully, to express the proper estimate of a life so well rounded, so sym- metrical as a whole, and yet possessing in so many directions such marked peculiarities. Perhaps the characteristic best remembered by his intimate friends as pervading his whole life, and lighting up his daily walk, was the entire faithfulness, the thorough conscientiousness, with which he applied himself to the performance of duty, in whatever dii'eetion that duty lay. As a lawyer he was re- garded as pre-eminentl}' a safe counselor, and had the justly deserved reputation of a dissuader from litigation, often inducing clients to settle amicably rather than by active proceedings, a trait in his ad- mirable character which was fully appreciated by the better class of litigants, and which entitled him to the blessing's promised to the "peacemaker." No client, constituent or employer ever had occa- sion to complain of lack, on his part, of thorough ap})lication to the matters placed in his charge. To this application he brought a mind naturally strong ■ and clear, which had been matured by close observ- ation and continuous study. His mind was emi- nently judicial, and had he been called to the bench, he would have graced the highest position. His record as a citizen, lawyer, official and legislator, shows his faithful attention, his ripe judgment, his intellectual strength and his purity of life. Yet that record is not complete without mention of his home life. He was peculiarly domestic in his tastes and desires, and no happiness was so keenly appreciated by him as that which came from the surroundings of family and friends at home. The shadows and perplexities of business or official life he left outside the threshold, and to family and friends under his own roof-tree was fully shown the genuine hospitality of his nature. In his later years, the enjoyment he realized from his home life perceptibly increased, and his distaste for the strifes and conflicts of public life became stronger, until prospect and promise of official station alike failed to induce him to submit again to the disa- greeable accompaniments of public position. No truer father or devoted husband ever gladdened a happy home. In :ill the relations of life he "fought a good flght," he "kept the faith," and his memory is precious not only to the family he trained to fol- low in his footsteps, but to all who had the privi- lege of knowing him. The admirable portrait of Mr. Woolson, on a preceding page, will preserve to his many friends the lineaments of this great man as he appeared in his mature years. It is one that adds great value to this volume, and our readers will thank us for inserting it. ^^ HRISTIAN ROTH, a farmer residing on see- (l[ ^ tion 9, Jefferson Township, Henry Co., Iowa, ^^7 was born in France, April 10, 1845, and is the son of Christian and Katie (Wittmer) Roth, mention of whom is made in the sketch of Peter Roth, brother of our subject. In this county Christian Roth, Jr., grew to manhood, and was married, Feb. 15, 1877, to Miss Fannie Augsperger, daughter of Jacob and Elizabeth (Shantz) Aug- sperger, the father born in Strasburg, France, the mother in Germany. Jacob was but six weeks old when his parents came to America. They settled in Butler County, Ohio, near Hamilton, and were among the early settlers there. The Shantz family located in Wayne Count}', near Worcester, and the parents lived and died there. They had eight chil- dren: Jacob married Miss Blouth, and resides on the homestead farm in Wayne County, Ohio; Christian, for his second wife, wedded Annie Creaser, and t 444 ■•► HENRY COUNTY. !^' resides in Fulton County, Ohio ; Joseph, a resident of Butler County, wedded Katie Augsperger; Peter wedded Annie Roth, and resides near West Point, Lee Co., Iowa; another son died in infancy; Lena, wife of Joseph Reeee, and Elizabeth, com- plete the family. She was mother of seven chil- dren, all living except one: Christian, deceased, married Elizabeth Augsperger; his widow married Peter Schroch, of Butler County, Ohio. Katie mar- ried Joseph ^Jleyer, of the same county; Mary is the wife of Joseph Ilouder, a resident of Bureau County, 111. ; Lena married Peter Imhoft, of Butler County ; Annie is the wife of Nicholas Summer, of the same county; Fannie married our subject; and George is the husband of Mollie Shafer, and resides in Butler County. Mrs. Roth's father reached the age of sixt3'-six years, and his wife is yet living, now nearly seventy j'ears of age. Since the marriage of Christian Roth, Jr., and Miss Fannie Augsperger three children have been born — Albert, Edward and Katy A. They are pleasantly located upon a nice farm near the village of Wayland, a part of the first lands purchased by Christian Roth, Sr. Our subject is one of the most enterprising of men, and is rapidl}- growing wealtliy. The Roths have ever been noted for their integrity and honor in business dealings, and for their up- right conduct. Christian Roth and his wife are both meml)ers of the .Mennonite Church, and we gladly make mention of the family. JAMES BENTLEY ROSE, Justice and Mayor of Salem, Iowa, vvas born June 1, 1819, in Uniontown, Belmont Co., Ohio, and is the son of Solomon and Narcissa (Arnold) Rose. Solomon Rose was born in New York City, and there learned the trade of cabinet-maker. He later went to Washington County, Pa., where his mar- riage with Miss Arnold was celebrated in October, 1817. Prior to his marriage lie enlisted in tiie War of 1812, during which lime he vvas private secre- tary of Gen. Proctor. The land warrant then ob- tained was laid out in Mills Count}', Iowa, after he came to this State in 1837. ]Mr. Rose with his young wife removed to Senecaville, Guernsc}' Co., Ohio, where he purchased a hotel, which in connec- tion with his trade was carried on during his resi- dence in that city. James B. was then but a lad and learned the hotel business perfectly. Reason A., Solomon C, Sarah, William II. and Silas comprise the familj-. Their removal to Iowa was made Oct. 1, 1837, they taking passage on a steamer down the Ohio, then up the Mississippi to Ft. Madison, where they landed Nov. 11, 1837. At West Point Mr. Rose purchased propert}', and dur- ing their residence in that city he carried on cabi- net and carpenter work. He was a finished work- man, and in that early day was a most welcome accession to that country. The family became per- manent residents of Salem Oct. 9, 1846. Here Mr. Rose purchased propert}', and carried on farming during the remainder of his life. His death occurred May 6, 1860; his faithful wife, who survived him eleven 3-ears, died and w.as buried at Omaha, Neb. Of the children, Reason A., a fariuer, and minister of the United Brethren faith of Marysville, Ore., wedded Mary Mickum ; Solomon C. married Sa- mantlia Beard, of Salem, the ceremouj' being per- formed l)y our suliject, who was then Justice of the Peace, and is a farmer of Herman, AVashington Co., Neb.; .Sarah, deceased wife of C. M. Whee- lock, this being one (jf the first marriages in Lee County; the death of William H. and of Silas occurred at West Point. Mr. Rose, prior to com- ing to Henry County, in partnership with his son- in-law, ^Ir. Wheelock, i)urchased the lands near Keokuk upon which the iuUrmar}' now stands. The primary education of our subject was re- ceived in Ohio, but after coming to Iowa he con- cluded to complete it. He was a fine mathematician for a lad, and when presenting himself to Robert Stephenson, who conducted a subscription sc1h)o1 at West Point, tokl the teacher "to start hini any- where." Not having attended school for several years, he found it hard to make a start, but after getting some assistance from (iranville Pitman (now in luisincss in Keokuk, luw:i), i)rogressed very well until he had nearly- linished the arithmetic. One problem brought him to a standstill, and after vainly' trying to solve it, he asked his tutor to aid him. "P.ass it, pass it," said Mr. Stephenson. "No, sir," said the lad, "I never pass anything." Although -<*■ ■•► u 4 HENRY COUNTY. 445 the teacher advised him to leave it iinsulved, the boy persisted, and both he and Mr. Stephenson car- ried it home several nights. The morning greeting of each was, "Have you done it?" The third morning, while lying in bed, James mentally solved the prob- lem, demonstrated the same on his slate, and tri- umphantly carried it to school the next morning. In response to the usual salutation, he produced the figures. "Did you do this?" asked the teacher. "Yes sir," responded the lad. Erasing the figures, the slate was returned with the remark to do it again, which James did in a few moments and again produced the proof. After the teacher looked it over he said, "Leave my school, young jnan; I don't want anybody ai'ound here who thinks he knows any more than I do." Taking his book and slate, James weut home, and that exercise ended his school days. He learned the carpenter's trade but this did not pay, and Mr. Rose learned the cabinet trade with William Alexander, whom he served four years. Mr. Alexander was Postmaster and our sub- ject Deput}', while a resident of West Point. James Bentley Rose was married to Miss Amy Welch, June 6, 1844, Rev. William Simpson, a Methodist Episcopal minister, performing the cere- mony. Two years later the young couple came to Salem, Mr. Rose engaging work with Isaac Ong at the carpenter's trade, and subsequently he and Mr. Ong's son formed a partnership, which lasted two years. The first work done by Mr. Rose was upon the brick house at the southeast corner of the square, now occupied by Charles Conrad. After the part- nership was dissolved, he rented Mr. Stanley's cab- inet-shop, and for a number of years engaged in business. In 184'J he was elected Constable, and in 1850 was elected Justice of the Peace, being continuously his own successor until 1863. At that time he was appointed Deputy County Treasurer by C. V. Arnold, and the Justiceship was resigned. Mr. Rose, the same year, with his family, became a resident of Mt. Pleasant, remaining there and hold- ing the same official position until April, 1871. In 1869 he was appointed Notary Public, through the influence of Gov. J. G. Newbold, and this office he has since held. The family returned to Salem in 1871, and the same autumn Mr. Rose was re-elected Justice of the Peace and has always been his own successor. For several years he has served the vil- lage as an officer, both as clerk and member of the board. He is now Mayor, and for six years was Postmaster of Salem, retiring in 1877. The eldest daughter, Louisa, now wife of Joseph Yeager, a clothier of Af ton, Iowa, was born in West Point. Joseph W., William IL, Malvin H., Edwin F. and Curtis C. were born in Salem. Joseph was appointed Postal Clerk during Grant's administra- tion, and is Deputy in the department at Kansas City; his wife is Eliza J. Adams. William II. wedded Julia Hayes, and is an employe of the Iowa Centr.al Railroad, residing at Marshalltown; Malvin H., husband of Lutie Beal, is in business at Afton ; Edwin F. was accidentally drowned; Cur- tis C. is an operator of Hannibal, Mo. For more than a quarter of a century Esquire Rose has been an official of the county, and the same energy which characterized his schohistic days has been maintained through life. The family in social circles have always ranked high, and in a business sense, none have a clearer record than our worthy Mayor. Forty- three years of wedded life make Mr. and Mrs. Rose one of the oldest married couples in the neighborhood, and we are pleased to give them a place among the deserving of their county. ylLLIAM DAVIS, proprietor of the finest stock farm in Henr^' County, has a Sne herd of 200 Short-horn cattle, and sixty head of draft and coach horses. His farm, which is situated partially on sections 3, 4 and 10 of Tip- pecanoe Township, contains 800 acres, and is watered by a fine stream of living water. The soil is a black loam, especially adapted to grass and corn. The farm buildings are capacious, tasty and con- venient. Mr. Davis breeds the Norman and Perch- eron horses for heavy draft, and the Bashaw of the Ethan Allen familj' for roadsters. He has some of the finest stock in the count3', and is an extensive dealer in live-stock, as well as a grower of the same. Mr. Davis has been a resident of Henry County, Iowa, since April, 1866, and has made his home at Mt. Pleasant for eight years of that time, and is a resident of the city at this writing. He was born 4- 446 HENRY COUNTY. at Newark, Licking Co., Ohio, Jan. 22, 1824, and is the son of Zachariah and Elizabeth (Roberts) Davis. His father was born in Berkshire County, Pa., and removed to Licking Count3', Ohio, in early manhood. He was a farmer by occupation, and re- moved from Oluo to Illinois, where he died in March, 1872. William left home on Christmas Day, 184G, going to Lafa3'ette, Ind., where he spent ten years. He was married in that citj^, Jan. 19, 1854, to Miss Eliza A. Sample, daughter of John and Ann (Taylor) Sample. (See sketch of John Sample elsewhere). Mrs. Davis was born in Randolph County, Lid. Her parents were among the pioneers of Henry County, of 1839. She was the young- est and is the only surviving member of her family. Mr. and Mrs. Davis have but one child, a daugh- ter, Nina B., now the wife of R. W. Buchanan, a farmer of Tippecanoe Township, They reside on the home farm. Mr. Davis came to Henry County in April, 1856, and located at Mt. Pleasant, in which place he spent four j'ears, and then removed to the farm in Tippecanoe Townsiiip, where they con- tinued to reside until 1883, when they returned to the city, and have since made that their home. He is a member of Henry Lodge No. 10, I. O. O. F., and of the Camp. He is also a Knight Templar Mason ; a member of Mt. Pleasaut Lodge, A. F. & A. M., of Henry Chapter No 8, R. A. M., and of Jerusalem Commandery No. 7, K. T. Po- litically, he was a Whig in early life and later a Republican. Mr. Davis is one of the best known and higlily respected citizens of Henry County. He is a broad gauge man, both physically and otherwise. Mr. and Mrs. Davis are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. _>, o*o.-@^ ■ 4* 463 only those can spend them who love and revere each other, and the remembrance of such people became dear to those of their name and kindred. As pioneers we welcome them, as citizens we praise them, and as Christians we are pleased to do them honor. The portraits of Mr. and Mrs. Matthews on adjoining pages are of two of the best known and most respected people who ever made Salem their home. ■*— :55- eHARLES E. BERGH, a hardware merchant and tinner, of Wayland, came like many of the citizens of this and other States, from across the broad Atlantic, lie arrived here in 1864, and from that date until the present has been actively engaged in business. Learning the trade of coppersmith in Sweden, at which he became expert, the young man found his services in demand upon his arrival in America, and he has realized a fine business, and has made a successful and useful citizen. Charles E. Bergh, Jr., was born in Orebro, Sweden, Dec. .31, 18.38, and is a son of Charles E. and Catherine (Dahm) Bergh. His mother bore three sons, the second of whom died in infancy. John, the eldest, married, and his widow remains in his native village in Sweden. Charles E., our sub- ject, was left an orphan when two years of age, and was cared for by his uncle, Andrew Didrickson, and his good wife, who gave him .ill the love and care parents usually bestow upon their own ofispring. By this uncle he was taught the trade of copper- smith, and remained with him in the village of As- kersund until his departure for America in 1864. After the death of his mother his father married again, and b}' that union became the father of two other sons, Andrew G. and Peter J., the first of whom is a carpenter by trade and resides in Texas. The other still resides in Sweden, and with him the widowed mother makes her home. Chicago was the home of our subject during his first three years' residence in America. Thence he started West on a prospecting tour, and traveled extensively through the States and Territories. He become a resident of Henry County in 1870, locat- ing at Mt. Pleasant, from which city he went to Crawfordsville, Washington County, where he made the acquaintance of Mrs. Caroline E. (Bennett) Berry, who became his wife in 1871, and their re- moval to Swedesburg, Wayne Township, Henry County, was made four years later. Mr. Bergh es- tablished there a hardware and tin shop, but after a comparatively short residence there, returned to Crawfordsville in 1879. During his residence there Mr. Bergh was the first Noble Grand of Winnemac Lodge, I. 0. 0. F., of Crawfordsville, and has been Noble Grand of Wayland Lodge. Three years later the family became residents of Wayland, where Mr. Bergh engaged in the hardware trade. In 1886 he sold his stock to Joseph A. Roth, and again began business in shelf-hardware, tinware and groceries, and is accounted one of the successful merchants and enterprising business men of Way- land. The first marriage of Miss Bennett was graced by the birth of a son, D. F. Berry, resident, operator and agent of the Narrow Gauge Railroad, at Noble, Iowa. To bless their home four children came after the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Bergh : John C, an expert telegi'aph operator; Carl, de- ceased; Samuel and Lyman, all bright, intelligent lads, full of promise, who, under the care of their parents cannot fail to develop into good young men. Mrs. Bergh was born in New Jersey, and is the daughter of Elmer and Lucy Bennett, pioneers of Crawford Township, Washington Co., Iowa. They were the parents of six children, all of whom are prominent citizens. Mrs. Bergh has been a fre- quent contributor of poems to the press of this State and of Ohio, and lier productions have re- ceived many well-merited compliments. ylLLIAM H. E er, residing ship, is a na -•*■ <^ Jf/ILLJAM H. BEERY, farmer and stock-rais- on section 14, Center Town- ip, IS a native Hawkeye, born in Henry County, March 12, 1846, and is the sou of L. L. and Marga?-et (Short) Beery, who emigrated to this county in 1842. Here the subject of this sketch was reared upon a farm, and educated in the com- mon schools, supplemented by an attendance at Howe's Academy, at Mt. Pleasant. In 1869 he 4 J^ 4- 464 HENRY COUNTY. went to California, and there remainefi until 1872, in the mining district. In that year he went to Eureka, Nev., and engaged in business, remain- ing there until 1S7G, at which time there was great excitement in consequence of the discovery of gold in the Black Hills. In company with others he went to that new Eldorado, and there remained four 3'ears, going from thence to Colorado and New Mexico. In 1881 he returned to Henry County, and purchased his fine farm on sections 13 and 14, which consists of 200 acres of well-improved land. Although purchasing the farm in 1881, he did not settle upon it until 1885. On the 3d day of February, 1884, he was united in marriage to Miss Lizzie Britton, a daughter of Robert and Margaret Britton, who were among the pioneers of this county. Mrs. Beery was born in this county, Sept. 30, 1861. By this union there is one child, Agnes. With the exception of the time spent in the far West Mr. Beery has been a resident of Henry County. In the various changes that have taken place in developing the county from its wild state to its present prosperous condition he has been an eye-witness, and at times an active participant. He is a man well posted in State and county affairs, and as a citizen is well respected by all who know him. Politically, he is a Republican. HARLES A. BURKE, a farmer residing on jM, section 23, Wayne Township, Henry Co., ^^^ Iowa, was born in Central Sweden, near Vadstena, which is a prominent village in Swedish history. Andrew and Christina (Petersen) Burke were the parents of our subject. Mr. Burke's name prior to entering the army was Andrew Johnson, but on entering into service it was changed to Burke. He was a farmer in early life, but later became the owner of a sawmill on the Tranes, Mr. Burke and his wife both died in Sweden. Tiie>' had a familj' of nine children, one of whom died in their native country, and there one j'et resides, Mary, the wife of Peter Petersen, a farmer. Our subject, accompanied by his brother, John P., now a resident of York County, Neb.; Gustoph, who was a soldier during the war, and died wliile in service; and Hattie, now the wife of Louis M. Johnson, of Hitchcock County, Neb., came to America in 1857, settling in Galesburg, 111. John P. was the husband of Charlotte Petersen, and Gustoph, the husband of Gustava Glattie. The others members of the family were Adolph, Johanna and Eva. Adolph brought his wife, Marj', and five children from Sweden in 1865; they reside in Stanton, Iowa. Johanna wedded Gust Anderson of this township, before they left Sweden, and iu that country five children were born. Eva was the wife of Peter Almgren, both of whom died in Swedesburg, his death occurring the next year after coming to this county, she surviving one j'ear, dying in 1874. Our subject is the youngest of the family and is, with the exception of Johanna, the only one of the family now residing in Henry County. His courtship with the lady who after- ward became his wife was begun on the ocean as the voyage to America was made. Charlotte Erick- son, accompanied by her parents, Charles and Eva. Erickson, went to Burlington in 1857, locating there for only a short time. They later moved to ]\Iin- nesota, where they both died. After a courtship begun in 1857 and continued for a jjeriod of six years, Charles Burke and Miss Charlotte Erickson were married, the ceremonj' taking place iu the city of Burlington, March 19, 1863, Rev. S. G. Larson, a Swedish Lutheran minister, performing the ceremony. The young couple at once went to Galesburg, 111., where for the first year they resided. In 1864 Mr. Burke rented a farm near Andover, Henrj' Co., 111., and five years later came to Henry County, Iowa, purchasing his farm the same year. Upon this farm the family have for nineteen years resided. Edwin and Juvey, the children born in Henry Count3', 111., are both unmarried. The death of :Mrs. Burke occurred March 10, 1881, since which time the daughter Juvey has acted as housekeeper for her father. When Mr. Burke left Gotti'uberg lie had only |!l left. From his own muscle have grown his liroad acres, and it seems almost incredible that in such a few years a man could rear a famil}' and make such investments as have been made b^' our subject. Both himself and his wife were members of the Swedish Lutheran HENRY COUNTY. 465 Church of Swedesburg, and their children were carefully reared in the same faith. To these chil- dren also is given a place in the history of Henry County. Both were well educated in Wayne Town- ship, in both tiie Swedish and English languages. From the lad who crossed the ocean in 18.57, without scrip in iiis purse, is found a man possessing a beautiful farm, upon which hundreds of dollars have been spent in improvements. The modern farmhouse, and tlie roomy barn and out-buildings have been erected since his ownership began, and among the numerous Swedish families of Wayne Township none have a wider friendship than the family named. Mr. Burke became a naturalized citizen of the United States, Oct. 10, 1865, and is a man possessing all the good qualities necessarj' to be one of the best of citizens. (^ felLLIAM J. H ANNUM, a farmer residing \/iJ/' '^" ^^'^'t'^^" ^1' Wayne Township, Henry ^^ Co., Iowa, was born in Madison, Ind., al- though his parents wer^ natives and residents of Washington County, Pa., where our subject was reared. His father, James Hannum, was a farmer in Pennsjdvania, and reared a family of nine chil- dren in that State, all of whom were sons: John A., Alexander, Samuel, William J., James, Joseph, Finley, Hugh and Thomas. The eldest was mar- ried in Pennsylvania to Miss Hannah Haj^es, before the family removed to Des Moines County', Iowa, but later he, too, with his young wife settled in Des Moines County. In 1851 the family became citizens of this State, settling eleven miles north of Burlington, on a farm. When the war broke out five of the sons enlisted : John, deceased, became a member of the 6lli Iowa; Alexander, deceased, of a Colorado regiment; Samuel, in the 30th Iowa; Joseph, in the 14lh, and Finley also in the 30th Iowa. With the exception of Alexander, all served until the close of the war and were in the most noted and hotly contested battles. John became a veteran and was killed at the battle of Kennesaw Mountain, and his body was laid to rest by the side of many other brave comrades who had fallen •^« pierced by rebel bullets. The three others are liv- ing, and with our subject complete the family, except the aged father, who yet resides in Des Moines County. Samuel wedded Lydia Hannum, his cousin, and resides near America, Nemaha Co., Kan. ; Joseph became the husband of Elizabeth Robbius, and lives in Des Moines County; Finley wedded Mrs. Adelia (Shallehammer) Wilson, of Concordia, Kan., where they reside, and our subject became the husband of Elinor Wright, Dec. 19, 1867. She is the daughter of Alexander and Hannah (Marshall) Wright, of Des Moines Count^^ who came from Brown County, Ohio, about 1837, and purchased a claim of perhaps half a section, nine miles northwest of Burlington, upon which a log cabin stood, but he later improved his lands, and entered a large tract at the land sales held in Burlington. Mr. Wright was a very enterprising man and was one of the best known men of his day, and at an early day was elected Justice of the Peace. He lived to a mature age and both himself and wife were buried side by side in the "Old Stone Church" Cemetery. Her death occurred first, and he re- mained true to her memory. They were parents of nine children, four living, all of whom are married: John C. is a resident of Oskaloosa, Kan., and is the husband of Miss McCuUougb ; Wellington mar- ried INIary Heizer, and is a resident of Kansas; Al- exander became the husband of Roxalena Hobson, and resides in Greenwood, Mo. ; Wellington is a United Presbyterian minister, and is stationed at Winchester, Jefferson Co., Kan. Those deceased are Benjamin M., William and Robert J. Benja- min was a soldier and belonged to the 1st Missouri Cavalry, and was killed accidentally at the battle of Pea Ridge; Robert enlisted, and before being assigned to any regiment died. After the marriage of our subject, he moved upon a good farm, which was previously purchased, and later sold this and bought the Wright home- stead, and subsequently another farm in Des Moines County. In 1883 Mr. Hannum purchased the farm in Henry County upon which the f.iraily now re- side, removing to it soon after the purchase. Eight children have graced the union — James A., John W., Joseph W., Mary L., Robert, Lavara, Roy F. -•►■ r t 466 HENRY COUNTY. and Elinor. The family circle is unbroken. The long cribs of corn and numorous out-buildings show to the traveler the productiveness of the broad acres, and the family are heartily welcomed by the best people of Wayne Township and are counted a valuable acquisition to the business and social world in which they enjoy a deserved place. The birth of our subject occurred May 25, 1837, and Mrs. Hannum was born in Des Moines County, Iowa, April 24, 1842. Both are members of the Winfield United Presbyterian Church. -'*>■ ^.o*o.-(qJX®-.o*o <<-- 'S^ETER BECKLER, a farmer residing on sec- ))) tion 29, Wayne Township, Henry Co., (^ ^^ Iowa, was born in Nanchieh, German}', in 1812, and is a son of Christian and Lizzie Beckler. The former was a farmer in the old conn- try. Three children were born there — Peter, Jo- seph and Christian. The children were all small when the death of the father occurred. The widow remained true to his memory, and resided in Ger- many until after Joseph was married. His wife was Kate Summer. All the sons came later to America, and the two j'oungest were married in this country. Joseph and Peter came together in 1836 and located at Cincinnati. Joseph lieing mar- ried began farming, and our subject secured work by the month. He made that his home for eight years and during this time made several trips to New Orleans, being engaged for some time in fish- ing at Natchez during the interval. In 1848 he came to Lee County, Iowa, and in 1852 made a journey to California across the plains, the trip tak- ing seven months to complete. He later went to Oregon and for his board during the winter split 200 rails per day. M. Beckler then went to the California gold mines and later purchased a team of oxen, and for twelve years did teaming for the miners. From the mines he went to Washington Territory, and teamed for eighteen months, saving carefully his money, and when he returned to Iowa, in 1864, a snug sum in cash was invested in lands in this county and upon them his family reside. Peter had reached b^' tliislinie the age of fifty-two, and had never felt the influence of a woman's love, but time brought great changes later in the old bachelor's heart. Jonas Beight, with his wife and four children moved to the country- from Holmes County, Ohio, and settled in Washington County, four miles north of where our subject lived, the same year he returned from California. Her hus- band died in the spring of 1866, and Peter took a kindly interest in the widow and her children, so much so that he proposed and was accepted in marriage the same autumn, and the ceremony was performed by Rev. Benjamin Eicher, of Washing- ton County. When married the lady had but three children — Moses, David and Minno — of a family of six, one having died in Ohio, and two in Iowa. A new house was built on the Beckler farm and the old bachelor's hall was soon forgotten. Children of their own came to grace their home: Elizabeth, John, who died in infancy, and Emma C. The daughters have both reached a good position in the social world, and the younger is a graduate of the Swedesburg school. Peter Beckler has grown rich as his 3'ears have sped, and yet in his seventy-fifth year, he is jolly and social and able to do much labor about the farm. His wife is a daughter of Joshua and Nancy Yoder, who were married in Holmes County, Ohio, and whose parents both came from Somerset County, Pa. She is one of eleven children. The family are widely scattered and some of them were noted men. Noah, Moses and Jacob were soldiers. Moses was killed at the battle of Kennesaw Mount- ain, June 28, 1864; Jacob was accidentally drowned, and Noah was severely wounded at the battle of Stone River, Jan. 2, 1863. After his discharge, he practiced his profession, that of medicine, at Berlin, Ohio. He was first a Lieutenant, then Captain of the 51st Oliio Infantr}'. Samuel is now a Member of Congress from Ohio, and prior to his election was first a teacher, then a practicing physician of Pluffton, Ohio, later the Probate Judge of Allen County, Ohio, and was the contractor who erected the grand court-house at Lima, Ohio. His wife wa,'< Miss Minerva Maxwell, a native of Ohio. Christian Beckler was for several years a resi- dent of Wa^-ne Township, and wedded Barbara Conrad. He owns a fine farm in this county, but is a resident of Stuttgart, Ark. Joseph is nt>t liv- 4 t 4 HENRY COUNTY. 467 ing, having died March 11, 1877, but his widow re- sides near Flemiugton, 111. No nicer family or happier home can be found than the cosy quarters our subject has in which to spend his ripe old age. The following particulars of the death of Dr. Yoder, of Shanesville, are taken from the Ii-oii Val- ley Reporter: '-The people of Shanesville and surrounding country were horrified on Friday afternoon of last week to learn that Dr. N. W. Yoder was drowned. The particulars are very brief. The Doctor started to visit a patient a few miles in the country, accompanied by a gentleman named Schen. In attempting to cross the bridge at Barr's mill, where the road is very narrow and covered for some distance with water, he drove a little too far to the right, and the front wheel of his buggy went over the bridge, throwing himself and companion into the stream. The current was strong, and the Doctor being a cripple could not help him- self. After a brief struggle he sank to rise no more, and the community lost one of its best and most honored citizens. His companion, more fort- unate, succeeded in making his escape. Dr. Yoder was born near Berlin, Holmes Co., Ohio, and was about forty years of age. He was in every respect a self-made man. He had a liberal education pro- cured by his own exertion; he studied medicine with Dr. Pomerine, of Berlin. In the latter part of 1861, on the recommendation of Gen. Ankeny, he was commissioned by Gov. Todd a First Lieuten- ant, and recruited a number of men for the army. These he brought to Camp Meigs and had them assigned to Company G, olst Ohio Infantry. When the regiment was ordered to the front Lieut. Yoder accompanied his command, taking with him two of his brothers, one of whom was killed in battle, and the other drowned while assisting to transfer the wounded from lioatto hospital. At the battle of Stone River Lieut. Yoder was wounded eight times, and while lying on the field helpless, had his foot crushed by the wheels of a cannon wagon running over it; as a result of these wounds his right leg was amputated. When recovered he was assigned to hospital duty at Lexington, Ky. As a hospital surgeon he was one of the most valuable agents of the Government, and many a poor soldier is indebted to him for the life he to-day enjoys. -^ ' Returning home at the close of the war, he resumed his profession and located at Berlin, and soon became popular as a physician. In 1871 he and S. Sharp bought out the drug business and medical practice of Dr. Sheldon, and removed to Shanes- ville, where he remained until his tragic death. Dr. Yoiler was recognized by the medical fraternity, and by the people, as one of the foremost physi- cians of the State. He had a large practice and was very successful in the treatment of disease. He was the kindest of men and the most steadfast of friends." *HOMAS H. BARTON, a prominent farmer of Henry County, residing on section 29, Tippecanoe Township, was born in Tuscara- was County, Ohio, July 1, 18.37, and is the son of William and Christiana (Beaber) Barton, both of whom were natives of Pennsylvania. They emi- grated to Ohio at an early dixy, and from there removed to Indiana, and subsequently to Southern Illinois, where they remained for three years. Re- solving to emigrate to Iowa, on the 4th of July, 1844, they settled in Henry County, in Center Township. William Barton erected a sawmill on Big Creek, south of Mt. Pleasant, engaging in mill- ing until the time of his death, which occurred in 1845. Thomas Barton, our subject, during his boyhood days lived upon a farm. In 1858 he formed a matrimonial alliance with Miss Elizabeth Hars- barger, a native of Virginia, born Aug. 17, 1840, and a daughter of William Harsbarger. After his marriage, Mr. Barton rented a farm for three years, at the expiration of which time, in 1862, he pur- chased a farm of forty acres in Salem Township, residing on this farm for about a year; then selling it he purchased fort^' acres on section 29, Tippe- canoe Township. On his last purchase Thomas Barton still resides, having added more land until he has a fine farm of 122 acres. His home, an elegant and commodious residence, was erected at a cost of $1,600. Seven children have blessed the union of this worthy couple: Mary L., born March 11, 1859, is the wife of A. Jay, of Tippecanoe -•► k f f 468 HENRY COUNTY. Township; William H., bom July 25, 1861, married Minnie Rogers, and is a resident of Tippecanoe Township; Sarah C, born Oct. 23, 186.3, is the wife of Walter Stewart, of .Jefferson County, Iowa; Rebecca J., born Nov. 6, 1865, wedded Nathan Elliott, also a resident of Tippecanoe Township; Harriet Ann, born March 27, 1869, is the wife of Charles Cooper, of Salem Township; Samuel and Annie A., twins, born Oct. 1, 1871, reside at home. Politically, Mr. Barton affiliates with the Repub- lican party. He has held the office of Township Trustee, Constable, and is at present Justice of the Peace. Mr. Barton is a pioneer of forty-three years' stMuding, coming to this county in 1844. He passed through many of the hardships and privations of the early settler, but is glad to live to see the grand improvements in our fair country. INIr. Barton is a man of considerable intellectual capacity, and is much respected by the citizens of Henry County. m^^ 4 kEVI HIGGINS. Among the early pioneers the name of Levi Higgins stands out promi- nently. He is engaged in farming and gen- eral stock-raising on section 22, of Tippecanoe Township, and is a native of Milton County, Vt., born May 5, 1835. His parents were James and Emily (Wait) Higgins, the father a native of Can- ada, and the mother of Vermont. James Higgins was a sailor, and a farmer in his younger days, and during the War of 1812 he fought against the British. He and his good wife were members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. In 1837 the family emigrated to Ohio, locating at Paincsville, vvhere they remained two years, and then came to Henry County, Iowa, and made their home in Mt. Pleasant, where the father died in 1865. The mother survived him eleven years, dying in 1876, at the age of seventy-five. To them were born eleven children : Ilenian died Feb. 14, 1852; Alva is a sailor; Jane married Wall.ace White, and lives in Tippecanoe Township; John married Mary Ellen Coburn, and lives in Mt. Pleasant; Moses L. died in April, 1833; Rodolphin and Rodolphus, twins, born March 22, 1833, died in infancy; Levi is our subject; Caroline and Cornelia, twins; the former married Jesse Smith, and lives in Russell Count}', Kan.; the latter married Dr. S. D. Cook, and lives in Sigourney, Iowa. Levi Higgins, the subject of this sketch, was but four years of age when the family came to Henry County. He spent his early daj's in Mt. Pleasant, and there learned the blacksmith trade, at which he worked until the breaking out of the Civil AVar. Responding to the country's call for troops, he enlisted on the side of the Union in the 4th Iowa Cavalry, Company C. The company was under fire during the following engagements: Guntown, Helena, Memphis, Columbus, uNIechanicsburg, Lit- tle Blue River, Brownsville, Ripley, Tupelo, Yazoo River and St. Francis River. He was boss black- smith of the regiment, and served four years. After the war Mr. Higgins returned to INIt. Pleasant and resumed blacksmithing, continuing in this until 1867. He then bought a farm near his present one, residing there for three years, at the expiration of which time he sold that farm, purchasing eighty acres of land on section 22. Tippecanoe Township, where he still resides. In connection with general farming Mr. Higgins is eng.aged in blacksmithing, and is one of the best blacksmiths in the country round. Politically, he affiliates with the Repub- lican part}', for which he is an indefatigable worker, and takes an active interest in all political affairs. Mr. and Mrs. Higgins celebrated their marriage in 1866. Her maiden name was Nancy Ghalson, and she was a native of Iowa, and was born in Appa- noose County, .Tan. 5, 1843. Seven children have blessed the union of this worthy couple — Charley, John, Fred, Erwin, and Emma, the only daughter of the family, are still living. Those deceased are Carrie and Clarence. •-^•^ -i^M- •^'^- OBERT HENRY PETERSON, dealer in gen- eral mcrciiandisc. New London, Iowa, estab- lished business in that town in the spring fcj))of 1871, and carries and manages a stock of §18,000 value, the largest of the local mercantile houses of the town, and one of the most important in the county. He w!is born in Westmoreland County, Pa., Feb. 22, 1831, and is the son of Eli.is u HENRY COUNTY. ^ 471 and Margaret (McCall) Peterson. His father was born in the State of New York, was a blacksmith by trade, and followed that occupation in early life, but later on made farming his business. His father, the grandfather of our subject, was a native of this country. The familj^ is probably descended from a member of a Swedish colony that settled in Eastern New York in Colonial times. The mother of our subject was of Irish descent. Robert H. Peterson received his preparatory education in the public schools, and entered Jacksonville Academy, in Indiana County, Pa., in 1852, and later entered Jefferson College, Cannonsburg, Pa., graduating in 1854, in a class of fifty -six, the largest class ever graduated from that institution up to that time. Mr. Peterson had been eng.aged in teaching school in the winters, with the exception of two years, from the time he was nineteen years old, and in 1855 he went to Mississippi to serve as assistant teacher of Blaclv Hawlv Academy in Carroll County. He taught one term there, and then came to Iowa, teaching one term in Boone County, two in Monroe, Jasper County, and then went to Ne- braska, where he was engaged in various occupa- tions. He remained there but a short time, how- ever, when he returned to Iowa and taught at Eddyville and Albia. While teaching in the public schools in Monroe, Jasjier County, he formed tiio acquaintance of Miss Sarah Elizabeth Sheiicdy, who afterward became his wife. They were married April 11, ISi)^. jMrs. Peterson was the daughter of John B. Shelled}', and was born in Coles County, 111. Mr. Peterson was engaged in farming in Mon- roe County, Iowa, working on the farm in tlic sum- mer, and teaching school in the winter till 1.S70, when he sold out and came to New London, in October of that year. He spent the first winter in teaching school, and in the spring of 1871 he be- gan business in a small way as a dealer in general merchandise. He increased his stock as his capital ' permitted, till he now has one of the best stocked establishments of the kind in the State. Mr. and Mrs. Peterson have had four children, of whom three are living: Robert Howard, the eldest, died in childhood, aged one year; Jolin Edgar married Miss Flossie Lee, daughter of Sam- uel Lee, of New London Township, and is now a -4*^ partner of his father, under the firm name of R. H. Peterson & Son. Ida A. and Laura M. are resid- ing with their father, the elder serving as house- keeper, and the younger attending school. Their mother, an estim.able Christian lady, died Oct. 22, 1882. Mr. Peterson is a Master Mason, a member of New London Lodge No. 28, A. F. & A. M. He is a member of the Protestant ISIethodist Church, and independent in politics, with strong Prohibition sentiments, and is widely known .and resjiected as an upright merchant, an honorable man and good citizen. We are pleased to present on an adjoining page a portrait of this well-known citizen of Henry County and representative morciiant of the village of New London. \f7 EWIS JOHNSON, a retired farmer, of Mt. I (@) Ple.asant, Iowa, has been a resident of Henry /Al;^^ County since 1853. He was born in Greene County, Pa., Aug. 2, 1827, and is the son of Isaac R. and Mary (Barclay) .Tohnson. His father was a native of Chester County, Pa. His family bad been residents of Pennsylvania for many years, first in the eastern and afterward in the western part of the St.ate. His mother was born in Bucks County, Pa. Her family also dated their settlement in that ■county from pioneer times. Lewis w.as reared on his father's farm, and when not quite twenty-two years of age, April 5, 1849, he was married to Miss Mary A. Patterson, daugh- ter of Thomas Patterson. Mrs. Johnson was born in Washington County, Pa. Two children were born to them, a daughter and a son. The daugh- ter, Ella, was born in Greene County, Pa., and is now the wife of S. D. Wrigiit, residing at Beatrice, Neb. The sou, Isaac R., was born in Henry County, low.a. He married Miss Donna Mont- gomery, and resides on the old homestead near Winfield, Iowa. Mr. Johnson moved to Henry County in 1853, and settled in Center Township, where he farmed one year. He tiien removed to Marion Township of the same county, and six years thereafter to Scott Township, where he purchased a t i t 472 t HENRY COUNTY. i farm of 240 acres. He still owns eighty acres of the old homestead, having sold the balance of it to his son. Mr. Johnson coutiuued to reside in Scott Township, engaged in farming and stock-growing till April, 1887, when he came to ^It. Pleasant to live. He has voted with the Republican party since its organization, and has held several minor offices in the several townships where he has resided. He is held in high esteem as a neighbor and citizen. SSAAC J. JENNINGS, farmer, residing on sec- tion 23, Canaan Township, Henry Co., Iowa, was born in Brown County, Ohio, in 1830, and is a son of Isaac and Mary (Reese) Jennings, both natives of Ohio. Isaac Jennings, Sr., was a pio- neer of Brown Count}'. All the children were born in Ohio: Elizabeth wedded Israel Ross, a well- known resident of Scott Township; Israel, husband of Delilah Ross, a resident of Brown County, Ohio, died from a wound received in the army; Charity, widow of David Ross, resides in Iowa; Abel mar- ried Sarah Bowyer, and lives in Virginia, a decrepit and aged soldier, who was wounded while in line of dut}', now an inmate of the Soldiers' Home; De- Witt died in childhood; Isaac J., our subject; William died in infancy; Strange also died in child- hood; Mar}- married William Fithen, a resident of Scott Township, and Daniel married Elizabeth Wills. The parents came to this count}' about 1870, and both died at an advanced age. Our subject was married to ^liss Addie Wood, Aug. 10, 1855, in Adams County, Ohio. They came to Henry County in 1868, locating soon after upon their present farm. No improvements had been made and the raw land was cultivated to a high degree by Mr. Jennings. His original dwell- ing was consumed by lire July 21, 1887, but from its ashes has risen a handsome frame stru(;ture, now complete in its appointments, adding largely to the appearance of the farm. Three children were bt>rn in Oiiio, two living: Elmer, husband of Clara Baldwin, residing in Canaan Township, and Eva, who is yet with her parents, the life and joy of the household. One grandchild, Lola, has graced the home of his son. The original quarter section purchased is still Mr. Jennings' residence, and as he looks over the fine farm a feeling of satisfaction comes over him. We are glad to speak of his enterprise. The loss of a valuable farmhouse means a great sacrifice of com- fort and a corresponding loss of money. Without one dollar of insurance, the fire destroyed every- thing of value. A fine library, which had t.aken years to secure, furniture, carpets and even cloth- ing of inmates was swept away, they barely escap- ing unharmed. Valuable papers were .also burned, and that memorable night in July will be long thought of by the Jennings family. The enter- prise of our subject is again shown in the erection of a handsome residence, and his riper years can be passed in a home pleasantly picturesque, and with one of the most social and genial wives that ever graced the hearthstone of a good man, Mr. Jen- nings' cup of happiness may be considered complete. Together they have toiled and shared both the hard and the pleasant lot, and their married life of thir- ty-three years has brought with it a fitting reward. With their children within call, and yet scarcely past the meridian of life, every prospect for many happy years yet remains to this worthy couple. <¥)OHN HOLLOWELL, residing on section 35, I in Tippecanoe Township, is :i native of ^.^ I Ohio, being born in Morgan County, April (^^^ 8, 1847. His parents were Reuben and Abigail (Brown) Hollowell, both of whom were natives of Pennsylvania, and pioneers of Morgan County, Ohio, moving there in 1 832. Our subject spent his early years upon the home farm, and in attending the district schools of his native State. On the 20tli of April, 1878, he was united in marriage with Miss Emily Thompson, a native of Morgan County, Ohio, and a daughter of Joseph B. and Mary Ann (Wood) Thomjison, who were natives of Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Hollo- well came to Henry County in 1875, his father having bought 375 .acres in Salem Township, on which John lived from the time of his marri.age until 1885. He and his brother Benjamin purch.ased ninety-six acres of land on sectii)n 35, Tippecanoe ■*►-■ * HENRY COUNTY. 473 Township, in 1877, and in 1885 he purchased his brother's interest in the farm, on which he now resides. Mr. Hollowell is extensively engaged in farming and stock-raising, mailing a speeialt_y of breeding Merino sheep. In connection vvith liis father and brother he has thirty head of recorded sheep, and alvva3's has specimens of this breed on his farm for sale. Mr. Hollowell is at present one of the Board of Trustees of the township, and is also Secretary of the School Board. Heholds the politi- cal views of the Republican party. It is to such citi- zens as Mr. and Mrs. Hollowell that Henry County owes its prosperity. They are always ready to aid in the advancement of any public enterprise, and are greatly esteemed by all. Mr. and Mrs. Hollowell have a family of four children, two sons and two daughters: Garfield A., who was born Aug. 2, 1880; Howard J., Sept. 29, 1881; Anna Mary, born Oct. 1,1883; and I^dith Emma, born July 2, 1887. 'ir«4 .«(!)'jj!."«^^g r ON. JOHN POSEY GRANTHAM, whose death occurred May 15, 1887, was a pioneer of 1837. The following sketch of his life appeared in the Mt. Pleasant Journal: "Mr. Grantham was the ninth in a family of nine chil- dren of John and Elizabeth Grantham, was born in Henderson County, Kj'., Oct. 25, 1812, emigrating at the age of fifteen, with his fath"er, to near Hills- boro, Montgomery Co., 111., in 1827. The name is essentially' English, and is traceable in this country back as far as three brothers, two of whom settled in the higher latitudes of the Eastern Atlantic coast, the other, following the fortunes of the colony planted by Oglethorpe, settled in Virginia. John Posey was descended from the Virginia branch, his gi'and father having been attracted to the 'dark and bloody ground' which constituted the theatre of action of the Kentons and Daniel Boone, probably before the beginning of the present cen- tury, at the time before the institution of slavery had established caste and its consequent innova- tions in Southern society, and when it possessed men of great natural force of character which was well sustained in the subject of this sketch. 4* "Though inured by long indoor life in the vari- ous public offices, and never of robust constitution, Mr. Grantham joined with other fortune seekers, in the spring of 1849, the then untried and unknown journey to California, when that overland trip consumed the time of four months, and when a return along the same route was impossible. He was the chronicler of the pilgrimage, and the com- munications he sent back afforded a guide book for such as might wish to follow. Returning the next year, 1850, he was elected Clerk of the Dis- trict Court by a large majority', though a Democrat and living in a county where his party, politically, was as much in the minority as it now is, compara- tively, though the issue has been changed. He continued in the office through biennial elections through a period of sixteen years, and at last de- clined another renomination. He was one among the number of Democrats who ceased to act vvith that organization after the rupture the party suf- fered in the controversj' over the repeal of the slavery restriction compromise line of 1820. Ally- ing himself to neither faction, he lent himself act- ively to the work of organizing the Republican party. He served the city one term as Mayor, and was Postmaster by appointment by Fillmore, from 1846 to 1849. He represented Henry County in the Twelfth General Assembly, 1867-68. Soon after the close of the session, having been appointed to a position in the General Land-Office, he removed his business life to Washington, D. C, where ever since he was actively employed, until ill-health incapacitated him from further duty. He claimed always a residence here, returning each year to cast his vote with the neighbors and friends of his early life. Ever faithful and efficient, the change in the administration wrought no change in the position he held under Republican rule, but declining health compelled his resignation, when he and his life-long and now widowed partner took up their abode with their son-in-law and daughter at Keokuk, where he died. His personal and business relations, and indeed all his personal relations, were entirely beyond censure and complaint. If he ever had a personal quarrel, no one, it is believed, can now recall the recollection of it. He and his widow left I behind wei-e the parents of ten children, only four & ••►-il-^ k i 474 HENRY COUNTY. of whom are now living, three daughters: Mrs. Irene Ballard, of Hastings, Neb.; Mrs. Julian ]Mc- Gavic, Keokuk, Iowa, and Mrs. Joanna Sparks, Washington, D. C, and one son, Charles F., of Omaha, Neb. IMrs. Grantham was the daughter of John Jenkins, who came to Iowa in an earl}' day, bringing with him a large family of children; one son, Warren L. Jenkins, represented Henry County in the Territorial Legislature. »-^tr*> -NK^= •«^ita£af!S^^ ^^—y^^^l/cmn^- 'f^ ENNIS HUMIMELL, a prominent citizen I jjl of Center Township, was born in Henrj' oij^^ County, Iowa, in 1840, and is the son of ^'^ Jacob and Mary (Barton) Hummell, the former born July 8, 1814, in Pennsylvania, and the latter June 18, 1814, in the State of Ohio. They were the parents of seven children, six of whom are now living: Dennis, our subject; John, now re- siding in Jewell County, Kan., was a soldier In the late war, enlisting in the 25th Iowa Volunteers, serv- ing three years, and taking part in all the battles with his regiment; William, who also served his country for four years, in the 1 1th Iowa Volunteer Infantrj', was captured at Atlanta, Ga., July 28, 18(j4, and sent to Andersonville Prison six months, is now Principal of the South Boundary Schools of Bur- lington, which position he has held for nineteen years; Thomas, now a farmer in Marion County, Mo., enlisted in the 14th Iowa Volunteer Infantry, serving four years; George, who enlisted in the 1 1 th Iowa Volunteer Infantry in the spring of 1864, served until July 22, when he was wounded in the arm at the battle of Atlanta, and died from the effects of his wound ; Joseph, who enlisted in the 45th Iowa Volunteers, serving three months, now resides in Bureau County, 111.; and Henry is a farmer in this county. The record of this familj' for patriotism has not often been equ.aled. Of the seven sons all but Henry, who was too young, gave themselves to their country in her hour of need, and all proved brave and gallant soldieis. One jielded up his life in her service, and all were willing to if needed. They shunned no lisks, and ever bore themselves as brave soldiers and good citizens, and among the families of Henry County none are more worthy of recognition than they. Our subject received his education in the district schools of his native State. He remained upon the farm until the age of twenty, when he went to Bu- reau County, III., working on a farm until the breaking out of the Rebellion, when he enlisted in Maj', 1861. On account of the quota being full he was not accepted, so he returned home, and on the 11th of October he again enlisted in the 14th Iowa Volunteer Infantry. He was with his regiment through the following engagements: The battle of Ft. Donelson; at Pittsburg Landing, where he was captured and held as prisoner for fift^^-two days; at Macon, Ga., ne.arly all of the time, then paroled and sent to St. Louis, where he remained until he was exchanged. Returning to his regi- ment he was engaged in the battle of Ft. DeRussey, also at Pleasant Hill, La., Marksville Plains, Old Oaks, Yellow Bayou, Old Town Creek, Tupelo, Miss., and in numerous skirmishes of less note. He was mustered out in November, 1864, at Daven- port. On returning home he again gave his atten- tion to farming, in which business he has since been engaged. He was united in marriage, on the ICtliof Feb- ruar3', 1865, to Miss Elizabeth Jane Faucett, a native of Indiana, and the daughter of Isaac and Mary (Southern) Faucett, the former a native of 4JU t -4•- 476 4 HENRY COUNTY. North Carolina, and the latter of Indiana. Mr. and Mrs. Hummel are the parents of six children: George W., who resides in Center Township; Mar- tha Florence, James F., Charles, Minnie and Isaac J. In politics Mr. Hummel is a Republican, and has been Township Assessor, serving with credit to himself and satisfaction to his constituents. Mr. Hummel is one of the pioneer settlers of Henry County, and has witnessed the many changes civili- zation has made, and has done much toward plac- ing the county in its present position among the first of the State. *i?S^^»S^ Aaj2£/©^^ *g|.a/2rOT>\» -vw-. ON. LOT ABRAHAM, section 35, Center Township, was born in Butler Connty, Ohio, April 18, 1838. In 1841, when but three '0) years of age, he came with his parents to Henry County, Iowa, where he grew to man- hood, and received his education in the common schools. In September, 1861, he enlisted as a pri- vate in Company D, 4th Iowa Cavalry, and was mustered into the United States service at Camp Harlan. After remaining in camp for a short time, the company was ordered to Benton Barracks near St. Louis, from which place it was sent to Rollaand Springfield, Mo., and at Pea Ridge joined the com- mand of Gen. Curtis. It was next ordered to Bates- ville. Ark., and then to Helena, in the same State, operating as scouts. From Helena the regiment was sent to Vicksburg, participating in the siege of that city. Il was next ordered to Jackson, Miss., where it took part in two battles. Returning to Vicksburg, it was sent up the Yazoo River, and was on what is known as the Winslow raid, engaged in destroying railroads, being in the saddle thirteen days and nights, stopping only long enough to feed their horses, and returning north to ^Memphis, Tenn. In this raid 300 cars and fifty engines were cap- tured, some of which they destroyed. From Mem- phis the regiment was sent by boat to Vicksburg, where it went into winter quarters. The Meridian raid nest occupied their attention, from which they again returned to Vicksburg, where almost the en- tire regiment re-enlisted, after which they received a furlough to return home. Much of the credit for the re-enlistment of the regiment was due to Capt. Abraham, who worked hard among the men for that purpose. On their return from veteran furlough, the regi- ment was sent on the raid to Bolivar and Guntown. Their next fight was at Tupelo, where they fought and defeated Forrest. Returning to Memphis, it was next sent to Holly Springs, and was there when Forrest made his raid. Sept. 2, 1864. they crossed the river and went to intercept Price, and partici- pated in all the fights of that campaign. The regi- ment was next ordered to St. Louis, where it was supplied with new uniforms. Here. Capt. Abraham was left in command of the regiment, and it was ordered to Nashville, Tenn., and subsequently was sent to Louisville, Ky., where they refitted, and later was on the Wilson raid. After the close of the war, and while the armistice was still pending, Capt. Abraham being at Macon, Ga., with his command, with Lieut. L. Mann and fifty enlisted men, he was sent to Washington, Ga., to parole Wheeler's cav- alry, which consisted of 4,000 men and eight Gen- erals, among whom were Gen. John Vaughn, who had displeased Jeff Davis, and was under arrest, Gen. G. G. Gibbrel, Gen. Williams of Kentucky, and others. They arrived there the day after the last cabinet meeting of the Southern Confederacy was held. At Washington Capt. Abraham met Toombs and had a long talk with him, and was re- quested by the latter to come down and get some money which he had at his house. The Captain got the money and gave his receipt for $5,180, which he soon after turned over to the General Government. At Washington he remained for ten days, and then reported to Gen. Wilson at Macon, Ga., but was sent back with his company to look after rebel property, and there remained until the 4th of July. They were then sent to Atlanta, Ga., where they were mustered out Aug. 8, 1865, re- ceiving their final discharge at Davenport, Iowa, August 24 of the same year. On receiving his discharge, Capt. Abraham re- turned to Henry County, where, on the 13th day of September, 1865, he was united in marriage with Miss Sarah C. Alden, a daughter of Zephaniah and Damaris (Thompson) Alden. She is a native of : •^ i ■i* 4 484 HENRY COUNTY. Guernsey County, Ohio, and came with her parents to Henry County, Iowa, in 1841. Four children have been born unto them: John G., now a student in the Ames Agricultural College, in the class of 1888; Sallie, also attending the same school; and Mary and Katie at home. On her father's side Mrs. Abraham traces her ancesUy back to the celebrated .John Alden, who came over from England in the "Mayflower," in 1620, and who has been immortalized by Longfel- low in his celebrated poem, "Tiie Courtsliip of Miles Standish," where John was pleading the cause of Miles to the Iieautiful and loving Priscilia, urging her to wed his friend, while at the same time his heart had been lost to the one with whom he was so eloquently pleading, and who, unknown to him, re- turned his love, and in reply said: "Why don'tyou speak for yourself, John?" The result of this ques- tion was, that John did speak for himself, and of their union was born Joseph Alden, of Bridgewater. Mass., who was the father of a son, also named Joseph, and who died at the age of seventy-three. The second Joseph also lived in Bridgewater, and died at the age of eighty, leaving a son Daniel, who resided at Hartford, Conn., and who also lived to the ripe old age of eighty. He had a son Daniel, who made his home in Lebanon, Ma.ss., and who lived to the age of seventy. Both Daniels were well known in their native State, and for many years held the honorable position of Justice of the Peace. Daniel, of Lebanon, had a son Barnabas, who died aged sixty, leaving a son bearing the same name, who passed away at the age of seventy. His son, Jonathan, lived to be eighty years of age. Jonathan was the father of Zeplmniah, the father of Mrs. Abraham. Zcphaniah Alden was born in Massachusetts, in 1812, and there learned the trade of a stone-cutter. In 1837 he wedded Damaris Thompson, in Guern- sey County, Ohio, to which place he had previously removed, and four years later the young couple removed to Henry Comity, Iowa, where Mr. Alden died in 1850, at tlie age of thirty-eight, being the youngest member of the family to ever pass away. On coming to this county, for a time he combined farming with his trade of stone-cutter, but in con- sequence of ill-health could not follow the plow, M» and therefore gave his attention solely to his trade. He dressed the first marble in Henr}' Count}-, and put the first lettering on tombstones. He was a man of excellent character, and was respected by all who knew him. His widow is still living, and makes her home with her daughter. Of their six children, but two are now living: Mrs. Atirahani and John B. Alden, the well-known book publisher of New York City. The latter, though yet com- parativel}' a young man, has ma'^ housen, France, in 1838, and is a son of /CAV Jacob and Elizabeth (Zimmerman) Gerig. WiQ^Jacob was a farmer, and he and his wife reared a family of thirteen children, of whom our subject was the second youngest. The parents lived and died in France. Sebastian Gerig came to 4 .t 488 HENRY COUNTY. America in 1857 and settled in Davis County, Iowa. From there he went to Wayne County, Ohio, in 1862, and two years later returned to Iowa and made his home in Henry County. For five years he rented lands, and in liSGO purchased a farm of his own. He sold that farm and purchased his present homestead in 1872. In 1805 Miss Magda- lena Goldsmith, of this count}', became his wife, and eleven children have graced their union, nine of whom arc living, and all were born in Henry County — .Joseph, Jacob, Elizabeth, Lydia, Anna, Mar}', La- vina, Eva and Emma. In 1869 Mr. Gerig, who had been for years an acceptable uiember of the Men- nonite Church, was elected by the congregation of Prospect Church as their minister, and from that time to this date has been their pastor. Since his creation by the church as Bishop in 187',), he has taken into the church over 100 persons; the con- gregation now numbers sevent3'-flve families. Serv- ices are held the second and fourth Sunday in each month and Sunday-school every Sunday. Chris- tianer and .Jacob Kable are Sujierintendents. The assistant jjastor is Rev. Stejjhen Miller, who is men- tioned elsewhere in this worlv. The church was organized by Rev. Joseph Goldsmith in 1850, who moved from Lee County, Iowa,4o Hepry County. At that time about half a dozen families composed the society, but it has always been a prosperous one. Rev. Goldsmith died in 1875 in Ins,"eigbty- first year, firm in the faith in which he lived. -<3= 7~^r y^ =£>- <|1 )*;ILLIAM HOBART, one of Ihc^ c-.n-ly set- \aj// tiers of Henry County, Iowa, was born in V^^ Ireland in 1792. When a young man he came to America, and located in Oneida County, N. Y. He was united in marriage to Miss Aclisah Ingram, and in 1850 they emigrated to Illinois, settling in McDonough County. In 1856 the}' re- moved from that county, coming to Henry County, Iowa, and settled on section 18, Scott Township. Mr. Hobart was an enthusiastic Republican, and gavesix sons for the service of hiscountry. Mr. and Mrs. Hobart were the parents of eight children, who <«• ■ grew to maturity: Fredericiv enlisted in Company F, 1 7th Iowa Volunteer Infantry, served but a short time, and was discharged for disability; Milo enlisted in the 124th Illinois Volunteer Infantry, and is now pastor of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church at Mt. Pleasant. Harriet became the wife of Hugii Wilson, of McDonough County, 111. ; AVill- iam K. enlisted in the 1st Iowa Infantry, Company F, and three months afterward he became a mem- ber of the 17th Iowa A'olunteer Infantry, serving until the close of the war, and participating in all the engagements of the regiment; he is now a carpenter, residing in Mt. Pleasant. Franklin was a member of the 1st Iowa Volunteer Infantry, and when bis term of service expired he re-enlisted in the 17th. serving until the close of the war; Mor- timer became a member of Company G, 11th Iowa Volunteer Infantry, and was killed at the battle of Shiloh, being the first to fall from Scott Township. The G. A. R. Post of Winfield took its name from him. Joseph was also a member of the 17th Iowa Infantry, Company F. He was mustered into serv- ice, and participated in the following engage- ments: luka, Sept. 19, 1862; second battle of Corintii, Oct. 4. 1862; Ft. Gibson, May 10, 1862; Raymond, also in May, 1862; Champion Hills, May 16, 1862; the siege and capture of Vicksburg, where he was under fire forty-six days; Missionary Ridge, in November, 1863; Tilton, Ga., where his regiment defending a bridge against Hood, was captured. He, with his regiment, was taken to Catawba, remaining there two weeks, from there to Milan, also remaining there two weeks, then subse- quently to Savannah, where the}' were run down to Blackshire, in the Oak Fire Swamp for two weelvs. Sherman was following them up, and they were taken down the gulf ro.ad to Thomasville, then to Andersonville, where they were confined from the 25th day of December until tiie 28th of April fol- lowing, suffering all the hardships of that most hor- rible prison. While in prison the war closed, and 31r. Hobart was set at liberty. He returned to Davenport, where he was nuislered out May 26, 1865, and subsequently returned to his home in Henry County. Jenny, the eighth child of W'iU.- iam Hobart, is the wife of Isaac Byers, of Lincoln, Neb. William Hobart died in Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, T i -<*• :;^i- HENRY COUNTY. 491 in 1873, and his wife is still living in McDonougli County, 111. Joseph Hobavt -was united in marriage, in 1867, with Miss Anna Wilson, a daughter of Jacob and Matilda (Marsh) Wilson, both of whom were na- tives of Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Hobart are the par- ents of seven children: Alice, born Oct. 26, 1868; Rozelnia, born Dec. 9, 1870; Ada, born March 15, 1872; Franklin, born April 27, 1874; Viola, born March 3, 1877; Corda, born Nov. 5, 1879; Geor- gia, July 31, 1883. Mr. Hobart has a fine farm of eighty acres on section 18, Scott Township. He is a member of the G. A. R. Post and Commander of the same. In politics he is a sUmch Republican. He is serving his second term as Assessor. Mr. Hobart has witnessed the changes which have trans- formed Henry County from a wild prairie to one of the finest counties in the State. He and his estimable wife have the respect and confidence of all who know them, and as citizens none rank higher. W^ELLS ANDREWS, an honored pioneer of Henr3' County, Iowa, of 1837, and a farmer of New London Township, residing on sec- tion 20, was born in Hartford, Trumbull Co., Ohio, April 10, 1810. His father, Cliesler Andrews, was born near Hartland, Conn., was of Scotch descent, and a farmer by occupation. He married Miss Hannah Gates in 1804, and a few weeks later emi- grated with ox-teams to the Western Reservation, Ohio, then almost a wilderness of heavy timber. He cleared up a large farm in Trumbull County, and reared a family of nine children, six sons and three daughters, three only of whom are living at this writing (1888). Besides our subject, there is Asa, of Warren County, Ohio, and Noyes, residing at Terre Haute, Ind. The parents passed the re- mainder of their days in their Ohio home. Wells, the subject of our sketch, learned the car- penter's trade, and in 1836 went to Mississippi, where he worked at the same until the following spring, when he returned to Ohio, and in July of that year came to Iowa, purchasing a claim in what is now known as New London Township, situated on section 20, and again went South, and spent the -<• ■ winter in Mississippi at Vicksburg, and the follow- ing spring returned to his claim. Mr. Andrews improved his land and added to the original pur- chase until he now has 400 acres of choice and well-improved land, with a tasty residence and ex- tensive barns, making it one of the most attractive places in the township. When he took his claim the Government had not yet surveyed the land with the exception of township lines. Claims were adjusted after the section lines were run, and the land did not come into market until 1839. Under the squatter law, claims were limited to 240 acres, and the additional acreage Mr. Andrews acquired bj'^ private purchase. He was united in marriage, in Lee County, Iowa, June 30, 1839, with Miss Laura Brockway, daughter of Titus Brockway. Mrs. Audrews was a native of the same township that her luisband was born in, the date of her birth being Nov. 20, 1819. Her people were from New York and settled in Ohio, from which place they moved to Iowa. 31r. and Mrs. Andrews had five children, three sons and two daughters: Asa Edwin was born Aug. 2, 1841, and married Mary Waller, and is now employed at the penitentiarj- at Anamosa; he was a soldier of the late war, and served as a member of Company D, 4th Iowa Cavalry, and was wounded near Ray- mond, Miss., by a gunshot through the cheek and neck, and was captured and paroled. Nelson B. was born Dec. 7, 1843, and married Maggie J. Van Voast, and is a dealer in china and queeusware at Mt. Pleasant, Iowa (see sketch) ; Albert D. was born Julj' 3, 1840, and married Editha Borden, and is a farmer of New London Township; Almira Fidelia was born March 27, 1850, and died in infancy; Laura Emeline, born Sept. 12, 1853, is the wife of George Lee, express messenger, residing at Des Moines, Iowa. Mrs. Audrews died May 5, 1854. Mr. Andrews was married again, in Warren, Ohio, to Mrs. Helen H. Beach, widow of Edwin Beach, and daughter of Milton Holcomb, of Ohio. Mrs. Andrews is a member of the Methodist Epis- copal Church, and was born in Granby, Hartford Co., Conn., Sept. 16, 1825, coming to Ohio in child- hood. Mr. Andrews was a Whig in earlj' life, but is now a Republican. He is one of the most highly respected of Henry County's early pioneers. —^ tl T i -4^ 492 i HENRY COUNTY. Mr. Andrews claims to be the only man now liv- ing on the road from Burlington to Mt. Pleasant who took up an original claim and still lives upon it, he holding by the original Government title. When became to this section of country, in 1837, it was part of the Territory of Wisconsin. A car- penter by trade, his first worii was on the Territo- rial House in Burlington, intended for meetings of the Territorial Legislature, John Smith being the contracting builder, and Esquire Davidson master mechanic. Moses .Jordan, long a well-known resi- dent of Burlington, who died in 188G, also worked on the same building. This building was occu- pied by the Wisconsin Territorial Legislature the following winter, and in the spring of 1838 was burned down. It affords us much pleasure to present the por- trait of this pioneer to the patrons of the Album. Of all the men ivpresented, none are more deserv- ing than Wells Andrews. ILLIAM ANDERSON HUTCHINSON is a farmer of Baltimore Township. Only "^' two men are residents of this township who have reached the age of forty -five, that were boi'n within rifle-shot of their present residence, and one of these is the gentleman whose name heads this sketch. He takes not only front rank as a pio- neer, but also has the distinction of being a son of Henry County, born on her virgin soil before Iowa was a State.. While yet a Territory, and only a few families had made a location, Amos llutcliiu- son, with Ids wife, Julia A. (Shannon) Hutchinson, and their only daughter, Elizab(^th, moved into Balti- more Township, and took a claim of 120 acres. In the autumn of 1839 lie built a log cabin about forty rods northwest of the place where his son William now lives. Tiiis cabin was of the rudest pattern, built with round logs, puncheon floor, and stick and clay chimney. Into tins they moved, and their personal pi'operty was next to nothing. Amos was by trade a wagon-maker in Hamilton County, Ohio, but deciding to give up his trade and become a farmer, it was necessary that more land be secured than a man in his limited circumstances was able to buy in a country already developed. In fact that was the prime cause that brought to the West such a large emigration, and peopled this country with many men who made not onl}' a home for their families, but became distinguished later as soldiers, politicians, professional men and the best of citizens. Not long after their arrival in this county, the deatii of their infant daughter occurred, but their sorrow was succeeded by the joy which came with the birth of Sylvester, their oldest son, now the husband of Iluldah Short, and a prominent farmer of Baltimore Township. Other children followed, the first one being our subject, born Oct. 11, 1842; then George, who married Lucinda Thorneburg; Mary, who died at the age of twenty-two, unmar- ried ; and Margaret, wife of Clark Newby. After getting his lands finely cleared and culti- vated, Amos Hutchinson moved with his family to Lowell, Iowa, iu 1851, where he opened a wagon- shop, intending to make that his business, and in fact he had worked more or less at his trade from the time he came to the county, and many of the early settlers had wagons of his make. After a residence of two years in Lowell, Amos Hutchin- son died, and the family returned to the old home- stead. Mrs. Hutchinson remained a widow until 18G7, then became the wife of N. P. Poster, a well- known resident of Baltimore Township, and her death occurred in 1 886, having reached the age of sixty-eight. Our subject was married, in 1865, to Rachel P'os- ter, a daughter of N. P. and Delilah (Moberly) Poster. Miss Rachel was born in Highland County, Ohio, and her parents came to Iowa in 1850. Mr. Hutchinson and his young wife began their domestic life on the old homestead, and remained the suc- ceeding four years in the same neighborhood. The^' then returned to the Hutchinson homestead and are liere to stay, Mr. Hutchinson having purchased the interest of tlie other heirs, and recently purchased eighty acres on section 29, making a farm of 200, and since then has made verj- fine and extensive improvements, consisting of commodious barns and other out-buildings, and an elegant country residence. Tlie farm, which in his boyhood was a favorite pasture for deer and other wild game, i "I ■•► HENRY COUNTY. 493 brings undei' his successful management a fine revenue. Tlie children gracing their union are: Fernando, husband of Rena Stoner, residents of Lee Countj', Iowa ; Charles C, Frank A. and Alda L. The latter is the only daughter, and upon her a wealth of love is lavished. The children have been carefully educated, and Fernando makes teaching his profes- sion. He received his classical education at Whit- tier College, and is now Principal of the Pleasant Ridge Township school of Lee County. The chil- dren have been inmates of a happy and pleasant home since their birth. Their father has been an enterprising and very successful man, and has ac- cumulated a handsome property. He is lavish in his expenditures for that which makes a home cheer- ful, and no expense or care has been spared in mak- ing his children proficient in education, and in the management of the farm. The old log cabin stands in tlie yard, the same in which their grandsire lived for years, and in which most of the success which came to the father transpired. In the old cabin all the children except Cliarley were born, and their glad shouts of childish glee added enthusiasm to the young couple who have lived so manj' years in domestic life, and now after a married life of nearly a quarter of a century, find themselves in the most comfortable circumstances, surrounded by their children, who do honor to them and to the name of Hutchinson, which for almost half a century has been familiar to every resident of the countj^. 1-*-^- -^ 'JI^'RANCT.S R. FLEAGLE, merchant. New Ir^®) ^'J'l'^^*^"' Iowa, was born in Carroll County, 'Li Md., Aug. 15, 1846, and is the son of Henry and Rebecca (Rudolph) Fleagle. The grandpaients of our subject on both sides were natives of Ger- many. Francis R. emigrated with his parents to Iowa in October, 185G, and settled on a farm in Jefferson Township, Henry County. The family consisted of his father and mother, three brotliers and a sister: Miranda, who was the eldest, and is now the wife of Simon P. Haifley, of Jefferson Township, in this county; Jacob, the eldest son, enlisted in the late war as a private of Company B, 2d Iowa Volunteer Infantry, and died at Helena, Ark., the same year; William, the next younger, married Susan Smith, daughter of Jacob Smith, a pioneer of Henry County, and is a farmer of Jefferson Township, same county ; Charles married Belle Boss, and is also a farmer of Jefferson Town- ship. The father had but 11,100 capital, and after spending the fli'st year on a farm in Jefferson Town- ship, he purchased a farm in Jefferson County, Iowa, of 210 acres, for $2,200, on which he paid $1,000 down, going in debt for the balance. Tlie result was that all had to work hard and live sparingly, to save money and pay the debt. Money was hard to get, and was made by splitting rails and working out. The farm had to be cleared and fenced, so the boyhood of our subject was not a path of roses; but he learned habits of industry and frugality that were worth more than money. He worked faithfully for his father until twenty- one years of age. He was educated at Howe's Academy, at Mt. Pleasant, and engaged in teaching school, being employed in that way for three _years. He then engaged as clerk with Templin Brothers & Woods, merchants of Mt. Pleasant. Later he en- gaged with T. P. Twinting, grocer,, as book-keeper, and spent three years in clerking and book-keeping in Mt. Pleasant. He was married in that city, Sept. f>, 1875, to Miss Laura Smith, daughter of R. N. Smith, of Lowell, Iowa, of which town Mrs. Flea- gle is a native. Four childreu were born of this union, three sons and a daughter: Harry was born Aug. 7, 187G; Robert Henry, Nov. 11), 1879; Jesse, Sept. 27, 1883; Nellie, Sept. 19, 1886. Mr. Fleagle removed to Cotton Grove, Canaan Town- ship, Henry County, in 187G, where his wife has a farm of eighty acres, and there engaged in merchan- dising. He was appointed Postmaster of Cotton Grove, and continued to reside at that place till 1881, when he came to New London and engaged in his present business. He has a well-stocked store of general merchandise, and has built up a good trade. Mr. Fleagle is a Republican in poli- tics, and has held various local official positions. He was twice chosen Township Clerk of Canaan Township, and has been Director of the New Lon- don School Board several years. He was made a Master Mason in Mt. Pleasant Lodge No. 8, A. F. t; ■•>-»-^ t -^*- 494 a HENRY COUNTY. & A. M., April 14, 1873. He was also a member of Henry Lodge No. 10, I. O. O. F., and of Indus- trial Encampment No. 18, all of Mt. Pleasant. Mr. Fleagle is one who has had to be the architect of his own fortune. He has by perseverance and strict integrity won a good name and a fair start in the world. That which he has accumulated has been the result of patient and persevering effort, and he is now classed as one of the leading business men of the town. Mr. Fleagle's mother died in Jefferson County in the winter of 1870-71. His father, who was born in October, 1802, died in October, 1877. He re- turned to Henry County soon after his wife's death, in 1 870, and made his home with his son "William, in Jefferson Township, until the time of his death. WILLIAM R. HILL, merchant, Mt. Pleasant, and a pioneer of Iowa of 1838, was born in New York City, May 9, 1834. His par- ents, Enoch S. and Delia A. (Stillwell) Hill, were also pioneers of Iowa. (See sketch.) Our subject accompanied his parents to Iowa in 1838, arriving in Burlington in the fall of that j'ear. Two years later the family removed to Skunk River, four miles below Mt. Pleasant, and in 1842 removed to that city. Mr. Hill was bred to strict business habits, and was connected with his father in an extensive mercantile trade, as well as in other lines of business. He has been in business for himself almost continuously during the past twont^'-five years. Mr. Hill was married in Jersey' ville. 111., May 17, 1870, to Miss Catherine E. Snedeker, a daughter of Samuel and Harriet (Sunderland) Snedeker. Mrs. Hill was born in Trenton, N. J., and while in iier infancy accomiianied her parents to Jersey Count3', 111. Her father and mother were both natives of New Jersey, and her mother's father was a promi- nent man in Trenton, where the family were among the earliest settlers and large property holders, the street on wiiich they resided being still known as "Sunderland's Lane." Mr. .Sunderland was de- scended from an old English family of that name. Her father was of Holland descent, though several generations were born in America. Mrs. Hill was educated at the Mouticello Seminary at Godfrey, 111., of which she is a graduate. She completed both the literary and theological courses, and is as able to write a sermon as an essaj'. The strict habits of systematic industry acquired in that institution have fitted her for the successful discharge of tasks that would seem too great to be undertaken by any person of ordinary ability. She is a lady of super- ior accomplishments and culture, and possesses ar- tistic talents of a high order. Her home and those of many of her relatives and friends are adorned by beautiful pictures and elegant fancy work, the result of her labors. Siie has a taste for the lesthetic and beautiful, and her home is attractive and interesting. Mr. and Mrs. Hill are the parents of three children, one son and two daughters. The son, John Snede- ker, was born in Jersey ville, 111., April .5, 1871. The eldest daughter, [rma Aramiuta, was born Dec. 11, 1875, and the younger, Harriet Adelia, was born March 19, 1878. Mr. and Mrs. Hill spent the first year of their married life in travel, and in 1872 located in Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, where they have since resided. Mr. Hill has made many substantial improvements at Mt. Pleasant. He has built and still owns several good buildings in that city. He is the proprietor of a large double store, where he carries a general stock of drj'^-goods and groceries. #^ ^ --v*- LBERT WASHINGTON KINKEAD, County Attorney for Henry County, Iowa, and a resident of Mt. Ple.'isant, was born («« at Homer, Licking Co., Ohio, Feb. 22, 1853, and is the son of Robert and Jerusha (Smith) Kin- kead. His father, who was of Scotch-Irish de- scent, was also a native of Ohio, and was born in Muskingum County Feb. 25, 1817, now a resident of Sharon. Iowa. His mother was a native of Ire- land and emigrated to America with her pai'ents in childhood. Her death occurred during the youth of our subject. Albert W. received his primary education in the public schools, and in the spring of 1870 came to Mt. Pleasant and l)ecame astudent T -U 4r HENRY COUNTY. 495 r of Prof. Hone's Academy. After completing his studies in tliat institution, he entered upon the study of law in the office of Messrs. Henry and Bichard Ambler, of Mt. Pleasant, beginning in tlie spring of 1875. He was admitted to practice in August, 1877, in the local courts, and to the Su- preme Court in 1881. In the fall of 1879 he formed a law partnership with Mr. C. B. Whitford, at Mt. Pleasant, under the firm name of "Kinkead & Whitford," which connec- tion continued four years. .Since the expiration of that time Mr. Kinkead has been alone in practice. Mr. Kinkead is a Republican in politics, and was elected City Solicitor in 1879, which office he held two years. In the fall of 1886 he was elected County Attorney for Henry County, being the first to hold that office in the history of the county, the district system having previously been in force. Mr. Kinkead is a lawyer of superior ability and fine legal attainments, and during the eleven years that he has been connected with the Henry County bar he has won the confidence of the community and the respect of his brethren of the legal profes- sion. \f7=5) NOCH S. HILL, deceased, was an early pio- neer of Henry County, Iowa, and one of the most active, influential and respected citizens of this region. He was born near Trenton, N. J., April 8, 1802, and was the fifth in a family of nine children. His parents were Richard and Elizabeth Hill. The father was born in New Jersey, Sept. 27, 1759, and died Nov. 3, 1826. The mother was born Oct. 10, 1777. Enoch S. Hill was trained from his boyhood to mercantile pursuits in his father's store. About 1825, he engaged in merchandising for himself in New York City, where be was married, Jan. 30, 1827, to Miss Delia A. Still well, daughter of Dr. William Stillwell, a prominent phj'sician of that city. Mrs. Hill's family history is peculiar and in- teresting. Her parents were of English origin and of noble blood. It is well authenticated that on her father's side the family were of the royal House of .Stuart; that notwithstanding their consanguin- ity, they were of Cromwell's party, and one of them 4* E was even one of the regicides. On the accession of Charles the Second to the throne, three brothers of this family escaped to Holland; they had agreed with friends at home that a niess.ige of two words, "Still well," should be'a token of their safety. The better to conceal their identity, they adopted tlie name of Stillwell. The brothers were Nicholas, Jasper and John, named in the order of their ages. The eldest brother married a Holland wife, and with his wife and two brothers joined a party of Holland emigi-ants and came to the New World in 1638. The}' landed in New J^ngland, where the second brother, .Jasper, married, and founded the town of Gifford, Conn., in which place he died, leaving two daughters, who married two men named Graves, and were the founders of Hartford, Conn. The elder and younger brothers did not tarrj' in New England, but accompanied their friends to the Dutch settlement of IManhattan. Nicholas Stillwell, the eldest, settled on Long Isl- and, where he reared a large family, and formed a colony of his own. John, the youngest, married a Holland lady and settled in Manhattan. He longed to visit his old home in England, and much against the advice and wishes of his brother, took his wife and only child, a daughter, back to England. He was soon recognized, arrested, and executed by being beheaded. His wife died of the shock, and the daughter, by the kindness of friends, returned to New York. She married a cousin, the son of Nich- olas Stillwell, and from this union Mrs. Hill's father was descended. Her mother was a daughter of Maj. Saybrook, a son of Lord Saybrook, of En- gland. Mr. and Mrs. Hill were blessed with three children, two sons and a daughter : William R., now a merchant of Mt. Pleasant, Iowa (see sketch) ; Jas- per S. died at Trenton, N. J., Sept. 19, 1858; and Cordelia, who is the widow of Er.astus Chamberlain, of Burlington, Iowa. Mr. Hill continued business in New York, where he was one of the leading merchants, until 1838, when he emigrated to Iowa. They landed in the night on the bank of the Mis- sissippi River at Burlington, then only a hamlet of log houses. The first night was spent in the open air, lying on buffalo robes. Mr. Hill spent two years in the mercantile business at Burlington, then, having purchased a tract of several hundred acres I <^ 496 HENRY COUNTY. ^ on the river about four miles below Mt. Pleasant, be removed there and built a sawmill and flouring- mill, and made other substantial improvements. In 1842 he came to Mt. Pleasant, where he engaged extensivel_y in mercantile business, having branch stores in neighboring towns. He also Ijought and improved real estate on a large scale. He was a m:in of broad views, financially and otherwise; was bold in business ventures, but sagacious. A man of Lirge stature, and great physical and mental force, ho pushed his enterprises with vigor. He was liberal in all matters of public welf.are, con- tributed largely to the support of churches and schools, and all worthy matters of public interest. He was a Democrat of the old school, and believed in maintaining the laws made in accordance with the Constitution, whether he liked them or not. He was a good citizen, a kind husband and father. His death occurred at Mt. Pleasant, June 12, 1880. His wife survived him six years, d^'ing Jan. 2, 1886. She was a remarkable woman. She possessed rare artistic genius, and was highly accomplished in many ways. Her skill in fancy work is attested by the many beautiful articles of her handiwork now in possession of her daughter and daughter-in-law; while the many fine paintings, most of them works of her later years, prove her to have been an ai'tist of superior talent. Her first portrait in oil was that of her husband, which is conceded by all his ac- quaintances to be a remarkable likeness. One small picture, a snow scene, was painted when she was eighty-two years of age. The perspective is good, and the execution fine. Mrs. Hill was not only a brilliant woman, but one of the best of wives and mothers. -^' :=? — ^-^ir-^ — $=: ■<»- ^ mUAAM BASIIFORD, a well-known and \/iJ// ^''8''''}' I'espected citizen of Scott Townshij), W^ residing on section 19, came to Henry County in the spring of 1855. He was born in Jefferson County, Ohio, May 20, 1821, and is a son of John and Margaret (l)unlap) Hashford, both of whom were natives of Pennsylvania, of Scotch- Irish ancestry. John Bashford was a pioneer of Marion County, Ohio, having settled therein June, 1822. Marion County was still his residence at the time of bis death, which occurred July 7, 1847, when sixty-six years of age. His wife de- parted this life about the year 1858. They reared a family of nine children, of whom only three are now living, namely: Eli D., who now resides in Louisa County, Iowa, but formanj' 3'ears was a miner in the Rocky Mountains; John M., a resi- dent farmer of Louisa County, Iowa, and Will- iam, our subject. Those deceased are Robert C, James, Joseph, Elizabeth, Sarah, and one who died in infancy. At the common schools, such as the new coun- tries afforded, the education of our subject was received. He remained upon the farm until twenty- five years of age, when he went to Seneca County, Ohio, where he spent one winter as a laborer on the railroad. He then proceeded to Columbus, Ohio, and from thence returned home, where he was engaged as a farm-hand until April 10, 1851, with the exception of two summers, during which he worked at the carpenter's trade. Mr. Bashford was united in marriage with Nellie Jane Tuttle, a native of Penns}'lvania, born Sept. 7, 1830,1 and a daughter of Milton and Laua (Cooper) Tuttle, both natives of the same State. After his marriage Jlr. Bashford rented a farm for four years, at the end of which time he emigrated to Iowa, stopping first in Cedar County, where he spent one winter, and in the following spring came to Henry Count}'. Purchasing ninet}' acres of land on section 19, Scott Township, he and his wife soon made for themselves a home. A handsome and commodious residence has been erected upon their nicely improved farm. Industry and perse- verence are elements necessarj' to success in life, and Mr. Bashford has both. His fine farm and his eleg-.int residence were secured through his own efforts. He earned his first money bj- chopping wood at twenty-five cents per day, but now he has a comfortable competencj' laid up for old age. The jiatriotism that caused so many to lay down their lives on the altar of their country was not wanting in Mr. Bashford. He enlisted in the 8th Iowa Volunteer Infant^3^ Dec. 1, 1864. and was mustered out May 8, 1866, at Davenport, Iowa. He was in the famous battle fought at Mobile, Ala. In politics he is a Jacksonian Democrat. -^•- HENRY COUNTY. 497 Mr. and Mrs. Bnshford have been the parents of eight children: Lavilda, born Feb. 22, 1852, died at the age of thirteen years; Melissa, now the wife of .Tohn Kenshaw, born Oct. 25, 185.3, residing in .Jewell County, Kan. ; Ella, wife of Owen Crispin, of Jewell County, Kan., born April 2, 1857; John Milton, born March 2, 1859, whose home is in Logan County, Kan.; William, Jr., born Oct. JM, 1861, married Jennie E. Chamberlain, still residing with his i)arents; Lana, wife of William Marple, born Aug. 12, 18G5, also of Jewell County, Kan.; Levina, born Oct. 3, 1808, residing at home, and Eli Dunlap, born March 18, 1871, who died at the age of one year. Mr. and Mrs. Bashford .are mem- bers of the Presbyterian Church. \f^OHN H. HOCHREITER is a farmer of Scott Township, residing on section 9. We present with pleasure the biography of the youngest son of the fh'st settler of Scott Township. He was born Oct. 26, 1854, and is a son of Bartholomew and Eliza C. (Keen) Hochrei- ter, daughter of Gen. W. C. Keen, who served in the War of 181 2, under Commodore Perry. She was twice a widow before she became the wife of Mr. Hochreiter, to whom she was married in Bur- lington. He was first married in Philadelphia, Pa., and removed to Lancaster, Ohio, remaining there ten years, from whence he emigrated to Monmoutii, 111., where he was a pioneer settler. hi the spring of 1836 he again took up the line of march for the West, and found a permanent location upon the farm now owned by our subject. Bartholomew had previously visited this State, and the natural beauty of the country so pleased him that he laid a claim upon 240 acres, and Ijuilt a log house upon the site of the elegant farm residence recently erected by his son. Arrangements being thus comi)leted, Mr. Hochreiter returned to Monmouth for his family, which consisted of his wife and four children. Slowly they wended their way through the country where but few roads were laid out, and none of the creeks bridged, but full of the enterprise and enthusiasm which prevailed among the pioneers of this new country. The work of development of a farm was not to be compared to that in the country of his birth, where great trees, stumps and stones were to be removed. Coming in the springtime, opportunity was given for breaking ground, and that year a crop was planted and harvested. This was the first in the township and was perhaps raised upon the lands now the property of his son Edward. After residing in the new country for about ten years, the de.ith of his wife occurred, and the lady before mentioned later became his wife, .and three children were born to them: Edward, husband of Julia, daughter of Samuel Felgar; Caroline, who died in infancy; and our subject. After living many 3-ears .an honored and respected citizen of Henry Count}', all that was mortal of Bartholomew Hochreiter was laid to rest on the farm which he had first claimed, then entered and improved. He gave the lands for a cemetery upon his farm and several bodies were there interred, but the property is again vested in his son. Bartholomew Hochrei- ter was aged eighty-two, and his wife survived him three years and died at the age of sixty. He was born in Bavaria, and while yet a young man came to America. He was an early official of Scott Township, and was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church at Winfleld. Mr. Hochreiter was liberal in purse and sentiment, and gave freely for the support and erection of churches in the neigh- borhood. With his demise came universal regret at the loss of a valued citizen, a loving husband and a kind father. Our subject waseducated in Scott Township, and grew to manhood upon the same farm that he now owns. He wedded Miss Edith C. Latta, their nuptials being celebrated Dec. 24, 1879, at the home of her grandfather, Moses Latta, of Scott Township. She was born in Ross County, Ohio, and is a daughter of William M. and Mary (Teeter) Latta, both natives of Ohio, where Mr. Latta was a farmer. He was one of the brave men whose life was given for his country, a member of the 89th Ohio Infantry. At the bloody battle of Chicka- mauga he was captured, taken to Andersonville Prison, and after a torturing confinement of more than a year death came to his relief, leaving his poor, emaciated body a sacrifice to the country he loved, and a monument which spoke volumes against I" t -^^ 498 HENRY COTJNTT. the cruelty and inhumanity of those who in history have been christened fiends incarnate. He was the father only of the wife of our subject, and his widow afterward married James W. Trimble, of Ross County. She became the mother of two chil- dren— Lizzie and John. The first wedded Alonzo Wilhite, of Saline County, Mo. Mrs. Hochreiter, at thirteen years of age, became an inmate of th6 home of her paternal grandfather, who educated and cared for her until her marriage, and gave with pleasure to our subject a wife of whom he may well be proud. In one of the cosiest of homes, where music and everything that makes home inviting and pleasant may be found, Mrs. Hochreiter reigns as a model hostess. Only one son, ?:dvvard, born Dec. 12, 1 880, has graced the union. With the respect due the pioneer father, and as a fitting tribute to a worthy son, the publishers offer this brief sketch to the good people of Henry County, knowing it will meet with a cordial recei)tion, and give a correct account of the settlement and enterprise of a family, one of the best kunwu in .Scott Township. 'iw OHN HOLT, a farmer residing on section 21, Wayne Townshi|), Henry Co., Iowa, was born in Sweden in 1840, and his parents came to America in 1853, and settled in Jefferson County, Iowa, the same year. Daniel Holt and his wife Annie were the parents of our subject, and the two eldest children, John and Annie S., were born before the family left Sweden. A farm was pureliased in Jefl:'erson County, Iowa, by Daniel Holt, and upon this he resided during his- lifetime. In Sweden he lielonged to the regular army, and before he could leave for America w.as obliged to secure a substitute. From the time he arrived hero until his death, Mr. Holt was a farmer, and his widow, who married after the death of her first husband, yet resides on tiic Holt homestead. Three children were born after the emigration to America: l^ouisa, wife of C. J. Burke, a hardware merchant of Kearney, Neb. ; Henry, husband of Matilda [>iud, is a partner of Mr. Hurke; Kmnia, wife of John Lynn, a resident of Kearney, Neb. ; Annie, the sister born in Sweden, became the wife r- of Gust Johnson, also a farmer of Kearney County, Neb. After the death of Daniel Holt, his widow married Henry Anderson. They are parents of one son, Albert, yet single. Our subject was reared and educated in Jefferson Count}', and was there married, March 19, 1873, Miss Anna Seablom becoming his wife. She was born in Eksjo, Sweden, in 1854, and is the daughter of John P. and Eva (Israelson) Seablom. They came to America in 1866, stopping first in Jeffer- son County, but after the marriage of their d.iugh- ter Anna, removed to Page County, and purchased the farm where they yet reside. The}' were parents of nine children, all born in Sweden except the youngest: Charles, deceased; Charlotte, wife of Sam Linstrom, a resident of Essex, Iowa; Peter, husband of Ellen Anderson, also a resident of Essex; Annie, wife of our subject; Aaron, deceased; Antoine mar- ried Josephine Lindburg; David; Sadie, a teacher, and Alice, a dry-goods clerk in Shenandoah, are un- married and all residents of Page County. John Holt purchased his farm in this county before he was married, and had a home for his young bride to which they came. For fifteen years they have been residents of Wayne Township, ranking among the best families, and for their kindness, enterprise and Christian virtues, they are entitled to a place with those of their neighbors and friends in this volume. Four children have blessed their home — John W., Lydia, Alice and Aletha. Death invaded the family circle and car- ried away their baby girl Alice in the autumn of 1884. Mr. Holt has made handsome and substan- tial improvements on his farm during the last few- years, having erected a fine two-story farmhouse of modern arcliitecture, besides the expenditure of large sums in other improvements. As a gcntle- ni;ui, a citizen of real worth, and a family of the best repute, we are jileased to thus do thcni honor. >>- ^^ .-.,1 O. HUNT, a prominent farmer and stock- raiser residing on section 6, Scott Town- ship, Henry Co., Iowa, is a native of Jeffer- son County, N. Y.. born Dec. 20, 1817. His par- ents were Lyman and Laura (Lovel) Hunt, who 1 HENRY COUNTY. 601 were natives of Massachusetts. The earlj' boyhood days of our subject were spent upon a farm in New York, but at the age of seven years his par- ents emigrated to Ohio, settling on a farm in Port- age County. Mr. Hunt was educated in the common schools of his adopted count}'. For twelve years he w.as engaged in buying horses, which he drove to the East. While on one of these trips, passing through Huntington, Vt., he became ac- quainted with Mary Norton, a daughter of Na- thaniel and Mary (Bewer) Norton, the father a native of Massachusetts, and mother of Vermont. The acquaintance thus formed soon ripened into love, and they were married. The grandfather of Mrs. Hunt was a soldier in the Revolutionary War. In March, 1854, Mr. Hunt with his young wife moved to Iowa, settling near Denmark, where he purchased 180 acres of land partially improved. At the expiration of a year they removed to West Point, making that their home for seven years. At that place Mr. Hunt was engaged in stock-rais- ing. Removing to Mt. Pleasant, he began the livery business, continuing that from 1862 until 1869, then purchasing 300 acres of land, he re- moved to his farm, residing there for seven years. Desiring to give his children -better educational advantages than country schools afforded, they went to Iowa City, but subsequently returned to his farm in .Scott Township, and with the exception of two years spent at Columbus Junction, there he has since resided. Three children have brought joy and gladness to the. home of Mr. and Mrs. V. O. Hunt: Lillian, wife of Isaac B. Turner, a farmer of Scott Town- ship; Charles N., a practicing attorney at Minne- apolis, Minn. ; George L., who is a stenographer in that city. Politically, Mr. Hunt indorses the princi- ples advocated by the Union Labor party. Mr. Hunt has one of the best farms in Henry County, consisting of 450 acres of fine land. He is well known and universally respected. ELAM HOCKETT, one of the prominent and representative farmers of Henry County, was born in Salem Township, in this county, on the 18th of November, 1846, and is the son of Jehu and Hannah (Frazier) Hockett, both of whom are natives of Indiana, and were among the first settlers of Henry County, Iowa. They came to this county when it was hardly more than a wilderness, while yet the deer might be seen on the prairies, or the wolf be heard howling at night. Edward Hockett, the grandfather of our subject, came to this county in 1834, and was the father of ten children, of whom the second was Jehu, the father of our subject, who reared a fam- ily of twelve children, all of whom are now living. Mr. Elam Hockett was the eldest of this family, and was reared upon tlie fann where he now lives, on section 36, Tippecanoe Township. He attended a private school, the district not yet being organized, and at that time the county was very thinly settled. On the 21st of February, 1869, he formed a matrimonial alliance with Miss Sarah E. Stephenson, a native of Wayne County, Ind. They were the parents of five children: Mary Ellen, who is now the wife of M. H. Doan, of this county; Alfonso, Eluora, Fred and Edgar are at home. Mr. Hockett in early life learned the carpenter's trade, which business he now carries on in connec- tion with general farming. He and wife belong to the Society of Friends, and are always ready to lend a helping hand to the needy, and to comfort the afflicted. In politics Mr. Hockett holds very liberal views. ^ EUBEN ESHELMAN, merchant tailor, deal- er in ready-made clothing, gents' furnishing 1^% goods, hats and caps, etc., commenced busi- w^ ness in Mt. Pleasant in 1848, and has carried it on continuously ever since, while his wife is at present engaged in the millinery business in the same establishment. Mr. Eshelman was born in Union County, Pa., July 10, 1829, and is the son of John and Elizabeth (Suavely) Eshelman, who were also born in Pennsylvania, the family having resided there for several successive generations, and being descendants of the original German set- . •^ 1 t 502 HENRY COUNTY. Hr tiers of that colony. His maternal grandfather was a soldier of the Revolutionary War. Reuben Eshelraan left his native State in 1848 for the West, traveling by boat and stage, and was twenty-two days on his way to Iowa. Here he located at Mt. Pleasant, where he had a brother engaged in the merchant tailoring business. After working for awhile for his brother he returned to Pennsylvania, and for the next few years he was rather migratory in his habits, traveling back and forth between the East and the West, the South and the North, until 18.t7, when he again settled at Mt. Pleasant and eng.iged in the clothing business. His is the oldest established house in this line in the county. In 1867 he started a branch house at Fairfield, Iowa, and others also in neighboring towns. The store in Fairfield he sold out, after three years, to his business manager there. He now has a branch store at Malvern, Iowa, where he car- ries a stock of goods valued at $7,000 or $8,000. His Mt. Pleasant house is thirty-three feet front and 105 feet deep, and he carries an average stock of about $25,000. Mr. pjShelman has held various local offices, and was Alderman from his ward three terms in suc- cession. He was one of the Directors of the St. L., K. <=»M8»>^;®>< \1 OIIN WILLEFORD, one of the pioneers of Henry County, Iowa, was born in Clay County, Ky., in 1807. His parents were / James and Jane (Bales) Willeford, natives of North Carolina, who settled in Clay CouiUy in an early da}'. John Willeford was united in mar- riage with Miss Susana Sraallwood, by whom he had eight children: Henderson M., a farmer of Center Township, Henry County; Paulina, wife of David Hitt, of Swift County, Minn.; Belinda, (loce.ised ; Celia, deceased; Amanda J., wife of J. D. Trow- bridge, of Henry Countj'; William II. H., of this county; Sarah A., wife of Hiram Jones, of Mt. Pleasant; Adeline A., Wife of George Pixlej', of California; she died in 1887. Mr. John Willeford left his home in Kentucky in the spring of 1834, and with his wife and three small children, took passage on board a boat for Burlington, and from thence proceeded to Henry County, locating on land in what is now Center Township. He was compelled to live in a camp three months after reaching Henry County, until he could build a cabin. This was slow and labor- ious work as there was no one in that section of the country that he could get to help him. A log cabin with puncheon floor and a chimney made of nuid and sticks, was finally erected, the family living some time in this cabin before there was a door, but a quilt or blanket served the purpose. Their nearest neighbor at this time lived many miles away, gristmills were unknown, and for the first year the only meal thej- had was povuided out in the top of a stump, a hole being dug in the stump for that purpose. The first milling they had done was at the mill on Henderson River, Mr. Wille- ford passing down the Skunk River, embarking at Oakl.-md in a canoe borrowed of the Indians, then up the Mississippi to Henderson, where he loaded his canoe and returned home. When Mr. Willeford came to this county he was in limited circumstances, and only by hard labor could he make enough to support his family. AVhen i HENRY COUNTY. 503 I they fame, tlie country was so thinly settled that tribes of Indians might almost daily be seen, but as the country became more thickly populated, they were driven farther AVest. Mr. Willeford was a man who stood high in the community and was ever ready to do a neighbor a kind action. He was, in politics, an old-liue Whig and a great admirer of Henry Clay and William Henry Harrison. Mr. Willeford died in Center Township on the Uth of March, 1845. Mrs. Willeford is still living and is now seventy-seven years of age, and is the first white woman who came into Henry County. She is a woman of remarkable memory for her age, and is loved and respected by all her neighbors, whom she has so long lived among. At the time she came to Henry County there were many wolves, and many times at night they would come and scratch at her door. Chickens and sheep had to be well guarded or they would have been carried away by the wolves. Now all this has changed, civilization has advanced step by step, the log cabin is trans- formed into a comfortable home, and the timber lands into well cultivated farms. ?RANCIS McCRAY, an influential and in- telligent citizen of Hem-y County, Iowa, /llj was born in Warren County, Ohio, July 10, 1815, and is ason of John and Sarah (Dill) McCray, His father was a native of Virginia, and his mother of Pennsylvania, though of Irish descent. John McCray served in the War of 1812 as a teamster. He and his wife emigrated to Warren County, Ohio, in an early day, living in true pioneer style. In connection with farming Mr. McCray also worked at his trade of carpentering. Politically, he was a Whig, and was a very conservative man. He departed this life in 1838. His wife came to this county with our subject, remaining here until her death, which occurred in 1858. She was a member of the Presbyterian Church. Seven chil- dren, all of whom grew to maturity, graced the union of John McCray and Sarah Dill. Their names are: Samuel, a farmer residing in Mont- gomery County, Ohio; Ann, wife of Garrett I. Jeffery, died in Jefferson Township, Henr}' County; Jane, widow of Elam Bone, resides in Mt. Pleasant; Francis, our subject; David D., who came to this county in 1840, and died in 1842; Joseph, residing in Center Township; and John, who was drowned at the age of twenty-two, while in bathing, in Warren County, Ohio. In 1842 Francis McCray made his first purchase of land of 240 acres in this county. After making some improvements on this place, he sold it and bought 160 acres on section 3, Trenton Township, in 1850. Here he built a house in which he still resides. He had taught five terms of school in Ohio, prior to 1840, in which year he went to Mis- sissippi, remaining until 1843, engaged in teaching. He then went back to Warren County, Ohio, and in the winter of 1843 taught school in that county. In 1844 he came to this county, as above stated, and also taught in this county in 1845-46. He was married, Dec. 20, 1849, to Hester M. Van Voast, a native of Indiana, and a daughter of Nicholas and Sarah (Coryell) Van Voast, Her father was a native of New York, and her mother of Pennsyl- vania, and both were of German origin. Mrs. McCray's grandfather served as a soldier during the French and Indian War. Her father died in 1882, at Mt. Pleasant, when seventy-three years of age. Her mother died in November, 1873, at the age of sixty-seven. They were members of the Presbyterian Church, and respected people. Mr. and Mrs. Francis McCray have been the parents of eight children, namely : Orlando P., en- gaged as a clerk in the office of the Home Insurance Company, of Sioux City, Iowa, who graduated at Ames' College in 1874, and prior to that was a teacher; Albert F. died in 1866, at the age of thirteen years; Nettie, who was also a teacher, is the wife of J. A. Roth, now of Wayland, this county ; John N., formerly a teacher in this county, is now farming in Sully Count}', Dak. ; Mary E., wife of W. R. Hart, teacher at Iloldredge, Neb., is a graduate of the Union School of Mt. Pleasant; Martha died Jan. 28, 1880, at the age of eighteen; Joseph G. conducts the home farm; Frank H., also a farmer, resides at home. Mr. and Mrs. McCray are attendants of the Universalist Church. Mr. McCray was reared in the Presbyterian ^-H|^4^- n t faith, taught the catechism at his mother's knee, and attended Presbyterian meetings until the year 1846, when he read " Combs' Constitution of Man," "which so unsettled his faith in what is called the orthodox doctrine of the Bible, that for a time he became very unhappy. It seemed to him as if forsaking the doctrines of the fathers would tear up the very foundations of society. A friend finding him in this state of mind, offered to loan him "Rogers' Pro and Con of Universalism," earnestly requesting him to read it. He read it with a great deal of caution and care, as he had been taught to look on the doctrine as very deceitful and dangerous, but the arguments for it seemed to be so strong and convincing that he was induced to make a very thorough and searching examination of the Bible teachings of the doctrine. The final outcome was a firm belief, educed from the fatherhood of God, the brotherhood of man, and the textual teachings of the Bible, that all souls would finally be delivered from the bondage of sin and corruption, and made holy and happy in a state of immortality. Although the separation from old associations and the alienation of friends was painful, his deliver- ance from the fear of death, which had all his life long subjected him to bondage, filled him with joy unspeakable, and in all his trials and disappoint- ments this faith has been a sure refuge for comfort and consolation. Though a sectarian, he was not intolerant of other denominations, but loved the association of all good people of every name and creed, believing the true test of Christian character to be in the life and not in the profession. Seeing the danger and evil resulting from tlie use of intoxicating drinks as a beverage, he has never used them in that way since he left the parental home. In the winter of 1848-49, he and Frank Brady, who was then teaching school in Trenton, organized the first temperance society in that village. It was on the Washingtonian plan, and operated successfully for some years, sowing the seeds of temperance, which resulted in much good to some of the youth in the neighborhood. The following song was written for the society by Mr. MeCray, and i)ublisli('d in the Mt. Pleasant i^Vee Democrat. The word " rum " is meant to denote all intoxicating drinks: ^ Tune — •' Lovely Sonnet." Come all who sip the tempting bowl, Come spurn King Alcohol's control; Though now you loathe the drunkard's course, Your's soon may be as bad, or worse. Then sign the pledge, dethrone the king. And loud the temperance anthem sing, I'm free from rum. Ye sots who to the dram shops go. Thus causing untold grief and woe, Ye cause your wives to wail and weep, And livelong nights tlieir vigils keep. Lest drunken revelry should bring Their husband's corpse, a ghastlj' thing, All bleeding home. Oh! think of home, and children too, Now beggared and disgraced by j'ou ; They'll soon be orphans, lone and drear. Without a parent's guardian care. Then sign the pledge, true penance bring. And loud the temperance anthem sing, I'm safe from rum. Come all who poisonous liquid sell. That draws your brother down to hell, That gives the drunkard's widow woe, And causes orphan tears to flow ; Desist from this ungodly thing. And loud the temperance anthem sing, I'll sell no rum. C'ome old, come young, come one, come all, And help roll on the temperance ball, Reclaim the advocates of rum. Until a jubilee shall come, When all the world with jo}' shall ring, All loud the temperance anthem sing, We're free from rum. Was there a saloon to suppress, or any tcniiierance work to be done, he has always been called to the front, to get the odium of the oi)ponent.s and receive the approbation of the friends of prohi- bition. Mr. McCray's vote was given in 1836 for Gen. William Henry Harrison, the Whig candidate for President, and he continued to vote that ticket until 1844. He afterward thought the party was be- coming so pro-slavery that he ceased to vote the National Whig ticket, and in 1848 he voted for J. G. liirney, the Free-Soil candidate for President, there being but one other vote cast for him in the township. From the time he was capable of think- ■► ..J^ HENRY COUNTY. 4- 505 " ing on the subject of slaveiy, he thought it an unjust, cruel institution, with God's displeasure resting upon it, for which the nation and slave- owners would some day be severel3' scourged. His residence in the South so strengthened and con- firmed his opposition to skvery as to nttich to him the then odious appellation of " fanatical Aboli- tionist." When, in 1844, he heard the result of the Presidential election he wrote the following lines to a friend in Ohio: Ohio, my native State, of thee I'm proud to boast, In freedom's just and righteous cause, thou hast shown thyself a host. Thou hast battled bravely for the free, the men of honest toil. Thou dost not hold that odious faith — the victors claim the spoil ; But bravely for the people's rights, thou hast formed a noble van. Thou hast routed Tod, Medary, too, witli all their free-trade clan. Colonel Polk tliou dost disown, with Tyler-Texas thunder; To claim for Polk Ohio's vote, was an eggTegious blunder. Calhoun and Cass, and Jackson, too, with England for a scarecrow. With Qua Si Qui, to boast and lie, ohl Sam, how dare you do so! Could not persuade Ohio's sons it would be no dis- honor. To mingle Texas' black-starred flag with our own National banner. And yet New York, with Van and Wright, to lead the people wrong. Has late declared to all the world, by some six thoTisand strong. That slavery's just, and should be wide extended. That Texas with her slavery laws by us siiould be defended." Ohl shame upon the Empire State! let darkness sliroud her banner, And shame on Pennsylvania too, with blackness and dishonor; Let shame be proud Virginia's lot, the land of John, the traitor. And shame on all the smaller fry will sure come soon or later. I mourn my country's destiny, to find she will uphold. The wickedness of slavery with suffrages, thus bold ; To find her people tamely yield, to Calhoun and dictation, -4» Bows low my spirit for her weal and final destina- tion. But when my native State I view, with stars and stripes all flying. It cheers me that she did not yield to loco foco lying; Yes! my native State, Ohio, there's not a stain upon her. She won a noble victor}', to her immortal honor. Little did the writer of the foregoing lines think when he was writing them that the shame, black- ness and dishonor would be so soon and so terribly inflicted on the nation for its support of slavery. Past the meridian of life, unused to war and blood- shed, the conflict came upon him with a force as crushing and terrible as it was unexpected. After the war began — not being able to serve in the ranks, and feeling it his duty to do something — he .at different times assisted in raising sanitary supplies. Watching the pi ogress of the war with great anxiety, and often with much dread, he felt unbounded satisfaction when the Rebellion was suppressed and the Union restored. But Mr. McCray's interest in politics did not sub- side with the restoration of the Union, and never will so long as he is able to take part, until man's right to life, liberty, and the pursuit iu the legiti- mate and peaceable enjoyment of the fruits of his own labor, is securely and firmly established. His motive for political work has been principle, and not personal preferment of himself or others, and believing the principles of the party he supported to be right, he always voted for the candidate of his party, when he was fairly nominated, though he was not always his personal choice. He has often been solicited by his friends to become a candidate for office, but, though grateful for their partiality, he never felt it to be his duty, or for the best interest of his country, to accept. He believes every citizen — in the way his best judgment directs — owes his best services to his country; but he also believes it is better to be a good blacksmith than a poor preacher, a good shoemaker than a bad lawyer, and a good farmer than a bad statesman. Mr. McCray served his school district as Director for many years, and helped work the school to so high a grade, that it was recognized as the best public school iu the county outside of Mt. Pleas- ■» f .t 506 HENRY COUNTY. 4 ant. He was told by the County Superintendent that no one outside of the city of Mt. Pleasant took more interest in, or understood better the work- ings of the public schools, than he did. Mr. McCray is a self-made man, whose success in life is due to his own efforts, assisted bj^ those of his wife. He takes great interest in all educational affairs, having a good education himself, and has tried to give his children such. He is a man of more than ordinary literary ability, has written many articles on prohibition, and is a member of the Henry County Institute of Science. Among the older citizens of the county, especially, he is well known, and deservedly bears a high reputation. Passionately fond of home, with children obedient and wife affectionate and true, his home life has been a very happy one. ,EV. DEWITT CLINTON HOWARD, Rec- tor of St. Michael's Episcojjal Church, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, was born in Belmont County, fegOhio, Aug. 22, 1825. The family are of English origin and were among the earliest settlers of Nortli Carolina, where they became Quakers through the influence and teachings of the cele- brated George Fox. The gi-eat-grandfather of the subject of this sketch was Bartholomew Howard, a planter near Beaufort, N. C. His son, Horton Howard, was a large slave-owner, but being sincere in the Friends' belief, of whieh sect he was an eminent i)reachcr, emancii)ated all his slaves and removed to Ohio. He had been educated to the l)rofession of a |)liysiciaii and Iiad become eminent in it. He adoiileil the Tlionipsonian system of practice, in which, however, he discovered serious defects, and became hi effect one the Alleghany River in a boat. He married Agnes Bell, by whom he had six children — Marcus, P0II3', Mercer, Michael, James and Seely. Marcus Hulings and Sally Myers were married in Pennsylvania, and were the par- ents of ten children, nine of whom grew to man and womanhood : Agnes, wife of Frederick Stein- brook, of Lee County, 111. ; Thomas, of Pennsyl- vania; John, of this sketch; Jefferson, deceased; Alfred, of Armstrong County, Pa.; Marcus, en- gaged in the oil business at Oil City, Pa. ; Rebecca, wife of Allen Barnabee, a resident of Armstrong County, Pa.; Sarah, wife of Thom.as Armstrong; Seth, of Clarion County, Pa. Mr. Hulings served during the War of 1812, and was at Erie when the victorious Commodore Perry arrived. In 1813, Mr. Hulings with his family emigrated to Arm- strong County, Pa., where he remained until his death, which was caused by being run over by the cars, he not hearing their approach on account of deafness. Mrs. Hulings has also gone to join her husb.nnd in that better land. He was a member of the Uuiversalist Church, and his wife of the Ger- man Lutheran. The subject of this sketch was reared in Arm- strong County, Pa., attending the subscription school or the log school-house, with no floor, seats of slabs, a slab or pins driven into the wall serving for a writing-desk, and with its greased j^aper wiu- .^0 — dows. John Hulings was first m.arried in Arm- strong County, Pa., on the 17th of April, 1843, to Miss Elizabeth A. Templeton, born in Armstrong County, Pa., Nov. 12, 1825. By this union there were five children: Sarah, born July 19, 1844, died April 2, 1860; Thomas, born June 12, 1846, died March 26, 1860; Albert, born June 12, 1849, died March 30, 1860; Clara, born Nov. 5, 1851, died ISIarch 4, 1860. All of these children died of diphtlieria. Seth S., born Dec. 25, 1853, was the onlj- one who survived the disease. He now resides in Adams County, Neb., and is the husband of Mary Hudson. In April, 1856, Mr. Hulings came by water to Burlington and from thence to Henry County with teams. It was vevy muddy and he had to p.ay $13 for a team with which to move his family that short distance, and the mud being so deep at one time they had to pry the wagon out with rails. He settled in Center Township, where he worked at his trade as carpenter, his first work being the building of a ferry-boat. He worked at his trade for some time and then took charge of a ferry-boat that was known as Hulings Ferry. On the 23d of December, 1868, Mrs. Elizabeth Hulings died. She was a sincere Christian, a kind wife and mother, and was highly esteemed through- out the community. Mr. Hulings was again mar- ried, to Miss Sally Ross, June 6, 1869. They are the happy parents of four children: one child died in infancy; Ralph, born May 13, 1872; Marcus, born Nov. 11, 1874; Maud, born Jlarch 5, 1877. In 1875 Mr. Hulings purchased his present farm, which consists of 129 acres of well-cultivated land. In politics he is a Republican, having aHiliated with that party since its organization. He cast his first vote for Henry Clay and is always ready to aid in anj' enterprise for the advancement of edu- cation. DDISON JOHNSON, a farmer residing on WllM section 13, Jefferson Township, Henry Co., Iowa, is a Trustee of that township. He was born in Hendricks County, Ind., Jan. 1, 1837, and is a son of Jonathan and Ann (Curtis) Johnson. Both were natives of Randolph County, n ^ A. 514 HENRY COUNTY. N. C, the parents of both emigrating to Indiana at an early day in the history of that State. The grandparents on both sides lived and died in Hen- dricks County, and but little history can be given of the family. Both reared large families and some of the children of both families came to Iowa. Mention will first be made of tbe Johnson family: Elihii married Euth Iladley, and came to Keokuk County, Iowa, and settled in Richland, where he was for twenty years a miller; Charity wedded Aaron McPherson, who also became a resident of Richland ; Jonathan, the father of our subject, set- tled in Jefferson Township, Henry County, in 1857, on section 14. His death occurred one month after his coming to this county. lie was the father of Caroline, widow of James Wright; Emily, wife of William Harlan; then our subject, followed by Alfred, who died during the war; he was a mem- ber of Company B, 25th Regiment Iowa Volun- teers. Amanda wedded John Klyon; Mary E., wife of B. F. Nichell, and Tillman II., who married Eva Perkins, completed the family except some chil- dren who died in infancy. After the death of Mr. Johnson, his widow became the wife of John Har- lan. She died at the age of sixty-four and was buried at the Finley Chapel Cemetery'. She was a member of that church for many years and part of her children were also members. Her second hus- band, John Harlan, is also deceased. Addison Johnson, our subject, was married in 1857 to Miss Veturia Harlan, a daughter of John and Rebecca Harlan. The relationship becomes novv somewhat complicated, as John Harlan after- ward became the step-father of his son-in-law. The married life of our subject and his young wife was begun in .lefferson Township upon a farm, and to this date they have ever been numbered among her best citizens. In 18G;! Mr. Johnson purcliased his present farm, and almost all the improvements upon it have been made since he purchased it. Thej' moved into an old log cabin, which has since been replaced by a modern farmhouse, and the broad acres which have brought back large returns have been mosll3' broken since he became their owner. Mr. and Mrs Johnson are the parents of five chil- dren: Harvey, the husl)and of Emma Mathews, youngest daughter of Madison Mathews, who has a sketch elsewhere in this work ; William E. married Lilian Roberts, a daughter of Robert Roberts, of this county ; Jonathan, Johnson and Ada are yet unmarried. Since 1875 Mr. Johnson has been a member of the School Board, and in October, 1884, w.as elected a Trustee of his township .and his official acts have been highly appreciated by the public, and .at the last election held in the township he was elected ills own successor, to serve for a term of three years by a vote in excess of his party ticket. Mr. Johnson and his family hold a high social position in the community and are held in high regard by their friends and neighbors. m^. WiILLIAM BALL, a farmer residing on sec- tion 33, Scott Township, Henry Co., Iowa, was born on board the steamboat " James M. White," on the Mississippi River near Natchez, Miss., March 17, 1845. His parents, William and Mary (Bakewell) Ball, both natives of Trent, England, were en route for America when our subject was born, having been transferred from the ocean steamer to a Mississippi river packet at New Orleans. They finally settled in Mercer County, 111., where the father purchiised eighty acres of Government land, and there he resided until the time of his de.ath, which occurred June 25, 1872, when fifty -seven years of age. His wife still sur- vives him, and resides in Mercer Count}', 111. Our subject received his education in the dis- trict schools, and when but seventeen years of age enlisted in the War for the Union, Sept. 17, 1861, becoming a member of Company G, 30th Illinois Volunteer Infantry. He served twenty-one months and participated in the b.attles of Ft. Henry, Ft. Donelson, Corinth and Briton Lane. Mr. Ball w.as discharged on account of disabilities received ^dur- ing the service. Returning to Mercer County, 111., June 20, 1863, William Ball attended school in Keithsburg for a year. Ijcarning tiie harness-maker's trade, he fol- lowed that occupation for four years, and later worked on a farm fov two years. Emigrating to Henry County in 1872, he settled in Canaan Town- JU -••^h-^ HENRY COUNTY. 515 J ■f ship, purchasing eighty acres of unimproved land. Developing a farm, he there lived for two years, but in 1876 he sold and purchased eighty .acres on section 3.3, of Scott Township, where he yet resides. On the 10th of September, 1872, the marriage of William Ball and Dorcas Patterson, a native of Greene County, Pa., was celebrated. Her p.arents, William and Maria (Briclser) Patterson, were also natives of Pennsylvania, and now reside at Win- field, Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Ball are the parents of seven children — Mary Ann, George W., Jenny and Jesse, twins, William, Edward and Thomas Clif- ford. Mr. Ball is a meml ler of the A. F. & A. M., and the G. A. R. Post. Politically he is a Democrat. Mrs. Ball is a member of the Baptist Church. Though comparatively a j'oungman, Mr. Ball is one of the enterprising farmers of Scott Township. ^^^ATHANIEL HOBBS, residing on section I j) 16, Tippecanoe Township, Henry County, \VsM-) is a native of Wixshington County, Pa., born April 14, 1830, .and is a son of Nathaniel and Elizabeth (Hamilton) Hobbs, the father a native of MaryLand, and the mother of Virginia. When Nathaniel was a lad of seven, his parents emigrated to Knox County, Ohio, residing there until the spring of 1844. They then came to Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, and his father i^urehased 140 acres of wild land, on which he made extensive improvements, and resided there until his death. At the age of seventy-two, Aug. 12, 1862, he was called home. His widow still survives, and is residing with her son-in-law, Isaac Wallcer, in Tippecanoe Township. If she should live until March, 1888, and in all probability she will, liaving excellent health for a lady of her .age, she will be eighty-four years old. Mr. Hobbs, Sr., was a carpenter by trade, and was scrupulously honest in all his dealings. It was his pride to make his word respected by everyone, and none knowing the m.an ever doubted his sin- cerity. Politically he was a Democrat, and always took an active interest in all public affairs. At his death he had considerable property, all of which was made by his own labor, having commenced life a poor boy. To this worthy couple were born A* eight children, six of whom are still living. They were: John, who died in 1853, at the .age of twen- ty-eight, leaving a wife and four children, who are still residing on a farm in Warren County, Iowa; Mary Ann, wife of Jacob Baltzley, residing in Shawnee County, Kan.; Nath.aniel, our subject; Albert, living in Center Township, Henry County; Isabel, who wedded Harvey Willeford, of Stock- ton, Cal., and died in that city in May, 1887, at the age of forty-six; Rachel, widow of Merritt Welch, is residing in Tippecanoe Township; Hen- rietta, wife of Isaac Walker, also lives in Tippe- canoe Township, .and Amanda, wife of David Norton, a farmer of Washington Territory-. Nathaniel Hobbs, the subject of our sketch, was reared upon a farm, but in early life learned the trade of a plasterer. On the 30th of November, 1865, he was joined in marriage with Lydia Roark, a native of Indiana. Her parents were Theodore and Phiebe (Smith) Roark, both of whom were natives of Cincinnati, Ohio. To this union four children have been born: Louisa, wife of Warner Freeman, residing in Tippecanee Township ; Pha'be, wife of La Fayette llousel, also of Tippecanoe Township; John ^V^esley and Cora May are still inmates of the paternal home. Mr. Hobbs is one of the enterprising and prominent farmers of Tip- pecanoe Township. Financially he is a self-made man, and is the owner of one of the finest farms in the county, consisting of 211 acres. He has always done his part in all educational and other enterprises for the common good of the county. He and his estimable wife are sincere Christians, and earnest workers for their M.aster, and we gladly welcome them to a place in the history of Henry County. W. HANNA, M. D., of Winfield, Iowa, was born in Washington County, Pa., on the 23d of September, 1846. His parents, (^^/i Thomas and Jane (Cooper) Hanna, were also natives of the same county, and his father was a farmer by occupation. Dr. Hanna grew to man- hood in his native county, receiving there a com- mon-school and academic education. At the age of twenty-two he entered upon the study of his f I: -^•■ 516 -•► HENRY COUNTY. chospii profession under the tutorship of Dr. D. W. Robinson, of Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. He also attended the medical department of the Iowa State Univer- sity at Iowa City, receiving a diploma of gradua- tion from there in 1873. He afterward received special instructions at the hospital in St. Louis. On completing his studies, Dr. Hanna immediately be- gan practicing, lie went to Solon, Iowa, but remained there only a short time, when he went to Cedar Rapids, where he practiced his profession until 1875. He then went to St. Louis, and in 1879 came to Winfield, Iowa. On the 2Gtli of October, 1882, Dr. Hanna led to the marriage altar Miss Carrie E. Duncan, of Coun- cil Bluffs, Iowa, a daughter of Wilson and Mary (Butler) Duncan. At the time of the breaking out of the yellow fever at St. Louis in 1878, our sub- ject vvas an assistant at the quarantine hospital in that city, at which time his health became poor and has never been fully regained. The Doctor is a member of the Central Medical Society. He is a strong Democrat, always read}' to aid in the ad- vancement of his party. He was appointed Post- master under the present administration, Sept. 13, 1885, and has been a candidate for the Legislature and is at i)resent Mayor of Winfield. He is a Master Mason, a meml)er of Good Faith Lodge No. 235, and of the Royal Arch Chapter at Wash- ington. The Doctor is one of the jirominent citizens of Henry County. He has been in jiractiee here since 1879, and his patronage each jear grows larger, as the respect of the citizens for Dr. Hanna grows larger. He has been for years Assistant Surgeon of the B. & N. W., and B. & W. R. R.,and is Surgeon-in-Chief of the two systems. *^S^...;>S^ .1^.^68'^^ .«c«f-««=fe-* GEORGE A. KING is one of the prominent , citizens and pioneer settlers of IIcnr\' County, Iowa, residing on section 36, Scott Town- ship. He is a native of Broome County, N. Y., born Aug. 12, 1820. His father, William W. King, was of English descent, though born in Broome County, and his mother, Edna (Adams) King, was of German and English descent. Lyman King, the grandfather of our subject, was a native of Massa- fc:ject, accompanied by his brother Jonathan, located first in Jefferson Township in the fall of 1849, and was followed by the remainder of the family in the spring of 1850. Levi Jessup purchased eighty acres, now the home farm of his son Oliver, while our subject purchased the eighty acres on which he now resides, to which he later added other purchases. Upon this he built a log house immediately north of his present residence, but in the same yard. The old cabin still stands and is used .as an out-building. Levi Jessup became as popular in Henry County as in his own county (Hendricks) in Indiana, and in 1852 was nominated by the Whig part\' of Henr^' County and elected a member of the General Assembly. He became a member of the Christi.in Church, being by reason of his official positions disenfranchised as a member of the Society of Friends. To the Christian Church both himself and wife belonged from that date until the time of their death. During the progress of the war two of the sons, Jonathan and Merrill, enlisted. Jonathan was first a member of the 4th Iowa Cavalry, but was transferred to the C8th Col- ored Troops, being commissioned Second Lieuten- ant, serving in that capacity until his discharge from the service. The aged father was as full of patriotism as were his sons, and upon the organization of the cele- brated "Graybea.rd" regiment of Iowa, he enlisted and served for several months, being discharged later on account of ill-health. His death occurred in 1866. He lived to see the principles long advo- cated by him become a permanency. The death of the tender wife and loving mother occurred in 1861 at the age of sixty-six years, while her hus- band, Hon. Levi Jessup, reached the mature age of seventy-four years. Only four of the Jessup family are now living: Oliver and William, in Jefferson Township; Dr. Solon, in Oregon, and Jonathan in Washington, D. C. William A., our subject, was married, Oct. 13, 1851, to Miss Julia A. Roads, a daughter of George and Elizabeth (Boyd) Roads, who were also a promment family in Henry County, one of the sons, .^ u -•► 518 HENRY COUNTY. I Addison Roads, being County Treasurer for two terms. Both her parents died in Jefferson Town- ship. They reared four children : Mary, the wife of Arthur MeCIure, Esq.; Addison wedded Nancy McClure; Julia, the wife of our subject, and Lind- ley M., who became the husband of Martha Payne, a sister of the Hon. C. W. Payne. Two daughters have come to the home of William A. Jessup and his wife : Ada, wife of J. S. Mathews, and Viola, still at home with her parents. There are no sons to bear the name of their ancestors. The Jessujis can trace their ancestry back to Old England, but the early history of the family cannot be given. William A. Jessup has served his township in about all the positions the people can give. He was elected Township Clerk in 1851, the next year Township Trustee, followed by the office of Justice of the Peace, later serving four j'ears as County Supervisor, and upon his election later, as Justice, he refused to serve and failed to qualify, preferring to give his attention to his own business. His home is presided over by a hospitable wife, and we are pleased to give this sketch a deserved place in this volume. UR. HARKNEKS, one of the prominent citi- zens and early settlers of Henry Count}', ^^f^ Iowa, residing on section 2, Scott Town- ship, was born in Delaware County, N. Y., Nov. 27, 1842. His parents, J. B. and Margaret (Fleming) Harkness, emigrated to Berry County, Mich., in 1852, and two years later they came to Henry County, Iowa, making this their home until the time of their death. Six children blessed their union: Mary E. became the wife of A. I. Beam, of Woodson County, Kan. ; Margaret A. married William Bennett, a resident of Scott Township ; W. R., the subject of this sketch; James E., a resident of Union County, Iowa; Sarah J., wife of Dr. B. B. Shockey, a practicing physician of Scotia, Neb. ; and (ieorge T., residing in Yates Center, Kan. In politics J. B. Harkness was a Democrat, strong in his convictions. He and his wife were members of the Presbyterian Church, and were active workers in their Master's vineyard. Mr. Harkness departed this life in 1881, his wife surviving him until 1886. Their union was of the happiest; they lived to- gether for more than half a century, saw their children all comfortably settled in life, and when their work here on earth was finished they cheer- fully responded to their Master's call. Of the many prominent citizens of Scott Town- ship, none are more truly deserving of a place in Henry County's history than W. R. Harkness, and his interesting family. Mr. Harkness came with his family to this county in 1854, and here has been his home ever since. He was reared upon her virgin soil, and received his education in the com- mon schools and Howe's Academy. His love for his country caused him to take up arms for the Union, and he enlisted in Company H, 45th Iowa Volunteer Infantry, in 1864. He was mustered into service at Keokuk, and then went to Benton Bar- racks, St. Louis, and subsequently proceeded to Memphis, Tenn. While at Moscow, Tenn., he did guard duty on the railroad, being in the 16th Corps. Serving until the close of the war, he was mustered out at Keokuk, Iowa, in 1865. In 1868 Mary E. Thompson became the wife of Mr. Harkness. She was a native of Ohio, born Jan. 27, 1848. Five children have been born to them, three daughters and two sons: Mary, Eva and William Glenn, deceased; those living are Maggie L., Lois and Elmo. Mr. Harkness has always been a Re- publican, and cast his first Presidential vote for Abraham Lincoln. He has held the office of Trus- tee of his township. He is a member of the Mort llobart Post, G. A. R. Mr. and Mrs. Harkness are bcth members of the United Presbyterian Church. On a fine farm of eight}- acres, all under cultiva- tion, Mr. Harkness and his estimable wife reside. DWIN llOBSON is one of the earliest set- tiers of Henry County, Iowa, and was born in Morgan County, Ind., in 1835. His parents were William and Sarah (Dyson) Hobson, both natives of North Carolina, who emigrated at an early daj' to Ohio, where thcj- lived five j'ears, 1 at irs, J 4 f -•► HENRY COUNTY. 521 I subsequently removing to Morgan Countj', Ind., residing there until the fall of 1839, then emigrated to Henry County, Iowa, settling on section 22 of Tippecanoe Township. Here the father bought 1 60 acres of raw land, and engaged in farming until the time of his death, which occurred in 1869. Mrs. Hobson is still living, in Albia, Iowa. She was born Jan. 10, 1800. Mr. and Mrs. Hobson had a family of nine children: Corwin, who died .it H.annibal, Mo., was a cooper by trade, and had an extensive business; Elmira, wife of Charles Lyons, residing in Sedgwick County, Kan.; George, now living in Jefferson County, Iowa; Mary, the deceased wife of James Nichols, of Mercer County, 111.; John, now living in Jewell County, Kan., w.as one of the brave boys in blue who fought so valiantly for the Union; Edwin, of Henry County; Samuel departed this life in Albia, Iowa; he was a merchant, and served as a soldier during the late Rebellion. Eliza, deceased; Calvin, a merchant in Clarinda, Page Co., Iowa, was a soldier in the 4th Iowa Cavalry. Our subject was reared on the farm where he now lives, and was educated at the district schools of his township. He has lived here continuously since the year 1839, with the exception of two years, which he spent in Lee County, where he was engaged in farming. He was united in marriage, Aug. 16, 1856. to Mary Winslow,a native of North Carolina, and a daughter of John and Mary (Smith- ers) Winslow, both natives of North Carolina. Mr. and Mrs. Winslow came to this county in the year 18.'"j0, settling in Salem Township, where they lived until 1874. They then removed to Cowley County, Kan., at which place they both departed this life, the mother going to her final rest in 1881, and the father in 1882. They were both devoted Christians, being members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Mr. and Mrs. Hobson have been the parents of four children : Flora Ellen, born Nov. 13, 1858, is the wife of Emerson Martin, and is now living in Winfield, Kan.; Elmira, born April 14, 1861, is the wife of H. C. Cooper, of Salem Township; Nolan C, born May 14, 1863, died in infancy; Edg.ar, born May 11, 1874, is at home. Mr. and Mrs. Hobson are members of the Missionary Baptist Church, taking an active interest in all church work. Mr. Hobson owns forty acres of laud under a fine state of cultivation. He is one of the oldest set- tlers of the county, is universally respected, and has the confidence and good-will of all. Politically, he belongs to the Union Labor party. -»-HH-ijfKsf:[:*:|:ij(^-HM- »- ^,, MOS B. MONTGOMERY, deceased, was ;@OI one of the best known and most influential citizens of Trenton Township, Henry Coun- ty, in whose affairs he took a deep interest, and exercised a wide influence. He was born in Shelby County, Ind., May 25, 1828, and was a son of James and Catherine (Grunadyke) Montgomery, the former a native of Ireland, and the latter born in Holland. The father was a successful farmer, and accumulated a competence before his death. The subject of this. sketch remained in his native State until twenty years of age, and in 1848 came to Iowa, purchasing a tract of land near the present capital of the State, Des Moines. The year follow- ing, like thousands of others, he sought fortune in the new Eldorado, on the shores of the broad Pa- cific, and was one of the original '49ers of Califor- nia. There he eng.aged in mining, and did what- ever other work came to his hand. He st.aid there but two years, in which time he accumulated some money, and returned to the States in 1851, locating first iu Indiana, but in 1853 he again came to Iowa, purchasing land near Trenton, in Trenton Township, from Evan Jay, one of the earliest set- tlers of Henry County. On this place Mr. Mont- gomery lived until his death, which occurred Aug. 9, 1877. On March 11, 1855, Mr. Montgomery was mar- ried to Rachel, a daughter of Hopkins and Winnie (Jones) Williams, natives of Wales, who were early settlers of Henry County, coming here from Tus- carawas County, Ohio, where Mr. Montgomery was born. The family settled in Jefferson Township, where Mr. Williams became well known, and where he accumulated a fortune, leaving a large estate at his death, which took place in 1862. He was a man of integrity of character, possessing in a marked de- gree those sterling characteristics which distinguish the race from which he sprung. His wife survived him, dying iu 1877, at the age of eighty-one years. — — — — m^ i r i -•► HENRY COUNTY. This couple had eight children, two of whom, Mary and John, are deceased. Those now living are: Ann, wife of Evan Evans; William, and Elizabeth, wife of Evan Davis, all living in .Jefferson Town- ship, Henry County; Rachel, widow of our subject; Jane, wife of Solomon Cavenee, in New Loudon Township, this county; and Benjamin, a resident of Page County, Iowa. The tniion of Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery was blessed with seven cliildren : Mary, the eldest daugh- ter, is the wife of Jasper Button, of Marion Town- ship, Henry County; Donna is the wife of Isaac Johnson, of Scott Township; Kate, James H., Frank B., Lizzie and Guy, live with their mother on the homestead on section 11, in Trenton Town- ship, where they have one of the best farms in the county, comprising 570 acres, on which they carry on general farming and stock-raising. The death of Mr. Montgomery was felt as a great loss not onl}' by his family, but by tiie general communitj'. He was an enterprising citizen, who was .alwa3's fore- most ill all works for the advancement of society. He took an active interest in the Henry County In- stitute of Science, of wliieii he was one of the pro- moters and oi'iginal members, a member of its Board of Managers until the beginning of the year 1877, when ho was elected its President, filling that position with honor until death, and always discharg- ing with fidelity all duties imposed upon him. On his decease the society published a eulogy on his character, speaking of liim in no stinted terms of praise. Mr. Montgomerj' was a man of fine busi- ness capacity, a thorough manager, and of excellent judgment, and the result is apparent in the splendid property bequeathed to his family. He was of a genial and liosiiitable disposition, and was never better pleased than when surrounded by his friends, to whom those qu.alities greatly endeared him. His home was always open, and was ever the scene of healthful pleasure, in which the true-hearted liost himself bore a prominent part. He believed in get- ting from tliis life all the rational enjo3'ment jios- sible, and his death left a vacancy which will not easily be filled. Young and old alike enjoyed his society, and the name of Amos B. Montgomery will be remembered for many years witli tender regret by hosts of friends. In life he was loved by a de- *^m-^ 1 voted wife and loving children, who in his death lost a kind husband and indulgent father, but his example and teachings remain to them as a price- less heritnge. In politics Mr. Montgomery w.as a supporter of the Democratic party, and he took a warm interest in public affairs, in which he was un- usually well informed, and his voice will be missed in the councils of his party. He was manly, hon- est, upright and true, and it is but meet this tribute to his worth should appear in this record of the citizens of Henry County, of whom he was one of the foremost. The warm sj-mpathies of the entire community were extended to his family on their bereavement, which was a mitigation of their afflic- tion, bnt the void left in the family circle can never be filled. But they have the consolation of knowing that in life, he was ever faithful and upright, and his death was but an introduction to the life to come, in which husband and wife, father and chil- dren, will be reunited, never again to p.irt. On an adjoining page appear the portraits of Mr. Montgomery and his wife, equally entitled to an honorable place among the best citizens of the county. LFRED DOAN, deceased, was born in Or- ange County, Ind., Aug. 16, 1831, and was a son of Mahlon Doan, a sketch of ^J whom appears elsewhere in this work. On the 19th of August, 1853, Alfred Doan was united in marriage with Miss Rachel Melton, a native of Warren Count3', Ind., and a daughter of John and Ph(cbe (Heston) Melton, the former a native of Virginia, .and the latter of Pennsylvania. Mr. and Mrs. Doan's union was blessed with three children: Sarah Luella, born Sept. 1, 1856, the deceased wife of Zimri Brown, of Salem Township; she left three children — Michael Devillo, Frank Ebert and Sarah Jane, who is an adopted daughter of Mr. and Jlrs. Oliver Faulkner, of Salem, Iowa; Mahlon H.irlan. born Jan. 15, 1860, wedded jNIiss Mary Ellen Ste- venson, a native of Henry County, and b}- their union there is one child, M3'ron Alfred; and Perry Albert, born April 29, 1872. Both sons live with their mother. Mr. Doan was among the g.ollant -^^ f HENRY COUNTY. 523 boys in the 25th Iowa Volunteer Infantry, enlisting in 1862, and serving three j'ears. He was engaged in the following battles: Arkansas Post; the siege ofVieksburg; the Chattanooga campaign; Ring- gold, Resaca, Dallas, Kennesaw Mountain, the battles around Atlanta, Lovejoy Station, Jonesboro, Ship's Gap, Bentonville, and was with Sherman on his march through Georgia and the Carolinas, to Rich- mond and Washington. The capture of Columbia, the capital of the chief disloyal State, was effected by Iowa troops, among which was the 25th. On the 10th of February, 1863, Mr. Doan was pro- moted to the rank of Sergeant. The regiment was mustered out at Washington, D. C, June 6, 1865. Mr. Doan then returned home, engaging in farming until his death, which occurred Oct. 19, 1880, when fifty -one years of age. He never had his usual health after he came out of the army, dying from the effects of the exposures endured in the service, in which he proved himself a brave and gallant soldier. Socially, Mr. Doan was a member of the I. O. O. F., at Salem. He was a stalwart Repub- lican, and took gi'eat interest in all political affairs. He was an influential and industrious citizen, mak- ing all that he possessed by his own hard labor, good management and fair dealing. He was a man always in advance of the times, and his farm of ninety acres was one of the best improved jin the county. By his death Henry County lost a good citizen, his acquaintances a noble friend, and his family a loving husband and father. His widow still resides on the old farm. — >»- ■•"♦"••©vK^-o*"- ANIEL MORLEY, residing on section 20, Scott Township, Henry Co., Iowa, is one of the pioneer settlers of the county. Where now stand cities and villages, .and where are fine farms upon which are elegant resi- dences, then as far as eye could see stretched a vast prairie. In 1839 there was an abundance of wild game, and even deer were plentiful, but now the progress of civilization has changed all this, and Henry County ranks among the first of the State. At the time when Daniel Morley took up his resi- dence in this county he was but fourteen years old. -«v — — His birthplace was Washington County, Pa., the date of his birth being May 12, 1825. His father, John Morley, was of English descent though born in Maryland, and his mother, Grace (Smith) Mor- ley, was born in Pennsylvania of Dutch and English ancestry. The whole life of John Morley was spent as a tiller of the soil. He was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and received his Master's summons to the heavenlj' home Sept. 20, 1885, when eighty -six j^ears of age. The mother was also a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and died in October, 1877. They reared a family of six children : Joseph, born in Decem- ber, 182u, died in W.ayne County, low.a, in January, 1887; Sarah, wife of George W. Brummit, a shoe- maker of Rooks County, Kan. ; next our subject; then Rhoda B., widow of John E. Linn, of New Loudon, Iowa; Eliza D., wife of L. R. Chandler, of Center Township, and Mary F., who married Samuel Clough, of Union, Iowa. Daniel Morley, with his parents, went to Wayne County, Ohio, where they lived until the fall of 1 839. They started for Henry County in that year, stop- ping through the winter near Ft. Wayne, Ind., and the next spring completed the journey in a wagon. They settled three miles southeast of Mt. Pleasant, where John Morley bought a farm, upon which he resided until he made his home with his son Daniel. Until twenty-eight years of age Daniel Morley made his home with his parents, working at various occupations. He engaged in breaking prairie for eleven years with an ox-team, using from five to eight oxen. The first piece of land he owned was 160 acres in extent, situated on section 23 of Scott Township. This he improved, residing there from 1852 until 1858, when he sold and purchased eighty acres oo section 20. This was but raw land upon which was a rude cabin, but he made many improvements, and added to the original purchase until he has a fine farm of 170 acres. On the Land an elegant country residence h.as been erected at a cost of $1,600, and also a tenant house worth $500. In June, 1853, the marriage of Daniel Morley and Sarah I. Myers, a n.ative of Virginia, was cele- brated. She is a daughter of John and Sarah (Rog- ers) Myers, the father born in Pennsylvania, of Dutch descent, and the mother, a native of Green- i '^- -•► 524 HENRY COUNTY. brier County, Va., born of Irish parentage. Mr. and Mrs. Morley have been the parents of three children: Eliza A., wife of William McGlade, and by their union five children were born; Sarah, wife of Alonzo Eddingfleld, a farmer of this township, became the mother of two children; and John M.. who has charge of the home farm, married Alice Snelson, and one child was born to them. An adopted daughter, PhcBbe F. Morgan, their niece, still resides at home. Mr. and Mrs. Morley are members of the Presbyterian Church at Winfield, as is their eldest daughter. He has held the office of Constable of the township for two years, and in politics holds liberal views. Mr. Morley is one of those men who have made their own way in the world since boyhood. His father was a poor man, and no financial assistance was received from him. What education he obtained he paid for himself. By hard work, good management and habits of in- dustry, he has reared and educated his family, cared for his aged parents, and accumulated a competency for himself. He is a man well known and univer- sally respected by the people of Scott Township and Henry County, and well deserves this mention in his county's history. t \ENJAMIN LAZENBY is a native of Vir- ginia, born Feb. 13, 1810, and a son of Joshua and Ruth (Guthrie) Lazenby, who were also natives of Virginia, though of Welsh descent. Whwi he was but a lad of six his parents emigrated to Amei-ica, where he was reared on a farm near Cincinnati, Ohio. In 1838 Mr. La- zenby decided to go West, and being pleased with Henry County, he came here, locating on what is known as the Joseph Short Farm, which place he en- tered and there resided until 1 844. At that time he bought a tract of land, 280 acres in extent, on section 26, Tippecanoe Township, living on this purchase until July 11, 1887, at that time remov- ing to Los Angeles, Cal., where he still resides. Mr. Lazenb}', in 1840, was united in marriage with Editha Sanderson, a native of Ohio, and a daughter of John and Isabel (Gilbert) Sanderson, the father ■4* of Irish descent.- To this worthy couple were born six children, two of whom are now living: Melissa, who is living with her father, and Mar\' C, the honored wife of Courtland Milner. Jlrs. Lazenby was called to her final home July 22, 1886, at the age of sixty -seven. Mr. Lazenby was among the pio- neer settlers of Henry County. He held the otlice of Township Clerk for a number of j'ears in Tippe- canoe Township, and was univerally respected. He still owns a fine farm of 101 acres in Tippecanoe Township, besides his place in California. )HOMAS JONES, a retired railroad man, and a resident of Mt. Pleasant since 1862, was ^y born in County Wicklow, near Dublin, Ire- land, Feb. 15, 1833, and is the son of James and Mary (Keougli) Jones. He emigrated from Ire- land to America in 18.51, and located in New Jer- sej', where he served his time at the millwright trade. In 1856 he came to Iowa, and engaged in railroad work with the Chicago, Burlington & Quincj^ Railway Company. He was employed in bridge-building from Burlington to what is now known as Gladstone, 111. He worked at first as an employe, but soon began taking contracts, and con- tinued in that way, sometimes working for wages, and sometimes on contract, till 1886, when he re- tired from active duty. His connection with the company continued without interruption fcu' a pe- riod of thirty-one years. During all these 3'ears he never h.id an accident resulting from his work, and proved himself a capable and faithful man in whatever duty he undertook. He has probably built more bridges than any other man in the com- pany's emploj', and it is only fair to Mr. Jones to say that this assertion is not based on any infor- mation given by him. Mr. Jones was married, in the autumn of 1862, to Miss Kate Mackinson, daughter of John and IMary RL'ickinson. Mrs. Jones was born in Countj' Cavan, Ireland, and emigrated to America in 18.02. They have five children, one son and four daugh- ters— ftLarj' A., Theressa Y., Ettie E., James C. and Kate L. Mr. and Mrs. Jones are members of the Catholic Church. Mr. Jones is a Democrat iu pol- ^ 1 HENRY COUNTY. 525 itics. He came to this country in very limited cir- cumstances, and unaided and witliout influence, be3'ond that of intelligence, persevering industry, and a thorough knowledge of his business, he has acquired a fine propertj', consisting of three cit}' lots and a fine residence, situated on one of the finest streets in the city, and twelve lots situated in the northwestern part of the city. »;->I'-/^- -fe •^ AMES K. CLARK, editor and proprietor of the JMt. Pleasant Herald^ was born in the city of Waterford, Ireland, May 10, 1846, and is a son of John and Anna (Jennings) Clark. His father was likewise a native of Water- ford, and his mother was born in Dublin, in which city she died. His father is now a resident of New York. James K. was reared and educated in Dub- lin, and came to America in 1863, living in New York City until 1866, when he removed to Chicago, where he was married, in June, 1869, to Miss The- resa Titus, daughter of Henry Titus. Mrs. Clark was born in Chicago. Their union has been blessed with two sons and three daughters: Ida was born in Chicago, and is now aged seventeen; George W. was born in Kansas, and is fifteen ; the rest were born in Mt. Pleasant, and are: lola, aged ei^ht; Carrie, aged four, and Titus J., one year old. Mr Clark was a resident of Chicago at the time of the great fire in 1871, and was one of the sufferers. After that he went to lola, Kan., where he engaged in the boot and shoe business, and the followino- year removed to Topeka, where he was in the same trade for about a year, when he returned to Chi- cago, and became a wholesale manufacturer of boots and shoes, under the firm name of Reed & Clark. In 1874 the firm met with severe financial reverses, and the business was closed out, Mr. Clark coming to Mt. Pleasant, where he again engaged in the boot and shoe trade, carrying it on until 1880, when he took up the newspaper business. The paper of which he is the editor and proprietor was estab- lished as a -'Greenback" paper in 1880 by Brown & Clark, Mr. R. C. Brown being the senior partner. That connection continued until 1884, when a stock company was formed to carry on the business. This was in force until the fall of 1886, when Mr. George H. Spahr bought the property, which he put under the management of Mr. Clark. Other changes had however intervened. In November, 1885, the paper was removed to Ft. Madison, where it was published under the name of the Lee County Republican Herald. In February, 1886, Mr. Clark had started the Herald in New London, this county, but had removed it to Mt. Pleasant in March, 1887. It is now conducted solely by him, as editor and proprietor, and is a Union Labor or- gan, a seven-column quarto, published Fridays. Mr. Clark has led an active, stirring life. He has met with misfortunes bnt has risen superior to them, and being yet a young man, full of energy and ambition, will undoubtedly make for himself an honorable name and position. Bright and tal- ented, he has already been called to important public trusts. During his short residence in Kansas he was a member of its Legislature, and in 1885 received the honor of a nomination for Lieutenant Governor of this State on the Greenback ticket, on which was the name of Elias Doty for Gover- nor. A man of probity of character, he commands the respect of those who know him. \lr-^ LIJAH JAMES, Esq., a farmer residing on 1^ section 32, Wayne Township, Henry Co., E Va^i Iowa, was born in Roundhead Township, Hardin Co., Ohio, Nov. 13, 1834, and is the son of Josiah and Drusilla (Richardson) James. She was a native of Eastern Maine, and a daugliter of Elijah Richardson, who removed near Portsmouth, Ohio, and engaged in farming during his life. But little history can be given of either of these families. The paternal grandmother reached the ripe ao^e of ninety-three. The mother of our subject was married in Ohio, and there her seven children were born, onlj' three of whom are living: Elijah; Margaret E., who wedded Edmund C. Upton, of Trenton Township; and Josiah, of Brighton, Wash- ington County, a wagon and carriage maker, and the husband of Martha J. Nason. After the death of Josiah James, in 1839, his widow wedded Will- iam W. Rodgers, a mechanic of Roundhead Town- ^ t -•► 526 HENRY COUNTY. ship. Two children were born there prior to coming to Iowa in 1846, Thomas W. and Sarah M., both now deceased. Thomas was a soldier of the 4th Iowa Cavalry, and died at Memphis, Tenn., from disease. Josiah James was also in the service, en- listing in Company E, 1st Iowa Cavalry, from which he was discharged at the close of the war, having served in all the battles and engagements participated in by his regiment. He never received a wound, was not in the hospital and was never off duty except on furlough, from the day of his en- listment. Mr. Rodgers and his family located in Trenton Township in 1846, and resided there until his death. His wife survived until April 24, 1882, reaching her seventy -fifth year, and was a lady well known and largely missed by a great circle of acquaintances. .She became the mother of two children in this county: Rebecca A., deceased, wedded to John Beery, and Mar^' M., the wife of Jacob Beaver, of Trenton Township. Our subject was a lad ten years of age when he became a resident of this county, and, with the exception of one year, has since never known any other home. Here he grew to manhood, and was married in 1854 to Miss Emily M. Nason, and the young couple began domestic life in Trenton Town- ship on a farm. The parents of Mrs. James, John W. and Rebecca (Pepple) Nason, were married in Virginia, and the former was a native of Maine, the latter born near Wheeling, W. Va. They be- came residents of this county in 1844, locating in Trenton Township, and were among the first set- tlers of this part of the county. Their five eldest children were born in Ohio, the sixth in Trenton Township, this county. Sarah died uiunarried ; Mary A. wedded William Murphy; Emily M., wife of our subject; Rebecca A., wife of Henry Schuster; Martha, J., who wedded Josiah James, a brother of our subject; John W., the only son and the young- est child born in Ohio, died in that State before the removal. Martha J. was bom in Trentun Town- ship and the others in Ohio. Mr. James has been for many years a farmer. His first purchase of land was made before the war, consisting of forty acres on section 16, Trenton Township. On this he built a liewed-log houseand fenced the land. From that he purchased in Octo- ber, 1870, his present farm, and here in ease and comfort the parents reside, ripe in years, and enjoy- ing the respect of all. Since their married life began six children have blessed their home: John W., now the husband of Lucy Mullen, is a graduate of Howe's Academy, and for jears has been a teacher in this county, and is also a graduate of the law department of the Iowa State University; Josiah J. resides at home ; Charles H. wedded Mary E. McKee, and resides in Thomas County, Kan.; Henrj' E. wedded Emma A., daughter of Samuel Cantwell, whose family are fully mentioned else- where ; Henry and his young wife are the parents of twin boys, Othel E. and Orville II., born Nov. 22, 1886. Oscar E. is the youngest son living, and Ora D. died in infancy. Elijah James was elected Justice of the Peace of Wayne Township in 1885, to fill a vacancy, and in October, 1886, was elected his own successor. He has served as a member of the School Board for years, and in numerous other official positions. The father of Mrs. James died in the service of his country. He was a member of the famous Gray beard Regiment, and his death occurred at Rock Island in the autumn of 1864. The subject of this sketch bears an honorable record as a self-made man and good citizen. He never received a dollar from his parents' estate, and be- ginning poor he has accumulated a fine propertj', and won for himself a place among the best citizens of Henry County. ■«"-;:5- -~^^*unty. For a year he worked in Way- land, and then came to Mt. Ple.asant, working for the Mt. Pleasant Foundry, and buying an interest in the business in 1865. In 1866 Mr. Prince pur- chased some land, on which he built a shop, and commenced business for himself. He was the first machinist who ever worked in this city. He still carries on the business in the shop which he built in 1866. Mr. and ]\Irs. Prince are the parents of seven liv- ing children: Elizabeth, residing at home; Charles A., who is a machinist working for the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad, .and living at Beardstown, 111. ; Joseph H., a machinist, living in Chicago; Frederick, Superintendent of Water Serv- ice for the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad, on the St. Louis & Rock Island Division, and a resident of Beardstown, 111.; Herman, now residing in Rockbridge, 111., and also in the employ of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad; Julia, wife of Thomas Johnson, a fireman on same road, is re- f ± f <^ ■•► 528 HENRY COUNTY. sifling in Bearrlstown, 111. ; Frank, who is a resident of Galesburg, 111., is also a fireman running on the C. B. & N. Division. One daughter, Susan, was the wife of Mr. Brakebill, of Mt. Pleasant; she is deceased. Mr. Prince holds liberal religious and political views, and always votes for the one he believes the best man, of whatever party he maj' be. Mr. and Mrs. Prince came to this country poor, but they have not only managed to keep the wolf from the door, but by their industrj' and thrift have been able to accumulate money. They are a credit to the community in which they have so long lived, and are highly respected by all who know them. J^St^H. (T- i '^^^' y Tza^spi ^ ■vwlOHN W. PALM, editor and one of the pro- I prietors of the Mt. Pleasant Journal, was born in Trumbull County, Ohio, Oct. 23, 18.50. Adam Palm, father of John W., was born in Trumbull County, Ohio, March 26, 1816. He learned the brickmason's trade, which he fol- lowed for several years, but after his marriage set- tled on a farm in Southingtou Township, seven miles west of Warren, Ohio. In 1856 he removed with his family to Iowa, settling on a farm in Marion Township, Henry County, on which he lived until 1869, when he sold his farm and removed to Mt. Pleasant, where he is now living. He has been a life-long member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and an earnest friend and zealous worker in the church. In 1838 he was married to Jane West, a native of County Armagh, Iicland, born in 1819. She died in Henry County in the spring of 1857. She like her husband, was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. She was the mother of two sons and five daughters: Mary Ellen, now the wife of J. W. Vernon, an attorney of Memphis, Tenn. ; Martha Jane was the wife of Col. R. K. Miller, of Des Moines, and died July 19, 1883; Julia Eliza- beth is now the wife of Col. Miller, to whom she was married in 1887; Permelia Ann is the wife of William Faulkner, a merchant at Salem, Henrv County; John West was next; then came William, who died in Ohio at the age of four years; Alice Catherine was the wife of Wilber Davis, now of Malvern, Iowa, and died at Winthrop, Iowa, Aug. 18, 1882. The subject of this sketch gi-aduated from the High School in Mt. Pleasant in 1869. He taught school and attended Howe's Academy of the same city until 1872, when he began the study of law in the office of Woolson & Babb in Mt. Pleasant, and was admitted to the bar in the summer of 1874. He then entered the Iowa Wesle^-an Uni- versity, from which he graduated in 1876. Upon the death of Prof. Samuel Howe, County Superin- tendent of Ilenr}- Count}', in the sprmg of 1877, Mr. Palm was appointed to fill the vacancy occa- sioned by his death. He filled the office for the unexpired term, and in the fall of 1877 was elected for a full term of two years. Jan. 1, 1879, he re- signed to assume editorial charge of the Mt. Pleas- ant Journal, which he edited for nine years. February 10, 1879, he was married to Florence Eliza Andrews, eldest daughter of M. L. Andrews, of New London Township, Henry Count}-. She was born in Mills Count}', Iowa, Feb. 11, 1859. Mr. Palm is a member of the Masonic fraternity, Xenium Lodge No. 207, A. F. & A. M. In poli- tics he has always been a stanch Republican and an energetic party worker. In the fall of 1887 he was nominated to the office of County Treasurer by his pai'ty and was elected by a large majority, which office he is now filling. ,EV. DAVID STANTON TAPPAN, D. D., Piistor of the First Presbyterian Church, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, was born in Steubcnville, ijOhio, April 2, 1845. His parents were Ben- jamin and Oella (Stanton) Tappan. Ills father was born in Steuhenville, Ohio, April 1, 1812. The family was originally from Northampton, l\Lass., and of English descent. The paternal grandfather of our subject was Benjamin Ta|)pan, a brother of Arthur and Lewis Tappan, the great anti-slavery agitators of New England. The founder of the family in New England was Abraham Topham, who cajne to America from Yarmouth, England, in Oc- n -4^ a HENRY COUNTY. 531 tober, 1837, and settled at Old Newbuiy, Mass. His wife's name was Susanna Taylor. The family name was spelled Tophani up to 1790, when upon an agreement upon the part of his descendants, it was changed to Tappan. Benjamin Tappan, the grandfather of our subject, was one of the early pioneers of Ohio, and became one of the leading men of the State, who wielded a great influence in its affairs. He settled in the Territory in 1799 and died in Steubenville April 12, 1857, having seen the frontier Territory grow to a populous and wealthy State. For seven years he was Presiding Judge of the Fifth Ohio Circuit, was appointed United States District Judge by President Jackson in 1833, and represented the State in the United States Senate from 1839 to 1845. Oella Stanton, the mother of our subject, was a daughter of Dr. David Stanton, an eminent physician of Steuben- ville, Ohio, and sister to Edwin M. Stanton, the famous Secretary of War under President Lincoln during the late war. Mrs. Tappan was born in Steubenville, Ohio, and the family were of Scotch- Irish descent. David S. Tappan received his classical education at Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, and graduated in the class of 1864. He then took a regular course at the Theological Seminary of Allegheny, Pa., and was graduated in the class of 1867, receiving the degree of B. D. He received the degree of A. M. at Wooster University, Ohio, in 1878, .nnd also at Miami University in 1885, and the degree of D. D. from Lenox College, Iowa, in 1887. His first charge was at Chariton, Iowa, to which he was called in 1867. He continued in that field until February, 1871. when he came to Mt. Pleasant to accept the pastorate of the First Presbyterian Church of this place, in which he is now serving his eighteenth year. Mr. Tappan was married at Ilillsboro, Ohio, Aug. 12, 1869, to Miss Anna L. Grand Girard, a daughter of Rev. E. Grand Girard, a Presbyterian minister of Eckmansviile, Ohio, who was descended from the French Huguenots. Her mother is a Kentuckian b}' birtli. Eight children were born to bless their union, seven of whom are living: Ben- jamin, born Aug. 27, 1871, died April 17, 1872; Oella Stanton, born May 24, 1873; Julia May, Aug. 7, 1875; Paul, July 25, 1877; David, Oct. 18, 1880; Frank Girjird, Sept. 20, 1882; Lucy Fred- rica, Oct. 1, 1884, and George, Nov. 25, 1886. Mr. Tappan is a Trustee of Parsons College, Fair- field, Iowa. He has been identified with the edu- cational interests of Mt. Pleasant, and has been a member and President of the School Board four 3'ears, and is now filling that position. He is the Stated Clerk of the Synod of Iowa. His labors for the church at Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, have greatly endeared him to its members, and his public spirit as a citizen who is always to be found advocating all good measures tending to the moral or m.aterial advancement of the city, has gained him the respect and esteem of his fellow-citizens. The portrait of this eminent and well-known divine appears on a preceding page. #"# f SAAC P. CONE, a resident of Henry County since 1840, and a successful farmer of New London Township, has 120 acres of land and resides on. section 15. Mr. Cone is a native of Vermont aiid was- born in Rutland County, Oct. 31, 1815, -, His parents,, Ruf us and Ursula (Rice) Cone, were, also: natives' 'ipif Rutland County, Vt. The fa- ther wiis Of Holland, descent, and was born in 1778, and died in 1844. The mother was of an old New England fam^y, and was 1)orn in 1798. The family emigrated from Vermont to Hamilton Countj% Ohio, in 1833, where three of them died of cholera within a week after their arrival. The mother died in that count}', and the father and remaining children sub- sequently removed to Butler County, in the same State, where the father died. Isaac P. was reared on a farm, and was married in Butler County, Ohio, Feb. 2, 1836, to Miss Car- oline Clarke, daughter of Dr. Benjamin Clarke. Mrs. Cone was born in Venice, in that county, Feb. 19, 1817. Her parents were from Buffalo, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. Cone are the parents of eight chil- dren, four sons and four daughters : Samuel R. was born March 7, 1838, and married Catharine R. Chi- chester, and they have three children, a son and two daughters, and are residing in Harrison County, Mo.; Augustus was born July 4, 1841, married Sarah L. Hampton, and they are the parents of one =t -t -^^ 532 4 HENRY COUNTY. son and two daughters, and reside in Des Moines County, Iowa; Elizabeth, born Aug. 15, 1844, is the wife of Leroy Gauibell, and they have four chil- dren, three sons and a daughter, and reside in War- ren County, Iowa; Jethro T. was born Sept. 22, 1847, and died Feb. 20, 1853; M. Esther was born Feb. 28, 1850, and is the wife of Henry Bannister, and has one child, a son sixteen years of age, and resides in Mills County, Iowa; Alice May was born May 1, 1853, and died May 15, 1853; Benjamin E., boru April 4, 1855, married Olive Van Trump, and lives in New London Township; Laura Nellie was born Feb. 2, 18C3, and died June 13, 1871. Mrs. Cone was an honorable and faithful member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and departed this life April 1, 1887. Mr. Cone emigrated from Ohio to Henry County in the spring of 1840, and settled in New London Township, on the farm where he now resides. Two of his sons served in the late war. Samuel R. en- listed in October, 18G1, in Bissell's Engineer Regi- ment, Iowa Volunteer Infantry; he was promoted to First Corporal and served three 3-ears and three months, or until after the fall of Atlanta. Augustus enlisted in the same regiment and at the same time as his brother, was captured at Holly Springs, Miss., afterward released, and served until the fall of At- lanta. Mr. Cone is a Republican in politics, has served several 3'ears as Constable, and fourteen years as Township Assessor. He has now been a resident of Henry County for forty-seven years, and is widely and favorably known as an ui)right, honest gentleman, courteous and accommodating in his intercourse with his fellowmen, and is held in high esteem by all who know him. •^3= A A T~7- ES- ^EV. SAMUEL HUTTON, deceased, was one of the pioneers of Hciuy County, Iowa. He was born near Pittsburgh, Pa., in 1785, and 5^ while yet a young man, went with his par- ents to Tennessee, near Nashville, where he grew to manhood. On the 25th of December, 1814, he was united in marriage with Polly Levy. After their marriage they remained in Tennessee seven j'ears. Mr. Hutton in the meantime being engaged in farm- ing. In 1821 they left Tennessee and went to Sangamon, 111., and were numbered among the pio- neers of that county. They remained there until 1835 and then removed to Henry County, Iowa, thus being pioneers of two States. Mr. Hutton first came to this county with his three sons and made a claim on section 8, Center Township, where he built a log cabin, into which he moved iiis familj' in the following fall. At this time there were but a few families in Henry County, and those who were here had great difficulty in making their liv- ing. During the first two j-ears their corn was ground by a horse-mill, though at times the family were compelled to use a grater for the purpose of grinding their corn. Soon after their arrival Pres- ley Saunders built a store at Mt. Pleasant, where tlie3' obtained their principal suiiply of groceries. The Indians were constantly passing to and from Burlington, where they received their annuity from the General Government. "Wild game of all kinds aliounded and wolves were plenty. Mr. Hutton was a member of the Old-School Baptist Church, and while in Illinois was licensed to preach and for many j-ears was actively engaged in the Christian ministry-. He was the first Baptist minister in Henr^- County, and w:us instrumental in the organization of the Baptist Church. The first meetings of this denomination were held at his house. For many years he was pastor of the Old- School Baptist Church in Mt. Pleasant, and con- tributed his labor as long as he was able. When Jefferson County was organized Air. Iluttdu was elected one of the Commissioners to locate the county seat. The choice of the Commissioners was accepted by the count}', and the site selected is that of the present city of Fairfield. Mr. Hutton was a man of more than ordinary ability, and had received a liberal education for that day. In the neighborhood where he residtd lie was the chief adviser of the peojile. who came to him in troubles lioth si)iritual and temporal. Of his family of nine children, all lived to be adults: Benjamin F., who died in Sangamon County, III., married Lucie Mason, b}- whom ho had seven children, namely : Thomas, Noah, Beiijauiiu F., Jr., ami Lucinda, twins, George, Marian and John. Charles, who is ^^►^1- HENRY COUNTY. 533 now living in Gentry County, Mo., married Jane Smith, by wliom lie li.id five children — Martha, Samuel, John, George nnd Mary. James wedded Susan Hutton, by whom he had one child, Mary E. ; his wife dying he subsequently married Mary Bor- ough, by whom he had six children — Samuel, Ellen E., George W., Stella C, EvaE. and Dora A. ; they now reside in Oregon. Thomas, now deceased, married Elizabeth Cole, and their children are — James, Jane, Samuel, Estella and Charles. Ann married Wesley Douty, bj' whom she had five chil- dren— James, Benjamin F., Samuel, Hayden and Mar^' E. ; Mr. Douty dying she subsequently mar- ried Mr. Howard and has four children — Martha, Asbur}', Laura and Lewis; Mrs. Howard is now a resident of Fairfield, Iowa. Samuel married Re- becca J. Cole, and has five living children — Alzina, Cora, Bell, Harry and Clara; he is now living in St. Joe, Mo. Mary J. is thewidow of Robert Cole, and now resides in Mt. Pleasant; they have seven living children — Anna, Sarah, Laura, William, Jay, May and Minnie. Martha, now deceased, married John Stansberry, by whom she had two children — William P. and Franklin. William M. wedded Mary E. Watson, by whom he had seven living children — Charles, James, Benton, Ettie, Emma, Lillie and Alice; the second son, James, is married to Miss Minnie Pennington, of Des Moines County, Iowa, has one child, Mary Rusha, and lives in De- Kalb County, Mo. William M. Hutton, the j^oung- est of the familj', now resides on the homestead in Center Township. He lived there from boyhood until 1866, when for six years he engaged in build- ing and other business, renting the farm, to which he returned in 1862. His marriage with Miss Mary E. Watson was celebrated Sept. 26, 1861. She was born in Yiin Buren County, Iowa, April 4, 1841, and had lived with her parents until her marriage. Rev. Hutton died in Mt. Pleasant Sept. 12, 1857, and Mrs. Hutton March 1, 1883. Both were highly respected citizens, sincere Christians, and did all they could for their Master's cause. James B. Watson, father of Mrs. William M. Hutton, was one of the pioneers of Van Buren County, Iowa, was a native of Kentucky and from that State moved to Sangamon County, 111., and in 1836 to Van Buren County, Iowa. Miss PoUie Long became his wife and five children were born unto them, two of whom are living: William, now of Henry County, Iowa, and James, of Van Buren County, Iowa. Mrs. Watson dying, he subse- quently married Anna Carter, who was also a native of Kentucky, and by whom he had five living chil- dren: Francis M., now residing in Oregon; Pernina, wife of William H. Shelman, of Van Buren County, Iowa; Nicholas J., of Knox County, Mo. ; Mary E., wife of Mr. Hutton, and Isaac N., of Knox County, Mo. To the early settlers of Van Buren and ad- joining counties Mr. AVatson was well known. He was a member of the Baptist Church for many years. In early life he was a Whig, with which party he continued to act until it ceased to exist, when he became a Democrat and continued to act with that party until his death, which occurred in 1864. His wife Anna died about a month prior to his decease. t- THOMAS LASH, a dealer in dry-goods, no- tions, ready-made clothing, boots and shoes, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, has been in business in that city since 1860. He was born in Frankford, Hampshire Co., Va., in what is now known as Mineral County, W. Va., March 15, 1829, and is a son of Thomas and Eliz.abeth (Barnes) Lash. In his j'outh he learned the saddlery and harness trade with his father, and at this trade he worked for some years. In the fall of 1 847 he left his native State and came to Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, and here opened a harness-shop, which he operated for two years. Selling his stock he entered the employ of Lash, Smith & Co., as a clerk, continuing with them about seven years, the senior member of the firm being his brother, John B. Lash. In 1856 he be- came a partner in the business with his brother, which relation continued but one year. He then clerked for A. R. H. Allen till 1860, when he bought in with his brother, John B., and the firm of Lash Brothers continued until 1873, when he purchiised his brother's interest, and h.os since continued alone in business. In December, 1854, Mr. Lash was united in marriage with Miss Martha Ross, a native of Pennsylvania, born in 1823, and daughter of Samuel Ross, a prominent farmer of Henry County, -► ■ ^» i 534 -^ ,t HENRY COUNTY. now in his eighty-nintii year. She came to Hemy County in c-liildhood with her parents. They have one child, a son, William T., born in 1800, and now engaged in business with his father. Mr. and Mrs. Lash are members of the First Methodist Episco- pal Cluneh in Mt. Pleasant, with which he has been connected since 1850. In politics he is a Democrat. A resident of Henry County a period of forty years has made Mr. Lash well known to all its citizens. I le is a man who enjoys the respect and confidence of the community in which he has so long resided and in which he has been a promi- nent factor. He h.as never held any public office, having several times refused to let his name be used, when pushed by his friends for official posi- tion. ON. HUGH ROBERT LYONS, residing on section 29, Scott Township, Hemy Co., Iowa, was born in Belmont County, Ohio, Ujg)) J"b' 10' 1825, and is a son of Robert and Mary (Hopper) Lyons. The father was born in County Down, Ireland, in 1787, but when two weeks old the grandfather, Hugh Lyons, brought him to America, settling in Pennsjivania. He emi- grated to Belmont County, Ohio, in an early day, and there Robert grew to manhood. He wedded Mary Hopper, a native of I'ennsylvania, and a daughter of Robert Hopper, a n.ative of County Antrim, of the Emerald Isle. Robert Lyons died Dec. 23, 182C, at the .ige of thirty-seven, when his only child, our subject, was but a year old. Until eighteen years of age H. R. Lj'ons resided with his mother, but at that time went to West Carlisle, Ohio, where he was engaged as clerk in a general merchandise store. He remained there three years, and then formed a partnership with Samuel Siiockey, and continued in business for three years, carrying a full line of general mer- chandise. On the 2d of June, 1855, Mr. Lyons removed to Henry County, Iowa, locating on sec- tion 20, half of which he had previously entered. Jmniediatcly commencing to improve the land, he has it now under a fine state of cultivation, and it is considered one of the best farms in the township. Mr. Lyons was united in marriage, Sept. 1, 1847, to Elizabeth McKee, a native of Coshocton Countj', Ohio, born Aug. 18, 1828, and a daughter of Gil- bert and Henrietta (Fairall) McKee. The father was a n.ative of County Donegal, Ireland, and the mother of IMaryland, though of English descent. Mr. and Mrs. Lyons have been the parents of eight children: Robert McKee, a railroad employe; Sarah Mariah, wife of Z. P. Hedges, of Manning, Iowa; Gilbert How.ard, one of the night watches at the Insane Asylum at Independence, Iowa; Mary A., who died in infancy; Henrietta, wife of Edgar Neil, of Scott Township; Lizzie Augusta, wife of J. I. Van Scyoc, of Cun.aan Township; Minnetta Alice, wife of L. J. Carden, of Marion Township ; and Adeline Lincoln, wife of F. W. Hemmings, of Dan- ville, Des Moines Co., Iowa. Mr. Lyons and his wife are both members of the Presbyterian Church. He is a member of the A. F. it A. M., and is a Republican in politics, but was a Whig before the organization of that party. He has held the office of County Commissioner for three years, and in the fall of 1863 was elected to the Tenth General As- sembly of the State Legislature, and was again elected to the Fifteenth in 1873. He is now Town- ship Trustee, which office he has held for a number of years. His success in life is all due to his own efforts. He received but few educational advan- tages, and without finnncial assistance he h.as risen to a place of prominence. B3' his honest labor he has become the possessor of 325 acres of land, and the citizens of the district showed in what respect he was held when they elected him to a seat in their legislative haUs, and the Hon. II. Rs Lyons we gladly welcome to a place in the history of Henry County. He is a representative of the best class of its citizens, and his many friends will be pleased to read this brief sketch of his career. ILLIAM L. LITZENBERG, residing on W II section 35, Marion Township, is one of the enterprising young farmers of Henry County, Iowa. He was born in Wasiiington Count}', Pa., Aug. 27, 18(U, and is the son of William and .Mar}' A. (Long) Litzenberg. (The father's sketch u -•► HENRY COUNTY. 535 appears elsewhere in this work.) Young Litzen- berg came to Ileury County with liis parents in the year 1865, and his life has been spent on a farm. He is a man of excellent judgment in all things pertaining to his business, and has been remarkably successful, being possessed of more of this world's goods than many men of double his age. He owns an excellent farm of 210 acres, all under a high state of cultivation, and adorned with good, sub- stantial farm Ijuildings. Under his management his farm has steadily increased in value until it is now second to none of its size in the county. lie also h.as control of 240 additional acres. Mr. Lit- zenberg carries on general stock-raising in connec- tion with his farming, and in this has been equally successful. On the 10th of Februarj', 1885, he was united in marriage with Miss Jennie Neel, who was born Oct. 6, 1864, in Henry County, Iowa, and is the daughter of John and Martha A. (Swan) Neel. Her father is a native of Indiana and her mother of Pennsyl- vania. Mr. Neel is a farmer of Marion Township, residing on section 14. Mr. and Mrs. Litzenberg have one child, a bright little boy, John W., bom Dec. 9, 1886. Mr. Lit- zenberg is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and his wife of the Presbyterian. He is a man full of energy and public spirit, entering heartily into all enterprises for the general good of the community. His farm is one of the best nat- ural stock farms in the countj^ being supplied with never-failing water in great abundance, and he has built one of the finest barns in this part of the State. It is 48x60 and 18 feet high, with a 10-foot base- ment. He has a fine line of stock, horses, cattle and, hogs, and everything about his place betokens thrift and careful oversight. In politics he is a Democrat. -^ ^-^ ^ eALEB RUSSELL, Jr., is a farmer residing on section 24, AVayne Township, Henry Co., Iowa. Since 1855 the family bearing the name of Russell have been well known in Henry County. Originally they came from Scotland, and are of both Scotch and Irish lineage, but were ■^» natives of Old Virginia. Caleb Russell, Sr., was a native of Maryland. He was first married to Miss Harriet Fairfax, a daughter of Capt. Fairfax, of Revolutionary fame. Her grandfather. Lord Fairfax, received a large grant of land from the British Crown, and that comprised the county of Fairfax, Va., and in his honor the county was named. Harriet Russell became the mother of four children: Llewellyn is a prominent merchant of New Albany, Ind. ; Edgar M., the husband of Marj' A. Camby, a well-known contractor and builder of Wayne Township; then our subject; and lastly Thomas, who wedded Ph«^ -^4!l^= «^fe^. \jf OSEPH P. KERR, residing on section 31, of Center Township, was born in Butler County, Pa., May 18, 1829, and is the son of Andrew and Sarah (Porter) Kerr, natives of Pennsylvania. Mr. Kerr is of Irish descent; his great-great-grandfather, Thomas Kerr, was born in Ireland in 1721, as was also his great-grandfather, Thomas Kerr, Jr., who was born in Ireland in 1743, and who married Margaret Clerk, a native of Ire- land, and by this union there were ten children: Mary, who married William Steward; John, who married Jane Porter, was drowned ; Thomas, whose first wife was Ann Williams, and whose second wife was Elizabeth Douglas; Ann, who was united in marriage with Thomas Parks; David, who married Rebecca Kennedy; Rebecca and Ella died when children; Margaret, who married Thomas Walker; Jonathan, who formed a matrimonial alliance with Mary Bradin, and Joseph, who married Nancy Bra- din. Our subject's grandfather, John Kerr, was a native of Pennsylvania, being born near Emlenton, in 1767, and united in marriage with Jane Porter in 1791. By this union there were also ten chil- dren: Sarah, who was born in 1792, and who mar- ried Andrew Sloan, died of consumption March 24, 1821; Thomas, who was born in 1793, was united in marriage with Isabel Stewart, and died Sept. 14, 1857; Margaret, who was born in 1794, and who married Mathew McDowell, died in 1848; Rebecca, born in 1796, married Daniel Spicer in 1812, and died of typhus fever in 1815; John, who was born in 1798, and who married Mary Berr}', died in 1830 ; Jonathan, who was born in 1799, and was the husband of Nancy Keifer, died in 1876, from a third stroke of paralysis ; Jane, who was born in 1801, was united in marriage with Robert Crawford, and died from a cancer in 1858; David, who was born in 1803, was united in marriage with ! ^ t -i^^ 546 HENRY COUNTY. Mary Zigler; Andrew, the father of our subject; Ann P., who was born in 1807, was married to Jack Zigler, in 1827. Andrew Kerr, the father of Joseph P., was born Jan. 11, 1805. He was a pioneer of Venango County, Pa., where his parents moved when he was but a lad, and where his early da3's were spent. He was married, on the 2d of September, 1828, to Miss Sarah Porter, born May 13, 1804, who was the daughter of Joseph Porter. They were the par- ents of three children: Joseph P., our subject; David, who was born June 6, 1832, was united in marriage with Nancy Black in the year 1852, and resides in Missouri; John, who was born June 9, 1835, was married, Dec. 25, 18G0, to Philena Alden; three children were born to tbem. He was drowned in the Des Moines River on the 13th of April, 1867. Andrew Kerr died March 5, 1839. The early life of our subject was spent upon the farm in Butler County, Pa., receiving his education in the district schools of his native State. He emi- grated with his mother to Henry County in 1856, settling on section 31, of Center Township, where his step-father. Matliew McDowell, had purchased 130 acres of land, partially improved. Here the family still reside, and here on the 11th of Sep- tember, 1859, Mr. McDowell departed this life. Mr. Kerr purchased 130 acres of land on section 31 of Center Township, and now lias a finely improved farm. On the 22d of October, 1863, Mr. Kerr led to the marriage altar Miss Eliza Ann Nicholson, a native of North Carolina. Her grandfather was a soldier in the Revolutionary War; her p.i rents, John and Sarah (Brooks) Nicholson, were natives of North Carolina. Mr. and Mrs. Kerr are the par- ents of cigiit children, all of wiiom are living: Andrew Joiin, now in Missouri; Sarah, the wife of Albert Smith, of Center Township; Joseph Byron, Charles M.. Ira N., l.eanderB. and Mahlon A. are still at home. Mr. Kerr's business is tiiat of general farming; he is a well-educated man, having been a teacher in Pennsylvania for many years, and has taught ten terms in this county. He has held various town- ship offices, and his success in life has all been due to his own efforts. Though never enjoying good health, Mr. Kerr has worked on and now has the reward due to those who help themselves. He is a member of the Presbyterian Church, and his wife of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and thej' are always ready to help those in need. They have the confidence and respect of the whole community. Mr. Kerr always casts his vote with the Republican party. ^^ EORGE W. LAIRD, one of the prominent and III ,— , influential citizens of Henry County, Iowa, ^^j) is a native of Ohio, born in Guernsey County, Aug. 26, 1842. He resides on section 22, of Tippecanoe Township, where he has one of the finest cultivated farms in the county, 310 acres in extent, and the improvements alone which he has put on it have cost over $3,000. His parents were John and Susan (Hooks) Laird, the former a native of Washington County, Pa., of Scotch and Irish ancestry, and the latter a native of Guernsey County, Ohio, of German and AVelsli parent.age. John Laird was born in 1813, and died Jan. 28, 1875. His whole life was spent ujion a farm, and at the time of his death he owned a handsome place of 160 acres in Athens Count}-, Ohio, where he died. He was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and his life was in accordance with the religion he espoused and consistent with the rules of the church with which he was connected. Politic- ally he was a Repulilican, and took great interest in all that pertainetl to his i>arty. Since the death of her husband, Susan Laird h.as made her home a great part of the time with om- subject. She was born Eeb. 13, 1816, and for her age is a wonder- fully preserved lady, and she likewise is a member of tlie MotlKjdist Episcopal Chiircii. Tiie boyhood days of George W. Laird were spent upon a farm in Ohio, and in attending the district schools of his native State. At tiie .age of twentj', on the Tith of September, 1862, he bade his friends good-bye, not knowing when, if ever, they should meet again, and responded to Iiis country's call for troops. With tlie many brave boys in blue, he enlisted in Company I, 7th Iowa Cavalry, serving till July 4, 1865. He participated m the following battles: Duttonllill, Ky. ; Mt. Ster- ling, Ky. ; Jonesboro, Tenn. ; Bristol, W. Yti. ; ■*» m^* i J* I HENRY COUNTY. 547 New Market, Bull's Gap, Knoxville, Bean Station, Marysville, Morristown, Rogersville, all in Tennes- see; Cynthiana, Ky., wliere they fought against Morgan ; the seige of Atlanta, Duck River, Frank- lin and Nashville, all in Tennessee ; Mill's Bend, and in a battle with the rebel General, Forrest. The regi- ment then went on the Wilson raid, and were under fire at ^^alley Forge, Plantersville, Selma, Ala., Columbus, Ga., and in many other skirmishes. He served as orderly for Gen. Beard for two weeks at Danville, Ky. After his discharge he returned to his home at Athens, Ohio, where his parents had moved when ho was but five years old, and com- menced working on the farm of his father, continu- ing there for four years. His first purchase of land, in 1868, was a farm of twentj' acres in Hocking Valley, Athens Co., Ohio. His marriage with Lydia Bowers was celebrated in Ohio, Nov. 27, 1869. She was the daughter of Abram and Fannie (Hamilton) Bowers, who were natives of Virginia, but she was born in the Buckeye State. Mr. Laird and his young bride commenced their domestic life on the farm which he had purchased, residing there until the fall of 1874. They emigrated to Henry County at that time, where Mr. Laird purchased the place where he now lives, which then consisted of 120 acres, to which he has since added, making his present farm of 310 acres. In connection with gen- eral farming and stock-raising, he shijjs hogs and cattle to Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Laird reared a family of four children — Flora Alpha, John, Alice, and Louida, deceased. The mother was called to her final home in 1878, and Mr. Laird was again married, his second wife being Margaret E. Under- bill, widow of Elisha Underhill. Her parents were John and Sanira (Clark) Johnson, the former a native of Ohio, and the latter of Tennessee. Mrs. Laird was born in Lee County, Iowa. Two chil- dren have graced this second union — George Howel and Sherman Howard. Mr. Laird has been honored with the office of Justice of the Peace. For two years he was Township Clerk and is now Assessor, having held that office for four years. Reared in the political faith of the Republican party, he has never swerved from or lost sight of the fundamental principles of government as taught by it, and does not think that the " grand old party " has yet out- lived its usefulness. Mr. Laird commenced life as a poor boy, but by hard labor, economy and hon- esty, has gained a competence, and among the peo- ple of Henry County none are more worthy of a place in this volume than George "W. Laird and his family. JOHN B. LASH, a retired merchant and pio- neer of Mt. Pleasant, of 1837, was born in Frankford, Hampshire Co., Va., June 8, 1808. His parents, Thomas and Elizabeth (Barns) Lash, were also natives of the same State. The familj' had resided in Virginia since the Colo- nial days. His father was a saddler and harness- maker by trade. Oursubject learned the trade with his father and worked at it until he reached manhood, when he engaged as a merchant's clerk, continuing in that capacity until 1836, when he went to Indi- ana, and the following year came to Mt. Pleasant. He was married in his native town to Mrs. Sarah Keller, a lady of brilliant accomplishments and great artistic talent. Her paintings, still in the pos- session of her family, are held by competent critics to be worthy of high praise. Mrs. Lash had two children b^' her former marriage: Serena, wife of Mr. Mohler, of Pennsylvania, and Martha, who was the wife of John Robertson. Both are now de- ceased. One child, a daughter, was born of the second marriage and died in infancy. Mrs. Lash died June 20, 1878. In 1836 Mr. Lash left his native State and spent a short time in Indiana, where he arranged to bring a stock of goods to Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, and to act as agent in their disposal for A. B. Hughes. He arrived at Mt. Pleasant in April, 1837, and opened the second store in that place, then consisting of a collection of log shanties with stick and mud chim- neys. Mr. Lash erected the first frame house upon the town site, put up the first brick chimney, im- ported the first brick, and built the first brick house in town. He continued to act .as agent for Mr. Hughes for a few years, then bought the stock and began business for himself. After continuing the business for a short time alone, he, in 1849, formed a partnership with Samuel Smith and William Thompson, which relation continued until 1856; f 548 4 HENRY COUNTY. he was then out of business until 1860, when he took his brother Thomas as partner, which con- nection continued until 1873, when he sold out to his brother, and has since lived a retired life. Mr. Lash, next to Presley Saunders, is the oldest pioneer merchant in Mt. Pleasant. For a period of fifty years he has been a prominent character in this city, and few men are better known or more univer- sally respected, he having .always borne the character of an upright man and good citizen. Mr. Lash was a prominent man in the affairs of Mt. Pleasant and in Henry County, and his influ- ence was always given in favor of measures which were for the benefit of the county. In 1840 he was elected Representative in the Second Territorial Legislative Assembly, and re-elected in 1841. Inthe affairs of the town and city of Mt. Pleasant he took a leading part. In 1852 he was elected to the Council, re-elected in 1856, '57, '58and '59, and again in '68, '69, '70 and '71 — the latter being bis last public service. In politics he has always been a Democrat, and independent in forming his own opinions. An instance is given of this trait: When he reached his majority, it was natunUly supposed, he having said nothing to the contrary, that he would vote the Whig ticket, as did his father, who was a warm supporter of tliat party. He surprised his friends, however, by voting the Democratic ticket, believing, he said, that w.as the better party. Since that time his allegiance lias never wavered. ^^ > .o♦o.•@y^. «^*^-rt^ftf-« JOHN LEE, deceased, a worthy pioneer of Henry Count}-, Iowa, of 1836, was born in Franklin County, Ohio, Dec. 26, 1797, was a farmer by occupation, and removed to Bond County, 111., in an early day, where he was united in marriage to Miss Charity Smith, daughter of Zedek Smith, Esq., who was born in Tennessee, in November, 1800. Mr. Lee emigrated with his ^ t -^•- 556 HENRY COUNTY. family to Henry County, Iowa, in November, 1836, and located in what is now New London Township, on unsurveyed land. The exact date of his arrival at the site of his future home was Nov. 14, 1836. He made his claim on what is now section 11 of New London Township, where he made his liome till late in life, when he removed to New London Village. His death occurred April 22, 1879, in his eighty-second year. His wife, an estimable Chris- tian lady, who had reared a family of twelve chil- dren, four sons and eight daughters, died Oct. 11, 1 865. The children all lived to be men and women, and are all Jiving at this date (1887) except three, They were born in the following order: Eliza, Jan. 21, 1821 ; J.ane, Oct. 12, 1823; Sar.ah, Oct. 20, 1824; Almir.a, April 10, 1826; Samuel, Nov. 4, 1827; John, March 25,1829; Julia Ann, Jan. 2, 1831 ; Willmm, Dec. 23, 1832 ; Thomas B., June 29, 1835; Polly Ann, Oct. 7, 1837; Charity, July 26, 1839, and Louisa, Sept. 26, 1841. The nine elder children were born in Bond County, 111., and the three younger in Henry County, Iowa. In early life Mr. Lee was a Whig, and a Repub- lican after the organization of that party. Both he .and his wife were consistent members of the Methodist Episcopal Church from early life. He W!is an upright, honorable, industrious citizen, and deserves creditable mention in the ann.als of the pioneer days of Henry County. That this sketch is not more complete is not the fault of the writer, but owing to the indifference of certain members of the family, who could, but would not, take the trouble to supply the necessary information. JOSEPH C. COURTNEY, residing on section 36, Marion Township, was born in Mononga- hela County, Va., July 13, 1811, and is a son of Thomas and Mary (Cravens) Court- ney. His grandfather Cravens was a native of Scotland, emigrating to America in a very early day, and served all through the Revolutionary War, taking part in the principal battles. His mother was born near tiie Ailegiiany Mountains in Virginia, while his father was a native of Ireland, coming to this country when a child. Mr. and Mrs. i -4^ Thomas Courtney were the parents of thirteen children: our subject w;is first in order of birth; John is farming in Marion County, Iowa; Robert is also a farmer in Marion County, Iowa; Levi is a farmer in Highland Count}'. Ohio ; Margery, de- ceased wife of Kinsman Wolf ; Lemuel, deceased ; Elizabeth married Mr. Murphy; Lyda. deceased; Sarah, wife of Mr. Puckett, a farmer in Marion County, Iowa; Mary died at the age of ten; Rebecca, the widow of John Puckett; William, a farmer in Marion Township; Thomas, a farmer in Marion County, Iowa. Mr. Courtney removed from Virginia to Highland County, Ohio, in 1813, locating near Hillsboro, where he lived until the time of his death, which occurred in 1844. He was a man who took great interest in school and church ni.atters, and was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Mrs. Courtney dejiarted this life in 1879, at the age of ninety-two. She was .also a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, a kind and considerate mother, and a greatl}' esteemed friend. Our subject received such tin education .as he could get by attending the district school in winter. At the .age of fourteen he began learning black- smithing, which trade he has since followed. In the ye.ar 1852 he removed from Ohio to Mt. Pleasant, where he resided for two ye.ars, then buy- ing forty-live .acres of land on section 36, he built a shop in 1854. He is a good workman, doing his work in a thorough business-like manner. In connection with his shop he has also an apiary, keeping from sixty to ninety hives. In the spring of 1833 Mr. Courtney was united in marriage with Miss Mary Long, a daughter of Joiin and Eliz.abeth (Herston) Long, who were natives of Pennsylvania. Mr. and Mrs. Courtney have been tiie parents of ten children : Joseph was a member of the 13th Infantry Volunteers, and is now clerking in Beaver, Pa. ; Allen, who is now a farmer in Marion Towniship, belonged to the 4th Iowa Cavalry, and was in all the principal battles with that regiment. Jo.seph w.as captured at Chat- tanooga, and placed in that loathsome, horrible prison at Andersonville; Elizabeth is the wife of Frank Jcwett, a farmer in Marion Township; Jane, the widow of Thom.as Lehew, resides in Mt. t ■<•' ••► HENRY COUNTY. 657 Pleasant; Emeline married William Fiillerton, a resident of Lincoln, Neb.; Mary, deceased; Win- field has charge of the home farm ; Hannah, at home; Thomas, in Mendon, Neb., and Maria, at home. !\Ir. and Mrs. C'ourtnej' have traveled life's journey together for fifty-two years. They have been earnest, active workers in the vineyard of the Master for sixty-three years. Mr. Courtney is a man who takes great interest in all political affairs, is an ardent Republican, and though believ- ing that Prohibition is right, he yet feels that the Republican party has not completed its mission. Mr. and Mrs. Courtney are pioneers of Henry County ; they have always been ready to forward any enterprise for the good of the community, and are highly respected by all. ON. M. L. CREW, farmer. The father and mother of our subject were both native- born Virginians. Walter Crew, his father, wa.s a Friend by birth, and his wife, Sarah Rice, was the daughter of a slave-owner. Micajah Crew was the father of Walter, and the ancestors were of English origin. He settled in Hanover County, Va., where his family were reared, and upon the original farm both himself and wife died. There was a large family born to Dr. William Rice, the maternal grandfather of our subject, but he was three times married, the first wife being the grand- mother of Mr. Crew. She was the mother of four children: Blair, a Baptist minister; Izard, a phy- sician and large land-owner; Sarah, mother of our subject; and Marj^, who became the wife of Dr. Samuel Hargrave. Roger A. Pryor, of historic fame, married Sarah, a daughter of Blair Rice. In 1849 Walter Crew sold his Virginia homestead, and with his family, consisting of fourteen children, made his way overland to the State of Iowa, making Salem their objective point. The lands now- owned by M. L. Crew were the original homestead, and in 1850 the family removed to their new home, and the old house, which for the first few years was used as a dwelling, is still standing. Their children were named respectively : Talitha wedded Walter Terrell, of Johnson County, who after her death married her eldest sister, Jane; he is one of the best known men of Johnson County, having been a farmer, a miller, and also a surveyor, which profession he formerly followed in Louisiana. Mary married John Collett, well known in this county as a teacher, his family residing in Salem; William R., a neighbor of our subject (see sketch); Sarah wed- ded Joseph Thacker, now deceased, who for several years was florist in charge of the greenhouse at the As3'lum for the Insane at Mt. Pleasant; Susannah married Charles J. Poulter, an Englishman, now a resident of this township; Walter is a resident physician of Mankato, Jewell Co., Kan., and was the husband of Nancy Smith, whose death occurred in 1885; Tacy D. wedded John Savage, a resident farmer of this township (see sketch) ; M. L., our subject, was next in order of birth; Samuel died unmarried ; Annie married James Starbuck, a resi- dent of Jay County, Ind.; Martha is unmarried, and a resident of this county; Lucy B. is the wife of Peter Smith, a farmer residing near Mt. Pleas- ant; Edmund, who died the same spring the family came to Henry County, completes the family. All were born in Hanover County, Va. The death of Walter Crew, Sr., occurred when in his seventy-third year, and his wife survived him five years, reaching her seventy-first year. They lived in full accord with the tenets of the Society of Friends, and their loss was felt not only by that society, but by the entire circle in which they moved. Walter Crew was a great lover of books, a man of much general information, and unusually well- read, and inculcated on his children a systematic course of daily reading, prescribing books and sub- jects for them to study, and the result is apparent in his children. He inherited many books from his father, to which he had added largely by purchase, and on his removal to the West had, for a non- professional man, an unusually complete librarj-. These books he shipped to St. Louis, intending to send them from there to the nearest point in Iowa. Unfortunately they reached St. Louis just prior to the great fire in that city, in 1849, and were all consumed. The loss was a severe one to Mr. C rew, as he was never able fully to replace them. f J^ ••► 558 HENRY COUNTY. != M. L. Crew was born at Crewsville Farm, Han- over County, Va., June 13, 1835, and was fourteen years old when the family removed to Iowa. He was educated at the common schools, with the exception of one year spent at the seminary at Salem. Aug. 23, 1859, he was married to Mariam, daugh- ter of Dr. Samuel and Mary (Overman) Stephenson, his first wife. Dr. Stephenson was born in 1802, in Londonderry, Ireland, was educated for a profes- sion, .and came to America in 1829. He read medicine, and attended lectures at the Ohio Medical College, at Cincinnati, in 1832. He settled in Highland County, and on Dec. 24, 1834, married Mary Overman, whose parents were Friends. They had four children: the first two were twin boys who died within a year; Mariam was born Jan. 2, 1837; Eliza in 1839. Their mother died in 1840. Dr. Stevenson came to Iowa, settled in Salem, and began the practice of medicine there in 1847, remaining in that village a number of years. He and his wife are now living at Elwood, Iowa. Eliza married James Pope, resided in Canby, Cal., and died May 20, 1887. For a number of yeai-s after his marriage Mr. Crew taught school in winter and farmed in sum- mer. For several winters he was Principal of the public school in Salem. In 1870 he purchased, the old homestead near Salem, and gave up teaching, devoting himself to farming. Unlike most who are reared in the Friends' Church, he took an active in- terest in politics, and zealously advocated the prin- ciples of the Republican party. In 1881 he was elected to represent the county in the Nineteenth General Assembly. While a member of the House he labored to promote the interests of agriculture, and gave earnest and active support to a bill abolishing the use of free passes by the officials of the State, and also one to prohibit a greater charge by tlie railroad companies for a short haul than for a long one, for the same class of freight. He vote^l for the submission of the Constitutional Amendment to the jieople, to prohiliit the sale of intoxicating liquors, and opposed what lie believed to be a di- version of the Agricultur.al College from the purposes for which it was endowed, and favored daily manual labor as one of its distinguishing features. He sought by bill the adoption of a uniform system of text-books for the public schools, and to make provision by which pupils could obtain them at wholesale prices. The following 3-ear he took part in the canvass for the adoption of the Constitutional Amendment, and in 1883 was unanimouslj' renom- inated for Representative on a platform declaring in favor of embodying in statutory laws the princi- ples of the Constitutional Amendment, they having been set aside by the courts. The other two parties united, and nominated W. I. Babb, a dis- tinguished lawyer. The issue being the embodying the amendment in law, Mr. Babb was .able to hold his party in line, and also obtain many Republican votes from those who were opposed to any further legislation on the subject of temperance, and Mr. Crew was defeated by a small majority, but he did not lose hope of the final triumph of the principles which he advocated. Mr. Crew began life in very moderate circum- stances, but his wife seconded his every laudable ambition, and cheerfully aided in everj- honest, manly effort to .icquire a home .and competency. She shared with him a love of books, and the long winter evenings, which are so often tiresome on the farm, were occupied in reading aloud, each member of the family taking p.art. Their union was blessed with three children : ]\Iamie, the eldest, w.as edu- cated at "Whittier College; Ada died when four yeai's.old; and Mattie, the youngest, whose educa- tion is not 3'et completed. The two girls still remain with their father. The good mother died Feb. 16, 1886. She was a consistent member of the Congregation.al Church, and amid the sunshine and shadows of life was ever the same cheerful, kind and intelligent companion and friend, the same lov- ing mother .and devoted wife, and her death cast a gloom over the happy home. f(f^ AMUEL SUMMERS, deceased, was a pio- ^^^ neer of Henry County, Iowa, of 1844. He Iv^l^ "'^'^ born in Chest<'r County. Pa., in 1805, his iiarents being George and Elizabeth Summers, both from Bucks County, Pa. Mr. Summers was engaged in farming and mercantile pursuits, and was married in liis native count3'. _._,.^f^-^?'»fnaa^.' JU HENRY COUNTY. 561 March 3, 182!), to Miss Margaret Smith, a daughter of Robert and Mary Smith. Mrs. Summers was bom in Chester Count3', Pa., Oct. 16, 1803, and died in Sidney, Shelby Co., Ohio, in 1841. Six children were born of their union, five sons and one daugh- ter. Robert, the eldest, emigr.ated to California in 1850, was married there, and died Dec. 30, 1880, leaving a widow and children; Philip is a resident of Mt. Pleasant, Henry Co., Iowa (see sketch) ; George and Mary A. are twins; the former married Eunice Rork, and resides in Missouri; Mary A. is the wife of Christian Maier, whom she m.arried shortlj' after reaching \A'ashington Territory with her father while on the way to California. Her husband is a millionaire resident of Walla W.alla, W. T. The next child was Samuel, who mar- ried Theodosia Rork, and is a farmer in New Lon- don Township, Henr}- Co., Ifiwa. The youngest of the famil}' is John, who also went to California in 1864, married there, and resides at Michigan Bluffs, in that State. Samuel Summers, the subject of this sketch, came to Iowa as stated, in 1844. For twenty years he was engaged in farming in Henry Count}', but in 1864 decided to go to California, and made the journey overland with ux-teams, going by way of Idaho and Washington Territory. He remained in California until 1868, when he returned to Henry County and resumed farming until his death, which occurred at his home in New London Township Dec. 8, 1880. In politics he was a Democrat, was a member of the Presbyterian Church, a good Christian, and an upright, hoTiorable man, respected wherever he was known. t^^IMOTHY WHITING, deceased, late Presi- //,<=^ dent of the National State Bank of Mt. I lati Pleasant, Iowa, and one of the most prom- inent and honored citizens of that place, was born at Brewer, Penobscot Co., Me., Feb. 7, 1809. His father, Gol. John Whiting, removed to Steuben County, N. Y., when our subject was but six years of age, and there engaged in farming. The suc- ceeding nine years were passed upon his father's farm. His primary education was obtained at the district school. When fifteen he entered Prattsburg Academy, where he completed his studies. Upon leaving the academy he engaged as a merchant's clerk on the munificent salary of $50 a year and board. By diligent and faithful attention to duty he soon secured an advanced salary, and by frugal and economical habits acquired sufficient capital to engage in business. When twenty years of age he formed a partnership with another young ni.an, and eng.iged in the mercantile business at Painted Post. The venture proved unfortunate on account of the mismanagement of his partner, and a failure was the result, leaving quite an excess of liabilities over the assets of the firm. Mr. Whiting, by perse- verance and industry, succeeded in paying every cent of their joint obligations. Thus he established a reput.ition for those sterling qualities of integrity and honesty that were his ruling characteristics through life. He continued in business in Steuben County until 1857, when he removed to Mt. Pleas- ant, Iowa, being attracted to that city by its superior school and academic facilities, where his children might receive their education while remaining at home. On coming to Mt. Pleasant he engaged in banking, which business largely occupied his time until his death, which occurred P'eb. 6, 1887, on the last day of his seventy-seventh year. He was one of the founders of the Mt. Pleasant branch of the Iowa State Bank, in 1858, and was its Cashier and controlling spirit, and its representative in the State Board of Directors. This board was composed of the leading financiers of the State, whose duty it was to supervise the different branches of the State Bank in the various cities where located. Mr. Whiting's keen business tact and financial ability and thorough knowledge of the true principles of banking were soon recognized by his associates. He became an influential member of the board, and maintained that position during his connection with it. In February, 1865, the Mt. Pleasant branch of the State Bank was re-organized, and chartered as the National State B.ank of Mt. Pleas- ant, with Mr. Whiting as President and his son *t ■<^ 562 HENRY COUNTY. 1 ■ t John as Cashier. Mr. Whiting contiiuierl to serve as President .and was the chief manager of the bank up to witiiin a short time prior to his death, covering a period of twenty-two ye.irs. Under his wise supervision the bank pursued a prosperous and successful course, and became one of the solid financial institiitions of the State. Mr. Whiting ■was noted for his strict performance of dutj', punctuality and persevering industry-. He usually walked from his residence in the suburbs of the city to the bank earl}- in the morning. When the bank opened at 8 o'clock he always had any busi- ness that was in arrears the day before well in hand, and was ready to give prompt attention to tiie business of the day. His unfailing punctuality was one of the secrets of his great success in busi- ness. It is said of him that during the thirty years of his activQ business life at Mt. Pleasant he was never known to be tardy in keeping an appoint- ment unless prevented by unavoidable accident. He never sought or would accept public office or political preferment. He did yield so far to the urgent solicitation of friends as to serve as Trustee of the State Hospital for the Insane atMt. Pleas.ant, filling the position of President of the board for eleven years, during which time he discharged the duties devolving upon him witli his usual fidelity and earnestness. He united with the Methodist Episcopal Church in 1831, and remained a consistent member of that society through life. He was ever active and liberal in support of all departments of church work. During the greater part of his residence at Jklt. Pleasant he served as Superintendent of tiu; Sunday-school, and for a number of years he filled the position of President of the County Sund.iy- School Association. Applying himself with his usual energy and methodical industry to the busi- ness in hand, he made the Sund.ay-school an im- portant adjunct to tiie cliurch. For twentj' years he served as President of the Henry County Bible Society, and by his liberality and zeal made this one of the most reliable counties in the State in this field of religious work. It was not his custom to take i^art in ])ublic exhibitions of generosity. He had no i)atieuce with such disi)lays; but his warm sympathies and liberal aid were easily enlisted to help any laudable cause. Ail pretensions and shams he hated intensely. His deeds of charity were privately performed, and it pleased him best to have the good deed done without being identi- fied with the act. Yet, when circumstances re- quired a public effort to arouse a general giving he never hesitated to take the lead. Among the latest of his acts of public generosity was a donation of $5,000 to the Iowa Wesleyan University of Mt. Pleasant, on the condition that a like sum should be raised elsewhere for its assistance. Mr. Whiting was a great student through life, and his mind was richly stored with practical knowledge. His opinions were based on close investigation and careful analysis, and his conclusions when reached were convictions. His temperate and orderly life preserved his physical and mental faculties with unusual vigor in his old age, so that while approaching fourscore years he continued to visit the office regularlj' and give personal attention to his extensive business. Mr. Whiting was united in marriage at Painted Post, N. Y., Dec. 18, 1833, to Miss Sarah A. Mc- Call, daughter of Ansel and Ann (Shannon) Mc- Call, and a native of that town. For nearly fifty-four 3ears the married life of this aged couple had been an honor to each other and the communities where they resided. Faithful in their united devotion — each an unselfish helpmeet to the other — their lives were blended in the most harmonious relations. Four years prior to IMr. Whiting's death the)^ cele- brated their golden wedding, suiroundcd by their children, grandchildren and friends. Tiiey were I the parents of eleven'children, seven sons and four daughters, of whom seven are now living, viz: John 11., residing at Alt. Pleasant (see sketch); Henry, now a resident of Florida: Charles H., a book-keeper in Ciiicago, III.; Samuel S., a mercan- tile salesman in Minneapolis, Mimi.; Frank H., pr(>i>rietor of a foundry and machine-shop at Cedar Uapids, Iowa: Ann E., wife of Prof. .1. II. Hop- kins, Prin('i|)al of the High School at Ypsilanti, Mich.; Sophia E., wife of Robert S. (iillis, Cashier of the Nation.'il Bank of Mt. Pleasant (see sketch). Four of the children arc deceased. Mrs. Whiting is living in the old home, corner of Adams and Ileur}' streets, Mt. Pleasant, and is now in her seventy-fifth year. t -<•■ ,t HENRY COUNTY. 563 Mr. Whiting was a pioniinent and represent- ative citizen of Mt. Pleasant, and wortliy of the honor of the portrait which appears on a preceding page. i^ OBERT L. JAY, M. D. The ranks of the l^(( medical profession in this county contain \\\ many noted both as skillful phj-sicians, and ^S) men of culture. Among them may be men- tioned the subject of this sketch, who was born in Van Buren County, Iowa, in 1849, the son of Rev. John and Mary (Alexander) Jay, who rank among the first families of Southeastern Iowa. Rev. Jay was one of the first Methodist Episcopal ministers who preached the glad tidings in this part of the State, and when the Indians were more plentiful than white men, he rode a circuit and preached at the homes of the early settlers, whose rude log cabins were cheer- full}' offered for the services, which were well at- tended by those within reasonable distance. The Alexander family located near Talleyrand in Keo- kuk County, and the mother of Mary Alexander died while crossing the ocean en route from Ireland to America. The Rev. and Mrs. Jay were parents of seven children, as follows: Elizabeth became the wife of David Bales, of Sterling, Neb.; Marietta wedded John Robinson, a farmer of Blue Springs, Neb.; William married Georgia Griffey, and re- sides in South Sioux City, and is the editor of the Sioux City Sun; John, the youngest, dieil unmar- ried; Marcellus and Melvin were twins, and both are practicing attorneys at Dakota City, Neb., and were students of law with Judge Griffey, of that State ; Marcellus is married, and Melvin became the husband of Laura Tracy. Partners in business and residents of the same city, both are deservedly popular and prosperous. These, with the subject of this sketch, complete the family. When the latter was fifteen years of age, he vol- unteered and became a drummer boj' of Company D, 15th Iowa Infantry. He saw active service and was present at the siege and capture of Atlanta, Ga., was at the front in Sherman's great march to the sea, the campaign through the Carolinas, and par- ticipated in the grand review held in Washington City, the greatest military pageant ever witnessed on the American continent. After his return from the army, Rcibert L. liegan studying medicine with Dr. Pa3'ne, of Richland, and later took a medical course at Keokuk. In 18C9 Miss Sibbie Davis be- came his wife, and in 1871 the Doctor began to practice in Baden, Iowa. Miss Davis is a daughter of John and Sarah (Free) Davis, of Richland, a family widely known in Southeastern Iowa, her father being a merchant of Richland, and one of the earliest settlers in that part of the country. Eight children were in the Davis household : Ze- relda, wife of Sherd Tracy, proprietor of the Swazy House, of Richland ; James, who married Sarah Stockman, resides in Pawnee County, Kan. ; Hen- derson, the husband of Lou Cox; Mary, wife of Bert Funk, a manufacturer of Sigourney, Iowa; Sibbie, wife of Dr. Jay; Lydia, wife of Hayes White, of Fairfield; Harry, a partner with his father in the mercantile trade, wedded to Cora Campbell; and Lena, wife of Ralph Smith, of Sig- ourney, Iowa. Dr. Jay located in Wayland in 1884. and has the leading practice in that neighborhood. His skill has made him deservedly popular, and his reputa- tion as a physician and a gentleman is high. Four children grace the union of Dr. and Mrs. Jay — Le- nora, John, Alma and Mollie, the latter born in Wayland. We are pleased to publish in this vol- u!ne this sketch of the soldier, the citizen, and the accomplished physician and his family. Vw? OHN R. PONTIUS, a farmer residing on sec- I tion 6, New London Township, post-office, Mt. Pleasant, settled in Henry County in the fall of 1858, and has a valuable and highly improved farm of 250 acres. Mr. Pontius is a native of Ohio, and was born in Ross County, near Chillieothe, Oct. 14, 1828. His parents were Andrew and Slary A. (Bitzer) Pontius, both of Pennsylvania, but of German descent. His father was born in Pennsylvania and his mother in Ross County, Ohio, and the latter died at the age of seventy -two, the father at the age of seventy-six. Our subject grew to manhood on a farm, and was married in Ross County, Ohio, Sept. 15, 1855, to n 564 "•►^B 4 HENRY COUNTY. Miss Mary Compton, (laughter of John Compton. Her birthplace was Ross County, Ohio. Four chil- dren were born of their union, three sons and a daughter: Horace M., now living in Nebraslva; An- drew J. is now railroading on the Chicago, Burling- ton & Quincy Road ; .Jessie A. and Charles E., liv- ing at home. Mrs. Pontius died Aug. 4, 1871, and Mr. Pontius was again married, Aug. 29, 1882, in New London Township, to Mrs. Mary "Watkius, widow of Richard Watkius, and a daughter of Han- son Jackson. Mrs. Pontius w.is born in Center Township, and her family were old settlers of Henry County. She has two children by her former mar- riage, one of whom is now living, Richie Watkius. She is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Mr. Pontius is a member of Henry Lodge No. 10, I. O. O. F., of Mt. Pleasant. His father was born in Pennsylvania, but removed to Ross County, Ohio, while yet a child. He continued to reside on the old homestead, where he died, having passed seventy-three years of his life on the same farm. Mr. Pontius is one of the leading farmers of New London Township, and is held in high esteem by a large circle of acquaintances. Ht^^ICHOLAS MILLER, a prominent pioneer of I jjj Henry County, Iowa, of 1841, and President li\J^ of the New London Old Settlers' Associa- tion, was born in Somerset, Perry Co., Ohio, June 7, 1822, and is the son of Jacob and Catherine (Rigal) Miller, His father was a native of Pennsyl- vania, and was born near Chambersburg, and was an industrious Christian man, and a member of the Lutheran Churcii. His wife, the mother of Nich- olas, was also born near Ch.ambersburg, and was of German i)arenlngc. Her father was born near FraTikfort-on-the-Main, Germany, and emigrated with his parents to America when but nine years of age. He enlisted in the Continental army, and served during the Revolutionary War. The parents of our subject, Jacob and Catherine jMillcr, emigrated from near Chambersburg, Pa., to Somerset, C)hio, about 1800, going by teams over the mountains. Tiieir oldest daughter was born in the wagon on the summit of the Alleghauies, and .4. : the family was four months on the road. Nicholas was reared in Somerset, Ohio, where he served an apprenticesiiip at the wagon-maker's trade. He came to New London, Henry Co., Iowa, June 18, 1841, and purchased a couple of lots in that thriv- ing hamlet, and shortly after returned to his Ohio home, where he spent the winter, returning to New London in the spring of 1842. His trip back to Ohio, a distance of 1,600 miles, was made at a total cost of less than $10. On his return to Iowa he built a small house and a wagon-shop on his New London lots, both of which are yet standing. He made the first wagon that started from that place for California, if not the first in the county. He worked at his trade here until the spring of 1847, when he again visited Ohio. After spending a short time in his native town, he went to St. Louis, where he worked at carpenter work until fall, when he returned to New London. He was united in marriage ^t that place, Nov. 24, 1847, to Miss Mary Morris, daughter of Isaac and Margaret Morris, who were among the very earliest, if not the earliest settlers of Henry County, and of whom a sketch ap- pears elsewhere. Mrs. Miller was born on the Big Sandy River in Eastern Kentuckj', Aug. 4, 1828, and emigrated with her parents to what is now Henry County, Iowa, then a part of the Territory of Wisconsin, in the spring of 1834. Mr. and Mrs. Miller are the parents of ten chil- dren, six sons and four daughters: Washington A., born Sept. 24, 1848, died Nov. 17, 1873; Armin- th.i, born April 21, 1850, died April 24, 1850; Samuel, born April 23, 1851, is single and resides in Northern Idaho; Matilda, born Dec. 25, 1853, is the wife of John A. Edblum, has three children, and resides in New London Township; Nichola.sII., born Nov. 26, 1855, died March 25, 1858; Jacob W., born Oct, 12, 1857, is single and resides with his father; Mary E., born Feb. 9, i860, resides in Warren County, Iowa, and is the wife of John W. Edgar, and they are the parents of three children; Siuah Jane, born Dec. 16, 1862; Thomas S., born Sept. 13, 1864; William C., born Nov. 1, 1868. The three younger children i-lill reside at home with their father. .Mrs. Miller, an estimable Christian lady, and de- voted wife :uid mother, died May 9, 1887. She *-m^ i HENRY COUNTY. 565 was a consistent member of the Methodist Episco- pal Church nearl3' all her life. Her husband and all her children, except the youngest, are members of the same denomination. Mr. Miller was a Whig in early life, and in 185.5 helped to organize the Republican party in Henry County, of which he has since been an active supporter. Mr. Miller moved to his farm one-half mile southwest of New London in the spring of 1 S48. With the exception of three years spent in New London, he made that his home until the spring of 1865, when he moved to his present farm, which is located on section 13, New London Township, where he has 162 acres of well-improved and valuable land. His post-office address is New London. Mr. Miller is a man of broad views and ripe experience, and is liberal and public-spirited, and most highly respected. He has always taken a warm interest in everything relating to the early history of Henry County and its people, and was the unanimous choice for President at the last meeting of the Old Settlers' Association of his township. <^1 I^ILLTAM B. LUSK, a pioneer among pio- \/\J// "6^''Si ^"*^ <^"^ of the few who yet remain W^ to tfell the story of the hardships endured bj' the early settlers, lives on section 1, Tippecanoe Township. He is a native of Tennessee, born in Carter County, April 4, 180.3, and is a son of John and Jane (Boyd) Lusk, both of whom are also na- tives of Tennessee. His paternal grandfather, Robert Lusk, w.as a native of Ireland, who came to this country when a mere boy and who served through the Revolutionar3- War. His maternal grandfather, William Boyd, was a native American and also served tlirough the Revolutionary War. Both were early settlers in Tennessee. In his father's family there were fourteen children, all of whom lived to be adults. Of th.at number William was second in order of birth, and is the only surviving one. He remained at home on his father's farm until seventeen j'ears of age, when he engaged as a drover, buying stock, principally horses, and driv- ing them to Georgia and other States in the South, where he disposed of them. In this business he -«• ' — continued about ten 3'e.ars and was very successful, accumulating in that time about $15,000. He then started a packing-house in Augusta, Ga., and dur- ing one season was engaged in pork packing. By reason of an unfavorable season his pork spoiled and he lost heavily. Hi.s misfortunes did not sour him, but thinking he might better himself in so do- ing, in 1834 he emig-rated to Greene County, 111., and squatted on a piece of land and there engaged in farming. In the winter of 1835 he came to Henry County, Iowa, and settled in Center Town- ship, where he remained one year and then moved to section 1, Tippecanoe Township, where he en- tei'ed 160 acres of raw land, built a cabin in fron- tier style, and there he has since continued to reside. From time to time he has added to his possessions, until he now owns 1,700 acres of land, mostly under cultivation. In addition to general farming he has engaged extensively in feeding and shipping cattle and other stock, and has been one of the leading farmers of Henry County. Mr. Lusk has been twice married. His first wife was Nancy Dixon, a native of Tennessee and daughter of Samuel Dixon. By that union was one child, Jasper, who now lives in Trenton Township, a sketch of whom .appears elsewhere in this volume. Nancy Lusk died in 1834. The second wife of Mr. Lusk was Sarah Jones, a native of Kentucky and daughter of Claybourn Jones, also a native of Kentuck}'. They were married in 1835. As hus- band and wife they lived happily together a period of fifty-two years, Mrs. Lusk dying July 15, 1887. Few men have led a more active life than Will- iam B. Lusk. In every sense of the word he is a self-made man. Commencing life a poor bo^' he has twice made an independent fortune, while at the same time he has ever been liberal with relatives and friends. All that he has he has made by his own hard Labor and habits of industry'. In 1849 he crossed the plains to California and there en- gaged in mining for one year, being reason.ably successful. Returning home he remained until 1852, when he once more made the overland trip to that new Eldorado, where he remained four j'ears eng.aged in the stock business, adding greatly to his possessions. In 1860 he made the trip to Idaho, where he remained eiyht months engaged in the stock i f ■•► 566 HENRY COUNTY. business. He has crossed the plains four times to the Pacific Coast and once made the trip l)y water. Politically he is a Jackson Democrat, and his first Presidential vote was cast for Andrew Jackson. As a citizen few men are better known and none more universally respected than William B. Lusk, the subject of this sketch, and a pioneer in Henry County for more than a half century. w»" 4 HENRY COUNTY. 567 (Bowan) Swan. His grandfather, Henry Swan, was born in Virginia, March 12, 1774:, tbe family being of Welsh and English origin, established in Amer- ica in Colonial times. Hugh Swan was a hatter by trade, and rarried on that business at Clarksville, Pa., where he was also engaged in hotel-keeping. He was married in his native coiintj^ to Miss Mar- tha Burson, a daughter of Judge Thomas Burson, of Waynesburg, Greene Co., Pa. Seven chiklren were born of the union of this worthy couple, six sons and one daughter: Thomas, born Aug. 20, 1832, who died March 11, 1835; Henry, born Sept. 1, 1834, died April 19, 1881 ; Elizabeth, born Sept. 15, 183Ci, died June 10, 1851 ; Tliomas Rittenhouse, born Aug. 24, 1838, married Esther Winslow, by whom he had one child, a daugliter, Lj-dia A., now Mrs. Leedham, of Colorado; Tliomas R. was acci- dentally killed June 22, 1803; George Price was born Jan, 31, 1841, died Oct. 13, 1842; John Sam- ple, l)orn Nov. 17, 1847, died Sept. 16, 1863, and Charles C, our subject. The live older children were born in Greene County, Pa., and the two younger In Henry County, Iowa. Mr. Swan emi- grated to Henry County, Iowa, in 1841, and settled in Tippecanoe Township, where he engaged in farming until his death, which occurred June 8, 1851, of cholera, and his daughter Elizabeth died two days later of the same disease. His wife sur- vived him several years, dying Oct. 5, 1865. Mr. Swan was a Whig in politics, and was one of the earliest Justices of the Peace of Tippecanoe Town- ship. He and his wife were earnest and devoted Christians, and members of the Presbyterian Church, and were held in high esteem in the com- munity in which they lived. The early life of Charles C. Swan was spent on the farm until September, 18()7, when he engaged as clerk with Mr. Reuben Eshelman, of Mt. Pleas- ant, and continued with that gentleman until Feb- ruary, 1873. He was married in Marion Township, Henry County, Feb. 13, 1873, to Miss Sarah Litzen- berg, a daughter of \Yilii.am and Amelia (Teagar- den) Litzenbcrg. Mrs. Swan was born in Wash- ington County, Pa., Sept. 18, 1855, and came to Iowa with her parents in the fall of 1865, and re- sided in Marion Township, Henry County. Her father was born in Pennsylvania, Nov. 25, 1811, and is a farmer of Marion Township, and her mother was born in the same State and died in December, 1858; both were of German descent. Mr. and Mrs. Swan have three children living, all sons, and lost an only daughter. Charles W. was born Dec. 13, 1873; Clark L., born May 16, 1877; Cora Grace was born May 11, 1879, and died July 8, 1881 ; Simeon Howard, the youngest, was born May 14, 1882. Mr. and Mrs. Swan took up their residence on their present farm immedi- ately after their marriage, and have 209 acres in two farms, owned severally. Mr. Swan is exten- siveljf engaged in breeding and selling pure blood Poland-China hogs, in which he has been employed for tlie past fourteen years. He is a Republican in politics, and a member of Ilenr^' Lodge No. 10, I. O. O. F., of Mt. Pleasant. -^ ^-^ ^ ENRY SULLIVAN, deceased, was a pioneer settler of Illinois, going to Knox County, in that State, from Ohio in the fall of 1 836. In 1874 he removed to Henry County, Iowa, of which he was thereafter a resident, until his death, which occurred July 20, 1885. He was born in Highland County, Ohio, Feb. 27, 1815, whence lie emigrated to Illinois in 1836, locating first on the Rock River, in Henry County, but removing the following year to Knox Count}', settling near Gales- burg, where he engaged in farming until he came to Henry County, Iowa. He was married, Nov. 3, 1840, in Mercer County, 111., to Miss Susannah Bruner, daughter of Rev. David Bruner, an earnest and devout pioneer Methodist preacher of Illinois. Mrs. Sullivan was born in Lawrence County, Ind., Feb. 12, 1819. Their union was blessed with four children, of wliom but one is now living. Christie A. died at the age of eighteen; David A. was a Union soldier, enlisting in Company F, 55th Illinois Volunteer Infantry, in Octobei', 1861, at the very beginning of the war, tiiough but sixteen years old. Notwithstanding his youth, he proved himself a brave soldier, and was killed in the last assault made on Vicksburg under Gen. Grant, on May 22, 1863, giving his life for his country at the early age of eighteen. For a year previous to his death he ^ >► ll"^- 568 HENRY COUNTY. had been orderly to Col. Momburg. The next child, James H., died at the age of three years. The only survivor of the family is the youngest, William R., who was born in Knox County, 111., Aug. 12, 18.54, and who is now .Secretarj' of the Mt. Pleasant Manufacturing Company. He mar- ried June .5, 1877, at Ml. Pleasant, Anna M., daugh- ter of Hon. John B. Drayer, a former prominent resident of Mt. I'le.asant, who w.as for many years County and Probate Judge of Henry County. Mrs. Sullivan was born in Butler County, Ohio, and was but three years of age when her parents came to low.'i. They have two childien: William J. H., born July 27, 1879, and Sue Zetta May, horn June 11, 1881. Mr. Sullivan is, in jwlitics, a Repub- lican, and personally and as a business man is justly held in high esteem in llio eomniunity. The elder Sidlivan was a plain, straightforward man, thoroughly- upright in chiiraoler. In his youth he had been a Wiiig, Imt on its formation joined the ranks of the Rci)nblican party, with which he thereafter acted, lie was an advocate of the cause of Proliil)itioM, .-ind w;is a, member of the Methodist K|)iscopal Church for more than forty-five 3'ears, of which his widow has also been a member since childhood. eORRlDON PECK, one of the prominent stock-dealers of Scott Township, was born in Belmont County, Ohio, Oct. 23, 1840. His parents were David and Elinor (Stockey) Peck, botii of whom were natives of Belmont Count3', Ohio. They wci'c the parents of nine children, eight of whom are living: John T., a resident of Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, is engaged in stock-shipping; Corridon, of this sketch ; Susan, wife of John W. Willis, of Louisa County, Iowa; Jennie married Moses Hutchinson, of Belmont County, Iowa; Mary A., widow of John Cameron, who was a sol- dier in the late war, taken prisoner and confined in the Libby, where he underwent all of the hard- ships of prison life, ami died soon after being sent home; Elinor married Mr. Berr3', of Belmont County, Ohio; Angeline, wlio is still single; George W., of Henry County, Iowa, and Wiliiain C., who is a schoolteacher. Mr. and Mrs. Peck were noted -<•■ for their honesty and fair dealing and were highly esteemed by all who knew them. They were con- sistent members of the Presbyterian Church. In politics Mr. Peck was a Jefferson Democrat. The subject of this sketch was reared upon a farm and received a liberal education in Duff's Academy, at Pitsburg, receiving a diplonni from that institution. On the 28th of August, 1862, he enlisted in the 98th Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Com- pany G, and was mustered into the United States service at Steubenville, Ohio. He was sent to Rich- mond, Ky., to reinforce Nelson, and while on the road to Louisville, was fired upon at Cynthiana. He participated in the battle of Perryville against Gen. Bragg, and was there detailed in the hospital. He was mustered out of the service on account of disa- bilities. He first entered Iowa on the 8th of February, 18()(i, crossing the river on the ice at Burlington. When he left Ohio he intended going to California, and going to Omaha, he offered his services as a teamster, only asking his expenses to be paid. Not obtaining any chance to make the desired trip, he procured a situation as clerk in the Herndon House, at $50 per month. Soon after securing this situation it was reported that there was smallpox in the city, so IMr. Peck left, going to Louisa County, where he had a brother living. Jlr. Peck was engaged as a teacher in the Washington school for eight ye.ars during the winter, and during that time he spent his sniiMMcrs in farming. He subsequently |)urcliased land, and has been engaged in farming and stock- raising ever since. He is one of the most exten- sive st(»ck-buyers in this part of the county, and his farm, a line one of 250 acres, is well stocked witJi the best grades of horses and c;ittle. In poli- tics, Mr. Peck cast« his vote with the Democratic party. MOS McMILLAN was born in York Coun- ty, Pa., in the year 1805, and is a son of IJi George ami Rel)ecca (Cutler) McMillan. George McMillan was born .nid married in Pennsylvania, and during his lifetime was a farmer in York County. The McMillans wore Friends, and their ancestors came from England. % <:y4,n,^ C/^'^^^^^ tb^ ^^^ '0s pViBUC UBRf^^'' »► 11^^ HENRY COUNTY, 571 Their children were George, Eli, Susan, Amos, Jesse and Elisha. All the children came to this State and county, and all except the youngest and Jesse were married in Pennsylvania. George and Eli came first to Iowa about 1837, settling near Franklin, Lee County. They each entered lands, and were followed by the brothers Elisha, Jesse and Amos. All the sons entered lands, and they were purchased at the first land sale held at Burlington, by Eli, for the entire party. George was the first one married, Elizabeth Brunton becoming his wife. They brought with them to Iowa several children, and Eli, who was a bachelor, returned to Pennsyl- vania after they had located, and was married to Miss Caroline Vail. When they returned to Iowa Elisha, then a single man, accompanied them. He subsequently became the husband of Caroline Brown, of Franlilin, Lee County. Her father was an early settler of that county, and a well-known and prominent man. Susan became the wife of Edward Wickersham, in Pennsylvania. He was for many years a farmer in Lee County, where he reared a large family of children. At the time of his death he was worth $100,000. Jesse also mar- ried a Brunton, Lydia, a cousin to his brother's wife. Amos was first wedded to Hannah Armitage, who bore ten children — Charles, George, Eliza, Jesse, Henry, Susan, Mary, and three who died in infancy. Four of these .are living, and are all mar- ried except Charles. Jesse became the husband of Elizabeth Hill, and resides at Primrose, Iowa. Henry wedded Mary Hoover; they are both deceased, having left one son and two daughters. Susan is the wife of John Lewis, a farmer. Mr. Lewis was educated for the priesthood, but later determined to be a farmer. The death of Mrs. McMillan, mother of the children mentioned, oc- curred in Lee County. At that time they resided on a fine farm, and the future was bright before them, but sorrow and bereavement come to all, but Mr. McMillan found comfort in the love and care of his children. Sevilla Andrews became his second wife, and was the mother of ten children : Elizabeth I., wife of Sylvanus Bonnal, a soldier during the Civil War, now a farmer of Lee County; Sarah K., wife of Alexander Kreger, who died from the effects of wounds received at Pittsburg Land- -■- '-■ ^- ing. She was the mother of one son by him, and afterward became the wife of Watson S. Kester, of this county. Arthur wedded Annie Carpenter; Lydia A. is the wife of Levi Gregory, a minister of the Friends in Salem; Hannah died at the age of seventeen; Eunice is the wife of William Ilagan, of Keokuk County, and Florence wedded Albert Banta. Five children died in infancy. The death of his second wife occurred in Lee County, and he selected for his third wife Mrs. Sylvia Garretson, wlio was the daughter of Abijah and Elizabeth (^Bailey) Johnson, of Oskaloosa. Her father was a merchant of that city, and was formerly in busi- ness at Waynesville, Warren Co., Ohio. His father, Micajah, was a very wealthy and noted man in Warren County, Ohio, of which he was one of the first settlers, and David Bailey, her maternal grand- father, was equally well known, and was one of the earliest settlers of Clinton County, Ohio. On both sides the families were Friends, and were in their respective neighborhoods the first of their religion. David Bailey for more than forty -eight j'ears never missed a quarterly meeting, and both men were exhorters and active members of the Society of Friends. Abijah Johnson had five sons and three daughters. All received their education in Lafay- ette, Ind., Mr. Johnson for several years being a resident of that vicinity. All these children have become noted. J. Kelly Johnson is District Judge, and resides in Oskaloosa; Eliza, daughter of Dr. J. P. Gruwell, became his wife. M. D. Johnson is a wholesale meVchant of Los Angeles, Cal., and is married to Miss Sue Avery, a native of Boston, Mass. ; Overton A. Johnson, a drj'-goods merchant at Oskaloosa, Iowa, wedded Lida Kemper, of Oskaloosa, Iowa; Warren C, unmarried, also resides in Osk.aloosa, where he owns and operates a machine-shop. Henry is a merchant of Los An- geles, Cal., and is married; Rebecca is the wife of William Ransom, of Salem, one of the wealth3- men of this county; for many years she was a teacher in the city schools of Oskaloosa, Annie is unmarried and resides with her brother in California, and has been for some time engaged in teaching music. Mrs. Sylvia McMillan is a cultured lady, and received her education at Earlham College, Ind. In becoming the wife of Amos McMillan she as- 9^ ^'1 572 4 HENRY COUNTY. sumed the duties of a wife and mother, and nobly has she fulfilled for sixteen years her trust. The children of the first and second wives have been cared for as tenderly as if they were her own, and in return she is the recipient of their love and affec- tion in the highest degree, and is proud of the grandchildren and great-grandchildren of her hus- band. Our subject is the onh- one of his name now a resident of this county, lie has been a lib- eral father to his children, and in the pleasant mansion where we now write are assembled four generations of his family. He lives at ease, sur- rounded by all that comes to those who have diligently labored to earn a competence for old age. Each of his children were presented by him with $2,000 cash, and some of them have become very wealthy, and Charles is a large land-owner. The children are all well educated, Charles and Jesse at West Point, Iowa, and the children of the first wife at Earlham College, near Richmond, Ind. The children of the second wife were educated at Whittier's College, in Salem. The family with one exception are members of the Society of Friends, and all who are in reach of it attend the Salem Monthly and Quarterly Meeting. The portrait of Mr. McTMillan, on a preceding page, shows him at his advanced age to be a man of more than ordinarj' capacity, both physically and raentall}', and a true representative of the best class of Henry County's citizens. -^4^^^-^ TMIfiC; fflEODORE SCHREINER, Grand Tyler of all the Masonic bodies in Iowa, and for twelve years door-keeper of the Iowa State Senate, was born in Grosenbach, Bavaria, known as Rhenish Prussia, near tiie ancient liistoric city of Worms, June 18, Ibll. His father, the Rev. Carl Julius Schreiner, was a popul.ir minister of the Lutheran Evangelical Churcli of his native town at the date of his son's birth, and continued so until death closed his earthly career, in 1818. By this sad event j'oung Theodore, at the age of seven years, was consigned to the care of an uncle, who treated him with kindness, and provided for his education at the village academy, where he received a fair German education with rudiments of Latin and French, and enough English so as to be able to read it readily, though he could not speak the lan- guage. When of suitable age he was apprenticed to a cabinet-maker, where he served the usual term, and by zeal and punctual attention to business ac- quired a thorough knowledge of his trade. In accordance with an old established custom, he tlien set out to travel and see the world, and fit himself for actual business. Young Schreiner in his travels wandered over Germany, Austria, Italyi Switzer- land and France. In 1830 (an eventful year in the history of Europe) he found himself in Paris, then the focus of the political world. It was during this, his first visit to the French capital (July, 1830), that the Revolution occurred that drove Charles X. from the tlnone. Our subject, then nineteen 3ears of age, found himself with several jouug German students enrolled in the National Guard, and lis- tened to Lafayette while he harangued his troops from the saddle, in favor of liberty. The spirit of republican liberty rapidly spread over Europe, and Schreiner next appears as a sol- dier of freedom in the Polish wars; defeated in this, he returned to his native country where the revo- lutionary^ spirit was at its height. The people were in rebellion, and the young soldier cast his lot on the side of liberty and enlisted against the Govern- ment. Having taken an active part at public meet- ings, encouraging resistance to the oppression of bad government, and in opposition to the King and his ministers, he was arrested for high treason, and while many of his companions were sentenced to imprisonment, but were afterward released on appeal to the Court of Assizes, he through the powerful inlluence of an army officer, a college- mate of his father's, was never molested. The overthrow of rei)ublican i)rinciples in the fullier- land was succeeded by an exodus of German patriots to America. He joined a party of some 200 emigrants from his native town, and in June, 1833, they sailed from Havre for Baltimore in an American brig. During the voyage of fifty- six dajs Mr. Schreiner api)lied himself to the prac- tical study of the English language, and succeeded so well that he was chosen leader by his com- 1 ' t :^ HENRY COUNTY. 573 panions. On arriving at Baltimore, the party di- vided, seventy-five with Mr. Schreiner at the head, starting for Missouri with a view of locating in that State. On reaching Wheeling the part}' purchased a flatboat on which to continue their journey, but owing to the low stage of water the}' abandoned the voyage at the mouth of the Muscatine River, and a party of which Mr. Schreiner was leader was sent into the interior to purchase land for the com- pany. A favorable location having been found in Washington Count}', Ohio, and several farms pur- chased, the emigrants took possession, and estab- lished a German colony. The following year witnessed large accessions from the fatherland. The colonists, being well pleased with their new home, determined to become citizens of the Republic, and Mr. Schreiner was the first to take out naturalization papers in Washington County. The colonists were a peojjle of deep religious convictions, and a pl.ace of public worship was soon erected, but they found they had no ordained minister among them, so, having organized a society of the Lutheran Evangelical Church, they determined to elect a lay preaclier from among their number. Mr. Schreiner was selected .as best fitted by education and early training to discharge the sacred functions of that office. It w.as not until several years later that an opportunity occurred for his ordination and instal- lation. The young minister was successful and be- came very popular. Under his direction other churches were organized and dedicated. He served his people as pastor for twenty years, often minis- tering to three congregations at a time, and wield- ing a powerful influence for good among his countrymen. In politics, the colonists were all Democrats, but of anti-slavery sentiments. On the foundation of the Republican party they and their preacher joined that organization. Mr. Schreiner was married, Jan. 11, 1835, in Washington County, Ohio, to Miss Anna Maria Tuttle, daughter of Joel and Mary Tuttle. Mrs. Schreiner w:is born at Bristol, Conn., in 1812. Her parents were New England people, and emigrated with teams to Washington County, Ohio, in 1817. Mr. and Mrs. Schreiner have been the parents of six children, five sons and one daughter: Caroline, born Oct. 28, 1 835, was the wife of Arthur E. Wag- staff, and died Aug. 4, 1859; Charles Julius, born May 22, 1838, married Emma Stewart, .'md is a carpenter residing at Mt. Pleasant; they have three sons and one daughter, and lost one son, drowned at Mt. Pleasant July 12, 1887. Edwin Ludwig, born Sept. 9, 1840, a prominent minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church, now Presiding Elder, residing at Center ville, Iowa, married Martha Rob- inson, and has two daughters; Theodore M. was born Feb. 8, 1843, was a Sergeant of Company K, 6th Iowa Infantry, was captured at Shiloh, and was a prisoner at Andersouville; he died Sept. 25, 1862, and was buried at Andersouville. John Augustus, born ]March 2, 1848, is a civil engineer, employed in railroad work, residing at ]Mt. Pleasant; McCor- mick O., born Oct. 8, 1852, is a carpenter, residing at Mt. Pleasant. Mr. Schreiner moved from Ohio to Mt. Pleasant in 1855, arriving here August 19 of that ye.ar. He became a contractor and builder, and erected as many as a hundred buildings in this city and vicin- ity. In 1860 he began the manufacture of sash blinds, which he continued for twelve years. Since 1876 he has not been in active business. He took an active interest in JIasonry in early manhood, and on coming to Mt. Pleasant he made application and was initiated into the order Aug. 22, 1856, and was made a ^Master Mason the foUowing November. Soon after the latter event he was chosen Tyler of his lodge, and entered with fervency and zeal on what seemed destined as his life work in Masonry. He was soon made a member of Henry Chapter No. 8, and became a Royal Arch Mason March 14, 1857. He was soon after appointed Tyler of the Chapter. The Christian order of Knighthood he received at Des Moines, in June, 18G4. Subse- quently, on the organization of Jerusalem Com- mandery No. 7, of Mt. Pleasant, he became a mem- ber and Sentinel thereof. He was appointed Grand Tyler at the Sixteenth Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge, at Davenport, in June, 1859. His appointment has been renewed annually since, until he has served twenty -eight years in that ca- pacity. In 1863 he was appointed to the same position in the Grand Chapter, and was assigned to the same post in the Grand Commandcry in 1864. All of these positions he fills with credit to himself i i ^*- 574 4- HENRY COUNTY. and satisfaction to the members. He has been pre- sented with many valuable presents .and testimonials from the different bodies, including a beautiful Tyler's sword, gold watch, med.als, etc. He w.as elected an honor.iry member of the Grand Lodge for f:iitlifulness and efficient services in tlie respon- sible office of Grand Tyler. He was also elected, in 1870, to the office of Grand Scribe, as a compli- ment, and to the end tiiat he might thereliy become a permanent member thereof. In this capacity, in company with Parvin, Hartsock and Bowen, he rep- resented the Grand Chapter at the triennial session of the General Grand Ciiapter of the United States at B.altimore, in September, 1871. He was .also elected an honorary member of the Grand Com- mandery and subsequentl3' elected a member of Damascus Council of Royal and Select Masters, No. 13, and is Sentinel for that body and .also for the Grand Council. He is also a member of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, a 32°, by communication, and Gr.and Captain of the Guards of the Grand Consistory of Iowa. At the session of the G. T., in .Tune, 1869, he presented the Grand Lodge with a beautiful set of ivory gavels with ebony h.indles. On June 15, 1887, he took the degree of the Arabic Order of Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, at Cedar Rapids, Iowa. The subject of this sketch, next to the Grand Secretary, is probably better known to the frater- nity of Iowa than any other individu.al. With the same exception, he has been longer in the service of the craft, and in wh,ate ver position assigned or duty imposed, he has been found true and faithful. In his association with his brethren he has endeared himself to tliein by his unfailing urbanity, rare in- telligence and graces of personal character. In his private character and at home, he is well known and distinguished for his affable manners, and his Christian and charitable services on all proper oc- casions. He has an extended .acquaintance among the leading men of this and other States, and wasap- poinUid Door-keeper of the State Senate in 1879, was re-appointed, and has served in that capacity twelve years. Mr. and Mrs. .Schreiner celebrated their golden or fiftieth wedding anniversary- Jan. 11, 1885. The ceremony wiis performed in the Masonic Hall in the presence of upward of 400 friends. Many beau- tiful and valuable presents were given to the ven- erable bride and bridegroom, among which may be mentioned iSlSr) in gold. The State .Senate presented Mr. Schreiner with a beautiful silver tea set. "jil SAAC MORRIS, deceased, w.as a pioneer of Henry County of 1834, and was born in Ken- iii tucky, where he grew to manhood, and was married to Margaret Oney. They were the parents of nine children, six sons and three daughters. Mr. Morris emigrated from Kentucky to Macomb, 111., in an earh' d.aj-, and from there to what is now Henry County, Iowa, then a part of Wisconsin Territory. He made a claim on what is now the old .Sfhote farm, section 24, New London Town- ship, and his second cabin is still standing. Mr. Mor- ris is said by some to have been the first white man who located in the county ; the date of his settle- ment is positively fixed in the spring of 1834. Sev- eral of his children were born here, and after their parents' death the younger members of the familj' were reared by Nicholas Miller, who married the eldest daughter, Mary. Mr. Morris .and his wife both died in New London Township, he in the spring and she in the fall of 1847. William Morris is the only member of the family now living in the township. ■^t* • •7»- allOMAS J. TRICE, of the firm of T. J. Price & Son, dealers in general hardware, stoves and tinware, also of the firm of Price & Keiser, extensive dealers in farm implements. New London, Iowa, was born near West Point, Lee Co., Iowa, Jan. 1, 1844. His parents, Calvin J. and Frances A. (Langford) Price, were early set- tlers of that county, having come there in 183.5 or 1836. His father was born ne.ar Rolla, N. C, in Jan- uary, 1801. He emigrated from th.at State to Southern Illinois while it was yet a Territory. He was married in that region and remained there until 1835, when he emigrated to Lee Countj', Iowa, and settled on a farm near West Point. He was a mem- ber of the first Iowa State Legislature, and was \ u •«> II <• HENRY COUNTY. 575 ^m ^« t re-elected three times iifterwai'd. His death oc- curred April 10,1860. His wife survives hira and resides at Lowell, Iowa. Thomas J. received his preparatory education in the common schools, and entered the Iowa "Wes- leyan University at Mt. Pleasant as a student, but left on account of business considerations before completing the regular course. He was united in marriage, at Salem, Iowa, Oct. 21, 1863, to Miss Josephine McFarland, a daughter of Mr. R. G. Mc- Farland, (jf Lowell. Mrs. Price was born near LaHarpe, 111. One child was born of this union, a son, Frank, born on a farm near New London, April 19, 1865, who is now in business with his father. Mr. Price was engaged in farming two years in New London Township, from 1865 to 1867, inclu- sive, then went to Lowell, Iowa, where he carried on a general store for ten years. He was next engaged in milling at Lowell for seven years, then returned to Lee County, where he spent one year on the old home farm ; he then came to New Lon- don and engaged in his present business, in Novem- ber, 1885. The firm of T. J. Price & Son carry an average stock of about |2, 500 in the hardware line, and the firm of Price & Reiser do an annual busi- ness of about $20,000 in the farm implement trade. Theirs is the largest business of the kind in Henry County. They handle only the best tools and machinery and have built up a good trade. Mr. Price and his son are Democrats in their political views. They do business on correct business principles, and take rank among the leading firms of their line in the county. ^^ A:\HTEL waters, a prominent farmer and early settler of Henry County, Iowa, resides on section 9, New London Town- ship, where he has 120 acres of well-im- proved land, and also has another farm of 200 acres on sections 28 and 33 of the same township. His post-office address is New London. Mr. Waters first located in this township in the fall of 1847, but did not move his family here until the spring of 1848. He is a native of New York State, and was born in Genesee County, Sept. 15, 1822. His par- ents were William and Rachel (Cox) Waters, who were also born in New York, the father in 1795, and the mother May 15. 1802. Our subject moved to Ashtabula County, Ohio, with his parents in 1823, and from there to War- rick County, Ind., in 1839. He was married in that county, Dec. 2, 1844, to Miss Mary Ketcham, daughter of John and Nancy Ketcham. Mrs_ Waters was born in Ashtabula County, Ohio. Nine children have been born into the home of Mr. and Mrs. Waters, seven of whom are now living: Will- iam B. was born Dec. 22, 1845, and died May 22, 1850; Winfield S. was born Jan. 13, 1847, married Annie Fry, lives in Northwestern Nebraska, .ind has four children, three boys and a girl. Rachel A., born Nov. 20, 1848, keeps house for her father; Nancy K. was born April 5, 1852, and is the wife of Frank Jaclvson, resides in Roolvs Countj', Kan., and has three sons and two daughters. John N., born Dec. 10, 1854, married Sarah Moon, now re- sides in Canaan Township, Henry County, and has two children, a son and a daughter. James M., born April 29, 1856, married Alice Cornwall, and resides in New London Township; Samuel T., born Jan. 26, 1859, married Belle McGrue, and has one child, a daughter, and resides in Kansas; Robert H., born Oct. 9, 1863, died Aug. 21, 1864, and Charles E., born July 1, 1866, makes his home with his father. Mrs. Waters, who was a consistent and faithful member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, a de- voted wife and mother, passed away on the 11th of April, 1876. All the children, except the two elder, were born in New London Township. The two elder brothers were born in Warrick County, Ind., prior to the removal of the family to Iowa. Mr. Waters has made farming his business through life. Since making his home in New London Township he has held various local offices. He has served three terms as Township Trustee, has been a member of the School Board nearly the whole time of his residence here, and for twenty-eight years lias served as Road Supervisor. He was a Wliig in early life, and since the dissolution of that party has been associated with the Republican party. He is a Master Mason, a member of New London Lodge No. 28, A. F. & A. M., and is also t 576 HENRY COUNTY. 1 a member of Charity Lorlge No. 56, T. O. O. F. Mr. Waters and all his family, except two sons, are members of the Methodist Episcopnl Church. His father, who was a resident of New London Township, died in Oregon in 1874, and his mother died in New London Township in April, 1846. JOHN Q. ROBINSON, a farmer residing on section 32, Canaan Township, Henry Co., Iowa, was born in Ross Count}', Ohio, in 1825. and is a son of Joshua and Hannah (Rodgers) Robinson. Joshua Robinson, Sr., the grandfather of our subject, was killed by the Indians in 1795 at the time the city of Chillicothe, Ohio, was being laid out by Gen. Massey. The cuff-buttons worn by him at that time are now in the possession of Mr. Robinson, being more than a century old. His youngest son was the father of John Q., and married Hannah Rodgers in Ross County, Ohio, Jan. 29, 1818. She was descended from the Scotch Irish on the paternal side, and from the Welsh and German on the maternal side. Both she and her husband lived and died in Ohio, and as in life they were united, in death they were not long divided, mething of the western country, he made a visit to Iowa in 1850. and conceiving it would be a desirable place to live, purchased land. In 1855 he again came to Iowa, and began the improvement of a farm the following year. He erected a small shanty on the site of his present farmhouse, and began fencing, and breaking the sod. The first three crops were complete failures, but this brought but little dis- couragement to the young man, who had come to the West to live and make a home. For eleven years after coming to Iowa Mr. Robinson remained a bachelor. Visiting friends at Fairfield, he formed the acquaintance of Miss Anna Mount, who became his wife Dec. 5, 1806, Rev. James Haines, a Meth- odist Episcopal minister, officiating. Her father was Jedediah Mount, a nurser3'nian and florist of Fairfield, who came from Zanesville, Ohio, to Iowa in 1854, establishing his business the same year. He wedded Mar}' Ruth in Ohio, and nine children were born in that State prior to their removal: Kate J., wife of George Howell; Samuel, husband of Mary Bloss, was a soldier during the war; Will- iam was also a soldier; Anna, wife of our subject; Eliza, wife of John Hoopcs ; Sarah, deceased wife of Joshua Robinson, nephew of our subject; Callie, wife of Henry Knight ; Henry, who married Mary Calhoun; and Laura, wife of Elijah Spry. After coming to Fairfield, James and John were born, but neither are now living. The mother of Mrs. Robinson died Dec. 30, 1871; her father yet re- sides in Fairfield, and is seventy-six years of age. After the marriage of Mr. Robinson, his young wife was duly installed mistress of the house, over whit-h she has presided for more than a score of ye.irs, and which has been hallowed by the birth of her children, and made happy by successes that come to those wliu diligently labor. Her husband, now a man t)f large experience, and ripe with years, has developed a model farm in Can.ian Township, and since his coming has grown wealthy as his years have increased. A residence of more than thirt}' years has won for him the esteem of the public as a good citizen, a kind neighbor, and genial gentle- man, and in the northern part of the county no family is more higiily respected than the one under consideration. Before children of their own came an infant had been adojited, Edith Emily, then one year old. She has been as carefully reared, as =f HENRY COUNTY. 577 \ i' tenderly loved, and is in every way as dear to those good peojile as their own children. Their first born was Lulu M., followed by Charles W. and Edgar, all j^et school children. Lulu M. being now in her seventeenth 3'ear. Mr. Robinson has served manj' terms upon the School Board, and in 186G was elected Township Trustee, holding that position for ten consecutive years. Mrs. Robinson gradually lost her eyesight until in 1882 she became totally blind, but has since become so accustomed to the change that she does much of the work about the house. Two hundred and forty acres of excellent land comprise the admirable farm of Mr. Robinson, and everything in the w.ay of improvement on the farm has been made by Mr. Robinson, and there is no finer farm in Canaan Township. To such men as he the pros- perit}' of the county is largely due. -^^- o+«..@^- h I •<•• 578 HENRY COUNTY. riages, sixteen funeral sermons have been preached, and every appointment has been filled since he became the pastor. The residents of Wayne Township are to be congratulated on having such a pastor, who is accomplished in manner and a fine speaker. JOHN SACKETT, a farmer and stock-raiser, residing on section 10, Marion Township, was born July 15, 1812, in Butler County, Ohio. His father, Thomas Sackett, was a na- tive of Pennsylvania, born in 1789, and his mother Margaret (Chambers) Sackett, was born in 1791, in the State of Maryland. Six children blessed the union of this worthy couple: Dorcas, the dece.ised wife of Levi Batterton, a resident of Menard County, 111. ; John, our subject ; Samuel, a farmer of Macon County, Mo. ; Phtebe, wife of Milas Good- win, a farmer of Coos County, Ore.; !Mary, de- ceased wife of Rev. A. C. Gaines, of Douglas County, Neb. ; Harriet married Thompson Crider; both are now deceased. Mr. and Mrs. Sackett re- moved to Butler County in a very earlj' day, and at that place their three eldest children were born, and there they improved a beautiful farm on which they resided until 1816. They then removed to Brookville, Franklin Co., Ind., whci-e their three youngest children came to make glad the household. Here, as in Ohio, they cultivated a beautiful farm of 1110 acres, but in 182(i he moved back to the old home in Ohio. In 1828 he removed to Sangamon County, III., and, as in Indiana and Ohio, ob- tained school land and made a fanii of 1 40 acres. Thomas Sackett was a man always in advance of civilization. While in Sangamon County, 111., iiis life companion was called to rest. She w;is a mem- ber of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and taught her children that in the teachings of the Bible all were made better to live and better to die. About four 3'ears after the death of his first wife, Mr. Sackett married Elizabeth- Dickerson, and by this union one child was born, Margaret Z., wife of Har- vey Wells, of .Sangamon County, 111. After the death of his second wife in 1817, Mr. Sackett mar- ried May McKee, who died in 1857, after which time he made his home with his children, lie died at the home of his son Samuel, in Macou County, Mo., in 1872. He was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and in his younger days de- lighted in frontier life, and in improving and beau- tifying his farms. John Sackett, our subject, received but a com- mon-school education, and until twenty-one ye.irs of age he worked on the farm of his father, and for the next five years worked at various occupations, but still resided at home. On the 11th of January, 1837, he was united in matrimony with MissRhoda Hart, of Green County, Ky., born Dec. 27, 1818. She removed with her parents, Moses and Rhoda (Scott) Hart, from Kentuckj' to Sangamt)n Countj', 111., in 1823, and while there the county was divided, Menard being taken from it. Mr. and Mrs. Hart resided in Sangamon County until their death, the father d}'ing in 1836, preceding his wife fifteen years to the land of rest, she dying in 1851. Of their eleven children five are now living; Mi- 4-anda, widow of Calvin Simmons, residing in Han- cock County, 111. ; M.artha, the widow of John F. Wilson, a resident of Mt. Pleasant; Nancy, wife of Hiram S. Webb, now residing in Wapello County, Iowa; Elias, a farmer in Clarke County, Iowa; Moses entered the army and has never been heard of since. The land on which Mr. Hart lived was survej'ed by Abraham Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. Sackett came from .Sangamon, 111., to Henry County, Iowa, in 1851, where he pur- chased 100 acres of land on section 10, and fortj- .acres on section 17, Marion Township. On the latter farm he erected a beautiful two-story coun- try residence, surrounded by fine groves and or- chards. When he obtained the land it was noth- ing but a wild prairie. He hauled the lumber for his house and b.arn from Btnlington, and made man^' im- provements, until he now' has one of the finest resi- dences in that part of the county. Mr. .Sackett and his wife have witnessed many changes, and are the e ^<^ciJ0Uu^ ^^^ ^-^p" <(ii 4 <^ 4. HENRY COUNTY. 583 wife of Jacob Messman, a farmer of Clarke County, Iowa; Alford, a farmer of Ringgold County, Iowa, married Louisa Deer; Rosann, wife of William Draker, a farmer in Gage County, Neb. ; Melissa, wife of Aaron MeClure, of Mt. Pleasant; Alice, wife of William Jones, resides on the old home farm. Mr. and Mrs. Sackett have been members of the Methodist Episcopal Church for forty years) and always take an active part in church work. No couple in the community are more highly respected than they. All of this world's goods that they pos- sess they have made by their own honest efforts and industrj'. Mr. vSackett cast his first vote for Will- iam Henry Harrison, and ever since its organiza- tion he has never failed to cast his ballot with the Republican party. He was a great friend of Abra- ham Lincoln, having become acquainted with him while in Sangamon County, 111. On the 11th day of January, 1888, they celebrated their golden wedding, having trod the path of life for half a century together. They have twenty-two grand- children and two great-grandchildren. EV. JESSE CUMMINGS HARBIN, real- estate and insurance agent, Mt. Pleasant, IK\ Iowa, was born in Iredell County, N. C, \^Nov. 20, 1810, and is a son of William and Lucy (Cummings) Harbin, both of whom were of English descent, the former being a native of Georgetown, Md., now District of Columbia, and the latter of Virginia. On his father's side he traces his ancestry to Edward Harbin, who emigrated from England to America in the early days of the colonies. William Harbin and f.amily moved to Iredell County, N. C, at a very early day. Jesse C. Harbin, the subject of this sketch, was reared in his native county, and was married in the fall of 1830 to Miss Matilda Robertson, a native of Iredell County, N. C-, and daughter of William Robertson, formerly of Virginia. In consequence of his general correspondence, Mr. Harbin changed the spelling of the family name, using an " i " in- stead of an "e" in the final syllable. Soon after his marriage he moved with hisyoung wife to Knox County, Ind., and from thence to Sullivan, where he engaged in farming. He lost his wife in 1832, who died leaving him with one son, James Wesley, now residing in Indianapolis, Ind. This son grew to manhood, studied and engaged in the practice of medicine prior to the war. He entered the army, and on account of ill-health was discharged, re- turned home and is now engaged in the manufact- ure of a corn-planter of which he is the inventor. In 1824 Mr. Harbin united with the Methodist Episcopal Church, and in 1 831 was licensed to preach. On the death of his wife he joined the Indiana Conference and entered upon his duties as a circuit preacher. He traveled in the discharge of the duties of his holy calling for a term of eight ycarsi when his health failing he retired from active service for a term of three years. Re-entering the work he continued for one j'ear, when health failing again, he settled at Delaware Station, in Ripley County, where he engaged in the mercantile business and was appointed Station Agent for the Ohio & Missis- sippi Railroad Compamy. On his first effort to couple some freight cars he was loading, he lost the end of his thumb and two fingers. In 1840 Mr. Harbin married Miss Eliza Nicker- •son, daughter of Abijah Nickerson, whose family were from Vermont. Two children were born of their union, a son and a daughter. The son, George W., after the death of his mother, went into the army, where he remained during the war, the last year serving as Hospital Steward. He married Miss Amelia Snyder, .and now resides at Waterloo, Iowa. He was one of the principal organizers of the Equit- able Mutual Life and Endowment Association of that place. He has been very successful in the enterprise, and the company is rated among the leading local companies of the State. The daugh- ter, Emma A., is the wife of William R. Scott, with whom she was united in marriage March 30, 1886. Both she and her husband are successful agents for the Equitable Mutual Life and Endowment Asso- ciation. They reside at Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, but are engaged in traveling the greater part of the time. Mrs. Scott is a graduate of the Iowa Wes- leyan University, of the class of 1869. Mr. Harbin emigrated to Iowa in 1859, and set- tled in the township of Davis Creek, W.ashingtou County, where he was engaged in farming a few -4^ -•► 584 HENRY COUNTY. years. His second wife, Eliza Harbin, died July 7, 1861, saying as she passed away, "Sweet rivers of redeeming love lie just before mine eyes." Mr. Harbin was again maiTied, Aug. 27, 1862, to Mrs. C.ntheriue Brown, widow of John Brown and daughter of Peter Posey. Her father was of Scotch- English descent. Mrs. Harbin was born near Phil- adelphia, Chester Co., Pa., and came to Iowa in 1852. She was married in Washington County, Iowa, to Mr. John Brown, who died the third year after their marriage. They hud one child, a daugh- ter Mary Laura, who died aged nearly two years. One child was born of her union with Mr. Harbin, a daughter, Lillie May, who grew to be a beautiful and accomplished young lady of eighteen years of age, when death claimed her on the 23d of Febru- ary, 1882. Miss Harbin was a close student, and would soon have graduated with honors. She was stricken with scarlet fever and died after a short illness. She was a devout Christian, having been converted at the age of nine years. Amiable, in- telligent and winning in manner, she was a general favorite among schoolmates and friends. Mr. Harbin removed to Washington, Washington Co., Iowa, soon after his last marriage, where he was engaged in mercantile business for two and a half years. Prior to that, and while a resident of Richmond, he supplied the Millersburg circuit one year as pastor. He removed from Washington to Mt. Pleasant in April, 1866, and has resided here continuously since that time. During this time he has devoted his attention to the real-estate and in- surance business. His son George enlisted in the late war, in 1862, in Company D, 24th Regiment Iowa Volunteer Infantry, and served till the close of the war. His regiment was in the Department of the Mississippi, and participated in the capture of Vicksburg. He was Hospital Steward during the last year of his service. Mr. Harbin is a Repub- lican in j)olitics, and cast his first vote for William H. Harrison, and voted with the AVhigs till the organization of the Republican part}', since which time he has been a member of that party. Mr. Harbin is highly respected as a citizen and business man. Fine lithographic portraits of this worthy couple may be found upon preceding pages. That they are worthy a place in this volume none will denj'. The following sermon was iireaehed b}' Mr. Hai'- bin, Feb. 22, 1863, during a dark period of the war : Who knowest whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this. — p]sther, iv:14. 1st. Tlie time in which we live. 2d. The end for which we live. We live in a time of great corruption. First, political corruption. We are aware that an idea is quite prevalent that a minister should not interfere with politics. To determine the correctness or in- correctness of this idea, let us inquire what is, or are politics. We answer, it is (or should be) that policy by which a government secures to its votaries the ex- ercise of certa ininalienable rights, as life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Now, we ask, have ministers no interest in those rights? Must they stand b}' and see them ruthlessly trailed in the dust and fearlessly trampled in the mire with sealed lips and placid countenance.? The stains would cr3' out against them as dumb dogs, who, seeing the sword of de- struction coming on their people, should then not raise their warning voice against those errors cal- culated to undermine and destroj' their liberties. Therefore, in the name of Israel's God, let them set up their banners proclaiming the vengeance of our God against all evil-doers, political as well as moral. To secure these rights and liberties, govern- ment is necessary, and in order to government the power to govern must be vested somewhere. Hence the different forms of government, from an absolute monarchy up to the democracy. In the former this power is vested in the breast of one man ; in the latter it is placed in the hands of the people or a majority of them, which is the form adopted by our fathers, sealing it to us with their hearts' blood, as a sacred boon which we should never surrender to bold aspirants and tyrants. That the people may secure to each. their rights and liberties, laws must be enacted and enforced, hence the necessity of legislators to enact those laws, and rulers to enforce them. This requires the delegation of certain rights or powers to these representatives and officers, which constitutes the Republican form of democ- racy. In a large variety of |)eople there will nec- essarily arise a variety of sentiment in regard to r HENRY COUNTY. 585 ' ' the better poliej' to be pursued in order to secure these rights and liberties, hence the formation of different political parties, which, if properly guarded will on!}' tend to sift the precious from the vile, and operate as checks and balances to guard and secure these sacred rights more firmly. But in order to do this, there must be no motive but pure patriot- ism or love of country influencing these parties. But is this the case with us to-day ? We have only to look at the historj^ of our country since the in- auguration of that military chieftain, Gen. Jackson, who adopted the sentiment "To the victors belong the spoils," and thus wrested the emoluments of the country out of the hands of the people, and distributed them among the party as bribes to the one and rewards to the other, since when Eplm-ibvs unum — one of many — has not been true of us, but we have been two belligerent powers, contending for the loaves and fishes. This is the exotic that has nearly extinguished the last spark of pure patriotism by inducing men to sacrifice their honest principles to their interest, equivalent to selling themselves, which if a man will do, what will he not sell } His countrj' or anything for which he gets his price. See this illustrated in the history of the Democratic party since its adoption at the time referred to above. Hear them boasting now of having ruled the country for forty years (this boast was made at the beginning of the war), which to our disgrace we must say is more truth than fiction. But how have they done it? We answer, by bribes, rewards, imolation and assassination. AVhen they by bribery could not control the ballot, they resorted to the bullet or poison, its equivalent, as in the case, as we verily believe, of Harrison, having Tyler with them either by bribery or otherwise. And when they feared the result of the ballot of 1860, hear them saying to the South in the Charleston Con- vention: "Do you sustain our party which hith- erto has been anti-slavery and we will sustain slavery," thus imolating the whole slave population at the shrine of Democracy. The ballot, however, proved that the people were not longer to be bought and sold by the party, but were disposed to assert their rights by the election of Abraham Lin- coln, when the party determined if they could not rule they would ruin. The South said : "The Dem- ocratic party which has ruled the country by hook and crook for fort^' years, is pledged to defend us in our strife for the perpetuation of slavery. To arms, 0 Democrats!" and thus the first gun was heard thundering on Sumter. And now comes the tug of war in earnest. Buchanan, with his Demo- cratic Cabinet and Congress, had emptied our treasury, scattered our army to the four winds, and shipped our arms to the South, carrying out his pledge. In' this condition, but for the God of na- tions putting into the heart of Douglas to divide the Democratic party, we must have fallen by the hand of these combined traitors. But this division kept them at bay till we had time to replenish our treasury, army and navy, by the uprising of the people. Thus foiled, they now resort to assassina- tion, and Douglas is removed as the barrier to the reunion of the party, upon which event bribed agents are sent all through the North, organizing secret associations, such as Knights of the Golden Circle, Kuklux, etc., the sole object of which was to reunite and rally the part}'. Thus far the history w:is traced at the time of the delivery of the above sermon, and to show its correct' ness we have only to trace down the darker and more bloody developments of the same program in the assassination of our Lincoln, as their last resort to get the government in their own hands through the treachery of Andy Johnson. Thus they felt, if they had not ruled at the ballot, they had ruled by Booth's bullet, and then was there a surrender of Johnson to Sherman, who, knowing the program (having been one of the party), felt he must atone for his world-renowned march, devastating their country, by giving them better terms than they asked, and thus paved the way for his exaltation to the Presidential chair. One man, however, seems to have been found who was not an aspirant, and exclaimed: "On this line we will fight it out (unconditional surrender to the rights of the peo- ple) if it takes all summer to do it." The people rallied around the banner and thus we conquered Andy Johnson, and Kukluxism has been kept at bay, notwithstanding Horace Greeley and many others have joined with Jeff Davis and the whisky ring in an open fight to reinstate the party again in power. But I think the people, through the in- ^ I w <■ 586 HENRY COUNTY. fluence of the God of nations, will not slack their efforts till the emoluments of the country are wrested out of the tyrant party's hands, and placed again in their own, when they will guard them more sacredly than ever before. It is not the above C(jnglonieration of evils, all of which from attinity now concentrate around the rotten carcass of Democracy, that we depre- cate. They are sold to Satan, to work all manner of wickedness with greediness, and will ere long, we fear, bring on themselves swift destruction. But we think there is vitality enough yet in the body politic to eject these vile excrescences and recon- struct the country on the pure old patriotism love of country, growing out of love supreme to God and equal to each other, and that will not allow an aspirant promoted to any office of trust or profit, but the people select their rulers on personal and not political merit, with the understanding that they shall only retain said position on condition of un- swerving adherence to the strict principles of equity, devoid of favoritism. .i-;>*^-o— • >tf5«fN. SRAEL ROSS, a farmer residing on section 9, Scott Township, Henry Co., Iowa, was born in ll\ Brown Countj', Ohio, Nov. 16, 1815. He is a son of Thom.as and Deborah (.Jennings) Ross. The Ross family were natives of Virginia, of Scotch ancestry. Of the Jennings family but little is known except that the grandmother, Charity (Free- man) Jennings, was born in Europe, and when a child came to America. Her parents later moved to Kentuckj^ and were there during the troublous times when tlie Indians were hostile, and the family were occasionally forced to take refuge iti a boat, and to .avoid capture would paddle to the otiier side of the Ohio River. Tlie Jennings family later removed to Brown County, Ohio, near Georgetown, where the venerable parents lived and died. Tiiomas Ross became the husband of Deborah Jennings in Brown County, where both families were early set- tlers. Prior to marriage Mr. Ross ran a keelboat upon the Ohio River, and made regular trips be- tween Cincinnati and Pittsburg. His boat occasion- ally made a trip to New Orleans, carrying the products of the country, as there were no railroads at that time. When a boat was sent to New Orleans the return journey had to be made on foot or horseback, it being impossible to bring the boat up stream. After his marriage Thomas Ross settled on a farm, and reared a family of children: Israel, our subject; Margaret, who wedded David Vand^'ke; Sarah, the wife of WinBeld Wright, and after his death of Dr. Dennis Callihar, of Hillsboro, High- land Co., Ohio; John W. became the husband of Miss Power; Thomas wedded Amy Snedaker; Isaac wedded Hannah Day; and three others died in child- hood. All the sons of Thomas Ross, Jr., are ministers in the Methodist Churcii, except our subject, who learned the tanner's trade with the father of Gen. Grant, and w.as a bosom friend of the lamented General and President. They frequently slept to- gether, and on one occasion, while bathing in a creek, Israel saved tlie life of tlie future President, who was younger tlian he, and h;ul strangled and gone down in the water. After completing his trade Mr. Ross farmed for awhile, and theu worked at journeyman's w.iges for Mr. Grant for some time. For two years prior to his marriage Israel Ross engaged in farming, and on April 13, 1841, Miss Elizabetli Jennings became his wife. They begiin their domestic life upon a small farm, and two years later Mr. Ross erected a tannery upon his father's farm, and for several years was engaged in business tliere. In 1855 he removed with his family to Marion County, Iowa, settling first in Knoxville Township, near Knoxville. In March, 18G1, he purchased and removed to the farm, at that time fairly imiirovcd, and wiiieh he yet owns. Here for years ISlr. Ross has lived and prospered, his children have grown to maturity, the good wife and mother, who was a true one in every sense, lived to see the country well devclojied, schools, churches and rail- roads built, Mud to her lUl seemed prosperous, when the death angel came and carried her away, J:ni. 13, 1885. Twelve cliildren were burn to Mr. and Mrs. Ross. The three eldest died in eliildliood, while the fauiilj- were living in Ohio. The olliers were: Jasper, now husband of Melinda Ross; John A., married to 1r -I HENRY COUNTY. 687 4^ Emma Blockmartin; Isaac W., wedded to Emma Willis ; and Diana, were all born in Ohio. Adeline, wife of John Rittenhouse; Arethusa, J. F., Amy and Maggie J. were born in Iowa, the two latter in this county, on the old homestead. Township offices have been repeatedly filled by onr subject, who has, however, always preferred the management of his farm, and the privacy and com- fort of his pleasant home. Since the death of his wife Mr. Ross has taken life easy, and his son Jay assumes the management of the farm. In an ele- gant home, made attractive by prosperity and the bright faces of his younger children, Mr. Ross is passing the evening of a well-spent life in de- served ease and comfort, and for his years is a remarkably youthful and well-preserved man. He has ever been a citizen of whom his countrymen are proud, and his family rank second to none in social circles. AMUEL HAMELL, a farmer of Baltimore Township, residing on section 3, was born in Madison County, Ind., in 1841, and is a son of William and Dorcas (Meade) Ham- ell. In that State the latter were married, and there all their children were born, namely: James, Isaac; Joseph, deceased ; Samuel ; Garrett, deceased ; Phffibe, Mary and Elizabeth. In 1852 the family removed to this county, and William Hamell purchased a residence in New London, where he resided during his lifetime. His widow died Dec. 17, 1887, in her sevent^'-ninth year. Their daughter Phcebe wedded Zebedee Rains, a well-known farmer of this town- ship; Mary became the wife of Wellington Leach, a resident of New London; Isaac married Julia A. Troby, and is a resident of Arkansas ; Joseph died unmarried, and James has not been henrd of since the war, at which time he was a soldier in the rebel army; Garrett died while in the service, unmarried ; Elizabeth became the wife of Clark Ireland, a resi- dent engineer of Minneapolis, Minn.; Samuel, the subject of this sketch, became the husband of Miss Martha Shepherd, in 1861. She was the daughter of John and Rebecca (Fees) Shepherd, who came to this county from Adair County, Ky., about the year 1838, taking up a claim one mile south of where the village of New London has since been built. Upon this they built a log cabin, and for a year or two the Indians were very plentiful in that vicinity. Their two eldest children, Sarah and Nancj^ were born in Kentucky, and their mother often trembled with fear when alone with her little ones, thinking that perhaps the Indians might do them injury, but they were never molested, except by their frequent calls-for something to eat. This was not easy to furnish, for Mr. Shepherd was not only a poor man, but had to cross the Mississippi to obtain supplies from Illinois, and the journey always took four days' time, during which the wife and little children were left alone. They, however, remained secure in their little cabin, and the emigration soon brought other neighbors. Their land was entered at the first land sale held at Burlington, and upon this tract the father lived and died. After the Shepherd family came to Iowa other children were born : Martha, wife of our subject; Lewis, who wedded Martha Cox; John, the husband of Maggie Williams; Alva, married to Ann Reed; William, wedded to Minnie Pero; all living except the j'oungest. All the sons except Lewis were soldiers, and all were in the same com- pany and regiment, except AVilliam. Alvin was the only one receiving a wound, and all passed through some of the hardest fought battles of the war. The eldest daughter, Sarah A., wedded Arthur Cornwell, and Nancy became the wife of William Lansinger. After his return from the army Samuel Hamell purchased his present farm, upon which the family have since resided. Prosperity has always smiled upon them, and they are numbered, not only among the early settlers, but with the best families of the township. Five children have graced their home: Clara B. is the wife of Samuel Denny, a resident of New London ; Minnie B. is the wife of James Kramer, a machinist of Burlington; Ami, Maggie and Ai are yet with their parents. We are pleased to mention the family of this brave soldier, and those of the Shepherd family as well. The mother of Mrs. Hamell is yet a resident of New London, and is now in her seventy-fourth year. For twelve years Mr. Hamell has been con- nected with the School Board, seven years of which t -•►- 588 HENRY COUNTY. r time he was Treasurer. He is a member of "Wesley Harden Post No. 384, G. A. R., of which he is one of the charter members, and to him is due the credit of its organization. He is a member of and the Treasurer of the anti-horse-thief association, and is one of its original members. As a gallant soldier, and upright citizen, and faithful official, he commands the respect of all who know him. A. OILMAN, M. D., Superintendent of the Hospital for the Insane, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, w.is born at Gilmantou Center, Belknap P Co., N. H., Jan. 15, 1845. His parents were William Henry Gilman and Sarah A. Gilman, nee Otis. The latter is still living. The father, William Henry Gilman, died Dec. 31, 1877. Dr. Gilman received a classical education, and graduated from Gilmantou Academy, after a four years' course of study, in 1860, and was valedic- torian of his class. At the age of eighteen he commenced the study of medicine, under the tuition of Nahum Wight, M. D., and at the age of twenty-one, in October, 1866, graduated at Dart- mouth Medical College. In December of the same year he received the appointment as Second Assist- ant Phj'sician to the Illinois State Hospital for the Insane at Jacksonville, III., which position he held for a year and a half, when he was promoted to the position of First Assistant Physician, and in that capacity served the State of Illinois for fourteen and a half years. July 25, 1882, Dr. Gilman was elected Superin- tendent of the Iowa State Hospital for the Insane at Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. Early in life he manifested an earnest desire to obtain a liberal education, and was fond of literary and scientific pursuits. He had a hard struggle for an education, and is entirely self-made. Politically lie has idways been a stanch Rei)ul)lican, descending from the old Whig and Federal stock. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity, viz: Blue Lodge, Chapter, and Coni- niandery of Knights Templar. lie is also a mem- ber of the Independent Order of Mutual Aid and the Knights of Honor. He was one of the founders of the Young Men's Christian Association of Jack- sonville, III., and for four years its President. To him is largely due the credit of erecting a com- modious and cheerful home for the association, he having himself contributed liberallj' and secured a large portion of the 814,000 required to complete and furnish it. He is an active member of the Congregational Church. The same indomitable perseverance that charac- terized his early years, and by which he mastered the situation, is manifest in his more mature life. In his profession, as indicated by his promotion, he has achieved eminence and distinction, and among the unfortunate class to whom his life-work is devoted, he is looked upon with that feeling of confidence and affection which can only result from the unselfish kindness and ever- watchful care of a true physician. Upon assuming the superintendency of the hos- pital at Mt. Pleasant he immediately commenced active operations to repair the old building, intro- ducing a complete and eflfective system of ventila- tion, renewing the plastering, woodwork, floors, and repainting throughout, also refurnishing all the wards for patients with comfortable beds, and cheerful accompaniments. During this period he informed himself of the number and condition of the insane in the State, and persistently agitated the importance of further accommodations, under State care and supervision. Showing the sad condition of the hundreds unable to be thus cared for, he appealed to the humanity of the people, and the legislatures as the}- con- vened. As a result, with the aid of others who were interested in this philanthropic work, accom- modation for 400 more has been made at the Mt. Pleasant Hospital, and 200 at the Independence IIosi)ital, and a third hospital partially completed at Clarinda, which, when the i)lan is executed, will accommodate 1,000. On the 2!lth of November, 1806, he married L. Amanda, widow of the late Lewis J. (Jale, and daughter of the late Capt. George W. Moodj', of Gilmantou, by whom he has had four diildreii : Es- telle Amy, born Aug. 18, 1868, <<-.- HILIP SUMMERS, dealer in staple and fancy groceries, flour, feed, etc., Mt. Pleas- ant, Henry Co., Iowa, has been established in business in that place since 1870. He was born in Shelby County, Ohio, near Sidney, Nov. 7, 1831, and is a son of Samuel and Margaret Summers, of whom a sketch appears elsewhere in this volume. Philip was reared in his native State, and remained in Shelby County until April, 1850, when he and his brother Robert followed his father to Iowa, locating in New London Township, Henry County, where he engaged in fanning on a place near his father's. In the spring of 1861 he assisted in organizing a part^' for a trip to California. His father, brothers John and George, and sister Mary A. were of the party. They had an outfit com- posed of three wagons, four yoke of oxen, a pair of horses, two cows, and several loose horses. On reaching Omaha the elder Summers went to visit a neighbor, Thomas Johnson, who was with a large party camped not far off. He stopped with them all night, and the next morning his own train started without him, and he did not find it again until they all arrived at Boise City, Idaho. The Summers party escaped collision with the Indians, while the larger train, with which his father was then traveling, was attacked, their stock stampeded, and one man killed. On reaching the South Pass they learned there was but little grass for their stock on the direct route, and they struck off north- ward into Idaho and Washington Territory, and thence through Oregon to California. They left Mt. Pleasant in April, and arrived in California the following September. Our subject walked every, step of the way, and waded or swam all the rivers i ■•►HI—* I i 594 ■*► HENRY COUNTY. in his zeal to make the most of the trip. On reach- ing the Pacific Coast the party first stopped at Yreka, Siskiyou County, thence to Sacramento City, and from there to Nevada City, Cal. Mr. Summers explored the coast country pretty thor- oughly, and was one of the party who explored the celebrated Mt. Shasta, on which they reached a great altitude. For five years our subject engaged in mercantile pursuits in Nevada City, and in the fall of 1869 returned East. Jan. 20, 1870, he was married at Sidney, Shelby Co., Ohio, to Miss Re- becca E. Lemon, daughter of Hector Lemon, of that place. She was born in Dinsmore Township, that county, Jan. 29, 1838, her parents being from Chester County, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Summers have one child : Harry R., born at Mt. Pleasant, Nov. 28, 1871. In April, 1870, Mr. Summers returned to Iowa, and the same spring embarked in his present busi- ness at Mt. Pleasant, in which he has since been continuously engaged. Prior to going to Cali- fornia he had purchased a number of land warrants, which he located in Kansas, Missouri and Iowa, and spent considerable time in traveling back and forth in that business, and in visits to his old home in Ohio. He and his wife are regular attendants at the Pres- byterian Church in Mt. Pleasant. In politics he has always been a strict Democrat, and is at present Chairman of the Democratic Central C'ommittee of Henry County, but he has never sought or wished for office. He has now been in business in Mt. Pleasant for eighteen years, and is cl.issed among the prosperous and respected citizens of Henry County. ASON BAYLES, a farmer residing on sec- tion 21, Canaan Township, Henry Co., Iowa, was born in Champaign Count}', Ohio, Sept. 24, 1833, and is a son of Joseph and Ann (Arrowsmith) Bayles. Joseph was a na- tive of Monongalia County, Va., the wife of Ohio, but her parents removed from Maysville, Ky., to Champaign County, in 1806, probably about the date of her birth. The Bayles also arrived in But- ler County, Ohio, about the same time, reuniining two yeai's, when a permanent location was made in Champaign County. David Bayles, the paternal grandfather, wedded Sarah Thornton, and reared a large family of children, all of whom were born in Virginia. After coming to Ohio David entered a large tract of land near Tremont, which he im- proved, and upon this both he and his wife lived, and he died there at the advanced age of eighty -six. His widow removed to Lexington, Ky., and died there two years later, also aged eighty-six years. With John, his eldest son, David Bayles was instrumental in the formation and organization of Mad River Township in Champaign Count}', each being one of its first Trustees. David and his three eldest sons, John, Coats and David Bajdes, Jr., were soldiers during the War of 1812. The two eldest sons were present and included in Hull's surrender. Coats was Captain of a company. David Bayles, Jr., was a member of the army operating at that time in the East, thereby escaping capture. William, the fourth son, wedded a daughter of Moses Corwin, of Urbana, studied law and practiced in the courts of the county and State for several years prior to his death. Jesse, the sixth son, was appointed Colonel of the Ohio State Militia by the Governor in 1825, and was known by that title during the remainder of his life. He was an active politician, and widely known. He later removed to Lexington, Ky., and during the late war organized and was in command of the 4th Kentucky Cavalry. He was an ardent Whig, and was Chairman of the Clay Committee during the Presidential campaign of 1844, and the entire family of Bayles are to-day members of the Republican party. Joseph, the fifth son, was the father of our sub- ject, and one of the leading citizens in that county in every enterprise. He received his education in Urbana, and wedded Miss Ann Arrowsmilli wlien twenty-six years of age. About that time Ezekiel Arrowsmith gave his daughter a portion of his farm, and there the young couple began llieir do- mestic life. All their children were born there, namely: Celenira, wife of Joseph Ilixon; Sarah A., wife of James Mickclwaito; .lulm M., husband of Sylvia Waterman; Sniilli, liiishand of Sarah Mendoniiall. Then came our sulijcct, followed by Elizabeth, who married James Turner, and Jesse W.i -i HENRY COUNTY. 595 who was wedded in California to Mamie Ford. All these children are living and happily married. In 1845 Joseph Bayles with his family removed to Iowa, settling near Hillsboro, this count3^ He purchased 200 acres, partly improved, and there those good people resided for many years. Both he and his wife belonged to the Methodist Epis- copal Church in Ohio. After coming to Iowa they were equally ardent in Christian work, and aided in the organization of the early churches in their neighborhood, in Lee, Henry and,Van Buren Coun- ties. Both died regi-etted, he at the age of eighty, she in her fifty-sixth year. Our subject was educated in Mt. Pleasant, gradu- ating in the classical department of the Iowa Wes- leyan University in 1859. On the day of his grad- uation, June 22, 1859, his wedding was celebrated, Miss Maggie Corkhill becoming his wife. She was a daughter of William H. and Mary A. (Baker) Cork- hill, of Mt. Pleasant. Mr. Corkhill was a large land-owner in this county, and offered his son-in- law an opportunity for engaging in the cattle busi- ness upon his lands in Canaan Township, which offer was accepted, and for three years that enter- prise was conducted upon an extensive scale. With the first call to arms, after the firing upon Ft. Sumter, came a desire to enlist and lend his aid in upholding the old flag. Enlisting as a private in the first company formed in this part of the country, he was soon afterward made an officer, and rose from rank to rank, filling every position, except Orderly Sergeant, and becoming Captain of the company in two months. The company was known as the Canaan Home Guards, but was never assigned to any regiment. Six months later the company was disbanded, and was never re-or- ganized. In July, 1862, Capt. Bayles was ap- pointed by the Commissary General, J. P. Taylor, to a place in the Subsistence Department, Army of the Potomac, with headquarters at the 2d. Brigade, 2d Division, of the 2d Army Corps, then in front of Richmond, remaining in that depart- ment until December, 1863. He w.is then appointed Inspector of the Subsistence Department of the 2d Corps by the command of Gen. Warren, and Feb. 23, 1864, he was again promoted, receiving from the United States Senate confirmation as i^*- Captain and Commissary of Subsistence, United States Volunteers. After this confirmation by the Senate Capt. Bayles was invited by the Commis- sary General to come to Washington, and upon his compliance his commission was presented in person by the General, A. B. Eaton, who upon its presenta- tion remarked that " it did not often occur that com- missions were either given or received personally. Upon you is bestowed a work of great responsibility, and I hope you will fully appreciate the magnitude of its importance. Return to your division, report to Col. Wilson, who will assign you to duty." The Colonel had been notified by telegraph, and upon his return Capt. Bayles found orders awaiting him. He was assigned to duty with the 2d Brigade, .irtillery reserve, Army of the Potomac, Maj. John Bigelow, of the 9th Massachusetts Artillery, in command. On the route to Richmond this corps was disbanded, and the Captain was assigned to the 2d Brigade, 2d Division, 9th Corps, Army of the Potomac, Gen. John F. Hartranft in com- mand. His next assignment was in August of the same 3^ear, as Chief Commissary of the second di- vision of the same army corps, Gen. Wilcox in command. In December Capt. Bayles was tempo- rarily assig^ied Chief C'ommissary of the 9th Corps. The following March his first leave of ab- sence was granted. He returned to his wife and boy at Mt. Pleasant, finding them in the best of health, and to add to his pleasure, his ten days' leave of absence w.is increased to fifteen, and an accompanying order from the Secretary of War appointing him Commissary of Subsistence, United States Volunteers, with the rank of Major, and an assignment to duty .as Chief Commissary of Cav- alry of the Army of the Potomac, awaited him. On the eighth day after leave of absence was granted Maj. Bayles h.astened to the front, re- maining with his command until the close of the war. He was present at every engagement in which his command participated, from and including the second battle of Bull Run to the surrender of the rebel army at Appomattox, except the battle of Bristoe SUition, Oct. 14, 1863. After Lee's sur- render, the command having returned to Peters- burg, they were moved in great haste to the border of North Carolina, to aid in the capture of John- ^ -^^ 596 HENRY COUNTY. ston's army. Hence Maj. Bayles had the rare fort- une to be in the vicinit3' of the .surrender of tlie two great armies of the Confederacy. He took part in the grand military review held at Washing- ton, D. C. The troops composing this command were then disbanded until late in Julj', and upon the 29th of that month Maj. Bayles was ordered home, from which place he should report to the Adjutant General, United Stites Army. On Aug. 4, 186.'i, his order of muster out was issued. Returning then to the business left to itself when he became a soldier, Maj. Bayles secured it com- fortably ere his health, which in the army had become impaired, gave way, and he was forced to retire from active agriculture and the stock busi- ness. Recuperating somewhat after an enforced rest, he accepted in the spring of 1870 an appoint- ment as Asssistant United States Marshal for Henrj' County. He .ilso engaged in the mercantile busi- ness at Mt. Pleasant, at the same time. In 1871 he was elected to the Chair of Geology and Natural History in the Iowa Wesleyan University, serving until 1874, when he was elected President of the Western Iowa Collegiate Institute at Glen wood, which position he filled but one year. Later his health entirely gave wa}', and he was forced to re- turn to his home in Mt. Pleasant. In 1876 and 1877 the entire family spent the autumn and winter in Washington, D. C, returning again to their Iowa home in the spring. In 1878 Mr. Bayles, accom- panied by his two sons, went to Kansas and re- mained two years, making there a pioneer home. After the return Mr. Bayles removed to his farm in Ciuiaan Township, purchased in 1868, where the family now reside, preferring the quiet, unostenta- tious life of a farmer to the worry of official or other public life. Four children have graced the union of Maj. Bayles and his wife — Will C, George C, Ollie M. and Helen E., the latter deceased. The education of all has been tiiorough, and the daughter is an accomplished musician. With a home which any man of taste might envy, a handsome and well- selected library, music and works of art, in fact with all that makes home life pleasant, this gentle- man and ills family are most ha|ipily situated. The proudest moment in the life of our subject was when the Secretary of War, Edwin IM. Stsinton, received a letter with only one line tracing the page, in relation to the appointment of our subject as Captain and Commissary of Subsistence. It was brief and to the point: " Let this appointment be made at once. A. Lincoln." We present with pleasure this sketch of the sol- dier, the official, the teacher, the gentleman, and now the genial farmer, to the consideration of the people of Henry County, among whom his name is so well known. — : — ^^^-|^B-i«^-i-«~- 'JfjAMES II. PATTERSON, son of Ledger- wood and Drusilla Patterson, is one of the prominent farmers and pioneer settlers of Scott Township, Henry Co., Iowa, and was born in Augusta County, Va., Oct. 21, 1834. He came with his parents to this county in 1842, when but a lad of eight years. Ills first education was received in the common schools, and afterward he attended Howe's Academy in Mt. Pleasant. In September, 1861, he responded to the President's call for troops, and enlisted in the 4th Iowa Cavalry, Company C. He was mustered into service at Camp Harlan, and the following spring went to Benton Barracks, St. Louis, from there to Raleigh, and subsequentl}' to Springfield, Mo. He enlisted as a private, but at the organization of the company was elected Second Lieutenant, and was later appointed Quartermaster. An order was issued by the War Department in Washington, relieving all supernumerary officers, and he was one of those coming under that designation. Not wishing to go buck into the ranks as a private, he resigned, after serving about fifteen months. After his return home he lay sick at Mt. Pleasant for some time. On the 8th of October, 1863, James II. Patterson led to the marriage aitar Miss Fannie Wallace, and the ceromony was performed which made them man and wife. She was a daughter of Benjamin and Mary Wallace. Her parents died witli that dread dise.isc, cholera, in 185,"), leaving Fannie an orphan at the age of twelve. The}- were both u HENRY COUNTY. ••»- 597 U members of the Presbyterian Church, and both were buried at Flemingsburg, Ky. In 1864 Mr. and Mrs. Patterson removed to Winfleld, locating upon a farm adjoining the town. To them have been born six children: Anna, now attending college at Oskaloosa, Iowa; William W., at home; Eva, now attending college at Mt. Pleas- ant; Essie, John H. and James M. C, also at home. In politics Mr. Patterson is one of the stanch Republicans of Henrj- County, and an active worker for his party, although not aspiring to office. He is also a great friend to education. His wife is a member of the Presbyterian Church. Mr. and Mrs. Patterson have a fine farm of 400 acres, all of which have been developed since moving upon the land, with the exception of eighty acres, which had been partially broken. A nice home has been erected, which is presided over by a most genial host and amiable hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Patterson stand high in the community where they reside, and have the respect of all who know them. He is active in the advancement of any enterprise which is for the good of the township or county. He is a member of the Mort Hobart Post No. 280, G. A. R., and he is also a member of Winfield Lodge No. 154, I. O. O. F., of Winfield. ^ EDGERWOOD PATTERSON, deceased, I ^ ^^^ °^^ ^^ ^^® -pioneer settlers of Henry /il=^ Count3', Iowa. He was born in Augusta County, Ya., in 1801, and there grew to manhood, receiving his education in the schools of his native county. About the year 1828 Mr. Patterson was united in marriage with Drusilla T. Henry, of the same county. She was a native of that county, born in 1809. In 183.5 Mr. Patterson and his young bride removed to Henry County, Ind., remaining there for seven years, and in 1842 came to Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, which was then but a small village. Soon after their arrival the husband was taken sick, never recovering from his illness, and dying in November of the same year. Politically Mr. Patterson affiliated with the Whig party. To him and his wife six children were born, four of whom ai-e living: Mary M., wife of James Craig, of Cameron, Mo.; William W., of San Jose, Cal. ; James H., and Elvira, also at Cameron, Mo. Mr. and Mrs. Patterson were among the founders of the Presb3'terian Church of this county, in fact the society was organized in their home. Mrs. Patter- son died in 1871, in Kansas City, at the age of sixty-two, and she and her husband were buried side by side in the cemetery of Mt. Pleasant. None stood higher in the community than did Mr. and Mrs. Patterson, and their deaths were sincerely mourned by a large circle of friends and acquaint- ances. <^ OHN HUBBARD WILLIAMS, a farmer of Baltimore Township, was born near White Water, Ind., in 1842, and is the son of John ^^ W. and Catharine (Deardoff) Williams. The former was a native of Maryland, while his wife was of German ancestry, but w.as born in Union County, Ind. While in Indiana Cynthia A., Lu- cinda, Jonas and John H. were born. In 1843 the family removed to Des Moines County, Iowa, and were among the early settlers in that county. Lands were entered and frequent changes were made by Mr. Williams in real estate, but the lands first entered are now in possession of his son-in-law, Joseph Cresap. After Mr. Williams located in Des Moines County, other children were born — Rebecca, Sarah E., George W., Margaret C, Matilda, Emily M., Franklin B., Algelena, and Laura, who died in infancy. The others reached adult age. John W. Williams brought considerable money to this State and prior to his death accumulated a large property. He was a heavy dealer in stock, and before railroads were built drove his stock to market. In Indiana he drove his stock to Cincin- nati, and was there, as in Iowa, a large dealer. He was an active business man and died in 1881 at a ripe age. His widow survives him and is now in her sixty- ninth year. John W. Williams was an early official of Des Moines County', Iowa, and several terms served as Trustee. Of his children all were married except the infant mentioned. Cynthia wedded Elias G. Rowe; Lucinda married Elisha Gappen ; Jonas wedded Amanda R. Armstrong; Rebecca was the wife of Alex Jacoby ; Sarah A. became the wife of Byron Lilly; George W. married Sarah Sibert; T u -4- 598 HENRY COUNTY. Margaret C. became the wife of Joseph Cresap; Matilda is the wife of Emory Knickerbocker: Emily M. is the wife of John Bishop; Franklin B. is the husband of Flora Parrot, and Algelena is the wife of Milton McDonald. Our subject was married in Des Moines County, Nov. 25, 1862, to Miss Marj- E., daughter of Sam- uel and Elizabeth (Mathias) Dickey. Her father was a native of Indiana and his wife of Kentuckj'. They were married in Des Moines County, in 1843. Burlington consisted of a few log cabins at that time, and Mr. and Mrs. Dicky saw the entire growth of that now prosperous city. Neither of the par- ents of Mrs. Williams are living, but their memory is sacred and rendered doublj- dear as she was their only child, and upon her a wealth of love and care was lavished. In 1873 Mr. Dickey removed to Oregon. His wife Elizabeth died some years before. and Mr. Dickey became the husband of Mary E. (Furry) Dicke>', who was. prior to the latter mar- riage, the wife of his brother Isaac. Mr. Dickey's death took place in Trinity County, Cal. Mr. and Mrs. "Williams remained in Des Moines County until their removal, in 1878, to Henrj- Coun- ty. He also owned a steam sawmill in that county, which he operated in connection with his farm. His place in this county was purchased in 1878. and is now a handsome and finely improved estate. His taste for machinery still continues, and he is the owner of a mill which he erected on his own land since he came to this county. He also runs a steam thrasher, and in 1887 thrashed over 60,000 bushels of grain. He is a practical machinist, having learned the trade in McCormick's great factory in Chicago, in 1864. He is the inventor of one of the most perfect traction engines that has to this date been used on the road, and over all other compet- itors was awarded the first prize at the Burlington Exposition, in 1885. Mr. Williams is an enter- prising and industrious citizen, as was his father before him, and the family are highl}' spoken of by their neighbors, and by all who know them. A man of enterprise and character he takes a leading place in the community. To Mr. and Mrs. Williams have been born nine children — George W., Charles E., Orel P., Frank L., Hubbard G., Daisy B., Samuel A., Robert C. and ■ -4»- Mary Edith. Theirs is indeed a happy home. The silent reaper has passed it by and the familj- circle remains unbroken. There is not a man in this part of the county who does not know and appreciate the genial and gentlemanly J. Hubbard Williams, and in their pleasant farmhouse the good wife and mother does her part to make life pleasant and profitable. We welcome the familj* to a place among the best in this township. 1815. OX. JAMES C. GREEN, of Trenton, is one of the pioneers of Henry County. He is a native of Pennsylvania, and was born near Bristol, on Neshaming Creek, Jan. 21, His parents, Robert and Anna (Page) Green, were both natives of Pennsylvania, the mother being born in the city of Philadelphia. She was a daughter of Stephen Page, a native of Vir- ginia. Robert Green w.is a son of John Green, who was a native of Waterford, Ireland, and a seaman for many 3'ears, and Captain of a merchant ship. The father of our subject was a farmer through life. His death occurred April 6, 1826, at the age of fort}--two j'ears, and the mother died June 5, 1826, at the age of forty years, thus leaving James Can orphan at the age of eleven. After the death of his parents, James went to live with his grandmother, who, with the aid of his brother, Joseph Green, reared him. Even to this da^- James Green looks to his brother for help and comfort, and his home is ever a home for his brother. When twenty years of age, James C. Green left home to fight the battle of life .alone. He went to Louisville, Ky., remaining only two months, then to Madison, Ind., and from there to Indianapolis by rail on the first railroad in the State of Indian.a. From Indianapolis, he started by stage to Terre Haute, Ind., but on the road the stage broke down, and while waiting for repairs Mr. Green met an emigrant fai'mer who was going West, and as he was ready for adventure, he engaged with the farmer to drive stock for his passage and U>ard, and started for the then wild West of Iowa. Mak- ing a slow trip through the State of Illinois, they crossed the Mississippi at Burlington, Julj- 4, 1836. i u. -•^H ^ HENRY COUNTY. 599 t There, leaving their stock and wagons, he and his employer, Mr. Updegraff, started on horseback for the interior to select claims for their future homes. They first stopped at Mt. Pleasant, then but the commencement of a village, and then rode to where the village of Trenton now stands, and in that vicinity Mr. Updegraff took a claim. As soon as a cabin could be prepared, he brought his family, and with him Mr. Green made his home for a short time, but soon took a claim for himself of 160 acres on section 10, Trenton Township. Here he erected a cabin, living alone until the arrival of his older brother Joseph, who had come to take James back home, but liking the country, concluded to remain, so he and his brother lived alone until September, 1839. At that time James was united in marriage with Jane Morrison, a native of Penn- sylvania, and a daughter of Joseph and Sanih Morrison, whose sketch appears elsewhere in this work. After his marriage, he and his wife lived in a cabin in true frontier style, but as years have rolled on he has greatly improved their home. They have acquired a large property, and may now be found in a commodious and comfortable resi dence on the original claim on section 10, Trenton Township. Mr. and Mrs. Green have been the parents of nine children: Sarah, residing at home; Anna, wife of Charles Turney, County Treasurer of Saun- ders County, Neb.; Samuel, a farmer residing in Jefferson Township, Henry Count}' ; Charles, a farmer of Trenton Township; Emily, who died Jan. 26, 1876, at the age of twenty-seven years; Joseph, residing at home; Alice, also at home; James C, Jr., a merchant of Winfield, Henry County, and Frank, who died Sept. 19, 1875. Mr. Green has been a leader of the Democratic party in this county, and has been elected to the office of Justice of the Peace, which he held for a number of years. He was a member of the Board of Supervisors of the county for six years, and was also elected to the State Legislature, serving one term. He is at pres- ent Notary Public, and has been a life-long Demo- crat. Socially he is a member of the I. O. 0. F. Mr. Green is a self-made man; having been left an orphan with but small means, he has fought nobly the battle of life. By his perseverance and energy and habits of industry and economy, he has accu- mulated an ample competence, owning 500 acres of land and other propertj'. He has been a liberal and indulgent father, and now in his declining years, he and his estimable wife look with pride upon their sons and daughters, who do honor to their name. Among the pioneers and prominent citizens of Henry County, few are better known and none more highly respected than James C. Green. ylLLIAM LA residing on Henry Co., (^ j^ILLIAM LAUDER is a prominent farmer section 25, Scott Township, Iowa. From Scotland eme- nated the ancestry of our subject on both sides, but they have been citizens of the United States for more than three-quarters of a centurj', and three generations have been born under its flag. Alex- ander Adair was the maternal, and William Lauder the jjaternal grandfather of our subject, both families coming to this country about the same time, Mr. Lauder settling in Schenectady County, N. Y., and the Adairs in Montgomery County, in the same State. James Lauder, father of our sub- ject, was the eldest born in that family, he being but an infant in arms when the voyage from Scot- land to America was made. Both the grandparents on the Adair side lived and died in Montgomery County. Their children were: Jane, the mother of our subject; Jeannette, John and Alex. The sons were both married, but died soon afterward, John leaving two daughters, consequently the Adair name from this branch of the family has ceased to exist. Jeannette became the wife of Robert Little, a resident farmer of Southeastern Michigan, near Ypsilanti ; Jane became the wife of James Lauder, and from this date the history proper of the familj' can be reliably traced. William Lauder, the grandfather of our subject, was the father of five children — James, John, Will- iam, David and Mary. The parents botli lived and died in Schenectady County, and their children all married and reared families, but none are now living with the exception of Mary, who wedded John Robinson, of Ohio. James Lauder became the husband of Jane Adair, and the farm he pur- f i* 600 HENRY COUNTY. i' chased was iu Florida Township, Montgomery Co., N. Y., upon which they lived until his death, which occurred thirteen years after the birth of his son William. Three daughters and two sons graced their union, namely : Jane, now a resident of Amsterdam, N. Y., is the widow of James H. Merry ; Ann became the wife of W. D. M. Condon, a well-known resident of Mt. Union, Henry County: Jeannette resides in Denver, Col.; John, wedded to Ann Bowman, became a resident farmer of Norton Mills, Ontario Co., N. Y., and at his death in 1885, left one heir, a son John, who is also married, and resides on the home farm; William was the youngest of the family. The mother of our subject made her home with her eldest daughter during her lifetime. William Lauder, the subject of this sketch, was born in Montgomery County, N. Y.,Nov. 13, 1833. Reared on a farm and educated in the district schools, he grew to manhood with a practical education, and a perfect phj'sical organization, and thus the foundation was laid for a successful busi- ness life. His marriage to Miss Prudence Butler was celebrated Feb. 22, 1854. Prior to this he had purchased the homestead, but after their marriage the young couple removed to Michigan, and later to Knox County, 111., near Galesburg, and in November, 1856, their removal was made to Henry Count}', Iowa, Mr. Lauder locating in Scott Town- ship, on the east half of the southeast quarter of section 36. Upon this he erected a frame house, which still stands. The land was in a virgin con- dition, and before he left this farm it was all placed under cultivation. It is needless to enumer- ate the hardships and toil of the life of a pioneer farmer. Suffice it to say, that his energy, with the encouragement and aid of a true wife, have brought him and his a fitting reward. Mr. Lauder purchased his present homestead May 1, 1865. The first eighty acres have grown into 375, a half section of which is comprised in his farm in Scott Township. Their r()umy house was completed in 1879, and the large barn and out-buildings testify to the thrift of the owner. Their home has been blessed by the birth of eight children, all living except the eldest daughter, Florence, who was born in Illinois. They are: -<* ■ Schuyler E. ; William J., husband of Viola Lagel; they having one son, Walter. These two sons reside in Moscow County, Ore., and are owners of a sheep ranch. Nettie, wife of Frank Edgerton, a farmer of Riverton, Fremont Co., Iowa, has one son, AVillie; May A., Charles E., Carrie and Gene- vieve complete the family, all of whom are at home. Charles E. is completing his education at the Iowa Wesleyan University, in Mt. Pleasant, with the expectation of graduating later in law. All the children have been carefully educated. The daughter. May, is an artist of note in the neighborhood, and her productions, both in oil and crayon, give ample proof of her talent. Both ]Mr. and Mrs. Lauder are members of the Winfield Presbyterian Church, of which their daughters are also members. We now present a brief history of the ancestry of Mrs. Lauder. She was born in Montgomery County, N. Y., Dec. 18, 1835, and is a daughter of Jeremiah M. and Ruth (Gates) Butler. He was of Irish-American nationality, his wife of German origin, remotely connected with Gen. Gates of Revolutionary fame. Jeremiah Butler had one brother, James, who wedded Mary Bell, of Mont- gomer}' County, N. Y. They had several children, all dying young, except two, Daniel C. and John. Jeremiah and Ruth Butler were parents of five children : William H., husband of Mrs. Lizzie (Seaton) Reed, whose brothers are noted men, one being a General in the Canadian army; William H. resides in Pottawattamie County, Iowa, a verj' wealthj' retired gentleman ; Prudence is the wife of William Lauder; Polly wedded Wilson Duncan, of Scotch ancestry, a resident of Council Bluffs, and for many years a business man of that cit^'; Hannah E., deceased, was the wife of William Peck, who died in the army, and afterward of Ezra Swiekard, who still lives in Council Bluffs, and his youngest son, Charles Edward, is a member of William Lauder's family; Jeremiah M., the hus- band of Mary Wood, resides in Neola, Pottawat- tamie Countj', and was for many j'ears a prominent Justice of the Peace, marrying man}' couples who were descendants of the original pioneers. Mrs. Lauder is a lady of culture and taste, and their home is noted for its hospitality. She is a 5E^--^^\. ^^K ^ ii X 'L ^^^ W^T' S. p. Ratliff. ^ HENRY COUNTY. 603 near relative of Attorney General Benjamin F. Butler, who served during the administration of President Van Buren, and is also distantly related to the celebrated Gen. Benjamin F. Butler. The mother of the husband of the eldest daughter, Jeannette, is a second cousin of Jeff Davis, President of the Confederacy. The courtesj' of the old settler is yet a characteristic trait in William Lauder, and stranger or friend alii~ •vw- eHRISTIAN WENGER, a farmer residing on section 10, Jefferson Township, was born in Switzerland in 1833, and is a son of Chris- tian and Mary (Roth) Wenger. In 1862 he became a citizen of Washington County, Iowa, his father at that time being a man of limited means, who had worked hard in Canada to make a home. He reared a large familj', and his descendants are worthy and most highly respected. Christian Wenger was married in this county to Elizabeth Goldsmith, in 1850, and at that time he had only money enough to buy what was needed to furnish his home, .and pay the wedding expenses. His first fanning w.is done in Washington County on rented land, and the next year he purchased 100 acres, going in debt for the whole amount, $1,600. Eight years he remained on that tract, paid for it and saved $1,000 moi-e, with which he bought the eighty acres on which he now resides. From 1 858 he has accumulated, by the hardest labor, 605 acres in this county, and the same farm in Washington County, upon which his first start in life was made. Mr. Wenger knows what hard times are, having sold wheat for forty cents, taking one-half in trade, hogs for $2, and corn by the thousands of bushels, at fifteen cents per bushel. His lands were bought at from $20 to $40 per acre, and the farms averaged $33 per acre. He began to raise stock soon after he commehced farming, but the first two years he had not enough to sell to pay the interest on his debts. Now all this is changed ; on one of the best farms in the township he has erected fine buildings, and his farm almost resembles a village in itself from the number of barns and out-buildings, and the brick mansion was erected in 1875. Mr. Wen- ger is a large breeder of horses, and now owns thirty head. His stallions are all imported and are four in number, three of them prize winners. They are ■► II ^« 606 HENRY COUNTY. valued at 16,000. Prefer, a four-year-old gray, took at the exposition in France, when one year old, the gold medal, which Mr. Wenger has in his possession. Duke, a Clyde stallion, likewise took the medal in Canada, from which place Mr. Wenger brought him. In fact, he is owner of more fine stallions than any farmer in Henry County. Mr. AVenger is the largest land -owner, and the heaviest taxpa3'er in Jefferson Township, which is saying much for a man who came a few years ago from Switzerland without a dollar, and his sons are rapidly developing into the best of business men. A new daughter was recently welcomed into tlie family, Katie Henss, who wedded Joseph, the eld- est son, mention of whom is elsewhere made. To complete the history of the family, we add the sketch of Joseph Goldsmith, the father of Mrs. Wenger. Rev. Joseph Goldsmith was one of the first ministers of the Mennonite faith in Iowa, and was the second in Lee, and the first in this county to organize a church. The Trenton Church is made mention of in the sketch of the Rev. Sebastian Gerig, and no man was more widely known in this part of the State, during his lifetime, than Rev. Goldsmith. For more than a half century he was an active and faithful member in the cause of re- ligion, much of which time was spent as an itinerant minister. In Canada West he began preaching, having united with the church in Lancaster County, Pa. Both himself and his wife were born in Germany, were married in Lancaster County, Pa., and were the parents of twelve children, of whom one is now deceased. Elizabeth Miller be- came the wife of Joseph Goldsmith in 1823, and for fifty-three years she was to him a lov- ing and devoted wife. The death of Rev. Joseph Goldsmith occurred in April, 187G; his widow, yet surviving, is now in her eighty-first j'ear. The family first left Pennsylvania and located in Canada; from thence they removed to Butler County, Ohio. From that county and State they came to Iowa, making first a home in Lee County, settling there in the spring of 1837. The last residence of the family was in Trenton Township. The Rev. Gold- smith made a fine farm in Lee County, placing every stick upon it, and erected fine buildings. As the children grew to maturity, they aided ■^« largely in the work. The farm in Trenton Town- ship was partly improved, and the removal made in the spring of 1845. Their children were named: John, now husband of Barbara Slonecher; Cath- erine, who wedded Joseph Oxlenger, of Butler County, Ohio, is the only child deceased; Lydia yet unmarried, resides with her widowed mother at Wayland; Benjamin married Martha Houder. and resides in Trenton ; Joseph married Magdalene Kin- singer, and resides in Butler County; Elizabeth is the wife of Christian Wenger, Sr. ; Christian is married, and resides in Butler County, Ohio; Peter married Eva Summers, and resides near Cheyenne, Wyo. ; Jacob married Lena Schontz, and resides in Wayne Township, Henry County; Nancy mar- ried Michael Roth, a resident of Jefferson Town- ship; Magdalene is the wife of Rev. Sebastian Gerig, whose history appears elsewhere in tills work; Fannie is the wife of Rev. Joseph Gen- gerich, of Johnson County, Iowa. aKtfitf-»- -* W r/ILLIAM HARRIS, residing on section 28, Center Township, Henry Co., Iowa, is a farmer and stock-raiser, and was born in Devonshire, England, on the 24th day of September, 1840. His parents were Tliomas and Maria (Weeks) Harris, both of whom were also natives of Devon- shire, England. They emigrated to America in ISfiO, settling in Stephenson County, III., subse- quently removing to Olmsted County, Minn., locat- ing near Rochester. Mr. and Mrs. Harris were the parents of nine children, six of whom are now living — Samuel, William, Thomas, John, Rosa E. and Maurice. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Harris are still living, and are members of the Seventh-Day Ad- ventist Church. The subject of this sketch was but ten years old when his parents came to this county, and received but a conmion-school education. William Harris was united in marriage with Miss Estella A. Pierce, in Olmsted County, Minn., Dec. 30, 1869. She was born in Washington County, Vt., Jul^' 27, 1850, and is the daughter of Stephen and Almira (Tarbcll) Pierce, both of whom were natives of Cavendish, Vt. Mr. Pierce wiis a stonemason by -4«- HENRY COUNTY. 607 trade, and helped to build the capitol at Mont- pelier, Vt:, Augusta, Me., and also the forts of Boston Harbor. INIr. and Mrs. Pierce were the par- ents of three children : Benjamin T. died at the age of eighteen; Oliver W. died when thirtj'-two 3'ears of age. Mr. and Mrs. Pierce removed from Vermont to Mower County, Minn., in 1865. From there they came to Henry County, Iowa, in De- cember, 1874. He was a Seventh-Day Adventist, sometimes preaching for that church, and always taking an active interest in the church work. On the 21st day of September, 1883, in Dakota, Mr. Pierce was called to his last rest. Mr. and Mrs. Harris stand high in the com- munity where they live, and have the respect of all. They are the parents of four cliildren : Maria E. was born Sept. 25, 1870; Laura was born Dec. 6, 1871; Hattie R. was born .Jan. 2G, 1875; Howard W. was born Dec. 10, 1879. ^^EORGE W. McADAM, senior proprietor. G I <^t7 '^"^^ editor of the Mt. Pleasant Journal, ^^ was born in Cadiz, Harrison Co., Ohio, Nov. 2, 1832, and is a son of James and Nancy (McDowell) McAdam, the former a native of Ire- land, who came with his parents to this countrj' when an infant. James McAdam was a farmer, living the greater part of his life after coming to this country near Cadiz, where be died in 1858, at the age of fifty-six. His death was the result of an accident, his team running awaj' with a loaded wagQn, and in the attempt to stop them he was thrown under the wheels and the horses' feet, and was instantly killed. His wife Nancy survived him many years, dying at the age of seventy-three. They were the parents of eight children, all but one of whom are now living. They are named : Samuel, now a farmer in Muskingum County, Ohio; Eliza, deceased, who was the wife of George Roberts, of Cadiz, Ohio; W. Morelaud, who lives on the old homestead in Ohio; H. Parks, a minis- ter of the Presbyterian Church, residing in Utica, N. Y. ; Jennie, nho has been twice married, and is now the wife of John Knox, a farmer of Cadiz. Ohio; Sally unmarried, and living in the old home with her brother; James, a resident of Mt. Pleas- ant, Henry Co., Iowa; and George W., our subject, who was third in order of birth. Until he was twenty years of age the latter lived ou a farm, but at that time entered Franklin College, whence he graduated in 1857 with the honors of his class, being the valedictorian. After teaching for a time, he entered the Theological Seminary at Allegheny College, where he completed a theological course, and for two years was engaged in preaching in the United Presbyterian Church. In 1864 Mr. Mc- Adam removed to Newark, Ohio, and became the publisher of the American, of that place. In 186G he removed to Iowa, locating at Mt. Pleasant, Henry County, where for the ensuing two j'ears he was engaged in the clothing trade. Retiring from this business, he in 1869 associated himself with his brother-in-law, Frank Hatton, in the publication of the Mt. Pleasant Journal. The latter subse- quently became well known in National affairs, having as Postmaster General been a member of President Arthur's Cabinet. He is now editor of the New York Press, an ablj^ conducted Repub- lican journal. In May, 1874, Mr. McAdam bought Mr. Hatton's interest, and conducted the paper alone for a time; and for a short period thereafter had a partner. Jan. 1, 1880, he sold a portion of his interest in the Journal to his present asso- ciate, John W. Palm, the fii-m being McAdam & Palm since that date. For twelve years Mr. McAdam held the position of Postmaster of Mt. Pleasant, being appointed in April, 1874; for six years he was a member of the School Board of the city, and in every position to which he has been called he has borne the reputa- tion of an upright and conscientious official. On May 12, 1864, Mr. McAdam was married to Miss Carrie Hatton, who was born in Cadiz, Ohio, March 17, 1842, and is a daughter of Richard Hat- ton, one of the best-known newspaper men of Ohio, and for fourteen years editor of the Cadiz Repub- lican, one of the most influential papers of East- ern Ohio. Mrs. McAdam was educated at the Steubenville (Ohio) Female Seminary, and is a lady of culture, who well sustains the reputation of the gifted family from which she is descended. The -^- f 608 ■•► f HENRY COUNTY. union of Mr. and Mrs. McAdam has been blessed with three children — Frank H., Richard H. and Jessie. During the more than twenty years that the sub- ject of this sketch has been a resident of Henry County, he has ever borne the reputation of a thor- oughly honest and trustworthy man, and has ac- quired the confidence and respect of its citizens, with a majority of whom he has been brought into contact in his official, business and private relations. -4^1^^-^ TSSQiT WilLLIAM L. HAMILTON, residing on sec- tion 24, Canaan Township, Heni-y Co., Iowa, was born in Clermont County, Ohio, May 31, 1817. He is a son of William Brice and Sabina (McJIichael) Hamilton. His father was born in Pennsylvania of Scotch descent, and was a soldier in the War of 1812. Mrs. Hamilton was of Irish jjarentage. William Hamilton was left in charge of an uncle and aunt, James H. and Margaret Gates, at the death of his mother, which occurred when he was but six years old. He remained with them until nearly twenty-one years of age, when he engaged to teach a district school in his native county. He taught for nine months, during which lime he laid up enough money with which to enter Carey's Academy, situated near Cincinnati. Attending one terra Mr. Hamilton then went to Clermont Acad- emy, near New Richmond on the Ohio River. He attended school there for several terms, teachiu"- in his vacations in order to raise money to p.ay the tuition. Completing his education he engaged in teaching for eleven years, but lu's health failing him he was obliged to give this up, and so purchased a small farm. Mr. Hamilton then, during the sum- mer time, took chiirgeof the farm, but in the winter again taught school. In the spring of 1856 he emigrated to Iowa, settling at Mt. Pleasant, where he lived a short time, and then rented a farm on which he resided for two years. In the spring of 18.5!) Mr. Hamilton purcliased forty acres of un- improved laud on section 24, Canaan Township. This has been his home ever since, and he has added to his possessions until he now o^vns 120 acres, comprising one of the best farms in that sec- tion of the county. Mr. Hamilton was married, in 1842, to Eliza Ann Duncan, a native of Maysville, Ky., and a daughter of Ennis and Hester (Bloxsora) Duncan, Kentucky being also their native State. Mr. and Mrs. Ham- ilton have been the parents of seven children: William E., now President of Simpson College at Indianola, Iowa, is a graduate of Mt. Pleasant Uni- versity ; Eliza Jane, also a graduate of the Wesleyan University at Mt Pleasant, is the wife of Rev. Ed- ward H. Sawers, now pastor of a church at Wilton Grove, Ontario, Canada; Mary, residing at home; Melissa, who is engaged as a teacher in the graded schools of Panama, Iowa; Charles Wesley-, who died when only nineteen months old; James K. died at the age of five years; .John Bloxsom, who died while yet an infant nineteen months old. Mr. Hamilton and wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. He united with the church over half a century ago, and has always been instru- mental in the building of churches, and aids largely in church work. For forty years he has been a local preacher in that faith. Among the prominent pioneer settlers of Canaan Township, we are pleased to mention the name of William L. Hamilton, who is ona of the best known anil most highly respected citizens of Henry County. Politically, he is a Republican. His son, W. E., was a soldier in the war for the Union, a member of the 45th Iowa Volunteer Infantry. -~v^~vt2Ci2.>©-^^ ©t-SJ/ZJSZ^^-vw- ARTLEY M. SAUNDERS, an honored pio- neer of Heur^' County, Iowa, of 18.'i9, was born in Claiborne County, Tenn. His par- ents were of Scotch-Irish descent, and origi- nally- from Maryland. They botii came to Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, in 1839, and died in this city. Our subject was married in his native count}' to Miss Annie Caulk, and three children were born to them, a sou and two daughters: llcnrv C, now a prt)mi- neut real-estate agent of Mt. I'lo.asant; Angeline, residing !it Lincoln, Neb., and Amanda M., widow of Israel Putnam, also of Lincoln, Neb. Mr. ISaun- i HENRY COUNTY. 609 ders was a farmer and merchant. lie left Tennes- see in earlj' life, resided for awhile in Virginia and Georgia, and removed to Georgetown, Vermilion Co., III., in the pioneer days of that region. In 1839 he emigi-ated to Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, where he passed the remainder of his days. Mr. and Mrs. Saunders were consistent members of the Methodist Episcopal Church from early life. Mr. (Saunders was an old-line Democrat of the Jackson type, and never swerved from a firm belief in the correctness of the doctrines taught h}- Jefferson and Jackson. He was an upright, honorable man, of earnest con- viction and correct habits, and his memory is kindly cherished by his old-time comrades of pioneer days. JOHN T. SHANE, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, is numbered with tlie pioneers of 1845. He was born in Fayette Count3', Pa., March 13, 1825, and is the son of George and Mary (Tuttle) Shane, the former a native of Maryland and the latter of Pennsylvania. They were married in Fayette County, Pa., and reared a family of six children, all dead except our subject. His father died in 1852 and his mother in 1833. On the death of his mother John was placed in the faniil}' of Hiram Hughes, with whom he remained until he was fifteen years of age, when he went to Browns- ville, where he was employed on a farm, and later upon the pikes in that vicinity. In the fall of 1 840 he went to Beaver, Pa., and had the pleasure of hearing Gen. Harrison, who was then a candidate for President, make a speech. In the fall of 1844 he went to Steubenville, Ohio, and in 1845 came to Henry County, Iowa, where he has since continued to reside, and for some time was engaged in black- smithing. On the 24th day of September, 184G, Mr. Shane was united with Miss Margaret Jack, a daughter of Milton H. and Elizabeth (Smith) Jack, and a native of Tennessee. There were three children in her father's family : Mary, who married L. W. Bus- sey, now deceased, and who resides in Washington County, Ark. ; Amanda, wife of Patterson Martin, of Mahaska County, Iowa; and Mrs. Shane. Her mother died in 1826 and her father in 1827. Mrs. ■^« Shane came to Henrj^ County in 1841 in company with an uncle, John Tolle, who located in New Loudon Township, but who, in 1843, removed to Mt. Pleasant, at that time but a small village. Mrs. Shane well remembers being in Keokuk when there was not a church in the place, the first class- meeting being held at the house of the friend she was visiting. Mr. and Mrs. Shane are the parents of five living children: George M., now in Arkansas, was a sol- dier in- the regular army over seven years ; Sarah J., wife of John Crabb, resides in this county; Margaret E., wife of Morcland Ritchie, also resides in this county; John W. W., of Mt. Pleasant; and Philip E., in railroad service in the Indian Nation. In 1861 Mr. Shane enlisted in Company C, 4th Iowa Cavalry, under command of Capt. Beckwith. He was mustered in at Camp Harlan and partici- pated in the first battle of Jackson, Miss., was in the siege and capture of Vicksburg, second battle of Jackson and the battle of Canton, Miss. After the last engagement in company with the regiment, he went to Vicksburg, veteranized and returned home. On his way home he caught a severe cold, and starting back to camp after the expiration of his furlough he grew worse, was examined at Keokuk, sent to the hospital, and was subsequently discharged In 1852 Mr. Shane crossed the plains and was four months in making the trip to Salem, Ore., where he engaged as a laborer, but in the fall started to the mines. The snow falling blocked the way, and he in company with others, was com- pelled to remain in the valley till the following spring. He arrived in the mines March 4, 1853, where he remained till September, 1854, engaged in mining. While in the valley in the winter of 1852-53, he paid $1 per pound for flour, and for poor meat thirty-five cents per pound ; for board, $4.50 per day. The sufferings of the company were terrible, and some of their number dug up the feet of cattle that had been killed in the fall, that they might pick the flesh from the bones. Leaving the mines in the fall of 1854, he returned home by water, by way of New Orleans, thence down the river to Burlington. The fathers of both Mr. and Mrs. Shane were in the War of 1812, the father of Mrs. Shane being -► ■— < f ■•► 610 HENRY COUNTY. wounded in the hip, carrying the bullet to his grave. Mr. Shane came to Henry County a poor young man, and while not numbered among the more wealthy, fortune has yet favored him. He has a comfortable home in the city, with twelve acres of land, together with eighty acres on section 7. To- gether with his good wife, he enjoys the respect and confidence of friends and neighbors among whom they have lived for more than forty years. #># -^*>- /^JEORGE S. GASS, who for the past four ll( ,-_ years has filled the office of Treasurer of ^^^ Henry Countj-, was born in Gallia County, Ohio, March 12, 1838, and is a son of Elias and Pernielia (Topping) Gass. His father and mother were born and reared in Greene Count}-, Pa., of which county his parents were also both natives. They were residents of Ohio for about sixteen years, when he returned to Pennsylvania. There the mother died, the father coming to Iowa with our subject and dying in Mt. Pleasant in 188f). His father's people were old residents of the State, and his mother's had originally come from New Jersey. The subject of this sketch remained at home until he was twenty years of age, when he went to Washington County, Pa.; from there he went to Illinois and from there to Columbia, Ark., where he was at the breaking out of the war of the Re- bellion. He returned North, and wishing to give his services to his country, he enlisted Aug. 1, 1861, in the Ringgold Cavalry, an independent company which afterward saw much active service until after the close of the war, not being mustered out until the last of October, 1865. Successive promotions had raised Mr. Gass to tlie rank of First Lieutenant, and he made an honorable record as a brave and gallant soldier. During the war the companj' was merged into other organizations, and at the time it was mustered out w:is a part of the 3d Provisional Pcnns3'lvania Cavalry. Its service was principally with the army of West Virginia, and took part in all the hard-fought battles and skirmishes in the vallej' of the Shenandoah, the theatre of the hardest cavalry service of the entire war. It did general cavalry duty under Gen. Phil Sheridan, with all that implies, scouting, skirmish- ing, fighting and raiding. Under Gen. Shields it took active part in the famous battle of Winchester, and in all this severe duty Lieut, (lass bore himself gallautl}'. He returned to his home from the army in November, 1865, and in the following mouth came to Iowa, looking for a permanent location. Being pleased with the country, he settled here in the spring of 1866, on a farm near Mt. Pleasant, where he engaged in farming until he was elected Treasurer of the county iu 1883. During his army life he took a furlough and went home to fill a more agreeable engagement, and was married on March 22, 1863, in Greene County, Pa., to Miss Charlotte Morton, daughter of Robert and Marj- Morton. Mrs. Gass is also a native of Greene County, and was born in 1845. The}- are the parents of six children, one of whom, a daughter named Anna, died at the age of sixteen. Those now living are — John T., Olive H., Rachel, William and Harlan, all making their home with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Gass are both mem- bers of the Methodist Episcopal Church. He is also a member of Mystic Lodge No. 55, I. 0. O. F., and of MeFarland Post No. 20, G. A. R. Ever since he came of age, Mr. Gass ha.s been a supporter of the principles of the Republican part}-, b\- whom he has twice been elected to the respon- sible office of Treasurer of the count}', the duties of which he has discharged with fidelity to the in- terests of the people, and credit to himself. As an officer and as a private citizen, he has ttie confidence and esteem of all who know him, and is highly respected for his integrity of character. C-*-^ ^ Lodist Episcopal Chur Iowa of 1815, was b , EV. M. II. HARE, deceased, a prominent minister and Presiding Elder of the Jlcth- irch, and a pioneer of born in Ross County, Ohio, Dec. 23, 1818. His parents, Daniel and Sarah Hare, were natives of Kentucky, who settled in Ross County, Ohio, in the pioneer days of that region. The subject of our sketch received his primary education in the public schools, and com- ^ -V\v.O ■♦- =L HENRY COUNTY. 613 pleted his studies at Hillsboro Academy. He united with the Methodist Episcopal Church when thirteen years of age. He was engaged in school teaching, and was married near Hillsboro, Ohio, Sept. 17, 1840, to Miss Matilda Parkinson. Three children were born of their union, two of whom died in childhood; and one son, Joseph, born Jan. 1, 1844, was a soldier of the late war, served as a member of the 6th Regiment Iowa A^olunteer In- fantry, and died at Mt. Pleasant, Dec. 4, 1870, from disease contracted while in the service. Mr. Hare emigrated to Iowa in 1845, and made his home in Farmington, Van Buren County. He was a student of the Scriptures from boyhood, and a zealous worker in the cause of religion. He was admitted to the iowa Conference immediately on his arrival in Iowa, and engaged in ministerial duties in the Farmington Circuit, which included Keokuk, West Point, and the region adjacent. Mr. Hare was next assigned to White Breast Mission, which included the most of Marion, Monroe and Wapello Coun- ties, and was very sparsely settled. He labored in that field one year and was then appointed to New London Circuit, where he served two years. Mrs. Hare died Aug. 7, 1849, at the close of the second year. His next appointment was Keosauqua for one ye.ar, and then Ft. Des Moines Mission. While laboring here he visited the new settlements and arranged appointments over a large scope of coun- try, taking in all the country then settled between the Des Moines and Coon Rivers and extending some sixty miles toward the Missouri River. From this charge Mr. Hare was sent to Iowa City, then the capital of the State. The next four years he was Presiding Elder over the Keokuk District. He was then appointed to Mt. Pleasant, and served the church two years at Asbury and one at College Chapel. In the fall of 1859 he was made Presiding Elder of the Albia District. At the s.ame Confer- ence he was elected a delegate to the Gener.al Con- ference which met in Buffalo, N. Y., in May, 1860. Mr. Hare was ordained Deacon at Mt Pleasant in 1847, and Elder at Ft. Madison in 1849. On the outbreak of the great Rebellion he dedi- cated his services to his country, and by voice and pen did all he could to sustain the Government. The war having continued a year and a half he de- -^a cided that for him the call for personal service was imperative, and on Nov. 18, 1862, entered the Union army as Chaplain of the 36th Iowa Volun- teer Infantiy. His enthusiasm did much to ani- mate the men, and he speedily acquired the love and confidence of the command. His words of cheer raised the spirits of the despondent, and many a halting spirit was sustained and helped by his wise counsels. He, with a large number of his comrades, was captured at Mark's Mills, Ark., and sent to the stockade, at Tyler, Tex., where he was confined for three months, enduring unusual hardships and pri- vations, and contracting the disease which finally ended his useful life. He had long been noted as a singer of the songs of Zion. While preaching it had been his practice to lead the singing in his church, both in the pulpit and on the floor, and his sweet and powerful voice had such an influence over his hearers that often they listened entranced, each for- getting his own part, and leaving him to sing alone. In the prison-pen this gift was exercised to its utmost to sustain and cheer his fellow-prisoners, and day after day and night after night the good old Methodist tunes rang out over the pen, telling of the better land where all would be reunited. Many a fellow-prisoner, for whom the last bugle call had been sounded, passed over the dark river holding the hand" of his beloved Chaplain, and to whose ear, dulled bj' the near ai>i)ro.ach of death, the last sound was the voice of Michael Hare telling of the hap- pier home beyond the skies, where beyond the great silence there is peace. Not only inside the stock- ade but outside did his voice penetrate, and when it came his turn to be detailed for outside work, as in bringing in wood, etc., manj' a little present secretly found its way to his h.and, and was secreted and kept for the l)enefit of his suffering comrades. Being exchanged he rejoined his regiment, and served until the close of the war, being discharged at Duvall's Bluff, Ark., Aug. 24, 1865, when he returned to Iowa. He spent the succeeding year in charge of the old Zion (!:!hurch of Burlington, and then went to Mt. Pleasant, where he served one year. Then, in the hopes of improving his health, he accepted an appointment to the Keokuk District, where he would have to travel more than usual. But a mortal disease had fastened upon his ■•►-■^ 'i -f ■^*- t 614 HENRY COUNTY. system, and he was cut oflf before the close of the first year, his death occurring July 27, 18G8. Mr. Hare was united in marriage at Keosauqua, Iowa, Aug. 3, 1850, to Jliss Hannuh J. T3'lee, daughter of Edward and Rebecca Tylee. Mrs. Hare was born in Wayne Count}', Pa. Her father was born in Vermont, and her mother in Pennsyl- vania. Seven children were born of their union, six of whom are living at this writing, three sons and three daughters: Ella, the eldest child, is the wife of M. M. Taylor, a prominent merchant of Tacoma, Wash. Ter., and Treasurer of that city; Edward R. married Miss Winnifred Beattie, and is engaged in the clothing business :it Tacoma; Ida II. is the wife of B. W. Coiner, Prosecuting At- torney of Tacoma, and a prominent lawyer of that city; Ma^' has been a teacher of the Mt. Pleasfint citj' scliools for sever.al 3-ears, anil resides with her mother in that city ; Harlan T. is a civil engineer, and at present is in Wisconsin with the Burlington & Northwestern. He married Miss Mary Furman, of De Soto, Wis. Charles H. is a dentist, of Knoxville, Iowa, and is married to Miss May Craddick, of that cit3'. Mr. Hare served three terms as Presiding Elder, twice of the Keoliuli District, and once of the Albia District, and was Presiding Elder of the Keokuk District at the time of his deatii. He was elected, and served as a member of the Board of Trustees of the Iowa Wesleyan University, from 1850 till his death, and w.as an influential member of that body. In his political views he was a Democrat in early life, but of strong anti-slavery sentiments. On the formation of the Republican party he joined that organization, and was a consistent advocate of its principles during the remainder of his life. He toolc a warm interest in the cause of temperance, and while not an extremist in his views did much toward encour.aging jiublic sentiment in favor of temperance legislation, and in building up a health- ful [lopular opinion in opposition to the liquor trallic. He was patriotic and earnest in the support of the Goverimient, and sympathised with llie un- fortun.ate victims of the slavery laws. He was never fanatical in liis views, but practical and earnest, so much so that it is said of hiiu tliat any enterprise or project that Michael H. Hare had endorsed must be all right, and worthy of favorable consideration. During the many years that he was associated with the Iowa Wesleyan University he was a leader in its management, and aided materiallj' in its devel- opment and progress. He was prominent in the affairs of the Methodist Episcopal Church in Iowa, and his wife's counsel in the settlement of difficul- ties, or in the advancement of measures, was always received with respect and consideration. In his social and domestic relations he was kind, affable and entertaining. He lived a useful and righteous life, and died sincerely lamented, not only by those naturally endeared to him by familj' ties, but by a host of sincere friends throughout the State. Mrs. Hare, a lad}' of high social standing, and possessing many estimable qualities, survives her husband, and resides at Mt. Pleasant. An excellent portrait of this worthy minister and patriot appears on an adjoining page, and will be regarded with respect and love by the many friends he has left behind. 1?SRAEL W. MARTIN, a farmer of Canaan I Township, Henry Co., Iowa, residing un sec- (ii tion 28, was born in Carroll Count}', Ohio, July 21, 1837, and is a son of Israel and Sarah P. (Welker) Martin, both natives of Ohio, he of Columbiana, she of Stark County. Simeon Martin was the grandfather of our subject, and his great- grandfather was .'ilso named Simeon. The latter resided in Columbiana County, Ohio, and was there once visited by our subject. Simeon Martin. Sr., was a sailor during his earlier j'ears and w:u-i a man of great information and of a very retentive mem- ory. His second wife was a Blackburn, lie died in Columbiana Count}' in his eighty-fifth year. Simeon Martin, Jr., the grandfather, was a son of the second marriage. He was a farmer, and m.ar- ried Ai-hsah Dye, most likely in Meigs County, Ohio, as her people resided there. They later removed to Carroll County, Ohio, from Columbi- ana County, and there resideil during their life- time. He was a farmer in that county and died in i -^ HENRY COUNTY. 615 1847, at the age of fiftj^-three. His wife reached the extreme age of niuety. Their cliilch-en were ; Israel, the father of our subject, who married Sarah P. Wellier; Wesley died unmarried ; Harrison A. wedded p]Iizabeth Dolvin; Albert S. became the husband of Mary A. Downs; Matilda wedded Amasa Shaffer: Eli L. married Catherine Wheador; Achsah A. first married George W. Worley, and is now the wife of Robert Jaekman, and Elinor A., wife of Adam H. Erskine. After the marriage of Israel Martin, and also prior to that time, he taught school and had acquired a fine practical as well as a technical education. He had mastered surveying, and was spoken of for the future surveyor of Car- roll County at the time of his demise, which came most unexpectedly about six mouths after his mar- riage. His son, Israel W., was never seen by his father, who died several months prior to his birth. Of Israel Martin, Sr., we may say that his was a life full of promise, which was cut off ere his twenty-first birthda}' was reached. His widow, true to his memory, never married again, but gave to her son a wealth of love and care. His education was carefully' attended to, and at the age of eight- een he began teaching. His first school was in the winter of 1855-56 in Stark County, Ohio, which was followed by a three years' continuous service in Carroll County, Ohio. At the expiration of that time Mr. Martin's marriage was celebrated, that event occurring June 17, 1859, when Miss Sarah E. Bonbrake became his wife. She was a daughter of Henry and Sarah Bonbrake, of Carroll County, Ohio. She was of American birth but of German origin, and at the time of her marriage could speak the German or English languages with equal fluency. Her parents resided on the farm until the death of the father. His widow yet lives in Stark County with her daughter, Letitia Hawkins. Mrs. Bonbrake is the mother of a large family of children, namely: Urich, who married Eliza J. Hardin, is a merchant of Pjureka Springs, Ark. ; Isaac, who was the hus- band of Elizabeth McDowell, died during the war, at Murfreesboro, Tenn., at which time he was a Lieutenant in an Ohio regiment of sharpshooters, and prior to his enlistment was a merchant of Waynesburg, Ohio; Lewis had charge of a store at Waynesburg, Ohio, but died at the age of twenty; .Samuel, a farmer in Indiana, wedded Carrie Sillan- ders; Hannah married William Dunlap, and after his death John Woy, of Decatur, Ind. ; Lydia is the wife of George W. Jackmiui, of Whiting, Kan.; Lovina wedded George A. Bowman, of Alliance, Ohio; Amanda J. died at the age of eighteen; Cora C. resides with her mother; Ella wedded Harry Kin- zie ; both were expert telegraph operators, and she died at their home in La Otto, Ind., in 1880 ; Letitia C. is the wife of Alvin Hawkins, a farmer of Stark County, Ohio. In 1859 Israel W. Martin and hisyoung wife left their native county, their wedding tour being a trip to the AVest. They stopped in Illinois and located in Fulton County, near Le wistown, on a farm, remaining there until the sirring of 1866. During the winter season Mr. Martin engaged in teaching, and spent the summer in farm work. All their chil- dren were born in Fulton County. They are : Cora A., wife of D. M. Holland, a farmer of Canaan Township, who has one son, Clayton M.,now in his fifth year; Olive M. attended Howe's Academy, and is now engaged in teaching in this county, and is an artist of merit; she was a pupil of Miss Pet AValton, of Mt. Pleasant. Lewis W. finds a home with his parents on the farm, which is the one first occupied by them on their arrival in Henry County. He has received a fine business education atElliott's Business College at Burlington, but prefers the farm to all other occupations. In 1866, Mr. Martin with his family removed to Henry County and purchased the northeast quarter of section 28, at that time unimproved. To this he has added eighty acres, and has made many im- provements. His mother found a home with him after his marriage, and her death occurred beneath his roof in 1884. Mr. and Mrs. Martin are mem- bers of the Methodist Episcopal Church. He is also a member of New London Lodge No. 28, A. F. & A. M., and an ardent Republican, and cast his first vote for President Lincoln. After coming to Henry County, the first ten winters were spent by Mr. Martin in teaching. He was elected Township Clerk in Illinois, and served in the same position a number of years after coming to Henry County. He was the trusted Assessor of Canaan Township T -•► t ■^•- 616 HENRY COUNTY. i for six consecutive years, prior to which he served as District Township Secretary for a number of years. Since becoming residents of this county the fam- ily have become endeared to all who know them, and are highly respected in the community. GEORGE E. FERRIS, of Mt. Pleasant, is one of the pioneer settlers of Henr}' County, Iowa, and was born in Devonshire, England, on the 3ist of March, 1823, and is the son of Ed- ward and Mary (Knighton) Ferris, both of whom were also natives of Devonshire. They were the parents of five children, two sons and three daugh- ters: Mary, wife of Benjamin Harvey, deceased, is now residing at Weymouth, ICngl.and; Elizabeth, who was the wife of Mr. Holmwood, now deceased, also resides at Weymouth ; Anna, the wife of Charles Woods, resides at St. Albans, England; George E., the subject of this sketch, and William, a resident of Dawlish, Devonshire, England. Mr. .and Mrs. Edward Ferris were members of the Congregational Church in England for many years. Mrs. Ferris departed this life Jan. 2.5, 1832, her husband sur- viving her for many years, and dying April 15, 1854. George E., our subject, received but a common- school education, being apprenticed at the age of fifteen to the carpenter trade for six years, in re- turn for his services receiving only his board. He was married to Miss Sarah C. Champ, in 1849, who was the daughter of Samuel R. and Mary (Hooper) Champ, of Dorsetshire, England. Mr. and Mrs. Champ were the parents of nine children, eight of whom are now living: John, of England; Edvvin, a resident of Montgomery County, Iowa; Alfred, Stephen, Henry, Frederick, and Mary, wife of Mr. Wearham, all live in England. Mr. and Mrs. Champ are members of the Congregational Church. Mr. Ferris, in 1849, embarked with his young wife for America in a sailing-vessel, the voyage lasting seven weeks. He settled at Pittsburgh, where he remained but a short time, being obliged to leave on account of sickness, removing to Brownsville, and three years subsequently removing to Marion County, W. Va. In the month of April, 1857, he came to Kenry County, working at his trade until the breaking out of the Rebellion, en- listing in the 4th Iowa Cavalry Nov. 16, 1861. He was mustered into service at Camp Harlan. The following March the regiment was sent to Benton Barracks at St. Louis and from thence to Rolla, JIo., and subsequently to Springfield, Mo. Mr. Ferris was detailed as assistant nurse at Helena, Ark. On the 14th of March, 1864, he re-enlisted, serving until the close of the war, and was discharged Aug. 18, 1865, since which time he has been living in Mt. Pleasant. Mr. and Mrs. Ferris are the parents of three liv- ing children: Mary E., wife of Samuel W. Siberts, LL. D., of the Methodist Episcopal Church, now in mission service at the cit^' of Mexico; he at- tended school at Mt. Pleasant and completed his education at the Boston Theological University. Ida C. is the wife of Rev. J. E. Corley, a Methodist minister, who was also educated at Mt. Pleasant and Boston Theological University; Carrie H., who is the wife of Park Kauffman, the superintendent of the schools of Red Oak, Iowa; he is a graduate of Wesleyan University at Mt. Pleasant. There is also an adopted son, Francis M., a graduate of the High School, who has taken a partial course in the Uni- versity at Mt. Pleasant, and is now an attorney-at- law in Kansas. Mr. and Mrs. Ferris are active members in the Methodist Episcopal Church, and are held in high esteem by all who know them. OBADIAH HARRIS COOK, a resident of sec- tion 36, Salem Township, was born in Preble County, Ohio, in 1834, and is a son of Nathan and Sarah (Denny) Cook. The paternal ancestors were of English origin, and the maternal of Irish. The union of the couple named w.as cele- brated in Ohio, but Nathan and his second wife, the mother of O. II., came from the Carolin.as, whore both were born. They cleared a farm in Preble County and upon that farm their children were all born. The first wife, who was a Miss Comer, bore two children : Jonathan, who is wedded to Susannah Beason, and Martha, the wife of Samuel J» ■ <■ »► ■ <•■ 4 HENRY COUNTY. 617 t= Maddock. After the death of the first wife Nathan married Sarah Denny, who in that State bore Eliza- beth, now wife of Henrj' Lamm; William, who wedded Lncinda Bales; Susannah, wife of Wheeler Davis; Isaac, husband of Mary J. Bishop; Hannah wedded first to Cyrus Coffin, and after his death, married Jabez B. Smith; Charitj' married David Thatcher; Eli, unmarried, finds a home with our subject; Henry W., deceased, was married to Laura Davis; then came our subject, followed by the birth of Louisa, deceased ; Elihu, who is married to Mary Pope, and Eliza and Amos, who died unmar- ried. In 1839 the parents came to this county', and made a location npon the same farm now owned and tilled by his son. This was then in its virgin state, but the Quaker family soon made it a fine farm, and upon the new land splendid crops grew. Nathan paid Gideon Frasier |7 per acre at that early day for part of the farm, entering the east eighty acres. Upon this farm both the father and mother died, she at the age of seventy, and he at eighty-six. The historian has learned much of their goodness, and finds it only necessary to state that their children have proved themselves worthy of such parents. From the age of five years our subject grew to manhood on the farm, and at the age of twenty-two Miss Elizabeth Fisher became his wife. She was the daughter of John and Esther Fisher, who emigrated from New Jersey to this State in 1842, and made a location at Ft. Madison. J. Fisher, Jr., a brother, was for a number of years engaged in business in Salem, leaving that vill.ige in 1887 for Clarinda, Iowa. Another brother, Alexander, is still in business in Salem. There was a large number of children born to Mr. Fisher, wlio was twice married. The second wife was Eliza Jane Alterman, both bearing children to him. The marriage of our subject to Miss Fisher was celebrated April 17, 1856. Their domestic life was begun and has been continued upon the old home, and their children have all been born in the roomy old mansion : Amos E. wedded Florence Rice ; Edwin W., Clifton H. and Cora B. are unmar- ried. The two eldest children are now in business. Amos graduated in law at Iowa City, and is a practicing attorney at Malvern, Iowa; Edwin graduated in medicine at Iowa City, and is a resi- 4» dent physician of Plattsmouth, Neb; Clifton graduated in stenograph}' at Iowa City the winter of 1887; Corals completing her education, and makes the old home cheerful by her presence. Mr. Cook has served his township in positions of trust for several years. He has been one of the ener- getic men who have aided in making this one of the noteworthy counties of Southeastern Iowa. Through the endeavors of Mi-. Cook, George W. Tyner and X. H. Arnold, the Salem District Fair has been made a success, and in 1887, the third year, was largely attended. The premium list awarded was $250, and Mr. Cook is now upon his second term as President of the society. The grading and breeding of stock are largely due to such enterprise, •and to such men we are pleased to give proper credit. As a man and citizen Mr. Cook justly holds a front rank in Salem Township. ,,^ ITKIN BAXTER, a farmer residing on sec- KM tion 24, Canaan Township, Henry Co., Ill Iowa, was born in Westmoreland County, Pa., Sept. 16, 1812, and is a son of Aitkin and Elizabeth (Wallace) Baxter. John Baxter, the grandfather, was a native of Ireland, and came to this country prior to the Revolutionary War, in which he served as Sergeant. His eldest son, Rob- ert, was old enough to carry arms at that time, and relieved his father, who then went home on a fur- lough. His wife was supposed to be a Miss Gibbs, but the early history of her family is not known. She was the mother of four children — Robert, Gil- bert, Aitkin and Margaret. The pai-ents died in Penn- sylvania at an advanced age. Robert married Miss Dillon, and after her de.ath Jane Boj'd became his wife: Gilbert and Margaret died unmarried, and Aitkin married Elizabeth Wallace, reared a family of eight children, and both he and his wife died and were Iniried in Pennsylvania. Aitkin Baxter, Sr., was a stonemason, but spent his last days on a farm. Our subject is the only one of the children now living. His marriage was celebrated in Westmore- land County, Pa., Oct. 11, 1838, Miss Matilda Crawford becoming his wife. Their six eldest chil- -^•- 618 -•► HENRY COUNTY. dren were born there, three of whom died before the family came West. Those living are: Robert, who wedded Marietta Miltenberger, and resides in Albia, Iowa; James, who married May A.Thomp- son, is a merchant of Mt. Union, and Elizabeth is the wife of William Martin, of Marion Township, Henry County. In 1851 Mr. Baxter, with his young wife and family, embarked at Pittsburgh for the West, taking passage down the Ohio and up the Mississippi to Burlington, where they landed April 18 of the same year. Mr. Baxter came to the new country with some means and soon afterward entered sec- tion 24, Canaan Township, .and there he has lived ever since. The first house erected was a log shanty, into which the family moved, they being the fourth family to settle in the township. Their first lionse stood almost upon the same site as the present residence. That house was destroyed b}' fire in March, 1887, but from the smoldering ruins an elegant cottage has arisen. Only one child was born after Mr. and Mrs. Baxter came to Henry County, Josepli, who died in 1861. Robert and James were botli soldiers, Robert in tlie 1st Iowa Cavalry and James in the Marine service. Robert was wounded by guerrillas in Missouri, and of his foraging party only himself and one other were left to tell the tale. 8ix balls passed through portions of his person, and he 3'et cari'ies a minie ball in his body as a souvenir of the .war. He retired from service with tlie rank of Captain, and covered with the scars of iionorable warfare. For a number of months Mrs. Baxter has been an invalid, and is confined to lier room. She has reached the age of seventy-six, h.as seen her chil- dren all married and well settled in life; her boys have returned from the war and become useful citi- zens, and her daughter a loving mother. Plight grandchildren are living and have nestled in lier arms, and do her honor by the love they l)ear for one of the most devoted of grandmothers. Our subject was one of the Judges at the fir.st election in Canaan Township, which was held at the McCalie farm. lie w-as one of the first ap- pointed and also the first elected Trustee in the township, and later was County Supervisor for five j'ears. Long since past his prime, but yet in fair health, Mr. Baxter manages his farm and for years has been accounted one of the most indus- trious and honest neighbors in the community. He j'et owns the southeast quarter of section 24, after giving half the section to his sons, and his daughter is to have the old home farm. ^- -^^1 1799. ■^*- AMUEL H. ROSS, a prominent and in- fluential citizen of Henry County, residing on section 27, Marion Township, was born in Westmoreland County, Pa., Nov. 25, His parents were John and Maiy (Cochrane) Ross, she being a niece of William Finley, associate of Gen. George Washington, and a brother-in-law of one of the members of the old Continental Con- gress. Her grandfather Cochrane was a Captain in the Light Horse Guards of Gen. Washington, he acting as Washington's body-guard for seven years afterward. Mr. and Mrs. Ross were the parents of eight children : Samuel II., of Mt. Pleasant; Sarah married John Magill, both now deceased ; their son AVilliam is one of the prominent men of Pennsyl- vania, having served as Justice of the Peace in West Deer Township, Allegheny Co., Pa., and four terms in the State Legislature, being promi- nently spoken of for State Senator by the Repub- lican party. John died in Allegheny' County', Pa. in 1885, leaving four sons and two daughters; he was an Elder in the United Presbyterian Church. Rhuma, wife of Thomas Cox, died in Cincinnati, Ohio; George W. was united in marriage with Miss Ester Irvin, and now resides in Allegheny County, Pa., on the old home farm ; Eliza, deceased wife of Robert Cunningham, a resident of Alleghen3' County, Pa. ; William died when a j'oung man, and Mary A., the widow of Allen Aber, resides in Allegheny County. Our subject remained under the inu-cntal roof un- til he was twenty-two years of age. The father being an invalid, the care of the family fell ujwn the mother and himself, while he was yet a boy. He worked at stone-cutting and various occuiiations in his native State. The father and mother both died in Allegheny County, Pa., and were devoted HENRY COUNTY. 619 members of the United Presbyterian Church. Mr. Ross was a cousin of Gen. Ross, who was killed by the Americans at Baltimore. Samuel Ross wedded Miss Sarah Livingston, a daughter of James and Martha (Robertson) Livingston, both natives of Pennsylvania, and in that State, in Westmoreland County, May 19, 1803, their daughter Sarah was born. Shortly after their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Ross removed to Allegheny County, where he leased a farm for ten years. At the expiration of the time, he decided to try the far West, so in 1811 he with his wife and four children came to Henry County, Iowa, locating in Center Township, his post-office being Mt. Pleasant. Mr. and Mrs. Ross are the par- ents of six children: John P., residing in Baker City, Ore. ; James; Martha, now Mrs. Thomas Lash, of Mt. Pleasant; William E. owns a large ranch in Nevada; Sarah, wife of John Huling, a farmer of Center Township; and Sam, a resident of Oregon. Mr. Ross is one of the pioneer settlers of Henry County, has witnessed the many changes that have taken place, and has ever been identified with all public improvements. He and his estimable wife traveled life's journey together for nearly fifty- seven years, she being called to her final home Sept. 24, 1887. They were both members of the United Presbj'terian Church, doing their part in all church work. As a pioneer, citizen and friend, none more truly deserve the respect and love of all than does Samuel H. Ross. Politically, he is a Republican, having voted with that party since its organization. -S^^' D. W. C. THROOP, deceased, was for many yeai'S the senior editor of the Mt. Pleasant Free Press, owned by his nephew, James A. Throop, who had from boyhood been to him as a son, and whom he had followed to Iowa from his home in the State of New York. He was born in Hamilton, Madison Co., N. Y., Nov. 27, 1819, and was the youngest of a family of seven children, all of whom had preceded him to the farther shore. In early life he was designed by his friends for the ministry, for which his devout and reverent nature seemed especially to fit him. His own inclinations, however, led him to the study of the law, in which he spent three years. Too great .in absorption in the studies which he loved im- paired his health, and a long .and dangerous illness resulted, compelling him to relinquish his cherished design, and seek a more active career for his life work, which he accordingly did. May 4, 1847, he was married in his native town to Lydia A. Whipple, also of th.at place. The young couple began their domestic life in Preston, Che- nango Co., N. Y,, where thej' lived until about twenty years later, when they removed to Mt. Pleas- ant, Iowa. Their union was blessed by the births of three children, one daughter and two sons, namely: Eliza C, who became the wife of M. J. Blauding, and died in Henry County, in 1877, leaving two children, who were taken to rear by their grand- parents, and on whom Mr. Throop lavished the love he had felt for his only daughter, whose death was to him the greatest sorrow of his life. The sons are: George E., a well-known resident of Mt. Ple.asant, and Deputj' Postmaster; and James H., who carried out the early ambition of his father, and is now a successful attorney at Norwich, N. Y., the town where his father had begun his studies, .and of which James H. Throop has recently been elected as INIayor. Besides his own children, our subject had reared his nephew, James A. Throop, proprietor of the Mt. Pleasant Free Press, and had regarded him as one of his own, an affection fully reciprocated by its recipient. The latter settled in Mt. Pleasant in December, 1 856, and in March, 1 868, our subject decided to make that pliice his home, also, having likewise a sister and other relatives living there. On his arrival in Mt. Pleasant he engaged in the hardw.are business with his nephew, the connection continuing until the latter became, in the summer of 1872, one of the proprietors of the Mt. Pleasant Free Press. He then became a regular contributor to the paper, a labor he loved, and on the retirement of the regular editor, Mr. Edwin Van Cise, he assumed the duties of editor- in-chief, a position he filled until the moment of his de.ath, the proprietor giving his attention to its man- agement. He was a ready and fluent writer, and his editorial work on the Free Press marked him as a man of no ordinary ability. -r -f t ■^•- -•► 620 HENRY COUNTY. \ T In politics Mr. Throop was in early life an ardent Whig, but on the formation of the Republican party, was equally enthusiastic in its support. Especially was he an admirer of Horace Greeley, who was his ideal Statesmau, and when the latter was nominated for the Presidency in 1872, he followed him into the ranks of the Democratic party, with which he afterward continued to act. He was also an ardent advocate of the cause of prohibition, and in his New York home was especially active in its sup- port. The death of Mr. Throop was sudden. He died as he had often expressed a wish to do, "with the harness on." On Saturday, March 10, 1888, he was cheerfully conversing with an old friend and former associate, Mr. Edwin Van Cise, in the Free Press office, when lie was seen to put his hand to his head and fall forward. Loving arms caught him and laid him genth- down, and in a few moments the spirit of the just man winged its way to Him who gave it. Mr. Throop was a man of rare purity of life, of deep religious feeling, honest in word and deed, of a cheerful, kindly disposition, beloved by all who knew him well, and his death was mourned by an unusually large circle of friends to whom bis lov- able traits of character had greatly endeared iiim. ON. JAMES HARLAN is the best known of all the citizens of Henry County. He is a native of Clarke County, 111., born Aug. 2(), 1S20, and is the son of Silas and IMary (Conley) Harlan. On the fatiier's side the family are of English descent, who in an early daj- settled in South ('arolina, moving from thence to Pennsyl- vania. The maternal grandfather of our subject was a soldier in the Revolutionary War. Silas Harlan moved with his family to I'arke County, Ind., when James was but three years old, and there the son was roared on a farm. He re- ceived his education in Asbury University, at Greencastle, Ind., then under the Presidency of the late Bishop Simpson, graduating in 184.5. On receiving his ?5-?V ,EV. WILLIAM E. DeGARMO, residing on section 19, Marion Township, is a native of Pennsylvania, born in Washington County, \Vg)F(li. 27, 1818, and is a son of William and Mary (McDonald) DeGarmo, the former a native of New Jersey, and the latter of Pennsylvania. His grandfather, Paul DeGarmo, was a native of Long Island, N. Y. The early life of our subject was spent in his native State, assisting in the farm work when old enough, and attending the common schools when the opportunity was afforded him. When four- teen years of age he accompanied his parents to Virginia, the family locating on a farm near Wheeling, now in West Virginia, Here he re- mained until 1846, engaged in farming with his father the greater part of the time. After his removal to Virginia, he had the privilege of at- tending school but four months. This, with what little he was taught in the schools of his native State, completed his education so far as obtained by study in school. But he was not one to be con- tented with such a limited education, and by much reading and studj' in after years, has become a well-informed man. On leaving his father's house, Mr. DeGarmo went to Clinton County, Ohio, where he remained eight years, engaged in teaching much of the time, a profession in which he had some experience be- fore leaving Virginia. While here he was licensed to preach the Gospel, and was ordained a Deacon in the Methodist Protestant Church in the district of Oliio. In 1854 he came to Iowa, locating in Keokuk County. In the fall of 18.55 he united with the Iowa Conference of the Methodist Protest- ant Church, and traveled the circuit in Davis i* County for one year. During the succeeding year he taught school in Davis County, where he became acquainted with and married Miss Susan Heidle- baugh, a native of Lancaster County, Ohio, the eeremonj' being performed April 30, 1857. Mrs. DeGarmo came to Iowa in 1851 with her parents, who located in Davis County. Five children have been born unto them : one, Ray P., dying in infancy ; four are yet living: Sarah Bell married John Booten, and lives in Jackson Township, Henry County; Allie May married George W. Zellar, and is living in Jasper County, Iowa; Ed married Miss Beatrice Daniels, and lives in Trenton Township, on the old homestead ; Delia lives at home with her parents. In the fall of 1857 Mr. DeGarmo took his young wife to Mt. Pleasant, where they resided one year, he being engaged in preaching. They then moved to Trenton Township, Henry County, and in the neighboihood where they first settled, known as the Rich wood neighborhood, have since continued to reside, and during all this time Mr. DeGarmo has been engaged principally in teaching, and preaching the Gospel as he finds opportunity. In 1859 he was ordained an Elder in the Methodist Protestant Church. For twenty years he has been engaged a part of his time in burning lime. Three times has he been elected Justice of the Peace, but qualified but once. Mr. DeGarmo is essentially a self-educated and self-made man. As a husband and father he is kind and affectionate; as a minister of the Gospel, he endeavors faithfully' to serve his Master; as a citizen he is esteemed by all. \f^ AUL F. STRAUB, M. D., Third Assist- ant Physician at the Iowa State Hospital for the Insane, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, was born in the celebrated Black Forest of Ger- many, near Baden, July 3, 1865. His parents, Edward and Addrieuna (Rappenecker) Straub, were natives of that country, and emigrated from (Jcrmany to America in 1872, with their family, and came directly to Mt. Pleasant, where they now reside. Paul, the subject of our sketch, received . m^ -4•- 622 ^^•►Hh-# HENRY COUNTY. his primary education in the public schools of Mt. Pleasant, and spent one and a half years as a stu- dent of the Iowa Wesleyan University. He then took a regular course at the medical department of the Iowa State University, and graduated in the class of 1885. He was then employed at the Kan- sas State Insane Asylum, at Topeka, several months, and in Maj', 1886, was appointed to his present position. He is a member of Mt. Pleasant Lodge No. 1, A. F. & A. M., of Henry Chapter No. 8, R. A. M., and of Jerusalem Comraanderj' No. 20, all of Mt. Pleasant. Dr. Straub is a promising young physician, who has but entered upon his career in the honorable pi'ofession of medicine. -,^S- #-•# ylLLIAM F. JONES, Postmaster and far- mer. Perhaps in the boundaries of Jack- son Township there resides no man of a wider acquaintance in Henry County, either in a business or a social sense, than the subject of this sketch. Everyone, from the youngest to the old- est settler, knows hira, and a more genial couple than Mr. Jones and wife would be hard to find. He is a son of George and Lydia (McMurtry) Jones, and was born in Morgan County, 111., June 17, 1832. His parents soon after his birth moved to Knox County, 111., remaining until April 1, 1838, when they emigrated westward and found a location in this county. Mr. Jones entered 249^ acres of land on sections 2.5 and 20, in Jackson Township. On part of this tract stood a cabin built by Elijah Bunting, his claim being purchased by Mr. Jones. George Jones originally came from Virginia, ami was born March 21, 1785, in Roanoke Count}', and was the son of James and Catherine (Howe) Jones. He was a soldier under Gen. Harrison during the Indian War, and from him his son inherited his loyal sentiments as well as his patriotism, for later events prove him to have been a brave soldier. George Jones was mariicd in Harrison Count}', Ind., to Lydia McMurtry, Feb. 17, 1817. She was born in Mercer County, K}'., Dec. 7, 17115, her parents being James .and I'.lizabeth (Rose) McMurtry, of Irish ancestry. Her grandfather lived in Kentucky, 4» and was engaged in the Indian wars in that State, and was killed by the Indians. Her father was also a soldier, and from his boyhood was an Indian fighter. There were eight children in the Jones family, two of whom, Nancj' and Sarah, died in Indiana. The others are: Elizabeth, who was wedded to Walter King, and died in Chehalis County, Wash. Ter. ; Isaac H., who married Mary A. Garrison, died in Boone County. Iowa; Silas M is" the husband of Hester J. Garrison; James M., who remained a bachelor until last February, when he W.1S wedded in Washington Territory ; Catherine, the youngest member of the family, is wife of Will- iam L. Davolt, and William F'., our subject, completes the list. The father died in 1850, and his wife sur- vived him thirty-two years, being in her eighty- seventh year when her death occurred. Our subject was a lad six years of age when his parents became residents of this countj', and from his boyhood William F. Jones has been identified with everything that was of interest to his county or her people. He was educated in the public schools of that early day, and later taught school in what is now known as Bethanj' District, in Baltimore Township. He learned farm work in detail, and before old enough to hold the plow drove the oxen while one with more muscle held the handles. He jokinglj' remarks that he lived with his mother until he was married, when she lived the remainder of her days with him. He was three years a soldier in the Union army, a member of Company B, 3d Iowa Cavahy, and was in every engagement partic- ipated in by the right wing of his regiment to which he was attached, except one, during his entire term of service. He draws a pension for disability incurred in the service. Mr. Jones tiikes great pride, and justlj* so, in the patriotism of his mother as manifested during this dark period. When the war broke out he and she lived alone, no other son being west of the Rocky Mountains. He expressed himself to her that he did not wish to outlive his country, and that he felt that he must enlist in the army. She unhesitatingly said "go," for she could take care of herself. He did go, and served faithfully, and lived to return to the mother who was so willing to give him as a sacrifice for the country she so loved. ■<^ HENRY COUNTY. 623 - ' At the expiration of his term of enlistment, Mr. Jones returned to Henry County, and Nov. 4, 1864, was elected County Supervisor. He was subse- quently elected Justice and served eleven years. He has also served as Township Clerk, Township Trustee for several terms, and in fact, it might be truthfully said that if William F. Jones would make any effort to secure it, the best office within the gift of the people in this county awaits him. Asa writer and speaker Mr. Jones has no superior among the people, professional or scientific, in this county, and his letters to the press upon the beneficial results of a protective tariff have been pronounced masterly by the best reasoners and thinkers of the county. Brilliant in intellect, with a depth of thought en- hanced hy constant study, Mr. Jones has made him- self felt in social and political circles for years, and the future promises much for him. His marriage to MissDorthaDowell was celebrated Nov. 17, 1864. She is a native of Miami County, Ohio, born Jan. 1, 1834, a daughter of Martin and Mary (Hall) Dowell. Martin Dowell was born in North Caro- lina, his wife in Charleston, S. C, and they were married in Dayton, Ohio. They were the parents of ten children, of whom eight came to Iowa : John, the second son, died at Allatoona, Ga., dur- ing the war. The Dowell family came to this county in 1857, and the parents of Mrs. Jones are both buried in the Pilot Cxrove Cemetery. Mrs. Jones is the only one of the children now a resi- dent of this county, but the names and respective locations of the others are as follows: Ellison married Mary Richardson, and resides in Butler County, Neb. ; Sarah J. wedded J. H. Cowgill, of Henry County, and is now a resident of Saline County, Neb.; John died unmarried; Dortha is the wife of our subject; William wedded Mattie (Jrant, and resides in Brainard, Neb. ; Nancy, unmarried, is a resident of Valparaiso, Neb., and Joanna is the wife of Marquis Grant, a resident of Saunders County, Neb. Mr. Jones and his wife are the parents of six children : Mary A., wife of George Wanser, of Brain.ard, Neb., was educated at Howe's Academy, and was a teacher in this county prior to her mar- riage; Dovie was educated at the same academy, and is now a teacher in this count}' ; Nora is also a graduate of the same school and is a resident m teacher of Tobias, Saline Co., Neb. ; Mattie C. will also complete her education at Howe's Academy, and intends teaching. John D. and Sarah J., the younger membei's of the family, possess the same brightness of intellect and are intended by their parents to have a complete education. In 1871 Mr. Jones was appointed Postmaster of Boylston, his commission bearing the signature of Postmaster-General Cresswell. He has been con- tinued in this office to date, and is now in his seven- teenth official year. In all the relations of life, as a brave soldier, a capable official and an estimable citizen, he has ever held the respect of his fellow- men. <3' A 1*1 c~t_ AVID W. ROBINSON, M. D., one of the most eminent physicians of Henry County, was born in Harrison County, W. Va., June 14, 1826, and is a son of David R. and Sarah (Walmslej') Robinson, both natives of the same county, the former born in 1789, and the latter in 1791. The elder Robinson was a farmer, in connection with which he ran a flouring-mill for many years. He was a Whig and an ardent ad- mirer of Henry Cl.ay and Daniel Webster, whom he strongly supported. He was a man of more than ordinary abilitj', a reader and thinker, who wielded considerable influence in that locality, but attended closely to his own affairs. Mr. Robinson died in 1853, his wife in 1832. Of their nine children but two are now living, the Doctor and a brother, Fer- nando, who is a resident of Clarksburg, W. Va.. engaged in the jewelrj' business. On its organiza- tion he joined the Republican party, and when it gained the ascendancy he was elected Clerk of the District Court of Harrison County. When the subject of this sketch was a boy there were no public schools in his native State, and he was educated in subscription schools, but is mainly self-taught, with the exception of three months that he spent with a private tutor. In his youth he wished to go to West Point, but was persuaded that if he did so he would become the property of the United States, and therefore relinquished the idea. He was always a great reader and student. 'i^M ■**' -^ 624 HENRY COUNTY. and read all the miscellaneous books in his father's library, and as many more as he could obtain. He decided upon the practice of medicine as his life work, and in 1848 began reading and stiid3'ing with that end in view. Later he took up the study of theology, and in 1850 joined the Methodist Church, and his friends were desirous that he should enter the pulpit, but he felt then that he had no call to the ministr}^, and continued the study of medicine. In 1852 and 1853 he attended the Eclectic Medical College at Cincinnati, whence he gi'aduated in the latter year. Returning to Virginia he remained there until 1855, when he emigrated to Iowa, land- ing at Muscatine, where he engaged in practice. While there, in 1857. he was licensed to preach, and was recommended to Conference and given a charge at Pella, Iowa, and in 1858 was appointed to Montezuma, Poweshiek Co., Iowa, to which place he removed. In that year he marrjed Miss Sarah Dudley, of Mainville, Ohio. He continued to fill the pulpit until the meeting of the Conference in the fall of 1858, but had previously resumed tlie practice of medicine, and had built up a lucrative practice, in which he was engaged until August, 1862, when he decided to talcc part in the struggle for National existence, and in connection with Wesley Carr, then a student in his office, enlisted 204 men. Fart ■were enrolled a.s Company B, 40th Iowa Volunteers, with the Doctor in command as Captain; and part were made a compan}' of tlie 28th Iowa, with Capt. Carr in command. While at Camp Post, at Iowa City, Gov. Kirkwood came to him and asked him to resign ;is Captain, and he would immediately commission him as Surgeon, efficient surgeons being at that time very much needed. Willing to give his services where they could be most effective, he .accepted, and went to the field as Surgeon of the 40th Iowa. The regi- ment w.as ordered to join the Army of the Tennes- see, and were sent to Vicksburg, where they re- mained until its capture. They were then sent to Helena and Little Rock, Ark., and later took jiart in the Red River Expedition. In 1864 Dr. Robin- son resigned his commission, and the followingyear located in Mt. Pleasant, where he has since lived continuously, liuilding up a large practice, and ac- quiring an excellent reputation as a physician and a citizen. Still a student, he is continually adding by reading and experience to his knowledge, and his advice is eagerly ought by a large clientage at home. Abroad his reputation stands equally high. He is a member of the Henry County Medical So- ciety. Dr. Robinson was reared in a belief in the doc- trines of the Whig party. He was always an anti- slavery man, but a great .admirer of Stephen A. Douglas. In 1860 he cast his vote for Abraham Lincoln, and in 1864 again voted the Republican ticket. Since then, however, he h.as affiliated with the Democratic party. In 1869 he purchased the Henry County Press, which he conducted .as a Democratic newspaper, but in 1872 sold it to Messrs. Throop & Van Cise. The Doctor has three sons: Edw.ard H., the eldest, is a druggist, and has begun the study of medicine, attending two courses of lectures at the University of Iowa and a term in Rush Medical College, Chicago. The sec- ond son, David D., is a druggist in Burlington, Iowa, and the youngest, Charles, is yet with his parents. Dr. Robinson is a member of McFarland Post No. 13, G. A. R., of Mt. Pleasant, .and is a Knight Templar M.ason, a member of Mt. Pleasant Lodge No. 8, A. F. & A.M., of Henry Chapter No. 8, R. A. M., .and Jerusalem Commandery No. 7, K. T. ON. FRANK HATTON, ex-Postmaster General of the United States, formerly a prominent journalist of Iowa, and resident of Mt. Ple.asant, now editor of the New York P7-ess.i was born in Camliridge. Oliio, April 28, 1846, and is tlie son of Ritli.ud and Sarah (Green) Ilatton. His fallier was a journalist of considerable [iruniinence in Ohio, an!^ • — "-"^-itf-" IDGWAY B. GILLIS, deceased, was one of J the pioneers of Henry County. He was born in Ontario County, N. Y., Feb. 2, ^1818. When a small boy he went with his parents to Elk County, Pa., where he grew to man- hood. His education was received in the Academy of Chautauqua, New York. He was married in Elk County, Pa., April 1, 1840, to Miss Margaret Mc- Bain, a daughter of Peter McBain, formerly con- nected with the British army. She was born in Peebles, Scotland, June 4, 1820. When about one year old she was taken by her parents to India, her father being a soldier at that time. He was con- nected with the service for many years and was under Wellington in the battle of Waterloo. Her father and mother both dying in India, she was sent to the States by Rev. E. Kinkead, at that time a missionary. In making the voyage from India to -4* Philadelphia, at which port she landed, she was four months on the water. She was but thirteen years old and was the only female on board the ship. Arriving at Philadelphia she went to a brother of Rev. Kinkead, where she made her home for several years. In 1844 Mr. Gillis came to Henr^' County, Iowa, and purchased 160 acres of land in Marion Town- ship, and forty acres of timber land in Trenton Township. Three years later he moved his family, landing in Mt. Pleasant on the 20th of October. At this time his family consisted of a wife and three children. During the following winter they made their home with a neighbor, and then Mr. Gillis built a house on his own place, and at once commenced the development of his farm. In 1850 he crossed the plains to California in company with Owen Ingersoll, and for the next three years was engaged in mining and other pursuits. In 1 853 he re- turned home by water with the intention of removing his family to California, but not meeting with a ready sale of his place, after a couple of months left his family and once more crossed the plains to the New Eldorado, where he remained four years longer, en- gaged in teaming and mining. Returning to Henry County he remained with his family until the spring of 1858, and then went to Nebraska City, and took charge of a supplj' train that was being forwarded to Salt Lake City, at the time of the Mormon War. In January following he returned home, but only remained until spring, when he went to Salt Lake City and took charge of another supply train. James R., his oldest son, acconipjinied him on this trip. In October, 1859, he returned home, spent the winter, and in the spring of 1860 received the Government appointment and took charge of the farms on the Pawnee reservation. In this line of duty he continued until July, 1861, when he came home, and for the next two years was engaged in farming and stock dealing, though a portion of that time he was also engaged in merchandis- ing at Wayland. AVhile much of his time was spent away from home, Mr. Gillis was a man who thought much of his family, and he gave each of his children a liberal education, and supplied them with an .abundance of reading matter. All of the children, with the exception of one, have from time to time •>- 'i ♦ 630 t HENRY COUNTY. engaged in teaching. The family of Mr. and Mrs. Gillis consists of eight children : James R., of this county, married Miss Augusta B. Moore, a native of Steuben County, N. Y. ; they have four living children — Arthur L., Charles B., Ann M. and Hud- son B. The second child was Hudson B., an attor- ney-at-law, now residing in Yrcka, Cal. ; Mar^' J. is the wife of O. I. Jamieson, of Columbus Junction, Iowa; Hemy AV. is an attorney -at-law, of Burt County, Neb. ; Andrew J. is a civil engineer and real-estate agent in Oakland, Cal. ; Charles B. was killed by the kick of a horse at the age of twelve years; two died in infancy. Mr. Gillis died in 1872, at Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. Mrs. Gillis is at pres- ent making her home with her sou James R. She is a member of the Baptist Church, with which body she h.is aftiliated since a girl twelve years of age. James R. Gillis, the eldest son, is living in Henry County, on section 20, Center Township, where he has 175 acres of land, all of which is under a state of high cultivation. On this farm he located in 1881. He is well educated and for several years eng.aged in teaching. In 186G and 1867 he was eng.iged in teaching at New Boston, Mercer Co., 111., where he had charge of the graded schools. In 1870 he had charge of the school in Avoca, Steuben Co., N. Y. As a teacher he was highly successful. Since turning his attention to agricultural pursuits he has been quite prosperous. Politicall}', he is a Democrat; fraternally, he is a Master Mason and has filled all the chairs of his lodge. ney. ANIP:L TURNEY, a farmer of Jefferson Township, Ilem-y Co., Iowa, was born near Columbus, Ohio, in 1815, and is a son of John and Susan (Ridenhour) Tur- She was born in Maryland, and her husband in Westmoreland County, I'a., and both went to Ohio in l.sOO, having been married in Pennsylvania. Their eldest son, J. M., was born in Pennsylvania prior to their emigration to Ohio. J. M. Turney, Sr., the grandfather of our subject, purchased sev- eral soldier's warrants and secured with them about 700 acres of land in Ohio. He and his wife lived and died upon that laud. During the residence of John and Susan Turney in Ohio nine children were born to them: Henry died in childhood; Mary married David Dill; Jacob, deceased, married Rebecca Butler; Susan married Thomas Bell; then came our subject, Daniel ; Catherine married Zenik Noble, and resides in Indiana; Elizabeth married Augustus Dill; Phd'be and George R. were twins; Phcebe married Elijah Noble, and resides in Jeffer- son Township; George K. married Cynthia Pinney, and Davis, who died when five j'ears old, completes the family. Their parents lived and died in Ohio. Daniel, our subject, was married in 1839 to Lavina Wilcox, and in 1843 the young couple came to Henry County, Iowa, and entered a part of the land he now owns. He was a voter for the organization of Iowa as a State, and oulj' a few families were living in Jefferson Township when he came. Of their children, Chai-les C. and Laura were born in Ohio, and Darius P., Joel, Theodore, Sarah, George, and Cynthia, deceased, were born on the Turney homestead in Jefferson Township. Charles C. married Anna Green, and now resides at Wahoo, Saunders Co., Neb., of which he is County Treasurer. lie was educated and married in Henry Count}', and with his cousin Joel, now of Trenton, learned the blacksmith trade when a young man. Laura married Nathan Carker, a farmer of Audubon County, Iowa; Darius P. married Irene Gillespie, and resides in Saunders County, Neb.; Joel resides in Dakota, and wedded his wife in Minneapolis, and is a large farmer and stock- raiser and also a practical engineer bj' profession, and formerly' ran an engine in Minneapolis; Theo- dore married Agnes Bowen, and is a farmer in Saline County, Neb. ; Sarah married John Ernst, a farmer of Trenton Township; George married Emma Fleagle, and resides upon his father's home- stead; Darius P. enlisted in Company G, 11th Iowa Infantry, when but seventeen years of .age, and passed through many of the most severe battles of the w.ar, being at home onl^' once during the entire campaign; he was at Shiloh, Corinth, Lookout Mountain, Atlanta, and with Sherman to the sea, and in the mililar}- review at Wasliington he par- ticipated. I HENRY COUNTY. 631 One of the finest residences in Jefferson Town- ship in an early day was that of our subject. He was a poor man when he came to this county, but success has crowned his efforts .ind his acres now number 320 in one body. His wife dep.irted this life in 18G5, and in 1867 he was again married, his second wife being Eliza Wheeler, of this county, who was born in Coshocton County, Ohio. By this marri.ige he has had two children : John W., now in Colorado, and Ilattie M., a student at Howe's Academy, Mt. Ple.isant, both unmarried. One of the most genial personages in the township is our subject. He is of Franco-German origin, and three generations ago his ancestors, who were of French parentage, but German speaking, came to America. His great-grandfather married a Yankee lady in Massachusetts, and from him is descended the family whom we are pleased to honor. Mr. Turney was a Whig in the days of that party and was one who assisted in the forma- tion of the Republican party in this county. He has been frequently Township Trustee, and has also filled many other offices of the township. Prudent in business and energetic in habits he has grown wealthy, and in his ripe old age looks backward upon a life well spent. Other sketches of individ- ual members of the Turney family will be found elsewhere, and this of Daniel Turney will be warmly welcomed by hundreds of his old friends and neighbors. eHARLES D. WOOD, residing on section 21, Center Township, Henry Co., Iowa, was born in (.^uiucy, 111., Dec. 12, 1837, and is the youngest son of Daniel and Edith Wood, tiie former a native of Long Island, N. Y., and the latter (whose maiden name was Edith Athans) of North Carolina. When young people they came to Hamilton County, Ohio, with their parents, where they became acquainted and were united in mar- ri.age. After a two-ye.ars residence in Ohio, they removed to Lawrenceburg, Ind., where they re- mained for three years. Settling down in the forest, they hewed down the trees and developed a farm, but becoming dissatisfied with the country on account of sickness, they returned to Ohio, but remained there only a short time. Their next move was to Quincy, 111., where they remained some two years, at the expiration of which they crossed the Father of Waters into Iowa, locating near the town of Lowell, Henry County, where they resided some six months, after which they made their last and fin.il move to the old homestead occupied bj' them, until by the Angel of De.ath they were called hence, the former, whose death occurred Sept. 10, 1881, in the eighty-fifth year of his age, and the latter June 8, 1866, aged sixty- two years, both having been consistent members of the Methodist Church for over forty j'cars. Father Wood was also an earnest advocate of every charitable and noble cause, contending fear- lessly for the rights of his fellowmen, of whatever race, color or condition, and for many years was proud to be a member of that heroic little band of Abolitionists, who so nobly battled and suffered in the cause of human rights, and later, when the war clouds that for years had been gathering, burst, and Ft. Sumter was fired upon, and the National Government at Washington appealed to the people for money to arm and equip the soldiers in the field, he proved his patriotic faith by cheerfully tendering all his available means to his country, receiving therefor the Government's promise to pay, and continued to do so from time to time, until the war was ended and the country saved. At one time, during the darkest days of the Rebellion, when the armies for the Union were beaten back, and the country seemed to be trem- bling in the balance, and the hope of many had well- nigh given way to despair, he was admonished that there was great risk in placing so much of his hard- earned means in the hands of the Government. To this he promptly replied that " if the Govern- ment went to pieces it would probably be upon that theory, and that if we should all act on tli.-it supposition, the Government would surely not be maintained." "But," said he, "slavery cannot always exist, or the slave power much longer rule, and in the justness of our cause, and with honest Abe at the head, we are sure to win." Mr. and Mrs. Wood were the parents of seven children, four of whom are still living: John F., v^ t ■<^ 632 HENRY COUNTY. i of San Bernardino, Cal. ; Theodocia B., wife of John Dawson, of Henry County, Iowa; Daniel C, of tliis county. Cliarles D. Wood, the subject of our slictch, received his education in the primitive schools of the time. In 1838 he came to Henry County with his parents, remaining on the farm with them until 1856, when he went to Kansas, then a Territory, where he was engaged in the border ruffian war, under old Jim Lane, and used his vote and influence to make that State a home for free men. In the fall of 1860, having conceived the desire to visit the place of his birth, he bid adieu to Kansas and friends, leaving behind the land of the coyote and border ruffian, and heading for the rising sun, in a private conveyance, in due time liailed the ferry- man at Nauvoo, and crossed into the land of his earl}'' childhood, and remained there until the 13th day of July, 1861, when he enlisted in the 2d Illi- nois Cavalry, serving in Company K. He was mustered in at Camp Butler, near Springfield, where the regiment was encamped ; then went to Paducah, Ky. Here the regiment remained for a 3'ear. During this time Mr. Wood was taken sick with measles, and was discharged April 30, 1862. Like the prodigal he then returned home, and on the 12th of February, 1863, was married to Miss Addie E. Willeford, daughter of .Samuel and Rhoda Wille- ford, formerly of Kentucky, but pioneers of this county. She was born in Henry Countj-, Iowa, May 8, 1844. To them were born five children — Florence H., Edith A., Ada B., Viola May and Charles R. R. After marriage Mr. and Jlrs. AVo(_>cl located on a farm situated three miles south of Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, where they lived until the spring of 1873, at which time they removed to the vicinity of Weaverville, Trinity Co., Cal., purchas- ing a farm in the Golden State, located on the banks of Trinity River, from whence could be seen the snow-capped mountains all the j-ear around. Here they s|ient two very prosperous years, but owing to the rough state of the society, and lack of schooling facilities for their growing family, they determined to sell and return to Iowa, which resulted in the purch;ise of the farm where they now reside, one and one-half miles south of the city of Mt. Pleasant. Mr. Wood's religious belief is simply to do what is right without an}' special preference for sects or creeds. Politically he is emphatically a Repub- lican, believing that the great evil of intemperance can in no other way be so surely suppressed as through the polic}' of prohibition, advocated by that party ; believing that the protective policy of the Rei^ublican party to American industries will be most beneficial to the American Laborer, and will more rapidly develop our latent resources, bringing prosperity to all industrious classes of society; believing that through the Republican party we may hope to see the ballot extended to the noble women of our land, bringing in its wake a higher state of refinement, more humane and better laws; believing that no other part}' is so willing to accord to the Union soldiers the justice and honor they are entitled to, for the grand achievements wrought on the many blood}' battle- fields of the South, for the maintenance of the Union, and the suffering endured in hosjiitals and prison-pen; he sincerely hopes, and confidently expects, if he should live to a ripe old .age, to see tbese policies maintained, and in consequence to witness the brightest, most prosperous and happiest era that ever dawned on the American people. -J-^'\/\/V- R. ALFRED GABLESON, residing inMer- rimac, was born in Western Sweden, nea " Jonk Joping," and is the son of John and Christiana Gableson, both born, reared and married in Sweden, in which country two chil- dren, our subject and a daughter who died in in- fancy, were born before their emigration to America, in 1868. They first located in Rockford, 111., where John Gableson worked at his trade, that of wagon- making. Nine months Later the family came to Jefferson County, where a farm was purchased, and where the parents yet reside. One son was born in Je'fferson County, Iowa— Henry. The education of our subject was received at Wiufield, and his medi- cal studies were begun under the tuition of Dr. B. G. Kimmel, a i)hysician and surgeon of that town. After one year's study Dr. Gableson went to Edina, Mo., and placed himself under the care of Dr. J, :, i t •M- a HENRY COUNTY. 633 W. Downs, and after a two years' course of study matriculated at the Keokuk Medical College, taking one term in 1881. He returned to Missouri, and L. S. Brown, M. D., became his tutor for another year, when the young Doctor, now highly educated in his chosen profession, went to Chicago and ma- triculated at the College of Physicians and Surgeons, and was a member of the first class, and heard the first lectures ever delivered in that college. After attending one full course in that noted school, he returned to his home, and located in August, 1883, at Merrimac, where since that time he has done a fine practice. Dr. Gableson is a young physician of great promise, and takes high rank among the medical men of Southeastern Iowa. As one of her talented citizens, and in honor to the profession he represents, we place his sketcli on record among those of his profession. -.•■5*^"e« f I \D OHN C. WINTERS. This enterprising and well-known business man of Mt. Pleasant was born in LaSalle County, III., Sept. 25, 1848. His parents are John and Margaret (Coghlagn) Winters. His father, who deserves more than a passing mention in this work, was born in County Monaghan, Ireland, in 1819, and received his education in his native country. When seven- teen years of age, in company with his parents, he sought a home in the New World. Soon after land- ing in America he went to Syracuse, N. Y., where he learned the trade of a stone-cutter, in which he gained that thorough knowledge wliich in after years he put to such good use, and which proved the foundation of his large fortune. Leaving Syra- cuse he went to Toronto, Canada, where he was employed on the Queen's College, then building. From Toronto he went to Rice Lake, where he worked on the canal locks, which were then in course of construction. He was married at Lock- port, N. Y., and in 1844 removed to LaSalle County, 111., where he remained until 1856, in the meantime working on the stone works and in the con- struction of the Michigan Canal. When the build- ing for the Iowa Hospital for the Insane was in course of erection in Mt. Pleasant, Henry Co., Iowa, he removed there in the hope of securing employment, in which he succeeded. Here the thorough, practical knowledge of his trade, and his excellent judgment of the different varieties of stone, stood him in good stead. He saw that a beautiful and durable quality of stone was obtained near by, and exercising good judgment in the selec- tion bought a tract of land, on which he opened up the now widely-known Winters' Stone Quarries, an enterprise which has been of great benefit to Mt. Pleasant, and which has made a goodly sum for its proprietor. He has taken large contracts for work on the Burlington & Missouri and Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Roads, and has carried as many as 400 men on his pay-rolls at one time, dis- tributing nuich money in this region. Mr. "Winters lives in a beautiful home, adjoining Mt. Pleasant, on a farm of 600 acres, which he has stocked with some of the finest blooded horses and Durham cattle in the State, in the raising of which he has been very successful, bringing to that business the same sagacity and good judgment which have been among his distinguishing characteristics. He has raised and owned some of the finest and fastest horses in the State, among them the renowned Stonewall Jackson, which with other fine stock was burned to death by a fire which consumed his barn in 1879. Mr. Winters' landed possessions in Henry County comprise about 1,700 acres, most of which is under cultivation. The history of the life of John Winters is full of encouragement to young men just starting. He began life without any capital other than willing hands, a clear head, good judgment, and integ- rity of i^urpose. Applying himself with fidelity to what he had to do, he worked diligently and hon- estly, and has from this capital only made himself one of the wealthiest men in this section of the State. The pursuit of wealth has not hardened his heart, or narrowed his n.ature, which is too often the case. His charities are numerous and liberal, and a deserving applicant is never turned away empty handed. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity, in which he stands high. In politics he is an uncompromising Jeffersonian Democrat, and is thoroughly posted in National, State and county ! ih-^^ 634 ^•►Hh-^ HENRY COUNTY. i' matters. He and his wife were the parents of four children, of whom two sous, John C. and Michael F., are now living. John C. Winters, whose name heads this bio- graphical sketch, was quite young when his parents settled in Mt. Pleasant. He received a good edu- cation at Howe's Academy in that city, and since arriving at manhood has assisted his father in his business. For years he has been manager of the quarries at Mt. Pleasant, with large numbers of men under his charge, and attending to all the details of the large business. He was married in September, 1809, to Miss Mary Ellen O'Hare, who was born in St. Louis in 1846, and is a daughter of Samuel and Mary (McKenna) O'Hare. Their union has been blessed with ten children, eight of whom are living: Laura M. and Mary S., twins; Samuel L., John, Grace C, Francis C, Michael H. and Gertrude; two died in infancy. Like his father, Mr. Winters is a stanch Demo- crat, and though he has never sought office has been honored by his fellow-citizens with positions of trust and responsibility. He is a friend of liberal education, and has been President of the School Board. He was also a Director in the Agricultural Society, and now is Secretary of the Democratic County Central Committee. Inheriting the sterling qu.alities of his honest father, as a straightforward, honorable and enterprising business man, no man stands higher in Henry County. He lives in a beautiful home near his father, adjoining the city of Mt. Pleasant, and under his hospitable roof from time to time are gathered together many of his friends. (17 ENRY CLAY LYNCHARD, of Mt. Ple.as- '^^ ant, was born on the 8th of Maj', 1817, in Bourbon County, Ky. He is the son of Thomas and Prudence (Talbert) Lynchard, who were both natives of Virginia, but at an early day their parents emigrated to Kentucky, wiiere the young people became acquainted and were united in marriage. Their union was blessed with eight children, only two of whom are now living: Nanc3', the wife of James Burris, now resides in Virginia, 111; her husband was a soldier in the Rebellion, ■<» . and died after being discharged, from disease con- tracted while in the army. The other child is the subject of this sketch. Mr. Lynchard served his country faithfully as a soldier during the War of 1812, and died at home in Kentucky, in 1822, from the effects of exposure during his service. His wife was again married, to William Bowman, and they removed in 1823 to Covington, Ky., and subse- quently to Newport in the same State, and then to Cincinnati, Ohio, where she resided until the time of her death, which occurred in 1834. Mrs. Bow- man was a faithful member of the Christian Church. She had one child bj^ her second husband, Jacob, who now resides in Indiana. Henry C. Ljmch.nrd, the subject of this sketch, went with his mother to Cincinnati when about six 3'ears of age, and was compelled to work at such odd jobs as he could find until the age of eighteen, when he bound himself to Mr. William Abbott for two and a half years, receiving his board and clothes, and was to have at the end of his apprenticeship a set of edged tools. He was married, June 5, 1837, to Miss Elizabeth Hill, who was born near Knox- ville, Tenn. By this union they had a familj^ of eight children, six of whom are now living: Isabel is the wife of John A. Hughes, an ornamental painter of Chicago, 111. ; Caroline S. is the wife of John Beam, of Springfield, 111.; Charles A. is a resi- dent of Henry County, Iowa; Maggie P. is the wife of Robert Goudy. of T.iylorville. 111.; William H. resides at Coinicil Bluffs, Iowa, and is editor of the Herald; Alice married John Saunders, of Harper County, Kan., who is a real-estate agent. Mrs. Lynchard was called to her final rest May 9, 1800, and her husband was again married, Jul}' 28, 1862, to P^annie Allen, the widow of Mathew Syphard, who was a native of Virginia, emigrating to Ohio, and from thence to Mt. I'leasant, Iowa, where he died Aug. 28, 1860, respected by all wiio knew him. Mrs. L3Michard's parents were David and Elizabeth (Massey) Allen; their union w.as blessed with three children, two of whom are now living: Mary Guysleman, of Hillsboro, Ohio, and Mrs. L3'nchard. The mother of these children died in 1S27. Mr. Allen was again married, to Eliza Laird, by whom he had nine children, two of whom are now living: Amanda is the wife of George Litchfield, of Illinois, and Nancy is the wife of Henry Reed, of Highland County, Ohio, at which place Mr. Allen died. ~SIt. and Mrs. Lynchard are members of the First Methodist Episcopal Church of Mt. Pleasant, and are earnest workers in their Master's vineyard. INIr. Lynchard is entirely a self-made man, having worked his way up over discouragements and difficulties until he is now independent, and has the respect and confidence of all. He has always been identi- fied with the Eepublican party, and always ready to advance its interests. v ! 1= <^ I^ILLIAM LITZENBERG, one of the lead- ing farmers of Henry County, resides on section 35, Marion Township. He was born at Clarksville, Greene Co., Pa., Nov. 25, 1811, and is the son of John and Nancy (Prang) Litzen- berg, natives of Pennsylvania, though the mother was of German descent. They were the parents of eleven children, four of whom are living: David, a farmer living in Knox County, Ohio; Susan, wife of John Jackson, also resides in Knox County, Ohio; John, who still lives in Knox County, Ohio. The deceased are Elvina, Sarah, George, Simon, James Weslej", .and one who died in infancy. William, the subject of this sketch, remained at home with his parents until he was of age, and was educated in the common schools of his native State, and on reaching his majority he went to Washing- ton County, Pa., and bought a farm of 130 acres, on which he resided until 1865, with the exception of a period of between two and three years when engaged in other occupation than that of farming. On the 10th day of March, 1835, Mr. Litzenberg was married to Miss Charlotte Rush, and to them were born five children : Priscilla, wife of John Rose, was born Jan. 20, 1836, and now lives in Greene County, Pa. ; Elizabeth was born June 24, 1839, and is the wife of Hiram Horner; John, born March 17, 1841 ; James R. was bom April 7, 1844, and died March 8, 1847; Hiram, who is now living on the old homestead in Washington County, Pa. The mother of the above-named children de- parted this life Dec. 12, 184G. She was a devoted 4» and loving mother, a faithful wife, a true Christian woman. Mr. Litzenberg was again married, Dec. 16, 1846, to Amelia Tegard, a native of Pennsyl- vania. By this union were born unto them : Henry L., born Sept. 16, 1847, and died Nov. 21, 1851; Margaret H., born J.an. 27, 1850, and died Nov. 24, 1851 ; Mary Olive, born Feb. 7, 1853, is the wife of 5. Powell, residing in Phillips County, Kan. ; Sarah, wife of Charles Swan, a resident of New London, Iowa. Mr. Litzeuberg's second wife departed this life Dec. 12,1859, and he was again married, Nov. 6, 18C0, to Mary Long, a native of Greene County, Pa., born Dec. 16, 1830. To them were born four children: William, who is now a farmer of Henry Count}', Iowa: Ellen, the wife of Frank Skipton, a farmer of Henry County, residing near New Lon- don; Ada, who died Sept. 18, 1869, and Benjamin. In the j'e.ir 1869 Mr. Litzenberg sold his farm in Washington Count}', Pa., and emigrated to Henry County, buying 300 acres of land in Marion Town- ship, where he has since resided. Mr. Litzenberg has always been a man with a heart and hand open to all who came to him in need, and no worthy object of charity was ever repulsed by him. He has been greatly prospered in his business relations, and it is all due to his energy and economy as a business man. He has always been a leading citizen wher- ever he has lived, whether in Iowa or Pennsylva- nia. In his early days he was a Whig, but has voted the Democratic ticket since 1860, and has alw.ays done his part in all public charities and enterprises, and many a poor man attributes his success in life to the timely aid lent him by Mr. Litzenberg when he needed a friend, .and fully real- izes that "a friend in need is a friend indeed." "if)OIIN WHEELER, D. D. In looking over the written sketches of the history of those we h.ave honored and loved we are oft-times (^// pained to find only the bony structures of charactei's that in life have shown themselves so rounded .and beautiful, so complete in their fullness, so symmetrical in their development, that we scarcely recognize them from the meager touches of the pen. It is easy indeed to note the few statistics that sur- ■► 1 636 ■>» II <• HENRY COUNTY. \ I vive the best, so difficult to trace the spirit that ani- mated them, and see how it bent all influences to its own use in molding and shaping the character, and making the real man. The measure of one's life is not length of daj's, but wise use of opportunities, not strife for selfish ends, but steadfastness of pur- pose for the uplifting and upbuilding of our com- mon humanity. By all such standards of measurement John AVheeler stood a man among men. English by birth, though so early Americanized that no memory of his native land survived, he was in all but birth a loyal and true American. His father, John Wheeler, Sr., a ship-builder by trade, as his fore- father had done before him, plied his trade indus- triously at Portsmouth, England. A devout and God-fearing race as far back as there is any knowl- edge of them, energetic and intelligent to a rare degree, they were fine representatives of the better cliiss of English artisans. But the spirit of the times then as now was lead- ing many from the cramped opportunities and nar- rowing prospects of English life to the broader and brighter ones in America, .and John Wheeler, with Mary Kingswell, his wife, and their three children, of whom the subject of this sketch was eldest, turned their faces toward the land of promise, landing in Baltimore, where a month later father and little ones stood at the open grave of the young mother — so soon was he to learn the bitter lesson that disappointment and grief are impartial deni- zens of all lands. From Baltimore the father went on to Bellefon- taine, Oiiio, with his motherless little ones, to re.ar a new home in a strange land. Tliere the children grew up, sharing the hardships and jjrivations of that early day. Ten years later we find him running a country store, and also the post-otlice. In connection with the latter it was his duty to forward tiie mail to another point three days' I'ide distant. The ride was a dreary one even in pleasant weather, most of the way througii dense forests, with little semblance to a road, and settlers' cabins few and widely sep- arated, liut wiien winter set in the task of finding any one willing to be in the saddle six days out of seven, braving the terrors of the forest — and at M» that early day they were real — together with the severity' of the climate, the question of a mail car- rier became a serious one. One by one the avail- able men of the place tried it, and after one or two trips only a single man was left willing to under- take it. He started out bravely, but in a da}' or two returned, threw down the mail bags, crying like a child with fear and cold, and declaring that no one could do it. What was to be done.'' The Post- master was responsible for the delivery of the mail. To leave himself vvas out of the question. John, then a boy of fourteen, threw himself into the breach. His father hesitated, but the urgency of the case compelled him to accept the offer, and he reluctantly consented. The winter proved to be an unusually severe one, but week after week this fourteen-year-old boy never once failed in his duty. But what he suffered that winter none except him- self ever knew. It was not merel}' the physical suffering, sharp and severe as that often was, which he h.ad to endure, but also the constant presence of peril as well. He was a boy of keen sensibilities, of strong religious bias, of quick and tender con- science, and day after day as he rode along in soli- tude his mind was tossed vvith questions of the future, beset witli fears and racked with doubts. Naturally disposed to"wiite bitter things against himself," as he rode along every childish fault assumed the form and proportion almost of crimes. So indelible was the impress of this period upon his nature that to his latest years he could not pass a dense forest without a shuddering remembrance of it. The Sabbath at home was the one bright spot of the week, when, confiding to his father as much as it was possible for such a nature to reveal to any one, he received from him such instruction and comfort as few fathers ever give to sons. The dis- cipline and contlicts of this winter were doubtless valuable though severe aids in developing the man of later years. The circumstances by which he was surrounded offered no opportunities for acquiring a lilx'ral edu- cation, and up to his twenty-first year he had but a few months' schooling, but deep within was the purpose to prepare himself for his life work l)y a thorough college education. With this end in view HENRY COUNTY, 637 i he became a student in 1835 at a Methodist semin- ary at Norwalk, Ohio, supporting himself by his own labors. Two years later he entered Alleghany College, at Meadville, Pa. Here he formed the acquaintance and gained the friendship of Prof. Matthew Simpson, afterward Bishop of the Meth- odist Episcopal Church, and when two years later Prof. Simpson was appointed President of the Indi- ana Asbury University, he took with him his pupil, giving him work as tutor while completing his col- lege course, which he did in 1840, being one of the first class ever graduated in that institution, the entire class numbering but three, two classical : John Wheeler and T. A. Goodwin, with, in the language of the latter, "one poor scientific sand- wiched in between." For nearly fifty years Asbury University has been sending out year by year its trained young men, and for nearlj^ twenty its women too, and stands to-day rich in influence and endowment, rich in opportunities and in prospects, but riclier far in memories of men, and not a few whose power has been felt and acknowledged in church and State throughout the length and breadth of our land, and some whose reputation and influence has been world-wide. Two years later, having been in the meantime in charge of the Franklin Collegiate Institute at In- dianapolis, Mr. Wheeler was elected to the chair of his Alma Mater, a position he filled most suc- cessfully for twelve years. In 1854 he resigned* his position in the Indiana Asbury University, and went into business, but his love for his chosen pro- fession led him to again accept college work in pref- erence to commercial life, and he accepted the offer of the Presidency of Baldwin Institute, after- ward University, at Berea, Ohio, where he spent the next fifteen years, and where the heaviest work of his life was done. The change in the status of the institution involved heavy responsibilities, while the limited endowments and straitened circum- stances made the closest calculations necessary, and heavy demands upon the generosity of friends. Not- withstanding the pressure from these causes the school steadily grew, and assumed healthy propor- tions. In connection with this work his keen eye saw 1* another line of influence, unheeded by any college in the land, viz: the numbers of young C4erman- Americans who were practically barred an educa- tion of the higher grade, and the necessity to the church of having the means of meeting the emi- grant as he comes among us with his old-world sentiments, with ministers educated in the most thorough manner, and able to present the truth in the mother tongue. With this end in view he organized a German department in Baldwin Uni- versity, and later secured the necessary means to establish the German Wallace College, in connec- tion with the existing university. For nearly twenty-five years this school has been in successful operation, fully justifying in its work the hopes and faith of its projectors, a power for good in the German Methodist Episcopal Church, whose influ- ence can scarcely be over-estimated. The life and labors of Dr. Wheeler in Iowa com- menced in 1870, and were closed by death June 18, 1881. Five years of this time he was President of the Iowa Wesleyan University, during which time the influence of the institution was strength- ened and increased in many directions, including the location of the German College, secured through his influence and labor in this place, one year in the pastoral work, and five in the Presiding Eldership, make up so far as records go his life in Iowa, but they give but slight indices of his faithful devo- tion to every interest committed to his trust. With him no opportunity was suffered to pass unim- proved, no known duty neglected. His motto: ''I must work, night cometh," seemed a constant inspiration to him, not in the line of college work alone, but for every cause that looked to the eleva- tion of mankind. For every moral reform his sj'nipathies were quick and lasting. In church work his heart went out especiall}' toward the mis- sionary cause, and at two different periods of his life he was chosen and accepted the appointment to take charge of foreign fields, but each time a change in the plans by those in authority left him to com- plete his life work here in his adopted country. His appreciation of the value of the press led him to establish a college paper at each of the three col- leges he served, viz: The Asbury ^otes, College Gazette and Iowa Classics. In the cause of temper- .^ t ■^•- -•»> 638 HENRY COUNTY. ance he was both tireless anfl fearless. The training of his early life, and his experience at Asbury, alike lay in the line of colleges for men alone, and indeed up to that time the co-education of the sexes was hardly a mooted question ; but when appointed to the Presidency of Baldwin Institute he found himself at the head of a school in which for years had been educated on equal footing the sons and daughters of North Ohio, he confessed himself aston- ished at the high gr.ade of scholarship maintained by both, thus educated in the same institution. In the few months that passed before the change of grade he was thoroughly convinced of the value of such an arrangement. Later, at a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Indiana ITni versify now " De Pauw," when the question was being hotly discussed as to the proprietj' of throwing open its doors to daughters as well as sons, his opinion was asked, and, to the amazement of some, he was found an earnest and unequivocal advocate of the movement, and we venture to say no more important step has ever been taken tovvard the per- manent success of that institution than was settled that day. Circumstances doubtless do much to shape and develop the characters of men. The difHculties of his earl}' life were not without their fruits. The warm, generous heart never ceased to feel for those who, like himself, were struggling against difficulties to obtain that preparation for life that would enable them best to fuUill its duties and meet its responsi- bilities, and no poor student ever sought counsel or aid from him in vain. In the pulpit, or on the rostrum, his strong con- victions, close research, wide information, ripe scholarship, and earnest representation of a subject, made him an impressive speaker, one who would challenge thought and create an abiding interest in any theme to which he gave his attention. In these respects he had comparatively few equals. In his do- mestic life he was at his best, and to the home circle brought freely and constantly his choicest gifts of mind and heart. It is not often that even good men's lives will bear unsullied too close scrutiny at their own fireside. But none who knew Dr. Wheeler in his own home could fail to yield him their ready reverence and love. He was so uniformly cour- teous and affectionate to each member of his house- hold, so watchful of their interests, so devoted to their training, especially to their religious instruc- tion, in such cordial sympathy with theii' plans, their joys or sorrows, as to make him the trusted and loved confidant of every member of the family circle, as well as its authoritative head. He was twice married. His first wife w.as Miss Marj' Yandes, of Indianapolis, who died in Sep- tember, 1854, leaving five children, of whom three sons survive. His second wife was Miss Clara S. Ilulet, of Berea, Ohio, who survives him, with two sons and three daughters. Briefly to sum up his character we may say : His wise foresight, his indomitable perseverance, his untiring industry, his scholarly habits, his gentle- manly bearing, his pure and irreproachable Chris- tian character, his unflinching integrity, and his scorn of trickery in church or State, were well- known characteristics of the man. In public life he sought no honors, he shunned no responsibil- ities. As he had l)een found faithful in life so was he fearless in death, leaving as his dying testimonj', " My Redeemer liveth," and adding with upraised hand, and solemn emphasis, the oath of a d^'ing man. For such as ho " There is no death, What seems so is transition." JI-^j *r ^^ -:& 19«" 0^'- -\- e%' ^IDI"^^ Sh' jai.^-^ ^^r; 4 '•► HENRY COUNTY. 641 INTRODUQT^ORY. fe 1 1 j :~i''>^'^^':^':^':i^fi^'€^>^^iu:i^^'.:^x>.:u'^^^ HE time has arrriverl when it becomes the duty of the people of this county to per- petuate the names of their pioneers, to furnish a record of their early settlement, and relate the history of their prog- ress. The civilization of our day, the enlightenment of the age, and the duty that men of the present time owe to their ancestors, to themselves and their posterity, demand that a record of their lives and deeds should be made. In biographical historj' is found a power to instruct a man by precedent, to enliven the mental faculties, and to waft down the river of time a safe vessel in which the names and actions of the people who contributed to raise this country from its primitive state maj^ be preserved. Surely and rapidly the great and aged men, who in their prime entered the wilderness and claimed the virgin soil as their heritage, are passing to their graves. The number remaining who relate the in- cidents of the first days of the settlement is becom- ing small indeed, so that an actual necessity exists for the collection and preservation of events without •^ delay, before all the early settlers are cut down by the scythe of Time. To be forgotten has been the great dread of mankind from remotest ages. All will be forgotten soon enough, in spite of their good works and the most earnest efforts of their friends to preserve the memory of their lives. The means employed to prevent oblivion and to perpetuate their memory has been in proportion to the amount of intelligence they possessed. The pyramids of Egypt were built to perpetuate the names and deeds of their great rulers. The exhumations made by the archeolo- gists of Eg3'pt from buried Memphis, indicate a desire of those people to perpetuate a memory of their achievements. The erection of the great obelisks was for the same purpose. Coming down to a later period, we find the Greeks and Romans erecting mausoleums and monuments, and carving out statues to chronicle their great achievements, and carry them down the ages. It is also evident that the Mound-builders, in piling up their great mounds of earth, had but this idea — to leave some- thing to show that they had lived. All these works, though many of them costly in the extreme, give but a faint idea of the lives and characters of those whose memory they were intended to per- petuate, and scarcely anything of the masses of the — •► u ^^» -^ 642 HENRY COUNTY. people who then lived. The great pyramids and some of the obelisks remain, objects only of curi- osity ; the mausoleums, monuments and statues are crumbling into dust. It was left to modern ages to establish an intelli- gent, undecaying, immutable method of perpetuat- ing a full history — immutable in that it is almost unlimited in extent and perjietual in its action; and this is through the art of printing. To the present generation, however, we are in- debted for the introduction of the admirable system of local biography. By this system every man, though he has not achieved what the world calls greatness, has the means to perpetuate his life his- tory throughout the coming ages. The scythe of Time cuts down all; nothing of the physical man is left. The monument which his children or friends may erect to his memory in the cemetery will crumble into dust and pass away; but his life, his achievements, the work he has accom- plished, which otherwise would be forgotten, is per- petuiited by a record of this kind. To preserve the lineaments of our companions we engrave their portraits, for the same reason we collect the attainable facts of their history. Nor do we think it necessary, as we speak only truth of them, to wait until they are dead, or until those who know them are gone; to do this we are ashamed to publish to the world the history of even those whose lives are unworthy of public record. t- u HENRY COUNTY. 643 '^ ^>^^^^2)(£^'D5M>' grapiliicii: i* HE county of Ileury lies in the second tier of counties west of the Mississippi River and the second tier from the Blissonri line. It is bounded on the south by Lee County, on the north by Louisa and Washington, on the east by Des Moines and Louisa Counties, and on the west by Jefferson and Van Buren Counties. It comprises an area of 432 square miles, being eight- een miles from east to west, and twenty-four miles from north to south. It is divided into twelve civil and an equal number of Con- gressional Townships. As at present divided we have Scott, Wayne, Jefferson, Canaan, Marion, Trenton, New London, Center, Tippecanoe, Balti- more, Jackson and Salem. The county is well watered, its principal stream being the Skunk River, which enters the county near the northwest corner, and after winding along its western border for about ten miles, trends off in a southeasterly di- rection, passing out of the county near the south- east corner. The principal tributaries of the Skunk River are Cedar and Big Creeks. The former enters it from the west, near the northwest corner of Salem Township, and after a winding course for a few miles, turns due north and empties into the river just below Rome. Big Creek rises in the eastern part of New London Township, and runs northwesterly through New London and Marion Townships, then turns south and finally southeast, emptying into Skunk River about two and one-half miles above Lowell. Water power is abundant on Skunk River, which affords good mill sites at intervals of five to six miles throughout its ex- tent in this county. Heavy bodies of timber are found on these rivers and their tributaries, affording an abundant supply' to the whole county. Black and white oak and hickory are the principal growths upon the uplands, while along the streams may be found black and white walnut, red, burr and pin oak, linden, hackberry, white and sugar maple, hickory, elm, ash, honey locust, sycamore and Cottonwood. The natural scenery in this county is greatly diversified, there being gently undulating prairies, and heavy bodies of timber, especially along the streams as already stated, although being welj pleasing to the eye. The only deposits of alluvial bottoms in this county are found on Skunk River, which is skirted by a narrow belt on both sides, seldom exceeding a mile in width. These bottom lands sustain a magnificent growth of timber, and when cleared and brought under cultivation are among the most productive in the county. The soil is usually a deep, black, sandy loam, admirably adapted to the growth of corn, sweet potatoes, and all other products requiring a dry and warm soil. Fruits of all kinds may be raised either on the bottoms or bluff lands, with more certainty of annual crops than on the prairies. The prairie land of this county is all that one could wish, the soil being deep and rich, well adapted to the pro- duction of all cereals, vegetables and grasses pecul- iar to this latitude. Nature has done much for this country, and man has aided in bringing it under a high state of cultivation, so that to-day, after a lapse of little over fifty years, one finds its entire surface dotted over with fine farmhouses and barns, the whole presenting a jjicture that is indeed lovely. t 644 HENRY COUNTY. V^^ ^'^^i I^^Zy ^@iiZ#a^@i^^@ UCH has been written of the pioneers of the West, and many words of praise spoken , but too much cannot be said commendatory of the brave men and women who left homes in the East, where the^' were surrounded by every evi- dence of civilized life, together "^l, with friends and kindred, and came into a new and almost un- known country, redeeming it from the wily red man, and preparing it for their children and children's children that should come after. Little more than a half century ago that portion of Iowa, "the beau- tiful land," now comprising the wealthy county of Henry, was an unbroken wilderness, inhabited by wild beasts, wild fowls, and no less wily red men. Its forest had not resounded with the woodman's ax, nor its prairie been upturned with the plow. All was then .as it came from the liand of the Crea- tor. All has now been changed. The trail of the red men is now laid with iron bands, over wiiicii spc-eds the locomotive with its train of palace cars, and in which d.aily are found representatives of almost every nation on the facte of the earth. The wig- wams and log cabins have given pl.ace to palatial residences, fine school-houses and elegant churches. The howl of the wild beast no more is heard, but in its place is heard the ble.ating of the sheep, the low- ing of cattle, and the neighing of horses. Tlie pioneers of the country are but John the Baptist harbingers of a coming civilization. Like John, they go into the wilderness and prepare for others; smoothing the rough places, filling up the valleys, cutting down the mountains and straight- ening the paths. The work necessaril}' must be a laborious one, requiring strong arms and brave hearts for its accomplishment. Toil and privations must be endured of which those coming after them could have no real or just conception. When the pioneers of Henry County first made settlement within its borders, there was no railroad west of Chicago, nor was there one reaching even to that city. Travel was made alone by ox or horse teams, most generallj' by the former, espec- ially if long distances were to be traversed. To. remove for the East required long and extensive preparations, and the journej' was one of continued toil and anxiety, and even danger. The route lay through a wild and rough countr^^ ; swamps and marshes were crossed with great exerti(m and fatigue ; rivers were forded with difliculty and danger; nights were passed in the dense forests, with the earth for a coucli and the trees and foliage for a shelter. Long, weary days and weeks of travel were endured, but finally their eyes were gladdened, and their hearts beat faster, when a vision of their future home burst upon them. The first thing upon arrival was to set about building a cabin. While this was being done the i ■^•- HENRY COUNTY. 645 family slept in the wagons or upon the grass. Trees of a suitable and uniform size were selected, felled and prepared for their places. The day for the raising was announced, and from far and near came other pioneers to assist in the labor. The structure went up a log at a time, those engaged in the labor stopping now and then to "wet their whistles," and soon it was ready for tlie clapboard roof, which was held on by huge weight poles. A door and a window were cut where the good wife directed, a chimney built, and the building was ready for its occupants. The space between the logs was filled with split sticivs of wood called "chinks," and daubed over, both inside and out, with mortar made of clay. Tlie floor was sometimes nothing more than eartii tramped hard and smooth, but was com- monly made of puncheons or split logs, with the split side turned upward. The roof was made by gradually drawing in the top to the ridge pole, and on cross pieces laying the clapboards which be- ing several feet long, were hold in place by weight poles, reaching the entire length of the cabin. For a fireplace a space was cut out of the wall on one side of the room, usually .abcjut six feet in length, and three sides were built of logs, making an offset in the wall. These were lined with stone, if con- venient, if not, then earth was used. The flue, or upper part of the chimne}^ was built of small split sticks, two and a half to three feet in length, car- ried a little above the roof and plastered over with cla3', and when finished was called "cob and clay" chimney. The door space was also made by cut- ting an aperture of the required size in one side of the room, the door itself being made of clapboards secured by wooden pins to the cross pieces. The hinges were also of wood, while the fastening con- sisted of a wooden latch catching on a hook of the same material. To open the door from the outside, a strip of buckskin was tied to the latch and drawn through a hole a few inches above the latch-bar, so that on pulling the string the latch was lifted from the catch or hook, and the door was opened without any further trouble. To lock tlie door it was only necessary to pull the string through the hole to the inside. Here the family lived, and here the guest and wayfarer were m.ade welcome. The living room was of good size, but to a large extent it was also kitchen, bedroom, parlor and arsenal, with flitches of bacon and rings of dried pumpkins sus- pended from the rafters. These simple cabins were inhabited by a kind and true-hearted people. They were strangers to mock modesty, and the travelers seeking lodging for the night, or desirous of spend- ing a few days in the neigliborhood, willing to accept the rude oiferings, were always welcome, al- though hovv they were disposed of at night can scarcely be imagined. The pioneers of Henry County were from many of the States of the Union. Before leaving their pjastern or Southern homes some of them had heard of what was in store for them in this "beautiful land." Others struck out with the determination to go until they came to a section of country- that would suit their varied tastes. A better country they could not have found, a country where Nature lias scattered her choicest blessings with a liberal hand. With a plentiful supply of timber, with a prairie soil that " need only lie tickled with a hoe to laugh with the harvest," tlie pioneers of Henry County made their claims, commenced their improvements, and prosperity attended them. By the treaty with Black Hawk in 1832, at the close of the Black Hawk War, a portion of the ter- ritory now comprising the State of Iowa was thrown open for settlement. The coiintj^ of Henry was a part of the territory acquired by that treaty. The treaty was made in September, 18.32, but did not go into operation until June 1, 1833. A few venturesome spirits crossed the river near Burlington prior to that time, but were driven away bj' soldiers of the General Government from Rock Island. Scarcely had the last hour passed when many who had been anxiously waiting the time crossed over the Mississippi River and began to make their claims in what is now Des Moines County. Being permitted to claim as much as they could pay for, it was not long before all the choice land of that county was taken up, and those who came later were required to push on farther West, and in due time Heniy County secured its first settler. To James Dawson the honor is given of making the first permanent location in this county. lie staked out a claim one and a half miles west of the site of Mt. Pleasant, in the spring of 1834. He was fol- r t ■<^ ' ^ 646 ^^^ HENRY COUNTY. lowed during that year by several other persons, among whom were Presley Saunders, Z. Wilbourne, W. B. Lusk and others. Mr. Saunders and Mr. Lusk are yet honored citizens of Henry County, and have not only lived to see the changes that have been made, but have been active participants in almost every enterprise that has been for the advancement or improvement of the county. At the time of the first settlement, Iowa formed a por- tion of Michigan Territory. Two years afterward the Territory of Wisconsin was organized and it then became a part of Wisconsin. Two years later Iowa Territory was formed, and in 184G it was ad- mitted into the union of States. The first settlers of Henry County were thus citizens of Michigan, Wisconsin and Iowa. Presley Saunders relates that he had one child born in Michigan Territory, one in Wisconsin Territory, one in the Territory of Iowa, and one in the State of Iowa, all being born on the same quarter-section of land. Henry County during the first few years settled up quite rapidly. Farms were opened, sciiool- houses and churches were erected, mills were built, marriages solemnized, and births ,and deaths oc- curred. The first birth is supposed to have been that of T. S. Box, born near the site of Lowell, in Balti- more Township, in December, 1835. The first death was probably the result of an accident. In 1835 a man named Pullman was found dead near the site of the Hospital for the Insane, with his rifle by his side. He was from Indiana, and had been in this section but two or three months. The first marriage license was that granted to Presley Saunders and Huldah Bowen. The license was granted Dec. 17,1836. ^Ai^_ -4*- i^l-^ HENRY COUNTY. 647 ik m(}. O M GA NIZA TIO N. . oc-yo ' OCJO ' N LY a short time elapsed after the fiistsettleaient was made hefore there was a popula- tion sufficient to justify or- ganization. The Wisconsin Territorial Legislature, in 1836, passed an act creating several counties, among which was that of Henry. Sooh after the passage of the act, steps were taken to perfect its organization. Officers were elected and entered upon the discharge of their duties. Robert Caulk, Samuel Brazelton and Geo. J. Sharp were the first County Commissioners elected. J. D. Payne was the first County Commissioners' Clerk, holding at the same time the office of Clerk of the Courts. John H. Randolph was the first Re- corder, D. C. Ruberts, County Treasurer, John Biddle, Coroner, and Andrew Kennedy, Sheriff. The first session of the County Commissioners' Court was held Jan. 16, 1837, and that body im- mediately went to work to put in order the govern- mental machinery of the county. The bonds of the various county officers were approved, roads were located, and steps taken for the erection of county buildings. On the 13th of February, 1837, it was ordered by the board "that the contract for building a court-house in Mt. Pleasant be let, and that the Supervisors receive sealed proposals on said contract." In May following the order was re- scinded, but on June 24 of the same year, it was re-enacted in the following terms: "Ordered the building of a coui-t-house in the town of Mt. Pleas- -<•— ant, on lot 2, block 10, of the following size, to- wit: 30x18 feet in size, and ten feet in height between the joists." For some cause the building was not completed until the fall of 1839, the builders being George W. Patterson, Levi Hagar and Everett Rogers. The jail, a square log building, lGxl6 feet in size, was completed about the same time, John H. Randolph being the principal builder. The first seal used by the Commissioners was a twenty-five cent silver piece impressed in wax. The first road laid out by the board was from Mt. Pleasant to Rome, in the spring of 1837. The next was from Mt. Pleasant to New Baltimore. Others were soon established in all directions, and as in the olden time, all roads led to Rome, so it would appear from the proceedings of the board that all roads were to lead to Mt. Pleasant. On the 2d of October, 1838, the first grand jury ever impaneled in the county was drawn. Those comprising this jury were Jacob Burge, Absalom Cornelius, Hezekiah Lee, Samuel Wells, Zenoway Plunket, William I. Wossal, John S. Stephenson, Robert Simmons, Richard Stewart, Samuel S. Walker, Amos Lemmons, Lewis Watson, William Thrash, Payton Wilson, Sampson Smith, Elijah Breading, Samuel C. Smith, Thomas Leas, John M. Hanson, Lambeth Heath and William B. Lusk. Petit jurors were also chosen at the same time. The jury was composed of the following-named persons: Lewis F. Temple, John Hale, William Walters, David McKnight, P. C. Tiffany, Alexander Hol- lingsworth, James Righey, William Faulkner, Peter Boyer, George Maffit, Jr., Daniel Sears, Joel C. Garretson, Larkin Johnson, Samuel Gearheart, t i -4•— G18 HENRY COUNTY. 4 ,T()S(>i)li lnKt'i'Ki>l, licii'v .limes, ,I;iiiios Mitts, William M. Moirow, .Idlm 'I'. Diivis, IJninc}' Hristinc, S. K. Swoct, Williiuii Aliciniithcy, E. Rogers mihI I'.cn- JHinin (ioKsoii. The county wns j;ii\ cnifd liy Comity Coniniis- sioners until 1 Sf) 1 , wluii the l;i\v crciiting- County (!(ininiissi()iu'is' ( 'ouit wns iiholisiicd, and (he County Coniuiissidni'i's' iK)\\('rs wore vi'slcd in tlip Count}' •ludfio. During the existence of tlic County Coni- nassioncrs' Court hut little business wjis triiusMcted of pulilic interest, MltJiougli .'i great luuonnt of work WlVS (lone. All tlie |ii(liuiin:uy work in the orgiuii- Ziition of the county, the laying out of the roads and the building of bridges, had to l)c sn|>erin- tended by them. As a general thing the work of the Couunissioners was satisfactory to the county. F.ioni l.s;!7 to 18.")1, the following named served as County Couunissioners: 18;57 — Robert Caulk, Samuel Rra/.elttMi, George J. Sharp (part tcrni"), Claborn .loni's (part term). 1838 — Claboru .loiies. Si', (pari tcrin), Ivobert Ciinlk, Samuel lira/.elton, Taytou AN'iKson (part term). l,s;i<) — (icorge AV. Patterson, Samuel Hrazcllon, Henry I'ayne. 1810 — Robert Caulk, Henry I'ayue, T. O. Wams- ley. ISIt- Robert C;udk, T. (). W:imsley, Lewis K. Temple. 18.p2 — Robert Caulk, Lewis K. Temple, William 11. J^yon. 1843 — Uoberl Caulk, \Villiaiu II. Lyon, lleiuy Swan. 1811 — Robert Caulk, William II. Lyon, Edmund Archibald. 1846 — Edmund Archibald, Robert Caulk, ,lact>b W. Payne. 184li — .Jacob \V. I'ayne, Edmund Archibald, Robert C^anlk. 1817 — iMlmuud Archiliald, .lacob \\'. I'ayne, Robert Caulk. 1848 — Edmund .\rehib,ald, .l.acob \\ . I'ayne, Robert Miller. 181;) — Heujamin Ulodgetl, .lacob \\ . I'ayne, Robert Miller. 1850— llcnjamin lUodgett, Robert Miller, T. L. Hunt. In the winter of 18.50 the General Assembly of the State passed an :ict creating the ollU'c of County .fudge. M. L. Edwards was the first to hold this position in Henry County. During his adminis- tration, license was gr.-uited to the liurliugton & Mt. Pleasant Plank Road Company, and a proposi- tion was submitted to a vote of the people for t!ie esl.iblisliment of a county i)oor-house. At the April election, IH,')3, the vote was taken, resulting as follows: For poor-house, 702; against pcxir- house, 278. About tliis lime the subject of a rail- road reaching from the Mississii)pi to the Missouri River, and passing through Henry County, w:is being .•igitated. The county was asked to subserilie to the capital stock of the county the sum of 1(100,000, and on the 2d of .July, 18,')3, the County Judge issued an order for an election to be held on the first Monday in August of that year, for or against a subscription. The result of that vote was as follows: Eor subscription, 1181; against sub- scription, 445. In August, 1855, while IMr. Edwards was still County .Judge, a proposition was submitted to a vote of the people for or against subscribing |1,000 to the capital stock of the Keokuk, Mt. Pleasant & Muscatine Railroad. The result of the vote was as follows: For sub- scription, l,0f)5; :igaiust subscription, filil. Uouds for the full amount were issued to the company, but the road was never built, and before the 11,000 had been p:ud the interest on the bonds had doubled the origin;d amount, all of which had to be paid. .ludge Edwards served until Aug. 1 1, 1855, when he was succeeded by E. Killpatrick, who remained in otUce until .lanuar^', 18G0. He was succeeded by W. I. Warwick, who served until legislated out of oHice, in .Jsinuarj', IStU. In 18ll(^ the (ieneral Assembly of the Stale jiassed an act creating a Roard of Supervisors, consisting of one Supervisor from eac^h civil township. At the August election, 18('>0, the first Hoard of Super- visors for Henry County was chosen, and on Ihe 5th of .Tannary, 18G1, its first session washehl. For the four following years tlie board had to grapple with issues growing out of the Civil War. Its rec- ord, during that time, was commend:ible, provisions being made for the aid of soldiers' families so far -t HENRY COUNTY. ••► 649 as the finances of the county would permit. This system of County Government, consisting of one Supervisor for each civil township, continued until 1870, during whicii time the following named served as members of the board : 1861 — Pleasant Almond, A. Baxter, Joseph Brown, H. R. Lyons, J. W. Maynard, T. W. Wool- son, Jacob Luzadder, R. M. Pickle, E. B. Ratliffe, John M. Temple, John P. West, A. L. Auld. 18G2 — Pleasant Almond, A. L. Auld, A. Baxter, J. Kauffnian, S. M. Holland, A. R. Lyons, Jacob Luzadder, R. M. Pickle, E. B. Ratliffe, John M. Temple, Joseph Brown, HarpinRiggs, Caleb Russell. 1863— A. Baxter, J. C. Green, S. M. Holland, J. Kauffnian, J. Luzadder, H. R. Lyons, E. B. Ratliffe, n. Riggs, S. Ross, C. Russell, J. L. Waitman. 1861 — P. Almond, J. C. Green, E. Kenyon, J. B. Cook, J. Kauffnian, G. T. Auld, R. G. McR-ir- land, H. Riggs, S. Ross, E. B. Ratliffe, D. Pierson, J. L. Waitman, Jacob Luzjidder. 1H05— P. AlmoiKl, G. T. Auld, O. 11. 1'. Bu- chanan, .1. 15. Cook, .). C. firocn, Thomas Ciraiit, E. Kenyon, \V. K. .loiics, J. Kauffnian, D. Pierson, J. L. Waitman, II. Riggs, R. H. McFailand. 1866— R. Allen, J. B. Cook, William R. Crew, Tiioiiias Grant, J. C. Green, W. G. Jones, J. Kauff- nian, E. Kenyon, Robert Leeper, S. R. Nugen, J. W. Smith, C. Russell, O. II. P. Buchanan. 1867— Reuben Allen, J. 15. Cook, W. R. Crew, E. Kenyon, S. R. Nugen, C. Russell, J. W. Smith, O. II. P. Buchanan, Thomas Grant, J. C. (Jrcen, Jacob Kauffnian, Robert Lcoper, .Samuel P. Ratliffe. 1868— R. Allen, John Bangs, J. B. Cook, W. R. Crew, Thomas Grant, J. C. Green, W. A. Jessup, J. Kauft'man, E. Kenyon, S. P. Ratliffe, C. Russell, J. W. Smith, O. II. P. Buchanan. 1869—0. n. P. Buchanan, R. Allen, J. B. Cook, William R. Crew, J. C. Green, W. A. Coulter, E. Kenyon, J. L. Lesscnger, William A. Jessup, John Bangs, C. W. Clark, L. D. McKinnen, C. Russell. 1870 — O. H. P. Buchanan, James D. Spearman, J. B. Cook, Jesse Cook, J. C. Green, W. A. Coulter, E. Kenyon, C. Russell, M. Lyman, J. L. Lessinger, L. D. McKinnen, C. W. Clark, W. A. Jessup. The (iencral Assembly of the State, having passed an amendatory act in regard to the Board of Super- visors at the annual election iit the full of 1870, a new Board of Supervisors was elected, consisting of three members elected from the county at large. The first meeting of the new board was held Jan. 2, 1871. This system has continued to the present time, and li;is probably been more satisfactory than that of the "one man power," the business being transacted by the County Judge, or that of a board, consisting of one Supervisor from each township. The following named have served as members of the board up to the present time : 1871 — James B. Shaw, Jacob Kauffnian, William R. Crew. 1872 — James B. Shaw, William R. Crew, William Allen. 1«7.3_\V. R. Crew, William Allen, (). 11. P. Bu- chanan. 1871— O. II. P. Biich.-uian, William Allen, Henry DorL'ind. 1875 — W. R. Crew, (Jeorge Hammond, George II. Spahr. 1876 — W. R. Crew, George Hammond, (Jeoige H. Spahr. 1877 — George Hammond, W. R. C'rew, (icorgc H. Spahr. 1878 — George Hammond, W. R. Crew, (ieorge II. Spahr. 1879 — C. W. Clark, George llaramoiid, George II. Spahr. 1880 — George Hammond, C. W. Clark, S. L. Steele. 1881— C. W. Clark, S. L. Steele, L. F. Willard. 1882— S. L. Steele, L. F. Willard, C. W. Clark. 1883— L. F. Willard, C. W. C:iark, S. L. Steele. 1884— C. W. Clark, S. L. Steele, David Wallace. 1885— S. L. Steele, David Wallace, C. F. Spear- man. 1886 — David W.all.'ice, C. F. Spearman, Jacob Lane. 1887 — C. F. Spearman, Jat'ob Lane, II. C. Weir. 1888 — Jacob Lane, H. C. Weir, C. F\ Spearman. h i t ■^^ 650 • HENRY COUNTY. '/I'i^-g-B.^ . .^sSMSif ' . ilP^' ^ourm and ^a^^ -if^Hip •■■ ^@k.l^i}S.j;,.t..t„.t.t,.t,A..t<.A-%Mil.t.^ :-*»— T a very early day in the % world's history it is found that crime was committed and courts of justice were ^ established. Man, if left to himself, with physical power IP so to do, will encroach upon the rights of others; therefore in ev- ery well-regulated community, among the first acts is to proper- ly equip such courts as may be thought necessary to gu.ard the rights of the whole body .against those who may offend. Under the Territorial laws of Wisconsin and later of Iowa, there were instituted district and probate courts. After the admission of the latter into the Union changes were made from time to time in the method of administering justice .IS thought advisable by the General Assem- bly of the State. The District Court. ^HE first term of the district court, and the first court ever held in Henry County, con- vened at Mt. Pleasant, April 14, 1837, with Hon. David Irvin .as Judge, W. W. Chapman, Dis- trict Attorncj' of the United States. The first business transacted was the appointment of Jesse D. P.ayne as Clerk of the Court, who gave bond with John H. Randolph and Benjamin S. Wharton as sureties. A grand jury was empaneled, consisting of the -4« following named : Claybourne Jones, Sr., Samuel Heaton, Marshal Saunders, Clabourne W. Hughes, D. C. Ruberts, William M. Morrow, James McCoy, Keeland T. Maulden, Benj.amin F. Hutton, Jacob Burge, Moses Shirley, Wilson Lowell, Thomas Clark, William King, David Miutes, James Willi- ford, Sr., George W. Lewis, Henry Snyder, Sr., Berry Jones, Lj'tle Hughes, John H. Randolph, Presley Samiders and Warren L. Jenkins. But little business was transacted at this term. The county was new, and its citizens wei-e generally peaceable. John Mabee was arraigned before the court, pleaded guiltj' to assault and battery, and was fined $5 and cost. License was granted for the establishment of a ferry across Skunk River, and rates of ferriage established. At the April term, 1839, Shadrach Scott w.ts in- dicted and tried for assault with attempt to commit murder, but was acquitted. At the March term, 1840, the first divorce case was tried, Francis A. Forbs vs. Sar.ah N. Forbs. The prayer of the petitioner was granted. The first case against one for the crime of horse- stealing was at the September term, 1840. Lemuel Green w.as indicted and tried for the stealing of " one sorrel mare, the property of Robert Box." He was found guilty and sentenced to the peniten- tiary for the term of five years. The first murder ti'ial came upon a change of venue from Lee County. This was in March, 1843, It was the cose of the United States against Edw.ard Reilly. A verdict of guilty of murder in the first degree was rendered, but was set aside by the t HENRY COUNTY. 651 Judge, and a new trial granted. At the September term, 1843, he was again tried, found guilty of manslaughter, and sentenced to the penitentiary for five years, and to pay a fine of ^1 ,000. On the organization of the State, in 1846, Henry County, with Des Moines, Lee and Louisa, com- prised the First District. George H. Williams, of Lee County, was the first Judge, serving from 1847 till 1852. He was succeeded by Ralph P. Lowe, of Lee County, who served till 1857, when he re- signed, and John W. Rankin was appointed to fill the vacancy, serving until the election of Thomas W. Claggett one month afterward. Under the Constitution of 1857, the same coun- ties heretofore mentioned still continued to form the First District. Francis Springer, of Louisa County, was elected in 1858, re-elected in 1802 and 1866, but resigned in 1869, being succeeded by Joshua Tracy, of Des Moines County, who was appointed by the Governor, and elected to the office in 1870. Judge Tracy also resigned in 1874, and was succeeded by P. Henry Smyth, of Des Moines County, who served from April 25, 1874, till Sept. 25, 1874, when he resigned, and Thomas W. Newm.-iu, also of Des Moines County, was ap- pointed to fill the vacancy. He was elected a few weeks later, and served one term, being succeeded by A. H. Stutsman, of Des Moines County, who was elected in 1878, and re-elected in 1882, serv- ing till 1886. The General Assembly of the State passing an act for the re-organization of the districts, Henry County became a part of the Second District. At the annual election in October, 1886, H. C. Trav- erse, of Bloomfield, Charles Leggett, of Fairfield, and Dell Stuart, of Chariton, were elected Judges, there being three to each district. Circuit Courts. HN 1868 an act was passed dividing each judic- ial district into two circuits. John B. Drayer (ii was the first Circuit Judge for the circuit in which Henry County was placed. After continu- ing this system for eighteen years the General Assembly repealed the act, returning to the old dis- trict plan, but with three Judges for each district. *^— *— oo — *—?««' The Bar. !)HE legal talent of Henry County has always comi>ared favorably with other counties, and at the present time has among its rep- resentatives some who are the peer of any attorney in the State. In the fall of 1887 the following named comprised the bar of the county : R. Ambler ^h-4 HENRY COUNTY. press of his mind was left upon many persons who have become prominent in Iowa and elsewhere. He was a thorough and a successful teacher. Since his death the school has been conducted by one of his sons, and at this time is in a most flourishing con- dition, with a very large attendance. s^*-^^ WJiittler Collegre. t)HE Society of Friends, which has a large membership in Salem and vicinity, soon af- ter the close of the great Rebellion toolv steps for the formation of a college association, and on the 17th day of May, 1867, an association was duly incorporated. Its members having great ven- eration for the Quaker poet, John G. Whittier, be- stowed upon the institution his name, and hence Wliittier College. The Friends kindly offered the upper story of their meeting-house, located in tlie suburbs of Salem, which was fitted up and furnished for the reception of students, and the first term was opened in April, 1868, with Prof. John C. Woody, and Mrs. Mary C. Woody as Principals of the male and female departments. The Board of Directors of the college subsequently purchased the build- ing, wbicii they remodeled and fitted up for school purposes. The first class graduated from the institution in 1871, since which time a large number of persons have been sent out from the institution, and are now filling responsible positions elsewhere in tiie school-room, at the bar, and iu the pulpit, to sa}' nothing of that large number who have adopted farming as a profession. Early on the morning of Dec. 4. 1885, the col- lege building and contents were entirely destroyed by fire, entailing a loss of many thousands of dol- lars. The bricks of the old building were not cold before the school was organized in the meeting- house, and the citizens of .Salem had determined to rebuild. But the work of raising the means to build was a difficult one, on account of poor crops and otlier adverse circumstances, but the amount was secured, and in the fall of 1886 the foundation walls were laid, and in July, 1887, the brick work was commenced, and the building completed in November, 1 887. The college opened for business Nov. 16, 1887, with Prof. A. J. Beddison as Prin- cipal. The institution h.as accomraodatious for 150 stu- dents, and is well adapted for the purposes for which it is intended. The building is 40x50 feet in size, with a square tower 20x20, is built of brick, and is thi'ee stories higii, including mansard roof. It is a tasty and commodious building, and retleets great credit on those who have lal>ored so hard to secure its construction. While nominally an insti- tution of the Friends, others have assisted in its building. -~^/-..'"-eI^J^fi.»ti^^^•^^^^.®^S/^W^r»•~•^/^.-^> Pul)li<' Schools. '■' 'ROM the report of the Superintendent of Pi) Public Schools of the county, it is learned that in the fall of 1887 there were in the county 81 frame school-houses, 27 brick, and one stone school-house, with au appraised valuation of 1253,480. During the year 54 male and 192 female teachers were employed, who received average com- pensation, males $32.49 and females $24.94 per month. In the county there were 3,128 males, and 3,057 females of school age, of which number 4,925 were enrolled in the public schools. The average cost for each pupil per month was $2.45. i\*a££/@^-^—i: 1 ' ■ '■^^iivnsi. f ■<*■ HENRY COUNTY. 655 t HE power of the printing- press is uuiversally acknowl- edged, and its intluence can hardly be estimated. This IS a reading age, and almost everything eminating from the press is eagerly devoured, whether it be good or bad. It is the Archimedean lever that moves the world, and as such only the best productions should be circulated. Too much care can- not be exercised by parents and those in authority that only the pure in literature finds a place in the homes of the people. Henry County has reason to be proud of its newspapers, which have ever i\ been among the best, and wielding *- an influence not alone in the county but throughout the State. The first paper established in this county was the Iowa Free Democrat, the first Free-Soil or Abolition paper issued west of the Mississippi River. It was founded at Ft. Madison, Lee County, and moved to Mt. Pleasant in 1848, by D. M. Kelsey. In 1850 Prof. Samuel Luke Howe secured control of the paper, and it was then issued from the academy of which the professor was the head. The pupils and sons of the Professor did the mechanical -•*■ work of the office. After a precarious existence of a few years its issue was suspended. At the present writing, in April, 1888, the follow- ing papers are issued in the county : Mt. Pleasant Journal, the Free Press, Mt. Pleasant Herald, Evening News, Mt. Pleasant; Winfleld Beacon, Winfield; New London Sun, New London Eclipse, New London. Each of these is a worthy represent- ative of the people of the county. Other papers have lived, flourished for a time, and then died a natural death. The Mt. Pleasant Journal. ONE of the leading and most influential papers of Southeastern Iowa is the Mt. Pleasant Journal, which under the name of Obsei-ver, made its first appearance in 1856, with G. G. Galloway as editor and proprietor. Like all other country newspapers it had a precarious existence for several years after its cst.iblishment, and changed h.inds frequently, each successive firm running it until, somewhat discouraged, they would close it out. The office was owned in turn by Elliott & Mahaffey, D. S. Elliott, and Elliott & Edwards. While controlled by the latter firm, the name of the paper was changed to the Home Journal. Continuing it awhile under the latter name, the firm then sold it to G. W. Edwards, who subse- quently took a partner, the firm of Edwards & ..^ ■^^ 656 4- HENRY COUNTY. Snyder engaging in its publication. T. A. Bere-' ■man was its next publisher, who sold it to Richard Hatton. Tlie latter changed its name to the Mt. Pleasant Journal, and continued its publisher till his death. G. W. McAdani became a third pro- prietor, and in turn, E. W. Bradjr, John F. Leech and John Teasdale have each held a third interest. The Hatton heirs were bought out b_y ]\Ir. McAdam, and the paper was published bj' him until the winter of 1879-80, when J. W. Palm purchased a third interest, since which time the publication of the paper has been continued by McAdam & Palm. It is issued every Thursday, and in politics is a stanch Repul)lican sheet, with nothing of the mugwump in its makeup. The birth of the paper was cotem- poraneous with that of the Republican party, and it has never wavered from the support of Repub- lican principles. A bright, clean sheet, it has always exerted a good inllucnce in country and State. In connection with the JoKrnal establish- ment is an excellent job office and a book bindery. The Free Press. ^HIS paper was established in 1860, by E. T. White, wlio continued its publication for nc.'U'ly two years, disposing of the paper in January, 1868, to O. K. Snyder and Frank Hatton, who changed its nanic to the Henry County Press. Mr. Hatton retired in M.ay, 1868, and the linn I>e- canie Snyder Brothers. In 1869 Dr. D. W. Robin- son became the owner, while Richard Copi^land, Charles IMorehous and S. W. Moreliead served successively as editors. In 1870 A. P. Bentl(>y became editor. In .lune, 1872, the office was pur- chased by Edwin \'an Cise and James A. Throop, and Jan. 1, 1874, the name of the paper w.as changed back to the Free Press. In 1877 Mr. Van Cise removed to Deadwood, D. T., .and Mr. Throop assumed editorial control of the paper. In l,s,si, going into the hardware trade, he placed the paper under the editorial control of D. U. AV. C. Throop and George E. Throop. In 1882 he purchased Mr. Van Cise's interest in the Free Frexs, and has since been the sole proprietor. In 1885 he dis- ■<• posed of his hardware store, and again assumed the management of the office, D. D. W. C. Throop con- tinuing with him as editor. The Free Press is now recognized as one of the leading papers in this section, and politicallj' maj* be classed as independ- ent Democratic. It has a good circulation and wields a good influence. A good job jirinting- oflicc is in connection with the paper. ^ ^^ ^ Tlie Daily News. ^N 1876 C. L. Morehous commenced the publi- cation of the Daily Reporter, and continued its publication till October, 1883, when he sold out to T. McAdam, who ran it about one year and then sold to R. C. cfe W. C. Brown, by whom it was soon afterw.ard discontinued. But Mr. Morehous did not propose to let the city of ]\It. Pleasant be without its daily, and therefore in 1885 commenced the puljlication of the Daily Sews. As originally printed it was a five-column folio, but w.as subse- quently enlarged to a seven-column folio. The paper has had a steady and solid growth, and is now in a very prosperous condition, with an ever- increasing circulation. Ch.arles L. Morehous is an old newspaper man, with an experience second to none in this section of the State, and gets up a No. 1 local daily. Fred D. Morehous is the local edi- tor, and succeeds in gathering up almost every item of interest occurring in Mt. Pleasant or its vicinitj'. ^- -*- The Mt. Plesisaut H«Mald. HIS paper was started in the fall of 1 880 by Brown it Clark, as a seven-column folio, and at once met with good success. In 1883 it was changed to an eight-eohnnn weekly pa[)er, and the proprietors put in a power press on which to print it. In 1 884 the office was completely destroyed by fire, not even the books of the concern being saved. Immediately after the fire w.as organized "The Herald Publisiiing Company," composed of J. R.Clark, M. Hollauil. Thomas Adger, Frank Mat- i HENRY COUNTY. 657 thews, Leonard Farr, W. Hanson, M. L. Edwards, Thomas Knox, and George W. Norton, and the Herald again appeared as an eight-column weekly paper. In 1885 the ollice was sold to George Spahr ii, Co., who ran it till 188G as a Greenback paper, under the management of J. R. Clark. It was then sold to J. R. Hardin, who removed the material of the otiice to Ft. Madison, Lee County, and consolidated it with the Lee County liepub- lican under the name of the UepubUcan-Herald. Mr. Clark then went to New London and started the New London Herald, remaining there thirteen months, and then removing to Mt. Pleasant, where the paper has since been continued as the Mt. Pleas- ant Herald, under the ownership and management of Mr. Clark. The sympathy of Mr. Clark has always been with the laboring men, being strongly opposed to monopolies. He therefore was an earn- est supporter of the Greenback cause, and in the present contest between labor and capital he has espoused with his whole heart the cause of the for- mer, his paper being the recognized organ of the Knights of Labor of this section of country. The Herald has a good circulation, and is worth}' the support of an intelligent people. #"#-- Wlnfield. Beacon. *t (^^^HE Winfield Beacon was established in 1881, fm^^ by J- H. & E. H. Hardin, and by them con- ducted until October, 1882, when it was pur- chased by its present owner, E. C. Hinkle. Its gi-owth has been steady, and it now circulates in more than a thousand homes, scattered through every Western State and Territory. Its continued efforts to build up and strengthen home interests are manifested in many ways, and no enterprise of value to town or county is ever allowed to lag througii its indifference. Among the schemes which have originated within its busy sanctum, ncine is probably greater than the East lovva District Fair, an institution which promises to be one of the most noted and valuable to the town and country. The Beacon is a live local paper, and is in a prosperous condition, having the united support of the entire community. ^ • The Salem Weekly News. ^HIS sprightly sheet was established in 1880, its first number appearing under date Sep- tember 5 of that year. Its publication was commenced by Hiram Armstrong, who subse- quently sold to W. S. Withrow, from whom it was purchased by its present proprietors, 1). F. Jones it Son, Jan. 1, 1883. Wiien it made its first ap- pearance, it was a six-column folio, but has since been enlarged to a seven-column folio. This change was made the first year under Mr. Jones. Politi- cally the Nev^s is independent. The paper is doing a prosperous business, its circulation having stead- ily increased since it came into the hands of its present proprietors. A good job offlce is attached, also doing a remunerative business. The Ifews is well worthy the support of the citizens of Salem and vicinity. The New London Eclip.se. ^^^IHS paper was started Aug. 13, 1887, by [fuis^ Edwin A. Lyman, and in the short time in >^p* which it has been published has met with fair success, having a present circulation of 500 copies. The Eclipse is a seven-column folio, inde- pendent in politics, and is devoted principally to local news of town and county. It is issued every Thursday. Mr. Lyman commenced the publica- tion of his paper, knowing nothing of the mechani- cal work of a printing-office, but applying himself to the work, and with a natnr.al taste for the busi- ness prints a paper that would do credit to news- paper men of much greater experience. He certainly deserves success. The New London Sun. \T N April, 1887, Dover and Lyman commenced I the publication of an independent newspaper /£ with the above name, which they issued weekly. The firm continued in existence but a short time, Mr. Lyman retiring, his interest being purch.ised Ijy his partner, W. S. Dover. The latter continued its publication till the following winter, when C. Dailey became sole proprietor, and is now engaged in the publication of the paper. The Sun is a neat paper, and well deserves the patronage of the community where it is published. ■» m <• 658 HENRY COUNTY. t ■^V i k g ^^si^lum, PEW persons visit Mt. Pleasant witliout tak- ing a look through the magnificent buildings for the insane of the State. Gov. Grimes, in his message to the Fifth General Assembly called attention to the necessity of the State providing some place for the care of its insane. Agreeable to his suggestion, the Legislature appointed a com- missioner and appropriated $50,000 for the erection of a suitable building. On the 17th of March, 1855, the valuable tract of land now occupied by the as3'lum, containing 123 acres, was purchased for $25 per acre. The Commissioners, Edward Johnson of Lee County, and Dr. Charles S. Clark of Henry County, authorized by the act, proceeded to visit the best hospitals and asylums in other States, and also procured a plan from Dr. Bell, of the McLean Asylum at Somerville, Mass., which was afterward substantially followed in the erection of the hospital. The act establishing the asylum and appropriating $50,000 for the erection of the building, advised that the plan determined on by the board should be one that would admit of future enlargement. From the information ob- tained, it was readily seen that the $50,000 appro- priated would be insufficient, and the Commis- sioners determined to erect such a building as the experience of otiiers had ]iroved best, trusting to the good sense and liberality of the Legislature to sustain them in their course. Henry Winslow, who had been connected with the Insane Hospital of Maine, was appointed to superintend the erection of the building, and entered upon the discharge of his duties Oct. 22, 1855. The building was completed and formally opened on the 6th of March, 1861, though one patient had been admitted one week earlier. While the cost of the hospitjd w;is much more than the original appropriation, there being $400,000 ex- pended in its erection, it was so constructed that additions have since been made that have not de- tracted from the orginal beauty of design, but rather added to it, and to-day the building presents a most magnificent appearance, while the grounds are handsomely kept. The first officers of the hospital were as follows : Commissioners, Hon. James W. Grimes, Hon. Ed- ward Johnstone, Hon. Ralph P. Lowe, Dr. Charles S. Clark, Hon. Samuel J. Kirkwood, W. H. Postle- waite; Treasurer, Presley Saunders; Clerk, M. L. Edwards; Trustees, Harpiu Riggs, Samuel McFar- land, D. L. McGugin, J. D. Elbert, Joseph M. Merrill, John B. Lash, Lincoln Clark, Timothy Stearas, G. W. Kincaid, Thomas Hedge; Superin- tendent, R. J. Patterson, M. D. ; Assistant Phj'si- cian, D. C. Dewej', M. D. ; Stewards, Henr^- Wins- low, George Josselyn; Matrons, Mrs. Catherine Winslow, Mrs. Anna B. Josselyn. From the third biennial report of the Trustees the following extract is taken : "The act for the incorporation and government of the Hospital for the Insane, appointed seven Trustees, two for two years, two for four years and three for six years. The longest term, six years, has not elapsed, yet in this brief space four of the seven have died — Col. Samuel McFarland, Dr. John D. Elbert, Dr. 1). L. McGugin and Mr. Harpin Riggs. The survivors feel with deep sensibilit3' this fatal and admonitory incursion of death into their nar- row circle ; they participate in the grief of the be- reaved families of their late associates, and they lament the loss sustained by Iowa of so many citizens whose virtues pointed them out for llie work of putting in operation this greatest of the charitable institutions of the State. They cannot refrain from t Iowa Hospital for the Ins ^),i„«>f:„!T- I! "i'l'HT ^^ frj 8tff If (1^1: X:;?i " V f 664 HENRY COUNTY. In his first biennial report, Dr. Gilman urged the erection of additional wings to the building for the accommodation of the increased number of patients for whom admission was sought in the institution. The Legislature wisely heeded the request of the Doctor, made the appropriations and gave him charge of their erection. This additional labor he cheerfully assumed, and in connection with this brief sketch.a fine lithographic view of the build- ing and grounds is given. In addition to the erection of the wings, erected at a cost of $200,000, the rooms in the old build- ing have been renovated throughout, repainted and redecorated. Elegant pictures are hung upon the walls of each public room, and everything done to make the surroundings pleasant to the patients. _yS- The following named comprise the officers of the hospital at this writing: Board of Trustees — D. A. Hurst, M. D., Presi- dent, Oskaloosa; J. H. Kulp, M. D., Secretary, Davenport; P. W. Lewellen, M. D., C'lnrinda; G. W. Cullison, Harlan; G. H. Shai-p, Mt. Pleasant. Treasurer — C. V. Arnold, Mt. Pleasant. Resident officers — H. A. Gilman, M. D., Super- intendent and Physician; M. E. Witte, M. D., First Assistant Physician ; F. P. Peck, M. D., Sec- ond Assistant Physician; P. F. Straub, ~Sl. D., Third Assistant Pliysician ; J. M. Aitken, 51. D., Fourth Assistant Physician ; E. N. Nelson, Steward ; Mrs. F. V. Cole, Matron. The attention of the reader is called to the biog- raphy of Dr. Gilman for an account of his special work for the hospital. ja^. GRICULTURAL societies have long been considered the best means of promoting the interests of that large "^ class of citizens on whom the ■ . X prosperity of the country '^^^^g'^so much depends — the fai-ming people. Unlike tradesmen and mechanics, the agricultural class J are not huddled together, and l^have not the usual means of dis- ^seniinating their views enjo3'ed by ^^Jg^those living in villages and cities. The annual fair brings them to- getiier, with their best productions of stock and cereals, and information is given one to the other .as to the best methods of securing the best results. At an early day the citizens of I lenry County agi- tated the question of the annual exhibit of their agricultural and mechanical productions, and in 1853 the first county fair was held at the village of Salem. As mav well be conceived, the number of entries was small indeed, and the amount given as premiums was still smaller, yet, as all thing-s must have a beginning, this fair served as ;i starting point and as an incentive to further action. The following year another exhibition was held at Mt Pleasant, and was a little improvement upon the first elTort. Other fairs were held, but the war com- ing on. the people could not take that interest in them that otherwise would have been done. llcmy County Agricultural Society. y'HAT is now known as the IIenr3' County Agricultural Societj' was organized in 186."), and its first annual fair was held in the fall of the same year. John M. Hanson was the first i t ^i^l-^ HENRY COUNTY. 665 President of the re-organized society, and did much to advance its interests and place it on the road to prosperitj'. Grounds were purchased near the asy- lum, which have been fitted up in a substantial man- ner, suitable for the proper displaj' of exhibits. No county society has better exhibitions, although the rival fairs of Salem and Winfield, it is believed, injure it financially. Its influence is felt through- out the community, and as a consequence the stock of the county has been greatly improved. The cyclone that visited this section in June, 1882, demolished the amphitheater on the fair grounds, but it was subsequently rebuilt. The officers of the association for 1888 are: W. Beckwith. President; J. L. Gillis, Vice President; Ed N. Kitchen, Secretar}' ; L. M. Shubert, Treasurer. -*-^- East loAva District Fair. ^N the spring of 1882, T. C. Eittenhouse, of I Winfield, Iowa, wrote an article for the Win- /£ field Beacon recommending the organization of a district fair, which met with general approval by the people. The Beacon then kept the subject con- stantly in view, until a meeting was called, and cit- izens of the counties of Henry, Louisa, W.ishington and Des IMoines, united in forming an association known as the East Iowa District Fair Association. The new enterprise struck the popular chord, and the people of these great counties rallied to the sup- port of the measure, and in the following autumn a most successful fair was held on the farm of W. Mullin, near the town limits. This was followed by a still better exhibit the next year upon the same "rounds. After the second exhibition a joint stock com- pany was formed, and eighty acres of very desirable land was purchased one-half mile west of town. The buildings which had been erected were removed to the new grounds and a splendid h.alf-mile track was made. Fairs have since annually been held, and each exhibition has been an improvement upon the preceding one. The fair held from September 13 to September 16, 1887, will long be remembered. The crowd was immense, and notwithstanding the drouth which prevailed, the various departments were well filled. Some inconvenience was occasioned bj' the scarcity of water and provisions made for the care of stock, but the Directors were equal to the occasion and did all in their power to render all comfortable. The showing of cattle, hogs and sheep was better than ever, every stall and pen being crowded. The display of farm machinerj' was fine, and much interest was manifested in this department. The Eastern Iowa District Fair is one in which the citizens of Winfield feel a just pride. They have made it what it is, and the courage and giit shown, often under most discouraging circumstances, are indeed commendable. The officers for 1 888 are : W. P. Dunahoo, President; E. D. Young, W. Mul- lin and A. Freeman, Vice Presidents; E. C. Hinkle, Secretary; William Lauder, Treasurer; A. J. Lewis, Chief M.irshal; P. B. Nixon, Chief of Police. The Salem Agricultural Society. /^}\ ITIZENS of Salem and vicinity have for a [l( ^.^ few years past maintained a local society, ^^^ which has been well patronized, and which has created a considerable amount of interest. '_^^f <• 666 HENRY COUNTY. LAVERY, as a public question, from tlie time the Govern- ment was establislied up to 1860, entered into almost every (jolitical contest. The States of the Union in which slavery existed continually feared their rights would be encroached upon, and to allay such fears and maintain peace, various compromise measures were passed. Tliese only served for a little while, and were never entirely satisfactory to either party interested. That known as the "Missouri Compromise" seemed to come nearer a solution of the difficulty than any other, and was the most satisfac- tory to the Northern States, and seemed, for a time, also, to satisfy the South. By the terms of that compromise slavery was confined south of an imaginary line known as the Mason and Dixon Line, The rapid growth of the North, and the formation of new States without slavery, alarined the South- ern people, who feared the loss of power. Then came the repeal of the "Missouri Compromise," tiie adoption of the Kansas-Nebraska bill, and the question of the introduction of the slaves into the Territories. The Republican party, formed for the purpose of preventing any further extension of slavery, was regarded as a menace by the South, and threats of secession were made in the event of that party coming into power. In the Presidential campaign of 1860, the Republicans, with Abraham Lincoln as their leader, presented a solid front, while the Democracy was divided, presenting Ste- phen A. Douglas as a candidate for the Presidency, representing the Northern wing of the party, and John C. Breekenridge, of Kentucky, representing the Southern wing. John Bell, of Tennessee, was also a candidate, receiving his nomination from the Union party, composed principally of those for- merly affiliating with the American, or Know-Noth- ing. The election of Lincoln was almost a foregone conclusion. While it was known that there were many hot-headed men in the South willing to plunge the country into civil war, few persons realized the danger, cr for a moment believed that the threats of the Southern people would be carried into execution. Little was known of the prepara- tions being made in the South for the event sure to follow the election of Lincoln. When the result of the general election was known, and months be- fore the inauguration of Lincoln as President, South Carolina and other States passed ordinances of secession, and preparations were made to resist any force that would be sent against them, as well as to obtain possession of any property belonging to the General Government within the limits of their States. At Charleston, S. C, two forts were in the possession of the United States authorities, Fts. Moultrie and Sumter. The fc)rmer w.as aban- doned, the troops being moved to the latter. Earlv I 1 HENRY COUNTY. 667 in April, 1861, the authorities of South Carolina demanded their surrender, and being refused, erected fortifications upon the mainland for the purpose of bombardment. No attempt was made to prevent them, and when completed, another demand was made, with threats of opening fire upon the fort in case of refusal. lu Ft. Sumter was Maj. Anderson and a gallant band of loyal men, with provisions to last but a short time. To the demand to surrender a refusal w;xs sent, and on the morning of April 12, 1861, the rebels commenced the attack by opening fire upon the fort. The fire was returned b}' the brave commander of the fort, but on the 14th he was compelled to lower his flag and yield to the rebels. The first gun fired upon Ft. Sumter reverberated throughout the whole length and breadth of the land, and was more of a call to arms than the proc- lamation of President Lincoln for 75,000 men, which immediately followed. There was no lack of response to this call among the Northern States, and no State more enthusiastically and patriotically responded than the State of Iowa. Men and money were offered without reserve. Volunteers came from all vocations in life, and offered up their lives on the altar of their country. Patriotism was dom- inant in every heart. Party lines were ignored, and political contiicts were forgotten, and all formed themselves together for the preservation of the Union. The proclamation of Abraham Lincoln was issued on the 15th day of April, 18C1, and two days afterward Gov. Kirkwood issued his proclama- tion calling for the men of Iowa to offer their serv- ices to the Union. Meetings were at once called in Mt. Pleasant and in other parts of the county, resolutions of a loyal nature were passed, and men finally offered their services. Call after call was made by the President, and man after man responded, until it seemed as if the county would be depopulated of all its best cit- izens. The services of all were freely given, for no more loyal men lived than the citizens of Henry County. Time passed, the last call was made, the last battle fought, and victory won. Those in re- bellion laid down their arms, peace was declared, and those of the brave men who so nobly responded to their country's call, and whose lives had been spared, returned to their homes. Daily they are to be seen upon the streets of our cities. The arm- less sleeve, the hollow sound of the wooden limb as it strikes the pavement, tell too plainly that war has once reigned in uur beautiful land. Even if desired, it cannot be forgotten. But it is not de- sired. Patriotism led the brave boys to the front, and patriotism now compels grateful acknowledg- ment of what was done. Once each 3'ear, in the springtime, when the flowers bloom, the surviving soldiers, accompanied Ijy their families and friends, repair to the cemetery, and as they scatter the fra- grant flowers over the graves of those who have fallen, drop a tear to their memory, and offer up a silent prayer that their blood may not have been shed in vain. 1* =T I -^*- 668 HENRY COUNTY. t <^ |@''5(PA®)^^®>3j€3»^i^^^^3«»^V^ (g)^V*) -*>-:>'>^:s?t^;!t5<^' HE State of Iowa has within its borders no city that is more attractive or beautiful, considering its size, than Ml. Pleasant, nor is there one with more natural advantages, or settled with a better class of citizens. It is located in Cen- ter Township, a little south of ,, J the geographical center of the iV *L county, on a high prairie whence it derives its name. Stran- gers visiting the city for the first time invariably remark on its beau- tiful situation. Improved as it is at the present time, yet it was hardly less beautiful in tlie fall of 1834, when Presle3' Saunders, from Sangamon County, 111., first let his gaze fall upon it, and determined here to make his home. Selecting it as his claim, he returned to Illinois, and early in 1835 came back, settled upon it and here has since continued to reside. In this year, 1888, he is numbered among the earliest pioneers of Henry County, and as such is honored and respected. But not alone as a pioneer, but as a representative citizen, one who has done much to build up the beautiful city, and, as a business man, always been upright and strictly' honest with his fellowmau. On the organization of Henry County by the Territorial Legislature of Wisconsin in the winter of 183(i-37, Mt. Pleasant was chosen as the county seat, and here the seat of justice has continued to remain, notwithstanding two or three vigorous efforts have been made to remove it to another locality-. The cit\- has never had anything to re- semble the modern boom, but steadily grew for a number of years, and was first incorporated by an act of the Territorial Legislature of Iowa, approved Jan. 25, 1842. The charter provided for a gov- ernment consisting of a President and four C'ouii- cilmen and a Recorder. S. B. Parker was the first President. The town at this time was quite small, and the expense and trouble of maintaining a municipal government were probably found rather onerous, and it was permitted to collapse. As far as is known, no special effort was made to again in- corporate for some years, but an act was finally secured from the State Legislature, approved Feb. 5, 1851, incorporating the town of Mt. Pleasant. This time the executive authority was vested in a Mayor, the other officers remaining as before. Col. William Thompson was chosen Major; llarpiu Riggs, Titus V. Taft, John S. Green and Alvin Saunders, Councilmen, and Henry H. McMillan, Recorder. Under this charter the municipal affairs of Mt. Pleasant were administered until the spring of 1 857, when it was organized under the geneual act, and is now a eitj' of the second class. The first store in the place was opened bj' Col. J. H. Randolph, May 12, 1836. The Colonel- had first started in business in Burlington, but not lik- ing the location, came on to Mt. Pleasant, where he became the pioneer merchant. He was in a short time followed by others, among whom was Presley Saunders, the founder of the town, who at the present time is doubdess the oldest merchant in the State in point of continuous service in the mer- cantile trade. To-day the city is well represented i t -4•- ■■» II <• HENRY COUNTY. 669 1 ' by every class of trade, and her merchants are regarded by tiie wholesale and jobbing trade as among the safest in the State. John P. Grantham was the pioneer school teacher of the cit3', opening and continuing a term of school in the spring of 1837, in a little log cabin which was nsed as a church by an}^ who desired to hokl services therein. Those who attended school in that little log cabin more than a half century ago, are now among the aged men and women, or have passed over the river. The teacher lingered till 1887, when he too went to meet his reward. The humble beginning of the Mt. Pleasant schools was in strange contrast to those of the present. No better schools are to be found in the State than those in this city, and their high rank has been maintained through long years. In addition to the public schools, the lowaWesleyan University holds high rank among the most noted of Western col- leges or universities, while Howe's Academy has always been regarded as a first-class institution. For many years the city has been known as the Athens of Iowa. The religious interests of the place have always been carefully guarded, and to-day it is represented bj^ a number of strong churches, representing the leading denominations of the country. The first house of worship was erected by the Cumberland Presbyterians in 1 840, on the corner of Main and Madison streets. For some cause the society did not prosper, and its oi'ganization was dissolved many years ago. At the present writing the fol- lowing-named denominations are represented here : Advent Clu'istian, Baptist, Christian, Catholic, Con- gregational, Episcopal, Lutheran, Methodist, Pres- bj'tcrian and Universalist. The Methodist Episcopal Church of Mt. Pleas- ant, now known as the First Methodist Episcopal Church, w.as the first religious society organized in Henry County, as well as in the city. From an historical sketch of the church, prepared by John P. Grantham, the following extract is taken: "As earlj' as the latter part of the year 18.35, that part of the Black Hawk Purchase in which Mt. Pleasant is situated was made missionary ground, and the Rev. John Ruble, who had just been trans- ferred from the Illinois to the Missouri Conference, was by the latter sent on as a missionarj' to occupj' and cultivate the new field. The exact date is not known, but it is understood that he came on promptlj', and preached hisfirstsermon in the house of Preslej' Saunders. Soon after his arrival, wisely concluding that it was not well for man to be alone, Mr. Ruble was united in marriage to Miss Diana C. Bowen, daughter of Isaac Bowen. But his work was short. In the month of Maj', an all-wise yet inscrutable Providence released him from his labors on earth, and the man of God, the self-sacrificing missionary, was taken to his reward bej'ond the river. He died and was buried in Burlington, but his remains were subsequently removed to the old cemetery in Mt. Pleasant, where his ashes now rest bj' the side of the wife of his youth. "Mrs. Ruble lived to see the remains of her hus- band thus removed, and to bury by his side a sec- ond husband, Dr. W. C. Stephenson; and to leave at the time of her own death, a third husband, Sam- uel Smith, who has since been buried in the same lot. Thus four sleep together till tiie resurrection morn, when thej^ will 'neither marr}' nor be given in marriage.' "John Ruble was esteemed a man of God b}^ all who knew him — all bore testimony to his faithful and ettlcient labors in the 'Master's vineyard.' And, notwithstanding his race was so short, he had the consolation, in his last hours, of knowing that his labors had not been in vain. Success had attended his efforts to rear the standard of Emanuel in the wilds of the Black Hawk Purchase, and to organize on an enduring basis the church of his choice. "The spring of 1837 found the village of Mt. Pleasant growing rapidly, and the Methodist ele- ment, under the wise, efficient and spiritual economy of the church, not only keeping pace with other de- nominations, but in advance of them all. The society at this time probably nimibered from thirty to forty members. These were not all in the vil- lage, but were scattered around for miles. They were all in one class, of which Henry M. Snyder, of precious memory, was leader. "Among those who were pioneers of Methodism in Mt. Pleasant, and who were members of Father Snyder's class at the above date. Dr. Jesse D. Payne, -•► 670 HENRY COUNTY. Dr. W. L. Jenkins. Samuel Nelson ,ind their families are remembered by the writei-. "At that time, Norris Hobart w.as the 'Circuit Rider,' and .ndministered the Word of Life to his Mt. Pleasant heareis once in four weeks, extraor- dinaries excepted — for it must be borne in mind that it required a ride of from one hundred to two hundred miles each round, over a country destitute of roads, except such as were designated as 'bridle paths,' and with streams nnbridgcd — hence tiie hungry flock could not always rely upon the monthly visitations of their preachers. "It is worthy of remark, tiiat in tliose primitive days of our Methodism, all this labor, toil and suf- fering were required and generally actually per- formed on a paid salary of from $100 to $'200. Now, when we look at our stationed preachers, with salaries of $1,000 to $1,200, and who are expected, ordinarily, to preach only on the S.'ibbath, we are forced to the conclusion th.at some of the old land- marks of Methodist economy are being swept aw.ay — and so mote it be." Time passed, the society grew in numbers, and in 1843 steps were taken for the erection of a house of worship. A substantial frame building, 35x45 feet, was erected and dedicated in December of that year. Services were held in this house until the erection of the Asbur}' ('hurch in 1867. This house was remodeled and eidarged during tlie pas- torate of Rev. J. B. Blakeney, which extended from 1882 to 1885, the improvements costing $8,200. The value of the chiu'ch propcrtj' is now estimated at $2.'), 000, including a [larsonage. The member- ship of the church is quite large, composed of some of the best and most influential citizens of the city. Methodism has a strong hold upon the people here. In connection with the church is a large and flourish- ing Sabbath-school. Rev. J. W. McDonald lias been pastor of the churcli since September, 18.S5. The First Presbyterian Churcli, of Mt. Pleasant, was organized April 28, 1840, by Rev. L. C Bell, with six members. Jolin McCoy and Dr. Tom C. Stephenson were chosen and set apart as Elders of the church. The first supply of the church was the Rev. Mr. Leonard, who preached the sermon at the time of the organization. In 1844, the Rev. C. P. Cummins, of Phila- deli)hia, began to labor with encouraging prospects, and w'as soon after elected to the pastorate. In 1845 the menibcrshi]i of the church had in- cre.iscd to fifty-six. For a period of three years, there is no record of any meeting or session, and the date in which Mr. Cummins ceased Iiis labors is not certain, although it was probably prior to 1848. The spread of denominationalism, and other causes, had reduced the mombcrship, by tliis time, to a mere nothing. It was evident that tlu're could be no assurance of pcrmanpncy until a church building was erected, and measures were thereupon taken to build a house of worship, the Rev. F. B. Dinsmore agreeing to become permanent supply if the building of the church be guaranteed. The few remaining members, ten in number, were called to- gether for mutual consultation at the house of Mrs. Patterson. A subscription was begun at the suggestion of Father Bell, he starting the paper with $15<>, which lie afterward increased to $200. The step was a successful one, and a house was soon erected. There was some struggling with poverty, but, by build- ing a kiln, the Rev. Mr. Dinsmore attended to the curing of the lumber, and studied his sermons at the same time. The church was erected upon the site on which now stands the present Presbyterian edifice. The old building, at the erection of the existing edifice, was sold to the colored Methodists. In 1851 the church was left devoid of session, and a meeting of the congregation was called, at which John Sype and John Gr-a^' were chosen to that ottice. In 1852 Rev. Mr. Dinsmore removed to West Point. lie was succeeded by the Rev. Bloomfield Wall, who remained three years. In 1855 the Rev. Timotliy Stearns was called to the pastorate. His ministry was a successful one. Tak- ing the church when its membership was forty-five, he had only labored three years (1858) when the num- ber Increased to lOG; and which numlier being too great for the dimensions of the churcli, a new edifice was erected, at a cost of $12,000, the same being that now used by the congregation. The Rev. Mr. Stearns afterward removed to Ft. Madison, wiioic he died, and is buried here. The next two years the church had the service of •-■-^- I t HENRY COUNTY. 671 Eev. A. C. McClelland, present Secretary of the Freedmen's Committee at Pittsburgh. He was suc- ceeded by the Rev. J. W. Larrimore, who left in 1 863, and entered the army as C'haplain. He had inca'eased the membership to 204. The Rev. G. Bergen then filled the pulpit for a period of six months. The next 3'ear, the Rev. E. L. Belden oc- cupied the pulpit. On Sept. 18, 1865, the Rev. J. C. McClintock was pastor and served until Jan- uarj% 1871 , when he resigned, and has since been pastor of the First Presbyterian Church at Burling- ton. In February of that year, Rev. D. S. Tappan, D. D., was called to the pastorate, and has since con- tinued in charge. In the seventeen years of his ministry in this city, he has done a good work, en- dearing himself not alone to his congregation, but to the community as well. The church is in a most prosperous condition. Its Sunday-school is also prosperous. On the 17tli of June, 1882, the house of worship was struck by a C3'clone, which tore down the spire and a portion of the northwest wall, causing a dam- age of about $800. The Baptist Church of Mt. Pleasant was organized Feb. 8, 1843. The following account of the growth of this denomination in Mt. Pleasant was published in the Journal in Maj% 1878, shortly after the dedi- cation of the church : "Thirtj^-five years ago the first germs of the relig- ious organization were planted in this city, then a village, by the advent of Elder H. Burnett and wife. Alternatelj' with others of different creeds and prac- tices. Elder Burnett preached sometimes in the court-house and sometimes in a house built by Mr. Viney, where now stands the house of Dr. Bird, there being no house of worship in the place. Surely the strongest faith or the most vivid imagination might well be blameless if it failed to foresee the time when, fronting and overlooking that verj' spot and that humble house of worship, lent by the gen- erosity of a private citizen, there would stand to- day the beautiful house which, dedicated wholly to worship and service of God, is at once a blessing and an ornament to our beautiful city. Within a few months, under the earnest preaching of Elder Burnett, six persons had embraced the truth he set forth and banded themselves together as a church of Christ, after the simple manner of the primitive disciples. "For years the little company of disciples, grad- ually increasing in numbers by the accession of willing converts brought in during the frequent re- vivals with which God blessed them, worshiped here and there, as they found opportunity, sometimes in Brother Burnett's house, where he now lives, and sometimes elsewhere. Other organizations had built houses of worship, and this band of believers was the last to build then, as now. They struggled on, amid opposition, to maintain the truth and to com- mend it to others, and after a very weary effort they completed the house now transformed into the home of Mrs. Woolson. This building they occu- pied lor many years. Revival after revival added new converts to their ranks, till the place became too strait for them, and they cast about for larger accommodation. "Finally it was determined to sell the old house to the United Presbyterians and build a new one. "Retaining the right to use the old house for one service each Sabbath, the church met there till the summer of 1869, when Mr. Saunders offered the use of his hall, rent free, which was accepted, and the church met there till October of that year, when they entered the finished basement of the new edi- fice. "The enterprise was first talked of in 186G, the foundation was laid in 1867, the walls were erected and covered in 1868, and the State Convention of the denomination met with the church and dedi- cated the basement in 1869. At that time the liabilities of the church were nominally met and provided for; but it was found, on attempting to make collections, that owing to the shrinkage of subscriptions and values there was a deficiency of about $2,500. This was provided for. It was further determined, as the policy of tlie church, that the enterprise of completing the house should be carried forward piecemeal. During several years the church wrestled with tiie indebtedness already incurred, but in 1875 a forward move was made in taking down the unsightly board coverings, and putting in their place the stained window-glass which now adorns the building. The vestibule above and below was also finished, with exception r 672 HENRY COUNTY. I of the stairways. In the meantime, the church determined to ask aid from brethren at the East, and Miss Hannah Beai-d, of Salem, undertook and accomplished that mission so successfully that with the funds thus obtained, together with those raised by the efforts of the church, the entire liabilities have been paid, and the house completed and dedicated free of debt." The house is 50x80 feet, built with solid 13-inch wall, supported bj' heavy buttresses, and cost about $22,000. It was dedicated Sunday, April 28, 1878, the sermon being preached by Rev. Dr. E. Gunn, a former pastor. The cyclone of June 17, 1882, struck this church, entailing a great loss. Rev. T. M. Smith is the present i)astor of tlie church. The Congregational Church of Jit. Pleasant was organized in 1841, and seven years later its present house of worship was erected on the northeast cor- ner of the square. The society for some years after its organization was exceedingly prosperous, but it has alwa3's maintained an existence, though sometimes at a great sacrifice to its members. Those serving the church as pastor have been Revs. Waters, Sands, Packard, Hurll)ut, Haskell, Dr.ake, Pickett, Barnard, Martz, Nourse, Cakebake, Jones, Sharp, Sabin and O. W. Rogers, its present pastor, who came in February, 1883. The Christian Church of Mt. Pleasant dates its organization since 1845, and the erection of its house of worship in 1855. Arthur Miller was the first pastor of the church and served for two or three years, when he was removed by death. Mv. Top- liff came next, and was succeeded by Samuel Lowe, N. C. Cory and others. One of the ablest men serv- ing this church was Elder D. R. Dungan, now Pres- ident of the Bible College, in Drake University, at Des Moines. K. T. C. Bennett was the last p.astor of the church, closing his labors in the fall of 1887. For some cause the church has not h.ad that degree of prosperity which might reasonably be expected. Its present membership is about 150. The Sunday- school is prosperous, with an average attendance of about 100. Mr. Grant is the Superintendent. The Universalists organized a society in this place Aug. 5, 1848, and during the years 185C and 1857 erected a fine church edifice at a cost of -4* $4,000. The building was dedicated in September, 1857, Rev. O. A. Skinner preaching the dedicatory sermon. On the 10th day of January, 1858, the society was permanently organized as the First Universalist Church of Mt. Pleasant. The church has had no regular pastor for some time, but its pulpit has occasionally been supplied by Rev. S. Crane. This church has the care of a fund of $6,000 left by Dr. W. B. Chambers, tlie inincipal of which is permanently invested, while the interest is used to alleviate the sufferings of the needj^, irrespective of religious belief. St. Alichael's Parish of the Protestant Episcopal Church was organized at Mt. Pleasant, Sept. 12, 1856. The rectors from that date to the present time have been Revs. D. T. Hutchinson, F. E. Judd, Benjamin R. Gifford, C. B. Stout, W. II. Cooper, T. B. Nash, Jr., T. B. Nash, Sr., Walter A. Turner and D. C. Howard. During the term of Mr. Stout, the church was built at a cost of $0,000. It is of the early gothic style of .architecture, and presents a very neat and attractive appearance. A fine altar set, vases and cross, were presented to the parish by Hon. Hamilton Fish, ex-Secretary of State under Gr.ant, through Gen. N. Greusel. The gift was highly appreciated by the parish. In the fall of 1887 the church lost by death one of its most use- ful members, ISIiss Emil^- Rukgaber, who for some years had served as organist. In honor of her memory a beautiful memorial window was placed in the church at a cost of $150. St. Mich.ael's Church is in a prosperous condition. The Catholic Church of Mt. Pleasant was organ- ized about 1 853, and was first served by Father Wheeler as the first permanent priest. A fine church w.as erected in the south part of the city, during the pastorate of Father Slattery. The Seventh-Day Adventists have .also an organ- ization. The following in relation to that body of believers is from one of their number, a member of the Mt. Pleasant Seventh-I)a,v Adventist Church: "A Seventh-Diiy Adventist Church consists of a body of Bible believing Christians, covenanting together to keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus, and subscribing to no creed but the Bible. The peculiar tenets of this church are a belief in the nearness of the coming of Christ, HENRY COUNTY. 673 the obserrance of the seventh day Sabbath, and imnu)rtality through Christ at the resurrection of the just. They advocate strictly temperance prin- ciples, discarding all intoxicating liquors and tobacco. They have no settled pastors, their mis- sion is the world, and their ministers are usually engaged in promulgating their doctrines in new fields, but often visit the churches and hold meet- ings with them. The church officers are Elder, Deacon, Clerk and Treasurer. The first organization of a church of Seventh- Day Adventists in Henry CountyJ was effected by Elder B. F. Snook, in the sjiring of 1862, in Center Township, about six miles southeast of Mt. Pleas- ant, and called the Liberty Church, and when or- ganized consisted of fifteen members, afterward increased to about sixty. Jordan Sharp was the first Elder, succeeded by A. A. Fairfield. On ac- count of defective church records, and other causes, a re-organization was effected Feb. 27, 1872, by Elder George I. Butler, with a membership of twen- ty-four. Jacob Hare was the first Elder, then B. C. Chandler was leader, afterward elected Elder, suc- ceeded by C. A. Washburn, who is Elder at the present time, Elders Jacob Hare and Stephen Pierce (now deceased), Ira J. Hankins, C. A. Wash- burn and George I. Butler (who held a course of tent meetings in the Mt. Pleasant Park in 1876 and is now President of the General Confer- ence) have been members of this church, and when not preaching in other fields, and at home for short periods, have held meetings with the Mt. Pleasant Church. There are now 116 names on the church book, the loss through deaths, removals by letter, and dismissals, brought the number of active members to eighty-one. The Mt. Pleasant Church is sup- ported by free-will offerings of its members; they keep up a contingent and poor fund, besides paying yearly about $800 into the general church treas- ury. This latter amount is one-tenth of their increase, the payment of which is not made com- pulsory, but this is believed to be the Bible plan of supporting the Gospel, and generally adopted by the Seventh- Day Adventist people. In the spring of 1884 they built a new, neat and commodious house of worship, 45x28, on Main street, one and one-half blocks south of the public square, where meetings and Sabbath-school are held regularly every Sabbath (seventh) day, besides the weekly prayer and social meeting. This people also have a tract and missionary society, which is composed of the individual mem- bers of the different churches, and they become members by paying $1 each, which entitles them to the privilege of drawing from the large amount of reading matter kept on deposit in each State, from which the different churches and workers are sup- plied for the purpose of distributing to willing and interested readers, by which means, and through sending out their periodicals, a goodly number are brought into their ranks, and as a rule those who are thus brought in become permanent workers in the cause. The German Presbyterian Church of Mt. Pleas- ant was organized in 1864, Rev. W. F. Bruechert being the first pastor. In 1867, during the pastor- ate of Rev. F. Smith, a house of worship was erected at a cost of $3,500. Rev. M. Bueltel was pastor for some years, and was succeeded bj' Rev. Henry Schmidt, who was called to the pastorate in 1880, and continued until September, 1886. He was succeeded by Rev. John W. Everds, the pres- ent pastor. In connection with the church is a flourishing Sundaj' -school. The Second Baptist Church, composed of colored people, was organized July 17, 1863, and has since been generally in a prosperous condition. A colored Methodist Episcopal Church was or- ganized in 1 865, and shortly after the chapel of the Protestant Episcopal Church was purchased as a house of worship. Rev. Charles Holmes was the first pastor, and Rev. W. H. Coston at present ministers to the flock. Mt. Pleasant is well represented by the various benevolent orders, including Masons, Odd Fellows, Knights of Pythias, Good Templars, and others. The Masonic order has a large membership, com- prising many of the best and most influential men in the community. Mt. Pleasant Lodge No. 8, A. F. & A. M., was the first Masonic society organized in that city. The charter bears the date Jan. 8, 1845. The charter members were: J. F. Kinney, N. C. Hub- ^ . ^•^HB-^«*« \ i 674 HENRY COUNTY. 4 bard, James Mahan, J. H. Curtz, T. H. Orendorf, J. C. Hall and David Hamlin. The first principal officers were: J. F. Kinney, W. M.; William Thompson, S. W. ; Thomas McMillen, J. W. The present officers are : E. S. Howard, W. M. ; E. N. Nelson, S. W. ; A. J. Kaufman, J. W. ; L. F. Wil- lard, Treas. ; T. J. McAdam, Secy.; William Bayles, S. D.; Paul F. Straub, J. D. ; W. K. Hobart, S. S. ; H. Kronheimer, J. R. ; Theodore Schreiner, Tyler. The present membership is 120. Xenium Lodge No. 207, A. F. & A. M., was char- tered June 5, 1867. The charter members were: W. L. Smith, C. B. Gillis, J. McLellan, W. H. Hatch, A. G. Davis, John L. Brown, E. H. Bart- lett, F. G. Pitcher, J. H. Keller, David Fisher, E. A. Van Cise, D. L. Paramore, L. W. V.ale, AYilliam Dudley, F. Y. Jamison, C. J. Leidliara and Will- iam Gladden. The first officers were: J. L. Smitli, W. M.; C. B. Gillis, S. W. ; J. M. McLellan, J. W. The present officers are : J. H. Keller, W. M. : Henry Bickenbach, S. W. ; John Avery, J. W. ; Omer V. Stough, Treas. ; B. L. Cozier, Secy. ; M. B. Hord, S. D. ; L. N. Shubert, J. D. ; J. W. McFar- land, S. S. ; P. Haviland, J. S. ; J. McLellan, Tyler. The present membership is seventy-eight. Henry Chapter No. 8, R. A. M. — A dispensation was issued Jan. 31, ISofl, to George Munson, H. J. Howard, John Craig, J. W. Wiiui, Reuben Allen, Robert Wilson and David Fisher, by whom the first meeting was held February 5 following. A charter w.as granted June 2, ISSr), the charter officers being : George Munson, H. P.; IL J. Howard, K. ; John Craig, S. ; J. IL Winn, C. of H. ; Jacob Hare, P. 8. ; Robert Wilson, R. A. C. ; D. IVI. Adam, M. of 3d V. ; L. L. Berry, M. of 2d V. ; David Fisher, M. of 1st V. The additional charter members were: Reu- ben Allen, R. L. B. (lark and T. M. Coutter. The present olllcers are ; T. J. Van Hon, II. P.; E. N. Nelson, K. ; Milo Ilobart, S. ; F. L. Willard, T. ; E. S. Howard, Secy. ; A. J. Kaufman, C. of H. ; J. McLellan, P. S.; Paul F. Straub, R. A. C; Theo- dore Schreiner, Tyler. The present membership is fifty-four. Jerusalem Commandery No. 7, K. T. — The first meeting of this body was held at Mt. Pleasant under the dispensation April 2, 1866. The mem- bers under the dispensation were : T. Schreiner, W. -4« — L. Smith, H. Kronheimer, D. W. Robinson, J. W. Satterthwait, James Piper, H. Ambler, J. Fa)'er- weather, D. F. Carnahan, W. E. Woodward, F. G. Kendall and F. Phelps. R. F. Bower, G. C, was present, and appointed the following officers: J. W. Satterthwait, Gen.; W. L. Smith, C. G. ; James P. Sanford, Prel. ; D. F. Carnahan, S. W. : D. B. Smith, Jr., J. W. ; W. E. Woodward, Treas. and Rec. ; D. W. Cowdrey, St. B. ; A. Humphrey, Sw. B.; James Piper, W. ; J. M. .Shaffer. 1st G. : Will- iam Shaffer, 2d G. ; D. W. Cowdrey, 3d G. : Theo Schreiner, S. On the 3d of June following, a char- ter was granted, to include within its jurisdiction the cities of Mt. Pleasant and Burlington, also Henry and Des Moines Counties. The ofHcers under the charter were: W. E. Woodward, of Bur- lington, E. C. ; J. W. Satterthwait, of Mt. Pleasant, G. : and W. L. Smith, also of Mt. Pleasant. C. G. Sessions were held alternatelj' at Burlington and Mt. Pleasant until 1872, when a division was effected, and a new charter issued to the I^urlington Knights, the Mt. Pleasant Knights retaining the original charter and number. The present officers are: J. W. Satterthwait, E. C; T. J. Van Hon, G. ; W. 1. Babb, C. J. ; L. F. Willard, T. ; E. S. How- ard, R. ; Benjamin L. Cozier, 8. W. ; E. N. Nelson, Jr., W. ; John B. Coate, St. B. ; H. Kronheimer, S. B. ; A. J. Kaufman, W. ; Theo Schreiner, Guard. The present membership is fifty-two. The order of the Eastern Star was first instituted at Mt. Pleasant under the jurisdiction of the Grand Chapter of the United States in 1867, under the title of the " Bethany Family " No. 38, and existed under the above name until the organization of the Bethlehem Chapter No. 38, in 1879. Bethlehem Chapter No. 38 of the order of Eastern Star, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, was instituted in 1879, under the jurisdiction of the Grand Chapter of Iowa. Mrs. IIenr3- Ambler was the first W. JL, and J. W. Sat- terthwait, W. P. Tbe chapter increased rapidly in membership, until, at this writing, it is tlie strongest and best working chapter in the State. Its present membership is 123. The present ollicers are : Mrs. Sarah E. Woods, ^^". M.; J. W. Satterthwait, W. P.; INIrs. S. II. Osgood. A. M.; Mrs. :\Ielissa V:in Hon, Treas. ; Miss Jenny Rand, Secy. ; Mrs. A. L. Cozier, Conductress; Mrs. Kate Ball, A. C. I •^^ HENRY COUNTY. 675 The Masonic Hall at Mt. Pleasant was burned Oct. 3, 1883, causing a loss of about 13,000 to the order. All records were saved, except those of Henry Chapter No. 8. The various Masonic bod- ies now meet in a commodious and elegantly fur- nished hall on the north side of the public square. The quarters were fitted up with the view to their special accommodation; ante-rooms, library, ban- quet hall, kitchens, etc., are complete in their ap- pointments. The order is working harmoniously in all its branches, and is in a prosperous condition. Odd Fellowship dates its existence in this city from 1848, Henry Lodge No. 10. 1. O. O. F., having been instituted May 22 of that year. The follow- ing named were charter members: D. Gilchrist, H. C. (Saunders, L. D. Housel, W. P. Wightman aud Charles Cliftman. In the forty years in which it has had an existence, it has doubtless done much good. Prosperitj' has always attended it, and it has a pi'eseut membership of 114, with the follow- ing-named officers: P. Wertenberger, N. G.; A. A. Druva, V. G.; S. S. Daniels, Secy.; and O. V. Stough, Treas. A second lodge, known as Mystic Lodge No. 55, L O. O. F., was instituted Feb. 2, 1854, which has likewise had a very profitable career, with a constantly increasing membership, numbering in January, 1888, 120. In the summer of 1870 the lodge was at quite an expense refurnishing its hall, which is now one of the handsomest in the State. The officers for the first half of 1 888 are : J. H. Day, N. G. ; Jesse Blakemore, V. G. ; W. M. Pixley, R. S. ; William McCoy, P. S. ; J. G. New- bold, Treas. In connection with the order, Industry P^ncamp- ment No. 18, I. O. O. F., was instituted Oct. 15, 1857. Its present membership is fifty-four. The ex-Union soldiers of the citj' and vicinity maintain a flourishing Grand Arm^' Post known as McFarland Post No. 20, G. A. R., which was in- stituted Nov. 7, 1879, with the following-named charter members: J. W. Satterthwait, J. W. New- bold, John F. Houseman, N. Greusel, W. H. H. Pillsbury, A. W. McClure, J. W. Powell, C. Ruk- gaber, J. S. Ferguson, C. M. Snyder, Jr., Ford Nicol, B. L. Cozier, J. W. Burton, W. P. Howe, John J. Safeley, H. K. Williams, W. K. Leisering, W. Beckwith, A. T. Brooks. Its first commander was J. W. Satterthwaite. He was succeeded in turn by the following named: John W. Powell, H. K. Williams, B. L. Cozier, Lot Abraham and C. H. Smith, the last named being the present Commander (in the fall of 1887). The other officers of the post at that time were E. H. Bereman, Adj. ; J. H. Keller, S. V. C. ; William Pixley, J. V. C. ; G. Jericho, O. D. ; H. K. Williams, Q. M. ; S. W. Gar- vin, Chap.; W. H. WilJeford, O. G. ; T. J. Van Hon, S. M.; A. S. Perry, Q. M. S.; B. L. Cozier, C. B. Rukgaber and George Gass, auditing com- mittee; W. I. Babb, James Dyer aud W. M. Pix- ley, membership committee; W. K. Liesering, W. K. Hobart and John Brown, relief committee. The Post is in a most prosperous condition, with a present membership of 125, every town in the countj% with the exception of two, being rep- resented. It has done a good and much-needed work in the past eight j-ears, in looking after the welfare of the families of ex-soldiers and supplying the needy. A Woman's Relief Corps has been organized, which co-operates with the post in this latter work. James Harlan Camp No. 34, S. V. U. S. A., Di- vision of Iowa, was mustered on the 9th of Decem- ber, 188G,by James D. Bower, Colonel of the Iowa Division, with the following-named charter mem- bers, thirty-four in number : Bert Crane, Newt S. Bangham, Paul B. Woolson, James A. Evans, H. A. Bereman, R. E. Waugh, B. L. Osgood, Edgar R. Sater, Charles Gamage, Herbert Hanson, P. N. Shu- ber, W. F. Kopp, John Gass, W. E. Simpson, Frank E. Houseman, Charles Houseman, P. H. Smith, John H. Jericho, John H. Schmitz, Joseph Moorhead, Elmer Baldwin, John Abraham, M. D. Andrews, Wesley K. Dillon, W. Jericho, W. D. Hendrix, Fred C. Bent, J. H. Newbold^ M. E. Keho, J. B. Trowbridge, W. M. Waymen, N. T. Hendrix, James L. Martin, Frank Baldwin. Since its organ- ization it has taken in four recruits. Although but a few months old at the time of inspection in 1887, it was rated as a first-class camp, and ranked tenth in the Iowa Division. The present officers of the camp are: Wesley K. Dillon, Captain; James A. Evans, First Lieutenant; Pearl II. Smith, Second Lieutenant; Paul B. Woolson, Bert Crane and Fred ■•^ «► ll^» -•»• 676 HENRY COUNTY. C. Bent, Camp Council; Frank E. Houseman, Chaplain; Newt S. Bangham, First Sergeant; John H. Jericho, Qm. Sergeant; J. H. Newbolfi, Color Sergeant; W. E. Simpson, Sergeant of Guard; H. A. Bereman, Principal Musician ; Bert L. Osgood, Corporal of Guard; P. N. Shuber, Camp Guard; Bert Hanson, Picket Guard. The Ladies' Library Association is an institution reflecting great credit upon those interested in its formation and maintenance. It was first organized in 1875, and fi-ora a small beginning has grown to be an institution in which the city should take a just pride. Those signing the articles of incorpor- ation were Miss Nellie E. Ambler, Mrs. A. S. Marsh, Mrs. C. T. Cole, Mrs. Alice L. Taylor, Mrs. M. W. Ramey, Mrs. Callie S. Marsh, IVIrs. A. C. Woolson, Miss Rachel Carney, Miss Emma L. Schwenker, Mrs. Charles T. Marsh and Mrs. Belle A. Mansfield. They commenced with a fund of §300, the net proceeds of a previous lecture course. They resolved to attempt to raise by an active canvass for donations of money and books a sum not less than $5,000. In case this sum could not be reached, they proposed to use $3,000 as an invested fund, the income of which should be a permanent pro- vision for a librarian. For several weeks the ladies kept up a vigorous canvass, but the result fell far below their hopes, being only about $2,000, in- cluding several conditional subscriptions, not im- mediately available. The largest sum subscribed and paid was $100, and the sums ranged from that amount to fifty cents. Notwithstanding their dis- appointment in the amount raised, the ladies deter- mined to go on in their preparations for a library, relying upon the voluntary service of members as librarians, until they could do better. Accordingly, they proceeded to lease for five years a jiartially furnished hall in Ambler's Block, secoml (Kxir, east side of the public square, at $150 per annum. They provided cases, reading-desks and other fixtures necessary for a small beginning, and took possession of the hall Jan. 1, 1876. The association first secured the gift of a former collection, popularly known as the " Chamberlain Libraiy," amounting to about 800 volumes. Tlu^se books had Ix^en lying for several years in dusty piles in a back room of Ambler's law ofHce. They had all been originallj' donated to Mr. Chamberlain, and consisted of a medley of works of theology, science, travel, and Patent Oflice Reports, with some very valuable books of reference. These were transferred to the new quarters, cleaned, labeled and arranged. Judge Gillis donated 300 volumes, comprising a complete set of Congres- sional Globes, Colonial records and other valuable State documents. Other donations of books were received, amounting in the aggregate to over 200 volumes. The most valualjle of these was a com- plete set of Appleton's American Encyclopedia, from Dr. M. Ranney, of the hospital. The associ- ation purchased 870 volumes, partly at second- hand ; a few standard magazines were suliscribed for, and quite a number of jjeriodicals and papers were donated for the reading tables, and thus the preparations for opening went on. There has been a steady increase in the number of volumes year by year, the proceeds of entertain- ments given by the ladies, and from lectures, being used for that purpose. At present there are about 3,000 volumes in the library. The success of the association is due to the un- tiring energy and zeal displayed by the ladies of Mt. Pleasant, under whose auspices it has continued to grow. No outside help has ever l)een secured, and during its thirteen years' existence there has been but one paid librarian, and for one j'ear only. The ladies, in turn, act as librarian, laying aside all other duties for the time. Three days in each week the library is open, Tuesday, Thursd:iy and Saturday, afternoons and evening. Ill ct)niiection with the association i-< a Literary Club, organized in the fall of 1883, and which holds regular sessions, the season commencing in Se[)tember and lasting until May in each j-ear. The club is composed of some of the leading minds of Mt. Pleasant, and its meetings are both interesting and instructive. The oflicers of tiie association in the winter of 1887-88 were Mrs. Allie Taylor, I'resident; Mrs. L. Ketchiim, Vice President; Mrs. J. S. McGregor, Treasurer; Miss Kitty Ketchum, Recording Secre- tary; Miss Ada Ambler, Corresponding Secretary. The libraiy committee is composed of Miss Emma \ J^ :i^i-#. HENRY COUNTY. 677 Schwenker, Chairman ; Mrs. Louie James and Miss Satie Ambler. The entertainment committee con- sists of Mrs. R. Ambler, Chairman; ]\Iiss Fannie Wheeler and Miss Laura Cole. The Knights of Pythias have a flourishing lodge in this city, known as Eastern Star Lodge No. 6. It was organized May 0, 1870, with the following- named charter members: H. D. Walker, S. L. Dan- iels, W. F. McClary, Lewis U. Fenton, J. S. Shean, H. W. Templin, W. B. Walker, Walter Dall- ner, H. A. Gillman, S. N. Thompson, E. .J. Lock- wood. Theo. Waible, C. E. Thompson, Will IMeleher, J. K. Burton, P. A. DaUner, IL De Laubenfels, I. W. Dalluer, Charles Prince, Will Schliep, F. W. Schnurr, J. B. Traxler, H. S. Wilder, F. Bonnifield, George A. Owen. This lodge has been honored by the election of one of its members, H. D. Walker, as Grand, who has held the office for a number of years, discharging its arduous duties in a faithful manner. The Knights of Labor are represented by Local Assembly No. 2189, organized Aug. 26, 1882, meeting each Saturday evening. The assembly is in a flourishing condition, with an increasing membership. Thomas Corcoran is Master Work- man, and Albert Druva, Recording Secretary. The Independent Order of Good Templars has had seasons of prosperity and seasons of adversity. Several lodges have been organized, flourished for a time, and then suspended. At present the order is represented by Mt. Pleasant Lodge No. 68, I. O. G. T., which was instituted Nov. 16, 1885. Its charter memliers were: .1. R. Payne, Mrs. E. S. Payne, C. H. Peters, Mrs. H. Peters, Dr. J. H. Drake, Mrs. M. E. Drake, JMilo Hobart, J. A. Chis- man, Helen Page, Nettie Hawkins, F. E. David- son, Frank J. Drake, Frank H. Boynton, Esther McDonald, Emma Dahlin, W. M. Whitney, Mrs. M. A. Whitney, Mrs. C. S. Shepp, Lizzie Cox, J. H. Forgrave, .Tames McLaren, F. A. Conner, Mrs. Harmison, Mary Munson, Mrs. Belle Grimm, Mrs. F. A. Siberts, A. Spencer, Mrs. L. Shubert, C. F. Devol, George E. Gass, S. B. Potter. Its first officers were: Chief Templar, Rev. J. R. Payne; Lodge Deputy, Dr. .J. H. Drake; Vice Templar, Miss Esther McDonald; Chaplain, J. H. Forgi-ave ; Recording Secretary, J. A. Chisman; Assistant, -^» Miss Nettie Hawkins; Financial Secretary, Emma Dahlin; Treasurer, S. B. Potter; Marshal, F. H. Conner; Deputy, Mrs. A. Peters; Guard, Lizzie Cox; Sentinel, Frank J. Drake; Right Support, Clara Holsinger; Left Support, Mrs. M. E. Drake; Past Chief Templar, C. II. Peters. Since its organization the lodge has been quite prosperous, and has numbered among its members some of the best citizens of the citj', those who are thoroughly interested in temperance work. The membership in January, 1888, was 120, with the following-named officers: C. T., Miss Mary Haw- kins; V. T., Fred Bent; Secretary, Dr. Clara Swan; Marshal, Ella McClaren; Treasurer, Nettie Grue- sel; Financial Secretar}^ Jessie Hughes; Guard, Charlie Ball; Sentinel, Mertie Millspaugh; Superin- tendent Juvenile Temple, Jennie Hobart; Lodge Deputy, Frank J. Potter; Chaplain, Mr. J. Bailey; P. C. T., Frank Dickinson. Under the direction of the lodge is a flourish- ing Juvenile Temple, with a membership of 140. Mrs. M. E. Drake, of Mt. Pleasant Lodge No. 68, has the honor of being the Grand Superintendent of juvenile work in the State. There are in the city two solid financial institu- tions, the First National and the State National Banks. The former was organized in 1864, with Presley Saunders, President, and H. S. Clark, Cash- ier. Its capital stock was originally placed at $75,- 000, which was subsequently increased to $100,000. Presley Saunders yet remains at the head of the institution with T. J. Van Hon, as Cashier. The State National Bank, of Mt. Pleasant was chartered in February, 1865, and was an outgrowth of the old Mt. Pleasant branch of the State Bank of Iowa, which was established in 1858 by Timothy Whiting and others. The State National Bank was opened with a paid-up capital of $100,000, Timo- thj' Whiting being its first President, and retaining that position until his death in February, 1887. He was succeeded in that office by his son, John II. Whiting, who was its cashier from the establish- ment of the bank until January, 1886. The first charter of the bank expired in February, 1885, when it was extended until February, 1905. The State National has had a prosperous career and has ever had the confidence of the business and mon- •► ll"^ ••► 678 HENRY COUNTY. eyed men of Henry County. Its surplus is now $50,000, and its depositors are amono the best and most cautious people. John H. Whiting is the pres- ent President, with R. S. Gillis, Cashier. Both men are well known and universally respected, and under their management the bank will be con- ducted upon sound business principles. The nianuf.acturing interests of Mt. Pleasant liave not been fostered to any great e.xtent, still there are a few institutions here that deserve more than a passing notice. The Mt. Pleasant Manufacturing Company was incorporated Aug. 1, 1887, with a cash capital of $10,000, for the manufacture of steel sled-runners, under the Johnson Patent; also steel farm, field and yard gates, and other articles. The works now employ twelve men, and are crowded with orders. The General Manager of the company is Hon. Sam- uel L. Steele, and the Secretary is Mr. William R. Sullivan. The runners manufactured by this corn- pan}' are unsurp.issed in construction, having many improved features not possessed by an}' other. They are made of steel expressly rolled for the work, are less than half the weight of the cast iron runners formerly used, are not as heavy as wooden runners, and far more durable than eitlier, while they are much neater in design. They have heavy reinforcements on the front of the runner, where the bolt passes through, giving greater bearing sur- face, and adding strength where the greatest strain comes. A steel shoe is riveted to the bottom so that in case of wearing out it can be replaced at slight cost. The gates manufactured by the company are light, durable and ornamental, and no stock can break them down. In their construction steel bars and braces are used with barbed wire for field gates, and wire without barbs on yard gates. Their ex- treme lightness prevents sagging, and with proper care they are practically indestructible. Tliis young industry, alread}' in so promising a condition, promises to be an important factor in the manufacturing enterprises of Mt. Pleasant. Leedham cfe Baugh do quite an extensive business in the manufacture of sash, doors and blinds. In connection with the sketch of Mv. Baugh will be found a full account of their works, to whicli the reader's attention is directed. The cigar manufacture is carried tyi in this city by two firms, those of W. H. Schlcip autl William Fehse, both of whom do a fine business. In connection with the biographical sketch of C. H. Smith is an account of the Scraper works, the largest manufactory in this city. -►-• M- HENRY COUNTY. 679 ^,v¥ :i:»4:*+-'!r^"-P !!•'**** %"?'i^%'%*'-K"^^ _t^sSiSMm%r^ r^^^^^*«55^ ^> .t. .t .t„.\.t^^ ^55^5^=^ ...-,j=;; ii^ ' N this connection is presented short historical sketches of the various townships. As stated in the preface mucli of the information usually embodied in history will be found in the biograph- ical sketches. •■--^* -'i^m- *^ — • Baltimore Towuship. ^IILS township was first settled in 1834, on section 32, by J. A. Box, who also claims to have been the first settler in the county. Black Hawk, Wapello, and other noted Indians, were frequent visitors at his cabin until they either died or passed on toward the setting sun. The first child boru in the township was T. S. Box, who was probably also the first white cliild born in the county'. Baltimore comprises all of township No. 70 north, of range 5 west, and is almost exclusively timber land, and very much broken. Notwith- standing this fact there are some excellent farms in the township, and some most excellent people. The village of Lowell was laid out by M. M. Carver, and the first house was built by Harmon Matthews. The first mill was put up by Hiram Smith in 1838. Dr. William Marsh was the first physician in the place, and Edward Archibald the first Justice of the Peace. The first school-house was a typical log one, which was blown down after a year or two of service. Canaau Town.ship. )HE prairie townships were the last to be set- tled, pioneers thinking it necessary to settle in or near the timber, that they might have its protecting influence from the chilling winds, and have plenty of fuel and fencing material, as well as material for their houses. Canaan being exclu- sively prairie, was therefore not settled for many years after those more highly favored by an abund- ance of timber land. James Lawrence has the honor of being the pio- neer settler, dating his residence from 1848, at which time he settled upon section 33. Among others who came in at an early day were Robert MeCabe, Ambrose Yancy, Thomas E. Corkhill, William Corkhill, Jacob Hare and A. Baxter. Canaan has more tillable laud than any township in the county, and is one of the best improved, having an enterprising class of citizens. The Bur- lington & Western Railroad crosses the township, having one station, Mt. Union, a bright little vil- lage settled by a good class of well contented peo- ple. The Protestant Methodist Church of Mt. Union was organized in the year 1876 by W. Hndelston. The society worshiped in a school-house until 1880, when a new church was built of very pleas- ing ajjpearance. The successive ministers were Rev. W. Hudelston, Josiah Selby, Rev. Mr. Brown, ,S. J. Geddes, W. Sparks, J. Patton, G. M. Scott, Wm. Van Vleet, and the present pastor, J. L. Scott. -4•- G80 ■•► HENRY COUNTY. i i Center Township. HE history of this township is connected with that of the city of Mt. Pleasant. ^ James Dawson lias the honor of being the first settler, locating here in the spring of 1834. Among others who came in early were Presley Saunders, John M. Hanson, M. H. Barnes, J. Wil- son and Levi Smith. The townslup comprises all of township 71 north, of range 6 west, and is a fine body of land, two-thirds of which is prairie. Jackson Townsliii>. \f|AMES RICHIE was the first settler in this township, locating on section 6 in 1836. Soon after him came Larkin Johnson, Will- iam Williamson, Elijah Burton, Robert Price, J. C. Garrison, Jonathan Russ, A. Walter, J. Maxwell, George Jones, T. Frazier, John Johnson and J. A. Edwards. Jackson comprises all of township 70, range 6 west, and is about equally divided between timber and prairie laud. A fine class of people reside here, and the farms are gen- erally well improved, while the citizens are for the most part in good circumstances. The Skunk River passes through the township. Jefferson Township. (^p^HIS township lies in the extreme northwest- m^^ ern part of the county, and comprises all of ^^^ township 73 north, of range 7 west. Among its first settlers were Hiram Howard, Henr^' Payne Roberts, R. M. Pickle, T. Mosher, Harrison Mat- thews and Daniel Turney. Jefferson is about equally divided between timber and prairie land. Americans, Germans and Swedes are the nationali- ties principally represented in the township at the present writing. The Germans are generally con- nected with the Mennonite Churc^Ii. The village of .Marshall was laid out in 1851 by Rogers & Pickell, its first store being kcjit liy the latter gentleman. The town grew but slowly, at- taining apoi)ulati()n of 200. On account of there being so many mistakes in the forwarding of mail, much of that intended for Marshall going to Mar- shalltown, while some intended for the latter being sent to Marshall, the post-office authorities ordered the name of ^Marshall changed. Wayland was then chosen, and the town has for about ten 3'ears been known bj' that name. It is now on the line of the Oskaloosa Branch of the Central Iowa Railroad, and is quite a shipping and trading point. Mjiriou Tcmaship. ^^ URING the year 1 835 George Duttou made claim to a portion of section 22, township 72 north, of range 6 west, now known as Marion Township, and was the first settler within its limits. Being one of the best in the county, the township rapidly settled up with a fine class of citizens, and to-day is one of the best im- proved in the county. It is well adapted to the raising of fruits, and being well watered, is a good stock country, many of its farmers making a specialty of stock-raising. There is neither railroad nor village in the township. New London Township. "j^^^EAV LONDON comprises all of Congres- I jj sional Township No. 71 north, of range 5 [1\^^ west, and is a fine body of land, principally prairie. It is traversed by the Chicago, Burling- ton & Quincy Railroad, which enters the township on section 36, and pursuing a northwest course passes into Center from section 1 8. The village of New London is the only town in the township. New London w.as first settled in 1834, bj' A. C. Dover, who located on section 26. He was soon afterward followed by Peter Hall, John Dalson, Jacob Burge, S. H. Dover and others, though the township settled slowly till after the completion of the railroad. CITV OF NEW LOXOOX. ect to freight has just competition. While its growth has not been phe- nomenal, or as great as its friends desired, .yet a good, solid business has been done by its merchants, while the place itself shows evidence of thrift. Immediately on the heels of the railroad came the newspaper press, that herald of universal prog- ress. On the 27th of June, 1876, the Winfield Press, with H. G. Rising as editor and jn-oprietor, made its appearance. But it came too soon, the people were hardly ready for it, and in one short year its liglit went out. Burlington, Mt. Pleasant and Washington afforded the only banking facilities to the citizens of Win- field till 1883. In September of that year, a pri- vate bank was started with H. C. Weaver as cashier, and having as its backers E. L. Penn and Charles Snider, of Mt. Pleasant, and Henry Clark, now President of the First National Bank of Creston. After running for .about two years its affairs were wound up, it not proving a paying investment for those interested. During this year, however, B. B. Lindlc}^ established the Bank of Winfield, which has since been in successful operation. This bank does a general banking business, with the First Nation.al Bank of Ctiicago, and Gilman, Son & Co., New York, as its correspondents. The Bank of Winfield has a fireproof vault. The religious interests of Winfield are guarded by the United Presbyterians, Presbyterians and Methodist Episcopal. The Methodist Episcopal Churcli is the oldest organization in Winfield, dating back to tlie win- ter of 1848-49, when a class was organized in the house of Thom.as Alexander, with six or eight mem- bers. The first meetings were held from house to house, and later in school-houses. Sometime in the sixties a frame church building w.as erected, since which time the society has had a home. The church has usually been in a prosperous condition, spirit- ually and otherwise, and never more so than the present time, when it has a membership of 200, with a live Siindaj'-school from which to draw re- cruits from time to time. The United Presbyterian Church was organized Oct. 16, 1865, by Rev. A. Story, of Columbus City, u 688 HENRY COUNTY. i with clovi'ii iiuiiiluis. The fii-st service was held !it tlie house of J. P. McCuIley, iiiid Robert AValker and J. P. iNlcCiilloj- were elected and ordained as Elders. The first regular pastor was Rev. J. j\l. Henderson, from Portland, Ohio, an earnest and faitliful worker in the Master's cause. He w.is in- stalled in Ajiril, 18()(). During that year a good suhstfintial church building was erected, 36x60 feet in size. Rev. Thome succeeded Mr. Henderson, and at present tills the pulpit. The present niein- bersliip of the church is seventy-four, and it is in a good, licaUljy condition. The Presbyterian Cliui'cli of Winlicld was origin- ally organized under the name of Round Grove Presbyterian Church (t)ld School) in 1806, b3' Rev. Thomas H. Dinsmore, with twenty-one mem- bers. Rev. Francis B. Dinsmore was its first pastor. He w.as succeeded by Rev. Mclhide, and in turn by Revs. D. T. (.'ampbell, H. M. Corbett, L. K. Ber- ridge, J. R. Brown, A. W. Ringland, G. W. Hays, doseph Dickey, D. T. Campbell. J. 1$. Butler. The present house of worship was commenced in 1805, completed the next year, and dedicated in 1867, Rev. George D. Stewart, D. D., preaching the dedi- cator}' sermon. The present membership of the church is 100, and it is in a flourishing condition, spiritually and financiallj', with a good Sundaj'- school. The Masonic fraternity is reiircsented liy Good Faith Lodge No. "ioO, A. F. it A. M., instituted June 2, 1869, with George Hammond, W. M. ; R. C. Jackson, S. W. ; George W. Brewington, J. W. The lodge is in good financial condition, and is com- posed of man}' of the best citizens of Winfield and vicinity. Its lodge room is well furnished. The following named comprised its officers in Novendier, 1887: T. Russell, W. M.; Caleb Russell, S. W. ; Alex Wiley, J. W.; J. C. Green, Secy. ; J. T. David- son, Treas. ; Jacob Renshaw. J. D. ; W. H. Wise, S. D. HED" mzDt — TiinMH-aiioc' Towiishi]). eHARLFS DAW.SON has tlie honor of be- ing the pioneer in Tippecanoe, which com- prises all of township 71, range 7 west. He located on section 1 in 1884, and the year after sold his claim to William B. Lusk, who also makes ■^» claim to being the first permanent settler in the county. 'While one or two others canic in before him and made claims, Mr. Lusk eamc tc) staj, and yet remains an honored citi/AMi of the township and count}'. Among others who came in an early day were William llockett, T. AVright. Linus Fairchild, William 11. Lyon, 'I'homas Grant ami Cliarles Max- well. The Skunk River enters this township on section 3, and after running southwest abi>uta mile and a half, touching section 5, it takes a southeast- erly course and passes out from section 24. "With its tributaries, this stream atTords an abundance of water for stock antl mill purposes. The Chicago, Burlington it Quinc}' Railroad passes through the northern part of the township, having one st^ition, Rome. Rome was first laid out in IS IC, the original town site being on the west side of the river. M illiani Scott was the proprietor of the town site, and in company with James Strong kept the first store. Prior to this, in 1812, Mr. Knight kept a black- smith-shop here, and Mr. Scott had a hotel. In 1856, D. C. Whitwood, who probably knew of the proposed location of the railroad, came here and bought 100 acres of Land on the north side of town, twenty-five of which he laid out in town lots, to which he gave the name of Chicauqua, the In- dian name of Skunk River. In 1866, O'Loughliii it Baker purch.ased of Whitwood the land origin- ally purchased by the latter, and in that same }-ear the two towns were incorporated as one under the name of Rome. James Gallagher was the first Maj'or of the village. Rome has had its ups and downs in common with all other towns, but is withal a pleasant place to live in. Trenton Township. illlC first settlement made in this township w.as in 1836, and among the first settlers were Michael Crane, Hon. James C. Green, James McPheran, J. 11. McPheran, George Miller, Joseph, Jacob and Perry Morrison, Is.aae Jordan, J. and B. B. Allender, Absalom Leeper, John Kephart and A. CpdegratT, Among all these Mr. Green, it is believed, is the only one left in the township. J. HENRY COUNTY. ■^ 089 f Michael Crane came in the spring of 1 830, made chiim to the site of tlie present village of Trenton, laid out a village and called it Lancaster, after the place of the same name in Pennsylvania. In 1837, Samuel Brazleton, Col. Porter and George Miller bought the claim, had it resurveyed, and at the suggestion of James C. (ireen named it Trenton, after the capital of New Jersey. .Some two or three years later George JMiiler purchased the interest of Col. Porter, and Mr. I'.r.i/.lcton and .Mr. Miller be- came sole proprietors. Soon after laying out the town a post-office was established here, with Samuel Morrison as the first Postmaster. The first merchant in the place was Timothy (iaskell. The first physician was William Finley, while A. Updegrafif was the first Justice of the Peace, James Conner k(>pt the first hotel. Deprived of railroad facilities, 'J'renton has not been able to keep pace with the rest of the world, though it has tried hard. For many years Joel Turney ran a wagon-shop here, and did an excel- lent business, l)Ut being compelled to haul material from the railroad station, and to haul back such m.'iterial as he made up that was not taken \>y citi- zens, he finally removed to Fairfield, where he has the benefit of competing railroads. The village has a school building worthy of a more pretentious place, and its educational facilities are second to none. The Presbyterian Church of Trenton was organized July 17, 1811. Previous to 1808 the congregation worshiped in a Imilding erected many years previous, but being too small to iicconimodate the growing society, a new church was erected during the summer of that year and finished and dedicated Sept. 19, 1809, by Rev. McC'liiitock, then of Mt. I'leasant, but now of Buiiington, Iowa. Rev. H. M. Corbett served the church as pastor for some time after the new church was built, after which the pulpit was supplied irregularly until June. 1885, when Rev. C. C. Humphrey organized a Congregational society. UENKV COUNTY IXSTirl TE OF SCIKNCE. Trenton Township possesses an institution of which she naay well be proud in the al)(jve-nanie- ■ ^ ■:■■:— •^: O-' ••► u % . • . . .•-,;•• Abraham, John*. '^^■5^,■^'^•i^P> Abraham, Htfn'," Lot-^-^ ^-jSj- Adams, John. f.*;.. . J-^. .^ < Adams, John (-^iiihcy.^. ...... . /5^ • Allen, GeoEge AV'.^i ..».*.^..*.^8_c) Allen, Isaac W. ...*.:..*..:. - -i/ j Allen, Dr. J- B--^.^* ..;•-■••■• 'ji?^^' Allen, Jesse BV.. *..',... .r^jc^, Allen, Rease .» ...-..-I'-'-ae* Allender, Thomas G- ■ \r^*-3^. ' Allsup, J.' C * . : . :*.;!.•- ';.i!7i-x Ambler, Henry. .^. . :_•''■ . ^ '^^60 Ambler, Rro til, .Stephen .^ 449 :^ Bowers, ^V S....- 233 '^BavCp^n, J-'C '. .".". -. ^--604 " lifVeweter, R.-B .., -.r.^r^ 455 ;. Bnggs,-Ans'ei*. ;.-•.'. . f. .... .'..ifi* ■ -^^rown * Wenry. ....... .^.. . ■ v^5*3 ^ucWnan, James , 75 I^uRingtba^^oi*-. A. -J. .^ «J. . .477 ^yflfilii^n, Wm. B. 288 .Burden, David . . ».. . - .263 .* Bu-rge, Jacob 397 Burk'e, Charles A 464 Burketv Martin K 236 Kur.tpn, W. S 285 Oftpipbcll-, Alfred J. Cai)!)'^^ D. M.... •« ♦ Ccttpmock, Levi 300 ... 181 177 "CariSeld, R. T ,.246 Cant well, -.Samuel 176 Cafpenter, C- C 139 Catter, Howard 212 Canlk, Bent ;..... ..216 O^venee, Sol -.,.*_... .-340 Ch^dlcef Casper -i^So , • phandler, Acfdison 275 Viiandler, B. C 219 OiandIer,-Samuel. 218 Clark. Ja'mes "K 525 Clark, JTiiHiael 323 , Clem^t, Dr. A.' E 215 CleveTand,'&. Cjrower . ...103 Coad, Thortij^..?, C93 Coate, JoHn-B.^. ..•.,... ...... .421 \ C»dner, Job". . .'. 182 •Coic,.jt. s r. .- 542 Collins^ J. C .-...* 232 Cone, Isaac B. T.. •.,*.,", .^. *. :53i Cono\*:r, G. H • T .292» C^ok , H-en r> .._,..-;* . . ; .'. }^. .'ioj - C»ok, O.'H r.*.' ....*6j6 . Cou'rmey, j. C»- ..'--..'*.;.'♦■ 'SS*^»" * ^rabtree, William A ."•(.». 307" • Crane^R«v.-Eber... '. ..^^•••.^^7.. ] Crane, Baron H 339 Crew, Hon. M. L 557 Crew, Wjn. R 252 Culbertsqn, Honsten 211 D Davitlson, James T 381 Davies, David ..'. ■ 192 Da vies, Evan ....... 209 , Da vies, Henry .-.'97 Diivies, JohiT, ... 404" .D^vis, Wm ; 445 Day. J -H , .-... -. 241 Deal, Dr. Josiah".*.J.^. 4T2 De Gar mo, Rev. W. E, i". *..,. ..6^?.. Dillon, W. K... 399 Dilts, Dr. W. A "...'.....43^ Dean, Alfred i 522 Doan, M ah Ion 389 Dover, S. H 194 Dover, W. S 399 Drake, J. H.,M. D :..i87 Draper, Capt. Wm — 241 DuMars, John K Cige Dutton, Jasper N 378 E Edger, John Eicher, Daniel ....... Elliott, Dr. John Eshelman, Re\iben... Evans, Rev. I'homas. . Eveland, J. W •555 ••39= .424 .501 454 ■365 Farr, H. H Farr, Leonard Fehse, Wm. H. .. Fenton, B. F Ferris, George E.. Fillmore, Millard. Fisher, Peter Fitch, Paxton Flamm, J. B ■ Fleagle, F. R F.orman, Abner Foster, Wm Fraricy, John ■% randy, W. J .401 ..299 ■•359 . .426 . 616 ...57 • •432 ■■347 ■393 ■493 ■ ■413 •377 ..391 ..429 Frank. Perry Franzen, Rev. Johanes. G Gableson. Dr. Alfred... Gardiner & Rolh Garfield, James A Garrettson, JoelC... Garrison, Ephraim P.. . Garvin, Samuel W Gass, George S Gear, John H Gerig., Rev. S Gheen, Enos Gibson, Isaac X. ;. . . . .".' Giilaspey, J61in..r.. ;; •.Gilns, J udge James L'.. Gillis, R. B.'. :..:.. :.'... ■ Gillis," Robert S. .r.-j; . .' Gilman, H.' A., M. D.. •Gladden, W-m Grant, R. R Grant. Ulysses S ..... . Grantham, Hon. John ] Graves, Enoch Green, Hqn. James C. Greusel, Gen. N Grimes, James W-. ■. .403 ■577 . .632 ..200 ■••■•95 . .188 ■■•554 . . .266 .. .610 ...147 ...487 ...195 ■•■55' •4M ...202 . .-629 •■-199. ...588" ...4IP •;;538 ...,«7 ■■■■473 :..5ii ...598- ■ -279. ■■■•'■9 H Haines, Samuel R :...-476 Hamell, Samuel -■■587 Hamilton, W. L 608 Hanna, J. W., M. D 515 Hannah, John 222 Hannum, W. J 465 Hanson, John M 355 Harbin, Rev. J, C 5S3 Hare, Rev. M. H 610 Harkness, W. R 518 Harlan, Hon. James 620 Harris, Wm fo6 Harrison, Wm. Henry 51 Hart, James E • 259 Hatton, Hon. Frank 624 Hatton, Richard , 626 Hayes, Rutherford B gi Hempstead, Stephen 115 Higgins, Levi 468 Hill, Enoch S 495 'Hill, W. R 494 ^-— u 692 INDEX. Hinkle.E. C 478 Hobart,Wm 488 Hobbs, Nathaniel 515 Hobson, Edwin 518 Hochreiler, Edward 508 Hochreiter, John H 497 Hockett, Elam 5°^ HoUowell, John 472 Holt, John 498 Hoi wick, C A 476 Howard, Edward S 507 Howard, Rev. DeWitt C 506 Howe, Charles S 179 Hulings,John 513 Hummell, Dennis 475 Hunt, V. O 498 Hutchinson, W. A 492 Button, Rev. Samuel 532 J Jackman, Wm. H 316 Jackson, Andrew 43 James, Elijah 5=5 Jay, Dr. R. L 5^3 Jefferson,'] homas 27 Jennings, Isaac J 47= Jessup. W. A 517 Johnson, Addison 513 Johnson, Andrew 83 Johnson, Isaac R 433 Johnson, Lewis. 471 Jones, David F s>2 Jones, Thomas . ■ 524 Jones, William F 622 K Kean, Wm 208 Kerr, Joseph 1' 545 Ketchum, Jesse 198 Kibben, James M 3'9 King, G. .\ 516 Kinkead, A. W 494 Kinney, David 199 Kinney, Franklin T 200 Kinney, Jacob S 201 Kinney, M. 1 389 Kir by, ('irafion 220 Kirkwood, Samuel J 127 Klen, Ncls 171 Knox, Thomas 526 Koch, Jolin G 201 Kurtz, John 190 Laird, George W 546 Lane, Abncr ■•••543 Lane, J. M 544 Larrabce, Wm 155 Lash, Jolin H 547 Lash, Thomas. .. 533 Lauder, Wm, 599 Lazenby, Hcnjamin 524 Leach, Melville C 362 Lee, John 555 r Lee, Thomas B 362 Leech, John F 358 Leedham, H. K 250 Lincoln, Abraham 79 Litzenberg, Wm 635 Litzenberg, W. L.... 534 Lowe, Ralph P 123 Lusk, Jasper 543 Lusk, Wm. B 565 Lyman, Edwin A 548 Lynchard, Henry C 634 Lyons, Hon. H. R 534 M Madison, James 31 Magers, C. E 548 Martin, A. C 305 Martin, G. W 310 Martin, I . W 614 Martin, W. J 264 Mason, W. R 345 Matthews, Wm 461 McAdam Bros -...225 McAdam, George W 607 McCIellan, James 446 McCIintic, Newton 321 McCIure, Dr. Andrew W....-j86 McCoy, J. C 422 McCray, Francis 503 McDonald, Oliver 281 McDowell, Joseph 288 McMillan, Amos s6K McMillen, 1 homas 191 McMiirren, Robert- - . * 424 Mcl'heison, A. R 197 Mehler, Dr. Frank C 451 Melton, John 322 Melton, Wm 321 Merrill, Samuel ■ 135 Messer, Job 312 Messer, John 328 Messcr, John T 332 Messer, Miller 332 Miller, Charles C 191 Miller, James F 237 Miller, Nicholas 564 Miller, Rev. Stephen 255 Millspaiigh, Wm. S .291 M line r. Con rtla lid W 372 Milner, Samuel L 276 Millcnberger, Adam 553 Mitchell, Ira -SU Mitts, James M 311 Monroe, James 35 Monson, John 435 M ontgome ry , A mos H 52 1 Moore, E. C 4S3 Morehead, Thomas 180 Morchous, Charles 1 304 M or ley, Daniel 523 Morris, B. F 303 Morris, Isaac 574 Morrison, A. C 431 Mullen, Wm 368 Mullin, W 589 Miisgrovc, Henry 312 Myers, George 453 Myers, George E 453 Myers, J . L 415 Myers, John * ..411 N Nelson, E.N ^ 411 Newbold, Joihua G i'4'3 Nilson, Charles 247 Nixon, Edward a. .40a Nixon, Wm. F ». .30^ Noble, Edward C 541 North, J. T ....244 Nugen, Jarrett 227 Nugen, John Z 224 O O'Connell, Patrick 378 Ogg, E. B 416 O linger, George, Jr 371 dinger, T. H 425 Palm, John W 528 Palmer. Hon. L. (i . 245 Pangborn, C. B 206 Parkins, David 590 Patch, Joseph T 3^3 Patterson, J. H 596 Patterson, Ledge rwood 597 Paxton, Matthias 400 Payne, Hon. C W 474 Peck, Corridon . . 568^ Peck, Dr. Frank P .r23i Penn, E. L 224^ Percival. M. N 537 Pero, Moses ... 41^ Perry, Alex S 330 Peterson, R.H 468 Phelps, Jonathan 324 Pliilpotl,Dr. J. H 343 Pidgeon, Isaac ^627 Pierce, Franklin 71 Pierce, L. B 544 Polk, James K 59 Pontius, John R £^3 Price, Daniel 316 Price, T. J 574 Prince, Charles 587 R Raincy, David 398 Ratliffc. Samuel P 603 Rcnshaw, Jacob L. 434 Richard, Elijah ...art Roberts, J. L>, 536 Robinson, David W., M. D-..623 Robinson, J. Q 576 Rose, J. B • 4J4 Ross^ Israel 586 'Ross, Samuel 434 Ross, Samuel H i ti% Roth, Christian .443 J^oth, Peter ■■•351 ■ Rukgaber, Charles B ■,•242 Rukgaber, David .'. .243 Russell, Caleb 535 Ruth, Alexander 348 s Sackett, John 578 Sample, John. 234 §.inders Bros 235 Satterthwait, J. W 217 Saunders, B. M 608* Saiuiders, H. C 273 Saunders. Presley 169 Sayag.e, John , 302 Scarff, J. H 214 Schlelp. Wm. H 456 Schreiner,'. Theodore 572 Schuber, J.>G. 218 Scott, L. C 566 Shane, Johii T 609 Shaner, Geocgc ■•183 Shaner. S I 188 Sheldon, Francis Drake •?54 Shelledy, Carey D 225 Sherman, Buren R 151 Smith, C. H 375 Smith. J. D 314 Smith, Joel M 270 Smith, John P 172 Smith, Peter •■213 .Smith, Sylvejiter 175 .Smith, Wm 181 Smith, W. I ,73 Snider, Charles 394 SrvyJef, James 393 Spry, Benjamin W 222 Spurrier, Richard 481 Stead man, G. W 269 Steadman, J. L 236 Steele, Hon. S. L 221 .Stepbeftson, K. H 184 Stephenson, Hon. John S... .172 Stephenson, ')livcr 178 ■ Stone, Wm. ^I 131 Siraub, Dr.Paul F 621 ^ Siillivan, HenVy ^^y •Summer.s, I' 593 Summers, Samuel 558 . Summers, Wm 174 Swan, C. C 566 Swan, Clara J., M. D 234 Swift, Monroe .'." .a 10 Tague, J. A. 346 Tappan, Rev. D. S 528 .Taylor. W. H 341 Taylor, Zacbary 63 Thatcher, Stephen 256 Thomas, John A 369 Throop.D. D. W. C 619 Throop, James A 370 Tiffany, Palmer C 409 Traut, Bernhard a6o Traut, Henry 287 Traxler, George C 252 Traxler, Jacob 329 Tribbj', Charles H 271 Trimble, George W 238 Trope, Miss Meno 404 Trueblood, Alford 367 Turner, S. M 360 Tiirney, Daniel 630 Tyler, John 55 lyner, George W 272 V Van Riiren, Martin 47 Van Cise, Dr. E. G 350 Vernon, Rev. Joseph B 420 w WalWer.-Hon. H. D joS WallbanI;, Jchn H 361 Walz, Peter P 352 Washington, George 19 Waters, Samuel 575 ^Waugli, Wm 3^8 'Weir, H. C 33,1 Wenger Bros. 333 Wenger. Christian 605 Wheeler,' John, D. D 635 White, Charles 371 White, Genius- . ..6=6 White, S. L 325 Whiting, John H 393 Whiting, Timothy 561 Whitney, Wm. H . 357 Wiegand, F. L. -331 Willeford, John 502 Willeford, W. H. H Williams, J H... \\'illiams, Stephen . . Willits, Charles G - Wilson, D. O Wilson, John .... Winters, John T Wise, W. H... ■452 ■59! •379 ■34= .356 .-:26 Witie, Dr. Max E 329 Wood, Charles D 344 Woolson, Hon. John S 327 Woolson, T. W 439 Wright. Jacob 423 Wyse,J.F 358 Wyse, S. B 320 Yakle, Balse. Adams, John 22 Adams, J. Q 38 Andrews, Wells . 4go Arno'd. C. V 204 Arthur, Chester A -.-98 Booth, Mrs ... . .448 Ijooth, Strrphen 44S Briggs, Ansel ... ..110 Buchanan, James ... .... 74 Eiir^e, Jacob -. 396 Burge, Mrs. Jacob 396 Carpenter, Cyrus Clay 138 Cleveland, S. Grover 102 Crane. Rev. Eber 336 Drake, Dr. J. H 186 Eshelman, Reuben 500 Eveland, J. W 364 Farr, Leonard 296 Farr, Mrs. Leonard. 297 Fillmore, MlHard 66 Garfield, James A 94 Garvin, S. W ■..;67 Gear, John H . 146 Gibson, LI' 550 Gladden, Wm 41S Gr.Tnt, U. S .S6 Greusel, N .278 Grimes, James \V .. , , nS Hanson, John M - . .354 Harbin, J. C 580 Harbin, Mrs. J. C 581 Hare, Rev. M. H 611 Harrison, Willi .m H 50 Hayes, Rutherford B 90 Hempstead, Stephen 114 Jackson, Andrew. 42 Jefferson, Thomas 26 Johnson, .Andrew 82 Kibl)eii, James M-- 318 Kirk wood, Samuel J 126 Larrabee, Wm 154 Lincoln, Abraham 78 Lowe, Ralph P 122 Madison, James 30 Matthews, Mrs. Wm 459 Matthews, Wm 458 McMillan, Amos 569 Merrill, Samuel 134 Monroe, James 34 Montgomery, A. B 520 Montgomery, Mrs. A. B . .520 Newbold, Joshua G 142 Parkins, David - -SQi Peterson, R. H . . 469 Pierce, Frankin. . . .70 Polk, James K 58 Ratliffe, Samuel P 602 Richard, Elijah 229 Saunders, P 1 6S Sherman, Buren R --- 150 Smith. Charles h{ 374 Spurrier, Mrs. Richard 480 Spurrier, Richard 4^o Stone, Wm. M , 130 Tappan, Rev. D. S 52Q Taylor, Zachary.. •■ 6= Tiffany, Mrs. Palmer C 407 Tiffany, Palmer C 406 Tyler, John 54 Van Buren, Martin 46 Walker, H. D S»o Washington, George 18 Whiting, Timothy 5^° Woolson. T. W 438 ' 000 Anderson, E. D 384-3**s I Farr, Leonard 307 1 Hart, J. B 258 Day, J. H 240 ! Gladden. Wm 427 ' Noble, E. C •■ -540 i Iowa Hospital for the In- sane 660-661 ■^•- -•► 694 INDEX. 'v®V V ^ v/^-#^#'^^^^3-V'/^ ■*^\/V*f— ♦■» , INTRODUCTORY (141 topographic:al (;43 EARLY SETTLEMENTS.. ii44 ORGANIZATION 647 COURTS AND BAR 6.^0 The District Court 650 Circuit Courts 651 The Bar 651 EDUCATIONAL 6.52 Iowa Wesleyan Univer- sity 652 German College 653 Howe's Academy 653 AVhittier College 654 Public Schools 654 THE PRESS 655 Mt. Pleasant Journal . . . 655 The Free Press 656 Daily News 656 Mt. Pleasant Heralrl. . , .666 Winflekl Beacon 657 Salem Weekly News . . . 657 New London Eclipse. . .657 New London Sun 657 THE INSANE ASYLUM . . .658 AGRICULTURAL SOCIE- TIES 664 WAR FOR THE UNION . . .66(; CITY OFMT. PLEASANT. 668 TOWNSHIPS 679 Baltimore 679 Canaan 679 Center 680 Jackson 680 Jefferson 680 Mariou 680 New London 680 Salem 682 Scott 686 Tippecanoe 688 Trenton 688 Wayne 689 r THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY REFERENCE DEPARTMENT This book is tak< Liader no circumstances to be ;n from the Building "^^B 1 vi 1 fli 'H IP m, ti.ri.i iiM 1 APR 9 19"^ ;